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File: 43 KB, 489x596, poltardmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50380519 No.50380519 [Reply] [Original]

>You don't get it, yes I hate globohomo but xrp is gonna be the world reserve currency. If you can't beat them join them

>> No.50380555

>yes for some reason the entire world is going to switch to a security sold by 3 Jews from America (based Jews) that can't find a single user despite paying banks to use their dinotech

>> No.50382597

Trips is right
XRP schizos are retarded

>> No.50382700
Quoted by: >>50382824

they're right you know?

>> No.50382772

ripple is a failed security by dunning kruger retards
>just use 1 node bro

>> No.50382774

Is it bad that seeing this image reminds me that I am currently unemployed and will never be employed again. I would literally rather kill myself than be employed again. If I ever wind up homeless or broke with no money coming in the immediate future I will also kill myself. I think I won’t be homeless again and will be a multimillionaire. Yes I will use a train to do it if it comes to that and the conductor wagie can get fucked. Is this a solid plan? How can I ensure I get rich so I don’t die?

>> No.50382790
Quoted by: >>50382824


>> No.50382824
File: 57 KB, 466x554, 14596 - angry animated glasses side_profile spin subvariant chudjak_front transparent variant chudjak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking tranny kike nigger libtard fudders xrp $20000 EOY.

>> No.50383250
File: 154 KB, 424x425, 1657370928824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50388810

>xrp fud in full swing
excellent work, lads. keep it going.

>> No.50383278

It isn't about joining them. It is about realizing the globohomos got rekt and XRP is not going to be used in a globohomo way. I would not invest in it otherwise. No amount of money or earthly anything is worth losing your integrity and goodness.

>> No.50383517
File: 621 KB, 1012x1634, 1640851533967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50386015

>550 rupees has been deposited into your account

>> No.50383675

and hbar will be the currency of the digital economy especially with the hbar foundation bridging between mainstream brands, enterprises, companies, institutions, and hedera's network

>> No.50384916
File: 41 KB, 680x780, 1638675277885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50384930

chudjak is more prevalent than soijak these days
face it faggots, reddit won.

>> No.50384972
File: 286 KB, 537x579, 1657150136090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50387250

>>You don't get it, yes I hate globohomo but xrp is gonna be the world reserve currency. If you can't beat them join them

>> No.50385003

my bro is heavily invested in xrp (~$25K)
He seems to think ripple will be the blockchain foundation network for the fed coin (CBDC)
is he full of it?

>> No.50385730


>> No.50385926

He's a retarded newfag normie

>> No.50385983

deserves to get slayed just as bad as luna retards

>> No.50386015
Quoted by: >>50389580

I'm tradefortress by the way, I've successfully destroyed ripple (I'm also the SEC) via decade old forum posts and a series of posts saying to "check the chart" and "imagine the smell of no adoption of price growth in half a decade". All me.

>> No.50386666

This but for blackrock
Just bought more shares to profit off the goyim

>> No.50387250
File: 68 KB, 686x525, EDB97A2B-1900-4DA0-A978-9D758DFFEB53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the reason anyone who understand would buy XRP. All assets will be tokenized schizos said it first, the public ledgers to enable interoperability have already been chosen since 2015-2018

>> No.50387493
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1656637462866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invest in a coin
>You want to get economic independence and the feeling you have control over your life
>you invest in the wagie coin (tm)
>"well i guess waging isn't so bad" you said, while sporting the biggest conformist smile i've ever seen

>> No.50388810
Quoted by: >>50389331

>common sense is now fud

>> No.50388955
File: 85 KB, 1080x1080, 1653158331883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely basado
XRP is trash.

>> No.50389331
Quoted by: >>50390343

>common sense
Which is why you're a commoner pleb, not a skitzo.

>> No.50389392
File: 242 KB, 1041x526, 1657924340330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more, faggot.
ETH is an unregistered security.
BTC is an unregistered security.

According to Rana Saoud from Homeland Security they have met with "Satoshi Nakomoto" and 3 others.
They have confirmed to know the identity of this person.
Listen at around 44:30 at the video
Will the creators of Bitcoin be sued by Gary Gensler and the SEC for creating an unregistered security?


>> No.50389580

Yeah? Post bitcointalk screenshot then

>> No.50389622

Your bro is gonna be rich. Barr was an Advisor for Ripple and its his job now at the Fed to create the CBDC. Take a guess what hes gonna do.

>> No.50390343

kek xrp baggie

>> No.50390742


>> No.50390774

>How can I ensure I get rich
Walk right into the McDonald's manager's office and just slam your CV right down on his desk.
You'll make district manager in 3 years tops.

>> No.50390785

CBDC will NOT require blockchain in any way. It will just be accounts on the central bank computer, like WoW gold.

>> No.50390830


>> No.50390920

I cant wait for the meltdown when XRP moons and its the chosen or one of the chosen cryptos for the world financial system and people here go nuts lol. No hard feelings but still funny.

>> No.50390944

Algorand actually

>> No.50390952

You've been saying that since 2018.

>> No.50390956

kek no bitDAO is buying 300 ETH not XRP boss. clear winner here.

>> No.50391147

hear me out goys

its blockchain but without the decentralized benefits so its really just a shit ledger system

>> No.50391213
Quoted by: >>50391232

It's never coming. You will be old and wrinkly and your shitty xrp will still be worthless.

>> No.50391221

>I cant wait
Looks like you don't have any choice, little buddy.

>> No.50391232

You could be right, but same thing happened with Bitcoin in the early days. How many people sold 10k bitcoins for pennies thinking it would never be worth a damn. Etc, etc...

>> No.50391405
Quoted by: >>50391417

>I may be a loser now but once the flip is switched and XRP soars to $2k EOY I'll become a god to these PLEBS

>> No.50391417


>> No.50391425

Oh really? So when?


you waited 5 years

but yeah, any day now am I right?/

>> No.50391439

Jesus loves you brother. Ask Him for guidance on how to make a living.