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55094837 No.55094837 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55094991
File: 7 KB, 179x282, grae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55095544

Remember the unlock fud

>> No.55095544
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it was actually the only scary fud left, i am just shocked how wrong it was, it was like the btc "miners will stop mining after halving", ignoring the game theory of halving increasing miners due to upward price caused by it.

The shocking thing however on this fud is how wrong it was, literally 50k eth left staking and almost 3 million entered staking, fucking insane.

There is a month long wait line to stake now.

>> No.55095556

>Hey I'm that anon who spams these euro faggot women nonstop
We know, kys and goto sleep.

>> No.55095646

The unlocks finished two weeks ago nansen is showing it wrong
Now look at eth/btc since the unlocks finished its slowly going up
Imagine we keep this

>> No.55095660
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Quoted by: >>55096512

She is a mexican sir

>> No.55095679
File: 32 KB, 320x304, 197836463728322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anyone or country with a fiat press can buy as much eth as they want?

>> No.55095695

>muh staking
>muh POS
>muh only means of making money is if I ride the coattails of pedofiles and I cheer for them all day on the internet while not having a gf

>> No.55095715
Quoted by: >>55095814

To buy half of all Ethereum you at least pay 5k on average now
So 300 billion needed
Sure fed or ezb or china can do it
But any small country would devaluate their own currency massively by doing this, they might not even get the 300 billion dollar liquidity and would then be a failed state.

>> No.55095766

the couple your currency/eth would skyrocket until eventually even printing them would cost more than what they could buy

>> No.55095814

>it would be done in an extremely ham handed retarded way
This has been happening in slow motion since the move to POS.
You are basically working and cheering for various feds now.

>> No.55095830

why do white people love this chick so much? is it because its their savior after everyone bashed white people for having shit skills in seasoning?

>> No.55095833

It's one guy that posts everywhere.

>> No.55095838

Won't be carried away by sweet talks until I get the green light from TM, using its AI powered analytic tool to stay ahead of the curve has been a huge relief.

>> No.55095839
Quoted by: >>55095903

i think you may be retarded

>> No.55095903

Explain faggot.
You are the one PRETENDING they'd market buy ETH until their currency was gone.
Projecting retardation?
The USG sends 300 billion to Ukraine and it disappears all over. This is CHUMP CHANGE.

You are cheering for feds and authorities at this point 100%.
Try using a chain that owning the supply doesn't give you control over it.
POS is designed for insiders and rich people.

>> No.55095908
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Quoted by: >>55097066

i didn't propose a block for over 130 days even though the average is supposed to be 80 days, stop dumping your ETH into the staking contract AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh

>> No.55096039

She's very cutely and eloquently put into an easy-to-understand, short little video exactly what white people have been thinking, and saying, throughout all the "wypipo caynt season dey food" memery. The fact that it made niggers seethe so much means they finally understood how inferior they are at this too. Even if they won't admit it, we finally know they understand.

>> No.55096055

Do people really sit around comparing themselves to other races?

>> No.55096063
File: 43 KB, 680x680, 1680572651221463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people don't even season dem chicken.

>> No.55096084
Quoted by: >>55096184


>> No.55096184
Quoted by: >>55096362

Vitalik is a pedophile and a furry and that is very well documented and he's just a front man for a scam operation with a shitty slow chain that FROM THE BEGINNING was run by governments and glowies.
He's a front man and they chose a pedo AS USUAL.

But by all means, that almost assures that it will pump short term.

>> No.55096228
Quoted by: >>55096275

>the fed spend 100s of billion to control a chain ful of various scamcoins
Also you dimwit they would be slashed like crazy and would need to constantly spend money.
Much cheaper to control pow
This post of you was the most schizo take i have seen in a long time and that means something

>> No.55096257
Quoted by: >>55096293

i've only explained what it would happen in your scenario on the market (infinite fiat printing), i'm not cheering for anyone
i think you may be retarded, and very salty for some reason

>> No.55096260

what if they wanted to short it into the ground?

>> No.55096275

I never mentioned PoW. You are correct.
Both are shit and up to whoever has the most resources and money ALREADY to run.

This is also IGNORING that ETH has massive holders that are not identified from the very start.
Who do you think these people are?

>> No.55096284

>only 15% of stakeable eth is staked
so why do so few people stake eth anyways?
is it just too complicated for most eth holders?
the rewards don't justify it? what's the deal?

>> No.55096293
Quoted by: >>55096587

>I'm only explaining what would happen if something that would never happen happened
I know.
I was explaining how it would and is ACTUALLY happen though.
You don't have a response to that.

>> No.55096302
Quoted by: >>55096566

>This is also IGNORING that ETH has massive holders that are not identified from the very start.
>Who do you think these people are?
I dont know but they control only a few % of the supply they mostly dumped
So you are a nocoiner ok

>> No.55096337
Quoted by: >>55096366

the rewards don't generally justify staking anything, unless its a straight up ponzi and you get in and out early, better to stay liquid

>> No.55096362
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Quoted by: >>55096566

>Vitalik is a pedophile and a furry and that is very well documented
seethe more. what kind of shitcoin shill are you? i assume AVAX or ICP. tell me so i can laugh at you.

>> No.55096366
Quoted by: >>55096493

Staking is liquid
Will be way more but there is can only be so many staked daily
Also Ethereum is used
Ethereum is on arbitrum and optimism
Its in contracts as Weth
Its on exchanges

>> No.55096374

she's a qt who can cook and puts niggers on blast what's not to like

>> No.55096493

well, here's another thought.
if we're talking about eth's security, doesn't a low participation rate in staking, lower the amount of eth required to attack the network?
e.g. there's 15% of eth staked... that's 19 million eth.
well, then a 51% attack would only need to buy 20 million eth.

>> No.55096512

good god mexicans are getting so ugly they're mixing too much with south american 5 foot chinese genes she has that AOC horse face thing

>> No.55096518

There is an endless quenue going on wait until that resolves

>> No.55096566

No I have one ETH now and I made shit tons in the shitcoin casino in 2019.
But I moved out of it for whatever I want that's not worth mentioning itt.
I keep that ETH for throwing a couple grand at a shitcoin.
I also hold ETH tokens of real operations, but there are very few doing anything on ETH that isn't just trading shitcoins.
I'm a shill. Yet you confirm what I said in your post?
Odd strategy.

>> No.55096587
Quoted by: >>55096690

even if you do it slowly over time nothing changes: you have to sell some eth for that fiat at some point or the price will only go up. At the same time, there must be sellers willing to sell their eth to you for your fiat, which won't happen if you can print it with no limits.
What would you think would happen if country X just prints a lot of money (like dollars) then buy with it a lot of another country currency (like eur)? Infinite value hack? no, the value of the dollar would just tank, slowly or quickly doesn't change anything

>> No.55096647

51% will only allow to disrupt finality, which is annoying but only few dapps actually require it. to attack the network you need 66% of the staked ETH, so you need to buy over 50M ETH from the open market, then put them all into the validator queue (which currently makes you wait for another month) and then perform the attack which most likely will fail because the others will fork you out. it's brutally expensive, very time consuming and has a low chance of success anyway.
what part of your schizo babbling did i confirm in my post? the pedo or the furry part? do you even know what these terms mean? no wonder you made so many terrible financial decisions in your life.

>> No.55096690
Quoted by: >>55096957

>slowly or quickly doesn't change anything
no, sir you are clearly retarded.

>> No.55096747
Quoted by: >>55096874

>so you need to buy over 50M
if there's only 19M eth staked, you would only need to purchase 40M to hit a 67% attack.

>> No.55096874
Quoted by: >>55097006

true, still a shit ton of money and very hard to acquire without sending the price into the stratosphere, at which point you also need to make sure that chain analytics nerds don't detect your accumulation and ring the alarm bell. and that number is only going up so far.

>> No.55096957

i'm sorry but that's literally how it works, if you it in one day or 100 years absolutely nothing changes if you don't sell eth for fhe fiat at some point, which is the only way to keep the pair down ie increasing the value of the fiat. The timeframe is not a variable in this process. You can make 1 order and wait for ten years before another one, if the market doesn't move between the two orders the result is the same that if you made the orders immediately one after the other

>> No.55097006

>true, still a shit ton of money and very hard to acquire without sending the price into the stratosphere
well there's average of $15 billion trade volume every 24 hours.
and you only need $72 billion worth of eth for 67%.
that doesn't really sound that difficult to achieve.
>at which point you also need to make sure that chain analytics nerds don't detect your accumulation and ring the alarm bell.
but if you were accumulating, with malicious intent, certainly you wouldn't store all the eth in the same wallet.

>> No.55097054
Quoted by: >>55097245

There is no system currently implemented that would stand up to a dedicated state hegemon trying to destroy it using all their resources. This is an insane standard to hold crypto to at this point.

>> No.55097066
Quoted by: >>55097137

Digits and you get a block with mev paying you 10 eth

>> No.55097078

>shitcoin casino in 2019.
2019 was not really any

>> No.55097079
Quoted by: >>55103680

have fun staying poor

>> No.55097083
Quoted by: >>55097112

>defending and white knighting pedos and furries
Point and case.

>> No.55097095

Whites don't even salt their eggs

>> No.55097112

Still schizo
Also again you sound like you are ful of shit
>2019 casino
>I dont own crypto
Whats the odd you come here and fud every crypto?
What is your motivation?

>> No.55097121
Quoted by: >>55097165

If you have to season (aka poison) your food your food was shit you shitskin
All seasoning is of toxic plants

>> No.55097137
Quoted by: >>55097245

trade volume includes buyers and sellers (and CZs liquidity bots to make his exchange look relevant). there is no way that you can buy 40M ETH at current market price, it will cost you way more than $72 billion, even $100 billion won't buy you that amount of ETH within a reasonable time frame, and all of that assuming that the ETH price won't go up anyway.
> certainly you wouldn't store all the eth in the same wallet.
you also need to obfuscate the source. and you'll also raise suspicion if you send it all at once into the contract, which again requires to stretch it over time. chain analysis is really advanced nowadays, partly thanks to machine learning. and all that just to get forked out in the end due to social consensus. good read btw by vitalik: https://vitalik.ca/general/2023/05/21/dont_overload.html

thank you, checked and very cool.

>> No.55097165
File: 55 KB, 640x360, 1681290383477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well white people's food is shit especially if you don't season it then it becomes so shit that you have to be starving to like it

>> No.55097185
Quoted by: >>55097228

Well yeah these beans look like slave food
Spices are shit and toxic

>> No.55097228

>least schizophrenic /pol/cel
enjoy your boiled chicken i guess

>> No.55097245
Quoted by: >>55097345

I mean, I agree, but figured go down that hypothetical because it sounded like some people itt are too comfortable with eth's 'market cap' and how that secures the network.
and it's a logical flaw, the market cap isn't important, but the amount that are staked, and so the number is far less then $300 billion. maybe more then $70 billion, but definitely not $150 billion, let alone $300 billion.
>trade volume includes buyers and sellers
that's how a trade works, there has to be a buyer and a seller.
>there is no way that you can buy 40M ETH at current market price
given the trade volume, you could totally buy that much eth at current price over 6 months.
>and you'll also raise suspicion if you send it all at once into the contract
but it takes a month to stake anyways. why would you buy buy buy and wait until you've amassed enough eth for an attack and then stake it all at once.
>all that just to get forked out in the end due to social consensus.
in the scenario with a 40M eth attack, probably the 'good guys' are the ones that get forked out.

>> No.55097251

>boiled chicken
roasted chicked
Also yes i use pepper, paprika power, salt and some like this

>> No.55097261


>> No.55097345

that's such a huge gamble: accumulating ETH for over $100 billion (i personally think it's much more), hoping that the price won't increase and that the amount of staked ETH won't go up significantly, i mean right now you need to buy 66k ETH every day to just keep up with the influx of other stakers. then you need to carefully put them into the contract without raising suspicion, and then you can perform your desired reorg that gets you some reward, while everyone notices what happens and who is the bad actor.
the good guys and the bad guys are easily detectable on-chain, the consensus client devs will publish clients that fork them out and everyone who's not involved in the attack, that includes all exchanges, will happily upgrade. that's what "social consensus" is, and while it sounds bad on paper, it is a reality that exists on every blockchain, including bitcoin (see e.g. the bitcoin mining bug in 2010).

>> No.55097652

Oh god yes please stake it. It is like selling it for shit yield while making my bags pump. By time you get your Eth back, I will have max 1000x your staking return. We can tell when you place orders too. Moment stakers try to cash in we drop the price and raise the gas fees with activity. You probably think I'm trolling but place a limit order and watch the price fall. We know when you place orders bitch. Just math. We win the ponzi scheme get back to work to put more money in. bwahaha

>> No.55097664

mmmm damn this crypto be too spicy. imma fittinta backalack backtah fiat.

>> No.55097908
Quoted by: >>55101429

eth is a security that will eventually get banned by the sec


>> No.55098115

POW has been a piece of shit. Meanwhile Devs are becoming more excited seeing how more documentaions of programming languages are being added to QVM Multilanguage coding supported blockchain. It's getting more interesting by the day.

>> No.55100380
File: 107 KB, 960x546, 152624325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55100828

if it weren't for us you'd still be cooking on a bonfire

>> No.55100404

Only blacks do that really.

>> No.55100682
File: 29 KB, 659x692, IMG_20230516_161213_108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55103698

Imagine holding eth

>> No.55100828
Quoted by: >>55102936

Raw fruitbat off a palm leaf. Four hundred word language. Count to three then more is many.

>> No.55101429

>usa is the world
And it is not

>> No.55101452

>platinum mad
you sound EXACTLY like the "muh environment" fags who shit talk PoW

>> No.55102936
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>> No.55103025
Quoted by: >>55103034

Yo who is this girl? She's got that "alpha sorority girl" look about her, like premium wife material for any guy who can handle the maintenance.

>> No.55103034
File: 65 KB, 414x738, 1683653800739605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is from the seasoning department

>> No.55103043

Ah okay, Zoe Barrie. Cool.

>> No.55103304
File: 25 KB, 560x797, 8338483885729408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55103451

I wonder how long this losers are going to keep sharing their delusionism in this shithole.

>> No.55103451
File: 220 KB, 1345x2048, 1580475331740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post reeks of late 2019 anti BTC fud, keep fuding, this is bullish af for eth.

>> No.55103674

Where's the best place to store Ethereum?

>> No.55103680

I was going to say this

>> No.55103697

the ethereum vault

>> No.55103698

Trezor one
Sylo wallet
>they're all safu

>> No.55104126

I'll educate you why white people don't use spices. Spices used to be for rich people only, but as the proles got richer and richer and were able to afford spices, the upper class wanted to distinguish themselves by instead not having spices and having high quality food. Then the proles copied them again.

White people unironically don't use spices because they are for poor people who can't afford good quality food.

>> No.55105049

My portfolio is 75% BTC and ETH, the remaining 25% in PPEPE and OFE, all lying safely in my sylo wallet

>> No.55105073

Making the list without Nexera and OREID is biased.

>> No.55105098

Get lost fucktard, staking to accumulate up to 27 ride per day, per staked Platine Gen-2 is the new gold.

>> No.55105327

You can sit around not worrying about race all you won't. That won't score you any points with Warlord Jamalius when he's knocking down your door and raping you, your wife and your daughter.