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50787052 No.50787052 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50787074

where the fuck is rent $600 a month? are you living with five other people?

>> No.50787112

>$200/mo for food
at least you get dental insurance

>> No.50787113
Quoted by: >>50787142

>cable/phone: 100

>> No.50787121

>car payment
not needed
not needed
not needed
>daily spending goal
12$ for one meal in the evening

there i'm saving +500$/mo on 8.25/hr

you don't have what it takes

>> No.50787142
Quoted by: >>50787183

>paying for cable and phones but not heating

look slaves! you really can get by working for bottom of the barrel wages! just pull up those bootstraps and be happy with the $14 an hour we offer you!

>> No.50787143

>just work 80 hours a week and come home to a cardboard box with no internet or heat to save 500 dollars a month, bro

>> No.50787153
Quoted by: >>50788873



>> No.50787178

This was made pre pandemic.

>> No.50787183
Quoted by: >>50790816

Heating is included in electricity retard.

>> No.50787205

>Health insurance $20
More like $200

>> No.50787239
Quoted by: >>50790752

I paid that for a two bedroom apartment. Not everybody lives in NYC you fucking city slicker. It's amazing to me that people are so resistant to leaving the city when the cost of living is oftentimes quadruple or quintuple life in other parts of the US. And I'm not talking slumming it either, my apartment was a decent apartment.

>> No.50787244
Quoted by: >>50787700

that's the funniest part of this budget. $20 a month health insurance. lmao.

>> No.50787340

>cable phone and other $200
>heating my landlord should provide it for me and it should be on my rent without increasing its value reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.50787362

this is from years ago, mcwagies make like $15 now

>> No.50787399

>taxes not included in calculation
>have to make 20-30% more than the net income to account for this

>> No.50787558

And yet none of these workers are rioting, why?

>> No.50787568


rioting is a luxury

>> No.50787580
Quoted by: >>50795671

My rent is 550, I just make my wife pay it though lmao. That's 550 total btw, 2 bedroom apartment. Small shithole town but onlyv3 hours from nyc.

>> No.50787602

They live on the government dole

>> No.50787606

Bro like just get a library card lol wtf

>> No.50787610

Because if you protest outside of the State approved 5 minutes of hate they'll come down on you like a ton of bricks

>> No.50787611

lowest public market HI option in my state is $250, and it comes with a $10k deductible. just fucking lmao

>> No.50787700
Quoted by: >>50787729

If I was single I could pay $25/month for basic health insurance via my employer. Just get good faggot

>> No.50787729
Quoted by: >>50787779

i'm literally work as a corporate wagie for a health insurer and the cheapest plan is still ~$75/month.

>> No.50787779

Must be your location, anon. One of our top dogs used to work for Blue Cross so he has good connects and got us nice discounts.

>> No.50787797

There is a solution to Mortgage/Rent

>> No.50788101

health insurance is only 20 a month?

why the fuck dont all americans have this?

>> No.50788141
Quoted by: >>50788624

State and also bread and circuses. Notice how "cable/phone" is included in "getting by"

>> No.50788218
Quoted by: >>50788241

so you're telling me breaking bad was only because walter was too cheap to pay $20 a month

americans truely are retarded breed

>> No.50788241

bb dropped before obongocare and issurance companies wouldnt accept preexisting conditions

>> No.50788624
Quoted by: >>50793526

You are literally nothing without a phone in 2022. Cant do anything.

>> No.50788748

I pay $1300 for rent each month and $250 in health insurance as well as car payments and phone and internet and shit.
I make $1100 every 2 weeks after taxes.
If it weren't for crypto I'd be absolutely fucked right now

>> No.50788873
Quoted by: >>50790723

Imagina being so proud of this.

>> No.50788943

Because people have been breed to be cattle, retard. Holy shit, the fact that I even have to spell this out is sad.

>> No.50788992

>are you living with five other people?
Are you not?

>> No.50789309
Quoted by: >>50790734

$20 would be on the low side, but yeah, the employer subsidized health insurance most people can get is not much; at my current job its like $120 a month to cover myself, wife, and children; a single person would pay like $60 a month. For those without employer subsidized insurance, Medicaid will cover everything if you are really poor, and the moderately poor can buy highly subsidized plans that the federal government props up. When I was on unemployment for a spell in 2020 (COVID shit) my wife & I paid like $90 a month for a plan while the kids got Medicaid.

Those horror stories you hear about people with giant medical bills are almost always just cases of people being too dumb to sign up for insurance, or the rare case of someone who is self employed, and makes enough money to not get the federal subsidy, who decides they do not want to pay full cash for insurance and then gets unlucky.

>> No.50789314

Shit like this makes it perfectly moralistic to be a criminal that preys on the wealthy.

>> No.50790693
File: 500 KB, 1080x1281, hustle and bustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50790818

Move out of the big city, dumbass.

>> No.50790723
File: 123 KB, 720x720, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50791208


>> No.50790734
Quoted by: >>50790959

Why not have your employer cover your health insurance like every other place on earth

>> No.50790752

flyover opinion ignored

>> No.50790782
File: 80 KB, 680x680, opinion discarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calculation assumes a second job and no heating

>> No.50790811
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, FLUuSKqXwAUvRL9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50790914


>> No.50790816

When did "heating gas" and "electricity" become synonyms?

>> No.50790818
Quoted by: >>50791154

Cities fucking suck, but I wouldn't want to live in a bumfuck town where the only things to do are shoot cans and shoot up heroin.

>> No.50790883

I would like one $600 mortgage please

>> No.50790914
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>> No.50790959

The employer does cover the bulk of the insurance costs for employees, hence the "employer subsidized plan" term; and "every other place on earth" certainly does not have fully subsidized employer provided health insurance. In the UK, for example, most jobs do not provide any health insurance, with people using the tax funded & government ran NHS for health care. Though to be fair, jobs offering subsidized insurance for private health care is becoming more common in bong land.

>> No.50791017
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It's a mystery

>> No.50791046

> just work 60 hours per week on minimum wage
Also where is the budget for Funko Pops?

>> No.50791049
Quoted by: >>50791071

Who the fuck pays for health insurance? Do I just have a great plan with my company?
I pay $0/m for my high detectable Aetna insurance. Had to get 4 impacted wisdom teeth out and I paid $800 out of pocket for the $5k total bill. Shilling out monthly premiums probably wouldn’t have gotten it down much lower.

Sometimes it feels like everyone is retarded with money but me.

>> No.50791071

I pay 0% with VA healthcare.

>> No.50791154

>t. metrosexual

>> No.50791208

Having no utilities and working multiple jobs is a "normal person"? What shithole slave colony are you from?

>> No.50791235

where the hell do you get $20 health insurance?

>> No.50791366

Most Americans make more than $2k per month, if they’re not on the dole.
So they don’t get this much subsidy on their health insurance.

>> No.50791414
File: 24 KB, 545x362, 6C9091F2-E21D-45E8-B76D-ADDDC8CABBF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd job
>savings 100 per month

Slaves had better lives than this

>> No.50791528
Quoted by: >>50795301

>12$ for one meal in the evening
imagine wasting your money by eating every single day

>> No.50793526

I haven't had any sort of phone for over 5 years now

>> No.50795262

Yes? Fucking lazy niggers.

>> No.50795301

It seems like they're just throwing money away by renting an apartment for $600/mo. If you never sleep and own nothing you can just walk the streets all night for a marginal increase in food budget!

>> No.50795574
File: 521 KB, 651x425, BBS02aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a car
>works at mcdonalds
i hate to be that guy, really i do, fuck the wef agenda and all that. screw the bugs and the pods but...

maybe just get a bike and suck it up, you might get wet, you might sweat. some days you might take the bus. but you can't afford a car

>> No.50795609

literal slaves

>> No.50795671

>onlyv3 hours from nyc.
sry to hear, that sucks