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File: 375 KB, 1331x998, 1627966759176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49605956 No.49605956 [Reply] [Original]

>only paid 1k
>$50/mo maintenance and sex toys
>can't cook or clean but she will let me do anything to her
>wont complain about anal or want to travel everywhere

why do people spend thousands a month for a bumble date on some roastie when you can have this?

>> No.49605979

I want children.

>> No.49606013
Quoted by: >>49606069

That's a man.

>> No.49606027

>metal holes on feet
No thanks. I want to fuck soft soles.

>> No.49606048

Cause that thing cant sit on your face and jerk you off while you inhale ass fumes.

>> No.49606053

bro why

>> No.49606062

Uh cause that thing can't jerk me off while licking my ass??

>> No.49606069
Quoted by: >>49606149

ew, it's feet has metal studs just like roasties on their face.
this, show benis

>> No.49606104
File: 104 KB, 960x1095, photo_122@17-04-2022_21-33-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49610731

looks like a corpse

>> No.49606144

Says you retard. Just pose it sitting then plant the butt right on your face.

>> No.49606149
File: 13 KB, 720x365, 1621546440222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cause that thing cant sit on your face and jerk you off while you inhale ass fumes.
the metal studs are optional, you can order them without them if you're a feet guy

>> No.49606215
File: 64 KB, 849x1024, 1648250177473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 results found in a reverse image search
did you really just drop $1,000 on a fucking child like sex doll?

>> No.49606300
Quoted by: >>49608684

>wife makes more than me
>likes it rough
>really rough "I don't want a safe word because then I know I can stop it"
You're a cuck to plastic

>> No.49606311
File: 360 KB, 998x1331, 1627970265750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think $1k is a lot but I have blown 2k/mo on my last gf just on travel and eating out, just to have sex with her

>> No.49606327

It's not self cleaning.

>> No.49606618
Quoted by: >>49606707


>> No.49606664


>> No.49606670
File: 317 KB, 908x758, 1652307707928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blown 2k/mo on my last gf just on travel and eating out
nigger what the fuck were doing

>> No.49606688
File: 19 KB, 499x512, 1642506138262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. Get help.

>> No.49606707
Quoted by: >>49607021

yeah bro shes just a 5,000 old dragon

>> No.49606715

I want to launch that thing from a trebuchet and see how far it goes.

>> No.49606889

>smaller, easier to store and hide, easier to carry and pose, still proportionate so not that uncanny valley.

the only thing wrong with it is that if anyone ever spots it then you're definitely getting a visit from some agency. mechanics are good, but socially impractical.

>> No.49606994
File: 380 KB, 990x906, 1616811905052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your little toy barbie cant even fart stinky braps.. What a useless device

>> No.49607021

There are 18 year olds that look like that irl. Good thing she's 18 and not 17 years 11 months 30 days 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds old tho. Gotta really wait that 1 second for it to make sense.

>> No.49607377
Quoted by: >>49608753

can she give birth
wwaiting for OP's 2000 word response

>> No.49607457

why did you get a greta doll
what is wrong with you dude
sex dolls are beyond redemption
it's like 1000x worse than an e-girl and her dildos

>> No.49607612
Quoted by: >>49608733


>> No.49607617
Quoted by: >>49608771

You spent all that money on her and you didn't even get one with gigantic knockers.

>> No.49607657
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, Dollter-Full-Tpe-doll-110cm-Belle-2-600x900-1000x1000h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.49608002
Quoted by: >>49608700

>absolute beta simp capitulates and buys sex doll
checks out

>> No.49608034
Quoted by: >>49608205

What the FUCK are those feet why

>> No.49608129


>> No.49608205

They're called standing feet, it's so that the doll can stand on it's own and the feet are strong enough to structurally support all the weight.

>> No.49608254
Quoted by: >>49608772

women are literally high functioning sex toys retard, you just have to find one that loves getting smacked

>> No.49608271
Quoted by: >>49610778

Getting a visit by a fucking crazy 19 year old who will pay me €1000 to blackmail her by recording vids of her being an absolute degenerate slut. Up your game.

>> No.49608313
File: 23 KB, 480x456, 1641333842834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49608809

If you only knew how pathetic you are...

>> No.49608360

4chan incels are completely undateable

>> No.49608365

Built for BBC

>> No.49608377

sadly anon human life is all about interaction with other humans. whoever doesn't acknowledge this spends their whole life in denial and eventually leaves this planet missing out on a ton of value out of their existence here.

>> No.49608406


>> No.49608457
Quoted by: >>49608655

fuck off normalfag

you women are getting replaced by fuckbots and artificial wombs, deal with it

Either go back to being the slaves of men, fulfilling their desires, or become extinct and irrelevant

>> No.49608474
Quoted by: >>49608498

Exactly, you are completely undateable anon

>> No.49608497

She looks happy desu

>> No.49608498
Quoted by: >>49608659

that's a roastie, not a celibate anon

>> No.49608597
Quoted by: >>49609266

I don't see this as being bad anon. However, if you ever get a real girlfriend and she sees that, it will be over.

>> No.49608635
Quoted by: >>49609455

>order fake feet
>the second toe is longer than the big toe

>> No.49608642

Her face is pretty mediocre for a doll.

>> No.49608644

What does this have to do with business or finance?

>> No.49608655

>you women are getting replaced by fuckbots and artificial wombs
No, that's pure incel cope. Nature is more powerful than any human and She simply will not tolerate the nonsense you describe. You will adhere to the Social Order, or die alone playing with dolls like a little girl, lol.
>Either go back to being the slaves of men, fulfilling their desires
It's fun to submit to Men and fulfill their desires. But it has to be an actual Man, not a little boy like you...

>> No.49608659
File: 304 KB, 480x480, corgi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women dont exist on the 4chan, and if they do, they are fucking trannies

>> No.49608684
File: 463 KB, 750x968, EBA0CD53-273B-44E8-AB1F-5EF8838B118C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49611463

>sex dude
Those digits speak of your character

>> No.49608685
File: 2.29 MB, 1440x1906, Screenshot_20220613-152631_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49608750

Cool. My trad wife hands knit me a drawstring bag themed after apu pepe and is carrying my second child. We're equals.

>> No.49608700

>female hands nervously posted this

>> No.49608723
Quoted by: >>49608840

Not gettting a sexbot until they develop one that can wash the dishes

>> No.49608733


>> No.49608750

>trad wife
>we are equals

>> No.49608753
Quoted by: >>49608805

Can most post wall career roasties?
waiting for seething

>> No.49608772

>high functioning
name one thing about females that’s high functioning a robot won’t do in a decade

>> No.49608771 [DELETED] 

you mean like this?

>> No.49608799

its not incel cope. sex bots wont turn women into slaves but they absolutely will btfo "mother natures order" as men have done for thousands of years

t. happily married

>> No.49608805

Good riposte. I approve

>> No.49608809

>seething roastie #2
>females reject you because they’re animals hoping for a buffed famous criminal
>nooooooo I’m finally ready to settle you were my retirement insurance how dare you!!!

>> No.49608840

I'm buying a Tesla catgirl sexbot and my wife can't stop me

>> No.49608860

I was referring to OP and I being equals, but alright.

>> No.49608871

>nature is more powerful
Great, then kindly fuck off from the men built civilization and search for your billionaire hulk psycho ideal instead of crying like a pathetic whore who realizes no one wants her

>> No.49608875

You are a deranged, perverted coomer freak.
This is just one step away from necrophilia, if you get off to this you should off yourself.

>> No.49608881

I fucking hate women

>> No.49608936
Quoted by: >>49609219

No different than fucking a female that’s with you only to get her government secured welfare, minus moods, fat, and nagging

>> No.49608965

Many pioneers and visionaries were hated in there time

>> No.49608970

Retarded normie mentally, you will never me anything but slave labor

>> No.49609017
Quoted by: >>49610481

Please show us her pussy OP.

>> No.49609212
File: 226 KB, 952x960, 1616739997127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a woman in this thread upset that she is not built like a 12 year old

>> No.49609219

Yeah except that one is alive, freak.

>> No.49609263

You shouldn't.

>> No.49609266
File: 1.74 MB, 4332x3246, 1520121796389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a real gf will accept my sexual fantasies, simple as that

>> No.49609312

I guess dildos are nothing but dismembered penises.

>> No.49609377

I'm not part of the ruling elite class, I don't want to have children who will only end up as debt slaves regardless of how well I or they do.

>> No.49609380
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 103978904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how mentally ill do you have to be to worship plastic feet?

>> No.49609455


morton's toe revs the fryers for some

>> No.49609702

OP I need to see it's pussy already or I'm done.

>> No.49609825
File: 467 KB, 200x200, 1615347696764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49609895
Quoted by: >>49611785

Your doll is very cute. Do you have a lot of outfits for her? Do you share a bed? How do you imagine her personality?
Dolls are really the best.

>> No.49609955
Quoted by: >>49609993

Wait, straight people do this too?

>> No.49609966

This explains why you’re maidenless kek

>> No.49609993

What did he mean by this

>> No.49610451


>> No.49610481
File: 1.67 MB, 4032x3024, 1553831680206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sir

>> No.49610652


>> No.49610710

There's seven billion people on this planet, your genetics are probably so common there's other people like you, you're genetic line will last, max, 100 to 150 years before your great grand kids look nothing like you.
Stop making more humans.

>> No.49610731

Even better.

>> No.49610738

what the fuck is that

>> No.49610776
Quoted by: >>49610852

jewish hands typed this post

>> No.49610778

>Things that never happened.

>> No.49610781
File: 2.09 MB, 1609x1569, 79056448956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49610808

>paid 1k for this
30$ onahole from amazon looks better.

>> No.49610821

honestly based. I plan on gettin one too but I am NOT getting one with a pussy like >>49610481
it looks like nikocado's coinslot..

>> No.49610826

>Other humans are valuable.
Notch count at 50, I've had dozens of friends, no, none of them were that special and most of them hung around for the free weed.
No, most humans, like 98 percent of the human population is not important.

>> No.49610852

Slave hands typed this post

>> No.49610860

>Incel cope.
Nah, I talked to alot of chads who play football, they Unironically say a sex doll is cheaper than sluts and whores and with less STDs, un wanted babies.
You're coping.

>> No.49610889
File: 747 KB, 220x220, 1644885086834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49610943

Based anon, he liberated himself from giving money to anyone else for sex.
Within 10 years these are going to be the norm if governments don't ban them and let's face it, they almost definitely will as feminists and simps REEEE about the subject.

>> No.49610892

>You will adhere to the Social Order,
Men don't have to do that though.
What? You can't fuck girls and sex dolls? You sound like a little bitch, probably a beta male.

>> No.49610913

Honestly what a shitty cope, people are nothing but trouble

>> No.49610932

>It's fun to submit to Men and fulfill their desires. But it has to be an actual Man, not a little boy like you...
How flapply are your vagina lips? I'm actually surprised a old hag posts here.
Why aren't you with your children and husband? Why are you on 4chan?

>> No.49610943

You can already go to jail in the UK if you get one that is too short (but the police refuse to tell them how short is illegal)

>> No.49610954

What is that?

>> No.49610965

Are you black?

>> No.49610986

imagine having to explain that shit to the person who finds it lol

>> No.49610994

is there a more real looking doll?

i would rather pay 2,000 dollars for something that has a better looking pussy and maybe that you cant see the studs?

>> No.49611031

>to the person who finds
They will probably find it when i'm dead so I don't care that much

>> No.49611036

you pathetic excuse for human flesh. you should be gassed.

>> No.49611041

wrong, there are women who fuck dogs and blacks, I am a hard 3/10 and have had women throw themselves at me. maybe you're just stupid or give off a rapey vibe?

>> No.49611046
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1655154560350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49611785

>jeet hands
>plastic vagoo and anuses so destroyed it now form a single hole
my sides

>> No.49611060

the seething proves this post true

>> No.49611091
Quoted by: >>49611785

you killed her, anon. you fucked her to smithereens.

>> No.49611095
File: 280 KB, 960x960, 52315720_2252273615013123_9188628530273976320_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you put a diaper on her

>> No.49611097
File: 748 KB, 597x889, tifa doll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool but it looks straight out from 2013.
There are better products these days for your money.

>> No.49611109
Quoted by: >>49611955

You a full on one with a smelly pussy if you posting on here. God normal women are bad enough imagine getting a girl who whores herself out on /biz/ and /soc/ my god what a fucking nightmare I’d prefer a hooker cause atleast I can pay her to leave and her pussy will be washed you’d be the kind of bitch who’d come to stay the night and not want to fucking leave cause you don’t want to go back to your parents house or an apartment that smells like fucking cat piss

I can smell you through the screen cheap Victoria secret perfume to cover up your b.o. Your face all squinted cause you know I’m dead ass right wearing your problem glasses. The smell of fermented cat piss permeating the room as you type on an iPhone your father paid for. The only books you have around are old shonen jumps and romance novels you read in your teens. You love smernoff cheap beers and franzia wine. You have very few female friends if any and talk to dudes on discord all day don’t know how to cook never clean you act like taking a picture of yourself is work your writing is shit so is your “art”. You fucking pig of a woman you are on par with transsexuals in terms of jaw size and pussy cleanliness and just like all of those things you should have taken the razor blade alittle farther when you had your last episode.

>> No.49611126

I've been married for 4 years and I can tell you with 100% certainty that there is no difference between that sex doll and a trad waifu, other than the fact that the waifu has better graphics and AI

>> No.49611209

Does anyone have the screencap of the guy who bought of these. It shows up on his doorstep in a brown box, and he is full of INSTANT regret. And he literally spends the next month dismembering the thing and throwing is away piece by piece as he were hiding a body.

>> No.49611289
File: 415 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210513-222603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah but I remember this lad

>> No.49611346
File: 509 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210513-232408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49611358
Quoted by: >>49611460

wow, pure despair and depression wtf

>> No.49611373
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1547348565195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tifa doll
The face and coloring is great, but they could have made her a bit more curvy. Especially the boobers, they are clearly waay larger than that in FF7's remake.

>> No.49611400
Quoted by: >>49611460

What a chad. Self mastery and no weaknesses.

>> No.49611409
Quoted by: >>49611460

I'm more interested in the small dolls on the middle shelf, where can I get those?

>> No.49611460
File: 575 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210513-222900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puro /biz/ kino

>> No.49611463

>doesn't cook
>doesn't clean
>doesn't drink your piss or tongue your ass
>doesn't support you
You are a cuck, a cuck for plastic. You are pathetic, kill yourself

>> No.49611473

the only issue with sexdolls is that the pussy always wears out, they need to make them with replaceable pussies (like changing out a drill bit)

>> No.49611506

Anon modern women doesn't do that either

>> No.49611551
Quoted by: >>49612456

>doesn't cook
men can cook better than women
>doesn't clean
men can clean better than women
>doesn't drink your piss or tongue your ass
If you are into that shit you are just as bad as people who like sex dolls
>doesn't support you
LOL, women don't do shit unless you make them

>> No.49611552

Fuck i'm going full pajeet

>> No.49611564
Quoted by: >>49611638

how long have you been celibate? please don't say your entire life

>> No.49611604

imagine bringing a girl back home and showing her your statutory rape dungeon full of sex dolls.

>> No.49611610

Kek. Well played

>> No.49611638
Quoted by: >>49611772

Anon I'm divorced, please kys

>> No.49611641
File: 94 KB, 680x521, 1545488145425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49612809

Can't you simply fit a fleshlight in the doll's pussy once you drilled it large enough?

>> No.49611672
Quoted by: >>49612264

Nah, I'm a hapa with austronesian and German blood, so my kids would almost certainly be one of a kind.

>> No.49611687 [DELETED] 

ahaha ok now im glad i clicked on this thread hahaha

>> No.49611772
Quoted by: >>49611863

KEK your woman didn't want to be around you anymore

>> No.49611785
File: 1.41 MB, 1960x3663, 1620541253790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go that rough like the pajeet but that was funny

>>Do you have a lot of outfits for her? Do you share a bed?
yes I do here's one in a different outfit. sharing the master bed with me
>How do you imagine her personality?
she's a fun and loving friend doll. i live in a 1.45 acre farmhouse surrounded by lots of trees I play on the swing set and I swing with her, and we play on the slide. and i dress her everyday. no one sees us

>> No.49611821


I live with one that doesn't look a day over 13

>> No.49611863
File: 2.75 MB, 350x263, 1654710034026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marry woman
>turns into shit
>starts saying our cripto
>starts nagging all day for bullshit reasons
>cooks like shit
>gets a tattoo
>doesn't want children
Big wow mr, I sure want to be with her my whole life
Kys roastie, go back to watching your whore tiktoks

>> No.49611896

Yes, theres quite a few now, they have gotten more and more popular, some even do have standing feet without studs, just do your research.

>> No.49611948

Still better-looking than a troon's neovagina

>> No.49611955
File: 262 KB, 599x702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's already dead anon, calm down

>> No.49611963
File: 124 KB, 530x750, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49611981
File: 16 KB, 528x359, 1654876979973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49611994

>he doesn't have a real trad wife like me who is a stay at home mom with their children and cooks all day long.

>> No.49612036
File: 99 KB, 746x512, PepeHug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish the best for you and your doll

>> No.49612038
File: 226 KB, 853x1280, 1c6502d1da8be213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like ella freya

>> No.49612059

do you think this guy killed himself yet?

>> No.49612086


>> No.49612104


Source please. I was thinking of getting a catdoll too

>> No.49612215
File: 1.52 MB, 2125x2432, 1552277677493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think himself, he's probably having some fun dressing the dolls and eating pizza

>> No.49612248
Quoted by: >>49612809

why don't they give these dolls stretchable ear holes so you can fuck their brains out

>> No.49612264

Yes most definitely don't reproduce with those faggy genes

>> No.49612276

yeah he cant die, he has children to take care

>> No.49612281
Quoted by: >>49612352

bro you ordered a counterfeit from a shitty manufacturer

>> No.49612350
Quoted by: >>49613089

You guys know the photos are always way better than the irl doll you get right?

>> No.49612352
File: 1.63 MB, 1822x2429, 1552282877144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not my doll dude it was a joke. I'm white and all my dolls are white

>> No.49612371

why don't you guys just pay for hookers i'd get depressed looking at the doll when i don't want to fuck it

>> No.49612433
Quoted by: >>49612973

these guys are clearly so far gone they can no longer function in society

>> No.49612456
Quoted by: >>49612597

kek bet you fell for the "date holes your own age" meme. the trick is to make it, then find a nice 18yr old that you can mold to your liking
>not making your wife consume all of your secretion as an act of submission

>> No.49612461
Quoted by: >>49612809

1 doll = 2.5 trips to a hooker or less. An you feel just a bad when she boots you out .

>> No.49612493

based WGMI

>> No.49612550
File: 29 KB, 480x416, 1445107232362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49612700

>this entire thread

>> No.49612557

low t

>> No.49612597
Quoted by: >>49612909

>kissing a wife that drinks piss and licks assholes
KEK, sex dolls are unironically better, are zoomers all gay or something?

>> No.49612601

Sexy doll.

>> No.49612603
Quoted by: >>49612677

Whore holes are dirty with nigger std diseases and nigger cum. Doll holes are clean, and they will keep clean as soon as you have good hygienic practices.

>> No.49612624

that's a man.

>> No.49612677
Quoted by: >>49612764

virgin wives are good but only if they are shy/autistic, any "normal" woman is borderline hooker tier

>> No.49612700
Quoted by: >>49612752

>female doctor
opinion discarded.

>> No.49612752
Quoted by: >>49612822

that doctor drawing looks like a drag queen

>> No.49612764
Quoted by: >>49613220

>virgin wives are good but only if they are shy/autistic
and good luck finding one who isn't just larping as one, and trying to bait you. Specially if you have good finances.

>> No.49612809

This already exists, its called "insert", also clearly OP is a retard and destroyed his.
Or just buy the head and look for a different body that you like, unless it is a "seamless neck" that you can't detach it.
Suggest it to a manufacturer, nipple fuckable toys and dolls weren't a thing until now kek
THIS. Biggest reason men buy sex dolls are because they got tired of shitty women demanding so much and giving a shitty tradeoff.

>> No.49612822

No wonders. Trannies and drags get these sort of works to keep spreading their diseases to others.

>> No.49612845



>> No.49612871

Good one there.

>> No.49612909

>n-nooooo! only the finest ambrosia must touch m'lady's lips!
You are a faggot

>> No.49612955

What's the matter? His is an actual doll, and nothing more. Your glownigger gaylord ones are the warm blooded type, if you get what i mean...

>> No.49612956
File: 46 KB, 634x438, 1571447187269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care about women

>> No.49612973

You don’t have cupboards there?
>having to fuck hookers in a last stage gynocentric cancer of a society means you’re dysfunctional

>> No.49612985
Quoted by: >>49613079

I personally wanna get one of these, too bad I don't live alone and likely never will (thanks jews).

>> No.49613002
Quoted by: >>49613212

If you like to lick the STDs and nigger cum of a hag whore, that's your problem anon.

>> No.49613040

>you fucked your dolls hole so hard you created a new hole

i can’t stop laughing

>> No.49613079

why would you need to live alone to get one? there's nothing to be ashamed of, right? it's totally normal :)

>> No.49613089
Quoted by: >>49614746

how you know? are you a doll expert buddy?

>> No.49613106


Where can I get one of those. My daughter would love it

>> No.49613111
File: 106 KB, 427x640, IMG-9303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out for fake ads and fake websites that take your money and give you nothing, no doll. suspiciously low prices are suspect. at times you may want to check with the manufacturer whether the website you're planning on buying from is an authorized reseller. the doll forum has a list of legit vendors. the cheapest legit sex doll i've found of adult human height is the kimber doll at kimberdoll.com at $600 and about a hundred shipping. next cheapest dolls cost around $1000

reviews suggest it fucks well and is good value for money in quality. breasts are a bit firm because they're not hollow or gel filled.


>> No.49613120
File: 198 KB, 600x1332, 2c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys normie faglord

>> No.49613137
Quoted by: >>49613248

so that's what these anime posting faggots do between shitposts

>> No.49613173

how is the maintenance really?

>> No.49613181

I’ve seen you on /g/ before I think, you need help anon

>> No.49613212
Quoted by: >>49613294

>fucks plastic
>obsessed with nigger dick
>is a faggot
Many such cases

>> No.49613220
Quoted by: >>49613392

virgins are easy as fuck to find(embarrassed by sex talk) and if you need rock solid proof they bleed when fucked, as far as her being batshit down the line, that's just the risk of dealing with women (that's why you make sure her family history is good and she is not a psychopath)

>I'm a faggot for not wanting to kiss a piss/shit drinker
the absolute state of zoomers

>> No.49613228

>doesnt ship to my country
i suffer

>> No.49613248
File: 3.19 MB, 8957x3445, 1637147547052-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. And I'd do it again.
Good Day.

>> No.49613279
Quoted by: >>49613307

Why does it have dirty feet...

>> No.49613294

I curious about your mind set, why is fucking a plastic woman out of line but fucking a gross whore ok to you? Seems a bit hypocritical

>> No.49613307

she's walking around barefeet all day duh

>> No.49613392
File: 242 KB, 500x500, 1581605155900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49614061

It's my piss/shit, so it's clean to me, in2bio faggot
>he literally doesn't have a wife who cooks and cleans and makes 6figs and drinks his piss and tongues his ass
literally unironically ngmi

>> No.49613412
File: 225 KB, 703x900, kek-scourge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49613535


>> No.49613448
File: 88 KB, 819x843, pol posters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49613469

Why are you black

>> No.49613522

man nothing chafes a cunt more than Men getting off or being happy without them eh?

>> No.49613535

Ironic in that the exact reverse of this image is happening as we speak.

>> No.49613554
File: 34 KB, 600x600, Naamloos-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49613605

Dang bro, looks like you really tore that pussy up!

>> No.49613604

>poo hand
>that hole

Jesus christ /Biz/jeet

>> No.49613605


>> No.49613638
File: 1.51 MB, 2160x1215, 1654897394648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice, OP. I have the same model :) Just got her last week.

>> No.49613640
Quoted by: >>49614267

Real talk are these illegal or are they 100% fine with the only caveat being the potential for social suicide?

>> No.49613691

thats a nope for me. this shit is absolutely creepy how do other dudes fuck these things is beyond me, its like fucking a corpse

>> No.49613700

Only on /biz/ would this kind of thread stay up for this long

>> No.49613713
Quoted by: >>49613754

>t. have never visited /g/ or /v/

>> No.49613746

Why do her eyes look like from the JUST meme?

>> No.49613754

Fair point, I forgot the one and only time I ever went on /v/ was the time I first saw cp being posted. Hence why I don't go there anymore lol

>> No.49613810
File: 1.70 MB, 3208x2139, 1576268818386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Nicole is one of the hottest dolls :)

>> No.49613815
File: 235 KB, 400x400, 1649421707869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49613923

can post a pic with this pose?

>> No.49613921
File: 648 KB, 1012x800, potkettleblack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49613923
File: 1.52 MB, 2160x1215, 1654899038920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sure.
Those look great, maybe I should.

>> No.49613997

Sex dolls are gross, weird, and creepy. I'd literally rather fuck a dog than a sex doll. At least the dog would be warm and real and would have a real pussy. Not that I'd fuck a dog either, but Jesus, dollfags are pathetic. I have more respect for dog fuckers.

>> No.49614033

>thread still up

>> No.49614039
Quoted by: >>49614097

who are you virtue signaling to? this is 4chan lol

>> No.49614061

>It's my piss/shit, so it's clean to me
everything about your post is fine except this, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree of piss and shit being gross

>> No.49614064

this lol, it's not real but still LOOKS like it'll win you some jail time

>> No.49614069


Imagine the smell

>> No.49614095

Women are Worthless, men are far better, that's why you should get a boyfriend

>> No.49614097
Quoted by: >>49614170

>Not wanting to fuck a doll = virtue signaling
You're too far gone. Seek help.

>> No.49614103
Quoted by: >>49620594

why'd they give her pink eye? lol

>> No.49614115
File: 415 KB, 2366x1600, 1651783721129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49614117

Just admit youre a white woman JUST KNOWS.

>> No.49614120

I'll have to sanitize my SSD again. HDDs were better

>> No.49614153


Based dollfucker. I got one last week, and have her dressed like Raven. She's a good lay and cuddle. I gotta find another one with a big ass that looks like Helen Parr from The Incredibles next.

>> No.49614169
File: 905 KB, 1024x706, 1635122164841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already jerk dogs off in your basement you fucking furfag, please get a loaded handgun and off yourself.

>> No.49614170

plenty of people also don't want to fuck a doll but didn't feel the need to virtue signal that. you're not on reddit anymore buddy you can relax, there's no need to fight for those goodboy upvotes anymore.

>> No.49614192

This week we had a photo of hope solo’s raw beef flaps stay up on /sp/ for almost two days straight before archiving.

>> No.49614217


It's cause jannys are dollfuckers too, and can relate to OP.

>> No.49614255
Quoted by: >>49614477

Dude, one day someone's gonna see you and thats gonna be the talk of the town no doubt.

>> No.49614264

>discussing the financial advantages of sex dolls over a real woman
100% /biz/related seethe and tranny

>> No.49614267

>Real talk are these illegal
few red states are but mostly fine

>> No.49614296

I can fix you.

>> No.49614340

how the fuck do you even buy a child sex doll
like who the fuck has the shamelessness to go into a child sex doll store and look the clerk in the eye as you peruse pussies for your 10 year old child doll. maybe it's just of those things they give released pedophiles so they don't fuck real kids

>> No.49614363
Quoted by: >>49614491

All of that stuff is ordered online and comes in a nice unmarked box boomer anon

>> No.49614477


>talk of the town

LMAO what era do you think this is? Modern phone starers don't talk about shit. They make a post on reddit or twitter for updoots, then the story is replaced a day later by something else.

Anything else is boomers that don't matter, and will soon be in their graves.

>> No.49614491

Well. I guess we've discovered a real non-illegal use-case for monero.

>> No.49614512

>how the fuck do you even buy a child sex doll
from chinks ofc.
lurk the /b/ doll threads for links. From what i've seen, you can either import directly from china and deal with customs yourself or when ordering or some makers have warehouses in the USA that avoid customs. The latter is the preferred option if you live in a no fun state.

>> No.49614650
File: 35 KB, 400x387, 1648068823411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you inevitably neck yourself, your family will find these in your apartment. Every good memory they have of you will be forever tainted. Your extended family will treat your parents/siblings awkwardly at every future gathering. Your parents will resent your existence. Your life will amount to nothing more than a memory to be repressed. Please find Jesus before it is too late

>> No.49614746

Yes I used to own 2 different ones. The first one I bought and fucked a couple times then threw it away cause I was disgusted by it. Second one I craved it again and did the same thing. I'm looking at buying another one now tho since I made it and have my own place. Don't have to worry about hiding it from mom.

>> No.49614822
File: 18 KB, 400x400, GmRCfeR__400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd literally rather fuck a dog
good bait anon

>> No.49614865
File: 200 KB, 566x583, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49614945



>> No.49614890
File: 198 KB, 1152x2048, wm170M4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you always bought cheap shit, mine looks just as good as the photos when i bought it
Also i bet you dont even take the time to care for them properly.

>> No.49614906

So does OP, so he bought a rubber one.

>> No.49614919
Quoted by: >>49615103

True and true. I was 16 at the time. I'm 21 now.

>> No.49614945
Quoted by: >>49615090

is it the child likeness that disturbs people or the fact that it’s a doll

>> No.49614946

This is the future I want, just make it more realistic

>> No.49614983

Too soon.

>> No.49614985
File: 90 KB, 2000x2000, pepLMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49615020 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to adopt a little girl but they keep declining me. I'll buy four of these from you good Sir, different faces, bodies and ages ideal, one boy too.

>> No.49615023

when you're dead, you won't give a shit retard.

>> No.49615083
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to adopt a little girl but they keep declining me (can't think why, I live alone so I can certainly give her all the attention she needs). I'll buy four of these from you good Sir, different faces, bodies and ages ideal, one boy too.

>> No.49615090
Quoted by: >>49615386



>> No.49615096
File: 42 KB, 630x195, didyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49615103
Quoted by: >>49615214

Thats always the case that "pictures looked better" 99% of the time, getting a doll its like buying a car, dont cheap out on them. You wouldnt buy a car without a seatbelt nowadays will you? Well, same would be for a doll, get a well known brand with high grade finishes, and if you can pay premium, maybe Silicon are the better option.
Also always keep an eye on deals, i got mine with black friday and basically managed to save like 600$ total thanks to extra upgrades on mine.

>> No.49615141
File: 71 KB, 1080x1020, 1585693645523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49615175
File: 109 KB, 860x833, apu-body-pillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49615268

do they at least have a doll with cute anime girl eyes

>> No.49615214
File: 81 KB, 748x721, Thai doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>dont cheap out on them.

Yeah otherwise you might get one of these Thailand versions.

>> No.49615268

Yes. They even walk on their own.

>> No.49615321
File: 316 KB, 1000x1781, doll01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a jannie thread? still up wtf
anyway here is one that I would buy

>> No.49615331

>with and without the tiktok filter

>> No.49615348 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49617339

My understanding that to get a really good one you'd have to pay a good few thousand dollars, like $8k. But then it would be worth the $8k, $8k would not be premium quality just better, the $1k is (AS I UNDERSTAND IT MIND, NOT THAT I'VE RESEARCHED IT MUCH EHHHHEHE) bargain basement type of stuff, but as I say the higher prices are good. Put it this way: if you could get what you get for $8k for only $500 they would already be a major phenomenon, it's the higher price tag that puts people off.

>> No.49615374

This one looks really good how much does it cost?

>> No.49615383
File: 38 KB, 615x619, god left a long time ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God truly has abandoned us.

>> No.49615386

You sick fuck.

>> No.49615411

Very grim

>> No.49615412
Quoted by: >>49617339

that one is a literal semen demon

>> No.49615551
File: 185 KB, 349x523, 1625616353618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just trying to justify your dog fucking acts.
Nice try.

>> No.49615560


>> No.49615561
File: 73 KB, 715x780, brainlet box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49615597

Sounds like when I first started consuming porn.

>> No.49615708 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>49615909


I wonder how many larpers we have in here and how many of you are genuinely pedophiles. I'm hoping it's a 90/10 favouring the former.

>> No.49615767

If these aren't already illegal to import in your country, have fun being on a list for the rest of your life.

>> No.49615793

Nicocado Avocado doll

>> No.49615909
File: 218 KB, 1080x1350, D656A9E4-C119-44EE-84AC-A31D69483B46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never know huh

>> No.49615954
File: 1.37 MB, 750x839, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I can only fathom what you look like in real life.

>> No.49616018
Quoted by: >>49618930

They have bunk beds? So, this person can just never have anyone over to their apartment/house and has chosen to forego the possibility of real human interaction to live with a harem of dolls?

>> No.49616077

t-that's a doll too right

>> No.49616175

What a chad, wish it was me.

>> No.49616343
Quoted by: >>49616561


Nice, who needs a trad family when you can have a daughter and wife all in one

>> No.49616498

That's the wall, brother!

>> No.49616561

based and daughterwife pilled

>> No.49616604

ITT: dollfuckers

>> No.49616648

I wouldn't mind having a go with those cute feet hehe

>> No.49616681

>imagine having to explain that shit to the person who finds it lol

Imagine having friends or people to visit you.
most people who buy these are probably already lonely or just hate people, it's a self-solving problem. people who buy these are happy and real people don't give a fuck, but think they're weird.

why do you like to punch down?
Typically only people weaker than others seem to get off to making fun of people not being in the norm.

>> No.49616729

THIS. This is ALL I want. /THREAD.

>> No.49616786

Holy based

>> No.49617188


>> No.49617220

fuck kys degenerate

>> No.49617339
File: 114 KB, 424x453, wakka_kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine costed 2K with tax in total (im not from US), but with a black friady deal you can get a fully upgraded doll like mine for less than 2K. As for clothing, try avoiding black cheap clothing otherwise she will get stained, whites are no problem, but since cheaper clothing is better suited for a doll, get it, give it a few rinses and then use a test piece (usually you get one) and see if it gets stained or not.
And thats why i got it

>> No.49617858

>[kill everyone in this thread]

>> No.49618253

Bible (see: trad) explicitly says that God creates man and woman and that both are very good, also that both man and woman are sacred, thus men can't be women and vice versa for that is abomination of God's wisdom, the wisdom that men and women are equal, but not the same. So you're a dunce, and so is every other 'man' that wants a woman to be his bro.

>> No.49618324

ywn hear are say
>I love you daddy

>> No.49618346


>> No.49618435

Break's over
Back to work Diamond Hands

>> No.49618451


>> No.49618826
File: 49 KB, 714x536, 1654808847918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49619297

Where do you buy these anyways? I saw a custom lilo doll on /toy/ which was great but it made me wonder if there was places that sold more cartoon or anime stylized dolls.

>> No.49618930

yes, and?

>> No.49619095
Quoted by: >>49619737

Sorry nigga but if u turn out like this ur parents are to blame to begin with

>> No.49619297
File: 232 KB, 1333x1211, 1653869891440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49619844

sure, most brands also sell an anime version

and if you can't afford anything in the image the cheapest reputable fullsize doll is the $600 kimber doll

there is also a list of reputable vendors and manufacturers on the doll forum

>> No.49619737
File: 52 KB, 452x672, 1522271196246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49620260

i'm a freak of nature. i've already accepted that. this is why i live in the woods

>> No.49619844

>the doll forum
literally saved my ass, SexyRealsexdoll is were i got mine, much cheaper than other sellers, black friday deal was just too good.

>> No.49619977

the ol' switcheroo

>> No.49620260

holy kek anon saved

>> No.49620569

>there's 7 billion people
If this is a problem I know how you can help by removing 1 :^)

>> No.49620594

She has been crying from the shame

>> No.49620746
File: 42 KB, 800x533, 5F91CC41-8D38-4EFA-BEED-3AFFB951E1A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>49621618

>/biz/ is honestly saying they wouldn’t fuck this

>> No.49620977

only one that looks remotely decent

>> No.49621618
File: 196 KB, 593x584, 1650948180166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it can't struggle and claw at me while I fuck it it's not rape. And if it's not rape it's not worth my time