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>> No.58669658 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 789d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't judge you my friend,I've done more undignified things to get some quick cash..

>> No.50627236 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1656637462866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it like being chad enough to fuck a chick like this. Some men live a totally different reality

>> No.50438596 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1656637462866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The crab most likely didn't realize it was dead after... well, he didn't realize anything, as "realizing" is a human action that implies sentience and the comprehension of the surroundings (social and spatial) that envelops oneself. Even then, the act of realization is one of purely human thought, as we have yet to find another species that can understand the complexity of emotions that humans display in all of our capacities, so the crab, in all likeliness, couldn't feel anything that resembles the emotions that we come to understand, and is more akin to a computer turning off than anything else.
>Just like you, investing in anything but QOM like a rabid animal that doesn't even understand that it's being eaten alive at this very moment

>> No.50387493 [View]
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>Invest in a coin
>You want to get economic independence and the feeling you have control over your life
>you invest in the wagie coin (tm)
>"well i guess waging isn't so bad" you said, while sporting the biggest conformist smile i've ever seen

>> No.50246537 [View]
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What kind of hellish manipulation is this gay ass fake op? cute, but that won't stop me from investing everything i have in vinu, never has
unless its real and it means everything is coming down oh god oh fuck

>> No.50128585 [View]
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I don't think it's only commies who hate us anymore.

My blonde hair, blue eyed tenant just called me a "kike" in an argument over the rent hikes. I know as a fact this guy puts "dont tread on me" flags in his apparentment too. I'm seeing clean shaven, high-earning whites give me really dirty looks too. I am not ashamed to admit that landlords are behind most pushes for mass migration (to keep that sweet housing demand red hot), but I didn't think the whites would catch on this fast.

I know a lot of landlords browse this board so what are you guys thinking about this? What the fuck is going on? If the Republicans make headway these midterms, we're in serious trouble. Keep voting blue land chads

>> No.50084496 [View]
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1655001019759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those digits, should I sell my bag??

>> No.49894868 [View]
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>> No.49766048 [View]
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If you already bought a home I truly feel sorry for you.

>> No.49740437 [View]
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Should I start the process of getting pre-approved for a home loan for when it crashes, /biz/?

>> No.49695012 [View]
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Depends entirely on his physical appearance if these statements are chud or chad.

>> No.49543192 [View]
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20k is happening, isn't it?

>> No.49522383 [View]
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>5% of 60k is 29k

>> No.49350612 [View]
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>This can is already is a

>> No.49340041 [View]
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>> No.49340004 [View]
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Do they really just give people loans for retarded shit like this? I've only ever had a loan for my car.

>> No.29676044 [View]
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Just called my grandfather and asked him what stocks to buy in this turbulent market.
He told me to fuck off and that my dad adopted me.

>> No.28327943 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, 1428238888018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost sleep last night over the fact I'm making more money than envisioned, simply because I keep buying AVAX

>> No.27464042 [View]
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well, biz? Is it time again?

>> No.27254498 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, ò┌Æ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So LINK can still do something down the road if I just sit on it?

>> No.26452088 [View]
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>> No.26342810 [View]
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>> No.26287914 [View]
File: 60 KB, 1000x1000, 152002934543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>das capital
the current neoliberal marxian socialists are as much of a joke as the neocons. most of them have never read ANY marx ironically, but das capital?? nigger full fledged doctoral political scientists won't even read that shit

>> No.26266098 [View]
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All that for a room of 4 people. OP is a faggot.

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