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File: 169 KB, 1080x1717, 1668891598752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52523006 No.52523006 [Reply] [Original]

They cite "security concerns" and will therefore not disclose the wallet(s) they own. Huge red flag. Monday is going to be brutal.

>> No.52523033
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>We have the bitcoins, trust us.

>> No.52523065
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Also there is speculation that this will lead to a crash in the crypto market, which may explain why Michael Saylor is selling thousands of BTC right now. Who fucking knows anymore.

>> No.52523267
File: 39 KB, 800x450, 1658449285221260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has actually been buying bitcoin since before the 2013 mt gox bullrun isn't it? Sub 1k bitcoin is the actual floor after all...

>> No.52523296
Quoted by: >>52524341

Well technically he is saying to trust coinbase

>> No.52523319
Quoted by: >>52525842

Michael Saylor's average buy-in price is $30k. People have definitely been buying bitcoin after 2013. The issue is that these trusts and exchanges got greedy and started gambling with the money from their investors, so when they go insolvent and file for bankruptcy they have to sell off their remaining assets, which include crypto.

>> No.52523338

i feel fear, uncertainty, and doubt

>> No.52523611
File: 718 KB, 1190x1328, Screen Shot 2022-11-13 at 2.10.09 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been buying Bitcoin. They've just been buying it through intermediaries who haven't actually held any Bitcoin.
FTX held 80,000 BTC IOUs for people while not actually holding a single BTC. Imagine how much that suppresses the price.

>> No.52523645

Oh fuck… best place to store off exchange? I have it all on coinbase…

>> No.52523767

extreme retard alert

>> No.52523936

why hasnt btc gone up in price now that the fractional reserve scam is revealed?

>> No.52523990
Quoted by: >>52524015

>We don't use the blockchain for exactly what it was designed to do.

>> No.52524015

>don't you understand its about security
but satoshi wallet is public
>stop asking questions goy

>> No.52524039

>why hasnt btc gone up in price now that the fractional reserve scam is revealed?
because it's still going on, as the twitter post you replied to said "let's not do podcasts with those that engage in fractional reserve lending".. that's the backlash, it's not abandoning the exposed scheme, but quite acceptance.

>> No.52524054

Because the money is gone. FTX users “bought” 80,000 BTC but that money just went to Joe Biden and Vox and was never used to but BTC at all.

>> No.52524059

Because the money that was absorbed by the fractional reserve scam didn't magically transfer into into BTC.

>> No.52524080
Quoted by: >>52524106

This is the fractional reserve scam (((they've))) been doing with gold and silver for years.

>> No.52524083
Quoted by: >>52524538

I started a thread about grayscale being insolvent earlier this week. I thought it was odd that the premium was -41% at the time and nobody seemed to worry. They have to be absolutely desperate for liquidity at -45% right?

>> No.52524106
Quoted by: >>52524439

Yea except (((they))) can’t fake out the blockchain. At least bitcoin is doing what it’s supposed to. Was satoshi an antisemite?

>> No.52524302
Quoted by: >>52525573

>Michael Saylor is selling thousands of BTC
Recent volume levels?

>> No.52524307

This but unironically

>> No.52524314

I don't feel anything at all. It's so annoying being emotionally numb.

>> No.52524335

We need to cleanup and discredit the --tribal-- scams. This isn't india.

>> No.52524341

if you're a bitcoin maximalist and hold btc on coinbase, you should sell everything on coinbase, and get twice as much bitcoin via the grayscale bitcoin trust

>> No.52524377

>best place to store off exchange?
Lookup how to setup a wallet. Use a web wallet if necessary. Do it quick.

>> No.52524416
File: 1.06 MB, 632x632, 1610572413788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52529291

>tell them we wont list the wallets for security concerns
>let the price crash
>buy it all at 10cents on the dollar
>reveal proof they had it all along

>> No.52524418
Quoted by: >>52525961

>FTX users “bought” 80,000 BTC but that money just went to Joe Biden and Vox and was never used to but BTC at all.
Really? How much solid evidence do we have about this?
Monumental levels of fraud FFS.

>> No.52524439

Satoshi probably had no knowledge of anything to do with how evil the --tribe-- is.

>> No.52524461

They're fucked. LIARS

>> No.52524538

Why would Grayscale care about the discount/premium exactly? Theoretically as long as their BTC is locked up, then they can just hodl like every other baggie until number go up again. The GBTC price just reflects the market value of one share of the trust/BTC pile, which is suppressed by the fact that there are spot BTC ETFs available to buy outside the US (and BTC (((perpetuals))) ETFs available inside US, but not spot). The discount could be eliminated if the (((SEC))) allows GBTC to be converted to a spot ETF. If Grayscale is really lending out BTC, then for sure it's fucked and I really hope they weren't that stupid considering it's not really a "trust" if they're lending the shit out...
>t. holds GBTC in my IRA like a cuck

>> No.52524604

Do you have any proof that they have even 1 BTC? They're literally bankrupt poorfags living on a confidence trick to make you think they have anything.

>> No.52524656

Resultados de traducción
The dominoes are about to fall. Get out of the way or you'll fall with them.

>> No.52524682
Quoted by: >>52524692

That's the million (billion) dollar question. Their prospectus states that all BTC is held in cold storage, which would imply that it is not being shuffled around or lent out. The only way Grayscale goes under is if they are abjectly lying, in which case I'm rightly fucked, kek.

>> No.52524692
Quoted by: >>52524828


>> No.52524701

don't they own a shit ton of litecoin too

>> No.52524758
File: 51 KB, 884x676, sobtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance is doing the same thing with BBTC. They hold 68k BTC there. Imagine buying BTC and transferring it to your BNB wallet because it's faster.


>> No.52524782
File: 91 KB, 754x688, 1645384754370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seen this on Twitter, could be unironically true (I hope not though).

>> No.52524785

Go back to twitter Eric you faggot

>> No.52524828

>GBTC has 175.75 million shares outstanding
* 0.00093453 BTC = 164k BTC
>Assets Under Management $39.7 billion
164k * 60k (BTC Price Nov 2021) = $10b
You'd hope so.
What else makes up that assets under management portfolio?

>> No.52525091
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, 98A398BD-C309-493B-8B61-BFEA07FF7AC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude, I can’t show you proof of reserves bro. It would be a security risk you fucking idiot. Trust me bro, it’s all good. Ayo Coinbase come talk to my mans over here

>> No.52525226
Quoted by: >>52525496

Interesting observation. I don't know desu.

>> No.52525250

how in god's name are you faggots waking up to this now when anons have been saying this all along

>> No.52525496

Ethereum, BCH, Solana were all on their balance sheet at some point. Maybe also loans to (mostly to 3AC). Nowhere was some weird fuckery where they were loaning BTC to 3AC, then 3AC were handing them the BTC to be incorporated into GBTC and recieving GBTC shares in return (I'm serious here)

>> No.52525573

Fuck off newfag
Says the wallet address right in the picture

>> No.52525597

This makes sense, someone could try to reverse engineer their public key over the next several heat deaths of the universe

>> No.52525687

Same. We are fucked. I’m already down 120k on paper just because of the negative premium. At this point I’m expecting it to be a total loss and scam. I’ll be carrying over these loses for decades.

>> No.52525720
Quoted by: >>52525773

gbtc is sueing the sec to become a spot etf, which means they have all the coins, they probably don't want to publish them so people don't use it as speculation which don't really help in the case against gensler.

>> No.52525773
Quoted by: >>52528367

This is our only hope bro: >>52525720
By Allah, (((Gensler))) and the (((SEC))) must be struck down for their abject kikery, alhamdulillah. Strongly considering buying the dip to take advantage of this FUD, in sha'Allah.

>> No.52525820

You can roll over more than $3,000 if it's used for capital gains. Only $3,000 can be applied to regular income yearly. You'll be fucked for awhile but maybe not decades unless you never make capital gains ever again. Still sucks since you'll be missing a bullrun in gains but it's not a complete loss.

>> No.52525824

shady shit

>> No.52525842

That's the point. You either got in at sub 1K or you got in at 30K+. One of these groups will capitulate eventually because of the price.

>> No.52525884
File: 81 KB, 720x579, 1545713756753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, this post is correct. But in a pilpul way. You see, the "security concern" isn't about their reserves getting hacked, but rather a concern for the personal security of the devs who funneled all the money into their pockets from baggies' hate.
You have to think like a jew to understand the true meaning of their posts. They rarely lie, they mostly distord and bind the meaning of words.

>> No.52525936

Honestly, i'm surprised he managed to last this long while being so deep in the red with others' money. The lenders' pressure must become unbearable to force the king of maxis to sell at such a loss (wasn't his average around 35k?).

>> No.52525961
File: 567 KB, 2264x734, 7ab64a3b-6ce0-47cc-96ac-5e2d2a8c5d6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52528909

picrel is FTX's balance sheet published by the Financial Times. They have $1.4B in outstanding BTC liabilities and hold $0.00 worth of BTC. This is according to FTX's own internal docs.

>> No.52526444

I’m utterly fucked if Grayscale is a fraud. I loaded up a bunch of retirement accounts with it

>> No.52526504

Had some Grayscale ETH. It would be difficult for them to be a fraud, just because of sheer regulation and their ETF attempts. That's alot of fucking scrutiny.

>> No.52526517
File: 550 KB, 2560x1809, C57708AE-50D7-425E-A114-0DED7CB26C03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, it’s over.

Crypto about to get fucked again.

>> No.52527581
Quoted by: >>52527858

>wooo pink id


Ok I feel a little better. I thought their shit was in cold storage and audited

>> No.52527858
Quoted by: >>52528927

>Ok I feel a little better.
I understand, trust me; I had it in retirement too. They are in a massive argument with the SEC over the BTC ETF, lawyers galore.


>> No.52527888

Because building fractional reserve scans on top of bitcoin is too easy, FTX showed that. Anybody who holds your bitcoin is vulnerable but if the "not your keys, not your bitcoin" crowd wants $60,000 valuations they need players.

>> No.52528103
Quoted by: >>52528945

That's not the maxi angle retard

Not your keys not your coins is the mantra

>> No.52528121

i can't figure out if i should buy or not

>> No.52528367

>abject abject abject
Did you just learn that word today?

>> No.52528499
File: 342 KB, 680x681, 1647544691876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grayscale premium is down due to the leaf etf removing their clients since it tracks the price better than a trust.

They are not publishing their wallets because it does not help their legal case with the sec if people tracking their wallets use it to speculate.

>> No.52528534
File: 467 KB, 512x512, 1668436892083799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.52528599

it's about the legal case with the sec, they keep refusing to turn gbtc to an etf due to exchanges being out of their jurisdiction to some degree thus people being able to use the kosher etf and the non kosher exchanges to make money kosher or some shit like that by surfing the pumps in the kosher etf.

In all honestly it's just retardation by the sec since the spot etf would have tracked price better.

>> No.52528696

its so over.

>> No.52528909

>7,394,877 TRUMPLOSE coins

>> No.52528927


>> No.52528945

that's why i limited it to people who use exchanges, which is most people.

>> No.52528990

I plan on dumping $10,000k on greyscale after it dumps. In 2 weeks after the fud dies down and the price starts to pump back I will sell calls with stike at a gain for me until im even on that alone, or until they sell.

>> No.52529015


>> No.52529051
Quoted by: >>52529066

If you think they have the assets, you should buy. It's basically free 2x

>> No.52529066
Quoted by: >>52529080

>If you think they have the assets

>> No.52529080

Do you really think they would be suing the sec if they didn't? That would be like showing up to prison with handcuffs already on

>> No.52529291
Quoted by: >>52530067

yeah the gemini and crypto.com attempted bank runs have been a little fake and gay-seeming as well. maybe some kind of information warfare going on between factions?

>> No.52529300

how would you even justify lending out the BTC if you were Grayscale? beyond "we wanted money" obv

>> No.52529318

buds, throw away your ideas. They're shit. participate in Bspin.

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool
> Fast deposits with variety ways

>> No.52529578
Quoted by: >>52529805

Aave (AAVE)
Algorand (ALGO)
Avalanche (AVAX)
Basic Attention Token (BAT)
Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Cardano (ADA)
Chainlink (LINK)
Compound (COMP)
Cosmos (ATOM)
Curve (CRV)
Decentraland (MANA)
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum Classic (ETC)
Filecoin (FIL)
Horizen (ZEN)
Litecoin (LTC)
Livepeer (LPT)
MakerDao (MKR)
Polkadot (DOT)
Polygon (MATIC)
Solana (SOL)
Stellar Lumens (XLM)
Uniswap (UNI)
Zcash (ZEC)

>> No.52529717
File: 54 KB, 640x480, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC got some sweet pussy deal but I'm sure GSD will surprise everyone with it juicy shit that will make some dick do horny .

>> No.52529763
File: 1 KB, 125x120, 1665106042967417s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this retard dick that got his ass spank by wrong crypto shit, go get some real pussy experience and don't be a lazy dude, as protocol manages funds through the highest yield available. The yield is then paid out in Gold.

>> No.52529784
Quoted by: >>52530345

its all fake, we're fucked


>> No.52529805
File: 1 KB, 125x72, 1664179253000303s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound great anon the look like some green dildos but GSD keeps fucking me crazy with alot great stuff can't wait for it governance token to get launch.

>> No.52529826

Okay, how do I short grayscale? Can I short it on something like Ameritrade? Or is there a token that will collapse along with it?
I knew FTX was gonna crash but I couldn’t find a convenient way to short is while it was at $15

>> No.52529860
File: 38 KB, 642x478, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a lazy dick fags you can't afford to miss it now and cry latter Go get useful and enjoy some juicy pussy experience and don't die rekt poorfeg

>> No.52530067

Thanks to our little banking goblin friend, the anti-crypto types (Bitfinexed, Bennett Tomlin, Frances Coppolla, Dirty Bubble Media, Marc Cohodes, that guy from The OC and his jewish journo friend) as well as a bunch of spectacularly thick BTC-only cultists have briefly been given a spotlight. So now they're going full tilt at all their old nemeses whilst they have a bit of attention. Obviously their dream is to replicate what CZ achieved with his FTX tweet and so turn FTX-Enron into a FTX-Lehman event that destroys crypto forever in the absence of any credible backstop. It wouldn't even work like that- you could burn every current crypto institution to the ground and have an equivalent back in time for the next halving- but that won't stop them from following their sisyphean categorical imperative anyway.

It's been fun watching them all go fucking mental the past two weeks, apparently sat on Twitter throwing mud 24/7 at everyone (Silvergate, GBTC, Gemini, Crypto.com, even fucking Coinbase and that Twitter shutdown bollocks) in the hopes that some mud will stick and they can do what CZ did to FTX. Ultimately though, not enough people care about what they have to say, normies have lost interest in their narrative already

>> No.52530188

What makes you think grayscale will give you the btc they owe you retard. All btc is an iou unless you have the private keys

>> No.52530268
File: 2 KB, 125x108, 1664182618677775s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound great anon keeping holding on to ETH BTC XRM GSD while waiting for the bullish season can't wait to get spank with some juicy pussy experience.

>> No.52530309

>I feel

>> No.52530345

>Everything here is based on public information. It appears either nobody read these things before, or nobody understood what to do. But at the same time this is speculation. But it is informed, primary-source-backed speculation. >Absolutely nothing here comes from anonymous sources or insiders. All of the source material is free to download for anyone. This may be totally wrong. It is merely an attempt to apply Sherlock Holmes’ methods to some weird problems.
Yeah stopped right there.