https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com (up to 2021)>Daily>Mandatory study time>The Everything>^>Naked Short Selling and Systemic>Failure to>SEC 10-K Annual report>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance>Real-Time Trades>Current Trade Halts + Short>All other news/DDs/ Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulledLast time on /GME/: >>56289296As always:>sneed hedgies
>>OPStill comfy waitin' and holdin'.>SummaryGameStop Info>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen>Ongoing hiring of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.195 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory>NFT marketplace beta launchedDRS & Computershare>~75.4 (18.85) million shares 25% total held by Aug. 31, 2023, ~76.6 (19.15) by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021Unfuddable>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares>'MOASS' is a matter of timeFurther information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!Reply to this pasta for any confusion.WGAMI!Other news/reminders:Monday RRP: 1,365.739B, 99P = 13.795B per (roughly)Tuesday RRP: 1,348.465B, 97P = 13.902B per (roughly)>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021:>HF/broker class action lawsuit>SEC GME/meme stocks>>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)>2023 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp are issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4>Q2 2023 Earnings 8-K/>100 page comparison DD>[GS Wallet users prepare for its removal by Nov]Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
>>56226409>this image posted on the same id as StNY>>/biz/image/P2ERfYgCtzenI1+rj4GLwQ>posted just a month before by one of the first ids downplaying the logo noticer>>/biz/thread/55950345#p55954379Not schizo enough for you? Ok lets dig deeper.>>/biz/image/PSR5WjgQQKYMe3D7DHBc0w>>56258330The image used in the first tripcode bake just showed up again this week posted by zggedY5w. Funnily enough they were posting gems like:>Splitting the thread last week was phase 1 of operations turbo shill. This is phase 2.>Guys I found the general again. Pretty easy actually just as it has been for years. But I can definitely see how a new guys, or boomers might need a logo to help use the catalogue.>Anti-GME Shills = PP Shills = NAFO Faggots.Need more? >>56260472>>/biz/image/YxgRq25zcD1zDN9ViYzLSQ/virKy0t with a whopping 26 posts showing their agenda on full display.Tripfag I hope you are comfy with my cock up your ass because this ape isn't leaving.
kek dumbfuck baggies
>>OPMoona Soona
>>56292056You're starting to make believe you are him more and more desu. This was one of his strategies.
>wouldn‘t the moass money be owned to stock lenders, not the shareholders since those are the shorties actually have a contract with?So you guys don‘t have an answer to this pretty important question? You don‘t even have a cope reDDit post?
Looks like tranny baker stopped using the tripcode. Interesting development. I sure hope anons can get their shit together and start posting breads with our fucking logo. Also, pretty sure “I see you” is just them tying to co opt logo movement Stay frosty shareholders. Company looking stronger everyday
>>56292086I know and that’s why I’m doing it. It’s effective and they know it.
>>56291888GameStop is a sold investment.
Hedgies will appreciate the true art of Jackson Pollock.
>>56292056Glow so very bright I bet you wear sunglasses When you sleep at night
>>56292093This question is retarded and doesn’t make sense. It reads like hedgie drivel fed to an esl that wouldn’t even understand an answer if he tried but I’ll try because I can’t help myself. They have to buy every share in existence x(insert number). Either to close or to delete the naked share out of existence.
>>56292093>wouldn‘t the moass money be owned to stock lendersThey owe shares to the lenders. It's a very important difference because now you have to ask where they get those shares from
the shilling on GME sure makes for strange "bedfellows", it leaves behind a hint of curry and gefilte fish
>>56292143They have to fulfill their contracts with lenders. Specific performance would be a share of gme. But if the hedgies fail to deliver intentional or not (they might not have the liquidity to buy any/enough shares) they would get sued. They would get sued by their lenders and since courts almost always reward damages instead of specific performance they would owe lenders infinite money but not the gme shareholders.
>56292178stupidest post of the week award goes to...
no one posted rrp yday in the thread so bakers op didnt updateit was 1342.031 so not a huge change just a few billy lets see what happens in a minute
>>562921881265.142 daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
>>56292188Checked. Rrp is bleeding out. I'm very interested to see where it is going and if that information becomes public in our lifetime.
>>56292178See these are the kinds of post that give you guys up. It’s too intelligent to just be a random retarded onlooker and too pilpully to be an expert who’s just sharing his opinion. Well done I’m buying more because of your post.
>>56292188It's pretty clear now that they are bleeding their RRP reserve to keep GME down
RRP going down means the market is recovering
>>56292210 if youz gonna post it, post it rightRRP 1,265.132PARTICIPANTS 98
>>56292153But why would the lenders not just sue for money? A extremely volatile and insanely expensive gme share includes all sorts of hassles and risks, especially if they are actually impossible to get (because noone is selling). The lenders could just sue as damages for the money a gme share is worth instead of an actual share of gme (and in fact courts are much more likely to reward cash damages instead of specific performance)
>>56292219Holy fuck. We really are about to make it. Rrp hurdling back to pre sneeze numbers is practically a life counter.
>>56292231The market has been going down while RRP has been going down. The market is absolutely not recovering right now.
>>56292233Eat my ass nigger
>>56292238>lendershow quaint
>>56292230>>56292244It's also clear that it dropped about $100,000,000 in one day. They can only do that twelve more times. Kek bankies.
>>56292219Rrp since may
>>56292223It‘s not pilpull, it‘s basic and accepted contract theory
>>56292249yes exactly, the institutions are taking money out of RRP and slowly buying the dip. this is bad for us, retard.
AMC4 and AMC6 are both tanking, total collateral death is upon them. This is now a spooky halloween-themed market meltdown.
>>56292270See>>56292268Nigger. Where’s the money?
>56292270Sneed. They're using RRP to suppress the price of GME. That money is absolutely not "slowly buying the dip"
>>56292265>swaps started expiring in march>65 days later rrp begins to bleedHmmmmmm
>>56292281Kek. I must’ve lost count. Which are 4 and 6?
>>56292238>>56292238Best response I have to all of your “but don’t forget we control the courts and the president” strategy is that you never actually passed any law against direct registration of stock. It’s still a legal and viable strategy to own one’s securities under your own name or company name. My stocks aren’t being lent. They aren’t held as IOU’s in some broker who says they’re mine but are really in street name (although I’ll admit I have about 30k of GME spread over four brokers just for keks) they have been removed from the DTCC which is who would be involved in your little “pin the tail on the weasel” game. My stocks aren’t being lent. They are my property. I removed them from the DTCC’s ownership and continue to remove more every week.
>>56292281It's all coming together
>>56292056Threadly reminder you are currently watching an autistic puppet show from meltdown.Last thread was 5 hours how quick will they fill this one?
>>56292310Its beautiful isn't it.
>>56292284I've said this before, but RRP demand is because they're long bonds trying to do a retarded arbitrage play between that and the futures market. The selloff in the bond market has been forced selling by hedgefunds.
>>56292310>>56292339The next swap expiry is going to pound their bussies into complete submission.
>>56292314tup is 4 and playboy is 6
Did anyone save the video of that guy being threatened on air yesterday for bringing up RRP? That should be in our OP
>>56292352>>56292357I believe that it's Monday and 1.2 milli shares after split. We are going to see some wild volume.
>>56292322But that‘s my point. You want your shares to be lend out, because the lenders would be the people actually owed whatever gme will be worth. If i was a hedgie as moass happens, I‘d freeze my accounts and wait for things to blow over. Which would leave me being sued by the people I actually owe something—> the people that lend me stock. Where are apes in this situation?
>>56292265They don't need the RRP money because they made enough off BBBY to keep GME down for a while. Then they will use AMC, and if they can't find another after that then it might be over for them, but we're looking at 3-5 years from now.
>>56292382>>56292382They didn't post that clip online. I looked. Lol
>>56292056>>56292100>>56292334Based GameStop chadsLogo Chad here, I will bring it back on next thread.Enough of kikes baking, displaying no or unorganized and outdated link
>>56292391They already spent that money.
>>56292375The share has to be delivered Rimjabi Goldstein.
>>56292310>financial analysis>anime memesThat is the true meaning of pleasure.
>>56292219Yields will keep spiking up daily when this goes down, just watch. This is hedgefunds deleveraging from long bond positions at a loss. I tried to explain this in a previous post but it was during a slide day.
What happens when RRP hits 0 and GME is in the single digits?
>>56292350Nope. The Fed's own data doesn't back that up. RRP is down almost 1.5 trillion since the peak, far more than the total value of hedgefund exposure to repo markets.
I wonder if RRP is a canary in the mine as far as all that money being parked somewhere with low return was like sitting on cash you intend to hurtle into the markets when there is blood in the streets. That number coming down is like a poker hand between huge players. They all see it coming down and know that others are starting to position themselves to get the belly meat of the carcass. They know that someone is being thrown to the wolves, and they are pulling money from the banks overnight to have access to it for large PM and AH plays. It would explain the broader market (Ken and Jeff and Steve’s longs) pulling back while RRP. drops. That money isn’t going a tense yet because they are waiting for the bottom. The bottom caused by moass. We will be racing the RRP treasure chest into dividend stocks/tech/ and oil at the bottom. Our bottom.
>>56292391You mean 3-5 days?
>>56292375>lend out
>>56292437>It would explain the broader market (Ken and Jeff and Steve’s longs) pulling back NVDA is the only stock on my watchlist that's up today and it's the biggest hedgie scam stock on the planet
>>56292414That would look very good at the top of the catalog tonight. Great work. Cohen needs a flight suit lol
>>56292438It's already spent. They're in the hole. They sold stakes in the company. They cashed out their assets and played it off as a $16 billion year. They've taken out several loans. Their bonds are in free fall.
>>56292457When they pull that rug it's going to be legendary.
>>56292416So when I don‘t do something that I have to do? I get sued. By whom? Be the people that I owe the action to —> stock lenders. What do those guys sue me for? 2 options specific performance (a share of gme) or damages (beaucoup money). Now if I was a lender I would prefer damages because:>that way I don‘t have to worry about finding a buyer for an extremely expensive share that may have who knows what coming down the pipeline>i don‘t have to pay fees, or take the risk that the hedge fund is again unable to locate the share (because noone is selling)>you can‘t repo/seize specific performance usually. You can however seize assets for monetary debtIf I was the court I‘d reward damages because this is what we do pretty much always and especially in situations like this because it‘s just about money anyways so why bother with specific performance. My point being moass ends with hedgies owing their entire balance sheets to lenders and that‘s that.
>>56292457It most likely is a hedgie scam stock, but maybe not team tiger who seemed to be the real GME short all along. Maybe they just spread out griffens short position across all the tiger cubs. Weren’t melvin and archegos both tiger cubs? Glacial?
>>562924572/3 of its stock are owned by institutions
>>56292056Stop using that image derived from my image you clown. This is a threat.
>>56292367Buckle up baby
>>56292484Holy fuck
>>56292477By your logic stocks would never squeeze retard.
I knew they were desperate to get retail to become their short bagholders
>>56292258That's a little over two trading weeks
>>56292496>1.6 billion sharesKek
>>56292436Your link backs me up, look at short treasury futures sitting at $800B in exposure, which implies almost at minimum that much on the flipside in long actual treasuries because it's a basis trade. That'd be $1.6T in leverage that they would need to maintain that position, minimum, if they're sitting on losses they would need more. They even say it's part of a basis trade which is my point, they're mainly not going through repo for borrowing, they're going to the money markets who then borrow from rrp which is why the rrp participant demand is all from money markets.
>>56292477I think you might actually be arguing in good faith now, and my response would simply be DRS in book form. Your comment on not doing anything at all during moass is interesting to me because I’ve always intended to hold the large majority of my position through anything that may happen. In a way it could be a form of diversifying. If the shares you held in a broker get sold by their owner (the broker) and the drs shares you try to sell during moass (not to hurt “the pool” but because they are the only shares you even have access to) are tied up in courts for years, the shares you held through the nonsense might be very valuable indeed when trading resumed and you are free to do with them what you like. Just spitballing and trying to give you the benefit of the doubt
>>56292504So I should buy puts on beyond meat?
>>56292515That's absolutely nuts.
Kenny you had 2 yil
>>56292526Anyone that regularly buys it won't live long so eventually they will lose all 10,000 customers they have.
>>56292499We‘re talking about different situations. In a squeeze shorts get liquidated for a number of reasons>banks/brokers liquidate positions by using the money the company has on their margin accounts>the short sellers try to buy in order to cover when prices are still relatively low>if they don‘t cover when they could have they get sued for the maximum amount of money that selling that share at the perfect time would have brought>if you don‘t cover when you could have you might even get sued for punitive damages since you were acting intentionallyIf we are talking about gme reaching 10 digits none of those things apply. They just get sued for their entirety of their assets anyway there is no point in buying (if you even can)
Moona Soona
>>56292555kys BBBaggie
>>56292547They are running on lones right now. I was picking boxes for a major grocery distributor about a year ago. Every store got a box each week. Someone told me that the company pays stores to display it. So there can't be any future in it.
>>56292576Their products don't even sell when they hit the bagin bin stores.
>>56292593Wasn’t it a failed gates venture? Wasn’t gates supposedly short gme?
>56292552Ok this is the kind of pilpul I missed in these threads.
I will personally setup a fund to pay for this for the following 20 years after moass
>>56292501I went back and found my original post, basically hedgefunds are the longest bonds they've ever been. They've been openly lying about the positions in news articles by implying they're shorting treasuries, but what they're doing is a form of arbitrage between treasury futures and the actual treasury bond. They short the futures and long the bonds, so they actually have long exposure on the bonds, really. In a stable rate environment this is a simple arbitrage, but in a rising rate environment they get fucked the same as any other bondholder. Their pain trade has been to the upside on yields, and yield spikes taken in combination with falling RRP could be seen as hedgefunds exiting this trade at a loss.
>>56292600Count me in and up it to 100 years. May they never forget.
flat fractal moass tomorrow
>>56292618Let's setup DAO for it
>>56292600>>56292618I will allow hedgies to look at a single one of my shares to bump it to 250 years
>>56292632How about a contract for 6 million days?
>>56292610It also explains why there is so much shilling on the internet that “the fed is def going to pivot. They can’t just keep raising rates” it’s not that they think the fed is actually going to lower rates, they are just desperate for them to and are trying to create public pressure on the fed. Sure seems like something is going to break very soon
>>56292437It's not money on the sidelines, it's leverage. The decrease looks like deleveraging and coincides with a crash because that's what it is.
>>56292649So where exactly is the 100’s of millions that was getting parked overnight flowing to?
>>56292649So we’re all kind of saying the same thing in a different language? Hedgies are fucked?
>>56292600>>56292630Checked frens.
>>56292658This. There is no way they would just hold that much cash. Why would they willingly miss out on free money? Something tells me they have to pull that cash for something but for some strange reason it isn’t to pump the market.
>>56292662More than hedgies will be fucked at the end of this.
>>56292658It's not flowing anywhere, it was never anybody's cash to begin with. It was the money markets reacting to borrowing demand from hedgefunds, so they hit the rrp to be able to lend. Now that hedgefunds are starting to take the L on their bonds the borrowing demand is dropping.
buying stocks doesn't make the market go up, announcing you bought stocks makes the price go up. that's why the markets aren't mooning even though the hedgies are using RRP money to buy assets. "smart money" gets to position themselves before retail.
I am ready to be delighted, Ryan, any day now
Some real geniuses up in here today, I'm glad we have such geniuses on our side....
>>56292350Yeah. I was thinking it’s a combination of the bond market and mortgages. You can’t possibly convince me that all of the banks except SVB were hedged for interest rates to rise this much. Bank collateral burning is bad for the current price and good for the moass thesis though
>>56292738Weird how many show up when we’re not arguing about threadsplitting faggots and glowniggers.
>>56292504Puts have been paying very well recently
I no longer believe in MOASS. I'm an idiot for buying shares before today. Yes the stock might be undervalued at $14, but my average is over 3x that. We'd need a 9x just to get back to price levels of the sneeze.
Money markets have treasuries so it's easy for them to hit RRP, we know they're the ones using it, and we know hedgefunds are hitting them for this trade. RRP up was an attempt to releverage and repump the markets. RRP down = market crash. That's my thesis here, we're already in the crash. >The actual differences in value between Treasurys and future contracts are quite small, so hedge funds typically need to borrow a lot of money to make this strategy profitable, according to the BIS. Hedge funds often finance their investments with overnight borrowing on the money market, and borrow financial assets from brokers to extend their leverage in specific trades
>>56292941So in other words it's not the face value of RRP that's been feeding the hedgies but the arbitrage profits on their basis trades?
>>56292938Imagine buying at $180 thinking you'd be a millionaire in two weeks and then being gaslight three years later at $15 ($60 presplit) that you're a shill for not being comfy and no one hodling gme could possibly ever complain or have doubts
>>56292962kek dont lose faith
>>56292941Sooo...How will this affect GME?Are WAGMI or not?
>>56292938$14 isn’t undervalued if you don’t believe in a short squeeze, it’s a substantial over value
>>56292610>as hedgefunds exiting this trade at a loss.Good QRD
>>56292233Checked and thanks anon. They are scared>>56292219>$1T by end of month?
>>56292960That was the plan I think, to encourage a massive arbitrage and feed profits into the hedgefunds. But the fed kept hiking rates into it and they kept growing the position thinking the fed would pivot and they'd benefit on the long end, that never happened so now they're capitulating and eating losses as if they were ordinary bond investors and not simple arbitrage players.
>>56292493Pls stfu yid this is not your
>>56292980Cash and owned assets is like $8/share even if you believe the company has zero possibility for growth. Less than 2x that is undervalued, period, for a company with no debt.>>56292988I think I see, so it was classic hedgegroid "one more day" + sentiment manipulation tactics and they finally folded. That's incandescently bullish.
>>56292988Checked and this essentially puts a bullet hole into the government intervention fud. Plan trusters knew that the government was never helping Ken.
>>56292978If you subscribe to the idea that these people are shorting you, then them losing money can only be a good thing.
>>56292962The sentiment that I saw 2 and a half years ago was that it would either pop off or it wouldn't.Holding is easy no matter how low it goes and if it goes bankrupt (which was basically thought of as impossible) then it's a risk people were willing to take.To me, nothing's changed. If you're upset that the price is fluctuating then you probably shouldn't have bought stocks.So yeah, you sound pretty shilly for being upset
I think the "one more day" cycle has officially begun for Kenneth
>>56292992>implyingYou on the right, financially speaking
>>56292526Somewhat risky. They may go bankrupt, but if they survive they may have a bright future. The places in America that grow cow food (California and Arizona) really shouldn’t be growing cow food. Arizona has already started canceling some land leases for alfalfa farmers.
>>56293003cash owned access is 3.70 a share dumbfuck.
>>56293052No that's just cash and securities. You're not counting the actual business assets.
>>56293065price to book is 3.582.
>>56293016It's always been one more day for Kenneth
Lmao hey shillies. What u think?
>>56292576The Money is in the restaurant contracts, not grocery stores. People thought bud light losing their customer base would demolish that brand, but Ab-InBev gets a ton of sales from exclusive restaurant contracts
>>56293042Most cattle feed in the US gets exported. We just need to prioritize domestic markets somehow.
>>56293008The fed is not the government.
>none of you are even a little bit mad that MOASS hasn't come after almost 3 years of waiting and thinking it'll come at any time the entire timeSo after another 3 years, or even 5 years of no MOASS (remember, the reason this entire thing started) will you still not be angry and demanding of results?
>>56293096And what do you think those restaurants do when they have an entire keg of beer not getting touched for months. Keep paying for it to be there or follow the market?
>>56293105Agreed. If the feds not helping Ken why would the government. The government has the most to gain when we get paid.
>>56293116u mad bro?
>56293116>appeal to emotion
>>56293133With bad math, to boot. Keeping the price in the gutter means it only takes about three years at current pace to lock all the shares outstanding minus insiders.
>>56293116>>56293120>>56293133We all knew this would be a decade or longer play
>56293116Ken can't escape. Drs is too high. He's bleeding out slowly.
We finna boutta be green.
>>56293140Even if it was, a decade of buying only makes it worse for them
>>56293118If the restaurant has an exclusivity contract, they have to wait until the contract ends. Also there’s plenty of people who still buy Budweiser at events when it’s the only beer available
>>56293118Also, when those exclusivity contracts expire, Budweiser definitely has the cash position to give a good enough bonus to renew the contracts.
>>56293133>ignores reality of no results for almost 3 years and countingSo you won't care?
>>56293228Have you heard of investing?
>>56293228u def mad bro
>>56293140Lol he's admitting a decade>>56293145DRS has hit a brick wall in progress. It will never be locked 100%
>>56293099The land that gets enough water to grow cow feed is massively shrinking. 20 years from now, cow feed will only be able to grow near the mountain areas that get more snow melt.
Tranny shids up the thread defending Bud Light>There’s plenty of people who still buy Budweiser at events>When it's the only beer availableNAFO is not sending their best today
>56293228>ignoring reality>Q2 2023>Net loss was $2.8 million for the period, compared to a net loss of $108.7 million for the prior year’s second quarter.>97% reduction in lossesYes I copy pasted this, you will kill yourself, and I will laugh at your corpse.
>>56293116>still not be angryWe have learned long ago how to separate our emotions from our decision making. It helps when it costs nothing to hold.
>>56293260Missed picrel>Captcha: HRT
>>56293238yeah u mad
>>56293228You should know by now that anyone who would be swayed by emotional appeals sold last year. If you want to persuade the remaining autists to leave you better be prepared to give some hard evidence for why gme is a bad stock to buy (you won't because you can't)
There is still a place for GMEdwits in Valhalla, but it is not a place of honor.
>>56293260I’m not trying to be a shill. I’m just saying that beyond puts can instantly blow up if beyond announces an exclusivity contract with a result. Impossible meat hasn’t needed to raise money in years because of their contract with Burger King.
>56293305At least make a buzzword that makes sense, you sound vaccinated
>>56293317estrogen burgers are for short retail traders.
>>56292414>I will bring it backthat would be entertaining
>>56293342Thanks for the edit, anon.
>56293305>There is still a place for GMEdwits in Valhalla>GMEDYou mean Globus Medical? The company people bought by mistake?
>>56292414Chill bro, I got next bake
>>56292428holy shit>buckle up baby
>>56293369>the anons that bought GMED by mistake are doing better than the anons that bought GMEGrim.
>56293317>Bud Light>Burger King>Impossible MeatAverage tranny diet confirmed
>>56293319GMEdwit detected.
>>56292428>>56292367ya know, this is what confirmed a few things for me>operation mockingbird>kazarian mafia tied to alot of the financial sector>deepstate is probably the above mentioned>OP image is distraction for RRP in OP's follow up, in the non trip OPs not including this thread, they swapped in the DRS numbers where its been confirmed via news articles that its been rugged.>drs is sufficient
>>56293401Is this some new towel lingo or what
>>56293422Checked and most likely meltdownsyndromes or breadtube faggots
Battle for $14.88 again today?
DRS did nothing DRS does nothing
>DRS removes liquidity>Algo keeps dropping the price as PFOF means they MUST keep opening shorts to sell you>Price keeps dropping despite clear supply and demandBut DRS apparently does nothing lol
>>56292428That's super sexy.
>>56293534So the DRS makes the price go down anon was correct after all....
>56293545>Ignores several steps >Leaps of logic to come to his conclusionYep, it's retarded
>56293545Yes and it means I get it buy more.
>>56293534exactly>RRP isnt needed goy!>RRP steadly kerchunks down instead of sitting idly unneededly the patterns>THE PATTERNS kek
>>56293534>DRS removes liquidityKek some shill tried arguing against this the other day. They are fuming over not being able to lend out shares from all us Pure DRS Chads
>>56293578The fact that they're almost 2/3 off peak is arousing (for me) and terrifying (for them).
>>56293578I suspect when RRP goes down we bottom out hard, Cohen then buys a massive chunk, 10 days or so, regardless of what people what to scream about towel stock, it's evident they are under a corporate action, I believe we see Teddy rise like jebus shortly. The RRP downturn is the signal they have nothing left to prop up, with silvergate, SVB and Credit Suisse all dying, Evergrande now kill, swaps ending etcThey have nothing left
>>56293599That is without a doubt the shittiest hair piece I have ever seen, you are supposed to match it.
I love when anons make the RRP connection. It’s no coincidence. Remember the Reddit account OldManRepo dedicated to explaining RRP to the ‘plebs’. Talk about glow in the dark
>>56293331From an economics perspective most people aren’t gonna be able to afford beef once the government stops subsidizing it so much. > The United States federal government spends $38 billion every year subsidizing the meat and dairy industries. Research from 2015 shows this subsidization reduces the price of Big Macs from $13 to $5 and the price of a pound of hamburger meat from $30 to the $5
>>56293670They do that to hide inflation
>>56293632imagine it halfing in the next two weeks.
>>56293670I don't care much I have to plunge the world into a neverending age of darkness, I will never stop eating beef.
>>56293695>imagine Kek
>56293695If it keeps dropping at today's pace it'll be 80% gone in two weeks.
>>56293642Dear lord that guy glows'>Palafox is also tiny, my old shop was probably 3-4 times their size and we were half the size of the big guys>I know Ken is villain number one on Reddit, but he’s not a player in repoDamage control experts flooding every message board. I think we're getting closer
>>56293713>>I know Ken is villain number one on Reddit, but he’s not a player in repoCitadel Securities is literally a FICC (Treasuries equivalent of NSCC) member lmao. What a lying sack of shit.
>>56293713He’s Canadian too. Lol lmao.
We should make paid shilling illegal post MOASS
I heard PP is going to talk about GME on his show tomorrow, anyone else tuning in?
>>56293687Regardless. The cost of a beef burger is going up and the cost of substitute beef burger is going down. Unless you believe that everyone is happy with their grocery bill and is willing to pay more, people will eventually seek cheaper options.
>>56293733It's already illegal to promote something if you don't disclose that you're being paid to do so. The problem is that the people who would enforce this are the ones paying for the shilling in the first place>>56293744>he doesn't know about corn and soi subsidieslollmao
>>56293733I’m already very wealthy. I intend to pay whatever it takes for the IP logs of these generals and make it my life work to make sure everyone who thought they were invisible becomes accountable
>56293748Not an argument, but thanks for glowing, RC literally laid it out for you but you were too dumb to see
>>56293744Holy shit look at Klaus over here trying to blend
>>56293771It’s honestly hard to watch sometimes. How much did you lose?
>>56293754>once the reddit rapture finally happens i'm going to murder every person in your apartment complex once i pay for the location of your IP address KEKjust 3 more years bagfag
>>56293778kek buggies
Even if bbby doesn’t play a role in teddy how can anyone argue that teddy isn’t a part of Ryan’s plan? Seriously.
>56293785Ah I see another retard who despite being spoon fed, thinks Teddy doesn't exist.. Meanwhile a certain Butterfly jus changed transfer agent to Computershare (former BNY mellon) who hold bonds. But you see if you weren't such a stupid nigger you would know this and what the implications are. >hint it's corporate action
>>56293797It's been the biggest glowing parts of these threads that no one is allowed to talk about Teddy. Regardless of BBBY, no one is allowed to discuss anything but GME, which is exactly why superstupid is a desert now.
>>56293805what butterfly
>>56293797from>the over voted shares will prove that there are more shares issued than there should be and therefore will uncover the illegal short selling scheme which will lead to moassto>the children's books will cause the moassjust fucking lol
>>56293818>teddy is only a set of kids books Oy vey.
>>56293797>>56293805Because you used it as the central advertising pitch in a pump and dump scheme? This is not your thread, nobody but you wants to talk about it, stop fucking with us here and go be amongst your own people.
>>56293816Oh sorry, I forgot $TEDDY is publicly traded and massively overshorted despite being a solid company on fundamentals. All this time I thought it was an unrelated venture by the chairman of the company I actually care about. My apologies, I'll turn off the niggerbots attacking you
>>56293847>>56293848So you’re not curious how teddy might be involved in what ever it is that RC is up to? That’s odd.
>>56293744You glow exactly like the fuckers in bbbyq trying to pump unrealized cap gains taxes. No one is eating your trash tranny not-meat. People will sooner self homestead some animals than do that nonsense.
>>OPHello, was the last earnings report good or bad? Why is the price dropping? Buying more shares. Just not paying attention to the details.
>>56293771kek BBBaggie
>56293848>Another dumb niggerWhere do they find you? Honestly? Because you have zero fucking clue about things and spoon sneeding time is over. Peddle your COINTELPRO shit elsewhere faggot.
>>56293859This is a GME thread. Not an RC thread.
>>56293859Don't care. Show me something (a) from edgar or, (b) that mentions both TEDDY and GME, or fuck off from the GME thread that's about GME
>>56293861>Hello, was the last earnings report good or bad? Pretty good, beat expectations, 97% improvement over previous Q2.>Why is the price dropping?Critical margin ceiling dropped. Also RRP is down a shitload so there may be a happening soon.>Buying more shares. Just not paying attention to the
Notice how Keith didn’t bring up bbby? But the moment he brings up teddy he gets attacked about bbby.
>being raided by bedbaggersWe live in hell, this is hell.
>>56292870>the fed can stay on holdWho do these fucking journos think they are? Lmfao I can’t wait to watch Jerome rip their assholes in half
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
>>56293882RC is 10% of gamestop, I think its fair if 1/10 of the thread discusses him. Maybe we can discuss the current white hat operation he is engaged in with Michael I. Goldberg to help prevent the heeming of retail short investors who got baited into a short selling ponzi scheme. If you want to dictate the discourse, just go back.
>>56293846>has only published children's books>"it's more bro, trust me"KEK
>>56293927Make your own TEDDY thread. Total BBBaggie Death.
>>56293949Who said anything about Teddy or BBBY? All I said was hedgies are going to jail for trying to drop their bags on retail shorters. You don't think that happened?
RC is now the chairman, ceo and president of GameStop. If teddy isn’t GameStop related convo I don’t know what the fuck is.
>>56293962>Who said anything about Teddy or BBBY?>>56293859>So you’re not curious how teddy might be involved in what ever it is that RC is up to? That’s odd.Do you really?
>>56293893It is certainly a conundrum why no one may talk about Cohen's Holding company, his tweets about becoming Warren Ichan etc, because specific players in this thread wish to lock the narrative to a single item, like they have with SuperStink.Meanwhile reports of BNY Mellon Transfer agent (Bought by computer share in 2012) being the new agent for BBBY certainly would cause kvetching as that would mean all the people screeching it's ogre would be wrong. I mean it's not like there is enough evidence to prove that the company is going through corporate action but BNY specifically state>Today, our Digital Asset Custody platform bridges digital and traditional assets.Now I would imagine if Teddy did launch, they would want it protected on a blockchain, to stop any naked short selling happening from the off set. Curious why Teddy is verbotten here, almost like PlatinumSparkles herself is moderating these chats. We see 45 come out the wood work the day Cohen breaks his silence. There are many glowniggers in these threads.
>56293949That’s an uh oh stinky.
>56293977Spend a lot of time in the bbby threads Kekking the bbbaggies?
>>56293904It's just a new tactic to drown out the obvious:>RRP tanking means hedgegroids are capitulating>collateral stocks tanking mean they're low on ammunition>still no debt, no dilution, company on a path to profitability>shorts never closed>WAGMI
>>56293975We have a retail short seller who cannot close, because his broker will not allow a courtesy close - which they generally do 48 hours are a company is liquidated. But wait.... it's not in the process of liquidation, which means it is going through corporate action. The naming convention has found 34 of these entities with this name, none of which are a liquidation company. TLDR : people shouting the loudest it wasn't linked or it's over are retarded and nefarious actors
>>56293983>>56294002I thought GME and TEDDY and BBBYQ are related?
>>56294009That anons post said nothing about either of those.
This is a GAMESTOP thread look at the logo in the OP picture its of GAMESTOP
>>56293977Michael I. Goldberg, the man who busted Bernie Madoff, is about to bust Kenneth Cordele Griffin and Douglas "Dougie Large" Cifu, among others. These criminals attempted to offload toxic leveraged short positions onto unsuspecting retail and institutional shorts in what amounted to a ponzi scheme. This could have devastated our capital markets, and the American economy. Thank goodness Ryan Cohen, activist investor, was able to work with Mr. Goldberg to take down these criminals. Through Ryan's work inside one of the shorted businesses, the feds gained valuable insight that will help to potentially recover some losses for those devastated by the ponzi scheme. Official warrants should be dropping within the next two weeks.>verification not required
Just so the short ones in the back of the bus can read proof of BNY / CS merger
>>56294018Are you just going to pretend that TEDDY isn't a hook to let in BBBYQ discussion? Stay in your own thread.
>56294028You seem awfully invested i gatekeeping topics of discussion
>>56293534The “algo” scrapes pennies off each trade’s ask and bid difference, it’s about monetising free trading not controlling a price
>>56294028I’m not going to pretend anything but I will ask why you would bring up bbby when that anon brought up Goldberg?
>>56294034You seem awfully intent on bringing up things unrelated to GME in a GME thread.>but they're related>NOOOOOOOOO NOT LIKE THATkys
>>56294038Then why does the GME price fractal look like a textbook control-theory algorithm graph?
>56294042Once again, how is Teddy not related? Don't bother because you are only going to lie, fud and pretend it isn't
>>56294042If RC’s tweets are related discussion why wouldn’t his holding company be related?
>>56294055They have no answer to this image
>>56294053>show proof of a negativekys>>56294055>>56294063Because it's a different company.
>>56294053how is it related? Tweets and easter eggs are not evidence, show me an official filing from gamestop, teddy, or the SEC that shows the relation
>>56293874>spoon feeding time is over These idiots just can’t help but repeat the same phrases over and over. If I listened last time you told me “spoonfeeding time is over” I would have bought bbby at five before it became barbecue and got delisted. Why do you think you still have this generals attention after being a massive faggot and being incredibly wrong?
>Brings up towel unprompted>WHY ARE THEY TORTURING ME?!?!?!?They are not sending their best, folks.
>>56294071>Because it's a different company
>>56294110Again, they use stupid tactics to try and stop people from looking into it. It's frankly hilarious and they want spoon sneeding so they can come up with a new excuse why you can't talk about Teddy Publishing or Teddy Holdings LLC.
>>56293980Yes but how much are your bbby shares you bought at 25 worth now? Leaving that part out is a little disingenuous don’t you think?
>>56294055spoiler:they aren'the's been shitposting for 3 years and all the stock has done since has dumpkek bagfags
>the only time another asset can be talked about in this thread is when it’s negative Kek bbbaggies and Kek crypto baggies indeed.
>>56294069Let's talk about GameStop then. Isn't it neat how the price has constantly been dropping? No? Well, uh, how about that turnaround, lots of big visible changes right? Not really? Well how about that funny picture RC tweeted yesterday. He's old as fuck now
>>56292600How about the whole times Square gets flooded with advertisements of different pepe's and have it up for a long time. The person who's doing it should have an open account where people can see where all the money is going so its not purposely being abused.
>>56294110>>56294136I've given you niggers two chances to prove yourself (>>56293887, >>56294086) and this is the first response to both. Answer it or admit to being here in bad faith
>>56294136Wasn’t the whole point of bringing up teddy to convince GME investors to purchase bbby because “it’s totally getting merged with GME and Icahn is in and it’s gonna squeeze first so I can roll my profits into GME!!”You dumb fucks keep running the same play and then are surprised when we tell you to kick rocks?
>[common-shill-image-filename-and-hash].jpg>NO U
>baggie infighting about fucking nothing>stock continues it's decent back to a reasonable value for this shit companysasuga
>>56294161You could do that with smart contracts of NFT's of pepe and some kind of DAO / staking account
>>56294163I’ve already answer this question nigger. RC is the relation. If you’re not enough of a schizo to figure out who actually is her in bad faith than I can’t help you.
>>56294182And then the NFTs could be sold on the GameStop market once they rotate off the billboard.
>>56294163Keith (or Keith lite) have you ever considered that you are the poster child for Dunning-Krueger? That you just shut down when anyone calls you out for shilling a distraction stock in this general which has now been delisted, it’s shareholders getting nothing? Do you honestly not realize that by not admitting you were using these same posts to tell people to buy bbby that we just tune out your nonsense at this point? Keep telling yourself Cohen is going to come save your delisted company or teddy which doesn’t even have a tradeable stock. It’s shockingly clear that you are willing to berate us and insult us about all this contrived nonsense but you absolutely refuse to talk about GameStop. You aren’t afraid of our company’s logo too are you?
>>56294183It's like you are talking to PlatinumSparkles xerself
>>56294183>spoonfeeding time is over(I actually have no idea what I’m talking about, so when pressed on details, I just wave my hands and say something snarky like “I guess you just aren’t a brainy enough anon to figure it out” do you work for Pfizer or some shit?
>>56294167No you’re mixing up the lore like you like to do. Teddy was first bought up because someone saw the filing for a holding company and then the whole bbby saga began. After that came the books. Fine bbby doesn’t need to be discussed but why can’t teddy? Isn’t the point of all this is to speculate how this might all play out? You don’t think it’s possible a bunch of schizos figured something out independently and now glowniggers are desperately trying to shut it down?
This should prove without a doubt who it is that's been doing this annoying spam these past few days. They're back here because they have some new ticker that they want to announce and advertise.
$14.XXa share. Holy fuck. Do baggots really? KEKAbsolute brokie dumbfucks
>>56294195You didn’t even read his post before you assumed he was Keith. Kek. That image must’ve traumatized you.
>this image causes the shill bots to break
>>56294206The literal second gme gets actually linked to teddy your point would hold water, but you are basically reading tarot cards at this point and calling us the idiots for not listening. We have heard your shit for months. It ended with some buying into a distraction stock which got bogged. You can’t even buy teddy, so in essence you are really just saying “buy GameStop” but it takes you 20 steps to get there. This is a general about the Company GameStop, its stock, and the incredible turnaround which has already started. Why is that so fucking hard for you to mention or talk about? Why do you always insists on trying to paint us all as wild “internet researchers” who have unlocked all the secrets of the stock market!!! I’m three steps ahead of Cohen himself! It would be one thing if you casually mentioned it sometimes but you make entire histrionic posts about it which lead to nothing substantiated and then wave your hands around and say bullshit like >spoonfeeding time is over You sound like a fraud and a grifter
>>56293862So you agree that companies like citadel should be allowed to short companies into the ground without paying any taxes?An unrealized capital gains tax is the only real way to prevent that from happening
>>56294229>An unrealized capital gains tax is the only real way to prevent that from happeningOr just ban share lending.
>>56294213From his usual waffle of psuedo intelligence it's obvious who it is, as I said before Cohen tweets and suddenly he is here trying to narrative control as usual
>>56294224Oh fuck oh shit I'm sure they're terrified of your dogshit ai "ganestop" picture.
>>56294213There is a reason we call people who talk like you Keith. Do you think we are just imaging the dunning-Krueger meltdown that was Keith before he stopped admitting it was him (and five other ids)>he didn’t buy at 25>he didn’t buy at 5>he didn’t buy at .50>he didn’t even get barbecued
>>56294227You sound desperate and no I’m not calling you an idiot I’m calling you’d specifically a glownigger with the task you love to accuse others of(controlling the narrative of these threads). It’s ok it will all be over soon. You’ve already lost.
>>56294229>unrealized cap gain text Wow. The facade has fucking dropped completely. You can’t be serious
If you didn't make it so obvious certain things are verboten discussions because you are very clearly paid to damage / narrative control it might have come off as organic, but see as you glow like Dr Manhattans cock it's obvious very dangerous to your paymasters heart.
>>56294213Many such cases. I'm throwing a softball to the teddyniggers (formerly bathniggers) and specifically asking them for even one shred of concrete evidence and the most I get in response is "spoonsneeding is over" and "hurdur you're the boogeyman of the week"
I hate these threads anymoreStill not selling tho
i don't even know what's going on in these threads anymore
>>56294239>we we we I don’t understand why the discussion of teddy is so dangerous bbby is already dead. It’s not like anyone is shilling another stock.
>>56294232There’s ways for Wall Street to short without lent shares. Especially if that Wall Street entity is a market maker. A cool thing about an unrealized capital gains tax means that you’d also be able to deduct unrealized losses. Most people on this thread would have a lower tax bill the past 2 years if it existed.
>>56294273Unrealized cap gains annihilates the ability for families to pass down real estate to their children, especially farms. Suck-start a shotgun.
>>56293261>only 100 more years before the company is bankruptLOL hedgies are so fucking fucked. WAGMI
>This makes the glowniggers cry
>>56294250I haven’t lost anything. I still hold every share I’ve ever bought, I continue to buy more with dividend checks I receive. I love when you try to say I’m trying to “control the narrative” when I’m just saying take your nonsense to the thread it applies to. We don’t need you to “figure out the 69d chess for us” because it always leads to buying some completely unrelated ticker which is “totally gonna squeeze bros” so you can “roll your profits into GameStop”. I am a GameStop shareholder. Not a teddy shareholder. I’m here to talk about the company I’m invested in. Sure the CEO’s “activist investing” is interesting sometimes, but I’m here to talk about the company I have almost half a million dollars invested in. Why is that so fucking hard for you to admit is normal for a thread called /gme/ general. Look at you guys already trying to make ridiculous teddy photos for the bakes. Keep it simple stupid. This general is about GameStop and your dumbass is the one consistently out of line
>>56294264Welcome to the party, pal. They're starting to spam smg as well so you better brace yourself.
>>56293534mainstar stopping DRS services was a clear sign that pressure is on.
>>56294276> Unrealized cap gains annihilates the ability for families to pass down real estate to their childrenThere’s 0 estate tax in America for married estates less than $26 million. You can have a farm on hundreds of acres that’s worth much less than $26 million. Honestly, a dead person with over $26 million should be taxed.
>>56294273It’s not dangerous. It’s retarded and off topic and makes us all look like a bunch of bbby investors reading tea leaves and bones from tweets. Show me teddy + GameStop and I’ll shut up. You all just finished a six month campaign to rate bbby to GameStop, and now you want to just start it all back up again. A thousand bucks all this teddy nknsense leads to you telling us to throw money at some other ticker or shit coin. You act like I’m crazy to be suspect of your intentions. After everything that has happened that is really fucking rich.
>>56294321I just threw like $500 into bbby. My gme position is 50x bigger. Yes, all of the bbby/teddy connections look schizophrenic, but Ryan cohen has always left schizophrenic tidbits. Remember that Ryan cohen told us about the split exactly a year in advance by splitting chopsticks and sticking it in his nose.
Just got off the phone with Ryan Cohen. Below are some key notes:1. No more cafeteria usage. Workers must bring a bagged lunch. 2. All office furniture to be sold and replaced with Fisher-Price and PlaySkool models.3. Staff daycare will be revoked. Children must work (for free) in distribution centers.4. New Teddy x Saw cross over just in time for Halloween. Kingston and Princeton must decide their own fate by cutting off their dicks or have their intestines vacuumed out of their ass.5. Buy 2, Pay 4 on all Amiibos and Funko figurines (Pay for the price of 4 but only receive 2).6. 5,000% mark up on all Pokemon Gameboy cartridges for no reason other than punishing nostalgia seekers.
I will accept nothing less than 1k a share. I expect the funds to be within my account within the next 24 hours.