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50550911 No.50550911 [Reply] [Original]

post instances of zoomers being stupid with money and then wondering where it all went

>> No.50550937

What you’re blabbering about doesn’t concern me.

>> No.50550949

then don't post in the thread you stupid faggot

>> No.50550957

Imagine that exact same shelf but covered in ornate """fine China""" in the house of a 89 year old woman. It's the exact same thing. Kek

>> No.50550998
File: 145 KB, 1438x764, waytobusy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50551038

>people get "fine China" usually as a wedding gift.
they don't collect them like Hummel's, besides as an incel you won't have to worry about a "wife" showing off her fine china anytime soon.

>> No.50551010

Haha dae zoomers bad haha

We will find where you live and euthanise you boomer parasite

>> No.50551038
Quoted by: >>50551082

My in-laws just gave us one of their apartments when we got married, no tacky dishes needed

>> No.50551056

That's a scam he's pulling on his viewers. Simple as.

>> No.50551068

>Haha dae zoomers bad haha
tired of these not-zoomers trying to fit in with facebook rejects

>> No.50551082
File: 25 KB, 300x440, 1622547365489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one believes you are married let alone have ever been with a chick. Prove it post her tits now faggot, otherwise you are just another lying incel.

>> No.50551206

Thing is, if things were somewhat fair, that bunxh of crap would never be a financial burden on someone. But nowadays we are working against governments that actively sabotage us, corporations that shrinkflate and inflate their prices on the daily and jobs that pay hardly anything. I am german and our government is killing our future because of muh ukraine.

>> No.50551291

this is fucking stupid. "things are worse, but collecting junk is NOT even stupider in light of that fact! obviously, it's external reality's fault. my funko pop collection is working against governments that actively sabotage us"

>> No.50551319
Quoted by: >>50553483

Turn your Green politicians into renewable energy. They’re on CIA and FSB payroll

>> No.50551391
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>> No.50551463
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You utter fucking spastic

>> No.50551504

I'd have to behead my wife then inshallah

>> No.50551526
Quoted by: >>50551645

this is no different from gold or silver

>> No.50551566
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>> No.50551568

>justifying medical bills
Americans truly are pathetic cucks

>> No.50551599
Quoted by: >>50553842

How much do you really think a shelf full of quartz costs?

>> No.50551645
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Crystals appreciate over time but very slowly, a good diverse selection of nice cut and/or raw specimens is a pretty safe 'investment', very unlikely to devalue if you pick right

This bitch aint doing that though, looks like she has mass market opaque pillar bullshit. Along with some tumbled whatever stones and gay 2edgy carved skulls. No serious collector would buy that shit, good luck reselling at swap meets for 1/10th of RRP

>> No.50551786

>comparing sanded stones with quality art
>comparing a young person with a finished person
Young people aren´t stupid, they lack philosophy

>> No.50551842 [DELETED] 

All he needs to do is profess Jesus Christ as his Lord.

>> No.50551855
Quoted by: >>50553423

Stones can be orders of magnitude more valuable and rarer than even the most highly esteemed poorfag fired clay pieces

>> No.50551880
File: 253 KB, 640x500, 55C3D125-89BD-424E-A8E5-BF5BE47E0B57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you elaborate? This doesn’t make any sense.

>> No.50553324

Lmao imagine being this autistic.

>> No.50553384

>millennials like cumstar, ergoraper, jimtom and poodapie pioneer the idea of making money on the internet just being a shitposting retard in order to fund the career they actually want
>zoomers take it to the next level offering fake services, not even entertainment, to fund their degen lifestyles

>> No.50553385

OP status:
[ ] Told
[ ] Not Told
[X] No Country For Told Men

>> No.50553406

>fine art


>> No.50553407

There's a vast league of space between boomers talking about avocado toast and people making fun of e-zoomers for being literally retarded with money and begging people to fund their lifestyle.

>> No.50553423

>jerkoff crystals infused with bullshit and promises of spiritual magic from the himilayas can be worth a lot, if you know what kind of retards to sell them to
This is true.

>> No.50553432

How would posting her tits prove he's married to her?

>> No.50553448
File: 530 KB, 810x810, explanation biyori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german women/zoomers vote for greens to own the merkel
>german women complain they have no money and no future
This is just like the time people vooted for trudeau to give them weed and he turned canada into a dying overpopulated tundrid shithole totalitarian soistate and there's no weed still. It turns out that the status quo being good, means you should keep the status quo and not be retarded and shake it up for no reason.

>> No.50553467

Crystals are pretty cheap
Pretty sure this doesn't excuse the horrible US healthcare system

>> No.50553483
Quoted by: >>50553572

Everyone knows whats next but nobody does shit about it, old people making majority willingly vote for same old corrupt parties because rocking the boat creating a unpredictable situation makes them more fearful than what they know is coming. My theory is that old people simply wont fight regardless of whats up and in a country of geriatrics that means dead.

captcha DOWNM

>> No.50553572
Quoted by: >>50558623

>My theory is that old people simply wont fight regardless of whats up and in a country of geriatrics that means dead.
Actually they'll just send you to fight and die. This is why the romans and aztecs forced old people into retirement and prevented them from having a say in society, because once a society is dominated by the old they see nothing wrong in being sponges on the labor of the young, which makes it hard for the young to live their lives and have their own kids. With the invention of viagra too you have 60 year old boomers trying to fuck 20 year old zoomers at hooters like it's nbd to father a kid at 60 after your previous 2 failed marriages. It's like in the wild where old male lions compete with young ones for mates, making it hard for young lions to make a pride and reducing the lion birthrate because old lions have lion erectile dysfunction. Except in this case it's boomers investing in dick pills and using inflationary economics to rob you of your labor so they can fuck your sister.

>> No.50553657
Quoted by: >>50553822

>green is issue
lol no, they were for almost all years under 10% of the votes. merkel fucked country up with her antics. SPD&CDU run the show, greens just hide behind environmental shilling getting the young kid votes while actually constituting the arms industries lobby.

>> No.50553720
Quoted by: >>50553842

So people should just own nothing and be happy?

>> No.50553822
Quoted by: >>50553912

>fucked the country up after keeping it on a tight ship forever
>socialists become the leaders in government
>fuck up nordstream

>> No.50553829


>> No.50553843
Quoted by: >>50555632

>no weed
lol i literally ordered legal weed a few hours ago and have been doing it for years
t. from the national caliphate region

>> No.50553842

Rocks you find and polish yourself are probably cheap, rocks you buy from retailers are probably absurdly overpriced for what they are.

Middle aged fat soiboi manchildren shouldn't own funkopops and lego millennial falcons for one.

>> No.50553912

she messed up parliament just to remove people threatening her reelection as competition and put people in position outside their expertise.

The amount of bullshit on policies is too long for a post here but the most basic evidence that she didn't even want to improve germany is her interview where there was a german flag and she removed it so it wouldn't be with her on screen. Bitch just was looking out for herself and thats it

>> No.50554232

Fud threads are just done out of spite now. They know it makes no difference but they still do it. I wish them all the ill luck in the world and i smile to myself when I think many of how they likely lost a lot recently with Bancor & Celsius. That's what they deserved. Meanwhile the real marines still have their stacks intact, while the salty fudders stew in their own greedy misfortune. Kek

>> No.50554373
Quoted by: >>50558995

Minerals are kind of cool to collect tbqh
Imagine stamp collecting, but the thing that created the collectible is natural law instead of governing bodies, and a limited number of configurations of said collectible actually enable you to collect a fair percentage of the total mineral types.

>> No.50554478

This isn't a zoomer being shitty with money, this is a zoomer scamming idiots so that they can up their collection of crystals.
The dates are proof of this.

>> No.50555632

Wait wut?

>> No.50555733
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>> No.50556401

I doubt those rocks cost that much altogether and she probably bought them all over a long period of time

>> No.50557712
File: 168 KB, 1484x1296, FW-75D6XgAcodHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a zoomer and im proud.

>> No.50558509

You can buy crystals from china for even cheaper. For all we know the twitter person could have bought it that way without spending a lot. Most crystal sellers on etsy just buy their inventory from china then mark it up 1000s of percent. spread the word.

>> No.50558623

so you're saying invest in dickpills for lions?

>> No.50558732
File: 593 KB, 249x214, 1650491107990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried to be based lol

>> No.50558995

Also stamps dont feel as good in your bum

>> No.50559081

Very based; medical bills are a scam or at least they seem like they are considering literally no one pays them.

>> No.50559382
Quoted by: >>50559425

Does that symbol mean no under 18s or under 18s only?

>> No.50559410

Dont mock people who cant think...

>> No.50559425

ok groomer