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File: 55 KB, 640x433, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2942789 No.2942789 [Reply] [Original]

I have one word of advice for you /biz/, you are free to listen to me or not. My advice is: Get out while you can.

I've been in Bitcoin since 2009, and I still chat daily with a lot of people from the early days, big holders and miners. If you are not careful this will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of Bitcoin. These people don't like Blockstream's takeover, and they will fight for what they consider to be the real Bitcoin, aka BItcoin cash.

The segwit team doesn't have money. Big blockers are the people with a lot of holdings. Roger Ver, Craig Wright, Jihan Wu, Gavin Andresen, and lots of early miners. These people combined have billions worth of Bitcoin. They are angry, and they are ready to put their money where their mouth is.

Want proof? Look at this:

People vote with their money here, and you can see that the big money is pro big blocks, and against blockstream and segwit.

Another quote from a chinese miner:
“We have prepared $100 million USD to kill the small fork of CoreCoin, no matter what POW algorithm, sha256 or scrypt or X11 or any other GPU algorithm. Show me your money. We very much welcome a CoreCoin change to POS.”


>> No.2942794
File: 3 KB, 140x140, ygr1maq63ridjfmlzuur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use Bitcoin. It's been replaced.

>> No.2942795

post walet so we ca be sure.

>> No.2942804

this LARP is fucking pathetic

fuck off you cringy autist

>> No.2942807
Quoted by: >>2942811 >>2942858


Just FYI, it's not funny. It's pathetic. Go post that whore kike too, make us laff with dem good maymays. Faggot.

>> No.2942811
File: 344 KB, 449x401, a6f1ff50-4f43-11e7-b700-1f43fed46a43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. salt nupol nobanc fag

>> No.2942818

The ""secret miner"" who has been mining the BCC chain at a loss has been estimated to have spent around 10 millions on hardware and 100k a day mining at a loss. These people don't fuck around.

Now, this is what's gonna happen:
the wales cannot dump all their Bitcoins at once, they need to do it slowly. While everyone dumps their bcc to buy more btc, the whales will be accumulating bcc and selling btc. Despite all the people dumping, the long term trend will be up for bcc and down for btc, because the whales simply have more money.
At a certain point we will witness the flippening, thanks to the faster difficulty adjustment and high market price, it will become more profitable to mine bcc than btc. This is when the miners will hop en-masse and abandon btc. Since btc has no fast diff adjustment, the chain will be starved. Blocks could take hours to be found, fees will go up, and a difficulty adjustment will take several months at a slow speed. This is the point of no return. While bcc price keeps rising, btc will keep falling to the ground. People will start calling bcc the real bitcoin.

You are sitting at a table of high stakes poker. These people are angry, they have a lot of money, and they have a plan. They will crash blockstream and segwit into the ground. In the meantime, bcc will go to the moon. There's always two sides to a trade.. and it's usually not a good idea to be on the side where all the idiots are...

I don't care if you will listen to me or not. Stupid people deserve to lose their money, but don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.2942825 [DELETED] 

greed will be the downfall of money

>> No.2942840 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2942884

i love an angry person at a poker table
easy money

>> No.2942842

>Zhuoer, who speaks in broken English

kek, just a chinese pajeet

Also those "news" are from 6 FUCKING MONTHS AGO

>> No.2942844
File: 44 KB, 501x585, 1501748877304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> There are many Chinese big miners in our pool, they will buy more miners in 2017. Many come from traditional industries. You cannot imagine how much money they have, buying miners 10 million at a time.

Good lord....for fuck sake, Sam was right, fuckin Chine-A.I.

>> No.2942856

nice pasta brah

>> No.2942858
File: 43 KB, 271x400, IMG_0098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just keep believing the miracle stories of blockstream buddy

>> No.2942862 [DELETED] 

rogers pole says what roger wants it see say LOL
rent a clue

>> No.2942874
Quoted by: >>2942883

threads like these are pathetic

BTC will be $10k next year

garbage FUD

>> No.2942883
File: 483 KB, 900x675, IMG_0099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2943051

Wel start the dumpening then i'm sitting here for 2 days refreshing the charts waiting for the promised cheap Bitcoin Cash and it never arrived.

>> No.2942884

the angry people here are blockstream and their fans, screaming around, and angrily dumping the bcc "shitcoin". In the meantime Jihan and friends keep their poker face.. pretending to support segwit2x.. but it's known where they really stand. They are not stupid.
Core has revealed all their cards and act like whiny kids. They already go around forums loudly saying they won't respect the 2x part of the agreement, do you really think the other side is this dumb? They are already putting their money where their mouth is. This is war.

>> No.2942889
Quoted by: >>2943040

there is one more factor. a group that doesnt want big blocks NOR segwit. and they have huge holdings too.

>> No.2942899

show me your wallet

>> No.2942902
Quoted by: >>2946014 >>2946199

look, even if all of this is true; and I don't care mind you; I just won't sell my BCC

but let's say it is all true, the risk these people are taking is fucking enormous

not because of the little bitchfight within the community but because NOONE NEEDS BITCOIN WHEN YOU HAVE A PHALANX OF CAPABLE ALTCOINS THAT COULD TAKE OVER

eth is just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.2942908
Quoted by: >>2942918


>> No.2942911 [DELETED] 

why hold either
everybody having their own fork if the future of bitcoin now

>> No.2942918


So you are 100% sure Core will win and Jihad Wu stupid wirr roose?

Oh really?

>> No.2942923
Quoted by: >>2942946

I am, yes. If you were such a fucking newfag, you'd know it too.
>I've been here forever fuck you
You're too autistic to understand the value of BTC. It has nothing to do with the tech itself.

>> No.2942924
File: 142 KB, 313x235, 8EOPxwH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2942928

I don't care who wins. Im holding alts

>> No.2942930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2942965

ive already forked bitcoin cash. its so non liquid its great
1 of my fork bcash coins is worth ALL of crypto
but good luck finding any markets for it

>> No.2942936

Core has ideas and connections wit the bankers Bitmain has the production and infrastructure.

>> No.2942937

BTC has no practical use and it doesn't need to be fast or "better". the most shitcoins are better than BTC. it is a gold-standard, nothing more than a kind of measuring stick.
replace BTC with BCC, yeah, cool, but why?
free your mind and stop giving a shit on BTC/BCC, dramaqueen. there is a lot of stuff going on in crypto, new techniques has and will be developed, despite of the problems and divorce war of their parents, which leads to fucking nothing and fucks up the whole market.

>> No.2942946


What the fuck is your problem, stop being so pissed LOL

OK so we've established that Jihad Woo Woo is dumb, so you think all this BCC was

> his scam, kinda like ICO with Puterin's trashscamcoin
> act of colossal, life-changing stupidity, he got a bit rich and then he got dumb hence BCC

Which one is it?

>> No.2942964
Quoted by: >>2942985

BCC is doing pretty well so far but I wondor if that will last price is at 0.3 on yobit

>> No.2942965

A smart man would start a new coin called bcash. Free promotion from r/bitcoin.

>> No.2942985
Quoted by: >>2942998

That's not the real price. The only real price is at HitBTC = 0.01, or less

Stop dreaming.

>> No.2942998
Quoted by: >>2943060

Have you been over there? I would love to buy it from you for that price! https://hitbtc.com/exchange/BCC-to-BTC

>> No.2943040
Quoted by: >>2944095

Who is other group please.

>> No.2943051
Quoted by: >>2943070 >>2943109

1) Bitcoin is going to moon regardless of Bitcoin Cash's performance

2) Bitcoin Cash is dead on arrival. In fact its so dead that the block chain isnt working properly and as of right now, will take days to weeks for coin transfers to take place.

>> No.2943060

I don't sell horseshit, and that's not how it works

>> No.2943067 [DELETED] 

until there is liquidity any BCH numbers you see trading are pointless

>> No.2943070
Quoted by: >>2947921

Why will transfers take weeks?

>> No.2943109

What you guys fail to understand is that, at least by the old holders, core is seen as the fork. Segwit radically changes the way the protocol works, so it's effectively an alt, different from what is described in the bitcoin whitepaper. Soft fork and Hard fork are just semantics, i you want you can change a lot with a soft fork and very little with a hard fork, only difference is adding new rules vs removing rules.
So, at least from the point of view of old bitcoiners, segwit-coin is seen as the fork, whereas bcc is the continuation of bitcoin, it only lifts the temporary 1MB cap that was introduced to avoid spam when btc was worthless.

>1) Bitcoin is going to moon regardless of Bitcoin Cash's performance
You really think that value will come out of thin air? Cute

>2) Bitcoin Cash is dead on arrival. In fact its so dead that the block chain isnt working properly and as of right now, will take days to weeks for coin transfers to take place.
You are badly misinformed by Core propaganda. The bitcoin cash blockchain is currently getting blocks pretty fast. Last one was 5 minutes ago, previous one 10 minutes ago.
The mining had been stopped on purpose to make the difficulty go down. It's a highly tactical operation. Mining was stopped precisely for 12 hours so that the difficulty adjustment would kick in.

>> No.2943120


>> No.2943128
Quoted by: >>2943161

How much is Roger paying you to astorutf, pajeet?

Your delusioanl blockstream conspiracies and your cult-like muh satoshi vision can go fuck themselves.
You have your shitcoin Bitcoin Cash now, keep your bag for yourself and stop annoying us wiht your disgusting propaganda

>> No.2943130

Hahaha, bullshit and you know it

>> No.2943133

>get out
>literally about to take a huge portion of stock money away and pump it into BTC


>> No.2943139

>What you guys fail to understand is that, at least by the old holders, core is seen as the fork
wrong. Jihan's minions are very few, and 99% of them are literally paid to agree with him

>> No.2943143
Quoted by: >>2943239


How do u explain bcc's pump to .48 and what price do you realistically see bcc at?

>> No.2943149

>unironically supporting the chinese jews who wanna make even more money

Hmmm.... really makes you think

>> No.2943151

Good work Anon, hopfully some people will get the point and secure their life savings.

>> No.2943161
File: 119 KB, 437x524, uasf_wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is sad to see how much blockstream has galvanized people against the real early adopters who have poured their heart and soul into Bitcoin.
You do realize that most people at blockstream arrived after them, and basically took over? People like Gavin, who was the designated successor by satoshi, have been ousted, by people like maxwell and luke who, by their own admission, didn't believe in bitcoin, didn't understand the economics of it and didn't have any holdings.

As i said, this is a war and there are two sides, I will stick with the early adopters and people who have hundreds of millions invested in hardware.
But you are free to stick to the other side, with their silly hats, and bitcoin nodes running on raspberry pi's.. Time will tell if the market values more the original bitcoin, or bitcoin-core, the crippled, high-fee, settlement layer for the lightning network(tm).

(also please keep dumpin, I need to get more cheap bcc before btc crashes)

>> No.2943163

Who cares. Every bitcoin holder owns just as many BCC.

>> No.2943185
File: 93 KB, 960x960, 10678699_1529590410590360_1910735880455361870_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck... How long do we have to live with all these insecurities.

I just want to relax and be calm and comfy instead of constantly thinking about each possible scenario and how it would affect me and wondering if i made the right decision or should i change my strategy

>> No.2943188

If they are smart!

>> No.2943190

>What you guys fail to understand is that, at least by the old holders, core is seen as the fork.
Uhhh, no. How much are you being paid to spout this garbage? Bitcoin is Bitcoin. Satoshi is long gone. You sound like a cult member. It's been almost 10 years since Satoshi developed Bitcoin. It's time to move on. There is only a small minority of people who agree with this sentiment. Most are probably paid to agree.

NO ONE ELSE WANTED THIS. This is all a power play by desperate people. It's obvious that its political in nature and nothing more. It's all about egos.

> bcc is the continuation of bitcoin,
No, it's a fork. And a badly done one at that.

>You really think that value will come out of thin air? Cute
Faggot, BTC is already on the trajectory for mass adoption. You can't stop the train. This is why BCC shitcoin was created, its about control, they know BTC is going to be big in a few years and this is the last gasp for power.

>Core propaganda.

>Mining was stopped precisely for 12 hours so that the difficulty adjustment would kick in.
As of right now the blockchain is still slow. This is due to the fact that the whole BCC launch was a botched, rushed launch.

How much is Jihan paying you. No one wants your chink scamcoin.

>> No.2943199

100 million fed buxx left the BCC in past 8 hours.

Should it make me think?

>> No.2943202
Quoted by: >>2943215

>Mass adoption
>Small blocks

Just lol

>> No.2943205

>People like Gavin, who was the designated
>designated :D

>> No.2943206
File: 32 KB, 600x579, 1501580729847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me...

>> No.2943210
File: 32 KB, 640x360, gav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like Gavin, who was the designated successor by satoshi,

What? Gavin was supposed to replace the Minister? What the...

>> No.2943215

>Doesn't realize mass adoption =/= quick transfer times
>just lol

>> No.2943239

>How do u explain bcc's pump to .48
As i said there's lots of whales who are trying to stack up, so some jumpslike that are expected. I know early adopters personally who have money in the hundreds of millions of dollars and are trying to snatch up as much bcc as they can while it's low.

>and what price do you realistically see bcc at?
I don't have a crystal ball, but short term, i imagine idiots will dump it while the whales keep amassing everything they can at sub 0.10. But these days of cheap bcc won't last long.
In the medium term, I expect bcc to easily reach parity with segwit-coin (as btc will be losing value at the same time). By the end of this year I'm pretty sure bcc will be more valuable than btc, could happen even earlier. More or less the prices you see now but flipped.
If things go as i imagine, it will be the biggest wealth redistribution in the history of Bitcoin, from clueless noobs, to the old money and whales.

>> No.2943245
Quoted by: >>2943424

>(also please keep dumpin, I need to get more cheap bcc before btc crashes)

If you really would want to get cheap bcc you would had fud it instead of shilling

>> No.2943251

false and wrong

>> No.2943254

why are you suggesting to sell then?
most BTC holders also holds BCC

>> No.2943266
Quoted by: >>2943424

Wow, talk about lies. Most whales are pro Core. BCC is already dead, by the end of the year it will probably stagnate at a market cap similar to ETC's.

>> No.2943278
File: 32 KB, 480x255, kys_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2943310

processing transactions off blockchain defeats the entire purpose of BTC and opens up avenues for hook noses to fuck it all up for everyone
both sides are crooked but Core cocksuckers are total cucks

>> No.2943293
Quoted by: >>2943962 >>2944496

Pretty sure OP site is a scam. Don't send this cuck BTC for a "vote."

1) Make articles on hot crypto debate
2) Add BTC value to them

Then plebs and cucks send him BTC. He increases the mean nothing vote counters. One day, poof, the site is gone...Mad BTC gains for OP.

>> No.2943299
File: 347 KB, 631x479, biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2943310

Those avenues exist regardless of its off blockchain or not
Your argument is irrelevant
Cash supporters are total fucking cucks because most of them are greedy little fucks that dream of a flippening that will never happen

>> No.2943311

I pity you. A fool and his money are soon parted...

>No, it's a fork. And a badly done one at that.
Both bitcoin cash and bitcoin core are forks, it's entirely specular. One implements segwit, one lifts the block size limit. The market will choose which one is the "real" bitcoin, and which one is the altcoin.

>Faggot, BTC is already on the trajectory for mass adoption. You can't stop the train.
Huh, nah. If you look at the charts, we were on that exponential trajectory, until we hit the 1MB blocksize limit, that's when everything started falling apart. Keeping that limit will only keep crippling bitcoin and stopping adoption. Who wants a coin with high fees and slow confirmations?

>>Core propaganda.
It's a fact, the blatant banning and moderation they have been doing on reddit and bitcointalk, their efforts to discredit adversaries with silly names. People aren't stupid they are waking up to that corporate-sponsored propaganda. Especially the early adopters are not the kind of people who like authority.

>> No.2943342
Quoted by: >>2943366 >>2943770


Btc is used for all altcoin transactions, how will this convert over for bcc? Wont people have to rebuy everything?

This would be a huge inconvenience and one of the things preventing bcc from taking over. And wat about the exchanges that didnt support the fork? Coinbase? So many things would need to change....

>> No.2943366
Quoted by: >>2943770


and corporations that issue BTC-Mastercards, that accept BTC as a method of payment, that offer other services related to BTC woul all have to go thru a massive amount of changes

>> No.2943405
Quoted by: >>2950561

>If you look at the charts, we were on that exponential trajectory, until we hit the 1MB blocksize limit, that's when everything started falling apart.
SO MB size limits somehow controls the influx of people? This logic, man. This logic.

The adoption of Bitcoin is not tied to MB size. Sorry. It's a bit more complicated than that. Bitcoin has already been compared to digital gold. It already has massive branding presence. The holding of Bitcoin's price during BCC's release is a statement enough - King Bitcoin shrugs and moves on.

Once Segwit is implemented, Bcash is a non factor. It's a coin created purely for political reasons and control. Period.

>It's a fact, the blatant banning and moderation they have been doing on reddit and bitcointalk, their efforts to discredit adversaries with silly names.
You think that there hasnt been banning on r/btc either? Reddit is notorious for banning and censorship - this is a non-issue. The same thing for Bitcointalk - its notorious for censorship. I can claim that I've been censored on there, for things unrelated to the Bitcoin debate.

>People aren't stupid they are waking up to that corporate-sponsored propaganda.
Your projection is so painfully obvious. I knew the propaganda would start on biz, I was actually expecting these threads to start earlier.

Once Segwit is implemented, then its off to the races for Bitcoin. Until then, BCC is especially the last, dying gasp for dissenters. Hey, you need to have a voice, unfortunately I dont think there is room for Bcash on the market, because LTC is already poised to become the transactional-based currency.

I think it really shows how disconnected this part of the community is, when they think that the size of BTC transactions is somehow tied to its price performance. It's not. Totally delusional.

>> No.2943424

>If you really would want to get cheap bcc you would had fud it instead of shilling

I have already converted my btc holdings to bcc. And I'm currently shorting btc with 100k just for some extra gains ;)
Tbh I see the writing on the wall and I'm sure a lot of people are gonna get hurt in this, and I have many friends who hang around these forums, so, now that I already did the switch, I don't want innocent people to get badly hurt in this mess.
My early adopter btc friends have bigger holdings (in the tens or hundreds of millions), so they are moving it more slowly, but they all have the same intention of abandoning btc for bcc.

>Most whales are pro Core
Most whales? Like who?
I think you are badly misinformed my friend...

>> No.2943432 [DELETED] 


>> No.2943455

>I have already converted my btc holdings to bcc. And I'm currently shorting btc with 100k just for some extra gains ;)
Post proof.

>> No.2943457
Quoted by: >>2943490

I've been involved in BTC since 2012. I'm close with many big holders. What you're doing is wrong. I understand we come to biz to bullshit and do fake pumps, but its another entirely to spread false information about whales, so called "big holders' about to dump btc, which holds the entire crypto space together.

All you need to do is hop on Whalepool. The intention is clear: BTC is still king, and will gain greater adoption once Segwit is implemented at the end of the month.

What you are doing here is wrong, you should be ashamed.

>> No.2943480 [DELETED] 

all i want from bitcoin is a blockchain that i can't verify my own transactions on
now i my saviour is here

>> No.2943482
Quoted by: >>2943770

>My early adopter btc friends have bigger holdings (in the tens or hundreds of millions),

Lol. If anyone on biz believes this nonsense you deserve to lose all your money.

I knew the dicks from r/btc will come in here ready to spread this bullshit.

>> No.2943490
Quoted by: >>2943521 >>2943525

Whalepool annoyed about not initiating the dumping?

But seriously, why do so many people try to crash Bitcoin Cash? Nothing wrong with satoshi's vision right why woud you wat his plan to fail so badly unless you are a blockstream banker??

>> No.2943521
Quoted by: >>2943561 >>2945430

>But seriously, why do so many people try to crash Bitcoin Cash?
It's not that they are trying to crash it, its a simple rejection from the market.

"Satoshi's vision" is just a marketing statement, really. Look at the cryptospace right now. You want to talk vision? We already have his vision. Look at the whole host of altcoins available on the market.

Bitcoin leads where it matters, security, robust network, branding, reputation - that is what matters. BTC checks all of these off.

Its pretty clear that Bitcoin Cash is purely done for political reasons. Special interests want control of the project. Isnt it funny that it comes out now, right before Segwit is implemented? Its obvious that they want to kill Bitcoin's momentum and take over. But its essentially just another altcoin, in essence. Bitcoin...is bitcoin.

And it doesnt create anything new - its riding on Bitcoin's name. Thats what pisses alot of people off.

>> No.2943525

no Tx malleability fix means that the coin will be centralized in China for all eternity

we are already at war with their nationalized electricity, no need to give them an additional edge because they don't want to fix an obvious bug in the code

>> No.2943561
Quoted by: >>2943599 >>2943744

>Satoshi's vision" is just a marketing statement
> its riding on Bitcoin's name.

Satoshi invented bitcoin, read the paper. The first thing he wrote in his paper is: A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution

Bitcoin Cash is bitcoin.

Calling segwit bitcoin is complete noncense, it is exactly the opposite of what satoshi wrote in his paper.

>> No.2943599
Quoted by: >>2943628 >>2943770

>A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution
Name one of those promises that segwit breaks.
I'll wait

>> No.2943625

Alright guys, here comes the drop.
Get ready for the scooping.

>> No.2943628

Not cash

>> No.2943744

>Bitcoin Cash is bitcoin

With your logic, half of the altcoins created is bitcoin.

Bitcoin Cash is a hastily made Bitcoin clone, basically an altcoin riding on the Bitcoin name. It's just another altcoin.

>Calling segwit bitcoin is complete noncense, it is exactly the opposite of what satoshi wrote in his paper.

Not at all. Do you know what Segwit does? It re-arranges transaction signatures.

I think its pretty clear that Bitcoin is still Satoshi's vision. Maybe not 100%, but times change. Sorry. Its been almost 10 years.

>> No.2943770
Quoted by: >>2944002 >>2946199

these are valid concerns, but as you've seen exchanges and wallets have acted very quickly to implement bcc, it's not that hard really. Those who won't, are already facing potential lawsuits, and for the businesses who won't support it, there's many people already looking to copy the business and allow bcc.
If bcc will have a good market value, and good usability, everything else will follow.

i know it sounds ridiculous but it's true. We were just random people who got involved early that's all. This friend of mine spent 60k to resurrect an old hard drive where he had more than 50 millions in btc (now must be worth at least 100 mills), a couple others run big mining operations, invested a lot of money and got rewarded accordingly.

"We define an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures. Each owner transfers the coin to the next by digitally signing a hash of the previous transaction and the public key of the next owner and adding these to the end of the coin".
Segwit is not bitcoin plain and simple. You can argue if its better or worse but it's not bitcoin. Heck most alts are closer to bitcoin than segwit.

>> No.2943795

Rearranges would assume they're still on the blockchain, which they are not. And I'll ignore the whole ugliness of the result as a non-factor.
Legacy bitcoin, with segwit activated, is also more vulnerable to validationless mining. With all of you hating on Chinese miners, I'm sure you have a lot to be afraid of.

>> No.2943798
Quoted by: >>2944002 >>2946199

You got history wrong. Time will tell who was on the right side of history.

Bitcoin hit an artificial scalability limit. A group of hostile developers thought that they could make more money by exploiting this limit and building solutions on top of it as separate layers. They forced people to accept this solution by setting a deadline, even if most of the community didn't agree. As they forced this drastic change into Bitcoin's code, a group of people who believe in the original bitcoin forked away to preserve the bitcoin chain from a drastic change that cannot be undone.

>> No.2943815
Quoted by: >>2944002

Bitcoin cash is the original blockchain with all the history.

Most altcoins (including bitcoin settlement) claim to be something else. Like fuel, token, gold, dollars, shares, funds, etc.

>> No.2943903
File: 5 KB, 318x244, pumpit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2943924

Bitcoin core is an open source team of volunteers which anyone with the right technical skill can join. Blockstream does not employ all or even most of the people on the bitcoin core team. Acting like blockstream somehow owns and controls bitcoin core is just nonsense FUD.

And no, I do not believe the OP has heard that whales plan to dump BTC for BCC. In fact, I believe it is quite the opposite.

>> No.2943948
Quoted by: >>2943980 >>2944002

Exactly. If you can code and prove that you are an excellent coder, you can propose changes. If you are a mediocre coder, you CAN'T be allowed to change the code of the major cryptocurrency we have, because you'll be wasting your time and everybody else's.

Is that simple.

People at Bcash are making websites using WIX for fucks sake.

>> No.2943962

>being this dumb
you dont send btc to it. you sign with your adress.

>> No.2943980
Quoted by: >>2944005 >>2944015

>code and prove that you are an excellent coder

So who decides what code is excellent?

>> No.2944002
File: 43 KB, 497x500, 1494213604176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2944025 >>2944059

>This friend of mine spent 60k to resurrect an old hard drive
What you're doing is wrong bro. You're lying...and its obvious.

>A group of hostile developers thought that they could make more money by exploiting this limit
Hahah, no.

>They forced people

>Bitcoin cash is the original blockchain with all the history.
And yet its still a hard fork and not the real Bitcoin


>> No.2944005

People that know computer science and can tell if code handles its load in optimal or near-optimal way.

Are you stupid?

>> No.2944006
Quoted by: >>2944051

>Pajeet coin.
Literally neck yourself retard.

>> No.2944015

>t. someone who has never coded before and thinks "good code" is decided to be good by opinions and feels

>> No.2944019
Quoted by: >>2944051

>Pajeet coin.
Literally neck yourself, retard.

>> No.2944025


Hey I agree with you, but as a note, my sister paid 700€ for a tech-company to run TestDisk on her harddrive and recover ~120MB of documents.

Most people are technologically illiterate.

>> No.2944051


>> No.2944059

How is a hard fork not the real bitcoin? If you were in from the early days you'd know that this is not the first bitcoin hard fork. So by your own logic bitcoin hasnt been bitcoin since 2009...

Yea nah, I was there since the beginning and i've seen the hostile takeover happen. Good developers like Gavin and Mike Hearn have been booted from the team. Gavin was given commit rights to the repo by satoshi, and since he's a good guy he decided to give it away to more people too. Then those people have turned against him and now insult him and spit in his face, even if he was the first real bitcoin developer alongside satoshi.
Luke-jr and gmaxwell have led this hostile takover, pretty much all the early adopters hate them. Gmaxwell had "prove" that bitcoin is not possible, and never believed in it... luke is a crazy catholic that believes block size should be reduced instead of increased...
The good people who gave away commit rights have been ostracized, while the power hungry lunatics have remained in power. And it's not true that they accept contribution from anyone, that's just laughable if you've ever been in their dev chats you'd know its the entire opposite. It's one of the most "closed" open source projects ever. If you wanna make improvements they just tell you to fork away and make an alt...

>> No.2944085
File: 76 KB, 501x585, ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2944095


>> No.2944131
File: 69 KB, 812x458, BIZRAEL101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2944135
Quoted by: >>2944193

>How is a hard fork not the real bitcoin? If you were in from the early days you'd know that this is not the first bitcoin hard fork. So by your own logic bitcoin hasnt been bitcoin since 2009...
Bingo, that's correct. The whole "real bitcoin" debate is moot. As far as I'm concerned, Bitcoin Core is Bitcoin because it has carried the crypto market. No more, no less.

This debate comes down to purists vs progressiveness. And at the end of the day - this is software and technology. Progress always wins in that area. You have to evolve.

This is why Bitcoin Cash won't go anywhere, especially once X2 is activated. Everyone will get what they want.

It's pretty clear that hardcore supporters of Bcash like you have personal grudges against the BTC team, for one reason or another. Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Times change. BTC is growing up.

>> No.2944159
Quoted by: >>2944225

I don't doubt that you're a big blocker bitmain shill who has been around for awhile, probably posting a lot in the cesspool that is r/btc. your claim that whales are going to dump BTC for BCC is what is dead wrong.

>> No.2944193

Both are progress really, it's two different scaling solutions. I believe that bigger blocks are a much more reasonable and elegant scaling solution than throwing away the dignatures, and building a second network on top of bitcoin where people have to deposit btc before they can transact.
As a software engineer I think that segwit is an abomination, and there is no real reason to keep block size so crippled. 1MB every ten minues? C'mon it's not the 90s anymore. The whole narrative of running bitcoin on raspberry pi's is moot, it has never run on small machines, just look at the mining operations around the world.

The 2x part of the "agreement" won't be activated, maxwell has said it himself "when hell freezes over". So the big blockers know it's not really gonna happen, they are all converging on bcc, even if they publicly defend segwit2x.

Initially i was a supporter of segwit2x too, before i looked into segwit and realized what an engineering abomination it was. Segwit2x was an okay compromise, that didnt make anyone super happy but at least avoided a fork. Now that the fork has happened, there is no reason to support 2x from either side, so it's moot.
There are more elegant ways to solve transaction malleability if one is not scared of hard forking. Plus, cpfp can be a fix in iteself. In addition, the removal of rbf in combination with the bigger blocks, will make 0 conf transactions usable again. So I think that from an engineering standpoint bcc is clearly superior at this point. Bcc is the real progress, core is the luddites who are keeping bitcoin crippled.

>> No.2944225
Quoted by: >>2946199

they are waiting on the sidelines, first let the people bring the bcc price down, then multiply their holdings by buying it up at low prices.
I've already sold most my bitcoins but I'm still keeping some buy orders at low prices on exchanges just in case..
And nah I have no affiliation with Bitmain, but unlike other people I do understand that bitcoin is based on mining, and miners have the last word.

>> No.2944496

You only sign messages using your wallet.

>> No.2944501
File: 31 KB, 727x308, Screenshot from 2017-08-03 19:46:29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say I didn't warn you (that's 50k btc, mind you)

>> No.2944513
File: 46 KB, 234x279, 1413399079277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2944581

These are some pretty wild claims that you've been making without much proofs to go along with it, OP. All of this uncertainty around bitcoin leads me to believe that it is better to just stick with alts for the time being instead of buying into crazy talk from either sides of this strange argument.

>> No.2944519
Quoted by: >>2944581

you are a fucking moron that doesn't even know the difference between a node and a miner

>> No.2944581
Quoted by: >>2946199

Oh i know, read the whitepaper. Full nodes=miners. Full nodes that don't mine are useless and don't matter at all, they have no say in the protocol rules, the importance of non-mining full-nodes is an invention of core.

good choice my friend. There is a war going on, I would suggest staying away until the waters calm down or you may get hurt.
But if you're into high risk trading there's also lot of opportunity so it's up to you

>> No.2944867
File: 62 KB, 680x661, 1501610610672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is some meme magic shilling right here; anon has convinced me; I am jumping ship.

>> No.2944904

>it is sad to see how much blockstream has galvanized people against the real early adopters who have poured their heart and soul into Bitcoin.
t.newcoiner since 2017 pajeet
>As i said, this is a war and there are two sides, I will stick with the early adopters and people who have hundreds of millions invested in hardware.
90% of early adopters are with Core. Either way being an early adopter does not make you more knowledgable than anyone else, especially if you consider that a lot of adopters were retarded goldbug libertarians looking for just another way to vent out their frustrations or drug dealers constantly high on hard drugs.
> People like Gavin, who was the designated successor by satoshi, have been ousted, by people like maxwell and luke who, by their own admission, didn't believe in bitcoin, didn't understand the economics of it and didn't have any holdings.
Gavin "I talk with the CIA but that's not a problem" Andersen? The one that probably had Satoshi killed by the CIA? That same Gavin? Gavin who made his own version of BTC in 2013 and failed miserably? LMAOING @ ur LIFE pajeet astroturfer

>> No.2944930

Fuck off faggots.

>> No.2944941
File: 67 KB, 449x1197, 1444135834310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>increasingly nervous r/btc shill
you have to go back, and stay there pajeet

>> No.2944952
File: 305 KB, 1000x1000, 1491062617340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw big miners are still mining as normal not to cause suspicion
>mfw miners are playing 4d chess
>mfw this guy might be right

>> No.2945052
File: 699 KB, 200x150, 1501541737365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2945131
Quoted by: >>2945213

90% of the traffic here on /biz/ is paid shills; paid to support Core.

OP is right. Disregard him at your own peril.

>> No.2945208
Quoted by: >>2945379 >>2945491

Core is definately good people even though the bitcoin network has gotten objectively worse since they took over, it's marketcap has gone down relative to other currencies and a lot of businesses has stopped accepting bitcoin because the network is now shit.

>It was all because we will get a solution that will fix everything!
Ok mr. Trust. Even if LN works - which is a big IF, and can still be implemented on bitcoin cash mind you - it still won't be here in many years. With perfect segwit use the max blocksize is calculated to be some 1.6 mb which means the network will be full again very soon and bitcoin will start losing out to the alts again.

it's so funny seeing people parrot stuff straight from /r/bitcoin... Do you people ever ask yourself "is that really true"?

Fact is, bitcoin is built to be a system that can handle visa-level transactions and that too is in the whitepaper. For buying couches and houses you can use something like 5 confs, for coffe you can use 0 conf and businesses can insure themselves in the case of unlikely attacks through a contract that pays the insurer a little fraction of every purchase depending on percent likelyhood of attack. There's also technical solutions to this that core has simply refused to implement. The truth is bitcoin was never as crap as they have sold you it on. The problem with LN network - if it even works - is it allows government to regulate hubs as they regulate exchanges now. So one day you might have to give the hub your name and SSN to even do business. It's completely opposite to any kind of free money and completely uneccessary.

>> No.2945213
Quoted by: >>2945231 >>2945282

>op: core has no money
>you: op is right, all of biz is paid shills, paid by core
>core has no money
>core pays for shills

>> No.2945231
Quoted by: >>2945509

core has no BTC, they have other money of course, enough to pay shills who make 75 a week at most.
I'm done posting in this thread, I don't enjoy conversing with garbage shills like you who are all going to get arrested soon anways. I have friends in the IC who have been following your leaders around for a long time, we know all the connections, we know who funds what and what is about to come. I hope you enjoy your job, because it's going to cost you the rest of your life, you are absolutely fucked, all of you are.

>> No.2945282
Quoted by: >>2945322

Core has bankers money, a lot. Banks and vc companies are channeling funds trough blochstream to a significant part of the core devs. They are not even hiding it, it is listed on their own site. Imagine what is going on at their hq without us knowing. They have plenty fiat trust me!

>> No.2945307
File: 378 KB, 1200x330, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off pajeet

>> No.2945322

see here, this is the original vision of Satoshi: >>2945307

>> No.2945329
Quoted by: >>2945432

fuck your mother if you want fuck!

>> No.2945379
Quoted by: >>2946199

this guy gets it

>> No.2945430

This. /thread

>> No.2945432

Show me pic of your mother first

>> No.2945441

Satoshi obv wants a Blockchain that uses blocks so large, itsakes it so you can't confirm your own transactions. The only good Blockchain is one with a central control you must trust
Durrrrrr 4chan durrrrr

>> No.2945469

core is finished

>> No.2945491

literally all wrong. LN is already in alpha and running in testnet, it won't take years to implement it. Segwit brings the blocksize practically up to 3.7.
There is no need for bigger blocks, it was Jihan spamming the network to convince you shit for brains that you needed big blocks.
Look at Bitcoin Cash right now, the blocks are empty and it takes for ever to mine just one block.
>-Fact is, bitcoin is built to be a system that can handle visa-level transactions and that too is in the whitepaper
wrong, see >>2945307
>The problem with LN network - if it even works - is it allows government to regulate hubs as they regulate exchanges now
Wrong, look up atomic swaps

So Roger is astroturfing here too?
This isn't Reddit Roger, we won't fall for your bullshit

>> No.2945509

>core has no BTC, they have other money of course, enough to pay shills who make 75 a week at most.
you are projecting too hard there pajeet
> I have friends in the IC who have been following your leaders around for a long time, we know all the connections, we know who funds what and what is about to come.
lmao at this cringy as fuck LARPing
>I hope you enjoy your job, because it's going to cost you the rest of your life, you are absolutely fucked, all of you are.
Any lurker will notice how polished and thought through your post is and immediately realize what a pathetic shill you are

>> No.2945610
Quoted by: >>2945631 >>2945651

Well this thread is boring. Just read the bitcoin whitepaper - the same whitepaper that core wanted to change and ask yourself "is that really true?" for any statement you read on /r/bitcoin and come to your own conclusion.

>> No.2945631
Quoted by: >>2945651 >>2945682

here's another interesting article: https://medium.com/@johnblocke/a-brief-and-incomplete-history-of-censorship-in-r-bitcoin-c85a290fe43

Youve had threads were 200 of 400 posters have been cencored either through bans or shadowbans.

>> No.2945651

>so BTFO he just runs away repeating the same old propaganda
Roger must be paying you very little pajeet

>> No.2945682

>Youve had threads were 200 of 400 posters have been cencored either through bans or shadowbans.

Censored on reddit for talking bout cripplecurrency, BTC and all?

WUT? Why?


Why did they ban them? Crypto conspiracy? Shadow crypto government? Shadow miners?

Mining Bilderberg?


>> No.2945687
File: 58 KB, 750x599, IMG_5816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2945865

When the FUCK is this going to correct? I'm sitting 100% fiat until I see an adjustment, this is nuts.

>> No.2945865


EURopeans forgot how stronk it is now (+65e diff.)

>> No.2946014
File: 86 KB, 606x602, 1501598785457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eth is just the tip of the ice(((BERG)))


>> No.2946199
File: 153 KB, 922x720, 1500568720155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am an oldfag. This guy is correct. I am with BCC side, but I have both coins. Hope BCC wins.

I am signing a message with the address I used in this 2012 transaction so you can see I've been here for years watching. You have been warned. Don't dump BCC.
Oldfag here 3rd Ago 2017 /biz/
Version: Bitcoin-qt (1.0)
Address: 1JuZoErGwTucetm7Ac33aA9wfjkn2eASza


>> No.2946353
File: 9 KB, 275x183, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelked checked

Old fag here.

Bcc is bitcoin

Classic will fade away

But true pill to swallow is iota.

Iota will rape everything

>> No.2946441

I am very interested on Iota, but I was developing a decentralized board (in order to get rid of NSA, MODs and so on) that would just look like 4chan (because it is very light).

I wanted to use WebRTC to sync clients, that would store locally all posts... these post would have expiration date to keep it small.... whatever, the thing is... I realized I needed to organize a discovery system for the posts, since you could be isolated in your Tangle and never see other posts from other tangles... to solve this I could rely on an irc chat, and so on... this would allow me to help nodes to discover other nodes... but again there would be a point to attack.

I believe Iota uses what they call coordinators, to do all this work.

In brief... I will invest in Iota whenever they solve the problem and can get rid of the coordinators.

Also, if you want to donate to the decentralized version of 4chan you can do it using the address i posted.

>> No.2946496


all these god damn shitcoins ... makes me feel at easy about actual stocks with imaginary value

>> No.2946558


BTC is kill. Long live IOTA.

>> No.2946637

segregated witless shill activated soft fork is not bitcoin

>> No.2946675

Proof of Oldfag (PoO) coin when?

>> No.2946746
File: 10 KB, 142x183, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roger Ver, Craig Wright, Jihan Wu, Gavin Andresen, and lots of early miners
>Craig Wright

Sushi Nagasaki supports 8mb? It really WAS his vision.

>> No.2947421
File: 79 KB, 584x747, pepe-salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greetings fellow oldfag.
Long live Bitcoin

>> No.2947462 [DELETED] 

op is a greedy nigger jew

>> No.2947659
File: 22 KB, 467x263, Screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2947795

another chat log from today.. they're already making good money from the split.

Keep selling your BCC and buying BTC if you don't believe me, but don't say I didn't warn you

>> No.2947795

Yes because chat logs surely are the real thing and can't be faked

>> No.2947823

I dont know if Bitcoin cash is the future or not
I am sure the old bitcoin is not tho, it has nothing left to offer but inertia

>> No.2947828

You faggots really need to take this more seriously

>> No.2947881

I appreciate the effort of cryptographically proving your oldfag status. Also amazing that it's even possible.

>> No.2947890

You are just fear mongering. BCC or BCH are worthless. The early miners are scammers. I got my money out of BCH, now those chinks can go fuck themself!!!!!

>> No.2947898


me neither, we're all in ETH and ETH tokens now.

>> No.2947921

because it was designed by Pajeet

>> No.2947926

I am new and have $1000 to spend, what do I buy?

>> No.2947960


Gibs me dat.

>> No.2948006


But where can I get iota? It's not on Polonium and not on Shapeshifter either?

>> No.2948030


$1000 worth of DGB faggot

>> No.2948170
Quoted by: >>2948231

Just stay away from Bitcoin.

If you really wanna get in on "Bitcoin", get Bitcoin cash, it will be like going back in time and getting some Bitcoin cheaper. The legacy Bitcoin has reached all time highs and is more likely to drop

>> No.2948215
File: 967 KB, 3531x4000, 1499015047157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2948449 >>2950469

how do I check this?

>> No.2948231
Quoted by: >>2951215

>The legacy Bitcoin has reached all time highs

>> No.2948238

do cashcucks shill their shitty gookcoin for free or are they getting paid for it?

>> No.2948429
Quoted by: >>2948482 >>2948487

I just wanted to chime in and say i started browsing /biz/ after years of 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ and its interesting to see the political dynamic of the crypto world

The shilling here is insane and the gullible retards are even more numerous. I'm 50:50 in BTC and LTC (well some monero too) because this shit will shake the financial and monetary systems to the core. I'll move my funds through different coins but almost everything is a fucking pump n dump it seems.

BCC/BCH is an interesting pinpoint in cryptohistory timeline, i will say. Actually the mtgox incident and this bull run since end of 2016 in particular are too.

>> No.2948449
Quoted by: >>2948503


>> No.2948482

why the fuck did i just read tonight's diary entry? you need to wake up little lady. wake up and shut up.

>> No.2948487
Quoted by: >>2948893

>almost everything is a fucking pump n dump it seems.

This includes the coins you're holding.

>> No.2948503
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1498860959432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thx anon

>> No.2948559

OP is peddling bullshit.



posts for answers. Segwit is supported throughout 90% of the BTC ecosystem. This is a power grab before BTC gets mass adoption, plain and simple.

>> No.2948597

i've had $0 into bitcoin since before august 1st, not taking any chances for the next couple of weeks until shit calms down.

>> No.2948780


>> No.2948893

So all into BCC? Give me a fucking break

>> No.2949375

Hi Craig

>> No.2949512

Nice larp faggot

>> No.2950138

Good read, one of the more thought-provoking threads on here in a while.

>> No.2950292

>be roger, jihan, craig, and all the retard team
>see their shitcoin being dumped
>try to FUD
Sorry chinks and retards, people dont care about your BitCH coin.

>> No.2950315

maybe we should fork it a few more times

>> No.2950446
File: 90 KB, 520x390, 9dbb78df3604587ae97ffc7ed364e363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad i been reading bcc as BBC and thoght biz was a ton of cucks so never looked into it kek

can someone give me a quick rundown?

>> No.2950469
Quoted by: >>2951398

2012 holders are not early adopters, and even if he were an early adopter his opinion is as good as everyone else's. Early adopters were mostly misfits and drug-addicts, not exactly good examples of intellectual prowess

>> No.2950474
Quoted by: >>2950795

>early adopter
ummm no

>> No.2950475

>I've been in Bitcoin since 2009
HAHAHAHAHA yeah right

>> No.2950490

nice, sold 100k ;)

>> No.2950495
File: 295 KB, 662x602, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950498

nice shitcoin you got there OP, one dump per block, very nice

>> No.2950498

That's probably due to confirmation limits on exchanges. A lot of people want to dump their free altcoin money.

>> No.2950527
Quoted by: >>2950537

The big money supports bitcoin and block stream. Bitcoin cash is the actual freedom underdog

>> No.2950537
Quoted by: >>2950574

>The big money supports bitcoin and block stream
Actually, its the other way around. Increasing block size makes it more difficult for smaller miners.

>> No.2950538

Literally this.

>> No.2950561

>It's a coin created purely for political reasons and control. Period.

It's literally the opposite you fucking retarded shill.

>> No.2950567
Quoted by: >>2950574

>It's literally the opposite you fucking retarded shill.
no it isn't retarded pajeet shill

>> No.2950571

Cash cuck detected. That's literally why cash was created. Go back to r/btc. Cash has literally been BTFO in this thread. OP is a lying scumbag.

Now go back to your containment chamber

>> No.2950573
File: 133 KB, 1104x962, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice (((decentralization))) you got there m8

>> No.2950574
File: 176 KB, 230x230, 1501818731670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lets see which coin is the shill coin

segwit coin:
>drastically changes literally everything about bitcoin
>moves coin towards a path where transactions are processed off the blockchain so (((they))) can further control it
>has armies of shills on reddit
>bitcoin core is literally financed by fucking bankers

bitcoin cash
>ups the blocksize to 8mb from 1mb
>that's literally it


>> No.2950584
File: 1.08 MB, 480x270, youreafaggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950590 >>2950601

You dirty fucking shill, you didn't mention there's the potential for unlimited block size because of on-chain sizing on purpose. That's basically like not fucking saying these problems can be solved by pure mathematics and free markets and BCC is a step towards doing that.

>> No.2950590

Fuck off core shill. You have been utterly exposed and BTFO for the corporate jew shill you are. segwit is a bigger fork than bitcoin cash is, the only reason to be against a blocksize increase is because you want bitcoin to be slower and shittier on purpose, that's it.

>> No.2950592
File: 12 KB, 165x195, yeah-right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950608

And then every bitcoin payment service will change to bcc and the bcc blockchain.

Because miners and more value.

>> No.2950596
File: 1.81 MB, 176x144, laughingallthewaytothebank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he's so autistic he doesn't understand sarcasm
Stay strong, friend. Only those like you, who are literally too honest to make money, can lead /biz/ to the promised lambo.

>> No.2950598
File: 1.73 MB, 360x220, 1498361624419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950616

>>drastically changes literally everything about bitcoin
it fixes bugs and limitations in Bitcoin as it is now. It is part of satoshi's vision to move to a second layer for microtransactions, as you can see here: >>2945307
>>moves coin towards a path where transactions are processed off the blockchain so (((they))) can further control it
nobody controls shit, that's Roger's lie. He tells you they will control everything, then he creates a company called Bitcoin with a CEO, wants to make only one miner and one pool in charge of mining all BTC, buys r/btc and starts literally paying people to rewteet his bullshit. You're a retard to fall for such an obvious scam.
>>has armies of shills on reddit
you mean armies of people who know what Bitcoin is and want to see it go forward without brainwashed astroturfing retards literally directly paid by Roger? No shit
>>bitcoin core is literally financed by fucking bankers
yeah private individuals betting on the future of a new technology are so much worse than a literal puppet of the chinese government, amirite?

>> No.2950600

You're grossly misinformed. Transactions are not processed off the blockchain with Segwit.

SegWit allows partial validators who do not check signature validity to do so without downloading the signatures themselves. This does not make invalid transactions valid. It does not make invalid blocks valid. It does not make invalid signatures valid. It does not make transactions without signatures valid. It does not remove signatures from blocks, as all block content continues to be committed in the block header. SegWit simply lets you verify non-witness transaction data without downloading (then discarding) the witnesses, which solves the problem of light clients having to download things they don’t care about.

It laymans terms, you are talking out of your ass with Cash propaganda.

((they)) wont have anymore control if the entire thing was 100% on the chain. It doesnt. fucking. matter.

Segwit is a means of optimizing the chain without going brute force through bigger blocks.

>>ups the blocksize to 8mb from 1mb

NO IT DOESNT YOU MORON. By upping the blocksize you are pushing smaller miners out of bitcoin mining and you make it infinitely harder for people to mine it. Talk about centralization! Its greed.

>> No.2950601
Quoted by: >>2950617

Moving the transactions away from the miners is fucking golden. WIthout it the network is slower and transactions are more expensive. Fuck those greedy miner assholes and their money print coin.

>> No.2950608
File: 969 KB, 500x300, 1492474886128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a copy of your blockchain so you could keep the cash value of everything inside it. I just wanted to start my own project that's doomed to failure if I don't fuck you over.

>> No.2950609

>reverting to calling people jews after being BTFO
>Being this desperate

you're violating /biz/ code by calling people jews. thats a serious offense and accusation.

you have to go back

>> No.2950616
File: 12 KB, 317x267, 1501610826481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The propaganda against big blocks is the same propaganda as the propaganda for private banks.

Segwit is the federal reserve of bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash is debt-free money printed by the people for the people with no debt attached. Core is literally jews.

>> No.2950617
File: 501 KB, 342x342, autismpatient.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit this board is next level autism even by /pol/ standards.

>> No.2950632

make sure to put your money where your mouth is and sell all of your BTC for BCH ;)

>> No.2950633
Quoted by: >>2950660 >>2950661

> SegWit allows partial validators who do not check signature validity to do so without downloading the signatures themselves.

Why do you need all this mumbo jumbo trickery. Just inrease block size and lower transaction fees and everybody gets rich. Bitcoin never had thsi crap untill now, addin this is just risking everything. Use Llightcoin if you want segwit and leave us alone.

>> No.2950651
File: 40 KB, 320x320, redditisdownthehall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950686

>debt-free visa prepaid cards
Let's not forget that a piper (the miners) gets paid here, anon.

>smaller miners
As if everyone with half a brain isn't already in a pool.
>transactions are not processed off the blockchain
They basically are, and even if they aren't it's a serious step towards that direction. You should crawl back to r/bitcoin where you came from.

>> No.2950653
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1464675363819.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950659

>this whole post
I know this word gets used around a lot, but I think you are unironically, clinically mentally retarded

>> No.2950654 [DELETED] 

waiting for 1 big block fag who is being their own bank and verifying their own tx
otherwise suck my node

>> No.2950659

t. segwit jew

>> No.2950660

We want to avoid increasing the block size and optimize the chain first. Block size is last resort and pushes smaller miners out of BTC. Why do you think the only support BCC has are big mining groups? Pretty obvious.

You need to understand the tech. There is a good reason for avoiding block size, its to, ironically, keep bitcoin decentralized.

What you're doing with cash is centralizing bitcoin to bigger miners (and a smaller team, no less). It's a power grab right before BTC breaks $3k. It's obvious bro.

>> No.2950661
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1443922907380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950698

>Why do you need all this mumbo jumbo trickery
yeah like ahahahahahah dude, how is cryprography real ahahahahahah like, how do you care about math? Just raise the blocksize ahahahahah how can the blockchain be real if science isn't real ahahaha

>> No.2950675
File: 19 KB, 300x250, 1501409644487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950683 >>2950706

>let's keep bitcoin decentralized by implementing segwit which moves transactions off the blockchain

This is how retarded you sound. Muh "small miners" is literally a scapegoat. Like the other anon said everybody with a brain mines in a pool.

>> No.2950683
File: 1018 KB, 300x167, anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh "small miners" is literally a scapegoat. Like the other anon said everybody with a brain mines in a pool.

>> No.2950684
File: 55 KB, 551x525, ohbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he says it's obvious without citing sources
>he's being played for a fool by kikes
>he thinks big blocks are for big miners
>he doesn't realize the miners want to keep the transaction fee pie for themselves without giving it to the kike
>he calls his best friend a big chink mining group
Ok, let's play your game. What if really what's happening is the (((core))) developers realize they fucked up the mining game and lost the coin to a bunch of gooks, and now they're coming up with a controversial plan that they can use the (((media))) to force through, all the while blaming the gooks for the exact same kikery that they themselves are doing.
t. Obamacare

>> No.2950686
Quoted by: >>2950697

Go back to r/btc shill. You've fallen for cash propaganda, don't you have Roger's dick to suck? Your autism hurts.

>> No.2950689
Quoted by: >>2950719 >>2950721

it's funny how every time you get btfo you just post a smug reaction image

back to /r/bitcoin

>> No.2950690
File: 882 KB, 1440x1229, (you)4biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950719

Do I need to take pictures of my s9's before you'll believe me? Because then I'll just take your money.

>> No.2950695
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 1488804191820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950711

>small miners
What small miners?

>> No.2950696
File: 16 KB, 594x154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand how bitcoin works: the post
>da jooooos

>> No.2950697
File: 72 KB, 300x300, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950721

>we want to raise the block size to 8MB instead of 2MB

>> No.2950698
Quoted by: >>2950719

Great so now jou are "upgrading" the network to make it easier to validate transactions without actually checking sigs.

And i am someone who don't get it.

>> No.2950703
Quoted by: >>2950719 >>2950721

yes good goyim keep bitcoins block sizes small and just implement (((segwit))) so we can centralize transactions

>> No.2950705
Quoted by: >>2950734

>quoting a guy that literally uses his receding hairline as a profile picture

>> No.2950706
Quoted by: >>2950732 >>2950734

>Doesn't realize that your hashing power still dictates your payouts


>Wants sources without giving any
>Brings up kikery
>Thinks big blocks are for small miners
>Doesn't realize he's being played for a fool and spent too much time on r/btc

>> No.2950711
File: 524 KB, 500x620, 1485738042851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950734 >>2950735

>mfw he doesn't understand bitcoin
There are pools that literally have majority-US hash rate. You are a fucking faggot. I am happy to mine in a chinese pool with 110% PPS. You are still a fucking faggot.

me, desu.

>> No.2950712
File: 142 KB, 239x304, 1499528779333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950732

Pls don't fight anons. Pls help a literal ignorant faggot, as well. Few questions I have, answer pls it's quick.

> who "owns" or controls mining of original, OG BTC
> is Bitman like a big ass factory for mining OG BTC or BCC?
> why do people say Chinese government own OG BTC? Whut?

Thanks and minister you all!

>> No.2950719
Quoted by: >>2950725 >>2950737

t.person who got BTFO by me itt and is assblasted as fuck, so he keeps projecting

>doesn't even get why his shit's all retarded
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH can't make this shit up

>without actually checking sigs.
>And i am someone who don't get it.
yes you really don't get it, you are really a brainlet brainwashed useful tool

>yes, nothing to see here, good goyim attack Core while we control Jihan, good good

>> No.2950721




swear to fucking god its true, Cash faggots are fucking morons

>> No.2950725
Quoted by: >>2950741 >>2950755

t. jew who keeps accusing bitcoin cash of doing all of the things that segwit is doing in reality

>> No.2950732
File: 662 KB, 480x206, fuckoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950780

>who owns OG BTC mining
Chink hardware manufacturing company. It's like AMD, but only for bitcoin and their products debut in china first. I own 2.
>why do people say china owns BTC
China owns all SHA-256 based coins and probably most scrypt too. This is because they subsidize chip manufacturers and miners who make the mining hardware necessary for electrically-efficient hashing ("mining").
Do your own research, faggot. Everybody get's one.

How many BTC have you mined? That's what I fucking thought. The memory allocation of the hashing of a block was already distributed through the pool feature a long time ago.
t. I've mined more BTC than you'll ever had

>> No.2950734
File: 2.53 MB, 368x349, 1475611638046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these shills coming out of the woodwork

did Roger raise your per post payment from 0.01 usd to 0.02 usd?

>> No.2950735
Quoted by: >>2950753 >>2950761

>here are pools that literally have majority-US hash rate.

And there are way more pools that don't you fucking lying piece of shit

you have to go back

OH i know why they are here. Cash is already tanking LMAO!!! It's already tanking and they need somewhere to vent


>> No.2950737
File: 97 KB, 900x387, IMG_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950770


>> No.2950741
File: 22 KB, 497x576, 1450310036639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950752

>"i-i-f I keep calling him j-jew I'll totally win ah-ah"

>> No.2950752
File: 64 KB, 450x338, IMG_0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950770


>> No.2950753

I haven't checked coinmarketcap but yea it is. It really comes down to purists vs progress. Progress always wins.

With their logic they might as well support Bitcore. Bitcore has 20MB blocks so it must be superior right? I feel like some just dont understand the tech while others just want a flippening cause they missed out on BTC's rise.


Oh and its in the green, lol

>> No.2950755
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1450303971288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950777

you are such a good goy. Notice how the conspiracy theories about Segwit always end with "muh Bilderberg"? Every /pol/ack knows Bilderberg and Masonry are just useful tools and used to distract from the real culprit, which is (((them))).
You are literally a tool for (((them))). You are pathetic, and Jihan is controlled by the chinese communis government and in business with ((((them))).
I really pity you.

>> No.2950759

The problem here is that you are arguins against shills and idiots. Idiots by definition won't understand. Shills by definition won't acknowledge any of your points and will simply use any attention to drive their propaganda.

>> No.2950761
File: 220 KB, 1440x810, JoJo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy you sure got me good, I got BTFO so hard i have to go watch JoJo now.

>> No.2950764 [DELETED] 

still waiting for someone who is running a bigblock fork node
i didn't think so

>> No.2950770
File: 124 KB, 530x520, 1447747546128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2950777
File: 1.41 MB, 500x544, nervousbooger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950792

>mfw he still thinks (((them))) is (((them))) and not the real (((them))) behind the world conspiracy that only grand wizard freemason of the 99th level can learn about

>> No.2950780
Quoted by: >>2950789 >>2950803


Thanks anon, despite the rude signout.

How do you make BTC with 3 machines, isn't mining completely demanding and needs a year to mine 2-3 BTCs?

>> No.2950788

BCC was a mistake

>> No.2950789
File: 2.57 MB, 450x338, thinkaboutit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950810

>need a year
That's why you find friends and operate a C corp from your basement

>> No.2950792
File: 6 KB, 415x416, 1463358470294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the average intelligence of r/btc goons

It is of consolation for me to know that you'll always stay a poor pajeet whoring yourself for some roger neetbucks. Which is exactly what your worth as a person is.

>> No.2950795
Quoted by: >>2950801

Lol crypto's didnt amount to 1 billion yet before 2013. It's 100 billion now.

I'd say he was early.

>> No.2950801

2012 adopters are not early adopters. Of course to 2017 newfags that sounds like early adopters, but it's objectively not so

>> No.2950803
File: 457 KB, 1000x1500, 1491301716085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized I was a bit too cheeky and didn't give out as much information as one of gifted intelligence might need to follow my path. Mining is unbelievably demanding and leaves your lungs full of coal dust, and it's definitely unrewarding too because all you're left with are black lumps of dirt.

>> No.2950810
Quoted by: >>2950827 >>2950840


None of my friends are into crypto.

OK so if I got this right, Bitmain has "monopoly" on coin diggers, Jihan owns what exactly, Bitmain? And he is controlled by those merciless chink gooks? That much is expected.

How is BTC looking if chinks are dictating its destiny?

And now the BCC attempted mutiny.

For fuck sake Chyna owns US debt and crypto LMAO but not lmao at all...

>> No.2950817 [DELETED] 

remember when bitcoin was at parity with the dollar?
those where the good old days

>> No.2950824
Quoted by: >>2950842 >>2950854

bcc is retarded, yeah 8mb is slightly "faster" than 1mb, but the blockchain by design never scale to be fast enough for point of sales, because the inability for hackers to maintain huge hash power over time is what makes it secure. on chain transactions will always take time.

that's why block chain purest who think every 2sat coffee purchase should be immortalized on the block chain forever are retarded.

core has people with PhDs that are smart as fuck. segwit is different from satoshi's paper, because it's better. despite the fud it's more secure and enables off chain solutions like the lightning network that will eventually scale 1000x just stupidly increasing the block size.

there is no point to bcc

>> No.2950827

For those of you hearing this propaganda, read this and it will help. Straight from the horses mouth:


Segwit is a major upgrade. Everyone who is holding BTC will be very happy in the coming months

>> No.2950835 [DELETED] 

<takes security over convenience

>> No.2950840
Quoted by: >>2950847


China owns like 2% of us debt at ridiculously low interest rate. they pretty much gave us free money. I thought the whole the"China strong" meme was dead.

>> No.2950841 [DELETED] 

If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.

>> No.2950842
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, QuestionMarkGirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950848 >>2950921

>off chain lightning network
You realize this is what paper notes are to gold, right? What's to stop the "lightning network" from just never settling the bitcoin deposit differences on the main network?

>> No.2950847
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, idiotsandwich.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free money
>he couldn't figure out this was wrong by himself
They own 28% of US debt and that's because they've been unloading it onto the US federal reserve. Dumbass.

>> No.2950848 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2950852

>If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.
If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.

>> No.2950852 [DELETED] 

If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.

>> No.2950854

If Core wants to change bitcoin to something completely fucking different why don't they just make their own shitcoin and stop trying to POZ bitcoin with segwit?

Wow, it's almost like this is why people hate Core, for intentionally steering btc in a direction that is at conflict with what it stands for.

>> No.2950873
File: 3 KB, 157x118, 7675765bhfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2950888

>why people hate Core
Only you are your cult in r/btc. They are not making bitcoin "completely fucking different". Whats wrong with you. Don't you understand the technology and what's being done?

You fanatics make it sound like they are butchering bitcoin, when all they are doing are optimizing the blockchain. It separates blocks. That's not making bitcoin completely fucking different.

You purists need to realize that technology moves, it moves and evolves. Segwit is that evolution. Get over it.

>> No.2950875
Quoted by: >>2950888

>for intentionally steering btc in a direction that is at conflict with what it stands for.

Ignoramus asking...axin questions again.

Are you saying that BTC is getting pozed, are you saying that what was once a promise of killing off jew kikes will end up being prime kike financial instrument????

>> No.2950877

I'm a huge skeptic but you've convinced me. I'll buy a few bcc if it hits sub $100.

>> No.2950885 [DELETED] 

fake nigger news

>> No.2950888
Quoted by: >>2950908 >>2950930

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
>optimizing the blockchain
That's nice lingo for centralizing the shit out of bitcoin.

Look, nobody cares if bankers want to make a shitty centralized jewcoin. What we DO care about is that core is trying to corrupt bitcoin so that it turns into a shitty centralized jewcoin, and they justify it with newspeak and buzzwords like "optimizing the blockchain"

>it's not making it different
segwit is a farther departure from bitcoin than bitcoin cash is

why jump through hoops with segwit and memes when you can just increase the fucking block size and be done with it? bitcoin was supposed to have blocksize increases

>> No.2950894 [DELETED] 

still waiting for one big block faggot who is running a big block faggot node to verify their tx

>> No.2950900


>I have already converted my btc holdings to bcc. And I'm currently shorting btc with 100k just for some extra gains ;)

post proof and I'll follow, if you have over 1000 btcs I'll completly convert all my btcs

>> No.2950908
File: 412 KB, 2500x2500, 1499344100329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're not shilling anon, you legitimately made me depressed. I really thought, I really did, that BTC will enable us to escape the grips of those filthy subhuman slithering rat kikes and their financial voodoo trickery.

I can't believe that the ball will be dropped on this chance.

Hope you're lying and shilling.

>> No.2950917

>These people are angry, they have a lot of money, and they have a plan.

you're making them sound like just a bunch of fucking assholes lol

>> No.2950921
Quoted by: >>2950974


That's the whole problem the lightning network fixes... Go read about it. Very simplified there are transactions put on the chain that aren't immediately applied until the other party is given to key to sign it as well. So all one person has to do is give the other the key and they can immediately know they have been paid.


Core improves bitcoin. No one is forcing you to use it, but its better. You can go use the old bitcoin classic, but its worse.

>> No.2950925
Quoted by: >>2950982

BTC can still save us, but if they poz it with segwit and further nonsense, it will be shit. Look at who finances Bitcoin Core, that should tell you all you need to know.

Best you can do is tell core to fuck off by using bitcoin cash, or using another coin altogether.

>> No.2950927 [DELETED] 

If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.

>> No.2950930

>That's nice lingo for centralizing the shit out of bitcoin.
Bitcoin Cash is far more centralized than Bitcoin will ever be..

You don't understand the tech.

>newspeak and buzzwords like "optimizing the blockchain"

You do realize in software development there is something called "code optimization". Do you know what that means? It means that developers improve the code to make it faster, less buggy, etc without making drastic changes.
>segwit is a farther departure from bitcoin than bitcoin cash is
You say that as if its a bad thing. Sometimes changes are needed.

I don't think you understand Segwit.

This video explains it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzBAG2Jp4bg&feature=youtu.be

plz watch thnx

>why jump through hoops with segwit and memes when you can just increase the fucking block size and be done with it?
Because increasing block size comes with a whole host of issues. Thats why Segwit is such a big deal. Bigger blocksize is less secure, scaling always has big risks, its way more difficult to mine. We want to improve the network first, not make it bigger by brute forcing it.

>bitcoin was supposed to have blocksize increases
Not really. In fact right on Bitcointalk, Satoshi had this conversation with people way back in 2010. Did you know that? They talked about it and knew about the scaling problem then. Satoshi did not provide any guidance on that problem - because he did not want to be a central authority, and let the market play out. This was a long time coming.

So - the market has found a way around bigger block increases. The pros of avoiding blocksize increases outweigh the cons.

>> No.2950940

>people who have been working on BTC since the beginning are pozzing it
inb4 conspiracy theory about G.Maxwell taking over BTC and then convincing the world that earth isn't flat

>> No.2950942

Some are shilling, others are just misinformed. The dangers of the kikes will be there REGARDLESS of what technology we use.

Do you really think technology alone will save us? Don't be naive.

>> No.2950945 [DELETED] 

why even have blocks anymore. cant we solve this with a simple Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2950951
Quoted by: >>2950955 >>2950960

the people telling you to not fall for the Segwit Jew are literally people advocating for a chinese miner puppet of the communist chinese government owning the network. Besides Jihan's only non-chinese mining farm is in Israel.
These morons don't even realise they are being used by the jews

>> No.2950955 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2950962

dont be a nigger about the jews

>> No.2950958

Bitcoin core is the kikes anon


Or just go there and search for "core bankers" don't believe me? Then read it for yourself.

>> No.2950960
Quoted by: >>2950972


It is funny how BCC is pretty much the most centralized coin.

>> No.2950962

just saying, if they are choosing Jihan and Roger because "muh Jews" they are literally retarded. If a jew side exists, it is that one

>> No.2950963

Oh no, it's FUD number 28715641 from a source of """""""""""""rich people"""""""""""" you personally know.

>> No.2950969

>links a piece straight from the Pravda
lmao you are not even hiding anymore that you are a brainwashed r*dditor

>> No.2950970 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore. cant we solve this with a simple Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2950972
Quoted by: >>2950985

Its funny that after just 3 days everyone is talking and memeing about it..

once the dust settles everyone knows about it, its listed on all echanges en everyone has a wallet that support BCC ...

>> No.2950974
Quoted by: >>2951012

You didn't address my concern. I'm asking what if the other party accepts the key as if it's as good as having bitcoins deposited. It's ultimately the same thing as fractional reserve banking.

>> No.2950977 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore? cant we solve this with a simple Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2950982

>Look at who finances Bitcoin Core


Who, is everything on the list problematic? Sorry anon for being clueless :(

>> No.2950983

That whole thing reeks of propaganda and sensationalism. Typical r/btc hysteria.

>> No.2950984 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2950985

>once the dust settles everyone knows about it, its listed on all echanges en everyone has a wallet that support BCC ...
a new DOGE, very nice

>> No.2950987

It's funny how it's clear the people defending blockstream really don't understand the technology and are just regurgitating talking points they heard. In the long run it's the informed people who will succeed, try to really look into things instead of repeating what you see on Reddit.

You really don't see the conflict of interest in blockstream, do you? You know that Luke-jr wants to REDUCE the block size to 300kb? xD Why the hell would any smart person who wants Bitcoin to succeed want to reduce the blocksize...(protip, they don't want btc to succeed, they want second layer solution AKA banks 2.0 to succeed).

The decentralization argument is absolutely retarded to anyone who understands Bitcoin or has ever mined. The price of storage and bandwidth is INSIGNIFICANT compared to the price of the mining hardware (Asics, gpu's..). Plus most miners mine in pools so they don't even need to necessarily download the blockchain.

The current blocksize is ridiculously small... 1MB every 10 minutes? C'mon we are not in the 90's.

If you think that the block size is of any relevance with regards to decentralization you don't understand Bitcoin. It's irrelevant cause it's the smallest cost. If blockstream wants more "decentralization" (so they can build their own centralized hubs on top), then they should fork off and change proof of work. OH BUT WAIT, they want to change the proof of work too! So that the """evil""" miners can't attack their net if it becomes a minority. And they still want to claim the Bitcoin name? What they are creating is an abomination that is extremely far from the original Bitcoin.

>> No.2950995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2951013

its funny wow you dont verify your own transactions you cuck

>> No.2951000 [DELETED] 

its funny how you dont verify your own transactions you dumb nigger cuck

>> No.2951006 [DELETED] 

so funny

>> No.2951011
File: 29 KB, 300x300, IMG_2420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neo > beefcoin

>> No.2951012
Quoted by: >>2951046


Huh? It is as good as having bitcoins "deposited" once you have the key the payment is guaranteed, just as secure as any other payment on the block chain. I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't think you understand what the lightning network is, just read about it.

There are limitations, like you have to have some of your money tied up to be spend, but it enabled instant transactions that will scale a 1000 faster than just 8mb blocks. Like I said, no matter what, the way block chains work will never allow instant on chain transactions, because the time spend hashing is what makes it secure.

>> No.2951013

what is that link supposed to prove?

>> No.2951014
File: 163 KB, 409x410, 1497820414407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this cleanly formatted wall of text. Doesn't look at all like a shill's copy-paste, no no no

>> No.2951016
Quoted by: >>2951076 >>2951085

>It's funny how it's clear the people defending blockstream really don't understand the technology and are just regurgitating talking points they heard. In the long run it's the informed people who will succeed, try to really look into things instead of repeating what you see on Reddit.
It's funny how much projection is in this post.

>Why the hell would any smart person who wants Bitcoin to succeed want to reduce the blocksize...
Lol, projection - you dont understand the technology. So much for an "engineer"

>Plus most miners mine in pools so they don't even need to necessarily download the blockchain.
Bigger blocks make it harder to mine.

>What they are creating is an abomination that is extremely far from the original Bitcoin.

It's really not. Again


Please read. I'm sure that you'll find many problems with evil Blockstream since you already made up your mind, this is for people reading the thread.

>> No.2951019


every fucking day at every fucking hour I see your fucking copypasta thread here.

wtf, dude? did your gf dumped you after 11 years engagement without ever having any sex action?

>> No.2951021
File: 40 KB, 1200x506, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2951893


>> No.2951031 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2951040

OP is trying to tell us that the "big boys" are about to sell all their BTC to us at a discount so they can attempt to run some pajeet scam which no ordinary person will give a shit about

Thanks guys!

>> No.2951046
Quoted by: >>2951058 >>2951071

the lighting network won't work. Why would people want to tie their money up somewhere to be able to make payments? Oh wait, that would only work if on chain transactions are extremely expensive... hmmm I don't see a conflict of interest at all.

Having second layers also gives up part of the security model. You CAN have fast transactions on chain. Zero confirmation transactions are a thing and it makes sense for small transactions, for bigger transactions one can wait longer to have additional security.

You do know that when you pay with a credit card the merchant doesn't get the money immediately right? and that the user can do a charge back later? and the merchant inches in extra fees both for simply using the credit card and for charge back. Yet every merchant all over the world used credit cards, because the fraud % is contained enough that it's not really a problem accepting a system that is in fact less secure than zero conf transactions.

>> No.2951058 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2951067

you're absolutely right but shills will argue against you

>> No.2951071
Quoted by: >>2951121


You clearly have no idea how the lightning network works. Lightning transactions are not "zero conf" transactions they are just as secure as on chain transactions.

Take 5 minutes and read about, and really understand it, the lightning network, or solutions like it, are what is really going to make BTC scale.

>> No.2951073
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, 1494903812348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quoting those lunatics at r/btc on biz lmao

Let's see their latest headline


TREZOR farce: ask Twitter users how they want them to call it, Bitcoin Cash o Bcash - You should just call it with its official name, Bitcoin Cash! How retarded are prepared to go to please the Blockstream Propaganda Minister?

Top voted comment: I think its apparent that TREZOR has a political agenda and I will be sure to switch hardware wallet as soon as possible.


>> No.2951076

>Bigger blocks make it harder to mine.
this sentence really shows you don't understand the technology.
We are talking 1MB blocks every ten minutes. Do you have any idea the kind of information your laptop processes when you are playing a videogame? (protip, it's MANY orders of magnitude bigger than that). You can stream 4k videos, play videogames where just the textures are gigabytes in size, yet you think processing 8MB every 10 minutes is too much? The blockstream double speak has really gotten to your head. Think for yourself for once.

>> No.2951083 [DELETED] 

If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.

>> No.2951085
Quoted by: >>2951107

All you do is spout the projection buzzword like a stupid nigger.

>> No.2951097

>conflating bitcoin mining to CPU/GPU video game processing
>Doesn't realize its two different activities with two different goals

Welcome back shill

>> No.2951104 [DELETED] 

If you have the capability, go learn how things work. It's almost never a waste of time.

>> No.2951107
Quoted by: >>2951165

Not quite 'All'.
He also linked to information that's worth reading. Especially to those 'projecting' that 'don't understand the technology'. Because it does explain it.
It's not just RAM straightforward, dude.
Do you understand what hashing is? It takes far more power and resources per byte than just 1-8MB RAM, in both cases.

>> No.2951117 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2951121
Quoted by: >>2951163

I never said lightning transactions are zero conf. I said that if you want fast transactions zero conf transactions are absolutely fine. They are safer than a standard credit card transaction. so you don't need to tie up your money in a bank so you can quickly transact with other users of the bank, you can easily have fast transactions on chain. The economic incentives of the lightning network DONT WORK, it's a convoluted meds from people who don't understand economic incentives.

Lightning network:
instead of sending 10$ directly to you and paying a fee, I need to deposit them on a hub in the network (paying a fee), so then I can transact with other people connected to that hub with low fees (eg send you the money), and then get the money back on the blockchain for another fee.
Why would anyone use that when I can use another crypto which has lower fees to begin with and I can directly transact with no intermediaries?
But hey that would make blockstream's work worthless and also lose money to their investors who want to become btc intermediaries and collect fees. mhhh

>> No.2951136

Except the fact that bigger blocks do make it harder to mine for smaller players.

You think we can increase the block size with no blowback. We can't.

>> No.2951141 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 636x639, hmjezzwwb7gdzudwvbrw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't trust

>> No.2951152
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>> No.2951163
Quoted by: >>2951183

>all this misinformation about how the LN works and about how secure zero conf trans are
if zero conf transactions were fine we wouldn't have come up with the system of transaction confirmations and Bitcoin itself in the first place you mongoloid subhuman piece of trash

>> No.2951165

yea, once you compute the hash of the block, mining is just rounds of sha-256, which is independent on the original block size. to say that the hashing of 8MB of data would make it a problem really proves that you don't understand the orders of magnitude involved. Even if you thought that it makes mining more difficult (it doesn't), difficulty retarget even things out so the difficulty of the problem always evens out.

(Speaking of hashing, Bitcoin cash also solved the quadratic hashing problem ;) )

>> No.2951183
Quoted by: >>2951218 >>2951233

the security increases with each verification, but it's not like zero conf has zero security. You immediately have a transaction cryptographically signed by the other party, so even from a legal standpoint, you basically have a signed "contract", whereas with credit cards it is always the merchant's duty to prove the charge back was fraudolent, and in practice they just don't, cause fraud % are low enough that they are not a problem.

>> No.2951215

>and is more likely to drop
fucking retarded kids i swear fuck

>> No.2951218
File: 98 KB, 575x548, disapproval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2951238

you are literally repeating Roger's propaganda straight from his hanbook. You are a fucking disgusting shill.
For those who are interested in this video a Core member tries uselessly to explain to Roger why what this anon just posted is completely retarded:

r/btc shills will never learn, after all they are literally paid not to

>> No.2951224 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2951233
Quoted by: >>2951257 >>2951545

What do you see for the future of bcc? It's clearly superior but luddites and normies might hold it back, the core propaganda doesn't help either

>> No.2951238


>You are a fucking disgusting shill.
Also this

We post bullshit on /biz/ but this is going too far, even for biz standards

>> No.2951250

Why are they angry?

>> No.2951251 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway

>> No.2951257 [DELETED] 

why should we even have blocks anymore
cant we solve this with a simple SQL Apache server?
you cucks don't verify your own transactions anyway.

>> No.2951270 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>2951294

can anybody tell me why BCH is better than a SQL APACHE server?

>> No.2951294

Because SQL drops tables faster than your mom's underwear?

>> No.2951398


>> No.2951545

No one knows, but I see the flippening happening, where bcc > btc.
Remember there is another side to every trade. All the people who are now irrationally dumping bcc and buying back btc.. someone must be on the other side of the trade, selling btc and stacking up on bcc.
The moment of Truth will be the next difficulty adjustment, for but it's in about 6 days. BCC has a faster difficulty adjustment mechanism and if the diff adjusts (or the prices change) we may see a downward spiral where miners will move to bcc because it's profitable, btc blocks will become slower and congested, higher fees, price goes down, more miners switch over to bcc because they only care about which one is more profitable.. the btc chain will be starved, blocks coming in very slowly, only some ideological miners left because the BCC chain I more profitable, and btc difficulty retarget will take ages at slow speed.
If that mechanism kicks in I think a flippening scenario is not unlikely... the war has just started

>> No.2951792
File: 239 KB, 696x720, 1499576452674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2951901

War, war never changes..

Hey OP, what is your take on the November fork and hashing? Another anon speculated that if there was another fork in November the hashing power would be divided and that if either chain had less than 80% of hashing it would come to a grinding halt, since these chains do not have difficulty adjustment properties BCC has. What you think about this?

>> No.2951825
Quoted by: >>2951953

>miners are going to mine empty blocks of a coin used by literally nobody
keep dreaming shill

>> No.2951851
Quoted by: >>2951953

How do you think this would affect altcoins?

>> No.2951858
File: 626 KB, 656x679, bcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2951893
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>> No.2951901
Quoted by: >>2952227

in the most likely scenario I have on my head, we won't even get to the November hard fork, shit will hit the fan before that.
Also my opinion is that segwit 2x is a compromise between segwitis and big blockers that no one really wanted but at least would have avoided a hard fork. Now that the hard fork happened there's no much reason for segwit2x (though people are still ""officially"" supporting it).

We know that the probability of core actually doing a 2x hardfork in November is close to zero, per their public comments. So I imagine in that case, if it isn't happened earlier, big blockers miners will switch en masse to the BCC chain, starving btc with it's slow diff adjustment.
This is also why luke-jr has a contingency plan of changing btc proof of work to protect against these miners and make btc survive even if it's a minority chain. This makes it even more obvious that core-coin is truly an altcoin now.

Anyway this is my prediction. don't think a 2x hardfork will happen, miners will switch to bcc either before then, or in November when the hardfork doesn't happen. In case btc loses significant hash power, core may even use the drastic measures of changing pow.
IF there really end up being three chains as some people say, I'd say that Bitcoin is dead and just leave the ecosystem completely.
Thanks idea of "limited unchangeable supply, only 21 millions" will have pretty much lost all it's confidence by then.

>> No.2951953
Quoted by: >>2952227

you understand that when the difficulty adjusts it will be more profitable to mine bcc than btc right?

hard to predict desu, I think more or less unaffected except from periods of people going from btc to alts and vice versa, depending on how promising or desperate the btc scenario is.
Some people and bigger funds trade all cryptos en mass, so there could be a decent correlation, if btc looses a lot of confidence, crypto looses confidence. This is especially true if the hash power and forks wars keep going on. To be fully honest, I don't think it's a great period to be invested in cryptos.. lots of uncertainty, and the market doesn't seem to have priced it in yet, though I still think that BCC is a good long term hold because people are overselling it irrationally. If you are a risk averse investor, I would strongly suggest leaving the crypto market at least until the end of the year

>> No.2952227
Quoted by: >>2952255


bcc is worthless, people see right through this shit tier shilling, or don't care about bcc.

if you want to donate money to chinks, buy bcc.

>> No.2952255
Quoted by: >>2952334

this is exactly the kind of irrational thinking that makes bcc undervalued.
You may not like "chunks", but it's one billion people and they account for most of the Bitcoin miners and mining hardware. It may not be a smart move to be on the other side of the deal.

>> No.2952334
Quoted by: >>2952445


Actually, any time the chinese try to pull something it turns out being a complete disaster. Its hilarious. They the biggest copy cat wannabes in the world but can never get any right lmao.

>> No.2952445

really? strange since most "Western" products are made in China nowadays, they just slap a brand on top of it. Chinese economy and technological advancement has been growing at an absurd pace, they have a boatload of money they got from exports and strong military. They're not going anywhere anytime soon. Anyway, this is not a thread about china