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55471446 No.55471446 [Reply] [Original]

The meaning of life is the accumulation of capital.

You are welcome

>> No.55471539
Quoted by: >>55471728

so why are you accumulating alone?

>> No.55471561

guy still has to wait at red like everyone else, only he's paid a lot more for the privilege
supercars are dumb

>> No.55471566

IDK what's a bigger cope, this or weebs who think Asian women are hotter than white women

>> No.55471575
Quoted by: >>55479214

lmao if you find white "women" attractive in 2023 you're fucking zogged dude

>> No.55471584

Supercars are indeed gay unless you have fuck you money, which means $100m or more.

its literally an overpriced piece of lightweight plastic with a noisy engine, and the only people comfortable in one are women or manlets

You can get a maxxed out Audi RS6 station wagon for half the price which will absolutely smoke the average lambo. + you have space for 5 people and can throw in groceries or even a motorbike in the back or have a towhook and tow your boat etc.

Supercars are for kids

>> No.55471728

I don't have accumulated wealth to date a 11/10 girl. I'm ugly, money is my only hope for getting pretty gfs

Supercars are beautiful and acceptable pieces of art for straight men to own, unlike the rest of the art like paintings and sculpture ls, that make you a faggot

>> No.55471733

>Supercars are beautiful and acceptable pieces of art for straight men to own


I bet you like retarded shiny rocks on your wrist too

>> No.55471751
Quoted by: >>55471870

imaging buying a beautiful car like that just to ruin it by putting a front license plate on it because you’re a eurocuck

>> No.55471760
Quoted by: >>55471899

ask the 11/10 what she thinks I doubt she has the same views on wealth. who would want to date someone that perceives themselves as ugly when it is all perception? your own mind has regarded yourself unfit for the gene pool and therefore money is your avenue

>> No.55471761

Money is the root of all evil therefore sin and the repentance of it is the meaning of life accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior

>> No.55471768

this rings so true

>> No.55471773

money is definitely important but it isn’t the meaning of life i dont think money is a human creation

>> No.55471776

Imagine the insurance and maintenance cost just to keep it around.

>> No.55471779
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rolex is based

>> No.55471787
Quoted by: >>55475153

Spiritually poor

>> No.55471798


>> No.55471869
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>> No.55471870
Quoted by: >>55471996

>I bet you like retarded shiny rocks on your wrist too
No, only niggs do that

More like:
Imagine being rich to afford a beautiful car like that and still living in Eurosocialism shithole, paying high taxes

>> No.55471896

why are you so insecure that you need to keep repeating this nonsense, OP?

>> No.55471899
Quoted by: >>55472460

>who would want to date someone that perceives themselves as ugly when it is all perception?
Loool, you must be one of those ugly fat whoes that think they are beautiful just the way they are, although no men would even touch her.

>ask the 11/10 what she thinks I doubt she has the same views on wealth
Women are attracted to money and status in men
Men are attracted to beauty in women

If you can't understand this, you can't understand the basics of life

>> No.55471908
Quoted by: >>55471934

>I'm ugly

All you needed to do was post this. Life is about family and procreation, and since you can't do that you cling to these pointless surrogate activities

>> No.55471934
Quoted by: >>55472018

>Life is about family and procreation
Having a family without money is terrible
Accumulation of wealth so you can then accumulate girlfriends and children like Elon Musk, is the based capitalist way

>> No.55471943

honestly this, a supercar it's something that is also not aligned with the main objective of a free market, an high quality-to-cost product that is affordable for poor people, a car that is cheap and efficient in fuel consumption.

Also who the fuck needs car exceeding the maximum national speed limit? You buy an overpriced piece of plastic only to flex because you can afford overpriced junk?

>> No.55471945
File: 48 KB, 600x800, soymouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honestly this

>> No.55471946
Quoted by: >>55471970

haha hey man I just wanna apologise for my previous reply it was kinda bullying but yeah i agree and thank you for agreeing with me

>> No.55471952

>who the fuck needs car exceeding the maximum national speed limit?
Govern me harder daddy!

Speed limits are government abuse of power and shouldn't exist, only dumb communists would defend it

>> No.55471964
File: 213 KB, 645x973, soyoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh boy I really need to spend a few hundred k so I can sit in a small tight plastic box that only manlets can sit comfortably in so I can do 0 to 60 in 3 seconds

>> No.55471970
Quoted by: >>55471976

>replies are gay ass memes and shit reasoning
i wouldn't expect anything less

>> No.55471972

honestly this

>> No.55471976
Quoted by: >>55472012

nah bro, if you have 100million and you wanna buy an expensive toy go ahead

but if a lambo is a big expense for you, you are just shit with money. It is definately not worth the money and you can get better shit for the same amount

>> No.55471984
Quoted by: >>55471992

Only Gretas and homossexuals don't like beautiful cars

>> No.55471992
Quoted by: >>55472026

sure it looks nice, but it stays a small tiny piece of plastic with a noisy engine for manlets, women and children.

You can get better car for half the money

>> No.55471996

no, it's not more like that

>> No.55471997
Quoted by: >>55475172

a hot 11/10 girl will ruin your life, money and everything
get an insecure 8/10 gf, stay at home wife and fuck model looking instathots on the side

>> No.55472012
Quoted by: >>55472047

>but if a lambo is a big expense for you
it would be a big expense anyways if the lambo in question is shit, and it's not worth the money

>> No.55472018

You're never going to be Musk because you weren't born into money. You will end up as just another grifting incel driving a BMW thinking it will get him paid. What you're describing isn't capitalism it is materialism, which is not based. Imagine what Adam Smith would think of someone like you...

>> No.55472026
Quoted by: >>55472049

Bro, you get a Maybach/Rolls/Bentley with a chauffeur to drive you around for your normal commute and a collection of beautiful cars to play around and attract women

>> No.55472032

it's not even materialism, it's just consumerism of the worst kind, shit created by inflationary policies of "I MUST CONSOOOOOOOM FOR THE GOOD OF THE ECONOMY HURR DURR"

>> No.55472037

1 - Elon was not born rich, go back to reditte
2 - Materialism and individualism are fundamental parts of Capitalism and both are based

>> No.55472047
Quoted by: >>55478507

Only reason to buy a $300k lambo is if you already have $100m and am just looking for expensive toys

it is a shit investment in any other way, they are highly or extremely overrated and not worth the money

>> No.55472049

>he needs cars to attract women

I dont have this problem and I literally drive a 1liter eco box

>> No.55472070
Quoted by: >>55472082

Women are attracted to money and status in men
Men are attracted to beauty in women

You attract ugly land whales

>> No.55472082
Quoted by: >>55472127


Im sorry dude but that is not true for alot of girls. Unless you literally want to attract braindead stupid instagram thots.

I dont wanna brag so I will not tell you what kind of girls im dating or maybe im just lucky because im very tall or something but I would never be interested in any girl that gives a fuck about what kind of car I drive. As long as it isnt a literal shitbox and looks decent most normal girls dont give a fuck

>> No.55472127
File: 282 KB, 1097x1536, 87046-5082019103346-1097x1536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55472143

Pretty women never date down their status. This is a fact.

>> No.55472130

I rather fuck a ton and i mean a thousand whores than buy a fancy car

>> No.55472143
Quoted by: >>55472152

This is not a pretty woman this looks like an entitled bitch with an absolute horrible attitute. I can sense her sense of entitlement and ability to create problems over nothing from far away. Maybe would fuck her, no interest in dating her in any way ever

>> No.55472152
Quoted by: >>55472162

You are just jealous that you don't have enough accumulated wealth and a greyish blue Lambo to date her

>> No.55472155
File: 222 KB, 1242x1237, tnscpmlijd971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55472166

Smart people buy Porsche if they want a super car.

>> No.55472162
Quoted by: >>55475728

Honestly no, I have a very cute, young and humble girl im dating right now and am not interested in girls who use a shitton of make up or 'celebrities' or social media addicted girls who care about status

>> No.55472166
File: 98 KB, 665x443, rs6boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the RS6

A decent one will smoke the average porsche and lambo

without currently towing a trailer that is

>> No.55472181
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, rs6boattrailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supercar trannies seething that their overpriced lightweight piece of plastic gets smoked by a twice as heavy and twice as cheap practical car lol


>> No.55472186
Quoted by: >>55472192

Audis are for middle class Boomers

>> No.55472192

Show me a 5 door station lambo that can do the same shit or more for half the price then

lambos are just shit value

>> No.55472206
Quoted by: >>55472210

ugliest shitbox out there
next to Porsche tranny

>> No.55472207

Also in your video the Audi is tinned but the Lambo is not. A tinned Svj would win everyday


>> No.55472210

I admit I kinda like the Porsche Taycan S the electric one

anyway, cars with only 2 doors are for children, girls and trannies

>> No.55472212

ok true

but its twice as light, twice as expensive and twice as small

>> No.55472247

that and 918 spyder because they look different from mainstream ones with egg headlights

>> No.55472259

Cars with for 2 are to be driven by a chauffeur, cars with 2 doers are to be played with

>> No.55472266
Quoted by: >>55472281

OP is an obvious ESL who fell for the same tricks as women who are into fashion do, only with cars
"Supercars" are for manchildren who have no personal goals and seek approval of others. Expensive funko pops and capeshit.
The people who buy them aren't even really into cars, they are attention seeking faggots who live only for the approval of others.
If they were into cars they would have started a business with that money that enables their hobby.
LARPing faggots.

>> No.55472269
Quoted by: >>55479917

audi, the car for pedos

>> No.55472281
Quoted by: >>55472412

Looks like someone is jealous

>> No.55472393
Quoted by: >>55472434

even if you sleep, keep raising capital, that's why many of us invest, basically a real passive income, even VINU with no fees can contribute too much to the capital generating machine that is our empty heart

>> No.55472412
Quoted by: >>55472434

Yes i'm extremely jealous of your vanity toy and retardation.
You made a thread about accumulation of wealth and turned it into a thread about consumer products.
Your only argument for owning this shit is that women like it. All you needed to get female attention was a phone charger.
Haven't you ever heard the term overcompensating?

>> No.55472434
Quoted by: >>55472470

Vinu is a scam for dumb zoomers

Individualism and consumism are fundamental parts of Capitalism

>> No.55472460

spoken like a true virgin incel..

>> No.55472464
File: 22 KB, 738x415, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a poor man's perspective, being rich does not make you a sinner,
I own the latest Audi, and my kids dive into VR, exploring the holoride ecosystems with a variety of educational applications while on trips
Being rich is damm comfy fren.

>> No.55472470

What part of owning that car is individualistic?
>calls others dumb zoomers
>buys a superscam
VINU is a scam, so is your gaymobile.

>> No.55472489
File: 96 KB, 600x665, 1650569450666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meaning of life is freedom, and influencing your surroundings in a positive and long lasting way
it comes from accumilation of capital
do not confuse this with hedonistic overspending

>> No.55472608
Quoted by: >>55472705

The meaning of life is reproduction. Accumulation of capital is a way of achieving that, if you're ugly.

>> No.55472656

the wealthiest people ive met all drive old land rovers

>> No.55472677
File: 407 KB, 1024x1280, 1688225059151965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a vapid and shallow perspective.
Almost as bad as christians.

>> No.55472705

Here's a secret: There is no "meaning to life" do whatever you want to do.

>> No.55472999

Holy cringe, Batman.

>> No.55473054

The existence of life on earth depends on consumption and reproduction (for humans, animals, insects, plants, etc.).

"Do whatever you want to do" sounds nice. But it's not reality.

For example, playing hacky sack is fun, but eventually I'll need to eat and drink something (consume), and then at some point I'm going to bust one off in a preferably fit and healthy female (reproduce).

>> No.55475153

Religion only exists for it's leaders to accumulate wealth at the expense of dumb people

>> No.55475172

>get an insecure 8/10 gf

8/10s aren't insecure you fucking incel

>> No.55475222

>functional item
>its art
lol you have a case of magpie brain aka nigger brain. go and buy expensive sneakers you dumb goy

>> No.55475728
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>> No.55475873

Work hard to get by and don’t have fun*
Fixed it

>> No.55477027

-t oofy doofy family guy

>> No.55477040

Stay poor. It's about the allocation of capital

>> No.55477056

I can't think of a better example of showing people that you have zero taste than buying a supercar with an automatic transmission. Basically just tells everybody that you're new money and that you just bought it to make fake friends because you have no personality and are a huge fag.

>> No.55477097
Quoted by: >>55477398

Every modern car that's not made for poorfags is automatic, shifting gears in your white trash Honda civic doesn't make you superior in any way

>> No.55477125
Quoted by: >>55477398

Only Amerimutts drive automatic, in Europe is generally the upper class cars and electrics that are automated

>> No.55477379

wow these guys are horrible empty people

>> No.55477398


>> No.55477418

i just want to fuck my sister

>> No.55477431
File: 23 KB, 485x433, 864876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Speed limits are government abuse of power and shouldn't exist, only dumb communists would defend it

>> No.55477495
File: 157 KB, 663x1024, 1688365644332772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be a jew

>> No.55477529
Quoted by: >>55478227

slow car owner detected

>> No.55477532
File: 37 KB, 531x136, 1685518561539447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE LOVE OF money is the root of all evil

>> No.55477708

So are you saying the Devil is a based Capitalist chad while Jesus is a leftist cuck?

Would be fun if God existed in the first place

>> No.55478227

Fast car owned. Can get to 150+mph very fast. It is reckless and endangers others on the road though. Only really useful on a track at those speeds. Good assumption though dumbass.

>> No.55478241

>THE LOVE OF power is the root of all evil

>> No.55478507

You can buy a lambo at 1mm networth stupid

>> No.55478596

>t. I have small dick

>> No.55478783
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55479925

>driving anything for women
Lol, lmao

>> No.55478945

>The meaning of life is the accumulation of capital
>lusts after extremely expensive hunk of metal that generates no revenue
i hate car fags. literally all have 70iq. same with retards that collect sneakers

>> No.55478976
File: 105 KB, 670x656, EMOK_Picdump_568_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The meaning of life is the accumulation of capital.
All is vanity.

>> No.55479214

gooks arent even human they all look like complete SHIT

>> No.55479420

Accumulating capital is great, but "capital" means things like factories and equipment. A sports car isn't capital unless you use it to do something economically productive like deliver food.

>> No.55479866

If you like that car I can show photos of you with cum around your asshole

>> No.55479917


>> No.55479922

>try to take your kids to school
>some edgy retard kills all of you driving 200mph because humans are retarded

>> No.55479925

thats what i said

>> No.55479934

This is true. Accumulation of capital is the opposite of good.

>> No.55480081


>> No.55480570

It's not true. It's actually power/reputation. I.E attention seeking faggots.
The bible tells you to accumulate wealth as long as you put it to use wisely. (which means generating more wealth)

>> No.55481315

Most retarded brand of watches ever. All watches look the same like 100 years ago. Only dumb niggers would buy.