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File: 68 KB, 800x445, 1527619967979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10058222 No.10058222 [Reply] [Original]

TVIX edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

Previous thread:>>10055493

>> No.10058244

kike free

>> No.10058255
File: 70 KB, 435x295, pump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake dip

>> No.10058267
Quoted by: >>10058451

Daily reminder that Friday is Russel Rebalance day. Save your sheckles.

>> No.10058268

the market has 1 more leg down, we may have a big up day friday, hoping to get in NVDA at 230 as semis are oversold and due for a bounce

>> No.10058270

my hands are shaking

>> No.10058289
File: 24 KB, 400x300, 380789-bleach_urahara0197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Markets are going nowhere but up
Buy every dip you can

Bearfags for some reason cant comprehend this

>> No.10058296
File: 121 KB, 824x768, gold-milk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058329

Just went all in on DF

Am I doomed?

>> No.10058300
File: 2.35 MB, 427x240, original_123060363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon GBR, you know you want to run up.

>> No.10058305
File: 1.17 MB, 1540x1068, 1528212273792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058394

I have lost $500 in the past three days. I really just don't want to do this anymore. Should I just sell cause this really just blows.

>> No.10058324

we are in a holding pattern for the time being, expect price action in about 30 minutes

>> No.10058329
Quoted by: >>10058601

congrats on your future wealth

>> No.10058344

HOLY SHIT!!! We're getting another conservative justice! First big5cuck retires and now this?!?!! I can't take all this winning!

>> No.10058359

thats actually HUGE
easily more important than midterms

>> No.10058365
Quoted by: >>10058707

My dick can only get so hard, if kneepad posts nudes I may very well die.

>> No.10058394

you only lose money if you sell at a loss, anon

>> No.10058398
File: 242 KB, 382x417, cct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's AMD doing?

>> No.10058405


bout to drop to 14.4; stay away until then

>> No.10058411

Also Texas approved a redistricting map design to keep it red.

>> No.10058419
Quoted by: >>10059905

now that the crypto hype is over is going down to 10.

>> No.10058420



>> No.10058424
File: 76 KB, 550x694, trump-dictator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10058428
Quoted by: >>10058434


>> No.10058432
File: 32 KB, 958x285, Screenshot_20180627_203424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>checks to see if anyone else is watching the west going down as we speak
>nope, totally clueless

>> No.10058434
File: 8 KB, 96x615, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.10058441

Supreme court is gaining power each year. Almost the most powerful branch of Gov. Another hard R judge is as big as a senate seat or 3. Can trade this as slightly more right government for 30 years.

>> No.10058451

Can you explain for a noob like me? What is Russel Rebalance?

>> No.10058482
Quoted by: >>10058538

They move the chocolates around in the Russel Stover's box so that it maintains balance. Just don't eat any of them until a fresh box is opened.

>> No.10058499
Quoted by: >>10058560

They add and remove small caps from the russel 2000 index.

>> No.10058503
Quoted by: >>10058524

>down 1% on my MU investment
proud of your self shills?

>> No.10058521

Power hour time lets get that young Pump in

>> No.10058524
File: 6 KB, 225x225, pipi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058551


>going long in a bear market

>> No.10058538


>> No.10058551
File: 135 KB, 282x238, 7544yyhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10058560
Quoted by: >>10058609

Is that good or bad for the index? Shit is on a steady climb for last 5 years.

>> No.10058568

Anybody chasing the PED rocket? Estimates on price?

>> No.10058578

All the PED bros are going to move over to GBR. It is already being discussed.

>> No.10058579

like over a million dollars

>> No.10058601
Quoted by: >>10058673

My only concern is that people are becoming more aware that dairy is bad for you. Hopefully this won't change anything it's a smaller group.

>> No.10058605
File: 24 KB, 680x530, PED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


some anon posted this in the last thread

>> No.10058609
Quoted by: >>10058904

It's good because sometimes they add more of the coconut ones (I prefer the coconut ones), while removing some of the under preforming ones nobody eats, like the ones with the raspberry filling, honestly anybody who likes that one should be shot on sight.

>> No.10058648

I was up $400 earlier today and now I'm down $260. That's a pretty crazy swing. I hope this shit calms down soon but I'm a little worried about what's going to happen with the holiday week coming up.

>> No.10058662
File: 16 KB, 763x424, CEI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEI short when?

>> No.10058665

>inb4 it gets halted

>> No.10058673
File: 392 KB, 554x565, milkgrowth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats priced in anyways at 10 year lows

They also make the ever popular Land o Lakes butter. They also make Ice cream but Im pretty sure no one in the world eats deans ice cream

>> No.10058681

Sour hour inc

>> No.10058690
Quoted by: >>10058701

Fuck, now I'm down $330, at this rate I'll get stopped out of JPM and BRK.B

>> No.10058701
Quoted by: >>10058724

>stopped out at the bottom
What are you doing man? You should be buying more

>> No.10058707
File: 1.05 MB, 1348x1798, SmartSelect_20180627-135507_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adfsads fasdgd dfdcfxdzd zed

>> No.10058719
File: 71 KB, 600x444, conagrabrands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058736

this cag buy is going surprisingly well

>> No.10058724
Quoted by: >>10058759

I bought in hard on Monday and bought some more today. I've still got another 2% to go on JPM and 2.5% on BRK.B before my stops trigger.

>> No.10058736

those were always disgusting
And now to short

>> No.10058745

>PED anon gets rekt
>RKG posts pics
>we get another conservative justice


>> No.10058747
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, 1528961075639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull the plug

>> No.10058758

>FC has earnings coming up good buy or GREAT buy?

>> No.10058759
Quoted by: >>10058786

Remove your stops
Sell manually if you have to
Dont let the banks see your stops

>> No.10058767
Quoted by: >>10058793

Ovarian cancer?

>> No.10058770
File: 103 KB, 1600x1600, B10519FF-7D98-4C8F-9462-4719D7015E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the one fucking day I sleep in and this happens

>> No.10058778

Hey did Powell ever get back to that Anon that said they would txt him? I need to know if I should cut my losses on SLV or if the moon mission is a go.

Why are they still treating you? I thought it was terminal and you were in hospice?

>> No.10058783

I’m gonna light a candle for you

>> No.10058786
Quoted by: >>10058795

Nah, I just set automatic 5% stops now whenever I buy anything so I don't become a bagholder, I'm not playing that game anymore.

>> No.10058791

If you can reach the plug, pull it, it's no longer worth going on

>> No.10058793


>> No.10058795
Quoted by: >>10058809

I mean just sell at 5% loss manually dont actually put up a stop loss

>> No.10058806

Just as I suspected. Get well soon RKG ;_;

>> No.10058809

I have shit to do sometimes and can't always access my account during trading hours.

>> No.10058814

Yeah but you generally dont need surgery for HIV unless you got some deep abscess internally.

Oh shit, kneepads? do you have an epidural abscess?

>> No.10058824
File: 676 KB, 1024x768, scr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta become a real woman before she dies.

>> No.10058825
File: 259 KB, 1440x1080, 1528781432679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know rkg is dying soon

>> No.10058834
Quoted by: >>10058844

Why wouldn't they surgically remove the virus from your blood?

>> No.10058839
File: 2.37 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20180627_130844306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058855

Who else is /sip and hold/ today?

>> No.10058844

>Take out all her blood
>Wash it in soapy water to get the virus out
>Put it back in her
Good as new!

>> No.10058845

Bulls are out of steam, the killshot is close. Sorry lads. Tyson has initialized hostile takeovers. They should not have arrested the Bogs.

>> No.10058847

>tfw my first try at the stock market was buying IQ at the top


>> No.10058855
Quoted by: >>10058868

how did you get this picture of my kitchen

>> No.10058856
File: 56 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10059161

I bought Nvidia, did I do good? Am I gonna get rekt?

>> No.10058863
File: 71 KB, 707x500, gunjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10058868

Go look in your kitchen Anon, I'm waiting for you. I bought one share of Monster today to be a based 21 year old boomer

>> No.10058877
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, 37D09CE6-2CCF-420E-A939-35D81D3F9855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t die faggot

>> No.10058878
File: 22 KB, 400x300, 1528222327281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10059689


moar pls. I wanna buy the ashes.

>> No.10058880
Quoted by: >>10058894

>tfw apple is your only green

>> No.10058885


just pulled up the chart since everybody is obsessed with this

30 actually looks like a potential bottom, sucks if you actually held during that correction tho lmao

if it goes below 30 you may as well hold for the tax loss because u aint getting shit back

>> No.10058892

dude you're the one who lit the candle, now when that thing goes out shes dead.

>> No.10058893
Quoted by: >>10058927

its over for silver

>> No.10058894
Quoted by: >>10058918

Green apples are too sour. Honeycrisps are where its at.

>> No.10058896
File: 73 KB, 750x1334, 49F4F80E-B8F0-4A44-904C-D5B46DC0B4CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058908

Also if anyone is in PED I wouldn’t hold overnight. This company has literally done nothing but bleed it’s entire life.

>> No.10058899

fuck the market is actually tanking, I didn't think it would get this low until tomorrow. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow now

>> No.10058903

Godspeed kneepad my love.

>> No.10058904

Fuck I like raspberries. Coconut is amazing though.

>> No.10058905

>tfw you started shorting Netflix at 406
Wish me luck

>> No.10058907

wtf is https://stocktwits.com?

i went there and didn't see any recommendations for stocks to buy??

>> No.10058908

selling off before market closes then buy the dip tommorrow

>> No.10058909

This site got posted to Reddit today: https://robintrack.net/

Looks like a really neat way of figuring out how other people are trading. Some funny stuff too, like apparently there's two people that own BRK.A on Robinhood lmao https://robintrack.net/symbol/BRK.A

>> No.10058918
File: 79 KB, 377x346, D8931B2E-99D1-48B0-8F64-323F3E3CD4BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10058919
File: 86 KB, 1064x983, 1528778206871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058940

Silver at 15
thats my buy signal

>> No.10058921
Quoted by: >>10058991

So I’m 30 mins?

>> No.10058922
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bear cometh

>> No.10058927

yeah new low, but its pretty overextended. i bet shorts will cover at some point and well get a squeeze desu. my everything else is up so fucking hard though that i cant even tell im losing money on it lol

>> No.10058931

Isn’t that shit like 280k lol

>> No.10058932
Quoted by: >>10058940

guys any buy recommendations?

>> No.10058934

wow neat

>GE is #2 most popular stock


>> No.10058938
File: 619 KB, 500x280, giphy (30).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10058959

Tfw your portfolio an RKG are on life support this week.

>> No.10058940
Quoted by: >>10058960

spot or the ETF?
cuz were almost there lol

UVXY ER tomorrow

>> No.10058947
Quoted by: >>10058968

Im baffled that people own GE

>> No.10058959
Quoted by: >>10058991

Kneepad is going to come back even stronger, your portfolio however...sweet dreams anon.

>> No.10058960

I follow the cfd price

I started buying some USLV, its at 8, good opurtunity

>> No.10058968

It looks like boomer parents have passed along their GE shares to their millennial children.

>> No.10058980

yeah it simply cant get this overextended w out libertatians swooping in. this is the best buy in all year desu

>> No.10058986
Quoted by: >>10059041

HMNY #23
retail cucks about to get wasted

>> No.10058991
File: 2.91 MB, 309x313, 1486783096666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RKG will either live forever or die in 30 minutes.

We will remember you, sweetie

>> No.10058996
Quoted by: >>10059038

lol i just wish id waited like i thought i shouldve. i didnt think this VIX spike was gonna happen immediately. lesson learned i guess kek

>> No.10059017

Kneepads, if you die. Can you haunt the /smg/ for awhile? Like give us mystery dubs or something?

We'll look for a sign if we dont hear from you in awhile. Also dont you dare creep on us IRL.

>> No.10059020

just got back from work. told you all last night do not buy this dip. bet golden bull poster was pretty smug this morning probably calling all us posters from last night retards. lul

>> No.10059032

HighIV might be completely wrecked on his calls right now.

>> No.10059035

Buy CVM, dipped 50% today and once the drug they have gets approved it will be above $10 a share.

>> No.10059038
File: 1.59 MB, 498x372, 1529889831676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its because so many small specs are on 50x silver leveraged

>> No.10059041

Hot damn I didn't know it was so popular. Basically anyone holding now is fucked unless they sell. After the reverse split, it's going to go down to the equivalent of 2-3¢.

>> No.10059048

daily reminder to sell your intel stocks because the ceo got #metoo and women are taking over the company. the Harvey weinstein company when bankrupt after that happen.

>> No.10059054
Quoted by: >>10059087

Like me?

>> No.10059065
File: 607 KB, 1080x871, cvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


meme me once, shame on you
meme me twice, shame on me

>> No.10059069
Quoted by: >>10059111


thats a fucking crash bro

>> No.10059070

The fact she didn't reveal her gender or post nudes pre-surgery is disturbing. Like I said, if she takes her gender to the grave, I may kill myself.

>> No.10059084
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, CD71CBB8-3760-4D7D-9F50-E80693ADE706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a sigil to funnel some life back into knees. I’m at work but I’ll cum on it when I get home tonight.

>> No.10059083

who else FOMO'd the early IQ pump today?

>> No.10059087
File: 56 KB, 332x234, buy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your total loss will be mended but only if you buy the DOW right NOW

>> No.10059092

This is very important, everyone break out your cum boxes and squirt some life back into kneepad.

>> No.10059099

that should do it

>> No.10059104
File: 189 KB, 1416x685, VIX vs silver spot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to be smug imo
ive been spamming the same thing since this weekend, but it is what it is. more often than not bears are just retarded, i just had an actual thesis this time

i think it has more to do with the amount of people cashing out and spiking the dollar (pic related)

>> No.10059109
Quoted by: >>10059147

holy fuck PED is going to run again

>> No.10059111

They just won a breach of contract against another pharma company and phase 3 results of their testing for a cancer-treating drug will be out soon. Buy or you hate money

>> No.10059116

69 shall forever be her(his) number. That’s how we’ll know she(he) is with us.

>> No.10059129
File: 170 KB, 787x1306, _20180627_153114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do my part too and provide a blood sacrifice. Or we can hope that she survives if my rat survives. Take our energy rkg

>> No.10059132
File: 30 KB, 400x400, A145F13F-2CE8-4D25-9717-88E8AAD3EA49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now what? Buy Vix,vxx, banks and uslv?

>> No.10059138


>> No.10059139

No please creep on me irl! I'm used to it. I used to live in my grandparents home that's haunted my mild mannered demons (my grandpa does some weird summoning shit)
I'm sure you'll make a better house mate then them

>> No.10059147
Quoted by: >>10059171

Why though??? God I hate this shit, I make crumbs compared to some of these moves.

>> No.10059152

mcdonalds is a good

>> No.10059153

Give it till next week guys hodl in there
>1 month dow bubble is obvious...

t.uso optionsfaggot

>> No.10059154



>> No.10059158

yea pretty much. and also go short on the most retarded volatile meme tech that you can find if you wanna gamble

>> No.10059161

The AI(tm) and the Deep Learning (tm) is having lots of hype. I think it's looking good anon.

>> No.10059171
Quoted by: >>10059190


Because the market is a casino. Might as well move the exchanges to Vegas.

>> No.10059190

It's such dumb shit, was considering buying it at 1.53 and now it shot up another dollar. So fucking dumb.

>> No.10059194
File: 2.80 MB, 500x281, 1499667694519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down 200 in stocks. up 500 in options. yay, gambling!

>> No.10059196

so what's consensus. we're going lower than this by friday yeah?

>> No.10059207

This trade war bullshit just better be all smoke.

>> No.10059209

Nobody is going to want to hold over the weekend in this climate, friday is going to be a fucking blood bath.

>> No.10059211

Why buy vix now? ya missed the boat bud. Might be worth buying a put to gamble on things calming down.

>> No.10059213

this is what small specs actually believe

>> No.10059214

dollar rising fast, interest rate normalization becoming a failure. fed is fucked. equities fucked

>> No.10059217
Quoted by: >>10059228

I’m glad I stopped out at 1.60. I don’t trust it.

>> No.10059222

probably going to be contrarian then and buy friday if it's bloody enough. that's the plan for now anyway

>> No.10059227
File: 72 KB, 553x746, 1525061766536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy now you stupid dumbass retards

>> No.10059228
Quoted by: >>10059261

No, it's absolute garbage stock that is picking up for no reason. I want to short it but the markets aren't rational and it would probably be better to short it tomorrow.

>> No.10059230
Quoted by: >>10059244


I think it will be over $3 during AH.

Could have literally doubled your money in a day

>> No.10059239
File: 62 KB, 1025x574, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are in good hands is the best investment for 2018 but they did warn you to wait for a pullback.

>> No.10059244

Yeah, just kill me senpai. My gains suck compared to this.

>> No.10059253

Shop good entry price?

>> No.10059257

Buy at the end of the day on friday because monday is going to be green as fuck.

>> No.10059261

Yea I was expecting a small pump on the news but nothing like this. Stupid.

>> No.10059263
Quoted by: >>10059279

i think it is smoke but not in the way you think. i think the trade war is distracting from the actual reasons the market is ready to go down, and is an easy excuse

>> No.10059271
File: 35 KB, 1474x172, a prophecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10059273

What price do you guys see FOXA going to now that DIS is going to buy them?

>> No.10059279

There are a lot of reasons for the market to go down and everything is pretty over valued as fuck.

>> No.10059285

>desperately distracts self from plummeting portfolio with trig homework
and how does the rest of /smg/ cope with a bear market

>> No.10059286
Quoted by: >>10059370

this has absolutely shit all to do with tradewar FUD

this has to do with the increasing divergence from the hi yield markets and equities. try to keep up senpai

>> No.10059291

>anime poster telling me to buy now

>> No.10059294

no, things are not down enough. i'm up way too much on the year to buy now. that's retarded why would i take such high risk when the downside right now so clearly outweighs the upside?

>> No.10059368

>and how does the rest of /smg/ cope with a bear market
going bear prior to it happening desu

>> No.10059370
Quoted by: >>10059438

It's going to keep getting worse.

>> No.10059372
Quoted by: >>10059438

Wrong, we all collectively try and catch the knife and fail.

>> No.10059386


better to catch the knife after a 15% of 30 fall than buy at the top. obviously would be nice to buy the 30% but that's not realistic. also if you miss the bottom but still get a good portion down you can average down

>> No.10059390
File: 189 KB, 1000x1300, 1525792574436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell now you absolute smoothbrains

>> No.10059392
File: 199 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180627-160103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10059414

It's an obvious bubble look at the one month dow chart... what happens next?

>> No.10059398

Bearfags are like little babies

>> No.10059400
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1522430665487s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulls in two weeks.
stop being greedy and take profits. you have your chance now

>> No.10059414

if you want to see a real bubble zoom out to 10 years and look at the dow. looks more and more like the meme chart the more you get away from 5 years

>> No.10059420

Its almost like most stocks have dropped more than that

>> No.10059421
File: 265 KB, 460x259, 1522869846827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. this.

>> No.10059423
File: 19 KB, 540x429, 1439883858132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10059425

>Supreme Court opening
>China/US trade war
>Tech Stock having trouble propping up market
>Friday selloff before holiday week

All this uncertainty, all this volatility.

UVXY about to go parabolic.

>> No.10059430
Quoted by: >>10059450

wow 10 years since the crash and it went up amazing

>> No.10059437

jesus this last minute dump. no way am i buying this you can bet your ass this won't recover like nothing happened

>> No.10059438
File: 132 KB, 1419x685, HYG tea leaves zoomed in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know m8 thats what ive been telling everyone all week.

but nooooo... teh profits retarded
teh profits a small specc


fuck that. im buying on friday and absolutely NO sooner. thats been my plan since saturday

i think were going far further than that desu senpai
everytime we get these major divergences (see orange lines in pic) there is a LARGE VIX spike. and i dont mean like the last few days. i mean a HUGE one. if you watch th VIX, these things come in waves. tomorrow could be green for all i know, but i have my bets and im sticking to all of them rn.

>> No.10059450

no, i mean specifically the end of the 10 year chart, the last year or two where it goes parabolic, and the bulltrap just ended like the meme

>> No.10059462
Quoted by: >>10059472

PED easy AH gains if you buy now

>> No.10059465

so when should I buy a call on a VIXY/UVXY?

>> No.10059467
Quoted by: >>10059496

you think the market is going to fall more than 30%???

>> No.10059472
Quoted by: >>10059485

I predict PED goes -40% tomorrow

>> No.10059478

dow just made a lower low again. WE ARE FUCKED BOYS

>> No.10059479
Quoted by: >>10059515

Teh profit is a small spec and has a success rate of 6%

>> No.10059485


yeah tommorow, not tonight. Shorts are getting fucking obliviated; barely enough shares for them to cover..

>> No.10059496
Quoted by: >>10059525

why wouldnt it?

>> No.10059497


>> No.10059513
Quoted by: >>10059532


>> No.10059514
File: 353 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180627-161037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well looky here
>inverted "bubble"

>> No.10059515

i got an extra one desu

lol cry more nikkei
enjoy HODLing bank bags m8 ;^)

>> No.10059525
Quoted by: >>10059558

Yeah eventually but i thought your whole thing was this will just be a big dip not a crash into a bear

>> No.10059531
File: 12 KB, 250x246, 1529883377884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump was fake and gay

>> No.10059532
Quoted by: >>10059537

Kek right at 4

>> No.10059534


>> No.10059537

Tomorrow is going to be glorious.

>> No.10059541
Quoted by: >>10059569

>fuck that. im buying on friday and absolutely NO sooner. thats been my plan since saturday

Buying what? VIX? TVIX?

>> No.10059544
Quoted by: >>10059761

I think i need to take some time off from trading

I am just fucking up left and right lately

>> No.10059545

there are many things happening that cannot be argued away as not relevant or worrisome. my normal self would have bought that last minute dip. but this is unironically different

>> No.10059546

LOL. telling you boyos. end of week is gonna be a blood bath

>> No.10059555
File: 96 KB, 500x900, 1381634802660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10059558
Quoted by: >>10059585

yeah but who the fuck knows really? i aint know fuggin seer. im expecting a big dip, but if the market goes into a full bear for the rest of the year it wouldnt surprise me either. its been wanting to jump for a while and we ARE (or were) up 60% in two years. why the fuck not, ya know?

>> No.10059560

on what should I buy a call in order to hedge my portfolio? Everyone's already saying UVXY so what else

>> No.10059569
Quoted by: >>10059586

russell memes that dip super hard on friday
i went long vol yesterday and doubled in today. prolly close out on friday

>> No.10059571

TFW sold my UWT for TQQQ

fuck me

>> No.10059572
Quoted by: >>10059637

Imagine being so small that you forget the SP500 is going to retest its high before the end of the year

>> No.10059580
Quoted by: >>10059601

Fucking chevron man, I was in this shit at the near bottom but my stop was hit and only went 12 cents lower before popping up 5%.

>> No.10059585

yeah and i'm a big believer that momentum is crucial and the longer we can't make a higher high the more likely we break to the downside. none of this looks good. all three indexes just closed below monday's lows. this is not something to buy into

>> No.10059586
Quoted by: >>10059637

Then what are you buying? XIVH?

>> No.10059601
Quoted by: >>10059623

Don't set your stop loss so close to the bottom next time.

>> No.10059606

We will see tomorrow.

>> No.10059623

Yeah I went with 2% instead of 3%. The really stupid thing is that I did it properly on USO and was able to make a good trade.

>> No.10059637

relax m8
ur prolly right.
but frankly, it seems like youre the one whos getting too emotional rn. no offense.

i totally agree. im thinking any buys im gonna make in the next few months are gonna be pretty short term

for vol?
i just bought some UVXY moonshot calls with like 4 months on em desu. gonna hold em till things clear up at least. should help to protect my ass i this continues

>> No.10059658

No, on Friday

>> No.10059663
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1529172933572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10059707

I only feel two emotions
Smugness, and Anger
And Im all out of smug mother fucker

>> No.10059665









>> No.10059671
Quoted by: >>10059707

He is right though, the S&P 500 only goes up long term, never down.

>> No.10059681

Everyone has DEBT


>> No.10059689
File: 9 KB, 420x420, Pepe-___-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10059761


And we're closed. I didn't catch any falling knives today. Not liking the looks of the charts. Of course Canopy will probably bounce anyway because people drool all over the place when they see it lose double digits in a single trading day. It's not even close to oversold on the daily yet.

Only stock in the sector that caught my attention today was newly listed Tidal Royalty Corp. Listed on the CSE just yesterday but is not a garden variety startup. The CEO is the original founder of CRON. Business model is to generate funding for US cannabis companies. The reason it caught my eye is that it held steady and closed in the green today. I'm thinking about making a small entry at open tomorrow.

>> No.10059696
Quoted by: >>10059804

Post proof or gtfo

>> No.10059707

ik m8 im sorry
thats why im tryin to lay off the smug rn
i dont need to rub it in that i was actually right for once lol.

exactly. but sadly we have to get through the nearterm FIRST. and that looks BAD


so short debt
thats what im doin rn (HYG)

>> No.10059733
Quoted by: >>10059760

ALERT: Direxion Daily Transportation Bull 3X Shares REACHED 29

for some reason I had this alert set

>> No.10059745


>> No.10059749
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 339_S1Ep4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up umiposter

This is not the place for your kind

>> No.10059756
File: 59 KB, 750x1070, C9924134-0A7B-4D83-B382-00D7E91C9A31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so fukin much to the guy who told me to sell last thread. Somehow managed to sell my IQ at $37.45.

>> No.10059760
Quoted by: >>10059797

you think this has something to do w oil taking off?

>> No.10059761

It's all so tiring. I just want a good run and nvda to go back up again.

>> No.10059768

About to buy a call on UVXY

>> No.10059769


>> No.10059776
File: 178 KB, 1413x684, chink divergence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was it this pic?

>> No.10059792
Quoted by: >>10059822

fhuuuggg what happened to calculated gamble he basically went all in did he get out in time?

>> No.10059797
Quoted by: >>10059822

possibly... I dont actually know its thats the train etf or all transport
if all transport then yes

>> No.10059804
File: 25 KB, 1235x256, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not exiting until the ETF hits 300.

>> No.10059817
Quoted by: >>10059824

enjoy your total loss

>> No.10059821

lol btfo wow

>> No.10059822
Quoted by: >>10059858

i dont think he was all in desu
i think he took up a very large position however.

im goin long as fuck on the next oil dip
energy, tansport, oil etc
this shits gonna be our ACTUAL golden bull if this continues like this

>> No.10059824


I don't care.

>> No.10059832

I have TECL and TQQQ should I hold to panic sell for bear shares?

>> No.10059844
Quoted by: >>10059890

stare blankly at your total loss while feeling nothing

>> No.10059847

>should i sell lower

if you hate money

>> No.10059851

I cut my losses yesterday morning anon. Luckily only lost 750 dollars on 75 calls. Woulda been absolutely wrecked today if id held.

>> No.10059853
Quoted by: >>10059875

fucking huge ballz m8
if we really crash then youre gonna be loaded

>> No.10059856
File: 39 KB, 327x343, sfsfsdfsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10059858

I want Train stocks but they never go on sale

>> No.10059871



>> No.10059875
File: 39 KB, 760x395, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second...
why is dotcom censored?

>> No.10059876

Well are we gonna go on a huge downturn?

>> No.10059884
Quoted by: >>10059904

What about GE or GM?

>> No.10059886

can someone else try this?
if i put it in "/"s i get flagged for spam
is this just because of pajeets trying to link scam sites?

>> No.10059889
File: 1.68 MB, 2000x3000, noho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

markets keep reacting overbought nasdaq companies. however eurusd followed so no big deal for foreign investors

>> No.10059890
Quoted by: >>10059904


A 10% loss is nothing if the NASDAQ 100 went back to 2014 levels, let alone 2009 levels.

>> No.10059891
Quoted by: >>10059927


GE was on sale all year

>> No.10059898


>> No.10059904

GM wasnt on sale last time I checked, but I would buy it
GE Im unsure of yet

thats great man, have fun

>> No.10059905
Quoted by: >>10059944

Wtf are you on? Just read what you wrote

>> No.10059911


goyim this has me fuckin spooked
why is dotcom bracketed by slashes wordfiltered??

>> No.10059919

>AMD short up 5% today

yummy, let's get 2% more tomorrow?

im telling you dudes, in a bear market forget about longing the dips; it's all about shorting the pops

>> No.10059921


Is it not better to dump a falling stock for a rising one?

>> No.10059924
Quoted by: >>10059949


you broke it.

>> No.10059927

I traded it but Im talking about real pure train stocks
like csx, unp

>> No.10059944
Quoted by: >>10060193



>> No.10059949
Quoted by: >>10059973

is it happening for you?
why would they spamfilter that but NOT "dotcom" itself?

>> No.10059956
Quoted by: >>10060008

if you dont sell your losses aren't realized, if you sell lower for what youre buying youre just losing money thinking youre making it. You have to sell to make the money = sell high buy low

>> No.10059966

maybe i misunderstood?

>holding to panic sell

if you hold until you panic sell you're selling lower

if you're talking about selling to buy bear memes just don't. trying to trade swings with bull and bear funds is retarded just buy good things low

>> No.10059973
Quoted by: >>10060004



>> No.10059981

Hard not to.....

>> No.10059990

AMD DOWN -3,42 %


>> No.10060004
File: 37 KB, 760x395, we dotcom nao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10060026

but its not working for you either
they dont want us memeing that for some reason??
really makes ya think...

>> No.10060005


>> No.10060008
Quoted by: >>10060039

If tyhe market falls, I'm going to lose my fucking ass, it's a leveraged bull stock.

>> No.10060019

So whats happening guys

>> No.10060023
File: 102 KB, 1040x833, 2018-06-27-164029_1040x833_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10060033

ahhhhh :)

I'm going to buy a call on UVXY and then swear off options forever until I buy an option again

>> No.10060025

end of the bull. thats what's happening. bulls still in denial

>> No.10060026
Quoted by: >>10060079


I have no idea desu

>> No.10060030


the market has 1 more down day max, look at the RSI; it's already beginning to diverge

Im betting tomorrow is an intraday reversal, if not friday at the absolute latest

pretty sure it's literally impossible to be wrong buying when the fucking SPY is oversold on the 4h lmao

>> No.10060033
Quoted by: >>10060040

I quit smoking in between cigarettes too.

>> No.10060036
File: 727 KB, 1024x1024, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10% correction Friday

>> No.10060039

oh well fuck stop being in that shit, retard.

>> No.10060040

that's the spirit

>> No.10060053

>he fell for the RSI meme

>> No.10060070
Quoted by: >>10060123

look at weekly and longer term trends. we are entering a larger correction trend, possibly even bear trend.

>> No.10060079

ive been trying to warn everyone about how shit tech looks rn. sorry i missed ya.

thats very fucking strange imo. this isnt the first time something relating to current events like this has been filtered here. if it was just for spam posters trying to not direct link, why would it only be between the slashes (like we would do it if we were memeing it?)

lemme try /dot-com/

>> No.10060081
Quoted by: >>10060097


this. don't fall for one indicator or its perceived infallibility. the market can be irrational as fuck and rsi won't matter until it's too late. by the time it levels off and rsi is a better indicator you could lose your ass

>> No.10060097

they think after like 14 straight red days there has to be an up day next are the same people who bet it all on red at the roulette table after 15 consecutive times landing on black

>> No.10060105
Quoted by: >>10060137

maybe so for the last 10 years, but shits heating up quickly. i dont think this is the same market anymore.

>> No.10060123
Quoted by: >>10060203


no shit, but it doesn't go down forever. It'll bounce from oversold pretty soon. Y'all are hilarious, i've been shorting days ago when this thread was unironically talking about mooning

Just now you guys are starting to think it's "bearish", newsflash: it's been bearish for 2 weeks, and soon it'll be "bullish" for a bit. You're way behind

>> No.10060137
Quoted by: >>10060203

It's literally turned into a fucking casino. Don't bother holding anything long because we don't know anymore what's happening in the long run and instead just make money off the retarded dips and bounce backs from news.

>> No.10060149
Quoted by: >>10060173

Why are bears such massive retard faggots?

>> No.10060173


who cares. no one has answered the most important question. where the fuck is calculated gamble and did he pull his ass out of the iq fire or is he hank hill?

>> No.10060187

and i bet not one person listened


>> No.10060193

Made me fucking cry :(

But amd has barely anything to do with crypto (like the comment I replied to said).

Just going to hold now for the rest of my life, cya in my grave AMD... ( Manufacturing begins in Q1 2k19 + Vega coming, this is what I'll say to myself to calm down)

PS: AMD's chips will be better than Intel's (threadripper)

>> No.10060202



>> No.10060203

>i've been shorting days ago when this thread was unironically talking about mooning
me too
>Just now you guys are starting to think it's "bearish", newsflash: it's been bearish for 2 weeks, and soon it'll be "bullish" for a bit. You're way behind
i think were talking long term.
ive been saying were in a longterm bear market since feb, and everyones calling me crazy

either way, i think fridays the bounce and tomorrow is ugly imo

this has been what ive been doing anyways w almost everything. i havent trusted the market since volpocolypse desu

fucking FAIL

>> No.10060206


>> No.10060208
Quoted by: >>10060268

it's heading back where it belongs for being a scam co, aka $4

AMD won't be around in 5 years

>> No.10060210

Man, I should have bought more aug 18 uvxy calls as a hedge... My one call with a strike of 8 is at +114-% right now...

>> No.10060213
Quoted by: >>10060233

it was kind of a hectic day desu
not surprising we missed it

>> No.10060226
Quoted by: >>10060246

i told yall it was an effective hedge lol

>> No.10060233

People were flipping shit over PED because muh gains. CEI should be strong again tomorrow so there is always a chance again to make gains tomorrow with that shit.

>> No.10060246

What's the deal with UVXY that it goes up every-time the markets tank?

>> No.10060261

think on the bright side guys
imagine that sweet tax write off we're all going to get, probably the full $3k allotment

that's literally the point of the VIX, the Volatility Index, which UVXY tracks. When volatility spikes (aka when markets have huge moves, typically losses), the VIX (and thus, UVXY/VIXY) shoot up

>> No.10060268
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 2bbd05a22f66e6d8cace53ec636c4614f1c5a27d96ea7324af1654f6bdb7e2ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10060275

hi IV anon is gonna lose fucking everything.
i tried to fucking warn him, but he was too arrogant. sentiment on AD has been fucking obliterated rn

UVXY is the premiere company in the fear comoditization business. the original CEO mike tyson has returned to lead the company to new heights. ive been shilling them for a while nao :^)

>> No.10060275

No shit? Looks like it's too late to buy in.

>> No.10060276


>ftw you only trade stocks for a loss to stick it to the man

high iq

>> No.10060292

so how do you predict crashes and shit like this? How can you even prepare for anything with the market? I'm so lost in trying to figure out how anyone profits off this shit save for long-term holders

>too late to buy in.
lol, buckle up

(I hope it's not, I was going to buy a call opening bell tomorrow morning)

>> No.10060300

wait for a green day
it gets obliterated on green days.
i only trade options on it, but its almost gambling. i just managed to figure out how to anticipate VIX spikes to give me an edge

>> No.10060308


>> No.10060314
Quoted by: >>10060333

seriously, look into how it works. it resets daily. watch out how PM and AH swings can drag you underwater. its knd of a crapshoot, but my broker doesnt let me buy options on the literal VIX, so its the best i can do

>> No.10060333
Quoted by: >>10060362

so it's going to be a bad idea then to buy a call tomorrow to hedge against friday?

>> No.10060362
Quoted by: >>10060423

>so how do you predict crashes and shit like this?
still testing it out (but so far so good), but watch junk bonds. when they dump and the indexes ignore it, watch the fuck out

i bought this morning and am holding them till friday. im just saying, if AH pumps, or PM pumps, even if VIX is higher tomorrow, we could end up underwater. its a weird ETN

>> No.10060388

thinking if we get another big down day i'll start to scale into some long term holds. this only really works under the assumption that the bull resumes and this isn't the start of a new primary trend (bear)


>> No.10060419

Give it to me straight. Are we in a big bear market? Should I drop my leveraged tech ETF?

>> No.10060423
Quoted by: >>10060468

does VIXY also reset daily? I just want to have a little lube for the ass fucking I'm scheduled for on friday

>> No.10060425
Quoted by: >>10060512

thats probably the safest strat in the long term,
but one of the riskiest in the near term (depending on how severe tomorrow is)

whats ur timeframe?
are you willing to hold and not sell for 2 years or more if youre wrong?

>> No.10060435

I'm hoping for green tomorrow but confidence is seriously down.

>> No.10060440
Quoted by: >>10060544

its a bullish pendant

>> No.10060442
Quoted by: >>10060501

So long term bear market is the general sentiment here? I know they're meme lines but it's the shitposter in chief. Trump will pull something out of his ass if it gets too low. he always clubs the market. See my meme graphs above. This is caused by oil prices. And his shitpost on Iran. If it blows over like Syria kinda did then maybe prices will go down. The other problem is Libya. But the one month matches up pretty rather close. Everything requiring fuel on my w.l. went down.

>> No.10060448


The bull is going to be gone for a few years.

>> No.10060450

GBR is all over the fucking place AH. You would have thought they just had earnings.

>> No.10060460
Quoted by: >>10060497

PED broke the $3 mark AH

You're welcome fags

>> No.10060468

>Should I drop my leveraged tech ETF?
at the very least, to manage your risk, yes.
but who knows m8
its definitely gonna be more volatile and choppy for a bit. not the kind of shit you hold 3x lev ETFs for too long in

idk, i think they all reset because of how the VIX works. but a non leveraged one might be a better buy for longer term

>> No.10060476
Quoted by: >>10060524

This is why I never listened to big5gay

>> No.10060493

GBR is a solid long term hold for oil unlike some of these other bullshit nanocap oil companies loaded with debt

>> No.10060496

Higher oil prices shake consumer confidence. And higher gas prices makes the plebians fearful, and cheap with their money the same applies to retail trader scum. Seems like bearish till driving season is over.
Market is gay a.f. btw

>> No.10060497
Quoted by: >>10060637

Still that is so fucking dumb. I'm not sure if I want to short that shit or try and ride the irrational run that is going on...

>> No.10060501
Quoted by: >>10060524

i dont think trump could do a damn thing to stop this even if he wanted. i dont think the FED can either. i think they lost control of the wheel months ago judging by the curve continually getting worse

this sounds like its gonna dip and RIP tomorrow. im excited

>> No.10060512
Quoted by: >>10060637


lol that's a hell of a question but a real one. we've not seen an actual bear that could lasts years in so long perhaps we're complacent. yeah sure i'm willing to hold legit long term positions for the long haul, but of course i'd like to get a better price than buying at what turns out to be the start of the bear.

what do you mean by how severe tomorrow is? do you think it continues to sell off and if it's steep it'll get worse?

>> No.10060524
Quoted by: >>10060653

This may be the one he actually is right on
I'm definitely holding long term, this buyout seems lucrative.

>> No.10060544
Quoted by: >>10060623

You mean pennant?

>> No.10060623
Quoted by: >>10060666


>> No.10060637
File: 121 KB, 1420x688, HYG tea leavez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this this this
i cant say it enough. low debt, and they HAVE oil. that beats 90% of the "oil market" rn

dont short hype m8, youll get killed. shorting pennystocks is something too retarded even for me. theres no upside and CRAZY downside

>we've not seen an actual bear that could lasts years in so long perhaps we're complacent
true but even a very quick bear market can set us back YEARS. sell offs can be violent and far faster than bull runs

>i'd like to get a better price than buying at what turns out to be the start of the bear.
and if VIX keeps moving up/stays up, this is EXACTLY what you should do (and is what the VIX was crated for in the first place, not to gamble on it). add cash to your stack and be patient.

>what do you mean by how severe tomorrow is?
im watching junk bonds (HYG or JNK). if those REALLY start to slide, i think were in for it. so far its predicted each drop this week to the day

if you want, use this chart as reference. like i said, its worked so far

>> No.10060639

after PED who's the next pump and dump victim?

>> No.10060653

It's volume is kind of pathetic though.

>> No.10060666

so HODL?

>> No.10060678

Yeah that's true, never short penny stocks. I mean this shit is like SDRL, there will probably be hype for a few days until people remember it's garbage.

>> No.10060686
Quoted by: >>10060864

on a 3x leveraged ETF?? for tech? right now?

m8, if you want tech exposure, buy a non leveraged one. the leveraged ones can be liquidated

>> No.10060705
Quoted by: >>10060755

Yes, its just some red days in the sideways market

>> No.10060708

>It's volume is kind of pathetic though.
it's being bought out. Go jump into CEI at the top and have it last for a day while GBR chugs on for months and months

>> No.10060736
File: 335 KB, 439x525, 1486783017595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else getting back on the AMRS bandwagon? I've been buying a few shares everyday for the last week.
It's time for sick gains from an industrial-yeast company

>> No.10060755

i still think he should opt out of the leveraged ones for non leveraged ones at least. i dont think thats wise. those can get really stressed out in big sell offs.

if hes up on the position still, he should lock in profits and buy the regular one desu

i have calls for december that i literally dont even look at anymore. but fuck it. im in

>> No.10060768

I thought he was talking about the sp

yeah dont hold leveraged...

>> No.10060785
File: 34 KB, 355x404, 1486783163147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 50% midcap value ETFs that I'll hold till retirement, and 50% AMRS as of tomorrow.

The yeast rises, brother

>> No.10060787
Quoted by: >>10060840

That is the calm before the storm. A big move is coming. Volume yesterday was damn near 0.
Comfy i'm just going to go ahead and warn you not to do this.

>> No.10060786

lol i was about to say...
i thought i was in the twlight zone, with you telling him to buy on lev and me saying dont kek

>> No.10060806
File: 234 KB, 350x349, 1530048124804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10060840


>> No.10060837
Quoted by: >>10060857

>midcap value ETFs
what tickers?
ill draw some lines UUUU
im thinking this is gonna be a rough spot to be in if vol stays up in the near term

>> No.10060840
File: 28 KB, 352x352, 1489355502479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10060851

I've run out of hope. I'm tired of wagecucking, AMRS is my final gamble. What other options do I have??

FRIDAY. We will be visiting a comfy camping spot in the desert sand dunes

>> No.10060845

Ok, dumping leveraged for normal I guess. Thanks. I have a high 6 figure income and i'm under 30 years old. Just wanna ramp that shit up, ya know?

>> No.10060851
Quoted by: >>10060889

First thing tomorrow you all in GBR. I have 50% of my portfolio in them so I have skin in the game too.

>> No.10060857
Quoted by: >>10060891

PEY, XMLV, DON, JKI and VOE. I'll hold through the crash, these are just my boring retirement holds

>> No.10060864
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, big_3587d14a79ac14be1375d30a5f69598f8e6b9dc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10060891

in theory leveraged index etf do not get liquidated ever. etf daily resetting leverage is not same as traditional leverage with stoplosses that does not move with price

>> No.10060882




>> No.10060889

Fuck it, all in GBR

>> No.10060891

>I'll hold through the crash, these are just my boring retirement holds
so get a better price if ya can
ill look at em

well maybe the ETF doesnt get LIQ'd, but the HODLers do

>> No.10060905
Quoted by: >>10060999

thanks for response. been looking at some charts and indicators and rather convinced we have farther to fall. more than enough to think that the probability of downside outweighs the probability that we bounce golden bull tomorrow and this is the lowest level for the rest of time.

>> No.10060999
File: 103 KB, 1400x659, sell the rally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10061029

np bud
i dont like seeing all of us losing everything in a crash. when i see something, i say something.

if tomorrow is the lowest ever again, ill eat my fucking hat. im just glad i sold out of everything when i saw pic related a week ago

>> No.10061029
Quoted by: >>10061076

trust the digits

>> No.10061076

thats why they call me teh profit lol
i got trips calling the second crash after volpocolypse

>> No.10061444
Quoted by: >>10061456

I am about to buy the shit out of Intel. Am I retarded?

>> No.10061456
Quoted by: >>10061470

yea prolly
wait to see if this clears up tomorrow at least

>> No.10061470

Waiting for some stronger signals, but close to pulling the trigger