Everytime every FUCKING time! I do my research I look at the graphs I look at sentiment I see what the news is talking about I DO THE RIGHT FUCKING THING and you just want to shit on me? Really? I’ve been coasting through on this collapse and had a great fucking entry for my fucking short anf what you fucking burn me. You fucking burnt me and all that is gone because you wanted to play around like FUCKING RETARDS!!! FUCK THE LOT OF YOU! Just kick a guy when he’s down, I’m already going through a fucking shit divorce and stupid custody battle and now I have to deal with this stupid shit and what do you know it’s Christmas time too haha no FUCKING presents for the kids I guess just me being a failure of a fucking father like usual can’t even see my kids unless it’s holidays or the weekends. Fuck you all I hope you’re fucking happy with your gas money you absolute parasites merry fucking Christmas you pieces of fucking shit!