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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.28606417
Quoted by: >>28606469


>> No.28606445

shit out my ass

>> No.28606469

an old friend

>> No.28606487
File: 59 KB, 1220x686, 1595014754476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss him

>> No.28606523
File: 1.34 MB, 804x1076, 1612726346564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28606956


>> No.28606529

Oil is going to moon, give me some tickers

>> No.28606538
Quoted by: >>28606966

Is this a product we can invest in?

>> No.28606564


You got in the P&D of next week right, faggot?

>> No.28606571

Cathie Woods accepted my offer, she's officially my waifu

>> No.28606591
File: 23 KB, 3000x2000, 512412321332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting again because last thread ended.

>Is Tesla peaking at $900 or even $1k? Or is it all down from here?

>> No.28606604

10th for benis :DDD

>> No.28606606

$TMR Retards

>> No.28606626

It's Unironically Over

>> No.28606629

How much should I be looking for my portfolio to increase on a weekly basis?

>> No.28606642
File: 1.42 MB, 1080x2496, 1612398745247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So aqb hit the bottom finally right?

>> No.28606644
File: 590 KB, 531x885, Screenshot_433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRBP bros are you out there?

>> No.28606649
File: 49 KB, 500x500, kotter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw market is closed until tuesday

>> No.28606654
Quoted by: >>28607154

i bought march puts. if the market craters tesla has a long way to fall

>> No.28606672
File: 54 KB, 680x785, 4f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow china chads ww@?
I hold huge positions in BABA Tencent and Xiaomi


>> No.28606699
File: 80 KB, 312x320, 1612100380130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28606918

I don't want to sell MNXXF on the next round of news. We haven't gone through a PEA, and with a positive PEA comes contracts and an operational mine. That's where the money is.

BCRX nigger gave us this stock at the bottom, why wouldn't we sell at the top?

What do you think the top is? I could hold for ten years.

>> No.28606709
File: 92 KB, 1500x1041, 81ERroLL9HL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28606730
Quoted by: >>28606878

If you think they'll become a major car manufacturer they're overvalued compared to other stocks, if you think they're going to be the most important company of the century and will have full self driving cars in the decade maybe they're fair valued.

>> No.28606742

did you buy into bevcanna yet, anon? just got their processing license yesterday. Still under 1 dollar.

>> No.28606746

I'm addicted to stocks and masturbating.

>> No.28606748

2.36% a day.

>> No.28606750

Pls pump suncor so my calls don’t expire worthless

>> No.28606790
Quoted by: >>28609068


>retard here

Why do bond yields matter?

>> No.28606791
File: 31 KB, 757x518, 30 year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28606998


>> No.28606817
File: 16 KB, 328x370, 1610920664316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil - air plane go vroom, plastic good

Copper - electronics likey, mooning on LME

Lithium, Nickel, Manganese, Graphite - le EV batteries

shill me on some good stocks for steady gains

>> No.28606854
File: 5 KB, 158x365, Screenshot 2021-02-13 101042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28606951

very few consistently do that.

>> No.28606858

What does the 2.97% inflation come from?

>> No.28606878
Quoted by: >>28606959

I definitely don't think they're fair valued and have a generally cynical view of the medium term prospects. I'm wondering if it peaks up more before it drops a few hundred $/share. But maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.28606893

Guns? Go BOOM!

>> No.28606901
Quoted by: >>28607290

m2 money velocity of course

>> No.28606903
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Quoted by: >>28607290

>He doesn't know

>> No.28606905
File: 115 KB, 1000x667, 3FE9044D-5876-4991-83FA-B2B36F973197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Chinese investments:

>My favorite Chinese ETF’s:

Divest from America. Invest in China. Taiwan is a province of the People’s republic of China, so TSM is a Chinese company. Remember to say “thank you daddy Xi!” to secure your gains. Amerilards tongue my anus.

>> No.28606914
File: 459 KB, 830x759, 1604059037223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607211

I turned $1300 into a little over 31k because of GME. I am also up over 300% on WKHS. Just wanted to say thanks /smg/ and to have a great weekend.

>> No.28606918
Quoted by: >>28607176

Traders seem to be unafraid of the news regarding the investigation on the merger. This investigation has been in the news for over a month. At what price did you buy in?

>> No.28606938
Quoted by: >>28607254

At least their articles aren't like the fool ones:
>Is It Too Late to Buy Hot Reddit Stock Sundial Growers?
>Why Sundial Growers Stock Plunged Today
>Why Sundial Growers Skyrocketed Today
>Why Sundial Growers Stock Dropped Today
>Why Sundial Growers Stock Surged Today
>Forget Sundial Growers: These Penny Stocks Are Much Better Buys
These are all from within a week. Hilarious how their "Forget Sundial Growers: These Penny Stocks Are Much Better Buys" article comes out a day before their "Why Sundial Growers Skyrocketed Today" article. Do people actually buy articles from this place? I guess they must since the site is paying google to show up in top ~3 for every stock I search.

>> No.28606942
Quoted by: >>28609145

Reminder that March is when people can sell all the cheapies they bought last year for no short term gains taxes

>> No.28606945
File: 280 KB, 894x891, 1562060391006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In one week ending this past Wednesday, $22.9 billion flowed into stock funds.

>This has been the biggest weekly inflow since March 2008.

>In 2008, after big inflows into the stock market happened, the stock market crashed. Most well-structured conservative portfolios lost one-half of their value. Momentum stocks lost 80 - 95% of their value.

>> No.28606951

It's the only way from 1k to 1m. But in this market you should be able to do better before it all collapses.

>> No.28606955
File: 81 KB, 1024x741, 1613217098855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to buy more SOS instead of more GME at sub 49

>> No.28606956

im telling you its a trap i have 1.5k shares at 1.50 and i wish i did literally anything else with it

>> No.28606959
File: 2.12 MB, 1000x1004, 1592676794196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607126

Micheal Burry is shorting Tesla right now supposedly, I'm a Tesla bear for now. I still think they're a good company, if it drops 30-50% I'd consider buying.

>> No.28606966

I hope so

>> No.28606998

fucking jews.........

do i sell everything?

>> No.28607002


>> No.28607020

Is that headline real....

>> No.28607050
File: 68 KB, 486x534, 1600166907442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610030

Cash chads where we at?

>> No.28607052

McDonalds will be run by robots and 1 human if that’s the case

>> No.28607083
Quoted by: >>28607242

>Is Tesla peaking??? Is it all down from here???

this is the cycle that keeps making shorts push TSLA to higher highs. it's unbelievable how people keep falling for it.

>> No.28607090
File: 90 KB, 1106x1012, 1608646246277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607182

so realistically if this happened would there be any warning signs before the main happening? or will we wake up one day to -15%

>> No.28607126

If you're not Tinny then stop posting plastic bugs

>> No.28607127

Breh 33$/hr is like starting level engineer. What the fuck would be the point ...

>> No.28607154

I'll probably do this. I wanted to hold out and see if it broke the 900 ceiling but its recent activity has me more bearish. I have a few dozen shares bought when it was pennies and dont want to be left holding.

>> No.28607158
File: 8 KB, 300x150, 84D383EB-B99E-495A-BE9E-E4E1EDB9F0A8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607305

Natural Gas
Data Analytics
Simple as

>> No.28607163
File: 183 KB, 1709x445, AQB will never get down to 8.5 biz smg 2-9-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607556

8.5 is the bottom.

>> No.28607176
Quoted by: >>28607571

>investigation of merger

I dont follow. Perhaps I missed that news. I bought in on the Canadian side at 20cents. Sitting really comfy with 20k shares. I might sell enough to cover my initial buy in but I think this could be the lotto ticket that pays off down the road.

What do you think

>> No.28607175

History repeats

>> No.28607182

Vix will spike AH/pre market and most stocks will spike green at open, then the avalanche begins.

>> No.28607201
File: 588 KB, 754x414, nickAvocado17-20-06.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28607209


>> No.28607211
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anon. I sold too early, I like seeing people who actually made money with GME though.

>> No.28607233

Then engineers could ask for higher salaries, since they are obviously more skilled than burger flippers.

>> No.28607242
Quoted by: >>28607614

sounds like bullshit to me anon

>> No.28607254

He's just retarded which is why I didn't reply to him. Zerohedge is the only consistent well of information on deep finance I have found, wolfstreet is also good but not as "big finance" oriented.

When Morgan Stanley and multiple hedge funds are telling you they are concerned about the massive inflows to volatility trading, you fucking listen

>> No.28607290

So it's sarcastic? Money isn't inflating?

I'm so confused.

>> No.28607305



>> No.28607312

Any idea how long it takes to double the money? I want to recover my losses before market shits itself.

>> No.28607341
Quoted by: >>28607490


>> No.28607359
Quoted by: >>28607480

What do you guys think GTE and CRBP are getting up to this week? Hoping I can just sell them what I bought them for.

Though if oil keeps going up so will GTE and if the trails go good for CRBP it'll probably moon, is it worth the risk though?

>> No.28607366
File: 822 KB, 1444x1500, Evil Unicorn Horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608959

Flat River Group LLC

>> No.28607411

1-2 days for coinchads, 1-2 years for stockvirgins

>> No.28607413

Shell? They'll have to get back to pre-covid levels eventually?

>> No.28607421
File: 3 KB, 249x228, 1612924414869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain to me why bonds matter,
T. faggot who got into investing post corona crash

>> No.28607425
File: 39 KB, 486x513, 1588655438051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.20->3.60 run friday saved my gains

>> No.28607464
Quoted by: >>28608065

I'm debating LEAPS on $F (if it dips closer to $10.50 again) in case they end up on a GM style rise. They're not that expensive so it may be worth it, and if I buy ITM ones there isn't much risk of losing money barring a market crash, Even then, Ford isn't that high right now so it could recover depending on how close to expiry a crash happens. Also, it's been trending on reddit a few times already which helped bring it to $11.50 in the first place, so if there's any major positive sentiment once their new EVs go on sale, then it could take off.
The other one I recently took LEAPS in is SOLO while it was dipping. Looks like it may dip more.

>> No.28607480
Quoted by: >>28607637

crbp will get to 5 at the very least without any catalyst

>> No.28607487


>> No.28607490
Quoted by: >>28607565


I got $10k, damn if oil really moons that shits a winner

>> No.28607513

t. jeet

>> No.28607537
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trading altcoins on the weekend to stimulate myself

>> No.28607549
File: 41 KB, 474x604, 0147DA42-33B6-491F-9544-4F68F548BF5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607796

You only need 2:
ITM rolling calls on $GUSH
$OXY (diversified in green tech)

>> No.28607556


I think 8.70 was bottom.

>> No.28607559

People said this at a 1% 10Y. The YCC threshold is obviously not so low given we haven't heard a peep from the Fed.

>> No.28607565

Oil demand is increasing and increasing. I don't know why everybody and their mother is shilling against oil stocks.

>> No.28607566

Fuck you Bobo. YEAR OF THE OX.

>> No.28607571
Quoted by: >>28607868

Nevermind my dude. I got my tickers and notes mixed up here on my scratch paper, prepping for Tuesday. There is no investigation into MNXXF.

I'm going to get in on the US side and hold for a bit as well.

>> No.28607574
File: 1.58 MB, 2592x1166, IMG_20210115_200357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's gonna happen to my manganese stocks over the weekend?

>> No.28607598
File: 411 KB, 502x775, 1612526305034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed income, never moves, boomer long term retirement investing, some bonds have higher yields like junk bonds but fuck that shit buy spy

>> No.28607603

I'm sorry if this sounds retarded, but I'm still new to the game and gotta ask. With SOXL apparently splitting in March, what does that mean exactly for my single share in it?

>> No.28607614
File: 155 KB, 1184x867, 51651065406540645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about now?

>> No.28607637
Quoted by: >>28607882


When do you think this'll happen? Pretty sure they're going to be relasing results here pretty soon right? If it goes to shit it's dropping a ton again.

>> No.28607702

Sell SOXL, CEO is gonna rugpull

>> No.28607715
Quoted by: >>28609529

green arrow goes up. you will not have 15 shares at whatever the price is.. divided by a fifteenth. I bought more

>> No.28607721

I believe it's fairly clear at this point that the market was restructured in 2008 to basically finance emergent tech, companies with long R&D processes that are generally unprofitable until the technology is fully matured decades later. I also believe that someone in the market has realized how to just apply this paradigm to bankrupt companies in general, ruining the intended effect of this paradigm. The rulers were scared by something they saw in the data I believe that they wanted to unlock massive influxes of new technology quickly.

>> No.28607730
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1611853041298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's anything like lithium good things, my lithium stocks got raped on Friday one even getting CTO for insider trading but I'm hopeful if even one pops itll save the bunch

>> No.28607732
File: 20 KB, 1171x238, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607872


>> No.28607757
File: 159 KB, 600x485, 461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AQB has high effort memes.
>Last year nearly all high profit stonks such as WKHS, GME, NIO etc had high efforts meme
>Memes are a better metric than astrology lines
Also, AQB to the moon, apparently.

>> No.28607796
Quoted by: >>28607944


If I only knew how to do that anon. Options still confuse me

>> No.28607835

W-well, I can still make in /fit/

>> No.28607846

fell for the mutant fish play... anon i got bad news

>> No.28607868

OK. I didn't think I missed a report but was open to hearing what you were on about. There is a good chance the news of the metallurgical report will be released before Tuesday open. I'm sure it will gap up and run all day like last round so good luck if you enter.

>> No.28607872

what did you invest in

>> No.28607882
Quoted by: >>28608408

they're only releasing p2 results of the lupus trial in february, which is neither their main focus nor make or break thing for the company. the company is very financially sound as of the end of 2020, there is no reason for the gap not to continue getting filled up organically, especially with massive volume of consolidation last week. next week it will go to 4 at least and continue to rise.

>> No.28607895
File: 357 KB, 640x480, Natsumi smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 3% to beat daily inflation
3% daily and 6.1% on top of that because markets are closed on weekends, so 23% weekly.

>> No.28607924

>$15 minimum federal wage
Give me a good reason why this isn't a bad idea

>> No.28607934
Quoted by: >>28608770

Are you holding amy or man on knees?

>> No.28607939
File: 45 KB, 318x318, branded fish rockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28607944
Quoted by: >>28608062

No problem anon
Just buy $GUSH on red days
And hold green until you get to 10% or so profit and pull said profits.

>> No.28607955
File: 77 KB, 1024x922, 1606393654206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it tanker anon is where I'm placing my meme money, actual good fundies on them and they're gonna be in demand, not even close to Rona recovered ... Wti or teekay

>> No.28607967
File: 255 KB, 1795x1275, 20210206_084854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately Tesla is doomed.
They make money selling environmental certificates to others and other companies like VW or Renault now also build EVs. With regulations and actually good competition Tesla will not get anywhere close to the 100% market share they would need to have to justify their price. Especially when their certificate business runs dry in the foreseeable future.

>"But all I want is a Tesla, it's what the young people all swoon over!"
The young people are also piss poor, can't afford shit and will go with the 30k VW instead of the 40k Tesla.
>"But Tesla is producing dreams and rockets, while other car companies are producing cars!"
That's not an opinion but delusion.
>"But the stock price will go up!"
As long as retards have a mania? Definitely.
>"No other company can do autonomous driving so well!"
True. That's why all markets but the US will ban it till local companies catch up or just Ching Chong steal the tech and give it to their own companies.

>> No.28608022
File: 161 KB, 360x450, Illuminati.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28608030
File: 80 KB, 580x1024, 1555535406621-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608839

The secret /biz/ server is:
It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down.
As far as (((discord))) knows it's the official server for BUNKERCHAN LEFTYPOL

>> No.28608032
Quoted by: >>28608122

>Everyone and their dog waited 12 years for the crash
>They've been fleecing every doomer around since

>> No.28608048

should i buy PLTR 2023 jan leaps?

>> No.28608062
Quoted by: >>28608420


Holy shit just looking at these stocks they are undervalued massively.

>> No.28608065
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, solo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608551


>> No.28608068

AQB is being fud pretty hard for no reason. People who work in aquariums and fish markets think their opinions on genetic engineering are relevant. Also the attention span for the poster here has reduced drastically this past year. They complain if the stock moves against them for more than a day.
>I went to the grocery store and nobody was buying salmon!

>> No.28608088

kill the middle class so that when i ask for a raise i get replaced by a 15 dollar mongoloid nice

>> No.28608122
Quoted by: >>28609357

I remember 3 years ago people were saying there would be a crash because of the US-China trade war. Glad I ignored them.

But at the same time, things do seem kinda hot.

>> No.28608164

Debt high. If interest on high debt high then pay hard. Must keep interest down. Must buy bond with Fed to keep interest down. Things accelerate and unstable.

>> No.28608175
Quoted by: >>28609068


>> No.28608176
Quoted by: >>28609529

You will have 15 shares at the new share price which should be current/15.

Basically they want to make their share price cheaper because it's probably going to be over 700 next week.

>> No.28608192
File: 65 KB, 840x700, 1612503880605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608682

I just want to know when to dump my bags. But I think you're on the money

>> No.28608216

why are there so many youtubers talking about TSLA going to 400000$ a share ?

>> No.28608245
File: 2.63 MB, 2480x2480, __lappland_arknights_drawn_by_yoon_cook__f00bc2a26045a6fe3009a86f6ebbe178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608353


I haven't been able to keep up with /smg/ lately, even the (you)'s and the interesting discussions have slipped past me.

What's been going on? What's the best stuff that I missed?

from John's /smg/ updates and skimming, I noticed conversations about living at home into your 40's AND conversations about dating younger women?
I don't think you can do both.

>> No.28608249

bears don't get to cum

>> No.28608261

Only immigrants and sixteen year Olds on their first job should rely on minimum wage.

If you rely on minimum wage to make it through life you are the cancer plaguing the earth and I have no sympathy for you. Try to raise the bar in your life, just a bit.

>> No.28608265
File: 301 KB, 1500x2250, 1590700867931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are there so many youtubers talking about TSLA going to 400000$ a share ?

>> No.28608296

Alright Oilchads, how high can we expect it to go in the coming months? Trying to do some DD, anyone got some links?

>> No.28608353
Quoted by: >>28609299

that neck is disturbingly small

>> No.28608392

People take more risk when credit is abundant. Don't overthink it.

>> No.28608394

As someone invested in manganese. Once Tesla reforms their battery, dahn has already mentioned they are working on it (they also have a patent for a million mile battery sort to speak) they will be able to bring the cost down over 10k from most reports I've read.

Tldr a new battery makes car less expensive

Buy manganese.

>> No.28608399

As treasury bond yield increases, it becomes advantageous to allocate more of your money into these less risky assets.

>> No.28608408

I see, think it'll hit 5 by the end of the month then? I'll probably bail around then seeing as I bought in at 2.50.

>> No.28608420

Time to dive in
Good luck anon

>> No.28608445
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>> No.28608551
File: 1.62 MB, 2007x1026, eRoadster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28611579

Considering we have a growing positive sentiment towards environmentally friendly things, that meme looking thing is a positive. They have other vehicles also, pic related. Currently taking preorders on vehicles so it looks to be in a Tesla infancy stage. Not saying it's the next Tesla, but once their first preorders are filled it may be too late to get in. I'm willing to take the risk given current cost of LEAPS.

>> No.28608562

Why is it in 5 year intervals starting at 2004?

>> No.28608582
File: 90 KB, 1420x946, 69dd4f6bea4966df9c8d167c03c8c909b3-13-wojak-00.2x.h473.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coinbase wallet lets you hold tether for 14% apy

logically defend dividends and the sp500

>> No.28608583

That's all the new robinhood fagolas from plebbit learning new buzz words and googling them after learning Stonks go up from gme

>> No.28608604
File: 210 KB, 500x334, A6B2730C-F90A-4647-8D28-7ADC5BAFE3BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon Service Announcement

Don’t forget to hedge against certain disaster with $TLT & $UVXY ITM calls

(Pic related)

>> No.28608628

What's is PLTRs earnings report going to do before the share release ? Opportunity to buy and sell right before?

>> No.28608631
File: 667 KB, 480x287, trump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608820

WRONG. Buy graphite and silicon

>> No.28608635
File: 13 KB, 295x297, 1613230764649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28608672

idk it's just google api
ya, or specifically in reference to GME and the weed sector

>> No.28608673
Quoted by: >>28608761

Because they didn't make logs of individual search terms before then.

>> No.28608682
File: 3.07 MB, 1853x1440, 1567873703420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if I held Tesla I would have sold a long time ago. You have no real idea of when the music stops playing so I'd be fucking careful
The same reason women talk about stuff. Not to be correct but to get attention. You idiot think YT people get money for being right? They get money for fools wanting a validation for their opinions, clicking on videos that agree with them.
I have zero actual engineering knowledge. But unless they make their cars fly my outlook is bleak.

Btw. I also talked to several people who drove them and one that owns one. Their cars are garbage quality. Atrocious actually. Not really relevant but they have a long way to go here.

>> No.28608689

Because it's profitable to clickbait Musk's cult.

>> No.28608727

Risk adjusted return.

>> No.28608761

that seems likely, thanks fren

>> No.28608770
Quoted by: >>28609027

Manganese history x

>> No.28608789
File: 92 KB, 630x630, 1611584411024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608836

>Searches for stock bubbles have peaked

>> No.28608820

Idiot, manganese owns a graphite claim, graphano. Graphano is expected to have the ability to source its own funding independent of Manganese SEX. We are mining both bruh

>> No.28608836
Quoted by: >>28608941

>more people on the internet than ever

>> No.28608839

wow this place has so many newfags now

>> No.28608882

>Buy volkswagen

haven't been reliable since 90s and even normies I know constantly bring up le emmissions, the yar etrash

>> No.28608941

not him but it says:
>Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 means there was not enough data for this term.
I think it adjusts for this, I'm not exactly sure what the calculation is though.

>> No.28608959
Quoted by: >>28609275

Lol where did you find that picture

>> No.28608976

yield is indicative of risk, 14% is distressed debt levels of yield for something that should be extremely stable

>> No.28608990

and then they will get fired and a pajeet/mexican who needs a job or else he'll be deported takes it

>> No.28609007
File: 23 KB, 223x202, reimu gimme my money back_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One more week until all my sold puts and calls expire
I need to find stock tickers that have weeklies for my wheeling, wheeling monthlies is comfy and all but it kind of sucks ass having nothing else to do while you wait for your money to free up again

>> No.28609022
File: 42 KB, 680x780, 1607861869671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28609027
File: 197 KB, 760x1107, Screenshot_20210212-080829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shall be rewarded heavily next week

>> No.28609060
Quoted by: >>28609409

This. The way this bubble pops is if people stop spending on goods and services. Not happening any time soon.

>> No.28609068

if you take an economics course, or even just read up on investopedia, you can answer things like these for yourselves. I'll explain one reason why this matters - when inflation becomes higher than a safe investment vehicle (and us treasury bonds are arguably THE safest in the world), wealth is essentially decreasing. Sure, some bonds are higher than the US treasury, but generally speaking bond apr moves towards the US treasury apr. After all, the smartest macroeconomists work for the us gov, or any gov for that matter

>> No.28609076

most crashes happened when noone expected them

>> No.28609087

Kys GME shill its blokcbuster 2.0 it will be bankrupt in 2 weeks

>> No.28609096
File: 824 KB, 460x349, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28609207

>Not shorting the stock bubble bubble

>> No.28609100
File: 10 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since dumb American niggers all are unaware that how America is run is actually how they think Russia is run, why aren't you buying this undervalued gas and oil play with decent long term developed gas reserves anons?
Nordstream coming online will be a litmus test for how likely it is the Biden CIA nigger admin would really try attacking Russia. In which case Europe is a poor investment case anyways

>> No.28609139
Quoted by: >>28609536

>Oil is going to moon, give me some tickers

>> No.28609145
File: 426 KB, 2488x705, 99774262-EBDC-4873-B518-944608A3C386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28609299

This is a good point. We could see some funky shit go down in March. I have a boomer portfolio on Vanguard that’s normally 100% VTSAX, but I ended up in a couple other funds for the excellent tax loss harvesting opportunities last year. If the market is at an ATH on St. Patty’s Day, I’m exchanging this back to VTSAX and realizing the LTCG.

>> No.28609200

I think Tesla is overvalued in the short term but undervalued in the long term.

>> No.28609207

gj being too early lol

>> No.28609208

Fucking trash stock sell it right now it's dogshit Im worried about you

>> No.28609211

Nice. Already up like.. 150%

>> No.28609234

Fucking trash stock sell it right now it's dogshit Im worried about you

>> No.28609265

correct. stay conservative in your risk. do good plays if you wanna gamble. exit strategy. no harm in being on guard.

>> No.28609275
File: 119 KB, 968x950, 71-9elozuzL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're on amazon

>> No.28609280

VW owns a lot of brands:
Audi, Porsche, MAN, Skoda, SEAT, Scania, Bentley among others.
So it is worth it.

>> No.28609282

Fucking trash stock sell it right now it's dogshit Im worried about you

>> No.28609299
File: 2.68 MB, 2503x2534, remilia scarlet (touhou) drawn by mujirushi_illust - 20cd67838f1a3f500e56c49525b28835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610210

good point
I like something about the facial expression

You went VFIAX over VTSAX because of tax loss harvesting?

>> No.28609311
File: 120 KB, 3114x1505, 1600974144344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is kinda interesting. Despite Tesla and Bitcoin being correlated so much, the search trends don't seem to correlate as much.

>> No.28609320
File: 19 KB, 360x287, 1612735619007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28609660

bubble/crash talk is bullish, it means there are still people standing on the sidelines waiting to buy

>> No.28609357
File: 94 KB, 1024x641, 25D0ADDA-BEDB-45E5-8BF7-F85C6DBA0966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What concerns me is when I unironically here:

>Line go up forever
>Line can’t go down
>there is literally no way for the market to crash because the FED will print money forever

Every time I hear that it makes me think this is the top.

>> No.28609376
Quoted by: >>28609732

GTE friend anyone have feeling about earnings call on 24th?

>> No.28609380

If I can buy weather futures on the comex, surely I can buy google search futures

>> No.28609393

>we need to be tougher on russia
>NATO blows up gas lines cause russia bad and we need solar panels from china

yeah nah

>> No.28609403
File: 455 KB, 519x508, 1611418879209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28611410

I fell for the DNN meme, didn't I?

>> No.28609409


It must be nice to turn off your brain and just buy green lines and make money in a rigged market

>> No.28609441
File: 301 KB, 1200x1200, 24067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610133

Can you feel the eeriness?, like its very calm like the calm before the storms, as if somehow the bubble is about to pop, I am really scared for a market crash, tell me it wont happen /biz/ pls, tell me that the markets are safe and the world will keep spinning

On another note, have you already invested in vaccines? CVAC showing good results https://www.curevac.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/20201214-CureVac-HERALD-Clinical-Trial-Protocol-of-Phase-2b_3_CVnCoV.pdf,
Bayern will associate with BAYN to produce the vaccine and BAYN is at its storical low price BUY BUY BUY

PFE will distribute the mayor number of vaccines , has vaccinated 33% of al jews in Israel and has showed good results? https://www.statista.com/chart/24067/israeli-covid-19-vaccine-study-results/

Why arent you investing in safe reliable middle term gains?

>> No.28609465
File: 416 KB, 595x905, Purrtriots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610585

>> No.28609500
File: 215 KB, 350x431, 1612873800365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610063

>Investing in a collapsing country
>Investing in a collapsing country under sanctions for 6 years now.
>Investing in gas in 2021.

>> No.28609529

Ah thanks, figured that's what it meant but wanted to double check

>> No.28609536
Quoted by: >>28609638


Biden cutting US Production and inflation

>> No.28609563
File: 188 KB, 670x1352, Fire_Warrior_Loresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28609717

FIRE Warriors ready for deployment

>> No.28609578
File: 2.93 MB, 480x270, 1233.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28609731

You mean the debt that is going to be forgiven? That debt?

>> No.28609579
Quoted by: >>28610134

Is $GSAT a bubble or bull trap?

>> No.28609607
Quoted by: >>28610122


Also - anyone notice how frequently an easily low IQ people can become emotional?

>> No.28609618

What's worse is all the new finance influencers and streamers who became "traders" (ie trend chasers).

I've had more people asking me about "investments" and how to set up trading accounts in the last month than in the last 2 years combined.

>> No.28609638
Quoted by: >>28609765

if so then that would be bullish for non American oil companies correct?

>> No.28609640

being a contrarian doesn't make you smart, people are saying that because interest rates and quantitative easing policy will remain in place for the next 2 years, your myopic judgement based on some random posters on an internet message board is extremely emotional and irrational even if you think it isn't

>> No.28609660
Quoted by: >>28609746

Or it means people pulled out of the market. We had nearly 5% of clients go full cash in the last 2 weeks.

You realize that sell pressure needs to override buy pressure for market to go down, right? Which indicates sentiment changing

>> No.28609717


>> No.28609731
File: 3.39 MB, 3252x7308, __komi_shouko_komi_san_wa_komyushou_desu_drawn_by_mamimi_mamamimi__f6a40fdb4e2f6f19f1a1298842f27ea5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

credit card debt and medical bills and whatever aren't going to be forgiven... are they?
Should we all start racking up debt?

>> No.28609732


Sell before that. Buy after.

>> No.28609746

your clients aren't as smart as you think they are, they are reacting irrationaly towards the reddit pump and dump frenzy

>> No.28609765


Yep, we are going to suck other countries dry again. Lots of war talk as well.

>> No.28609819

jesus christ i want this faggot to die

>> No.28609823

what do you think of cloudflare (NET) long term? it's one of my biggest holdings, got in around 20usd

>> No.28609836
Quoted by: >>28611480

Is this bullish or scam?

>> No.28609875
Quoted by: >>28610396

Tesla has a lot, and I mean a lot, of competition in China and Europe. They will be minor players there in the future.

In the US they pretty much have the EV market completely cornered. But right now that market is still limited, it's something in the range of about 250,000 cars a year, which is peanuts of the overall market.

So for Tesla to be truly worth anything close to their valuation they'd need to increase their US sale by a huge factor, like 50 percent a year over a decade... and they aren't currently doing that.

To see that kind of increase the general US public would have to go crazy for EVs, and right now they are still a novelty. The biggest problem is for long road trips you have to stop and charge them every couple of hours. A 12-hour road trip would take something like 18 hours. For most people that's a big no.

The only thing that could increase the demand in a fundamental way is either a regulatory change such as California banning gas cars, or a fundamental improvement in battery design so the range is over 500 miles. That's at least 5 years off.

>> No.28609883
Quoted by: >>28610003

come join our comfy stock shitposting discord

>> No.28609889
File: 361 KB, 427x576, chesspepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610174

>everybody max out that leverage and crank out those options we gonna be hedgefund rich, only lose money if you sell

>> No.28609904
File: 350 KB, 750x1334, C56F6DA1-DDB1-40AE-9D1D-9C4D5C4CA303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tanker anon is where I'm placing my meme money
here we go again, you faggots never learn

>> No.28609919

Look into the DTCC ceasing buying on GME. I don't care how you feel about the stock but there was a real fear of collapse because of this.

Point is, the market IS frail and black swan events outside of interest rates and stimmy checks will shake up the market a lot more easily now. We're pricing some stocks based on their 40 yr projected growths because of these retarded kids chasing trends

>> No.28609980
Quoted by: >>28612454

Up more than 100% and want to add more slowly or buy more PLTR, NET, WKHS
What do faggots?

>> No.28609982
File: 310 KB, 800x1200, B1A6C932-AD10-4647-9AD4-42ED39F88C81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Markets are irrational and so are people. Market is pumped to shit and many people are getting nervous about holding so much money in this clown market. Fundamentals mean nothing when someone panics and sells their stack

>> No.28610003

i'll join if you have a dedicated erp channel

>> No.28610030



shit was SO cash

>> No.28610063
Quoted by: >>28610322

Gas is the only thing keeping most western countries from blackouts you dumb nigger.
Also Russia collapsed more than 30 years ago and is actually in better financial shape than the west or China because no crazy debt booms or direct jew industrial sabotage thanks to the sanctions.

>> No.28610095
File: 202 KB, 750x471, 67E8C9D5-697F-4690-B861-ED37B9272913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28610098
File: 50 KB, 814x643, 1591848820319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BofA’s gauge of market sentiment-- the so-called Bull & Bear indicator-- is approaching levels of extreme bullishness, which can trigger a sell signal that hasn’t been set off since January 2018, according to the note. Since 2000, the median three-month return for global equities has been a 9% loss following 12 such sell signals, BofA strategists led by Michael Hartnett said.
sorry for res i dont have a goyberg subscription

>> No.28610122
Quoted by: >>28610429

www8.gsb.columbia.edu filesPDF
Web results
Income, Liquidity, and the Consumption Response ... - Columbia Business School

Look that up

Also go look at personal debt to income on FRED
Actually just go fucking look at any personal income spending data on FRED

Literally only the poorest of poor spent on consumption, literally everyone else spent it on RENT, and LOANS, and SAVINGS

The lower class does not make enough money to consume anymore, everyone spends their money on essentials only

>> No.28610133

all the vaccines are shit and don't work

>> No.28610134

Wait for starlink ipo

>> No.28610151

So I shouldn't have went all in on soxl

>> No.28610170
Quoted by: >>28610429

>Half the country not paying rent
>Cancelled student loan interest and no required payments, which will be be completely forgiven under the Biden administration

>> No.28610174
File: 1.39 MB, 2813x2742, __negg_nasu_and_yule_bescherdel_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_ghost_tama__3aef65134cc95a6480b910c783ae139a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610289


Should I learn how to use margin so if theres another crash I can leverage the fuck out of it?

>> No.28610190

Maybe, or maybe sell pressure will override buy pressure soon.

>> No.28610210
Quoted by: >>28612880

Actually went VTSAX > VLCAX > VFIAX as the market tanked, and now trying to get back to 100% VTSAX. I was regularly buying thru the entire year and this VFIAX tranche got left out because there was never a loss to harvest on it. The remainder of the account is already back in VTSAX.
Tax-wise it was an amazing year...TLH’ing enabled me to exit out of a few long-held individual stocks that had decent gains completely tax free.

>> No.28610289
File: 152 KB, 1110x1239, gigachad coffeetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dont sell bro. Money isnt real. Go to your bank and ask for 10 million dollars to play with on stonks. We're all winners here.

>> No.28610296
File: 198 KB, 647x1681, Screenshot_20210213-094945_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a poorfag what do I do with my poorfag gains? Do I pull out and buy back in again and again?

>> No.28610312
Quoted by: >>28610994

how long till cash is illegal

>> No.28610322
File: 151 KB, 1242x1421, 1612983168591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610491

>Also Russia collapsed more than 30 years ago and is actually in better financial shape than the west or China because no crazy debt booms or direct jew industrial sabotage thanks to the sanctions.
Imagine being this delusional lmao.

>> No.28610366
Quoted by: >>28611072

pay off any debt you have and buy like 2-3k of gold if you don't have an emergency fund

>> No.28610396
Quoted by: >>28610514

>In the US they pretty much have the EV market completely cornered. But right now that market is still limited, it's something in the range of about 250,000 cars a year, which is peanuts of the overall market.

Unironically IMO their biggest threat is Ford w/the Mach-E and Electric F150. If the latter becomes even 2-5% of total F150 sales its A LOT of EVs on the road and future Ford customers.

>> No.28610404

Why would they make something that works when they can give you a useless vaccine every year forever.

>> No.28610415

Is PLTR worth selling off?

>> No.28610429
File: 1.06 MB, 911x1378, __shinomiya_kaguya_and_shirogane_miyuki_kaguya_sama_wa_kokurasetai_tensai_tachi_no_renai_zunousen_drawn_by_juugonichi_wheeliex2__0bda7b495e83a412bbd02b92cbe9823f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is rent not consumption?

>completely forgiven under the Biden

that was not part of his platform, he was about freezing payments and interest until the debtor makes above a certain amount

other countries do similar things, and sometimes forgive the debt several decades later when it's obvious they'll never be able to pay it back... could be worthwhile

>> No.28610449

Look, I get it guys. You work 40 hours a week and all that mental energy you spend slaving away for Mr. Schlomo has no where to go, so you direct it to thinking about how much smarter you are than everyone. Now that your brain is no longer mentally drained you're making trite and asinine connections to all the irrelevant and mindless things that happened over your work week. This board's collective IQ nosedives over the weekend, especially this general. Suddenly everyone thinks the market is going to crash and they need to be 100% crash. And then those people disappear Monday morning? What gives? It's because you're all human nigger cattle whose thoughts and opinions are worthless, and you will forever perpetuate your own cycle of servitude and debt, because your tiny ape brain is incapable of thinking on time scales that governments and institutions do.
Peter Lynch observed this phenomenon in the 80s and made the connection to why markets always had a slight dip on Mondays. This is why the vast majority of investment advice is for you to put everything into an index fund and never touch it. You are stupid.

>> No.28610473
Quoted by: >>28611195

You cannot tell me you believe what has been happening the last 3 weeks has been even remotely normal

We are absolutely in the mania phase of a bubble. Those people are saying "I know I won't be able to time the top, so I'm pulling out and protecting what I have."

>> No.28610491
Quoted by: >>28610772

Stay poor then Rabbi.

>> No.28610514

yep and when the demand in the US really goes up that's when everyone will jump on board. For instance Toyota is supposed to have some solid state battery in the works that could BTFO Tesla and they could take a huge chunk of the market with one car like they did the Prius.

>> No.28610543
File: 165 KB, 1440x1440, 1612470009894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still holding wkhs?

>> No.28610564

I cursed tanker anon for many months, but then I DCA'd during the dips now I'm green again. Thank you tanker anon. A good bit of these have divvy payouts as well.

>> No.28610568
File: 97 KB, 1750x1000, bubble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to worry about.

>> No.28610567
Quoted by: >>28611072

Put about $1500 in an emergency fund. Put that in a savings account you have access to 24/7. Do not invest it period. The rest you can invest or pay off your debt with.

>> No.28610585

>Amazon reviews
>1 Star: Evil Alt-right cats

>> No.28610621
File: 217 KB, 1417x718, aqb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder about the mutant fish

>> No.28610623

>put everything into an index fund and never touch it.

>You are stupid.

>> No.28610710
Quoted by: >>28611355

This is why the best investment you can make is don't browse /Pol don't watch the jews on TV and just focus on the company you are buying and fundamentals.

>> No.28610764
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>> No.28610772
File: 833 KB, 739x739, 1612506894462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28611042

Nigga you're not gonna get rich by investing in a collapsing petro state economy.
Take your meds.

>> No.28610831
File: 68 KB, 933x1118, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just put your money into this slowass ETF
>ignore the endless inflation and insider trading

t. warren buffett, go away. This isnt the 1950s where you just put some shit into some randomass stonk and you'd be balling beyond your wildest dreams by 2010s and throw your shitass advice around posing as some deity of investing.

>> No.28610850

>that was not part of his platform, he was about freezing payments and interest until the debtor makes above a certain amount
>other countries do similar things, and sometimes forgive the debt several decades later when it's obvious they'll never be able to pay it back... could be worthwhile
that's been a federal policy going back a decade at least. I have huge student loan debt from law school but only pay about $300 a month.

>> No.28610914

Only those who follow the trends know ... Peter Lynch gave a rough guide, every 2-3 years a correction will happen in in the markets. Every 8 - 11 years a major correction will happen.

It's one of the fundamental principles of capitalism that no one wants to address or bring up because it will cause a rift in the consoomer hive mind.

>> No.28610918

Because the money goes to the landlord who lowers money velocity drastically by using it to pay the mortgage so it goes to the bank who just throws it into 30 year plus zero velocity bonds

>> No.28610975

market is going down once people realize covid isnt going away this year and the vaccine is not as effective as intended. a march 2.0 if you will

>> No.28610977

If you think the market is going to tank why not invest in reverse etfs?

>> No.28610994

Not sure how crazy Biden and his administration really is. A few things will get him impeached and removed (he could also be forced to resign behind closed doors).

>We enter a depression
>Biden is implicated in some insane scandal
>They try to expand the Supreme Court
>They start trying to pick up people’s guns
>out lawing cash or gold

Anything like that will completely destroy the Biden Administration and he’ll be out on his ass.

>> No.28611041

>march 2.0
I sure hope so.

>> No.28611042

The Russia doesn't make anything besides oil and guns hasn't been true since the ussr fell while it has been true for the US of the past 6 years, now they will only have the guns which are poor quality anyways.
The company is a good play if 200 dollar oil and 400 gas is gunna happen thanks to Biden, hence opportunity.
So yeah stay poor, nigger.

>> No.28611050

Lmao I literally post here more during the week fag, I have all the time in the world to just research finance over the week and make allocation proposals and do investment reviews

Maybe it's just less bots on the weekend means noise to signal is fixed :)

>> No.28611063

it won't be a single event though

>> No.28611072
Quoted by: >>28611215

I have no debt though I don't have any gold. I have a "emergency fund" of 20k but that's all the savings I have. The money I have in the market right now was all made off of GME plus another $600 after that.
As above I have most of my money in my savings account and about 2k at all times in my checking. I'm just afraid to put more into stocks because I don't want to lose it all. I can save around 20k a year and I know it's going to waste just sitting in my bank but I'd probably die if I lost it.

>> No.28611097
Quoted by: >>28611237

nobody cares about covid, people will meme about it and make you wear masks or get a useless vaccine and stocks will continue to rise.

>> No.28611195

so there might be a big selloff but a month later it will be back to normal, I don't see what everyone is worried about. We aren't looking at any sort of depression or anything.

>> No.28611215
Quoted by: >>28612095

If you have 20k in savings, you can afford to invest more of it. Just don’t do anything stupid. Have an emergency fund that can last you 6 months on a small budget (no eating out and wasting money).

>> No.28611235
Quoted by: >>28611458

How do schizos like you even get a job to invest?

>> No.28611237

SARS disapeared when media coverage ended and switched to the 2003 Iraq invasion etc.

>> No.28611245
Quoted by: >>28611381

do you think nowadays it is easier to beat the index because of DD available online? when those index fund studies were done, people generally didn't even use internet much or didn't have it

>> No.28611283

new cases are down dramatically, it appears we have hit herd immunity faster than anyone could have guessed.

>> No.28611296
Quoted by: >>28611979

>400 dollar gas

anon you'd be better investing in the three B's at that point then some paper repping oil.

>> No.28611355

>don't browse /pol/
Why? I made about 150k last March listening to them by pulling out my investments in February and buying the bottom.

>> No.28611371
File: 49 KB, 598x574, 1602625791134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150 of PLTR @ 37.75
long play, it'll go back up eventually right lads?

>> No.28611381
Quoted by: >>28611616

That wouldn't explain why hedge funds don't beat the index then

>> No.28611396
Quoted by: >>28611500

SARS isn't a virus you idiot, it's one of the complications of a respiratory illness.

>> No.28611410
File: 335 KB, 1242x1058, C9F1A1FA-F48E-43BF-B703-BA498BCDB21B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28611662

No anon, next week should be good, just chill with the rest of us and enjoy the ride. Sometimes good things take a few days to play out.

>> No.28611458
Quoted by: >>28611766

Hate to use old molymeme sophistry but not an argument.
The market decides who makes money. Ape.

>> No.28611480

It's a mine company. They show reports from their claims. The Director, Roger Dahn has over 30 years in the mining and exploration world. This is what they do. People want a manganese mine in north america

>> No.28611500
Quoted by: >>28611628

fuck off with your nitpicking, everybody uses SARS to refer to the coronavirus that causes it.

>> No.28611501
Quoted by: >>28611979

sars was also less transmissible
covid was literally everywhere before we even realized it and probably eariler than the beginning of 2020
covid will probably start to burn itself out this year because its likely half of americans have already had it plus vaccination will help
well have to see what happens when we reach the times it flared up last year this year

>> No.28611515

What’s the next 100 times stock

>> No.28611525
File: 156 KB, 1280x960, 1594136788214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you have thought about this before buying it?

>> No.28611530
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>> No.28611571

i gamble $1000 on whatever stock is getting memed on for a given month

>> No.28611579

Nice throw back to the DB5 of James bond fame. Why the hell does it take a startup ev maker to make classics again... Surely Ford for ex could make this a regular gas type car. Fucking shame man.

>> No.28611616

they dont beat the return of spy?

>> No.28611619


>> No.28611628

No. I will nitpick because it's dumb assertions that is causing this dumb virus to linger in western society.

>> No.28611642

My mom got a XC90 and it's dope

>> No.28611662

why did you say it would double on friday?

>> No.28611664

see >>>28611530

>> No.28611709

This is why you are ngmi senpai

>> No.28611729

i wouldnt trust karp with my money

>> No.28611766
Quoted by: >>28611979

You have to be an absolute retard to invest in Russia, especially in it's current state.
Enjoy losing your money you retarded vatnik, lmao. Maybe go shill on /pol/ where those retards may will believe you.

>> No.28611787
File: 412 KB, 1037x700, 1595487328454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they continue having explosive revenue growth, and eventually reach a scale that justifies the fixed cost of their software development. But those are big ifs, and it could easily go back to being a 20$B (10$ share price) company short term.

>> No.28611798
File: 94 KB, 710x512, a6b1d3e45b7eb1b3b6255e801713b76c78-wojak-03.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skip the early parts of exponential growth by getting moonshots
>outperform the sp500 by 20 years by buying gme while high

>> No.28611831

What an autistic nigger lmao

>> No.28611891
Quoted by: >>28612134

Yeahhh right buddy, then all the hospital admissions for complications for influenza went away just because the media stoped covering it, and also we as epidemiologist lie about that shit and prepare ourselves and our medical teams for airbourne diseases just cause you schizos dont see about it on the media

>> No.28611979
Quoted by: >>28612063

Prices now for a cubic ton of LNG are 50-60 so.
I just said don't browse /Pol. Anti Russia memes are Pol tier nutter talk mostly, it's a normal enough country that the western Jews hate. Go there sometime.

>> No.28612022
Quoted by: >>28612345

Maybe a dip day Tuesday. Senate trial just got extended. So that punts the covid bill out more. Not that it maters. $1400 (or 2800 married) is coming to your bank account no mater what. (Thanks covid and dems!)

>> No.28612048
Quoted by: >>28612237

with eth gas prices I might just go back to stocks

no dealing with 20 fails transactions and oh wait you didn't get that buy because reasons, that'll be 60$ wait gotta check the gas prices! oh you were 2 gwei off, 2 more hours or pay us more to cancel

oh you can't have that exact price, gotta buy with a fucking 5% slippage; slowly being convinced crypto was taken over by kikes years ago

>> No.28612063
Quoted by: >>28612333

>Jews hate it
>Putin's closes buddies and oligarchs are jews
Take your meds.

>> No.28612094

The problem with this obvious lie is the fact that you wouldn't have any money to begin with if you took the time to listen to them. The amount of bullshit doomsday theories they spew on a monthly basis would ruin your account, but whatever you say

>> No.28612095

I see how do I get over the fear of losing it? How much of that should I pop into my account even? I was just stashing it away because I was planning on buying a condo next year. Then again I've already made 1600 from 1100 in a few weeks. I imagine if I wasn't a pussy and dropped 10k in I'd be in a much better place right now.

>> No.28612134

You don't know any boomers who watch TV and spend their days in terror over something less deadly than the flu. The patriot act was also about 'safety' and who believes that anymore.

>> No.28612158
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>> No.28612166

In March you'll be saved

>> No.28612237

i do stocks and binance/kucoin/gate coins both. has been going good.

>> No.28612246
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x2947, NovemberKeyPoints14thFYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parking is $4/hour at the meter

>> No.28612259
Quoted by: >>28612526

>The amount of bullshit doomsday theories they spew on a monthly basis would ruin your account
Whst's that even supposed to mean?

>> No.28612262
File: 13 KB, 224x224, EgYK0MEVAAEewco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually an excellent strategy. In 2020 it would have gotten you NIO, WKHS, HYLN, MRNA and many more.

I recommend PIPP or the Mutant Fish.

>> No.28612286
Quoted by: >>28612451

>when you mix steve jobs and casey neistat into the hybrid ultimate boomer hipster gigacunt

>> No.28612312
Quoted by: >>28612451

Wtf why can't I buy right now?

>> No.28612333


>> No.28612345
File: 675 KB, 1440x2336, Screenshot_20210213-113131_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senate wasn't in session next week. They wouldn't have been working on the covid bill anyways....

>> No.28612451
File: 366 KB, 599x417, 1587189043353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's either a legend, or a warning signal about the times
this is the top

>> No.28612454

PLTR isn't going anywhere long term, idk why people keep pushing this meme.

Stick with TQQQ, FNGU, and SOXL. I've done very very well with these over the past few years.

>> No.28612526
Quoted by: >>28612770

What the fuck do you think? The dam in China that would collapse the economy? The banking crisis that would collapse the economy? The world war over Syria, Ukraine, Taiwan, etc etc. Just pick and choose, if you're honestly serious about trusting them with your money you are either lying or are actively playing around with a few bucks at most

>> No.28612546

Okay juden whatever you say.

>> No.28612611

I hate you people

>> No.28612685
File: 584 KB, 2048x2048, 1590436512416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a stock with strong revenue growth, earnings growth, strong free cash flow, a low debt to earnings ratio, and a low price?

>> No.28612708

jesus christ

>> No.28612733


>> No.28612770

Nobodyon /pol/ said to use that as investment advice. Also the ecomony fucking should have crashed, and to describe its current state as "zombie" is an understatement.

>> No.28612783
Quoted by: >>28612894

Charles Schwab or webull for a $25k account interested in day and swing trading?

>> No.28612799

unironically GSI.V

though it just rallied so now it's trading at 28x of earnings, arguably still cheap if you consider its growth the past 3 years despite covid

>> No.28612814
Quoted by: >>28613169

Okay show us then, show us when you pulled out at the top and bought the bottom

>> No.28612822

what emerging market is in russia right now? from what I can tell theres too much reliance on oil for their gdp though i agree that natural gas is the power maker for the world right now, americas infrastructure is built around the stuff despite what green tards would have you believe

>> No.28612880

You sound rich. I got into investing Jan 8th with 1k. I'm up to 1500

>> No.28612894

Schwab is good for boomers and tryhards
Webull is good for zoomers and influencers

Take an honest look at yourself and decide

>> No.28613018


>> No.28613044

idk about all that bullshit, but FNGU just did a 10:1 split and so is very cheap right now. You're much better off parking your money there than any individual meme company.

>> No.28613169

Of course you're gonna let the thread die to save ass, fucking clown kek'd