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51635372 No.51635372 [Reply] [Original]

>ETH price crashed after the successful merge.
>BTC keeps dropping below 19k
>Inflation rate is hitting the globe
>Quantum computer is becoming a major concern
>Devs are running out of jobs
>NFTs and Metaverse are losing it all

How will retards make it in life?

>> No.51635409

>How will retards make it in life?
If we're not eating bugs in a few years, then we just follow the next big thing like NPCs we are.

>> No.51635462
Quoted by: >>51637222

But XRP is having a field day

>> No.51635534
Quoted by: >>51636095

Retards will get rekt of course but defi chads will get rich faggs

>> No.51635547

Only the retardedest of the retardedest devs are running out of jobs. SE market is still hot shit, landed a $300k job with 5YOE with no troubles at all

>> No.51635571

bitcoin scales with difficulty, so if the network detects your hardware is quantum quick - it will adjust difficulty across the entire btc network.

>> No.51635583
Quoted by: >>51635830

While you are correct, that's not the issue. The issue is brute forcing peoples wallets

>> No.51635611
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Post quantum algorithm will address the concern of quantum threat to blockchain

>> No.51635743
Quoted by: >>51638388

There are jobs in web3, the developers that aren't getting hired doesn't have the required skillset

>> No.51635797
Quoted by: >>51636204

NIST few weeks ago, outlined post quantum algorithm recommendations for digital signatures

>> No.51635830

i think a lot of that is solved by regulation.

Someone that steals from your wallet is breaking the law and it can get traced to something. All money comes from the real world and transactions are recorded.

It comes down to getting the necessary tools to track and prosecute across international lines. While people think btc is for anonymity, it actually forces even more tracking by getting linked to a ledger. Too bad nobody knows what bitcoin is or how it works

>> No.51635933

There are privacy solutions in place to curb that. They include secret network, Railgun to mention but a few

>> No.51635983
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Quoted by: >>51636841

Librescan from Qan also have a similar function of shielding transactions

>> No.51636095
Quoted by: >>51639130

Staking is always the best option. Nothing beats it.

>> No.51636193

code is not law and a blockchain footprint is just one of several ways to id someone.

bitcoin is made to be digital cash and the goal of it wasnt complete privacy. how much privacy do you have when you pay for your things in physical cash?

>> No.51636204

I saw that. Only one crypto project has implemented the primary recommendation, other ones used the secondary recommendation

>> No.51636253

quantum computing will be interesting but definitely wont be the death of crypto

there is quantum resistant encryption/hashing algorithms/encoding you know

all it takes is a hard fork

ide like to see the news youre reading where its a concern because im pretty sure quantum computers at least personal quantum computers are at least 15-20 years away

>> No.51636305
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>What can I use RAILGUN Privacy for:
>• Make confidential payments to your attorney when seeking legal advice on personal disputes.
>•Stop any dates looking into your DeFi habits before having dinner with you
it actually says this on coinmarketcap

>> No.51636434
Quoted by: >>51638766

But with development, people saw the need to shield transactions. I don't feel safe if people can see my transaction history, so I'm happy with the privacy solution in place to tackle the above issue.

>> No.51636550

There are several other articles but you can start by reading this

>> No.51636779
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Quoted by: >>51638822

From a merge to a submerge. ETH maxis were even stunned

>> No.51636841
Quoted by: >>51637511

I prefer the hyperpolyglot feature to all other features

>> No.51636935

There are bluechip NFT projects. You not seeing them doesn't mean they are not present faggot

>> No.51637003
Quoted by: >>51637712

Getting a hard fork now isn't as easy as you present it to be. Some are of the opinion that it might take at least 4 years for a complete migration to post quantum algorithm

>> No.51637191
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1643888210295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a hopeless pajeet

>> No.51637222

Xrp will benefit massively from all this

>> No.51637392
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 20220412_135220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What blue chip NFT projects? The apes that cost my house rent? I'll rather buy coins. They have better liquidity than jpegs

>> No.51637511

You must be a dev talented in many languages to want this. Based
>Or maybe you have a team that works with a variety of languages.

>> No.51637562
Quoted by: >>51637845

I wonder why ETH doesn't allow devs to do this. Why must everything be coded in Solidity? Not even Rust or Golang

>> No.51637625
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buy lunc before it hits 1$

>> No.51637712
File: 268 KB, 1004x1231, uploads1661889245117-Vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a hard fork last night. I can give you some too, or would you rather get it from the chief?

>> No.51637845
File: 42 KB, 1170x638, zjjavdvkjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51637913

Writing codes in any languages removed the king status that Solidity has made for itself. Imagine coding ETH compatible projects with Golang or Javascript. ETH maxis don't want that

>> No.51637913
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Quoted by: >>51638088

Kek...coding in any language makes just so comfortable I guess it's the the Hyperpolyglot smart contract engine is what you are talking about? Am I right anon?

>> No.51637992
File: 53 KB, 873x873, 1653824325902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51638096

ETH price will pump later. Chill pajeet.
>NFTs and metaverse are not real.
> Vitalik was making posts about quantum computers before the merge was complete.
>What's going on fags?

>> No.51638088

That sounds like the QVM. Cartesi with the first decentralized Blockchain OS can handle a few languages, but only a few.
> QVM and BOS built by different chads to work for based devs

>> No.51638096
Quoted by: >>51638150

See vitalik is just being naive I would say. Quantum threats are not too far. We need a quantum resistant blockchain to keep our funds safe.

>> No.51638150
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Better sooner than later. I don't want my ETH NFTs to get rekt when they are worth millions.

>> No.51638388

Might be true since web3 is still in its developmental phase and access is still a major factor required for adoption and transitioning from web2 to web3.

>> No.51638403
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Kek. Inflation and recession at the same time. That like fire burning while everywhere is ice.

Devs are not running out of jobs, they can always deploy smart contracts and earn from it. Some blockchains pay royalties.

>> No.51638506
Quoted by: >>51638691

Well this confirms the need to prioritize our wallet security and imo the best way to achieve this is through anonymous transaction by integrating with privacy protocols.

>> No.51638528


>> No.51638562

I knew it... ETH is fucked like some drunk bitches.
>The merge was designed to have a long-term impact, not a short-term one and it was expected to change the crypto space forever.

>> No.51638600
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Quantum computers are not coming for at least a year. I remember IBM will not have the 1000+ qubit computer ready until a few years.
Now cry more pepe, the bear market wants to fuck with you again.

>> No.51638611

You dont get the drift desu, privacy is all about security and with p2p or physical cash transaction there no fear of wallets getting hacked due to exposed transaction details on explorers but its the opposite for digital/blockchain transaction hence why privacy is needed in crypto.

>> No.51638691
File: 23 KB, 562x545, images - 2022-09-19T155000.728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon privacy is just like 1st level of protection but a quantum resistant blockchain is like a solution which offers security against the QCs just be smart.

>> No.51638766
Quoted by: >>51638924

I wasnt really experienced when I started crypto and my wallet balance was always there for everyone to see which was a disaster but railway wallet offers balance shielding which is by far my best feature.

>> No.51638822
File: 9 KB, 264x191, images (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I'd prefer to fuck a granny with a PoW pussy than a virgin with PoS pussy, Such provided by QAN.

>> No.51638831

>Quantum computer is becoming a major concern
This might be our doom but some Layer 1 likes Qanplatform is already working to solve this already so no need to shit my pants

>> No.51638924

Stop buying crypto.
Get your investments off wallets.
Fucking retard, your wallet balance was there for everyone and no fucking hacker sucked your dick?
They'll fuck all your earnings and make you broke idiot soon.

They are all scam.

>> No.51638953

POR is eco-friendly for mining. And it offers scalability in future.

>> No.51639019
Quoted by: >>51640030

With the emergence of web3, I believe NFTs still got a lot to offer especially when the onboarding process for creators is made seamless including services such as minting, trading and crosschain transfer.

>> No.51639027

Same retard that said the same thing last Bear market ended up buying ATH during the bull run
>Stop being bitter

>> No.51639047

These days its quite easy to spot a brainlet and you are one.

>> No.51639073
File: 14 KB, 183x275, images (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51640344

Aside making bitches to kick asses all because they are earning royalty fees and enjoying fixed transaction fee. Wtf can have they done?
Say some more shit and I'll blow your head off.

>> No.51639081

>Stop buying crypto.
Fucking loser, go kys.

>> No.51639130

Selling the top beats it every. Single. Time

>> No.51639155
Quoted by: >>51640653

I fear China has something they plan for crypto because they are massively pumping funds into QC tech

>> No.51639167

No, can't advice any pajeet, The owner is currently facing legal files after UST crash. That's indicating not good enough to go with LUNC. Though you can put a super small quantity of LUNA2.0 in your bag as no one knows what will be the future

>> No.51639195

This thread reeks of curry.

>> No.51639408
Quoted by: >>51639497

>Quantum computer is becoming a major concern.
NIST recommending Dilithium Crystals after an extensive selection process feels like heaven, no gay gonna fuck your ass OP.
>Devs are running out of jobs.
Only dumbass are running out of jobs, The first QVM smart contract engine tutorial made on macOS was published and more fucking tutorials on Linux and Windows operating systems are also coming. Isn't this a field day for trannies??

>> No.51639420
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Quoted by: >>51639536


>> No.51639440

That's the saying of a fuckifng idiot

>> No.51639497
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1639490595024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51639711

> I have hated my life with Solidity, sometimes feel like quitting because it is way too hard
Being able to code in any programming Language is for sure a dream come true

>> No.51639536

How much usd for this?

>> No.51639573
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1663583844900071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such an insane pajeet, you'll keep fucking till you get rekt. QAN uses Proof of Randomness and not PoW.
Bitches are actually a validator and not a miner and they'll be able to validate with as little hardware.

>> No.51639592

Maybe you can fuck her for free, after all, she is Asian

>> No.51639623

Hey Ukrainian pussies are for free

>> No.51639700
Quoted by: >>51639789

I knew ETH merge will cause a dump, and desu PoS isn't even worth it, I would have preferred PoR since it is Decentralized

>> No.51639711

Just heard how fucking sweet node providers can keep or sell their rewards in the open market after receiving horny rewards indians. Hope that's fucking true.

>> No.51639789

Lots of investors were already shying away from their high gas fees but this is the last nail in the coffin.

>> No.51639855
Quoted by: >>51640154

It's really fucking crazy how ETH made QAN is slide through to make its transaction prices predictable and making the company to put them in its financial plan.

>> No.51639863

Quantum computers aren't used to find PoW nonces. They're used to do a different equations to solve encryption. If they do that, then they can bypass the guess and check it would traditionally require to get a private key from a public key. But also the entire internet infrastructure would cease to be an obstacle

>> No.51639886

ALL according to keikaku


>> No.51639908
Quoted by: >>51640071

I don't give a fuck about regulation for something in MY wallet. The solution is quantum proofing the security which is something that can be done.

>> No.51639997

Merge never solved high gas, it only dump prices and even some miners created another eth fork
>Funny part, Vitalik isn't taken QCT seriously, ETH might fall hard

>> No.51640030
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But Qanplatform is making life easier for idiots, seamless deployment of web3 applications, DeFi protocols, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), or Metaverse solutions is here and they're all quantum protected.

>> No.51640071

I'd go partying all night knowing my bags are safe

>> No.51640154

And the sweetest taste of an Indian pussy is that transactions are quantum-safe, deployment fees of data and
transfers recorded on the chain, and GDPR-friendly at the same time.

>> No.51640184

Then what was all the hype for? Making trends all for shits

>> No.51640310
Quoted by: >>51640384

Fuck! You've got no mf say on this moron, Node providers are constantly running the software on a capable device, providing storage space for the network and no son of a bitch is coming close to this.

>> No.51640334
Quoted by: >>51641354

Most EVM-compatible projects will Just simply migrate to chains like QAN when the threat get intense
NFT hype is dead, its over saturated

>> No.51640344

Heard the retard disappeared lol

>> No.51640384
Quoted by: >>51640450

Validators are broke as jeets

>> No.51640403

Quantum computing would need a nuclear reactor to power it. This is totally possible but it would trigger a nuclear war. Whoever does this first isn't going after hard wallets, they're going after nuclear launch codes. I've got bigger problems to think about than my hard wallet getting cracked at this point lol.

>> No.51640409


>> No.51640450

You're such a frustrated idiot, Whenever a particular validator wins the validation process, the validator also receives all the coins as rewards from the Issuance Pool. This is real and no Asian gay will tell you this poorfag.

>> No.51640482

Is that why Russia is really going crazy??

>> No.51640653
Quoted by: >>51640799

>I fear China has something they plan for crypto because they are massively pumping funds into QC tech
Oh no wonder the hell of wary eye towards china, making india to invest in quantum technology to gain computing and information edge with the invitation of the best quantum resistant hybrid blockchain team. Soon everyone will fucking go quantum resistant.

>> No.51640654

Even if the world falls apart, not my hard earn money, it all draws down to the same point, the Gov can handle the nuclear part while blockchain also prepare for the worse to come

>> No.51640768

>How will retards make it in life?
Pegasys farms gives an excellent opportunity for users to lock their assets in a liquidity pool and earn an attractive APY (Annual Percentage Yield) on their funds. This could save your ass

>> No.51640799
Quoted by: >>51641216

Though some still don't believe QCT will come soon, they are wrong and might be fucked hard in the ass. Even the US Whitehouse has started preparing against this threat

>> No.51641216

Well yeah that's a fact anon quantum resistant blockchain is very much needed to protect everyone's funds and investments in crypto. Even sectors like insurance,automotive, supply chain, and manufacturing companies need security.

>> No.51641354
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Their librscan will be one of the best blockchain explorer which will be completely decentralized.

>> No.51642057
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images - 2022-09-19T162552.057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51642089

I'm sure the developers will make super good money in the upcoming days cause they can literally code smart contracts in any programming languages using thethe Hyperpolyglot smart contract engine.

>> No.51642089

The fun part is the royalties for lifetime and I wish I was a dev. Solid money good future with top security.