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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.17 MB, 1540x1068, 1530219398261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10232671 No.10232671 [Reply] [Original]

Popular brokers for stock trading:
How did you do today edition?
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

Previous thread: >>10230383

>> No.10232692

FUCK tripfags

>> No.10232696
File: 35 KB, 300x360, 1526872154655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10232697

First for thanking Grim for his hard work

>> No.10232706
File: 323 KB, 1920x1730, 1520872791516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too

>> No.10232707

What's on discount right now boys

>> No.10232716 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>10232735

You forgot popular broker eToro

eToro temporarily hands out 100$ sign up fee. Once you're signed up you can earn up to 1000$ by referring 10 anons.
Profit = 1100$.

Check it
>https://etoro tw/2KLrUQB

>> No.10232719
File: 80 KB, 433x293, baseball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bulls will win
We just have to try our best!

>> No.10232720

Sorry anon, but I think the tripfag to anon ratio is like 5-4

>> No.10232721

Starbulk, just sold 13 some million share in exchange for 15 ships and it caused a dip.

>> No.10232725
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 00070847012474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10232788


>> No.10232726

nothing :(

>> No.10232728
Quoted by: >>10232790

Nintendo is on discount

>> No.10232735

So a ponzi scheme? I think I'll stay out.

>> No.10232744


So hostile

>> No.10232760

>biggest social trading platform
>8 million users
>ponzi scheme

>> No.10232766

First for 10% gains and fuck faceposters

>> No.10232772

I'm ready and waiting youngster.

>> No.10232785

It's not a ponzi scheme bro, it's a multi-level marketing firm that sells brokerage accounts.

>> No.10232786
Quoted by: >>10232815

Wow, you're shilling really hard. You must be in up to your neck in this. Listen mate the best thing to do here is walk away early. Get your money back while you still can.>>10232766

>> No.10232788
Quoted by: >>10233011

>sitting at a massive peak, 8 dollars away from their all time high

are you retarded?

>> No.10232790
Quoted by: >>10232923

itll be on even more discount if your patient

>> No.10232792
Quoted by: >>10232911


>> No.10232795
Quoted by: >>10232825

Lolq!! How is your day going?

>> No.10232804
File: 734 KB, 650x873, 065a75f034855c065d8702b6b6ac19cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tried yo best
Me even thought you had me for moments there...

But you lost
You can rest peacefully knowing you gave it your all
It time to let go...
Just let it all go...

>> No.10232805

kek, MLMfags are the fucking best

>> No.10232807
Quoted by: >>10232823

anyone long lvvv and owvi with me? 26k and 51k.

>> No.10232814


we do not wish to purchase your wares pajeet
move along now
i hear /r/wallstreetbets is looking for extra pajeets to meet their diversity quota

>> No.10232815
Quoted by: >>10232827


Thx ill be fine

>> No.10232823

also owvi is doing R/M soon. TBA

>> No.10232825
Quoted by: >>10232861

Amazing. Low-maintenance day. Set my positions in the morning after open and got chores done around the house. Opened an oil position around noon. I've literally done fuck all today.

>> No.10232827
Quoted by: >>10232843

you deserve a kick in the balls for posting that shit here.

>> No.10232838
File: 552 KB, 480x360, vlyLkSq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>activate the 4th bear trap

>> No.10232843

Why are you so mad, is it because you hold massive bags instead of a balanced portfolio?

>> No.10232856


>> No.10232861

At the gym myself, went hard into LCI.

>> No.10232862

up 10% on DIS now. all the haters and losers who dont believe can go fuck themselves because you'll always be a loser for betting against DIS

>> No.10232879

Investing with POL is bad, investing with fundamentals is good

>> No.10232889
File: 23 KB, 480x473, a5dfb4c399f6a49578ec99f124245abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10234767





>> No.10232890


"The Force is Female Now"

>> No.10232898
Quoted by: >>10232926

>Says increasingly nervous man for 7th time this year

>> No.10232902

i think disney will unironically moon if we head into a recession. they control practicially everything in the entertainment industry at this point. and theyve been buying up IP like its going out of style. to say nothing of all the streaming service shit theyre cookin up

>> No.10232904

please remember to make that bulltrap thing you were talking about.

>> No.10232911

Nah actually just a trading platform with a lucrative referral program

>> No.10232923
Quoted by: >>10233044

What level are you waiting for?

>> No.10232926

id have to be wrong first

>> No.10232946

When liberal democracy falls apart and large multinational corporations swoop in in a power grab for sovereign states, Disney will establish it's own fascist state just like Walt would have wanted

>> No.10232968

DIS shareholders will be the upper echelons of this new societal order

>> No.10232978

ALT consolidating nicely and holding support.

>> No.10232981
File: 765 KB, 1342x1940, 1528925175969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about starting a separate series on my channel with irl friends to glorify Christ-chan on my youtube channel called "bible for heathen casuals" where I tell obscure disturbing stories from the Old Testament as I sit in an arm chair by my fireplace with my cat
The only problem is I'll need SMG to ignore them

>> No.10232989

Where the hell has big5chad been all day? Did he remove his trip and started lurking?

>> No.10232991
File: 545 KB, 858x1200, 60117593_p5_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many freaking beartrap you GIRL have lying around

Kek ok but it will take me awhile

>> No.10232995
Quoted by: >>10233016

Don't be an edgy atheist comfy.

>> No.10232998

buy T Y/N?

>> No.10233011

are the 50% gains i just booked on my calls retarded?

>> No.10233016

No, this wouldn't be ironic, this would be good stories to glorify Christ-Chan

>> No.10233018
File: 447 KB, 1000x1000, 1525566708084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you not want 2 help save /smg/ immortal souls ;_;?

>> No.10233022
File: 20 KB, 250x250, 267F2FB5-994C-46BB-BB63-7F319E596A5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233073



>> No.10233025
File: 1.59 MB, 498x372, 1529889831676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233073

who cares about afterlife when you will never die

>> No.10233030
File: 208 KB, 1278x421, screenshot-twitter.com-2018.07.11-10-24-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cup and handle pattern. It'll go down more and try to break the wedge.

>> No.10233034
File: 282 KB, 500x375, 6a00d8341c18b253ef016301acbdf1970d-500wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIS and NFLX will swap stock prices within the next 2 yes. DONT FUCK WITH MICKEY

>> No.10233044
File: 119 KB, 1418x659, RKG penis index flaccid 7_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant thank you enough rkg for this indicator. its a super useful, much more intelligent way of keeping an eye on what i was already looking at. i edited it a little to make it look more comprehensible to me, but its good stuff. combining it with my CCI and CMF indicators, its been really good

anyways, if yall didnt know, the rkg penis index is looking flaccid into close.

dollar is too crazy right now
im not buying anything. especially not anything that has to do w foreign exchange rates

>> No.10233045

>MLM because it has a referral link
>"Sells accounts"


>> No.10233055

im telling ya, theyre already doing it. WWIII will be a fight between disney and sony over who gets to own the rights to all music ever

>> No.10233061
Quoted by: >>10233089

Can I narrate the cool characters, like God.

>> No.10233062
Quoted by: >>10233079

I wonder how many brainlet stop losses they triggered with that dump. This thing is gonna fly when they let go of the reigns.

>> No.10233073
File: 386 KB, 806x898, 20180711_145319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf this epic struggle between S&P 2800 vs 2700 greatest thing ever

Am unironically starting 2 believe this
Was supposed for be dead by now
Have been in life threatening condition lots of times

But always miraculously recovered >_>

>> No.10233075


>> No.10233079
File: 181 KB, 1260x421, g3wg5gwrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's consolidating and holding support.

Just a few more days, maybe Friday.

>> No.10233087

I doubled down this morning, shit's looking good

>> No.10233089

Yes, absolutely. I just want to the tell the story of Balaam, because God is incredibly confusing and I feel bad for him
>does what God wants 95% of the time
>mentions that the hebrews are sexually degenerate
>dies by the sword
like WTF
Also invest in the Israeli ETF, they never lose

>> No.10233094

Anyone Familar with THinkorswim scanners?
I would like to know if its possible to make a scanner that Scans for Change in volume within X ammount of time

Like a +4% increase in volume in the past 5 minutes.

>> No.10233095
Quoted by: >>10233135

That's quantum immortality RKG. In a lot of timelines you're already dead. But what happens when there's no timeline where you're left alive?

>> No.10233098
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 1521124740530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using RKG indicator
Love you

>> No.10233107

this market is a fucking JOKE

>> No.10233123
File: 89 KB, 900x505, Keep_5b6fae_6496959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233141

The mind will never let you accept death, thus there is only life

>> No.10233125
Quoted by: >>10233212


>> No.10233126
Quoted by: >>10234629

Plz post the code, I need this in my life

>> No.10233133
File: 1.51 MB, 320x284, 1529876652086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriously though
ive been pokin at trying other combos of things to compare. imma try it w some economic data in the next few days and take a look at some macro relationships between the economy as a whole, and the markets

>> No.10233135
File: 39 KB, 374x347, 1522788241217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh ?_?
Heaven time!

>> No.10233141

one day we'll see an obituary

>found dead in his senile grandmother's apartment after two weeks, surrounded by empty bottom-shelf gin bottles, pages of KO dividend calculations and drawings of anime rats
>name unknown

>> No.10233166
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233179


>> No.10233171

Down $4K on the day, $1200 realized.

>> No.10233179

>cause of death: total loss

>> No.10233196
File: 106 KB, 1410x656, rkg flaccid 15min 7_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233209

the 15 min one is looking terrible as well. nasdaq and the hi yields market are moving completly opposite one another. CMF indicates that tons of money just sold off on the bell. CCI says it failed resistance. seriously i never have to look at price action again

what are these lines called again? i need to study how theyre calculated. ESIs or what were they?


>> No.10233209

the nasdaq line has since corrected
gap down tomorrow

>> No.10233212

I'm not selling until it hits $2 they can't shake me out!

>> No.10233213
File: 1.57 MB, 2576x1932, back to washington1-15-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I uh
I had some heavy shit drop on me today from real life
I've gotta get out of my state and I'm probably not going to be able to trade stocks for a while

Just want to let you guys know that I'll miss /smg/ and I'm going to try and continue learning about trading
down the line i'll be back to trading; but I'm pulling all funds out to try and make things work on my own
I wish you all good luck; I believe in you all

>> No.10233218
Quoted by: >>10233254

>tfw windows corrupted and lost entire 2gb nico folder

>> No.10233246
Quoted by: >>10233257

Godspeed Anon!

>> No.10233248
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 1530667659749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233257

godspeed anon
well miss ya

>> No.10233254
Quoted by: >>10233271



>> No.10233257


>> No.10233265

Pray for USO i need to get out of this fucking 2 red day slump,
DPT is gay
Fuck the SEC
Leme borrow 25 grand.

>> No.10233266

So you killed a trap because she threatened to tell on you huh? I get it, hang in there Anon.

>> No.10233271

>wrestling with compatibility and setup for any of the alternatives

I just keep my shit backed up on a raid array, with windows on the boot SSD. Haven't lost anything since 2012 except for the nico folder which was on my desktop for easy access.

>> No.10233274
Quoted by: >>10233299

>Pray for USO
everyones short oil m8, where have you been?

>> No.10233275
Quoted by: >>10233299

I shorted USO so I hope it dumped another 2-5%. Also betting on daddy trump dumping oil, and you can't stump the trump DESU.

>> No.10233282

best of luck, hope they don't find those bodies, I'm rooting for you!

>> No.10233299
Quoted by: >>10233341

Dont short, Pump. I need a savior

>> No.10233315

wtf I love the Bogs now

>> No.10233341
Quoted by: >>10233381

just hold for the next year because oil will keep climbing long term

>> No.10233381
Quoted by: >>10233404

Listen sweetie, that capital that you have tied up in a downward trending USO would be better allocated into TLT put options instead of bagholding oil for the next 4 years.

>> No.10233402
File: 3.20 MB, 480x270, 1528685329844.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people said Id get my ass handed to me in the stock market
>tfw made 10% returns on my first day

>> No.10233404
File: 104 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180711-142927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu why

>> No.10233415
Quoted by: >>10233433

10% returns a day is the norm on /smg/

>> No.10233424
Quoted by: >>10233441

USO puts got me so joocy today. Queue some Israeli missiles, Iranian threats etc. Geopolitical news should be lit in the coming days/weeks to get oil back up.

>> No.10233425
File: 9 KB, 247x204, youwillneverunderstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks the stock market is easy, dump it.

>> No.10233433

if by that you mean you end the day with 10% of your starting portfolio, sure

>> No.10233441
Quoted by: >>10234050

Where do we go from here? Hit the $15 calls like a boss and then the $14.5 puts today.

USO got me hard as diamonds

>> No.10233454
File: 516 KB, 500x587, 1530531508580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You fucking frail ego attention seeking faggots ruined the best general on 4chan.

>> No.10233467
Quoted by: >>10233481

the correlation between tripfags and appetance for the stock market on /biz/ is fascinating. it seems to prove the intuitive theory people who chase stocks do so not to make money but because they believe it gives them an air of respectability (and image-obsessed people are more likely to use a trip than the average user)

>> No.10233469


come over to the darkside, friend

>> No.10233478

>he thinks theres anything redeemable about 4chan let alone generals
We arent here because we like it.

>> No.10233481

How much LINK are you holding anon, its gonna be ok. You can always find work at McDonald's.

>> No.10233482

100% agree. go form a discord or something retards

>> No.10233490
File: 498 KB, 500x250, 45Ba3Ra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10233491
File: 70 KB, 435x295, pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10233494
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>> No.10233530
Quoted by: >>10233568

If they were popping into every-thread on the board and acting like celebrities I would agree. But when stocks are involved it is valuable to be able to completely disregard someone because they have caused nothing but total loss time and time again with their bad shilling. If you hate anyone with a name filter them, that is what it is for.

>> No.10233539

The anons love us tripfags, you go form a discord you grumpy youngster.

>> No.10233562

How to improve these generals

remove anime tbqh

>> No.10233565

To be quite honest I would have dropped the trip a long time ago, but some butt hurt trip hating anon said trips come and go about a year ago, so you're all stuck with me forever because I will continue to use the trip to spite said anon. You can thank said anon.

>> No.10233568
Quoted by: >>10233593

tripfags do pop into every thread on the board acting like retarded celebrities. every thread that matters, at least

>> No.10233574
File: 116 KB, 490x490, 1494975453929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233579

Where do you think you are?

>> No.10233579

I think it's kind of cute that a bunch of adults are obsessed with japanese cartoons.

>> No.10233590
Quoted by: >>10233617

>go home and watch football
>team chokes and loses
>log on and check portfolio
>down 1.5%

Today sucks lads ;_;

>> No.10233593
Quoted by: >>10233608

I don't support that then, I have not seen any, but I admittedly only visit 3 or 4 threads a day besides this. This trip is for transparency, well as much as is possible here. Trip-Fagging without a reason that contributes to the thread is cancer.

>> No.10233606
File: 28 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little late today, but how did everyone do today? Up 0.65%, my TA on USO was wrong so now I'm holding.

>> No.10233608
Quoted by: >>10233618

>I admittedly only visit 3 or 4 threads a day besides this.

>> No.10233609
File: 256 KB, 500x367, tumblr_m9v4nv645H1qbnieao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil getting hit nearly 5%, still not uncommon for daily. Copper continue downward with 3.5% and dollar showing strength. s&p getting hit but for foreigners doesnt matter as euro weakens

>> No.10233617

>He didnt make the connection between his gay team losing and his investments

>> No.10233618
Quoted by: >>10233652

Without a trip. Am I being shamed for not visiting the same recycled crypto wojack threads 20 times a day?

>> No.10233631

down -0.9% today, very bad but the boost of banks the other day puts me in comfortable position of cash for whatever happen

>> No.10233644

Down about .6% which is totally fine considering the fucking idiotic moves i've been making lately. I should be down more.

>> No.10233652

I'll spell it out for you:
/smg/ is the only thread on this board that matters and its become infested

>> No.10233666

I think you're new, smg has always tripfriends.
If you're upset, why not filter?

>> No.10233674
File: 626 KB, 2100x3100, 1522295569634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we just have different opinions on this. I'm sorry you hate me anon.

>> No.10233682

Do you really think anything on this board matters?

>> No.10233684

TVIX looks ripe to pull out of its slump.

>> No.10233686

>/smg/ is the only thread on this board that matters
It's the only board on this site that matters. I don't really get where the hatred comes from. Do tripfags give out bad stock information? Do they post in any way that is different than anons? What exactly is it that pisses you off?

>> No.10233704

Something that tripfags cannot seem to understand is that very act of using a trip is fundamentally cancer. You guys aren't sharing useful information, and nobody wants to imposter your sorry asses. You put on a trip and post fucking guro pics and circle jerk about absolutely nothing in the stock trading thread. Zero discussion of DD, trading strategies, or financial discussion. You guys turned the ONLY legitimate financial thread on the entirety of /biz/ into a fucking LARPing blog.

>> No.10233710
Quoted by: >>10233765


cry more faggot

>> No.10233729
Quoted by: >>10233765


>> No.10233738

It's fucking 4chan anon this isn't a legitimate financial thread. You see any successful traders fucking lurking around here?

>> No.10233764

anyone else make money over the last two days? DOW at 40K in 2025 niggers

>> No.10233765
File: 154 KB, 613x609, 1530918976424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10233766
Quoted by: >>10233783

Sorry... I'm just all in TLT puts at the moment. I'll post something useful when I sell or put some more cash in my account.

>> No.10233767
File: 106 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180711-150646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233794


>> No.10233780

Back when we were /rhg/, yeah there actually we're. There were even a couple of instance of insiders and a savant with a trading algo. You showed up from Reddit two weeks ago so you wouldn't know shit about that. First it was Xaivers shit discord group. Now it's the retarded tripfag army.

>> No.10233783

Why short treasuries when you could short high yield corporate instead?

>> No.10233788
Quoted by: >>10233804

that group imploded like last year lol

>> No.10233794


>> No.10233796
File: 16 KB, 334x96, 1523735543902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few

>> No.10233798
File: 37 KB, 1450x637, jcpenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos buying the dip

>> No.10233804

Should serve as a warning to this general. Probably too late though.

>> No.10233805
Quoted by: >>10233862

I've been here since January when there was only one or two tripfags in /smg/
>Back when we were /rhg/, yeah there actually we're. There were even a couple of instance of insiders and a savant with a trading algo
No you weren't and no there wasn't just stop.
Nice, surprised you hang around this dump when you have that kind of money.

>> No.10233822
Quoted by: >>10233831

this, seriously fuck off to a discord already
at least xaviers talked about stocks

>> No.10233825
Quoted by: >>10233854

Notice how the most successful motherfucker in the general doesn't use a trip. He even posted his account statement. Hats off to you.

>> No.10233831
Quoted by: >>10233870

why the hell would we leave when you are the one complaining, not us.

>> No.10233844
Quoted by: >>10233892

Lies. There’s always been tripfags even in /rhg/. The only difference from now and then is that few people use Robinhood. If you think there’s been some tripfag invasion then you need to go talk conspiracy on /pol/. Or go to /b/ and try to convince them you’re an oldfag from 06 and preach to them the dangers of tripfaggotry.

>> No.10233849
File: 50 KB, 1119x277, E8FE1145-AA4D-4F5E-941F-33C8064367C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10233871

Hi fellow investor.

This is my Dividend Portfolio. Rest is in mutual funds, a Roth IRA and my work 401K

>> No.10233854

>most successful motherfucker

he only posted his balance. he could be down 80% for all we know you stupic motherfucker

>> No.10233862
Quoted by: >>10234653

>I've been here since January
At least your honest. Is there anyone here who remembers Sixkeks? The Noko saga? Pimple? Every tripfag who comes here does nothing but sow chaos and then ghosts away.

>> No.10233870
Quoted by: >>10233906

you need to leave because you think this isnt a financial thread
there are non-financial communities, you know. like /soc/

>> No.10233871
Quoted by: >>10233888

Noice. Whats your average yield?

>> No.10233881


>> No.10233888
Quoted by: >>10233919

~3.7% got a few like Visa that drag the percentage down but are good overall stocks

>> No.10233892

Nice interjection. There was always tripfags. The point is that they used to be at least half useful and there was never more than 2 at a time. Now tripfags outnumber anons.

>> No.10233906
Quoted by: >>10233937

Jesus I was being sarcastic. I have been talking to the same people in this thread practically every day since january. Most of us talk to each other more than we talk to our friends and family. It's nice knowing who the hell they are without having to establish that every thread. I don't know what the hell your problem is, I have made a few calls with tripfags that made us both money and I have received information from tripfags that have made me money. Seems like everything is fine with me.

>> No.10233919
Quoted by: >>10233966

Do you like CEFs? Cause im new and i want to stack higher yields for a start, and when I have decent capital head into safer stuff.

>> No.10233937

>It's nice knowing who the hell they are without having to establish that every thread.
>>Fucking Google Hangouts
>>YouTube comment section
>>Literally any other fourm on the entirety of the internet

>> No.10233948
Quoted by: >>10233955

Hmm, so out of 169 posts in this thread, 112 were by anons and 57 by tripfags. That ratio seems off to me, I don't think more than 15% of posts should be from tripfags. I do like most of you guys, but the ideal solution to me seems like we have the same number of tripfags, but they each only post around half as much.

>> No.10233955

I will start posting with out my trip every other post.

>> No.10233963
Quoted by: >>10233998

You can keep complaining to deaf ears or you can just ignore tripfags. Because I don't think anyone is going to leave just because you're mad. Plus I like the people here and they aren't going to leave either.

>> No.10233966

I know next to nothing about them. I’ve just been letting compounding interest do it’s thing while being patient. Not to say I dislike high dividend stocks (I have a few REITs) but I mostly look for blue chip dividend stocks with higher than normal Divs due to price drops and strong fundamentals. Like T and PG right now

>> No.10233969

this tbqh

>> No.10233970
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1487657980378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we hit the monthly anti tripfag thread
This will be in the podcast

>> No.10233974
Quoted by: >>10233985

Do we have to have this fuck tripfags faggotry every week?

>> No.10233985

It's like 3 anons and thats it. I find it kind of amusing because they end up doing the exact thing they hate, which is derailing the thread.

>> No.10233990

4chins is supposed to be anonmouse, unlike EVERY other community out there
if you want a community with names, try discord
no captchas

>> No.10233993

Also comfer and RKGfan seem to post the most frequently, far more than baggie, gamble, RKG, and grim. If those two would cool it we'd have a better ratio.

>> No.10233998

You're, by your own admission, new. I've been on 4chan for longer than a few seasons. If there's one thing that is consistent about tripfags is that they NEVER last.

>> No.10234000

feeling indifferent about trips, its nice to easily track their accuracy though.

>> No.10234007

welp there goes another good thread killed by tripfags

>> No.10234009
Quoted by: >>10234048

You clearly never crossed paths with the worst trip fag of them all. Lelouch.

>> No.10234020

Sounds like it will work itself out naturally then, so this whole conversation is irrelevant.
No you fags killed it because you want stop crying, everything was fine until you autists complained about human interaction.

>> No.10234022
File: 33 KB, 300x300, cryingbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10234044

We'll see about that. I've seen my fair share come and go, and I don't think any of the current ones have been using the same trip longer. I think some just change their trip and keep posting to be quite honest, or they're like Dynashill and leave with reason.

>> No.10234048

Ok, Suzaku.

>> No.10234050

Waiting now to see what the API draw data does to Brent/WTI. Next step... check out marine traffic reports!

>> No.10234084

So anyway, ALT managed to close green after hours, are we setting up for a moon mission tomorrow?

>> No.10234087
File: 15 KB, 220x293, 1defK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well take it easy faggots, I will catch you all at the opening bell tomorrow.

>> No.10234118
Quoted by: >>10234153

newfriend here...trying to follow along and learn before I gamble my $40 life savings on Peruvian Bat meat. A few questions...if options straddles were so foolproof why wouldn’t everyone do them? Also is there float on TradingView?

>> No.10234153

Options straddles are not foolproof, you're depending on the stock making a strong move either up or down. If it doesn't move much they can go wrong. Dunno about trading view.

>> No.10234199
File: 356 KB, 1386x2048, 1492452376486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10234226

>couldn't sell my T puts before close
REEE this shit always bounces in the morning.

>> No.10234226
Quoted by: >>10234256

Whats the expiration on those puts?

>> No.10234256
Quoted by: >>10234268


>> No.10234268

The weekly chart certainly makes it look like you'll be fine to me.

>> No.10234458


>> No.10234497
File: 43 KB, 149x126, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10234635

why is everyone being so mean today

>> No.10234500
Quoted by: >>10234542


>> No.10234542

Well it's green with the AH, might not hold into tomorrow. Would be nice if it did because it's undervalued and overdue.

>> No.10234546
Quoted by: >>10234577

Where can I see what the market is doing after hours? Like the DOW composite index? What is it looking like right now?

>> No.10234577
Quoted by: >>10234589

look at the S&P500 futures on investing.com

eets pumping

>> No.10234589
Quoted by: >>10234622

Thanks. But it says it's only up .01% so wouldn't that be flat?

>> No.10234622

delet this post

>> No.10234629
File: 116 KB, 696x684, Bulltrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok heres first attempt to document best Bulltrap of the day.
You almost must understand SPY is ETF, and it price not direct representation of buy/sells (but its very close)
Bulls lost nearly 100M here

>Volume left side, the lines in the center are volume
Green is heavy buy volume
Red is heavy sell volume
Blue is mixed
Pink bar over volume indicates heavy volume!

!!! ok gimme bit, will post newer version with SMI instead of TSI

>> No.10234635
Quoted by: >>10234690

It was a red day, I think a little bit of recreational rudeness is a coping method for a lot of people.

>> No.10234640
Quoted by: >>10234654

Yeah but what do you mean by Moon Mission? Are we setting up an incredibly complex system to achieve an amazing goal or are we gonna say bugger it and sit in a trebuchet hoping for the best?

>> No.10234647
Quoted by: >>10234828

Thank you!! I hope you're feeling better

>> No.10234649
Quoted by: >>10234828

>277.3 bagholders made
>futures trading at 277.5
are you sure that was a bull trap?

>> No.10234653

Some of us made 30x + on cpxx

>> No.10234654
Quoted by: >>10234671

ALT is just an old Big 5 Guy prediction, I can't remember but he may not even own it anymore

>> No.10234671
Quoted by: >>10234769

Last I saw he was very much still in it. If the total return on my shares of ALT go positive in the next few days it will beike hell froze over. I have an average of .49 so it's getting very close.

>> No.10234688

Keep selling bears please, I want to make more money. Thanks :)

>> No.10234690

the valve has been opened and the community has let itself be felt about the tripfags. they need to go.

>> No.10234740
File: 24 KB, 574x430, crycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanted to make the threads because no one ever does or does too late. i miss you guys sometimes

>> No.10234765

It's ok grim, I don't think any of the tripfag hate is directed at you. You generally bake good breads, and you're ranked second on the list of regulars in my mind behind luncher.

>> No.10234767


Whole lotta nothing going on. Just a bunch of provincial supply agreements. Canopy buying out Hiku, which I dunno, I suppose that helps them slightly in the branding department?

I'm thinking about doing an oversold bounce play on EMH. Only reason I didn't today was the amount of sell volume happening still. It's oversold on the daily but I'm not convinced the dumping is complete yet.

>> No.10234769
File: 5 KB, 250x123, 1486781402680s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10234787


Don't worry grim, this happens about once a month. A few Anons brigade the thread about how much they hate trips, it carries into the next day and then it stops.
Expect the next brigade to occur 8/11 :)

>> No.10234773
File: 33 KB, 275x437, 1524503715508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes an old bag of bones has nothing else to do but bake some bread

>> No.10234786
File: 190 KB, 750x862, AnimuDeathSquads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10234787
File: 87 KB, 1000x750, 1524491529133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I buy some puts on this?

>> No.10234788
Quoted by: >>10234824

tripfagging is an addiction, I'll drop it in the next thread desu

>> No.10234822
Quoted by: >>10234886

What is the best program to use to make these analytical charts I see you guys post all the time

>> No.10234824

Nope, staying. Suck a dick.
Don't let some low functioning autist stop you from doing what you love.

>> No.10234828
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1531227669026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparent me quantamly immortal

this script is 4 tradingview
sig = input(5, minval=1, title="SLP)")
v11 = ema(SPY, sig)
v22 = ema(NDX, sig)
v33 = ema(VIX, sig)
plot(v11,color=black, title='SPY',style=line, linewidth=2)
plot(v22,color=gray, title='NDX',style=line, linewidth=2)
plot(v33,color=red, title='VIX',style=histogram, linewidth=4)

omg! futures hit 268 last night >_>

>> No.10234864

I got it!! Thanks semapi, I'll make many shekels off this

>> No.10234886



>> No.10234894
Quoted by: >>10234913




>> No.10234913

Oh I didn't know about YANG, shorting china, what a great play.

>> No.10234944
Quoted by: >>10234995

You too must delet trip, I will only post with trip in regards to the official hedgefund and podcast
Why do you even have a trip anyway?

>> No.10234949



>> No.10234995

Because I'm here everyday all day. Had certain people not been complete faggots about the situation I may have deleted my trip but now they annoye me so I'm keeping forever out of spite.

>> No.10235002


>> No.10235009

thanks but are you going to do a bear trap now?

Why is /smg/ so lazy lol.

>> No.10235013

I mean I'm sure other Anons are also here all day but don't use a trip
I don't know desu, suddenly I'm on the side of the anti-trippers. If it's not on a specific subject explicitly involving you, why trip at all?
Why do you or I deserve extra attention?

>> No.10235034

You're welcome faggot
>t. lolq

>> No.10235036
Quoted by: >>10235057

Time for talk is over.

>> No.10235050

Any of you negros fucking around with bonds?

>> No.10235057

>time for talk is over
It's time for trip deletion, there is no reason to keep it except for being an attention whore.
I have accepted this

>> No.10235069

RKG, based on your algo are you bearish or bullish for tomorrow or the next 5 days?

>> No.10235077

Literally the most insightful poster on /biz/

>> No.10235093
File: 22 KB, 250x248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10235115

Anonymity is good because it enables people to say what they truly want to without consequences. But trips in this specific thread helps a little with trolls and shilling. You will notice half the people bitching "one post by this id". I wouldn't even say people with trips get attention more unless you consider being called a faggot and being held to what you say/shilled a good thing for the poster.

>> No.10235098
File: 55 KB, 546x1090, 1530378712153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this the thread to talk about stocks?

NOPE this is the thread where we talk about tripfags and how much we hate them. If you come in here to talk about stocks you better move along guys... if you aren't shitposting about how much you hate tripfags you are in the wrong thread. Wanna talk about stocks? wrong thread? If you see a tripfag start talking about any stock or any trade, remember to call him out for being a faggot, not because of his trade but because of his trip. It's very easy, don't ever talk about stocks in here, only talk about the tripfags and bash on them all day, shitpost until the bump limit is reached and do it all over again. Nobody in here actually wants to make money anyway. Give it a try the next time you see someone talking about a stock, you don't even have to reply to a tripfag, if an anon post a stock you could say, "hey, Don't you hate tripfags too?" just to get the thread derailing going.

I know the thread is "stock market general" but thats just to sucker people in here to shit post about tripfags. It's the ultimate rick roll amirite? XD

>> No.10235115
File: 1008 KB, 1440x1080, 1528929097049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will consider this

t. triggered big5guy

>> No.10235118

Well said and welcome back big5.

>> No.10235121
Quoted by: >>10235177

posts like this are why people hate your kind

>> No.10235128


big5guy FTW

>> No.10235133

Hey I'm going to sell some of my NMM to try out trading on RKG algo (if I can fucking read it right)
Wish me luck!

>> No.10235135

From now on this belongs in the OP for every new thread.

>> No.10235138

sage in all fields

>> No.10235158


>> No.10235174

How long to hodl GMLP until it breaks 17

>> No.10235177

I'll tell you what on second thought I will delete my trip.

>> No.10235179
Quoted by: >>10235181


How is that working out for you?

>> No.10235181


>> No.10235194
Quoted by: >>10235214

Should I get into pzza? decent sized chunk after news hit papa johns owner said nigger but I don't know the context behind his utterance

>> No.10235205

who has a bloomberg terminal? got a review?

>> No.10235214
Quoted by: >>10235251


Did you see what happened to Starbucks?

>> No.10235248
File: 148 KB, 745x814, 1528933024128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on RKG script (which I am still trying trying to understand), I'm going to buy short term calls on SPY tomorrow morning.
Sound good?

>> No.10235251

isn't that because they said they were closing stores and locations

>> No.10235304
Quoted by: >>10235324

If the market is crashing, why is it crashing tomorrow and why didn't it crash today?

>> No.10235324

Because the little red candles say so

>> No.10235362
Quoted by: >>10235437

Just let the babies have their way, it's not going to change anything it's still going to be the same people, and everyone will know who they are based on their posts. The quality of the thread will remain unchanged. Now every thread the IDs will be different so you will get FUD'd and shilled to hell and won't know who is trustworthy or not.

>> No.10235410
Quoted by: >>10235427

wow, thanks for proving how useful and productive normal tripfaggot conversation is. truly an asset to this thread and the community
now kill youfself big5faggot

>> No.10235427

Why haven't you removed your trip?

>> No.10235437
Quoted by: >>10235500

I wouldn't trust anyone here per say, but knowing they are not a pajeet helps me not waste time in what I research.

Anyone have any money in HUYA today or yesterday? Its had a hot 30% but I expect at least a little pullback trm.

>> No.10235500

I agree 100% but now this board is going to turn into a crypto thread quality wise.

>> No.10235613
Quoted by: >>10235761

i bought em today

>> No.10235614

futures good. Single day dip is what it looks like

>> No.10235734
Quoted by: >>10235802

Thoughts on $BJ?

>> No.10235761

Got the script after hours, I totally would have if I had known!

>> No.10235777
File: 35 KB, 565x511, 1530065836537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"In this case, it appears GBR stock started to rally at the same time a number of other microcap oil and gas companies took off. The same day, June 28th, that GBR started its run, Pedevco Corp. (NYSEAMERICAN:PED) jumped more than 400%. Other names such as Camber Energy, Inc. (NYSEAMERICAN:CEI) also advanced sharply."
>"It appears that a spike in the price of oil caused day traders to gravitate to these tiny energy companies. Chatter among day traders on Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) would indicate that many trading groups and prominent penny stock operators such as Timothy Sykes were discussing these energy companies including GBR stock."
Uh-oh Andy.

>> No.10235802

Undervalued from P/E standpoint compared to their industry, but I didn't spend enough time reading about recent events or reasons why just looked at financials. If they don't have any drama holding them down it could increase to around 30 buckaroos.

>> No.10235813
Quoted by: >>10235916


>yahoo picked up on this 2 days ago
>anon on biz picked up on this weeks ago

>> No.10235898

wow, so funny that they put in that article
>As you might expect, a collection of oil and gas wells in Ohio and West Virginia, along with a small senior living facility
>small senior living facility
if they did their research they would know that
1.They would know that they were involved with the senior living facility to keep the company floating during the oil glut
2.They are no lonnger involved with the senior living facility now that oil is picking back up.
Whoever wrote that article clearly didn't do much homework on GBR. Not only that, but they failed to mention their last 8k which is an announcement of a future buyout and change of control of company. Wonder why they didn't include that 8k in their research? kind of strange that they wouldn't include the fact.. not theory, FACT, that someone is looking to buy 3 million restricted shares in cash at 1.50 each. Those restricted shares will be obligated to follow either rule144 or 144a.. funny how that article didn't mention that huh? Also pretty funny how they failed to mention that GBR slowed down oil and gas drilling due to it not being so profitable hence the senior living community in which GBR no longer has a part of.

Sounds like a bullshit article with half ass research, probably some naked as fuck shorts that need to cover and hope normies get scared out of their position so the naked shorts can cover their over extended short position.

Either way, i welcome a dip.

>> No.10235916

Yep. I read some posts making that point, but it was from last week after the huge pump.

>> No.10235928

what's a good share price to get back into GBR?

>> No.10235929

>made 10% returns on my first day
probably the worst thing that could've happened

>> No.10235930
File: 183 KB, 1737x807, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screenshot of SPY with the RKG script up.
I'm waking up at open tomorrow to buy calls, hopefully it doesn't moon before open, that would kill me

>> No.10235944
Quoted by: >>10235980

Whats the best broker for us EU plebs that don't get Robinhood?

thanks bizbros

>> No.10235949

How badly should I have sold my NVDA calls yesterday?

>> No.10235950

2 or less.

>> No.10235958

I'm watching for when it goes back down to around $2. If not, I still have my 50 shares from 1.39.

>> No.10235959



>> No.10235962

I'm curious how accurate that will be. The economy regularly moves 1% on tweets, if only we could stat that in.

>> No.10235969

id say under $3, if it gets anywhere under $2 i'm buying everything I can. That company is going for a buyout, meaning someone see potential with it, sure its not the greatest company as of now but the future developments are going to be huge imo, especially with oil market picking up. Someone is stepping in with cash to buy out the company I don't think they are going to stop there.

Think about it.. why would someone buy 50% more restricted shares then there are current common shares issued and outstanding?? Nobody empties their purse with that kind of money unless they plan on doing some work with it for atleast a few years...

>> No.10235980
Quoted by: >>10236007

Saxo Bank, we need to put this shit in OP so people don't have to ask.

>> No.10235994
File: 64 KB, 893x774, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10236091

1) P/E Ratios are several standard deviations over their historic means
2) 2-10 year treasury spread is in the ~20bps range
3) Core CPI inflation doesn't tell you anything anymore, as it ignores servicing debt, increasing cost of health care, etc

tl;dr this market is a powderkeg and if Q2 earnings aren't fucking ludicrously high, we're going to see some shit

>> No.10236007

Thanks for the reply.
The £1,500 min entry made me feel very poor

>> No.10236015
File: 206 KB, 1917x919, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10236031

Am I an absolute brainlet? Why does RKG's indicator look like this to me?

>> No.10236031
Quoted by: >>10236118

Zoom in.

>> No.10236091

NFLX on monday, what's your prediction

>> No.10236118

ah thanks!

>> No.10236219
File: 40 KB, 239x283, 1479437595025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10236296
Quoted by: >>10236449

500 shares of HMNY
500 of ALT
I'm gonna get memed

>> No.10236353

Is China applying some plunge protection team? Or is that my tin foil acting up?

>> No.10236395

You waste space. Kill yourself.

>> No.10236421

Australian bank doing good today +1%+

everyone is, China is devaluing currency and doing moves with it as warning.

>> No.10236437
Quoted by: >>10236456

China is using media control to highlight good economic stories and have been told not to mention Trump's latest tariff threats. China's manipulation is mainly in media control and telling them what to say.

If China wanted they could pump nationalism and boycott american goods like they did to korea/Philippines/japan.

>> No.10236449
Quoted by: >>10236488

You might be able to recuperate the money you wasted investing in HMNY when ALT moons.

>> No.10236456
Quoted by: >>10236460

What are their plans to screw with yuan devaluation? They could cause immediate shocks if they wanted

>> No.10236460
Quoted by: >>10236513

China has pissed off every neighbor besides Russia in the last 5 years. They have a much weaker hand than they think.

>> No.10236488

>when ALT moons
when is this expected to happen?
my average for ALT is .43

>> No.10236505

They’ve got big problems
RICO problems

>> No.10236513

I heard this awesome interview about Taiwan. They were interviewing a mayor that was a singer in a heavy metal band. He was working on getting Taiwan recognized as separate from China and a democracy in NATO or something. It sounded more badass American than anything I have seen in the states lately

>> No.10236527
File: 139 KB, 1080x1920, TOTAL_GG_ALT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to buy ALT? I don't want to be like the guy from pic related.

>> No.10236543



>> No.10236552

don't ask me, i'm a penny stock retard
I've got mostly blue chips
you don't wanna see my HMNY

>> No.10236585

No one ITT can explain why to buy it other than "muh undervalued"
None of you know other than Planes knows what it is.

>> No.10236600

>Robinhood just for United States

Aw fuck

>> No.10236627
File: 347 KB, 628x719, 1529288280224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10236635

I made a new thread


