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>> No.2950598 [View]
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>>drastically changes literally everything about bitcoin
it fixes bugs and limitations in Bitcoin as it is now. It is part of satoshi's vision to move to a second layer for microtransactions, as you can see here: >>2945307
>>moves coin towards a path where transactions are processed off the blockchain so (((they))) can further control it
nobody controls shit, that's Roger's lie. He tells you they will control everything, then he creates a company called Bitcoin with a CEO, wants to make only one miner and one pool in charge of mining all BTC, buys r/btc and starts literally paying people to rewteet his bullshit. You're a retard to fall for such an obvious scam.
>>has armies of shills on reddit
you mean armies of people who know what Bitcoin is and want to see it go forward without brainwashed astroturfing retards literally directly paid by Roger? No shit
>>bitcoin core is literally financed by fucking bankers
yeah private individuals betting on the future of a new technology are so much worse than a literal puppet of the chinese government, amirite?

>> No.2615713 [View]
File: 1.73 MB, 360x220, 1498361624419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you really fell for it, didn't you
how is that an argument? You do realise that 100% of crypto projects are not finished and have 90% of their features projected to be realeased "in the future"????
Bancor asks for a couple of weeks for the first important features, 6 months for all basic features, and a couple of years for all the advanced ones to bring it to completion. That is a lot less than Ethereum for example, which years after its release is not yet even close to being finished.
Why are all nobancs arguments so weak?
They can't, I am pretty sure it would be illegal and they would go to jail

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