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File: 157 KB, 408x408, GRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29346468 No.29346468 [Reply] [Original]

This token seems to be one of the most polarizing topics on /biz/ at the moment - many see massive potential for future gains and genuinely believe in the technology, while others claim it to be a scam coin that isn't going anywhere.

This thread will be a platform for open discussion between the believers and the naysayers, regardless of whether you are for or against this token now is the time to state your case.

So, what are you waiting for anon?

>state your case

>> No.29346597 [DELETED] 

if you guys want a live discussion let us move here:

discord code : cGEm2A3g9Q

>> No.29346622

I dont think it'll be muh new paradigm but 30usd at some point over the next 2 years? Sure

>> No.29346722
Quoted by: >>29346897

Checked and this is pretty much my thoughts except I'd say more like $10USD maximum.

>> No.29346836


thx for scam virus

>> No.29346892
Quoted by: >>29346967

Already three x’d for me and I bought late jan. keep crab walking until next Tuesday baby as I need new tyres and a wheel alignment (only $500 AUD off my $1k investment) then I’ll buy back in once I do rego and start doing Uber eats hopefully after that I can move from 1k to 5k.
Not happy to take out funds atm but I’m broke and it’ll help me gain employment.

>> No.29346897
Quoted by: >>29349233

Pretty shallow statements but okay. Why don't you think it will go beyond that?

>> No.29346945
Quoted by: >>29347022

Fuck off with your shitty discord, the real discussion is on the grt discord (tech) and here (price)
> t. 120k delegated

>> No.29346967

Ftr I’m taking out $500 of the $3200 I made off my $1k. Wrote that like a spastic mb.

>> No.29347010

trips says it will be 30 eow

>> No.29347022

Whats the discord link?

>> No.29347346

It's just like chainlink was around 2019 when it went up past $3 then plummeted sub-$2 again. Tons of pajeet and chink fud posts about "stinky linkies" and "stinkers" and deriding the coin, even though a lot of biztards had already made huge gains on LINK.
Now LINK is over $30 a coin and it keeps growing.
The persistence of the FUD is actually a good sign for the coin. Actual skeptics would goad people to keep loading up on it then short it thinking the masses would sell off once they also felt it was worth less money. The constant FUD against grt shows that the chink and pajeet menaces on biz are coordinating FUD campaigns to try and tank the price so they can accumulate.
Why would they try to tank the price, using FUD, of a coin they thought would fail? They wouldn't. They see the value in GRT, they know it is poised to be a critical part of the next iteration of the web, they know it has no competition atm and has first mover advantage, the same way BTC did and why it maintains dominance over ETH.
They are trying to FUD it to tank the value so they can make billions once the coin realizes its true value.
That's right. Billions. With a B. A big, fat capital fucking B.
This coin will be $1k by 2026, screencap this.

>> No.29347364

Did some quick excel calculations earlier and the potential for query rewards kind of freaked me out.
As it is now there are 11 billion queries a month at 1 subgraph in place. Imagine that all the subgraphs only do 5 billion a month. That's 7000 * 5 billion or 35 trillion queriesa month. At a rate of $0.00001 per query you're looking at $350 million in queries every month. That's $4.2 billion a year., Even a relatively small stack of GRT would be looking at huge rewards. And for that reason the token is under valued. The cost of GRT is not a variable in the query costs but if the token is too cheap it will make the currency deflationary. GRT is better if it's expensive to stay inflationary.
Doing the math on my own stack at 100k I would make about 30k a month in queries. That's assuming we see traffic like that. When people see those numbers, they'll kill each other to get even 10k. Just wait.

>> No.29347450
Quoted by: >>29347700

Fuck you pajeet and your virus discord

>> No.29347518
File: 29 KB, 600x733, Do you have a single fact to back that up?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29347682

>chink and pajeet FUD campaigns

Have any proof or are you just schizo?

>> No.29347576


>> No.29347682

Look at any GRT thread and count the number of near identical FUD copypastas. FFS there is even one faggot known as grtsux who doesn't bother changing anything about his posts lol.

>> No.29347700

How the fuck do I get rid of this virus

>> No.29347711

>1k by 2026
fucking no. im hopeful for grt but just no

>> No.29347835


>> No.29347853

GRTsux is a based schizo.

I want to believe you if I'm being honest, but I wouldn't put it past some fags on 4chan to spam copy pasta.

>> No.29348359

To be fair I think a lot of the "FUD" is just ADHD retards who don't understand the value proposition here and just want a quick 3x, in part because they FOMOed in at or near the top. Also, GRTsux is a very funny troll you just have to read between the lines of the schizo ramblings.

As for price I have no idea and I don't think anyone else does either, but assuming >>29347364 's math is correct a very conservative $4.2 billion a year in revenue at a very conservative P/E ratio of 20x gives a market cap of $84 billion or $8.4 per GRT. That seems right for a conservative projection.

>> No.29348661

>581 BRT
>10 LINK
>500 XRP
>585 GRT

Am I going to make it?

>> No.29348688
Quoted by: >>29348818

Bro I lost it at the GRTsux post about slapping the lady while walking bc she said hi and autism kicked in

>> No.29348767

Is it worth delegating 1k tokens on a high-APY (~100%) indexer? I've seen similar questions and the usual response is that gas fees bite out a significant chunk of your money. Could a high APY counter that given enough time?

>> No.29348818

That was a kino post

>> No.29348871


You guys sound pretty smart I have been trying to DMOR on delegating coins but I am nervous for some reason I bought 17k GRT under .80 just sitting in my coinbase account is there any way if I created a metamask and sent them to a indexer that they could get hacked/lost/stolen somehow? I mean is there any type of insurance if this sort of thing happened? I would prob sell 3 ETH to round my stack to 20k if I delegated but for some reason I think I will get burned

>> No.29348897
Quoted by: >>29349028

Ditch XRP. Buy Nu or Ftm or something

>> No.29348960

The biggest mind fuck is that it literally doesn't matter how much GRT costs so long as two things remain true.
The introduction of new tokens exceeds the number of tokens burned due to query fees.
The platform as a whole continues to grow in adoption and web3 as a whole takes off.
If those things stay true, holding GRT even at $2 per would return massive awards. If my math is right you can expect $4 in fees for every GRT held for a year. So naturally the token needs to cost more than $4 otherwise it's just free money.

>> No.29348963

I'm not a fudder, I haven't been in a GRT thread for months. But I'm here to say a lot of fudders are probably like me: severely pissed off they didn't have more time to accumulate.

It was hanging around 30-60c for a while, and gains were being made in other coins, so people were in them and GRT taken off without them.
Now it's too hard to buy.

>t. 5k absolute peasant

>> No.29348981

Well I keep seeing people say that it’s the “Google” of crypto. Based on my research this very well maybe the case. And we all know what happened to Google 10-20 years after launch...

>> No.29349011

Delegating is basically 100% secure because the funds become managed by a smart contract, which cannot be compromised unless an exploit or something is found in it, which is practically guaranteed to not happen

>> No.29349028

I disagree, XRP might really do some if they win their lawsuit. But Linkies fucking stink, I sold all mine except 1 and haven't looked back

>> No.29349065
Quoted by: >>29349195

I'm so fucking mad I missed the pump because the stupid cuck NY state does not allow me to trade this coin for some reason. I was looking at it when it was only $0.3.

>> No.29349101

$5 in may if you're lucky. Back to $2 in June/July

>> No.29349105

>got in at $0.49
>decided to hold
>missed out on so many moon missions
>had many opportunities to sell above $2.50 for an easy 5x

>> No.29349114
Quoted by: >>29352197

same, delegated yesterday. Sent 42 grt through from exchange acct. to metamask, it turned up as was all good. sent the rest through, Got a phone call from my exchange with security questions before they approve the transaction.
went through no hassles. Straight to graph network site and delegated the stack.

waiting for my coins to land in my metamask wallet, i was shitting bricks

>> No.29349139

They only say that because it has a search function. It's such a retarded analysis it should be completely dismissed.

Also, google wasn't the first search engine, it saw what was in demand, and came out with better tech. Someone might do that to GRT lol

>> No.29349169
Quoted by: >>29349360

Okay but what if the indexer figures out a way to steal my coins and I just shit out of luck? I wish kikebase would over some sort of staking like they are going to with ETH also checked

>> No.29349178

Nice try, won't click that nigger

>> No.29349195

If this really takes off like it probably will, you're gonna be so fucking pissed off lol

>> No.29349218
Quoted by: >>29349397

What would you guys sugggest us long holders do during the pump and dump sessions that this coin goes through?

Anytime it hits a 5 or 0 bench mark it seems it gets pumped down. Tons of people must be looking to pump for a 5% return then dump. It keeps happening but slowly it will grow ..

I have 30k usd of this coin, is it worth it for me to sell at the pump then buy at the dump or will I just get fucked eventually?

What's the best strategy. I might also what do you think of selling a quarter of my stack once it gets to 5 or so?

>> No.29349230

Make a coinbase wallet. it's a separate app and super easy to transfer your GRT to from normal coinbase. once that's complete, create a metamask wallet using your coinbase wallets seed phrase. All ERC20 tokens you put in your coinbase wallet will automatically show up in the metamask wallet so your not sending shit all around and paying eth gas fees.

>> No.29349233

They're going to dump a shitload of tokens into circulation.

>> No.29349249

It's really not, Google does far more than provide a search engine, i.e. it's an advertising firm and does much more. GRT enables the blockchain to be queried as a database, making it more akin to SQL/Oracle database management that's used in real world IT.

>> No.29349360

As I said, that would require an exploit to be found in the smart contract, which is 99.999% guaranteed to not happen because the contract that governs this is relatively simple and has been audited thoroughly. The only point of failure is in how you secure your own wallet.

>> No.29349397

Don't swing it, lost of people reliably sold at 60c and bought back at 40c until it went over $1 in a day and they were priced out

>> No.29349461
Quoted by: >>29349863

Do you know the implications of all the data if cyrpto ever became the main currency being made public and easily studied by anyone? It will be like working for Google or Facebook. Except everyone will have access and it will improve society.

>> No.29349501

it's going to $500 tomorrow.

>> No.29349506

You are alright anon.

>> No.29349514
Quoted by: >>29349863

Also no need for advertisements in a cyrpto based society .

>> No.29349530
File: 156 KB, 713x730, 1606080526440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29349876

Was briefly in the 4 fig club earlier and now I'm back to 3 figs

>> No.29349863

Not exactly sure what you mean. Are you talking about the nature of the public ledger? Not particularly related to GRT, extracting information from the blockchain can happen regardless.
I disagree, but also not really related to GRT.

>> No.29349876

real niggas be feelin this

>> No.29349908


whats the APY %?

>> No.29350017
Quoted by: >>29351323

IDK I am setting up a coinbase wallet account now I have not delegated yet

>> No.29350102
Quoted by: >>29351323

varies based on the indexer you use

>> No.29350374

Damn. Didn't know this was a thing. Grassy ass you smart fuck

>> No.29350430
Quoted by: >>29361467

No. Stop diversifying while being so poor. Go all in in one coin for now until you've accumulated and the look at others.

>> No.29350450

note to self: do this

>> No.29350536

>others claim it to be a scam coin that isn't going anywhere.
nobody actually thinks this newfag they're just FUDing to pass the time

>> No.29350599


>> No.29350687
Quoted by: >>29350762

Either all of defi is a scam or this coin has serious potential.
I'm not a crypto expert. I don't know what a smart contract is. I don't know how any of this shit works.

But you don't need to know how to build a fucking computer to use one.
If this was nothing but ctrl F for the blockchain it wouldn't even exist.

My concern is viability. It is necessary that this network succeeds in order for it to succeed, it'sa constant feedback loop. If there is a point of failure or a bottleneck along the chain it all falls apart.
It has to be affordable to query, but still profitable to justify indexing, stable enough to justify staking for at least a month and paying entry and exit fees including gas fees and token burn when you move. It has to provide a service that is necessary enough to justify all of this and it has to do it well enough that people are willing to base their businesses upon it.
Indexers have the ability to flip their rewards switch every 28 days so let's say I drop in on the network today. Last I checked p2p was giving 100% of fees back to delegators. But they have 0 days until they're allowed to change that amount. So theoretically I could drop in today they could change fee rewards to 100% indexer tomorrow and yeah I could pull out but my tokens are frozen for 28 fucking days. And I'm paying fees on entry and exit. So poof goes all that.

All this being said I own 6k GRT.

>> No.29350762

Satoshi wrote about this problem needing to be fixed in the original bitcoin whitepapers. 10 years or so later someone comes in and makes a fix. This is HUGE

>> No.29350761
Quoted by: >>29351337

>11 billion queries a month at 1 subgraph in place
this is wrong. 11 billion number is network-wide (which is mostly the HOSTED network right now because you're right only one subgraph is live).

It's not 11 billion from the one subgraph.

>> No.29351007

This is going to save me so much money. Thank you.

>> No.29351323
Quoted by: >>29362468


do I have to buy a bit of ETH in order to pay Gas fees on operations I make on Metamask?

>> No.29351337
Quoted by: >>29351569

I don't understand. Which is it? Is it 11 billion mostly just being generated by the one subgraph or is the 11 billion all 7000? Or is it really just the base amount of queries as a result of the network running?

>> No.29351366
File: 185 KB, 483x470, 1502192907387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is possibly the most valuable piece of information ive read on biz

>> No.29351408
Quoted by: >>29351785

It can't really be this simple, can it?

>> No.29351562

>This token seems to be one of the most polarizing topics on /biz/
It's not youre just a newfag bitch. Enjoy the exit scam btw kek.

>> No.29351569
Quoted by: >>29352334

>is the 11 billion all 7000
It's this. They're counting the 6999 subgraphs on the "hosted service" right now. It's the centralized version of the Graph subgraphs are on pre-release.

>> No.29351785

I could never have peace of mind if my crypto was on a hotwallet

>> No.29351890
Quoted by: >>29352459

So link it to a trezor
Is it really this fucking easy?

>> No.29351900
Quoted by: >>29352459

It circumvents having to pay the gas to send it from cb/cbp to your metamask before paying the gas to delegate

>> No.29352128

Sending GRT to Metamask is only a few dollars wtf lol. It's swapping that is $100+.

Also this is less secure than using a hardware wallet w/ Metamask

>> No.29352197


Okay I just made a coinbase wallet account and am going to attempt to send some GRT there and I just made a metamask account going to transfer it to there will keep you posted in the mean time how do I get it from metamask to a index?

>> No.29352259

>constant FUD
dude this coin is only hyped which is why im skeptical tf u talking about

>> No.29352262

Slow down man. Seriously don't do anything until you understand what you're doing.
The Graph has a complete how to guide to delegation on their site. Walks you through the whole thing.

>> No.29352334

Well hopefully that traffic scales up with further adoption. I'd like to believe they're limiting queries on the test net because it's free. The return on queries will be the real reason for any shift in price action on GRT. Essentially regardless of what the market cap is, if you stand to make more from holding the coin then the coin is worth, the coin should be worth more.

>> No.29352354
File: 488 KB, 808x805, 16B2AE84-E230-460E-83BE-81B2DA6FFC89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29352459

I don't know if coinbase wallet would accept solely a public key to enable a hardware wallet, but the process he described involves having coinbase generate and store your private key, in addition to you storing the key on your computer itself.
Sure, but I would consider peace of mind worth that price, which can be fairly cheap if you do things right.

>> No.29352552
Quoted by: >>29352662

nobody has answered the fundamental (FUDamental) problem which is that its an erc20. gonna sell for flr right now fuck it

>> No.29352580
Quoted by: >>29353320

You would use network.thegraph.com, but I highly recommend you research into it all yourself and consider using a hardware wallet.

>> No.29352629

dont give a fuck, GRT is $30 end of year

>> No.29352662

Indexing and querying aren't reliant on Ethereum gas prices and it can be used to index literally any blockchain.
There. It's been addressed.

>> No.29352666

the token is actually useful yes but its the huge supply that will make it that this coin will never moon

>> No.29352747
Quoted by: >>29352770

I thought tokens can be burned.

>> No.29352770

they can. he's a low IQ FUDer

>> No.29352848

demon trips oh shit I cant figure out if that means your wrong or right

>> No.29352851

The total queries is off but the cost of GRT will naturally scale with the growth of the network. A token that can return you $10 every month you hold it is worth at least $10 if not much much more.

>> No.29352932
Quoted by: >>29353054

I have a plan.

We keep saying GRT is the Google of blockchain. We make Google aware that coinbase, a major shareholder of GRT, is currently describing this as the Google of blockchain on the description and profiting from that.
We get Google to sue coinbase.
We profit from the publicity as people scramble to buy the Google of blockchain.

>> No.29353054

It's a retarded plan because even the devs said it's not the Google of blockchain

>> No.29353291

people are stupid en masse. The Streisand Effect is real and it can pump like a motherfucker.

>> No.29353320

Damn I dont like how every indexer can literally decide to just give 0 rewards with the push of a button I just spent the last hour setting up metamask and looking into this I dont think I a going to pull the trigger on it

>> No.29353363

Isn't coinbase giving these away for free for watching some videos?
Why would it be worth something?

>> No.29353365

it's the SQL of blockchain but that isn't as sexy to market

>> No.29353468
File: 139 KB, 680x376, HERE IT COMES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29353568
Quoted by: >>29357873

How stupid are you?
Who cares what it is and isn't.
Coinbase right now says it's the Google of blockchain.
If we get Google to sue we drum up publicity increasing awareness of this "not Google of blockchain"

>> No.29353580

Im sitting on 1500 grt but im afraid that theres no denying its status as a historical pump and dump

>> No.29353626

It's """polarizing""" in the same way that oxygen is polarizing on this fucking website

>> No.29353712

Think deeply about which projects are using it

>> No.29353722

It's not a polarizing topic
some fud so people will talk about it
most respond and bump threads so more discussion is seen

>> No.29353727

They could. But if they did they'd lose all credibility within the network.
Being that we're this early there is risk. But from what I've seen some of the bigger ones or ones with pages describing who and what they are seem like pretty safe bets.
P2p for example is an existing staking... company? Thing. They do this with other coins and switched their delegator rewards to 100% after there was some kind of fuckup not too long ago.
Also once they change their rewards rate it locks for a time. They can't just flip it every day.

>> No.29353730
Quoted by: >>29364037


>> No.29353911

It is possible, but know that delegations benefit indexers by allowing them to process more queries so they have incentive to maintain delegators through reasonable return rates. You can also just research particular indexers anyways to see if they're trustworthy and/or have public plans.

>> No.29354109

Encouraging random mongos to buy GRT via hype is pointless unless you're planning for a pump and dump. Price action will be driven by DAPPs that buy up tokens to pay query fees, prospective indexers who need to cough up 100k stake, and those who wish to delegate on the network.

If you want to shill anything, just shill the concept of Web3 because if that takes off the potential of GRT is nearly limitless.

>> No.29354199
Quoted by: >>29356254

Dont even compare it to LINK. LINK isnt actively trying to keep the price down like the scammers at GRT. They already skipped the part of making their investors money and moved right into slave labor doing all their indexing for fucking pennies..oops I mean worthless tokens (Same diff).

>> No.29354243
Quoted by: >>29354502

My question is will the number of indexers not become a bottleneck considering you need to stake an insane amount of GRT to become an indexer?

>> No.29354262
Quoted by: >>29354750

did you see this trash on /biz/
who allowed them to shill this shitcoin?
I have already taken part in bot ocean pre-sale and wait for launch
better use algorithms for trading with unique algo
than believe in luck or smart facility

>> No.29354280

it's already priced in, everyone knows about it

>> No.29354374
Quoted by: >>29354476

This. Buying into GRT is basically buying into the concept of Web 3.0 as a whole. GRT is a 5 year hold minimum and most biztards are looking for fast money

>> No.29354413

Yep. That's why this a scam coin. Once you pull the trigger. Say bye bye to your gains and your GRT.

>> No.29354427

what do you guys suggest for wallets? All i have done is bought grt on coinbase and sent it to metamask to be delegated. i also downloaded celsius which i put in some link for the apy

>> No.29354476
Quoted by: >>29354636

>most biztards are looking for fast money
because they know a bear market is coming to crash all your shitcoins.

>> No.29354479
File: 203 KB, 1417x849, GraFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29354502
Quoted by: >>29355236

My best guess for this is that the council will eventually either lower the requirements or Edge and Node will create grants to prospective indexers. The indexers absolutely need skin in the game, but eventually 100k will price out all but the huge players.

>> No.29354541
Quoted by: >>29354698

If everyone here wasn't so dam dense you would see the writing on the wall. Matic/polygon network just got announced for massive low cap coins shilled here 24/7. Their network runs RBC,GRT, DIA, DxSale, Quickswap. Remember when BNB was only cents? That's matic right now.

>> No.29354636

And then another bull market will follow. I don't want or need to buy the flavor of the week PnD. My 50k GRT will make me rich in 5-10 years and I'll retire to SEA and spend the rest of my life fucking Thai whores.

>> No.29354677

Can I join with my 6k girth?

>> No.29354698
Quoted by: >>29354781

you have my attention. Any recent news on this? ie is this gonna pump asap, or do I have time?

>> No.29354750

that ID

>Rajy Shittem

>> No.29354774

move to queenstown, there are legal whores of all nationalities there and a nice lifestyle if you're fucking rich

>> No.29354781
Quoted by: >>29354886

the only real things that could warrant a pump is how they're migrating subgraphs from the centralized testnet to the decentralized, paid mainnet. Right now, only PoolTogether is running on mainnet, the shit like Uniswap isn't even on there yet. It'll be good in a few months.

>> No.29354886
Quoted by: >>29354967

cool, I don't have much to spare right now, but I'll chuck a couple hundred bucks in

>> No.29354967
Quoted by: >>29355123

i got in at .28 and i'm still elated for the future we're all in this

>> No.29355100

Yes. It will take you 5-10 years to do, what these quick shots do in 3 months. While the whole time you wait, your money decreased in value and everyone got to play with it first. Congrats. Playing the long game like a champ. Altho you could have bought 1 nineteenth of a Bitcoin and got better results.

>> No.29355101

>the Google of blockchain
>the opposable thumbs of fingers
>the double-decker of party favors
>the backbone of defi
>the Google of web3.0
>the Skyking of amateur pilots
>the Tom Brady of football
>the shotgun of mouthwash
>the google of crypto
>the API for APY
>the Hitler of nazis
>the McDonalds of diabetes
>the Lamborghini of Ferrari
>the corona of viruses
>the yoo-hoo of chocolate drinks
>the Sasha Grey of anal porn
>the thai ladyboy of trannies
>the Starbucks of coffee
>the Budweiser of tap water
>the Belle Delphine of Onlyfans
>the katrina of hurricanes
>the never of womanhood
>the anal fissure of ass problems
>the aids of gay orgies
>the chicken of barnyard animals
>the Grey Goose of vodka
>the Bud Dwyer of press conferences
>the Amazon of worker exploitation
>the Epstein of fake suicides
>the pajeet scam of crypto
>the Paul Walker of car enthusiasts
>the BBC of cuckoldry
>the corona of viruses
>the bleach of antidepressants
>the Peter North of cumshots
>the Gamestop of Melvin Capital
>the China of airpopulation
>the Jimmy Saville of pedophiles
>the George Floyd of fetanyl overdoses
>the Kobe Bryant of helicopter safety
>the Sam Hyde of mass shooters
>the Dan Schneider of child actress footfags
>the Auschwitz of leisure centres
>the Jeffery Dahmer of serial killers
>the MyPillow of head cusions
>the Joe Rogan of experiences
>the Great Leap Forward of communism
>the faggot of OPs
wagmi grt frens

>> No.29355123
Quoted by: >>29355772

lol it's lucky I bought before you said that or I'd be more wary. But I've never had a humble shill put me wrong on /biz/.
I have 1246 MATIC. See you at $800 per coin

>> No.29355149

Riley Reid of gangbangs?

>> No.29355211

the Hank Hill of Propane and Propane Accessories

>> No.29355236

Agree. That makes sense.

>> No.29355270
Quoted by: >>29355553

the gme of crypto

historically a pump and dump

>> No.29355291

Question for grt chads, will you quit your job when income from your delegating exceeds your current wage?

>> No.29355301
Quoted by: >>29355536

>the pump and dump of history

>> No.29355427
Quoted by: >>29355576

lol are you not already making more than your wages in crypto?

>> No.29355536


>> No.29355553

Literally your mom

>> No.29355560
Quoted by: >>29356633

No, because it's all gonna be unrealized for many years, so I still need money to spend until then.

>> No.29355576
Quoted by: >>29355751

Well sort of, entered six fig hell but still need my job at this point

>> No.29355612
Quoted by: >>29355806

i could've gone all in at 20-30 cents. fuck my life. fuck my anus with a dragon dildo.

>> No.29355721

No but I also like my job

>> No.29355751
Quoted by: >>29356470

yeah, but I think no matter how rich you are, you will always want more.
I'm only halfway through 5 figure peasantdom and I make way more than my job because I'm an absolute wagelet lol

>> No.29355772
Quoted by: >>29355862

>Polygon was co-founded by Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal and Anurag Arjun

Anon, I...

>> No.29355806

It's a good lesson though. Have balls, go heavy on another up and comer, there are new ones all the time

>> No.29355862

I know, I fucking scrolled to see their pictures. But I have faith, I have bought a few sketchy things in the past including FTM and GRT, and this gives me similar vibes

>> No.29356170

>500 xrp
that alone will make you make it

XRP is going to 10k in 5 years

>> No.29356254
Quoted by: >>29357577

shut up chang you keep muslims in camps

>> No.29356315
File: 49 KB, 480x480, 1612584613409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Epstein of fake suicides
More like the Epstein of pedophiles. What Jeffrey did to children, GRT does to blockchains. It indexes them for people to see.

>> No.29356447

not listening to your FUD prince of lies

>> No.29356470
Quoted by: >>29356741

Fair. Kind of crazy tho that if I’m making just as much from GRT as my job one day and I enter a higher tax bracket that I’d be working for a reduced wage effectively

>> No.29356501

GRTsux ever copies pasta. He’s a true artist.

>> No.29356633
Quoted by: >>29356751

Unrealized as in you’re not done stacking?

>> No.29356727
Quoted by: >>29357030

i'm only in my job until i hit med school and when i hit med school i'm cashing out enough to pay for it. hopefully it'll be in full but i'm keeping up hopes

>> No.29356741

lol you're being cucked by your crypto

>> No.29356751
Quoted by: >>29357194

Unrealized as in before he sells it, it's just numbers in the wallet/on the exchange.

>> No.29357030

Why not take out a dirt cheap interest rate student loan and let the delegated tokens compound?

>> No.29357194

More specifically, it's sitting their compounding the interest rate. So it's busy doing something, not just vibing on a server

>> No.29357210
Quoted by: >>29357277

>dirt cheap interest rate

i already poured a shitload of money so let's hope i don't have to cash out all my GRT. i'm just keeping an endgoal in sight so i can exit at an appropriate time

>> No.29357266
Quoted by: >>29362240

>student loan
>dirt-cheap interest
anon, I...

>> No.29357277

Sorry I’m a leaf, loans here you don’t even have to start paying till a year after school and the rates are a joke

>> No.29357281

ive only ever gained on this coin and the only time i cashed it out i missed out on its biggest gain. i am sorry GRT baby i will never leave you again ever i swear

>> No.29357577

that's a good thing

>> No.29357873
File: 618 KB, 612x487, cheers bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly meaning as in monopoly status plebs?
As in the big fat alpha

>> No.29359432


>> No.29360242

>the never of women

>> No.29361269
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, kek glowie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the shotgun of mouthwash

>> No.29361467
Quoted by: >>29362962

As always the nigger advice strike again. Always diversify no matter how little you have unless it’s <100 USD.

>> No.29361603

You supreme retard do you not realize people learn by doing

>> No.29362102
Quoted by: >>29362266

Already quitting my job.

>> No.29362135

every fucking time this thing starts to pump BTC causes it to dump. its all so tiresome.

>> No.29362240

Not everyone lives in land of the free. Sweden offers near 0 interest rates for their student loans, with extremely lenient repayment structure.

>> No.29362266
Quoted by: >>29362473

How big is your stack? I want to quit

>> No.29362468
Quoted by: >>29362507

yes. most interactions with the blockchain require a gas fee

>> No.29362473

6k delegating. Hope it dips so I can buy more so I FUD on /biz/ my good sirs. I'm just switching jobs though because I don't like this one.

>> No.29362507

It’s so Jewish and the fact that you are go along with it it’s really dumb

>> No.29362622
File: 55 KB, 900x810, 1612732540391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29363456

>scam coin

All I can say is that I saw this getting shilled at 4 AM when it first launched at like 13 cents and considered buying in until I realized it was already over 20 cents and decided it was too late. But now I wish I had.

>> No.29362828

I want to suck your cock

>> No.29362962

Throwing money around and forgetting about it is actually the best bet in crypto
Accidentally bought 2k linkies at 30c and sold them to buy 50k GRT at 40c

>> No.29363050

Who cares if its crabbing it’s a long term hold and you’re a smoothbrain if you’re worried about 20c swings day to day

>> No.29363456
File: 6 KB, 221x301, 1518433966027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29363629


>> No.29363629

Weird pajeet shit like this is probably why people call it a scam.

>> No.29363701

If you use Atomic wallet and are trying to interact with ETH dAPPs then one solution I found was to import my private key into Brave’s built in metamask. You can then do all your dAPP connections through metamask and just use atomic as your wallet.

>> No.29363866

I'm tired of Bitcoin. Why can't we get free of this archaic retarded shitcoin already?

>> No.29364037

Starting in June, but people say it's priced in. You'll find out in June.

>> No.29364083


>> No.29364193
File: 253 KB, 1440x1401, eIgWIPn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29364362

So we're back to usual schedule of dipping during weekdays and pumping during weekends, with the occasional shit-fling by btc?

>> No.29364362

Everyone is selling now that the cats out of the bag on this shitcoin. It had a good run.

>> No.29364448
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 66825EEC-C8E5-4B30-B96B-D5F11F266E92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This coin will be $1k by 2026, screencap this.

>> No.29364557
File: 183 KB, 952x939, 65D6C89A-9840-4D2F-99A3-ED497777ABEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRTrannies unironically believe this is priced in already lmao
Buy PRQ while you still can

>> No.29364688

Oh shit, we got too cocky boys

>> No.29364895
Quoted by: >>29365247

>This coin will be $1k by 2026

I might be retarded but a market cap of 10k billion does not sound likely to me.

>> No.29365247

You're right, it's well worth a trillion.

>> No.29365279

PRQ bagholders need to to off themselves asap

>> No.29365343
File: 70 KB, 247x230, 1595613579961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29365372

GRT Bros. How does undelegating actually work? Do I need to wait for 28 days to get my grt back once I undelegate? Or can I unlock it instantly after delegating for at least 28 days?

>> No.29365379
File: 153 KB, 888x888, E9DC1996-28BB-4C5A-BC93-C8641287B0FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mongs started it, tick tock won’t be long now

>> No.29365507
Quoted by: >>29365601

Seeing a lot less Graph threads and memes over the past few days is concerning, I don't care about the tech or delegation, I'm just a poorfag non-American that hit my goal of obtaining 5000GRT.

Happy to hold through crab season but if there isn't enough solid meme output, GRT will not suck up any of the stimulus gibs.

>> No.29365601

Just hold. Don't assume fast gains this early.

>> No.29365742
File: 390 KB, 1252x1600, R027a57a71033ae922a423673ae0d5f4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29365950

GRT rub pull isn't priced in. I know you're dick is hard from reading more than 5 minutes of the The Graph program and foaming at the mouth to get rich, but this isn't it.

If you think this token is going to make you rich, you're an absolute retard. The Graph protocol is designed to keep GRT prices low. Why? Because it is a fucking utility token. Furthermore, its on the fucking ETH blockchain which is already at a parabolic price right now.

You think ETH2 is going to solve ETH fees? You're fucking delusional.

All tokens are made and produced to raise cash. For whom? The big guys. Who are these big guys? The early backers of The Graph. You're fucking retarded if you think they don't want to get paid in June.

Now that Biden is president, shit is going to get really, really expensive in America.

As I write this, BTC is literally, already back down 55k from 57k.....

>> No.29365789


>> No.29365950
Quoted by: >>29366256

the spacing is a nice touch

>> No.29366256

>the spacing is a nice touch
Only way to get you retards to read things here.

>> No.29366536
File: 31 KB, 640x480, whybros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-d-diamond... hh..hands.... b-b-bros....

>> No.29366596
Quoted by: >>29366783

whats the big rothschild hedge fund that invested in graph again? my friend wanted to know.

>> No.29366607

What the fuck
1.90? I lost a thousand dollars of value in a day. I should have sold when it hit 2.60 on Saturday, this is cock suckery on a whole new level. Fuck you

>> No.29366706

Europe fucking us again

>> No.29366783

It has been debunked. They invested in BTC.
This makes me feel a bit better

>> No.29366821

If this is such a self proclaimed long term hold why is it so fucking unstable? Why aren't people holding?

>> No.29366849
Quoted by: >>29366950

What the fuck is this wallet doing??

>> No.29366861

Bullshit, I'm euro and just woke up, this dumb started whilst I was asleep you fucking chinks

>> No.29366950
Quoted by: >>29367053

>What the fuck is this wallet doing??
Nothing, faggot.

>> No.29367007

>why is it so fucking unstable
It's a shitcoin sweetie :)))
They always swing wildly

>> No.29367033

Atleast some good news to cope with the dump

>> No.29367053

call me a nigger

>> No.29367088

Thanks for the dip, buying more

>> No.29367124

>tfw set a buy limit to 1.9 but lowest was 1.95


>> No.29367151

Brahs I sold 13k GRT for 80k CRO.

Had to do it.

>> No.29367173
File: 84 KB, 350x697, the-fool-tarot-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this is such a self proclaimed long term hold why is it so fucking unstable? Why aren't people holding?
People don't actually want to hold this token.

They just want to profit from the volatility.

GRT isn't going to make anyone rich. ITs pretty funny how retards still think this.

You were supposed to buy in dec 17 2020 to get rich, but you were too late. Now you'll have to wait 5 years.

>> No.29367235

Where is GRTsux when we need him?

>> No.29367255

because it isn’t a long term hold, there’s still 10 billion tokens to be dumped lmao