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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.28 MB, 322x214, Mario Vs. Donkey Kong Japanese Commercial [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv9kh9r.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57639866 No.57639866 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY22
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>57633544

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.57639871
File: 263 KB, 663x600, FGLph-9VUAsxskV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.210 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~75.4 (18.85) million shares 25% total held by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 (18.85) by Aug. 31, 2023, ~76.6 (19.15) by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 575.332B, 91P = 6.322B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 493.065B, 82P = 6.013B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 532.125B, 94P = 5.661B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>2023 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>Q3 2023 Earnings 8-K/10-Q
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model/ (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.57639909
File: 465 KB, 1170x1790, 3618262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks those are gme shorts

>> No.57639923
File: 14 KB, 267x228, smeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's lost his volunteers
>he's lost control of both the GME and BBBY threads
It's over

>> No.57639948
File: 153 KB, 1980x1623, 1701267781099376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57639984

>GameStop Info Summary
Complete corporate revamp / shift into e-commerce by CEO Ryan Cohen
New executive specialists (e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain, supply chain operations...)
Debt free and cash flow positive
More than $1 billion in cash available for acquisition and shares purchase
More than $1 billion in inventory
NFT marketplace & Gaming plateforme paused

>GameStop websites

>DRS & BOOK your shares to ensure you're not rugpulled
>DRS Guide:
>Avoid DSPP (DirectStock PLAN):

>DRS & Computershare shares according to (((Cede & Co)))
10/30/2021 - 20.8M
04/30/2022 - 50.8M
07/30/2022 - 71.3M
06/01/2023 - 76.6M
06/20/2023 - Mainstar rugpull: 1,270,566 shares unDRS'ed
08/31/2023 - 75,4M
11/31/2023 - 75,4M

>Investor 10-K annual report, 10-Q earnings & 8-K
>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)

>GameStop Ownership
40% Held by Institutions (Institutions, Mutual Funds, ETFs...)
25% Held by Individuals directly registered (DRS)
12% Held by Insiders
21% Shorted Shares

>RRP falling from the ledge like hedgies
09/29/2023 - $1,557B 108P
10/13/2023 - $1,079B 97P
12/01/2023 - $769B 90P
02/01/2024 - $503B, 74P

>Daily reminder
Temporary alliance with jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

>BBBYQ nonsense is finally over
Power to the individual bakers

Buckle up:

>> No.57639951
Quoted by: >>57640098

Why wouldn't you retards sell during the squeeze?

>> No.57639959
File: 351 KB, 1022x582, ken sold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57639984
Quoted by: >>57640156

>he's still pushing the BBBYQ keyword
Absolute retard. It won't show up in catalogue searches if it isn't in the OP.

>> No.57640098

shorts never closed

>> No.57640156

he’s trying to hide Doug’s shorts

>> No.57640184


>> No.57640221

wrong thread BBBaggie

>> No.57640239
Quoted by: >>57640258

stop shilling that stock in my GameStop thread. You’ve brought it up twice now. I’ve figured your game out.

>> No.57640258

Ackshully, it was you who outed yourself, BBBaggie. What's the next cope date? Feb 14 (and its T+2) came and went. Oh, Icahn's birthday on the 16th? Do we T+2 that one, as well? Tell Jake2b to kill himself.

>> No.57640276
Quoted by: >>57640309

Can you peruse through my two posts and show me where I did that? You may need meds.

>> No.57640278
File: 20 KB, 356x356, SpecialReport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the 24th now

>> No.57640295
File: 64 KB, 160x144, DonkeyKong-Intro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57640336

Last week:
Monday RRP: 552.289B, 80P = 6.904B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 532.439B, 71P = 7.499B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 553.055B, 75P = 7.374B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 535.705B, 78P = 6.868B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 569.175B, 80P = 7.115B per (roughly)

>This week:
Monday RRP: 581.568B, 78P = 7.456B per
Tuesday RRP: 553.684B, 84P = 6.591B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 575.332B, 91P = 6.322B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 493.065B, 82P = 6.013B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 532.125B, 94P = 5.661B per (roughly)

>> No.57640301
Quoted by: >>57640309

You are strangely up to date on BBBY it’s like its related to RC and GME or something

>> No.57640309

Only a BBBaggie is obsessed with Doug "Dougshit" Cifu
>inb4 dogshit is a better investment
I know, it is.
>You are strangely up to date on BBBY
It's my duty to keep up so I can kek BBBaggies effectively. Whenever someone asks for sauce on the other thread, that's me.

>> No.57640327
Quoted by: >>57640333

It’s your duty to tounge my anus

>> No.57640330
File: 3.44 MB, 302x320, catowagmis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57650844

6's witnessed, new mario vs donkey kong should have dropped a commercial like that one

>> No.57640333
Quoted by: >>57640337

A very homosexual response.

>> No.57640336

Hey threadsplitter who is afraid of the GameStop logo would you care to comment from your original id about your use of catbox?

>> No.57640337
Quoted by: >>57640351

You never said you wouldn’t. Faggot. Kek.

>> No.57640351
File: 21 KB, 241x248, Inhales your donation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what getting financially wiped out does to a nigga.

>> No.57640411
Quoted by: >>57640444

>only a BBBaggie would know this information
>proceeds to say he also knows that information
Oh so you’re a BBBaggie by your own definition kek

>> No.57640444
File: 976 KB, 400x400, 1706646105863713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57640474

>he reads "Only a BBBaggie is obsessed with Doug "Dougshit" Cifu" as "only a BBBaggie would know this information"
Are BBBaggies illiterate, or do they just read whatever they want into everything?

>> No.57640453

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.57640474
Quoted by: >>57640518

>has a nickname for Doug, has encyclopedic knowledge on the firm, posts cope dates and lore from a different stock
Checking those digits, but I’ll let bystanders decide who’s the obsessed one.

>> No.57640518
File: 63 KB, 301x253, 1705978823794773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having knowledge is being obsessed

>> No.57640658

I feel like Nintendo is lying that the switch 2 won’t come out this year. They are going to have a massive fall release just in time for Christmas

>> No.57640757
Quoted by: >>57641200

Red pill me on the Teddy keiretsu. I know the reason behind bbby and Gme. But why something like TOYRF or blockbuster/sears?

>> No.57640955

kek desperate weekend baggots

>> No.57641108

i never get these mini ticker posts. theyre always part shill

>> No.57641133

I just watched the DVD of trading places last night. I saw Jamie Lee Curtis' tits, didn't know that she showed them in that movie, they were decent. Also the old guy called Eddie Murphy a nigger.

>> No.57641200

Because it's desperate cope of a brainlet who fell for a distraction and can't admit it. No one is buying the company formerly know as BBBY.

>> No.57641244
Quoted by: >>57641436

Is the GameStop movie good? Need something to watch this weekend and thought I might see it if it’s fun. Don’t care about accuracy, just want good plot and humor. Thoughts?

>> No.57641306


>> No.57641436
Quoted by: >>57643147

It was pretty entertaining. Did a decent job at explaining things. I don't think Paul Dano was the right choice for DFV though, didn't really nail the charisma. But it's Hollywood, so whatever

>> No.57641535

To be pure book DRS do I need to sell the fractionals? Or is it okay if they are in plan in my account. I've heard having any at all gives them liscense to claim the whole lot, even those that are booked.

For those who havent booked yet,

Should really be in the OP at this point

>> No.57641544
File: 197 KB, 869x1411, 849aaffvhsy81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57644998

oh. nevermind about it being in the OP

>> No.57641553

IIRC you must have a fresh CS account that has never had a plan share in it. If you ever have, you must transfer your shares out of CS back to Fidelity or Robinhood, make a new CS account and send them back so they will be PURE BOOK, untainted by Plan

>> No.57641568
File: 272 KB, 913x1259, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any evidence for that? If that were the case, NO ONE would have truly booked shares and as a result it wouldnt be doing anything to the DTCC, but clearly it is because they went after mainstar and they've managed to force gamestop to stop reporting.

>> No.57641570
File: 1.90 MB, 2068x1170, IMG_4176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57651730

>> No.57641584
Quoted by: >>57644998

I don't make the rules, I just parrot what I heard on Reddit and as long as you ever had Plan shares in your account the hedgies can use talmudic magic to use your Book shares as they please

>> No.57641616
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, lenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is FUD and false

>> No.57641645
File: 213 KB, 576x850, bankcollusiongme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like 35 fucking dollars to sell 1 dollar of fractional shares, are you kidding me? How does that make sense. I'm not spending over a hundred dollars to get rid of the fractions, thats insane. Its really not enough that I just have them booked?

>> No.57641732
Quoted by: >>57641799

>Literally half a page worth of namedrops of counterparties with incentive to see GME dead
>Still can't get it below $0.85 post-split
Hedgiebros...Im confused. Is 14 dollars higher or lower than 85 cents. Does that mean we're winning? Also what happens when the Bank Term Lending Program ends on the 12th of March? How will we afford to keep shorting? Help me out please I'm anxious.

>> No.57641757
Quoted by: >>57641950

It's free for Americans.

>> No.57641799

Owning an Archegos related position doesn't necessarily mean they're counterparties to GME shorting can just mean Archegos owed them money.

Just look for parties on that list that have been increasing their GME holdings to find ones with minimal or no exposure.

>> No.57641821
File: 945 KB, 960x960, 9ihgf890pkjy9o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 60k down. What happened to WAGMI? What happened to this being the greatest time to be alive? What happened the NFT dividend? What happened to romantic walks in the spring rain?

I want answers Chobani.

>> No.57641834

What's a "DVD"?

>> No.57641913

What if the hedgies start coming to our houses to kill us since we won't sell. They could kill all 30 of us that hold and that'd be the end of GME on 4chan

>> No.57641932
Quoted by: >>57645732

I think it’s down to Keith (x30 devices), the baker, and two genuine anons at this point

>> No.57641950
File: 82 KB, 693x592, kibc5eqqqlt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure? I am american so but it was still bringing all of that nonsense up. I guess I'll have to check again

>> No.57641959
File: 41 KB, 640x604, 1708155400393698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think hedgies have the balls to kill themselves? They'll be out of money at that point, and more focused on the ledge :^)
also checked

>> No.57641978
File: 183 KB, 528x438, 1694642861807238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 of us
> He doesn't know

>> No.57641998
File: 89 KB, 640x831, 1635873979503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scrawny bitch arms of a coddled infant like Ken couldn't strangle a ferret let alone kill anyone. I doubt he has enough strength to depress the trigger on a pistol. Trust fund babies like him are practically made of glass mentally and physically.

>> No.57642009
File: 535 KB, 1080x1082, 1674075554355193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know I am 100% pure book blood.

>> No.57642058
File: 96 KB, 672x562, 1698362523737131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I denounce the talmud, and scorn all of the idiots who follow it

>> No.57642101


>> No.57642146

That’d be fun, tell them to bring some ice cream.

>> No.57642157

I welcome the hedgeassassin(s). I will literally slash them with my katana.

CS are the biggest jews. All these little backdoors to let the DTCC get their claws in shares you are specifically trying to get away from them, and they STILL allow "a portion" of pure book shares to be in their hands "for liquidity purposes".

>> No.57642383
File: 512 KB, 1168x926, online_penetration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57642419

I'm thinking WAGAMI.

>> No.57642419
File: 74 KB, 601x534, 1589493104331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57642479

After moass I'm paying a professional assassin to infliltrate this guy's house and kick him in the balls really, really hard for being a faggot through this whole ordeal.

>> No.57642479
Quoted by: >>57642548

waste of money desu desu. just buy a pulte home and trash it live for charity.

>> No.57642548

I would suggest to buy several bags of concrete and pour them down all the drains, but plumbers don't deserve to deal with the end result of E-celebs faggotry. Spare then the headache and just host a house-bashing party to make some cash off the wreckage.

>> No.57642580

It just dawned on me, Cybertranny is also a NAFOtroon. Makes sense why he was short on manpower the past few weeks, to the point that he had to ask for reinforcement from twitter.

>> No.57642905

Please buy and DRS more GME! Make sure you Book your shares, sers!

>> No.57642913
File: 1.40 MB, 700x807, 1680128520187446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you, thanks my man Rimjabi

>> No.57642919
File: 71 KB, 220x90, dr-jones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57642955

Baggots manage 3-6 posts an hour on a day when everyone is available to post
Holy fuck kek baggies

>> No.57642981
Quoted by: >>57643089

Unlike some we are not paid to be here.

>> No.57643011

shit I totally forgot to be here farming impressions

>> No.57643026

Can I get a kek baggies??!!!!!!

>> No.57643046

baggies how much are you down now
have you averaged you are losses
what does computershare say

>> No.57643089

You're right. You're not paid. Not only do you make zero money from being here, you haven't made a single cent from GME in 1200 days and you've paid your life savings to be here.
Congratulations dumbfuck. Thank Ryan Cohen and buy more Tuesday.

>> No.57643127

I only hold assets that inspire this inexplicable level of seethe.

>> No.57643130

Oh baby. I'm so angry. Makes me so mad how much money you've lost. Fuck I'm seething. Buy more Tuesday. It'll make me so mad!!!!!!!

>> No.57643147

Watched it. I mostly agree with your assessment. Does a good job of explaining and being coy without outright saying
>le hedge fund bad and did crimes
I think that’s important for normies to fill in the blanks so they feel smart. And leaving the door open at the end to citadel and robinhood likely being guilty while mentioning DFV staying in also gives that obvious implication that the story isn’t done yet. I actually like Paul Dano though, I again think he’s appealing to normies and did a good job of being DFV. I don’t know if you ever watched the entire streams but he definitely wasn’t always a super energetic and entertaining guy, a lot of it was dry. I think it’s important to show that side. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.57643149

.38 boomer retard is back

>> No.57643155
Quoted by: >>57643168

On a Saturday? Even I'm doing shit today.

>> No.57643168


Buy more.
Buy more.
Buy more.

>> No.57643186
Quoted by: >>57643247

mind broken

>> No.57643247
Quoted by: >>57643307

Bank broken

>> No.57643293
File: 171 KB, 1200x1407, ChinkyRaccoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they said i only had 15 minutes, but my set's at least 3 years long

>> No.57643307

>Bank broken
Tuesday's Breaking Business News? How did you know?

>> No.57643460
File: 489 KB, 708x708, 1661890220373789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love when they're all salty like this. They they always without fail follow up with "B-buy more baggies!" like it's babies first reverse psychology lesson. They're so shit at their job I could probably write up the flowchart they're following.

>> No.57643607
File: 15 KB, 175x157, 1708202135743023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said buy more!
>y-you're poor right?

>> No.57643731
File: 63 KB, 423x408, 1690003998130130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dikshit tells me to buy GME
>I agree, therefore I buy GME
>Dikshit tells me not to buy GME
>I disagree, therefore I buy GME anyway
Simple as thay

>> No.57643922

Jesus, hope you got around to doing something with your day.

>> No.57644082

hello my fellow game diamond hand apes. Just bought 1k more game, I am down 90% but I am end this to the end to btfo the hedgies. The short has yet to be squoozed. upboats to the left

>> No.57644087

why are there 3 threads about gme and how am I supposed to know which is the real one?

>> No.57644215

The real one is the one you use. Also the one that does not come up when you type SMG and/or BBBY on the catalogue.

>> No.57644220

Yeah lemme just be up to date on something i have no financial interest in for the lulz. Shills should try harder, we know you're on a payroll to be here.

>> No.57644226
File: 1.13 MB, 988x1432, 1700266451591730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are there 3 threads
Very rich people are short GME, and they're paying people to shit up the places where people talk about GME, 4chan being one of them.
>How am I supposed to know the real one
The OP has been using a tripcode to identify himself, and the paid actors talk bad about him to create confusion.

>> No.57644234

Yes, you have to sell the fractionals to be pure DRS. Only whole shares can be book.

>> No.57644240

This person is lying, just sell the fractionals and switch your shares from plan to book. Also turn off auto buys through computer share. They automatically are in Plan.

>> No.57644251
Quoted by: >>57644319

If you want to add more shares, buy through Fidelity then DRS. They will be book.

>> No.57644319
File: 1.40 MB, 314x288, 1699351956276541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoid DSPP
>buy shares cheap via brokers
>DRS when price runs up
No fractionals involved and you get to watch the seeth, what's not to like?

>> No.57644337
Quoted by: >>57644527

>What if Moass happens when you have your 5 weekly shares in your broker? You'll lose them all!
>Keep buying through CS and make sure to only purchase fractionals.

>> No.57644354
File: 199 KB, 850x1530, heaven's game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey it's me, is gme still a thing

>> No.57644356


>> No.57644391

>DRS when price runs up
Based and same.

>> No.57644506

of course, the path ahead was never easy. but it is guaranteed to the faithful.

>> No.57644512

did you sell?

>> No.57644527

broker fucks you over on those shares and says "eat shit bitch we have to take care of ourselves" and DRS chads can name the price at any value.

>> No.57644534
Quoted by: >>57644556

Are you retarded?

>> No.57644556
Quoted by: >>57644565

Cope brokie

>> No.57644565

Read the context of what I'm replying about.

>> No.57644573
File: 956 KB, 220x247, 1704695257541864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name the price
Pick 1 Dikshit I bet you advocate for regular buys and IEX too

>> No.57644894
File: 132 KB, 568x562, swap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ready for the biggest transfer of wealth in the HISTORY of mankind?
The countdown has began
5 days until the best Friday of our lives
The swap is almost primed to fuck hedgies in their ASSHOLES


>> No.57644925

Can't believe these threads are still a thing lmfao
Reminder that the hedgies are literally in profit from shorting GME and can close at any time and it won't make a difference kek

>> No.57644928

so short it then

>> No.57644938
File: 319 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_1592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m going to bed.

shitpants dikshitar.

>> No.57644998

>still believing schizo book ramblings after GAMESTOP ITSELF literally btfo a retarded investor proposal on that very topic

>> No.57645076
File: 360 KB, 2048x1536, GGkN2kYW4AAE3Mh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57645143

>deliberately misinterpreting "plan is not fraud" to mean "plan and book are the same"
sneed hedgies

>> No.57645143

>plan fractionals can't be used as a locate
>bookfaggots conceding that there's no affirmative reason to do anything other than plan after shrieking for almost a year about how plan enables heat lamp
>bookfaggots confirmed for subhuman D&C useful idiot FUD

>> No.57645166
File: 497 KB, 237x211, 1699137788222832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GameStop stated there was no reason to turn off DSPP as the system is designed that way
>also explicitly said that shareholders were free to change to book
>"see book and plan are the same"
>DismalJellyfag, PlatinumTranny, whole fucking janny team jumped on the pls don't book train
>DismalJellyfag and PlatinumTranny off janny duty for (((personal reason))) anyway
Lol, lmao even

>> No.57645179
File: 2.94 MB, 264x480, 1698123793821947.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw, some melties kekking baggotchads for fun and free makes sense. To know and fud some esoteric bullshit such as book vs plan sure glows as fuck.

>> No.57645180
Quoted by: >>57645193

I think dismal is rensole and plat tranny is probably runic glory

>> No.57645193
File: 1.08 MB, 3158x2048, 1691624939334530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57645213

>these names are behind those names
Anon there are probably hundreds of top men behind those anyway

>> No.57645204

Also, the gay mods are so passionate that there's no difference between book and plan. Basic logic would be if there's no difference why are you getting in the way of spreading the message to book instead of plan? You said it yourself, there's no difference, so if there's no difference there's zero harm in me switching from plan to book. Yet here you are passionately trying to get me to do nothing. Very sus.

>> No.57645213

True, mostly likely a team behind the accounts.

>> No.57645229
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 1665875149376493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we ever moass in your timeline?

>> No.57645271

Like Doctor Strange said, there's only one timeline where we win

>> No.57645678
File: 11 KB, 208x146, jkbnmjhgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 60k down. Holding strong though (I don't have a choice).

>> No.57645695
File: 1.17 MB, 400x284, 1688597937338129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME is a schizo play
>let's call book schizo, maybe those schizos will stop buying and booking
Kek top men top work

>> No.57645719

The swap is expiring next Friday boy

>> No.57645732

Keith doesn’t hold GME

>> No.57645989

kek dumbfuck weekend baggies

>> No.57646215
Quoted by: >>57646402

The premise of gme was originally
"If we all buy and hold, then price will always go up never go down"
But then "hedgies" manipulated it down for 3 years.

So what if instead of fighting the hedgies we invert our strategy.

By the same reasoning of if we all buy and hold price will go up,
If we all sell/short then price will go down.

Except if the whole moass thing is to be believed, if we just all short then we're on the same side as hedgies, and the premise doesn't change.

So why are we all fighting against them instead of mutually benefiting?

>> No.57646226
File: 132 KB, 601x534, 1708215365741022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha bro what if we all sell
>he said spacing plebbitly

>> No.57646246
Quoted by: >>57646402

You're insane if you don't think the majority of holders, lurkers and posters alike aren't just redditors

>> No.57646325
Quoted by: >>57646716

That’s been your employers cope.

>> No.57646338
File: 95 KB, 553x619, welly welly well then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57646716

>shills shilling overtime on a sunday

>> No.57646380

I always get stuck in the fake distraction threads

>> No.57646402

>never go down
What kinda of retardation is this.
Never had a reddit account till the sneeze. Next.

>> No.57646579

Bros... I'm just ready to live my real life. I just want to wander around traveling, not nothing crazy expensive, but just be able to do so without any kind of time restraint without having going back to the wage mines.

>> No.57646639
Quoted by: >>57646716

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.57646669

It will be 2027 before you know it. Still waiting for your "real life," to begin. Still waiting for GME to heckin' moass with all your fellow r*ddit and discord troon friends. You, and only (You) are responsible for your own failures. Not the evil hedgies or Ken Griffin, or the new scapegoat of the month as to why Gamestop hasn't gone to a billion dollarinos per share yet. You will realize all the time you spent kekking the crypto baggies is time you'll never get back. But I hope when Gamestop bottoms at 3 or 4 dollars per share and it "moasses" back to 12 and change- I truly hope it'll be worth it for you.

>> No.57646680
Quoted by: >>57646716

>he doesn’t know

>> No.57646716
File: 402 KB, 1079x656, Screenshot_20240214_221255_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Removed maternity leave - check
Removed 401k match - check
Removed overtime - check
Closing thousands of stores - check
Wow I thought GME had so much cash. Why are they gutting employees :(((((
98% of games sold are digital and Gamestop has no digital sales - check

Oh it's looking like a kek baggot 2024!!!!!!!
Buy more at open????? - check

>> No.57646776

Kek wagies.

>> No.57646810

I would keep my job. No point in travelling right now as I have a one month old. I just want some comfort in our lives because I have nothing right now.

>> No.57646814

I don't think other retail wagies even have those benefits

>> No.57646849
File: 600 KB, 876x832, eggybasket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57646890
Quoted by: >>57648217

Imagine trying to fud autists and schizo here with some cnbc boomer fud. I almost believe it’s a larping holder.

>> No.57646910

I bought 5 of those books but I will not read them to my son unless we moass

>> No.57646918

Wagies in absolute shambles kek. Ruggin' Ryan Cohen strikes again. Get a real job, bozos!

>> No.57647031

Bro no offense, but I come here to relax and chill with my buds and you're kinda ruining the vibe right now. Who hurt you?

>> No.57647049


Kek, it's so over.
Should have bought SPY.

>> No.57647069
Quoted by: >>57647086

Ryan Cohen could line every GS employee and systematically rape them while livestreaming it and it wouldnt change the fact shorts are underwater.

>> No.57647086

Kek shorties.

>> No.57647298 [DELETED] 


>> No.57647311
Quoted by: >>57647478

Lazy chud

>> No.57647377
Quoted by: >>57647468

When do you think Ryan will launch his own shoes? Trump sold 1,000 at $399 in an hour. I bet Ryan could make really good money with his own kicks

>> No.57647451
File: 542 KB, 710x569, GFAzSdvXIAATWTD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57647817

>you should change to plan from book, the company TOTALLY said you should
>You should sell and short, it'll work I swear
>You'll never make it, it won't happen
>insert weak insult here
We've truly entered the bargaining phase. You dumbasses reek of desperation. Top men indeed.

>> No.57647468

Maybe if he sold baby stuff with his teddy brand. He was probably going to create some Teddy NFTs to go along with it, but it fizzled out. Really good use of his time

>> No.57647478

its worth a copypasta. if it wasnt one it is now.

>> No.57647592
Quoted by: >>57647787

The good thing about GameStop is it is one of the last places to sell physical media. You can’t buy new games in a lot of stores anymore.

>> No.57647688

kek dumbfuck sunday baggies

>> No.57647787
Quoted by: >>57647806

The good thing about blockbuster is it’s one of the last places that lets me rent vHS tapes. I don’t know another way to watch movies I am 163 years old

>> No.57647806

I pay for netflix and haven’t watched anything in months. I have zero interest in digital or online gaming for same reasons I don’t want to watch netflix

>> No.57647817
File: 2.77 MB, 1447x2047, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_wowoguni__6761e9adc573643b725e1655837f26c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*topped by men

>> No.57647824

Gamestop should have opened stores in Japan since physical is big there. It’s so much fun to download games for your kids on Christmas morning

>> No.57647830

I have zero interest in solid food and eat only onion paste. Naturally the entire world agrees with me and that will never change.

>> No.57647857

Normies always do what I do. I was racist 5 years ago and now it is mainstream. GameStop just has to consolidate stores and focus on selling physical media

>> No.57647875
Quoted by: >>57648093

It's crazy that this is the voice of the zoomer generation

>> No.57647891
File: 87 KB, 369x299, 1708130565020453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57647920

They're doing the "GameStop debunked Book vs. Plan" thing again over at the cringemines, with an uptick of DRS posts with fractionals.

>> No.57647920
Quoted by: >>57647952

It's so silly they think we'd forget you have to transfer your shares to Fidelity, start a new CS account and make sure to BOOK them so hedgies can't get their hands all over those PLAN shares

>> No.57647938

Doing that one thing.

>> No.57647952
File: 102 KB, 1200x675, FbMPYx_UEAIIBnU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope no one is collecting all the posts by proponents of "Plan is same" and "Direct buy from CS is da wae"

>> No.57648093

fr. Physical games are all I buy besides groceries and sometimes clothes

>> No.57648125
Quoted by: >>57648153


>> No.57648153
Quoted by: >>57648237

>doesn’t even read the first comment
fucking brutal self-own

>> No.57648211

What happened to EdwinBarnes is he a paid asset now?

>> No.57648217
Quoted by: >>57648253


Every single full time literal minimum wage job at every single major company provides/offers those benefits.

>> No.57648232

Goddamn lazy shits shouldn't have taken their benefits for granted and got to work when Ryan tweeted about it

>> No.57648237


Gamestop is dumb because physical is very popular in ethically homogeneous places

>> No.57648253
Quoted by: >>57648284


>> No.57648259
File: 119 KB, 1080x398, Screenshot_20240218_135935_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57648309

Keep sucking that Cohen cock.

>> No.57648284
File: 364 KB, 1080x1555, Screenshot_20240218_140125_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57648302


>> No.57648302
Quoted by: >>57648330

That's service. Post retail positions.

>> No.57648309
File: 651 KB, 1080x1125, Screenshot_20240218_140313_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Member Cohens really big warehouse purchase? Member how bullish that distribution center was? Closed 2 years later. Haahahahahahahahaha

>> No.57648324

Much like the NFT marketplace, the world wasn't ready for GameStop to have a second distribution center. I wonder if that's why my copy of a game I preordered months in advance didn't ship until release day and it arrived three days later?

>> No.57648330
File: 527 KB, 1080x1218, Screenshot_20240218_140547_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57648355


>> No.57648338
Quoted by: >>57648361

when you do everything half assed you wasted all the money and momentum. What are they even doing at this point?

>> No.57648349
File: 698 KB, 1080x1651, Screenshot_20240218_140726_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking bullish apes!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.57648355
Quoted by: >>57648371

>posts an advertising poster
>doesn't post a contract
Walmart wagies don't get all of those, not at the onset no, and not at the same time.

>> No.57648361

>What are they even doing at this point?
Trying to survive. Physical media is dead. Xbox is pulling Starfield from store shelves, Walmart and Best Buy have stopped selling them entirely, other retailers will follow suit. When is the last time you bought a music CD or a video DVD? Maybe you rented it from Redbox one night, but no one, absolutely no one cares about having a plastic box with a cardboard disc that you still need a day 1 30 gb patch to play. NFTs were supposed to be the future but Ryan fucked those up too by not releasing the Wu Tang splivvy

>> No.57648365

>gme retards are too fucking retarded to realize that cohen is a fucking retard
im in utter disbelief and shock
who could possibly have seen this coming?

>> No.57648371
File: 230 KB, 1080x652, Screenshot_20240218_140943_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute dumbfuck.
>fufilment center closed
500 stores to close

>> No.57648378
Quoted by: >>57648411

There are stores left to close?

>> No.57648385
Quoted by: >>57648411

Nice pivot, do you feel in charge?

>> No.57648402

But he became a billionaire from Chewy, he must be a good businessman!

>Chewy did not become profitable until 2022, FIVE YEARS AFTER RYAN SOLD IT

>> No.57648401

He’s like a kid that discovered cocaine for the first time. He did everything a crazy person would do in that situation. Even hired a bunch of diverse women

>> No.57648410

Baggy bros I don't feel so good.

>> No.57648411
Quoted by: >>57648428

I pivot on King Baggots dead dog and dads icy grave in roller skates because I can risk an injury. My job has benefits. Does the company you invested your life savings in do the same? Nope!

>> No.57648428
File: 256 KB, 724x726, 1705713459526159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's losing control again

>> No.57648434

>The Niggerfaggot impersonator is back.
Notice he can't post his hand as it'd prove he isn't OG Niggerfaggot? Kind of implies he's distinctive enough from OG Niggerfaggot that it'd immediately out him.

>> No.57648451

Imagine still claiming you do this for free.

>> No.57648457

>The Niggerfaggot impersonator is back.
It's not even close

>> No.57648464

>thinking anyone itt believes this cope
please don’t forget to post it again the next time i make you heckin uncomfy

>> No.57648478

It’s Sunday. They really can’t ever leave.

>> No.57648510

>t. sunday poster
anon, i…

>> No.57648527

Why are you worried about what people think in this thread at all?

>> No.57648549

If the stock somehow goes to $200. I am selling and getting my money back. Maybe I can buy a bitcoin and move to El Salvador

>> No.57648576
File: 3.32 MB, 296x320, monchin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57650844

Hell Divers 2 is fun as fuck

>> No.57648583

GameStop is a schizophrenic mess just like the stock holders. I walked into one 6 months ago and this was a larger store in the heart of dt. They had a babies toys section. I go online to try and find baby things because I just had a newborn and they have nothing. They should sell the niche things online and the popular things in store. They could have cornered the collectors market but they chased some cyberpunk NFT pipe dreams thar would only serve to kill physical faster if it had worked somehow. How can they fix this?

>> No.57648700
Quoted by: >>57648779

We're getting destroyed in our own thread. Bagbros, our response?

>> No.57648779

I'd hate to be in the logo thread, how boring!

I'm I can live laugh and love my gme here

>> No.57648896

This is so much bigger than a couple of stocks. This is the financial arm of a 5th generation warfare operation to take down the corrupt banking and Wall Street system and replace it with something for the people.

Military planning at its finest.


GameStop = "Game Over" in the plan

If you know, you know. If you don't, you will soon.

The world is about to change.

This is the greatest time in history to be alive.

>> No.57648918

Anyone else have that eerie feeling that MOASS is literally tomorow? We're in the endgame now

>> No.57648937

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.57648945
Quoted by: >>57648963

are we in purgatory?

we're being punished for our greed aren't we

>> No.57648963

All I know is if the stock somehow goes to $45, I am selling and getting my money back.

>> No.57649029

At this point these threads only exist for each side to taunt each other.

>> No.57649031
Quoted by: >>57649237

Closing revenue generating but overall unprofitable stores isn't bad.

>> No.57649032

Same, but we may live to regret. It’s the right move based on the info we have in front of us at the moment. No growth means no squeeze

>> No.57649237
Quoted by: >>57649414

>closing 12% of stores and leaving a recently acquired warehouse is bullish despite no forward guidance or pivot towards profitable merchandise


>> No.57649287
File: 878 KB, 1596x1174, Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 21.12.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57649297


Although I can't shake the strangeness of Matt Furlong still not having a job, CEO's don't go neet for 6 months.

>> No.57649297
File: 194 KB, 400x400, image_2024-02-18_131537548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of us

>> No.57649344
Quoted by: >>57649389

Still holding. Still comfy. Still flourishing.

>> No.57649389


>> No.57649414

1.2 billion cash and cash equivalents says hi. Stop being a faggot. GME doesn't need to provide forward guidance and let hedge funds shorting them what their next move is.

>> No.57649540

and he used the money to invest into SMCI at the top. already down 20%.

>> No.57649560

remember when it was 2 billion in cash?
what did he do with 800 million?
use it to gut employee benefits and close more stores? lmfao.

>> No.57649622

He used it to build the NFT marketplace ok and even though that already got shitcanned it's so important that GameStop has the infrastructure ready to go when eventually the plebs realize the future of digital games ownership is NFTs

>> No.57649657
Quoted by: >>57649742

Please ser, do not redeem shares! We must to continue buying and DRSing of GME shares to facilitate a short squeeze and expose the rampant market manipulation, fraud, and corruption! Please...

>> No.57649731
Quoted by: >>57650246

It was never $2 billion you pulled that out of your ass. All former 10q's have said 1.2 billion

>> No.57649735

the York one was opened in may 2021, before Ryan was even the chairman of the board. BCG got fired a year later.

>> No.57649741
File: 203 KB, 724x1002, 1662740743588226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never in your life would you have a chance to earn this money in your entire life. Even if you had to hodl for another 5 (likely) to 10 years (less likely) you would still be billions of dollars richer than you would have been. Just hold bro.... don't sell now when we're halfway there.... I know it's frustrating the NFT marketplace and the splivvy didn't do anything even though they were hyped up all year, the real true catalyst this entire time has been DRS the float. We're so close now don't do it. Do not sell. DO NOT SELL. NO CELL NO SELL

>> No.57649742


>> No.57649763
File: 70 KB, 1200x675, jh96tgkj98vjhg9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57649774

checked and it's good to see an oldie but a goodie reposted

>> No.57649892
File: 111 KB, 1600x900, 465D23DC-4EAD-4B06-91E3-8FEF21056652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official. I have talked to every girl on campus.

After several months of degenerate cold approaching women. Going to several women clubs around campus. Trying to chat up girls every single day, even in class. Meeting women at sorority parties. Talking to grad students and professors during office hours. I have officially talked to every girl on campus. The feeling of knowing every single woman on campus is something none of you could ever experience in 1000 lifetimes.

You may know me as that one weird kid who just went up to you one day and tried to start a conversation and failed miserably. Not a single girl passes me who I do not know the name of. That one's Kate. That one's Ana. That one has two names I forget which. But it does not matter.

I have built a rock-solid foundation of communication skills from asking how the weather is to what's your favorite type of ice cream. Every girl that enters my field of vision trembles in fear. They have only level 68 communication skills WHILE I have LEVEL 69!!

After all this work, I still have yet to go on a date. But that won't stop me. Every girl on this campus had better watch out because I'm fucking leveling up. They won't be able to give me a bullshit excuse like "im busy" anymore. I've ascended to an attractive gigachad. Here I come, women.

>> No.57650246

it was 2 billion after (((cohen))) diluted on your dumbass when it was running up to 300 again.

>> No.57650276

>diluted on your dumbass
They didn't dilute, no new shares were issued.

>> No.57650278 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57650391
File: 83 KB, 2360x292, 1.7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they didn't.

They had 1.7 billion.


They've spent 500 million. The business is now profitable, or close to becoming profitable. The 500 million also include PLAYR or another streaming service which is currently being kept under wraps. Even if the new streaming service can only make $200 million per annum that leaves 1.2 billion to invest in other avenues. That's all while having to deal with legal battles over BBBY "pump and dump"

Long story short. Shorts are utterly fucked.

>> No.57650531

>500 million gone with nothing to show for it but closed stores, gutted employee benefits, and abandoned fulfillment centers
>muh secret streaming service that ill be announced in 2 more weeks
>(((cohen))) said the work is done
the discounted cash flow valuation of GME is 2.90 a share
i'll think about buying then

>> No.57650534

>Dropping RE BEFORE the bottom drops out of the CRE market

>> No.57650605
Quoted by: >>57650873

>Moves topic away from the fact that he's been caught out lying. It was never 2 billion.
>Moves goalposts to something else entirely.
>Looking to gain attention by any means on a Sunday

>> No.57650607
Quoted by: >>57650873

So short it on the way down and show position faggot. Of course you won't though.

>> No.57650823
Quoted by: >>57650987

PLAYR will be the Xbox live killer when it drops

>> No.57650844

>>57640330 03 30

>new mario vs donkey kong should have dropped a commercial like that one
I would have gotten a kick out of it. This was different but nice:

Off by one.

Between EDF, Starship Troopers, and Helldivers, bug shooting is having some good years.

>> No.57650873
File: 38 KB, 1435x235, Screenshot_20240218_155758_thinkorswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i do that when i can make so much more money going long?
even if i shorted GME and it went to zero overnight, i wouldn't make this much money
pic related
your stock is dogshit
>baggies spend years ranting about 2 billion
>pretend that never happened and call me the liar
>spent 500 million with nothing to show for it
>PLAYR nonsense will be as profitable as the NFT marketplace was

>> No.57650888
File: 101 KB, 329x283, putinlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't read

>> No.57650899

>Long story short. Shorts are utterly fucked.
Exactly. Won't be long before we are WAGMI and fucking hedgie daughters and sons.

>> No.57650960

>PLAYR nonsense will be as profitable as the NFT marketplace was
>will be
Won't be shit, it got shut down with the marketplace. This is an embarrassment the public was spared.

>> No.57650966
File: 502 KB, 1008x684, cohen has an announcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57650985

>rumored blackout period until february 24th
Should be interesting.

>> No.57650985

Blackout period ended ages ago. Anyone saying otherwise is a BBBYaggie coping. You fell for a distraction, get reked.

>> No.57650987
Quoted by: >>57651006

or the new brand of PC hardware gme should pivot towards selling

>> No.57651006

That would actually be cool. I hope they do something smart with it

>> No.57651012
Quoted by: >>57651026

>Even if the new streaming service can only make $200 million per annum

Anyone have the figures on what the NFT marketplace was expected to earn?

>> No.57651024

GameStop should pivot to kids hobbies more. Like open an indoor skatepark and sell merch and teach lessons

>> No.57651026

75 billion per quarter

>> No.57651035

>teach lessons
terrible idea, liability-wise.

>> No.57651043
Quoted by: >>57651068

rock climbing gym

>> No.57651067

GameStop should set off indoor fireworks at their locations. It would look cool from the outside and draw the children in

>> No.57651068
Quoted by: >>57651159

Chobani should just focus on video games and video games accessories. Rebranding hardware to PLAYR is a good start.

>> No.57651134

PLAYR is just grindr for GameStop Pro Members

>> No.57651154
Quoted by: >>57651230

You just need a waiver. They could have a team and that stuff is easy to manufacture

>> No.57651159
Quoted by: >>57651257

No. He needs to rebrand as a fun place for families to do stuff in this crazy world

>> No.57651168

I have never seen a smart take on the general what Gamestop should be doing. I guess we know where the BCG consultants have ended up.

>> No.57651224
File: 2.15 MB, 2266x1284, IMG_4170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57651235

>> No.57651230
Quoted by: >>57651239

>You just need a waiver.
Defending against a suit with or without a waiver is expensive.

>> No.57651235
Quoted by: >>57651245

I wonder if they'll remember that moment when they see the 6 digit price on the news.

>> No.57651239

Or, as Hasbro has shown, the matter that childrens entertainment is fucking dying.

>> No.57651245


>> No.57651251
Quoted by: >>57651278

Good thing video games reaches across all ages

>> No.57651257

>He needs to rebrand as a fun place for families
GameStop is not turning into your cheese pizza hunting grounds.

>> No.57651272

>cheese pizza hunting grounds.
Didn't even think about that
>GameStop sued for negligence in not vetting customers who come into their skatepark

>> No.57651278
Quoted by: >>57651284

>video games going increasingly digital only
>will eventually become a digital medium
>kids don't buy funko pops
>the pokemon t-shirts still sell though so GameStop is doing great

>> No.57651284
Quoted by: >>57651371

I demand new talking points.

>> No.57651301

Okay fine. They should open up an auto parts devision. Just do something a little crazy. Napa has all that money

>> No.57651312


>> No.57651316

Sell power tools and guns

>> No.57651317

Why is the advice you give exclusively cancerous?

>> No.57651322

If they plan to branch out into other physical mediums you go the arcade route. It's called Gamestop not truckstop.

>> No.57651332

The plan is to become amazon but better because the stuff will be high quality and the employees will have their 401ks back and paternity leave

>> No.57651355

That'd only really work at select sites, usually areas with a premium on leases. Better to achieve profitability then explore expansion.

>> No.57651371

Fine, you're right. Publishers make almost 2x on digital sales compared to physical sales
Physical games have been for a long time dying. It first started with the manual. Bussing open a brand new video game and reading the manual on the ride home is not an experience zoomers had or will ever have. They want instant gratification. Download everything immediately, play maybe 10 minutes and move on to the next thing. They don't want physical copies to look at and remember all the fun they had with that series. You can't even make the argument that you want to OWN your game, because most games nowadays require massive day 1 patches to even be playable and this will continue to be the norm. Discs are just physical keys to unlock the digital content.

Eventually the physical copy will be phased out entirely as has already been done to the PC market. I had hoped GameStop's NFT marketplace was a step towards that future, maybe Playr will be a Steam competitor where you can trade digital licenses, but I suspect it doesn't matter if Microsoft is on the other side of this actively trying to hinder GameStop's efforts.

>> No.57651373

What Ryan and Gamestop need to do is anything. Anything at this point just to protect shareholders. It's clear the divvy crashed it from 45 so we can realistically go back to there. But there needs to be some sort of fight back. Becoming profitable is not enough.

>> No.57651391

Those are the same talking points, we said new material.

>> No.57651396


>> No.57651402
Quoted by: >>57652075

Some forward guidance and information would be nice, for starters. I get that real gs move in silence like lasagna but holy fuck it's been three years, the price has not stopped dropping, the NFT marketplace got killed off, one of the two distribution centers just closed, negative news nonstop and no word from Ryan outside of silly tweets. It's disrespectful

>> No.57651413

Some PC game sold a ton of physical recently. Probably Hogwarts or something. Gives them an excuse to sell a collector’s edition

>> No.57651426

They could just do another divy, they fired the guy who filed it wrong so if they make one that's actually delivered as a dividend this time it'd probably mean shorts would have to close their positions. Cohen just needs to watch it like a hawk and hand deliver it to the DTCC while saying "Here is my request to issue new shares to gamestop share holders AS A DIVIDEND." as loudly and publically as possible while filming the entire thing.

>> No.57651431

That's a lot of Berkshire.

>> No.57651455

first Bezos then Billy

>> No.57651549 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57651550 [DELETED] 

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>> No.57651730

hopefully they were smart enough to buy BTC instead

>> No.57651829
Quoted by: >>57651871

Bill Gates is crashing the market himself. Kek.

>> No.57651871

Steve about to be vindicated

>> No.57651886

I have been loving his collabs with EuroDollar University recently. Hope they keep it up

>> No.57651996

Maybe Bill Gates is the reason Gamestop had to abandon their leased warehouse after 2 years and fire 200 people :/

>> No.57652020

Dill Bill Gates tell Ryan to close 500 stores in the coming months? :/

>> No.57652025
File: 781 KB, 2022x2363, GGlx1BKaoAAuTCc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57652039

tired of the fake bake

>> No.57652033
File: 45 KB, 716x590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57652053

>They are dumping EVERYTHING
lol, lmao

>> No.57652039

Hey it's nearly 2/3rds full after 129 hours.

>> No.57652053
File: 286 KB, 1080x1268, Screenshot_20240218_212526_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates is dumping on Crypto bag-ACKKKK

>> No.57652075

yea at this point theres no way it happens "organically" so they're either going to do something about the abusive naked shorting or they're not. But either way its going to come down to them. It makes no sense to me why they have just opted to do nothing as their response. Its been 3 fucking years. Year one, year two, I understood because things were still chaotic and turbulent, but were into year 4 now and they havent done or said a single fucking thing. Maybe it has to do something with conflict between international economies and the glowies dont want anything upsetting the balance of the american economy until china collapses first and then they can blame them for the "global recession", but Idk.

>> No.57652107
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy threaded checkem

>> No.57652125

>has BBBYQ in the OP
Fake thread. Please kill yourself.

>> No.57652168

Given up on the 130 hour old thread?

>> No.57652188


>> No.57652324
File: 129 KB, 371x469, 080201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>57652344

Threaded, frens!


>> No.57652344
Quoted by: >>57652387

kek angries. The simple facts are these: (1) The real thread, baked by the 500lb tranny Aile, is the one going to be used by actual holders; and (2) Cybertranny no longer has the resources and manpower to make false reports against Aile's genuine threads and to make some semblance of activity inside his fake threads.

>> No.57652387
Quoted by: >>57652457

Fuck it’s hilarious to watch you flail. BCG? I wonder if that’s who you stupid fucks work for. The harder you try to blend and manufacture the consensus, the more the real shareholders your lying to smell your wretched stink and ignore you.

>> No.57652457

>Their only hope is investors online latch onto one of their retarded ideas they seed here and force it through at the shareholders meeting.
Yes I think Gamestop should start offering sub sub prime car loans so customers can afford a vehicle to visit the store.

>> No.57652649 [DELETED] 

e͛⦚⦚a͛⦚r͛⦚n͛⦚ f͛⦚r͛⦚e͛⦚e͛⦚ g͛⦚i͛⦚f͛⦚t͛⦚c͛⦚⦚a͛⦚r͛⦚d͛⦚s͛⦚ ⦚a͛⦚s͛⦚ m͛⦚⦚a͛⦚n͛⦚y͛⦚ t͛⦚i͛⦚m͛⦚e͛⦚s͛⦚ ⦚a͛⦚s͛⦚ y͛⦚o͛⦚u͛⦚ w͛⦚⦚a͛⦚n͛⦚t͛⦚ ⦚a͛⦚n͛⦚d͛⦚ r͛⦚e͛⦚s͛⦚e͛⦚l͛⦚l͛⦚ i͛⦚t͛⦚ f͛⦚o͛⦚r͛⦚ p͛⦚r͛⦚o͛⦚f͛⦚i͛⦚t͛⦚s͛⦚, r͛⦚e͛⦚⦚a͛⦚d͛⦚ t͛⦚h͛⦚e͛⦚ p͛⦚d͛⦚f͛⦚ ⦚a͛⦚t͛⦚ t͛⦚h͛⦚e͛⦚ l͛⦚i͛⦚n͛⦚k͛⦚ b͛⦚e͛⦚l͛⦚o͛⦚w͛⦚



>> No.57652745


>> No.57652822
File: 122 KB, 840x840, zx_36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57653697
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, Eirjfj9WsAUSy7M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]