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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57456203 [View]
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>> No.56814700 [View]
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What an ugly ass kitchen.

>> No.56731860 [View]
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Whyte people don't season dey garloid.

>> No.56726067 [View]
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Here you go tyrone.

>> No.55902455 [View]
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Yte people don't season dey efferiums.

>> No.55615255 [View]
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Is you gonna season dem chicken?

>> No.55096063 [View]
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White people don't even season dem chicken.

>> No.55054205 [View]
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>> No.54931573 [View]
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Protip for OE anons: pursue vertical work. I see a lot of people getting burnt out trying to do multiple high level jobs. That's great that you want to work 4 engineering jobs that pay $150k each, but that won't last long. You should balance your jobs so that you're working in ropes that are above and below each other.
For instance, I'm an IT manager. I could try to get another OY manager job for $120k, but there's a lot of meetings, etc to balance out. Instead, I got a a help desk job paying $30/hr. I can literally do these tasks in my sleep. Restart services, run basic commands, reboot computers, export logs, etc. I'm making an extra $60k a year doing basic easy work that amounts to childs play.
Go vertical anon. It's an easy win

>> No.54887960 [View]
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Depends on how much investment risk you want to take on to start the business. If you're interested in the food aspect over the bar, you can start as a food truck/trailer to try running a kitchen if yiu have little experience. You'd still need your own permits but you can buy a used food truck from someone else who tried it out. If it's not for you, just sell the truck to someone else. It's less of a initial capital investment than a restaurant and you're not tied to yearly lease.

>> No.54808149 [View]
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I knew a career wasn't for when I realized the same tactics that most "business leaders" use are the same as my alcoholic, wife beating, cheating father uses. Employers and middle managers are textbook narcs who thrive off of humiliation and control. Even the "perks" of most cool and edgy companies are infantalizing manipulative techniques to lull you into emotional complacency.

>> No.54565047 [View]
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Wyt people don't season dey bitcoin.

>> No.54506854 [View]
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Got offered a job that requires I get top security clearance. How can I profit off clearance?

>> No.54478440 [View]
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But the world needs subsidized make work diversity and gender studies jobs more than it needs trades.

>> No.54462412 [View]
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Y'all crackas don't even wash dey chicken.

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