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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.52262662
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Female To Trans bros..

>> No.52262665

Wow. Holy shit. Based cz. Bankman truly is the menace everyone has been making him out to be. Good riddance.

>> No.52262675


>> No.52262676

I hope he dies a painful death

>> No.52262688

How’s the weather in Tel Aviv rabbi

>> No.52262689
Quoted by: >>52262709

Based gook telling it like it is. Fuck that slimey kike SBF. I hope he goes under and has to look under his car for the rest of his life.

>> No.52262693

>pretend to make love after divorce
Is that a Chinese proverb

>> No.52262699

I hate passive aggressive jews like the bankman so much.

>> No.52262709
File: 2.24 MB, 1991x2602, 1638547436070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, CZ is literally the only person who could erase this kike piece of dogshit from crypto anyway. He's the hero we need and deserve.

>> No.52262715


>> No.52262725
File: 26 KB, 622x328, 1655912476137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kikeman can suck my ass.
with CZ my funds are safu

>> No.52262738
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No refunds

>> No.52262756
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>> No.52262766
Quoted by: >>52270947

with jews you lose

>> No.52262771


>> No.52262791

Oh my fucking god Hahahahaha

Imagine getting keked by Celsius AND FTX back to back in the same year. Mashinsky and Bankman, two heeb rats swindling the good goys out of their portfolios. God I’m going to cum so hard.

Idiots in here laughed at me for keeping some funds on Coinmetro, who’s laughing now you stupid motherfuckers?

>> No.52262793

I ask you - how many times in the last 10 years has /biz/ told Anons to stay away from China? Not often enough. I did. I'm fine.

>> No.52262813

This has been a horrible week for us jews.

Hopefully it gets better.

>> No.52262814
File: 155 KB, 1242x682, 3E3E32FE-8713-4920-A8EF-29EC51EB5B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill this dirty rat and his whole tribe CZ. Remove these disgusting rats from the space all together and render them insolvent.

>> No.52262821
File: 34 KB, 493x387, 2E077FFE-259B-4E53-AE7B-6EC40ABF32AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52263184

>learned from LUNA

>> No.52262832
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Ye will be President in 2024

>> No.52262835
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Quoted by: >>52262853

>lobby against other industry players behind their backs
wonder what SBF has been doing to get CZ this raged lmao he's pissed!

>> No.52262853

He's bathing all Washington kikerenoos in money to let FTX have the absolute edge on everything and even be on the regulatory creator side

>> No.52262856
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>> No.52262862
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>Female To Trans bros..

>> No.52262870
Quoted by: >>52262932

withdrawals are suspended on FTX not on Binance retarded kike

>> No.52262880


>> No.52262889

Just got my 25 eth literally in minutes. This whole circus is fake.

>> No.52262893
Quoted by: >>52262920

Alameda and ftx is not china you illiterate retard.

>> No.52262898

>closed ties to tether

>> No.52262901


>> No.52262904
File: 216 KB, 1000x1000, 1623770411015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit cz is hella based. should i go all in bnb?

>> No.52262911

Nice try FTX employee

>> No.52262915


>> No.52262920

Did I say that? CZ the chinese bastard is responsible you pleb

>> No.52262925
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Quoted by: >>52262984


>> No.52262926

share screens, if this is true I'm going to literally do it right now

>> No.52262927
Quoted by: >>52262948

>currently all-in on Tether
How fucked am I?

>> No.52262932
Quoted by: >>52262967


>> No.52262946

Nothing to laugh about as ripple effects from this shit will dump all crypto for a while. I'm looking for a cheap entry though so it's fine

>> No.52262948
Quoted by: >>52268593

Tether has nothing to do with all of this, safu

>> No.52262967

my withdrawal is literally pending for almost 6 hours now, I'm beginning to panic

>> No.52262984
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>> No.52263008
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Quoted by: >>52263029


>> No.52263029

He's not even a chinaman, he is to chinamen what jews are to huwhites

>> No.52263045

What happens to peoples holdings if FTX goes bust? They're incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda

>> No.52263059

Just imagine if FTX was indeed the final boss in the shorting of Chainlink. Some anons dug up info on this and seemed to make sense.

I swear to god if CZ blows up FTX and it results in all the net shorts positions on LINK being wiped out, I will tatoo Binance logo on my ass.

>> No.52263063

They get a "thanks for playing" message

>> No.52263066
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>> No.52263075
File: 104 KB, 1302x547, Game over faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52263111

we know whats next

>> No.52263091

chinamen are to chinamen are what jews are to whites. they're all like that, all the way down

>> No.52263097
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Quoted by: >>52263703


>> No.52263100


>> No.52263105

Fantom to 0. Literally.

>> No.52263108

elaborate on this. I am a sociologically-interested person and must know what this particular brand of asian is called, and represents. you have planted a seed of curiosity in my mind, please water it.

>> No.52263111

Yes... The belly of the dragon will drip water.

>> No.52263117
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 21984724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a Quick Rundown™ on what SBF did?

>> No.52263168

Dangerously based

>> No.52263179

He used his crypto assets as colateral for his degen plays
turns out his collateralized assets are FTT holdings, which is illiquid as fuck, thisnk about it as minting UST using LUNA kek

>> No.52263184
Quoted by: >>52266439

He told dk to burn and is an active member of the community. Kys

>> No.52263198


>> No.52263215
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>> No.52263216
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Quoted by: >>52264494

How much would I make if i short FTT with $1000 with 5x leverage and it goes to Zero

>> No.52263224
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Quoted by: >>52263244


>> No.52263228

Used FTT as collateral for billions in loans. Problem is the FTTs real value isnt anywhere near their outstanding liabilities. A lot of people seem to be speculating that $20 on FTT might be where they get margin called on those loans and have to start unloading

>> No.52263244

Okay it's a fake account lel

>> No.52263250
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Quoted by: >>52270375

when they make the announcement, we will enter in the final phase of this bear market

>> No.52263256

SFYL lolkthxbai

>> No.52263268
File: 529 KB, 1353x702, 1656075106616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>printed worthless ftt shitcoin out of thin air
>wash traded it to 5 billions mcap while holding 99% of the supply
>went to his fellow ((())) creditors and said look i have 5 billions in asset i can borrow against
>used loans to farm defi ponzis and buy stadiums
>built his reputation with bought shill articles in jewish media and pumping biden bags for DC protection
>ftx suddenly number one cex despite zero users or organic volume
>jewish tricks and jewish accounting all over the place
>astroturfed solana ecosystem unsustainable, now rotating their funds and devs into aptos as the replacement but even CT morons wised up and refused to buy kike vc bags
>bought regulators and licences to push binance out of US markets
>multiple alameda execs suddenly quitting, leaving caroline as the easy spacegoat
>realizes the writing is now on the wall, decides to pull ladder behind him by getting his DC buddies to push defi regulations hard
>this starting to piss off everyone, not only chinks
>suddenly hit pieces revealing to all the retards what everyone with half a brain knew since the start, ftt is illiquid worthless trash and sbf is a paper tiger ready to go 3ac/celsius at any moment
>or is that what they want goyim to think? truth is sbf wont be allowed to fail, no matter what blackrock jewry will keep him afloat since it's about taking over the industry from chinks

>> No.52263270
Quoted by: >>52263468

I moved a decent amount of PAXG to Kraken, no delays

>> No.52263276

Just check the alameda research wallets lol. They're converting and moving usdc to other wallets. Holy shit I didn't expect this to happen so quick.

>> No.52263286

He is Cantonese. The Cantonese tribe is native to the Guangdong and Hong Kong regions of the Chinese server. They are particularly adept in finance and trading. The Cantonese faction is currently being oppressed by the Han faction from the north.

>> No.52263289
Quoted by: >>52263330

Imagine what happens when they redeem their gigantic SOL bags to USDC

>> No.52263309
File: 135 KB, 720x1600, 1649062454257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52263414


>> No.52263313

Here’s hoping this is the final capitulation event that ushers in the next bull run.
Cash bros, we are so close

>> No.52263318

>Chainlink about to break 2 year resistance
>Fresh new blackswan event materializes

>> No.52263321

Yeah, I hope this is going to be the final black swan event we need

>> No.52263330
Quoted by: >>52263539

they also have Fantom if i remember correctly. Is over for those trannies.

>> No.52263342

Can you post some of the adresses?

>> No.52263345

The timing though, what happens when dems lose the midterms that's triggered this panic?

>> No.52263364

please provide me an example of "jewish tricks" or "jewish accounting"

>> No.52263367

Oldfag challenge - how 2 milk this

>> No.52263372
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>> No.52263377

If FTX tries to hold FTT above its liquidation price at any cost, find out what their other main holdings are and short the shit out of them, because they will dump those to defend FTT

>> No.52263387

fuck SBF

>> No.52263407

Never hold anything more than 1k on a CEX.

>> No.52263414

all antisemitism aside, SBF literally created FTT tokens out of thin air, put them on Alameda's balance sheet so he could loan more money.
^ check picrel

>> No.52263415

Usury, coin clipping, fractional reserve banking

>> No.52263417
File: 64 KB, 1328x454, 1666687877343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52267580

the drugs aren't free

>> No.52263427

fuck SBF all my niggas hate SBF

also that crime partner ugly jew woman with crooked face

>> No.52263429

Solana is one of their main holdings and it has already dumped around 8% today's. Short SOL and Aptos they have the largest backing from SBF

>> No.52263431

sol is dumping already.

>> No.52263458
Quoted by: >>52263697

thank you CZ you are a good man

>> No.52263462
Quoted by: >>52263498

Yeah, it's pretty much Luna lite

>> No.52263468
File: 72 KB, 1101x684, 20221106_235003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52263554

Nobody cares about being able to withdraw shitcoins

>> No.52263470

Typical bagholder doesnt understand a magnitude of major exchange blowing up,on top of what already has happened this year to crypto. You will tatoo "raoul" on your ass, he will be your pimp on the street next year while you tenting it up in san francisco methed out of your mind to forget 50$ to 10 cents drop of your special investment

>> No.52263491
Quoted by: >>52263513

This. So much butt fuckery this year. Crypto being torpedoed again and again. We're going below 10k bitcoin. We might even see 5k at this rate.

>> No.52263498

Bullish for LUNC

>> No.52263509

damn, nigga
outstanding summary, thanks

>> No.52263513

5k or 1k is FTX becomes Celsius 2.0

>> No.52263522


i think btc withdrawals are congested, i was able to withdraw ETH and USDC in minutes, but am waiting a few hours on btc

>> No.52263531
Quoted by: >>52263562

We have had 6 or 7 major liquidation events this year alone you double nigger. You think we can’t withstand a scam exchange platform coming apart at the seams? LOL you should stop projecting your sissy fantasies onto others and start withdrawing your funds from that goytrap that is FTX.

We’ll be fine (except for idiots who trust the jews and degen leverage traders and the rest of scamwick fooder)

>> No.52263538
File: 100 KB, 711x324, 1638926772232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short ftt sol serum
long bnb

>> No.52263539

Fantom will finally be free of the only VC holdings it has. I expect it will rise significantly shortly after.

>> No.52263553
Quoted by: >>52265005

he's a gambler that gambled with other people's money and is now leaving them with the IOUs

>> No.52263554

>inspect element

>> No.52263562

Oh for sure you will be fine,keep holding bro. Fed rates priced in, SEC priced in, regulations priced in, exchange wars priced in, tether priced in, defi priced in. Everything is fine, stop loss none.

>> No.52263567

Yeh I'm sure they have enough of those, solana and other low caps... for now.
It's pretty worrisome their BTC is congested though.

>> No.52263586

kek we all know this is the real reason all this shit suddenly sprung up now

>> No.52263595

SBF is already selling Solana to prop up FTT.

>> No.52263605
Quoted by: >>52263648

you dont have to imagine fren, its all true
just watch as events unfold in the common weeks, the bulgarians were always a red herring
not saying they dont do anything but they were small in comparison

>> No.52263606

>everything in the world revolves around link
kek either a baggie or 5D fud

>> No.52263614

Like clockwork

>> No.52263617

I withdrew 7500 LINK, first a 1000 link tx, then a 6500 link tx. First one took 2 minutes, the other one took 55 minutes

>> No.52263625
File: 368 KB, 707x1459, 1652349934456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average crypto buyer has a IQ of roughly 30

>> No.52263633

I noticed the same thing earlier today and everyone on this board is saying its FUD. I swear half these posters are on the FTX payroll

>> No.52263634

Fucking jeets lel

>> No.52263648

>Injects fentanyl into his rotten vein
>Bro you are millionaire just think about may 2021, you got it champ

>> No.52263651


>> No.52263653
Quoted by: >>52268120

Elon should implement an IQ test before you can legally create a twitter account

>> No.52263673

Anyone defending ftx is either a shill or posting bait.

>> No.52263676
File: 43 KB, 588x362, 1666513192930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CZ doesnt want an all out war but his consiglieres do

>> No.52263687

>built his reputation with bought shill articles in jewish media
its amazing how effective this was, despite the inate repulsion many anons here felt about it all

also whats new in the recent leaks isnt that ftt is an illiquid shitcoin everybody knew, the revelation is that the ftx/alameda book actually lists ftt as their major asset, nobody thought they were this stupid
and blackrock fud isnt going to work thanks to daddy powell blackrock itself isnt doing so swimmingly right now

>> No.52263686

it's okay, it just loops back to being a regular girl.

>> No.52263696

Sam has tons of paid shills. Look at how ingratiated himself with the crypto Twitter community via sponsorships. Fags like Cobie and Ledger sucked Sam cock because he put them on the payroll and now have nothing important to say about him when he's trying to make DeFi illegal in America.

>> No.52263697

what a faggot you're

>> No.52263699

Holy shit lol

>> No.52263703

I fucking would if I could. They are out of funds to loan.

>> No.52263705
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>> No.52263711

reminder that this fat kike has trannies on his payroll
don't be surprised if they start censoring biz again

>> No.52263715

yup, they say it wont be like LUNA but as FTT drops they get margin called and forced to liquidate their collateral (FTT) driving the price lower - this is gonna be sweet justice

>> No.52263721
Quoted by: >>52264059

never trust a jew

>> No.52263730
Quoted by: >>52265746

it's scapegoat, but the summary is great

>> No.52263746

already under 21k, good luck guys

>> No.52263757

twitter jeets are the lowest of the low, they make /biz/ jeets seem human by comparison

>> No.52263758

This is the biggest cope.
Caroline is in damage control mode right now.

>> No.52263770
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Quoted by: >>52263824

>> No.52263772
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>> No.52263780
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>> No.52263791
Quoted by: >>52263803

If this is true then why not let FTT fall below $20 and accumulate it on the cheap? They seem awfully desperate to keep it above that specific number

>> No.52263803
File: 129 KB, 894x610, 1636571236623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an antisemitic question

>> No.52263808

Sam is no doubt responsible for the suppression of LINK so I want this kike destroyed. Get him the fuck out of crypto

>> No.52263824
Quoted by: >>52264051

cool, so OTC deal is made? Sam should be able to cough up 585,000,000

>> No.52263848
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>> No.52263854
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Quoted by: >>52263920

I'm rooting for the linkies, after celsius and now ftx, they just have to beat nexo and their coin can finally moon.

>> No.52263862

This. CZs not a commie cuck like jackie chane with his tranny, drug addicted kids

>> No.52263869


>> No.52263893
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>> No.52263897
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, photo_2022-10-22_15-59-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samuel Bankman-Fried (born March 6, 1992) is a disgusting fat kike that STEALS money from DeFi users. How? Alameda Research has farmed all the DeFi tokens and aggressively dumped the tokens. FUCK Samuel Bankman-Fried, you greasy fat fuck, you're no vegan ... you eat babies. Also FUCK Alameda Research and FTX.

>> No.52263914
Quoted by: >>52264111

Jesus christ. I wonder if BTC whales who hate ftx will capitalize on this by dumping to force additional downward pressure on FTT

>> No.52263920
Quoted by: >>52263974

Samuel Bankman-Fried IS NOT an ""altruistic billionaire"", he is an aggressive lying kike that is pushing for regulation in the DeFi space. This means kike gate keeping to prevent average Joe American from yield farming and such. He has stolen 10 candies from white babies, I have seen it with my own eyes (when the mother wasn't looking)

>> No.52263934
File: 40 KB, 1026x206, JEW00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/biz/ questions and answers

Q: Is Sam Bank Friedman a Jew?


Q: Is Sam Bank Friedman a kike?


Q: But is he a lying kike that steals customers' funds?


Q: Does Sam Bank Friedman have a tranny boyfriend?

We have asked FTX PR agency and it has been verified that yes, he does have a tranny color boyfriend

Q: How does Sam Bank Friedman steal wealth from the crypto market?

By creating unbacked wrapped tokens (wBTC, wETH) out of thin air. Then they dump the wraped tokens on the market thus driving down the price. Fuck you Sam Bankman Fried you fucking fat jiggly kike.

Q: Ser ... is there more sinister secrets to this Jew?

Yes, as a former FTX employee, who has recently quit, I will expose everything about FTX and Sam Bankman Fried.

>> No.52263945

was jsut about to post a thread with that
but yes its over we celcius 2 now and btc to sub 10k
the one thing thats really wierd is how il capo is going to be right in his prediction: before this shitstorm began he posted a sharp drop for btc mid nov and a rapid rise back up
everybody here mocked him for it as the macro conditions were turning so how could it possibly be real, but guess he knew insider info on the attack against ftx in progress

>> No.52263950

Oh fuck I'm salivating at this news. Can't wait to swim in blood and scoop up cheap.

>> No.52263952
File: 101 KB, 606x1195, ftx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52263986

i had that btc "congestion" last night, holy fuck I thought ftx would be the safest and I actually like their interface but this might get ugly quick.
btc even baselayer is dead, it can't be congested. any congestion is internal at ftx

>> No.52263957
File: 292 KB, 640x360, firm handshake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers gentlemen

>> No.52263962

Based. Fuck kikes.

>> No.52263974

I remember your post from a few days ago. Foreshadowing? What are these games you play?

>> No.52263980

Open a 2x CAKE/BNB farm on Alpaca Finance, massive APY with very low liquidation risk.

Not a Jeet shill, fuck niggers and kikes

>> No.52263986

Yeah get out. Don't withdraw in BTC, use usdc or sol before it's too late.

>> No.52264016
File: 99 KB, 640x404, B50DE296-C48F-49AF-978D-6B8E3F8BADE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52264032

I keep my coins on ledgers, metamask, and kraken (because I know where their offices are and can drive there)

>> No.52264033

He really is the Capo. El patron. The Boss. I sold 20% of my stack on this pump and have a shitton of cash ready for what's about to commence. Don't doubt the boss.

>> No.52264051

No OTC deal has been paid. Sam has to pull USDC to defend FTT so as to not get liquidated

>> No.52264059

They're collecting on goylygone MATIC now too. Oy vey all in time for monday morning

>> No.52264072
Quoted by: >>52264537

>show me the chart and i will tell you the news
smoothbrains will continue to believe that ta is astrology for men though. insiders can hide the truth from you, but they cant hide when they move the markets while preparing for a big play. that is what reading charts is all about in any market. spot the whales setting themselves up for a play and swim alongside them

>> No.52264085
File: 211 KB, 640x841, E52F764C-15EF-4C36-825C-09B4EB1DD307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rush to the exits

>> No.52264111

It’s not a matter of “capitalize” it’s a matter of not being last to exit. Much of crypto is a very gentlemanly community. Remember that article about how ftx might technically be insolvent because it can’t get anywhere near book value for its ftt, but whales didn’t rush to the exit.

>> No.52264140

It's all so tiring

>> No.52264224
Quoted by: >>52264249

Reminder to hedge versus this by selling a part of your stack.
The risk/rewards ratio of not selling before a luna scenario is not worth it
even if you have to rebuy a couple % higher later

>> No.52264249

yeah no i'm just gonna buy more link if it dumps

>> No.52264263
Quoted by: >>52264561

Will FTX go belly up?

>> No.52264271

that's fine too but think about it
the risk/reward ratio is heavily in favor of selling at least a bit now

>> No.52264290

at worst you lose maybe 1-5%
at best you increase what you sold by considerably

>> No.52264292
Quoted by: >>52267836

This whole fight is to make LINK dump.

>> No.52264320

nah it's a kike market. they could easily just release some new headline to cause the narrative to do a 180. never sell when fear narratives are driving the price action.

>> No.52264338
File: 959 KB, 1440x5067, Screenshot_20221107-005945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52266512

All good faggots

>> No.52264356

>chinks vs jews
Finally. I hope they destroy each other.

>> No.52264364

KEK that watcher believed a fake account with the handle SBF_ucker

>> No.52264460

>the illuminati is suppressing us!!
>no its the bulgarian mafia!
>no its the discord trannies!
>no its klaus schwab and the WEF
>no its sergey
>no its binance!!
>no its FTX and Bankman!
Keep the cope rolling. Links pump is almost entirely erased.. Again...

>> No.52264494


>> No.52264513

Why the fuck is anyone having to withdraw money? Why is anyone on this website using that exchange on the first place?

>> No.52264531


>> No.52264537


>> No.52264546
Quoted by: >>52264575


it's the only place i can trade futures desu

>> No.52264561
Quoted by: >>52265404

if FTT drops to its liquidation price and they are margin called by their lenders and forced to liquidate their cryptos to pay off the loans, probably. nobody knows what price it is, but they seem desperate to defend $22 (they are selling off huge amounts of other cryptos to defend FTT), so it might be closer than a lot of people think

>> No.52264575
Quoted by: >>52264622

gains network? gmx? kucoin? im sure theres more i cant think of

>> No.52264622


dexes are too slow and dont have enough pairs/liquidity, the latter is true for kucoin too. binance is the only serious alternative, but binance removed futures from my country.

>> No.52264640


>> No.52264661
File: 78 KB, 1076x183, Screenshot_20221107_022136_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52266588


>> No.52264696

literally any coin that he has listed as perps on his exchange, as he might end up going the celsius route and liquidate all the customer holdings and putting in shorts on them while doing so. However, shorting SOL, APT and SRM should be easy peasy

>> No.52264820

huh, this must be why I haven't been seeing those annoying fucking binance bots on finance twitter posts. Good riddance, fuck them.

>> No.52264974
Quoted by: >>52270150

Where are you going to run this time?
>whites hate you
>blacks hate you
>asians hate you
How it all comes crashing down!

>> No.52265005

I have reported this post to the ADL

>> No.52265037
File: 1.24 MB, 257x200, Mick Jagger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we obviously have hedges that aren't listed
>on our balance sheet

>> No.52265086

yep...wasn't it weird how there was months of constant ICP FUD on here?
literal employees of FTX responding/creating ICP FUD threads, shit is pretty wild

>> No.52265097

i fucking love cz

>> No.52265099

do people really leave their crypto on exchanges more than 5 minutes after buying?

>> No.52265117

you realize this is the end of crypto right? no one who got mogged twice like that is going to buy back in in the future, your electric coins are going be the new beanie babies

>> No.52265337
File: 135 KB, 1284x1001, Fg6k3wDXwAA6cJM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like FTX will be filing for bankruptcy sooner than later.

>> No.52265382

Most "Chinese" people arent Chinese, most of them are Cantonese or Mongol heritage.

>> No.52265404

This week will be wild

>> No.52265410
File: 57 KB, 1080x1199, FfxVqFQXwAAlpQS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.... should we buy BNB? FTX is linked to blackrock, Sam was the single biggest donator to Pedo Joe and started a fucking ponzi to kill crypto. We need to back CZ on this... FTX dying is healthy long term.

>> No.52265426

oyyyyyyyyyyyy veeeeey

>> No.52265488

Keep typing.

>> No.52265537

Can't make this up

>> No.52265552

Who is this comment directed at and what is an FTT?

>> No.52265557
Quoted by: >>52265725

no, ftx supposedly has a lot of bnb to dump

>> No.52265579
Quoted by: >>52265725

i would let this play out before buying anything but if we get a shot at some cheap BNB from this then im gonna take it, see the BNB/BTC chart

>> No.52265630
File: 1.12 MB, 2000x1501, 49509886-B6F9-4E46-A14F-C7D8CA174766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody fighting blackrock is fighting the fed, don’t fight the fed.


>> No.52265677
File: 2 KB, 125x103, 1530757644208s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i expected a real dump cz, wt happened, mm it make me think if cz cannot dump this coin nobody can sirs

>> No.52265690

Willingly or not, CZ is backed by China now. There is no going back for this shitshow

>> No.52265725

Just bought 100 BNB fuck this kike I'll just fucking hold. Besides, if they truly are insolvent and the assets are frozen they can't dump BNB bc that would mean they are trading away their client's money so that would imply not just company assets but the personal assets of the board he would be throwing his money down the drain.
t. lawyer

>> No.52265728

entertaining times nevertheless

>> No.52265740
File: 69 KB, 988x826, bnbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52265746

It's spacegoat you fucking retard

>> No.52265751
Quoted by: >>52265768

I think is good to have BNB anon, but I doubt that the fed will go insolvent, also if you think SBF is a scammer, CZ is no better.

>> No.52265757

The crypto wars have started.

If you’re for FTX and (((SBF))) it’s kill on fucking site. Team CZ for the win

>> No.52265768

I know he's done some shady shit buy buying and dumping shitcoins on Binance but most of his wealth comes from BNB his personal interest is tied to BNB

>> No.52265828

They need to Curb Their Enthusiasm

>> No.52265846

crypto was over long before this.

verification not required.

>> No.52265851

let me hold it in my trading account for the vip 7 fee discount

>> No.52265907

We proved he was a CIAnigger kike on deep state's payroll, just like his parents (Stanford Univ law's dept is CIA centrale).

>> No.52265948
File: 76 KB, 714x575, 1665125796681432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaving caroline as the easy spacegoat
Poor little jewish hamster, she didn't deserve it.. I could have saved her.

>> No.52266184
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x1137, 1643086243590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52266323

nepotism has always been the name of the game. Judaism is just covert nationalism. It's always been tribe vs tribe.

>> No.52266279
Quoted by: >>52268561

> we obviously have hedges
> not listed, of course
> but we do, obviously, of course

>> No.52266323
Quoted by: >>52266380

Based. It's only natural for humans to have deep in group preference and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.52266380
File: 89 KB, 1200x679, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52266537

Wouldn't it be nice to take a walk on some pure white sand
Gaze at the horizon
Without living in fear?

Wouldn't be sweet to watch the sun curve down meets the waves?
And taste the ocean spray
And realize we'd been living as slaves

>> No.52266396


The Based Chink Marches On

>> No.52266404
File: 394 KB, 1440x1244, B6264EEE-4FCB-4F1C-B3F0-B1F50C902308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bullish is this for Chainlink? Stables need to start using proof of reserves no? Shit getting fucking tiring…

>> No.52266427
File: 608 KB, 500x629, 03531F1C-F195-4ED7-8F41-2016320AACD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52266439

>an active member of the community.
is that what you call a -99% bagholder? an "active member"?

>> No.52266444

Why are Jews losing so much lately?

>> No.52266476
File: 2.43 MB, 2250x3000, 1665516657844918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52269352

Wtf is the jews problem?

>> No.52266486
File: 74 KB, 926x1076, 5324nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52266560




>> No.52266488
Quoted by: >>52269393

just like robin hood ended the stock market

>> No.52266512
Quoted by: >>52266527

Does this indicate SBF is forcing his customers to sell their BTC (to him) in exchange for shitcoins, that they can then move off FTX and dump for BTC again, with the end result that those shitcoins dump while BTC climbs and SBF ends up with all the BTC?

>> No.52266527

No... kanye?

>> No.52266537
File: 124 KB, 1080x1251, Ff1vpjXaEAAcTN7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure would anon... name a worst prison that the one you can't see the bars. A prison for the mind, for the spirit... it's the one we're at rn.

>> No.52266560


>> No.52266566
File: 76 KB, 488x599, nbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52266588

who listens to this pajeet

>> No.52266598
File: 20 KB, 393x432, 1667687998108212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-based. continue

>> No.52267151

its good advice, costs nothing and NYKNYC

>> No.52267480

but is he a lying jew kike that steals customers funds and have a tranny boyfriend and steal wealth from the crypto market at the same time???

>> No.52267499

Not true. All it takes is some big green numbers and then everyone will say it's free money

>> No.52267580
Quoted by: >>52267743

What the fuck? Isn’t she a child?
Fuck off doomer
Crashing FTX is great for crypto
Exchanges die all the time

>> No.52267628

holy BASED

>> No.52267726

Imagine going against the Jewish people. This won't end well.

>> No.52267743


>> No.52267750

I remember when SBF pledged $1b to elect commie leftist democrats and his aggressive lobbying of regulations that, lets be real, only benefit mega corporate and political Jews while retail gets fucked. Fat kike can burn in hell.

>> No.52267836

$9 breached and they immediately pull this. These people need to be nuked from orbit out of crypto

>> No.52267865
File: 471 KB, 1512x792, 1511119320621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52267872

It is truly unbelievable how this happens every single time. I don’t have any words.

>> No.52267940

he is based as fuck you're a fucking newfag

>> No.52267943

At least Mashinsky was pro crypto, he verbally stood up against the banking system, you wanted to believe him. This slimy rat on the other hand, I can hardly believe anybody trusted him.

>> No.52268015
Quoted by: >>52268062

Oh no he printed worthless tokens!!! Unlike eh... literally any crypto project in the last few years lol. Based CZ never ran hundreds of ponzis on his platform wa worse than FTT, truly a hero for the working class man.

Shut the fuck up holy kek.

>> No.52268030


>> No.52268062

Binance has been a top quality exchange and chain since it launched.
None of these CEOs are perfect but Bankman is one of the worst

>> No.52268120

He would lose 90% of his user base over night if he did that.

>> No.52268334


>> No.52268382


>> No.52268553

born jewish

>> No.52268561

this and kek

>> No.52268566

they're going to crash everything aren't they

does SBF have dual citizenship?

>> No.52268577

they're trying to cause a panic and crash things so they can buy assets for cheap one more time before ww3 starts and the lights go out

>> No.52268593

>ripple effects

the DOJ literally just re-opened the investigation against Tether and Bitfinex in SDNY district courts

>> No.52268605

lmao and SBF's parents are tax evasion lawyers? lol you can't make this shit up

>> No.52268608


>> No.52268619
Quoted by: >>52268626

Can someone tell me what’s the pro/con from this for me? Like is this a crypto nuclear war? They’re just going to blow it all to shit? No one wins? Who wins? How do I win?

>> No.52268626

>Who wins?

The jews


>> No.52268630

this person knows things, also
>leaving caroline as the easy spacegoat

>> No.52268653

i'm still laughing
the common problem here is
>don't trust a third party to hold your money
and your own conclusion is
>i'm just going to trust a different third party
when the entire premise of crypto is to take ownership and custody
it's like you go and learn how to drive to quit taking the bus, then once you get your license you decide to use taxis instead

>> No.52268671


>> No.52268673

literally line 2 and 3 of the very post you replied to

>> No.52268778
Quoted by: >>52268847

>you realize this is the end of crypto right? no one who got mogged twice like that is going to buy back in in the future, your electric coins are going be the new beanie babies

more like the dotcom bubble. the gamblers / speculators will all get flushed and only the best cryptos will survive. this is a long time coming. i think the bigger event is when michael saylor is forced to sell at some point

>Idiots in here laughed at me for keeping some funds on Coinmetro, who’s laughing now you stupid motherfuckers?
the contagion might spread - you should probably move to offline storage

>> No.52268812

Based. Fuck Sam

>> No.52268847
File: 640 KB, 1000x2389, 50B85C8E-2E0B-40E2-A606-3033C566F1F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the contagion might spread - you should probably move to offline storage
The most important sentence on this entire board

>> No.52268894
File: 51 KB, 877x960, tough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52268967

>learning from LUNA
does that mean i should sell everything before the mother of dips?

>> No.52268967
File: 42 KB, 720x549, 9A2B1090-B51C-4A42-AED0-042481AD14B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One word: rehypothecation
>inb4 bitcoin is “congested”

>> No.52269352


From my closer observation, it's the culture/religion which they were raised by; the narrative for them is basically.

> gentiles are livestock, like goats, donkeys

In their hearts they know this to be a lie and it's wrong but the wealth of knowledge and wisdom passed down to them is greater than that of many gentiles, so the temptation is strong to simply take advantage of the situation.

They hate Jesus because Jesus didn't tell them what they wanted to hear. In fact he told them they were wrong and not good nor righteous, no different than the gentiles.

The pharisees were all about being "High Society" and "Righteous", "Supreme Judgement".

Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: `I desire mercy, not sacrifice. ' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

The pharisees were all about being displaying themselves as "Clean" and "Sinless" However they were liars, actors and full of sin.

Many "Christians" today are actually following in the same footsteps as the pharisees. They do the exact opposite of what Jesus taught.

>> No.52269393

robinhood didn't go under you fucking retarded, kek nontheless though

>> No.52269446


>> No.52269980
Quoted by: >>52270056

Every one is just shit in this space. Don't think CZ is helping you in any way. Don't get married to any crypto. I love the cosmos chain and staking assets like LOOP on juno but that doesn't make me get emotional. We are here to make money.

>> No.52270053
Quoted by: >>52272271

I hope FTX do go bust in order for crypto in general to grow, these over-leveraged funds brings negativity towards crypto(Celsius) with normal people losing money while the founders run away with most of the money. This happening will bring more regulation to stop this from happening which will be detrimental for crypto prices short term but long term is good news.

>> No.52270056

check BNB/ BTC
you are welcome, CZ has been protecting BNB during the whole bear market because he knows he has a cult, at least he fucking cares

>> No.52270057
File: 139 KB, 1080x1171, photo_2022-11-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52272772

Qtards were right

>> No.52270124
Quoted by: >>52270143

How do we make money from this? Short FFT or just long BNB? Doing this will I have register for KYC on gamestar+ and looking to get early access.

>> No.52270142
Quoted by: >>52270155

So he and the jewish girl are gonna be arrested or what?

>> No.52270143
File: 100 KB, 694x881, Fg9Q9wmUcAAgaF_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52270172

These are KNOWN alamedas wallet holdings, I am mostly monitoring these shitcoins

>> No.52270150

Have any of you been on Twatter lately? Kanye opened the floodgates that place is looking like /pol/ nowadays, full of normies NTJ'ing and posting graphs and links. Shits unreal. This overreach with Kyrie is also rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.

>> No.52270155
File: 58 KB, 850x664, 1617654577516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caroline did nothing wrong

>> No.52270164

STFU you jewish cunt, you look like a rat

>> No.52270170

god I want to spacegoat caroline, if you catch my drift

>> No.52270172
Quoted by: >>52270208

where is SOL?

>> No.52270208


I guess their SOL address is harder to dox? they probably hold their sol in the exchange or validators

>> No.52270375

>and the bear will leave it's cave forever

>> No.52270941

CZ is the right exterminator for the job.

>> No.52270947

This essentially sums up the whole situation.

>> No.52271017

this is why dumps are always good for long term holders. you only need to sell once to make it.

>> No.52271038


>> No.52271059

CZ is also just another businessman, don't forget that. But yes, Sam is 1000x worse.

>> No.52271162

Kanye and CZ were right about the Jews

>> No.52272271

Normal people are retards who only ever learn the hard way. There are zillions of regulated financial products they can use but no, they're overconfident and dumb and think 10% APR is sustainable. If you regulate crypto you're just creating a tranche of well-paid brake-pumping seat-polishers who will do exactly what they did over Bear Stearns, Enron, Lehman etc. Absolutely nothing in time.

>> No.52272772
File: 756 KB, 587x837, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair there was that one time /pol/ showed up with funs.

>> No.52272789
File: 141 KB, 897x374, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52273059


>> No.52273059
File: 487 KB, 1600x1200, amessage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh interesting, is this why they put up a wall? Finally someone looking at what needs to be looked at. The fucking privatized banks that run this world.

>> No.52273163
File: 540 KB, 640x637, Er2xSh7XUAEHNxV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52273305

Do jews really hate us so much they're willing to go to jail for us because that sounds utterly retarded

>> No.52273202

CZ is even worse than (((Bankman))). Like i said, the chinks are the new merchant race. The chinks are supplanting the jews.

>> No.52273305
File: 211 KB, 512x512, 1655439933061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52275241

I hate midwits like you so fucking much. Lurk more.

>> No.52274834

Hmm, thank you.

My nephew was asking me about this situation and I wasn't sure how to explain it but you certainly made it clear.

>> No.52275241
File: 210 KB, 1200x675, c18ba6ae-e34a-4125-9887-4699ea233b29_w1200_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus died for our sins and for our sins he gave us /pol/ LMAO