>printed worthless ftt shitcoin out of thin air
>wash traded it to 5 billions mcap while holding 99% of the supply
>went to his fellow ((())) creditors and said look i have 5 billions in asset i can borrow against
>used loans to farm defi ponzis and buy stadiums
>built his reputation with bought shill articles in jewish media and pumping biden bags for DC protection
>ftx suddenly number one cex despite zero users or organic volume
>jewish tricks and jewish accounting all over the place
>astroturfed solana ecosystem unsustainable, now rotating their funds and devs into aptos as the replacement but even CT morons wised up and refused to buy kike vc bags
>bought regulators and licences to push binance out of US markets
>multiple alameda execs suddenly quitting, leaving caroline as the easy spacegoat
>realizes the writing is now on the wall, decides to pull ladder behind him by getting his DC buddies to push defi regulations hard
>this starting to piss off everyone, not only chinks
>suddenly hit pieces revealing to all the retards what everyone with half a brain knew since the start, ftt is illiquid worthless trash and sbf is a paper tiger ready to go 3ac/celsius at any moment
>or is that what they want goyim to think? truth is sbf wont be allowed to fail, no matter what blackrock jewry will keep him afloat since it's about taking over the industry from chinks