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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 750x375, 5b3f3b080eb2be21008b4a16-750-375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10189108 No.10189108 [Reply] [Original]

>tricks ignorant techbros into giving his fake car company billions of dollars
>can't actually make cars
>doesn't know shit about cars or anything
>wants to use tubes to rescue thai children or something
>wants to make tube network under LA or something

How does this make any sense?

>> No.10189123

t. shortsighted faggot

>> No.10189128
Quoted by: >>10189165

How does he not actually make cars?

>> No.10189165

His production numbers are really bad and the entire company is gonna go belly up by end of year.

>> No.10189179
Quoted by: >>10189367


>> No.10189367




>> No.10189373
File: 410 KB, 2000x1124, grimy tesla man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just jelly

>> No.10189381
Quoted by: >>10192056

es goblina...

>> No.10189398
Quoted by: >>10190247

t. GM

>> No.10189413

stay classy Chanos.

>> No.10189452
File: 321 KB, 560x552, 1530847955141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Few months back
>wew muskie is such a suber genius
>idiot accidentally raises the jewish question
>wtf the media told me i hate elon musk now
>stock plummets

>> No.10190226

Government energy subsidies.

>> No.10190240

When the technology is available I'm going to freeze myself, wait 1000 years, let my investments grow so I'm ultra-rich, then move to a white ethno-state planet.

>> No.10190247

audible kek

>> No.10190251
Quoted by: >>10190464

I can’t wait to buy a bricked p100d in 2 years and make an amazing go cart

>> No.10190257

Tubes. Think about it.

>> No.10190269

So he does make cars.

>> No.10190408
Quoted by: >>10190422

if you freeze yourself, your cells pops, you are dead. No technology can ever fix you, not even in 1000 years.

>> No.10190422
File: 54 KB, 696x426, demolition_man_02_696_426_81_s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10190457

Uh, no. Cryo-freezing is just around the corner.

>> No.10190457
Quoted by: >>10192675


>> No.10190464

Heh pretty much

>> No.10190483

he makes cars but slowly

top kek

>> No.10190942


When did he talk about Jews?

>> No.10190955

And yet he's still a better /biz/nessman that you'll ever dream to be.

>> No.10190959

>>tricks ignorant techbros into giving his fake car company billions of dollars
He also tricked the US government into investing in his space company.
This guy's the ultimate trickster.

>> No.10190964

target was 5k cars a week, they did 7k last week. launching multiple rockets a month, why do people fud this guy so hard?

>> No.10190973
Quoted by: >>10191745

He dog whistled by saying something along the lines of "Who do you think controls the media." Jews got upset.

>> No.10191014
File: 11 KB, 294x200, Man+the+op+in+this+thread+is+really+butthurt+like+_17846be3c9eaf8535024c19e11b7b93d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10191227

Let me guess you live in the midwest and still think vaccines cause retardation and your house is frozen solid for 6 months

>> No.10191146
Quoted by: >>10191227

incompetent stay-at-homes trying to ascend in the world by tearing great men down... the /biz/ way these days

>> No.10191185

1. You don't need to know how to solve a problem, you just need to hire the right team who collectively can
2. In America all you need to do is beeeeelieeeevve in your self (paging Normal Vincent Peale) - that's why he would have never made it in South Africa or Canda... also access to capital.
3. It's all PR. Image Management is all that matters. He's not a bussinessman, he's not a brilliant inventor - he's a Publicity Machine like Richard Branson
4. Sometimes the best way to solve problems is to create a new organization, this is why legacy companies often create off-campus self contained groups for new products (like the IBM PC, Steve Jobs tried to mimic that approach with the Mac team) this is because of the Shirky principle (organizations will try to preserve the problem they are the solution to) and Conway's Law that organizations design systems in ways that mimic their internal hierarchy. That organizational inertia needs to be disrupted.

of course, none of this matters if he keeps losing his investors money

>> No.10191227

>3. It's all PR. Image Management is all that matters.

looks like the musk defense brigade has arrived

>> No.10191239



Musk is just another scumbag jew

>> No.10191255
Quoted by: >>10191297

>Shirky principle

Duh! That's why there are regular wildfires. Otherwise, fire departments would receive less funding and firefighters would have to be laid off. Crime levels remain above a certain level for the same reason.

>Conway's Law

Duh! People always create shit in their own image, figuratively speaking.

>> No.10191276
File: 2 KB, 125x102, 1530986700204s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't actually make cars
>Makes the Tesla model S, the dopest car humanity has yet produced.
Pick ONE faggot

>> No.10191297



>> No.10191640

Tesla doesnt build rockets idiot. Its a different company

>> No.10191658

I just drive a new model S with automatic steering. I don't give a flying fuck if the business model makes sense, it's the best car I have ever driven.

>> No.10191676

>looks like the musk defense brigade has arrived

>> No.10191682

People project their aspirations into his life, what he does is useful because he keeps the illusion alive, he's the kind of person that could work with honesty on flying skateboards just like in my comics.

>> No.10191745


Also his campaign to vet (((journalists))

>> No.10191924
Quoted by: >>10192010

I heard Model 3 is selling better than any other model in its class in the US. Tell me why I'm a fool

>> No.10192010
File: 97 KB, 960x497, crasg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several crashed while on autopilot, killing men women and children.

>> No.10192050
File: 1.02 MB, 1626x894, elon JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally raises the jewish question
he specifically said that rich powerful elites own the media, and then 2 jews responded insinuating that he was referring to jews. elon JUST never said anything about jews in that twatter exchange. it's just another example of jews creating the illusion of anti-semitism so they can play the perma-victim. i can find the screencap if you don't believe me.

>> No.10192056
Quoted by: >>10192722

>pale as white paint
>"n-not white..."
Kekking so hard at you eurotards right now

>> No.10192077

>15 political threads
>8 of them not even related to economy and business
Well this board is known as the dumbest board around so it should not be a shock that it's prime recruitment and slide general.

>> No.10192086
File: 10 KB, 260x194, MorganTrueman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for someone to make some flimsy argument about how they're fighting FOR you or something

>> No.10192106
File: 996 KB, 2678x1692, tesla-model-s-p100d-vs-100d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10192142

elon is smart in the sense that he starts new companies to help bail out the previous ones, because they're all interconnected and deal with either energy or transportation.

solarcity was bailed out (via buyout) by elon and absorbed into tesla.

spacex is doing OK compared to tesla. if push comes to shove, he can direct spacex to absorb/buyout tesla.

boring company and his AI company also can attract new investor $$$ that can then be funneled over to help tesla. so his strategy of maintaining his public image as a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist "real world tony stark" is what keeps him afloat and his companies functioning.

by the way he publicly tweeted that he donates to ACLU, and the tesla official twatter page showed gay pride shit last month, and participated in fag parades.

pic related shows the common design across all tesla vehicles...it just looks TOO sleek and too feminine. only silly-con valley, seattle, wash DC, LA/NYC shitlib betacucks are buying tesla cars to signal their "techie" status.

a true man of taste would purchase a muscle car, or rebuild his own, or get a true high-performance sports car from europe.

tesla cars also look cheap and have unusually high fatalities compared to audi, bmw, etc. this is a fact that elon continues to deny and bury.

i don't hate him because he's successful. i hate him because he is dishonest.

>> No.10192142

A true man wouldn't be so insecure and small he'll think a big car makes up for his obviously lacking traits.

>> No.10192144

Jokes on you there wont be any white ethno states in 1000 years. Youre either all getting blacked or will launch a nuclear strike againt each other where massive amounts of whites will die. The parts not targeted will be brownies who watched your nations get turned into glass then fuck the remaining white survivors. Hopefully theyll keep a few to mate amongst themselves to keep the white going

>> No.10192228
File: 55 KB, 720x487, IMG_20180708_095848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10193442

Kys op Elon is a hero

>> No.10192315

/biz/ has been invaded by /pol/ and the mods don't care

>> No.10192348

Ugly as shit

>> No.10192394

The Donald Trump of Silicon Valley

>> No.10192559

Musk is the man

>> No.10192649
File: 69 KB, 756x725, elon_musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10192666

yeah when you don't keep your hands on the wheel like you're directed to do, its the fault of the car...right?

>> No.10192675

Some movie trailer he saw on netflix

>> No.10192701

It's pretty creepy though the guy has really built a cult following if he actually asked people for money to support a business of his they would probably do it.

>> No.10192722

Look at that wide nose. She definitely has some nigger genes in there. Probably a quadroon like that Brittany Ventu bitch.

>> No.10192754
File: 779 KB, 720x537, 1512253966059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does this make any sense?

he's a coke addict that throws swinger parties of course it doesn't make any sense.

literally delorean 2.0

>> No.10193442

an hero soon

>> No.10193790

>His production number isn't the same as a Ford that was founded more than a century ago

>> No.10193797

and how many human-controlled vehicles crashed and killed men, women and children during the periods between these reported Tesla autopilot crashes?

>200k fatal accidents a year in US alone
>3 fatal autopilot crashes in history