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File: 275 KB, 836x1238, There Will Be Bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26555314 No.26555314 [Reply] [Original]

>he still doesn't get it

>> No.26555352


>> No.26555429
Quoted by: >>26555444



>> No.26555444

Why did they kick you out of the discord?

>> No.26555540
Quoted by: >>26555640

cause he was a faggot

>> No.26555572

so comfy

>> No.26555573
Quoted by: >>26557931

Bao Finance Official Telegram


>> No.26555640

STOP COPING >>26555540

>> No.26555667

>some faggot bizpajeet shills this
>I buy
>immediately starts dumping
fucking scam niggers

>> No.26555760


A word of advice, never buy something that has already done a 10x in the last 2 days.

>> No.26555773
Quoted by: >>26556032

Bought this shit at ATH, literally minutes around its dump, nobody but myself to blame

>> No.26555892

Everything is dumping

>> No.26556032
Quoted by: >>26556123

yeah, buy bleeding assets like xrp, retard

>> No.26556123

Can't tell if sarcastic or not but I also own XRP lmao

>> No.26556740
File: 585 KB, 938x2381, Bao-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26556953

How much is a suicide stack?

>> No.26556953
Quoted by: >>26561353

500k suicide
10mm gonna make it

>> No.26557398
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1546830553456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up bao bros, new pump POSSIBLY incoming. Previous suspected break of uptrend is correcting back to said up trend from the last horizontal support. If we break back in we might go to ATH again. Next hour candle should tell!! This is not financial advise niggers.

>> No.26557449


I wish you guys the best, I cashed out at 0.0007 and have just been watching ever since. Too many idiots in the discord and it makes me nervous.

>> No.26557625

using defi exchanges with liquidity is terrifying because the token team doesn't have to be the one to rug pull. Anyone with a huge stake can dump the token at any time as long as there is liquidity at said token exchange. But there is a lot of bao out there so you better have huge bags if you want to rug pull lol.

>> No.26557796

But I am tired and need to go to bed. I just missed that massive pump last night. I don't wanna work FT anymore I just wanna work my old shitty PT job and be happy, guys. The gubment will forgive us for not paying rent, right?

>> No.26557931

Bao Finance doesn’t have an official telegram, Raaj.

>> No.26557948

Good on you, i wish i did that too. But its slowly going back up now, just so you know

>> No.26558263
File: 111 KB, 1084x838, Just a humble farmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still just a humble farmer, tending to my bao.

>> No.26558416
Quoted by: >>26562156

Bro I respect your grind but....NGMI without more funds.

>> No.26558652
Quoted by: >>26559025

did you really pay 60$ gas fees to harvest 1$ of bao

>> No.26558733
File: 58 KB, 800x600, Steamed-Pork-Buns-fb-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26558771

How many to make it, senpai?

>> No.26558771
Quoted by: >>26558786

The value will decrease over the next couple years so...its very risky.

>> No.26558786
Quoted by: >>26558880

I only care about this year

>> No.26558833
File: 59 KB, 500x519, 1578851413295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy rubic after dump
>it dumps more
>buy link
>dumps 30 min later
im just gonna hold now, im too retarded to time it right anyways

>> No.26558880
File: 112 KB, 306x306, 1549501236458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it going past 1 cent but the autism of biz and the internet has done amazing things to stocks and crypto alike. DYOR and decide. baoman said himself that this token was NOT made for investing but sushi is at $8 so who knows what the hell could happen. Not to mention that almost none of the new upgrades to the bao token ecosystem have been implemented yet. So we could see meme prices come 3-5 months from now. I really don't know.

>> No.26558948
Quoted by: >>26559028

should I buy a bag ? and does it matter if I decide not to stake it ?

>> No.26559025

I bought 2 mil and immediately staked. Then an hour later I bought and staked another 2 million and when you stake it automatically harvests whatever you've accumulated.

>> No.26559028
Quoted by: >>26559204

Yeah probably. Its up to you but I think its sound for now.

>> No.26559035

I'm new to this defi shit so this is probably a dumb question but my worry with staking is that couldnt bao just steal your UNIV2 tokens and then trade them in on uniswap and steal your pool contributions there?

>> No.26559044

lmao, if u don’t understand how to get cash with market volume on crypto just forget your wallet and fuck off from this topic

cmon, I am too experted to believe in this trash, that’s why I will get my BASE on Uni and go in Cascade system for amazing profit with passive rewards

>> No.26559045

>timing the market
Unless you have the time and ability to autistically scour charts and social media / groups and do research constantly don't just randomly buy into pumping coins. You are better off buying steady growing coins and tokens. Research DCA or daily cost averaging in the crypto world.

>> No.26559204

>that ID

>> No.26559300
Quoted by: >>26561436

Whats the official discord? Not a Pajeet btw

>> No.26559458
Quoted by: >>26560607

ok thanks 'jeet, I'll be over here in my comfy steam baosket

>> No.26560607
Quoted by: >>26560817

anon... it's a bot

>> No.26560682
Quoted by: >>26560817

When is the xDai integration kicking in?

>> No.26560792
Quoted by: >>26561265

I just checked sushiswaps website. Big changes since that dev did that anonymous dump. Whoever they got now is much better. This is gonna be awesome for bao and sushi.

>> No.26560817

last day to harvest BAO gains from the ETH-BAO UNIv2 contract at current rates (1000 * 32) is March 1st, after which unharvested gains are prorated to the new rate (250 * 32). So sometime after then.

well now I'm just embarrassed

>> No.26561156

guys... i don't feel so good

>> No.26561191

Are you saying put your Entire Portfolio into BASE to yield rewards, I just want a understanding on how I pool my BASE into cascade? On UNI, pooled with UNI Coin?

>> No.26561265

ppl will fomo so hard soon

>> No.26561353

12M stack
5.5M staked
Already made 2M Baos farming
Never selling

>> No.26561379

If you got in at $0.00007, a suicide bag of 10M BAO was less than $1k
That's worth a gamble

>> No.26561403
Quoted by: >>26561451

Yo why does my shit doesn't say how many baos are locked? It only says how many I've accumulated, 0 locked

>> No.26561426
Quoted by: >>26561494

They could. Don't play with money you can't afford to lose

>> No.26561436



Please dont bring normies

>> No.26561451

The BAO gets locked when you harvest. I added more BAO to my stake, so it automatically harvested.

>> No.26561488
Quoted by: >>26563849

Is it going back up agian to 0.0007?
what do you guys think

>> No.26561494

Thanks for the reply, I'm not too worried about that happening but I just want to make sure there isn't some basic defi concept I'm missing as part of all this

>> No.26561520
Quoted by: >>26562049

Stay away from DeFi...

>> No.26561955

This thing's getting tossed by the changs every evening and then I always wake up to good news. Wish me a prosperous sleep. Still 8x.

>> No.26562049
Quoted by: >>26562169

You mean stay away from DeFi and let Wall Street and big bankers control the financial world as they've always done?
Brah you don't get it. DeFi is the final frontier. The internet killed all established orders, from communication to content to commerce
The only old orders still left standing are finance and governance
DeFi is doing for finance what e-commerce did for traditional retail and social media did for trad media

I'm so bullish on DeFi its not even funny

>> No.26562061

I get you like cock

>> No.26562156

4 million staked is totally fine

>> No.26562169

He meant that this retard needs to stay away, he's never gonna make it.

>> No.26562454

What do I need to do on March 1st with my staked bao, unstake to harvest and then change Bao-ETH V2 tokens to xdai?

>> No.26562515

Guys bao would only need to make 5x to get to a tenth of sushi's mcap, that makes me bullish

>> No.26562555

Guys, I'm scared. Do I FUD out?

>> No.26562849

Were roughly similar except you got over a week of time on me

>> No.26563015
Quoted by: >>26563369

What are you doing and how do you do this

>> No.26563065

Why don't whales simple pump it more? You get a x10, not counting the swinging, and don't prop up the shit?

>> No.26563124
Quoted by: >>26563167

how long we bleeding out for
this is retarded
could be time to cut this loser

>> No.26563167

Zoom out, we're only getting started, look at Cardano (ADA) , same shit happened after 1 month now it's a top 5 coin

>> No.26563197

pinky promise?

>> No.26563234
Quoted by: >>26563265

well i bought 2000$ worth when it was at 0.00072
so i'm one of the guys that got "dumped" on but the project hasn't even started yet so i'll see what happens, it will go up feb 27th for sure though because of the xDai migration. Can always dump it then and go in another defi coin. but i'm in the bao discord and it seems legit.

>> No.26563265

>xDai migration
How big a thing is this really?

I got in at about the current price, could leave this mess going even.

>> No.26563299
Quoted by: >>26563359

I just sold, it will go back up now

>> No.26563359
File: 9 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26563369
File: 42 KB, 340x475, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26569378

He is staking bao-eth tokens in an equal amount to provide liquidity to decentralized markets, right now you can make a large APY if you get in this year. You are vested for 5 years on the rewards, you can unstake your original tokens when you want. Go to the discord channel and look in the help section

>> No.26563418
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, baolieveinyourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26563487

if you're not already locked in and farming like it's going out of style, I dunno what to tell you, bud. this isn't one to try to flip for a quick profit. in fact, the fee system is designed to explicitly bring that point home. ngmi

>> No.26563463
File: 635 KB, 950x633, 1611227265698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26570166

moon time

>> No.26563487

How the fuck is a Bao ever going to reach 1 cent with people farming literally hundreds of thousands BAO each day?

>> No.26563735

from the docs:

"When a user earns tokens 95% of that token balance is locked on to a 3 year vesting cycle that is 1 year delayed.

This means a user will receive 5% of the earned bao upfront, then starting one year later they will receive the remaining 95% of bao evenly distributed day-by-day for 3 years.
While the initial earning phase of bao is expected to only cover a two-year time frame, it will take 5-year before all token have made it to circulation."

Any $BAO that gets to market will get bought up by newcomers looking to stake and farm on new/profitable baskets, or by oldies looking to compound their gains. Also, as the ecosystem expands, everyone has incentive to hold so as to keep the DAO democratized. Remember that farming fees go to the treasury - so, there's a lot at stake if the price dips/loads of $BAO gets liquidated.

I'm out for the night, keep up the good fight baochadz.

>> No.26563801
Quoted by: >>26563846

Bao is going to be locked up in synthetic assets, like proof of stake in a way and will give you a return % if you bother to farm, not all tokens will ever be available at one time. This isn't the only coin that does this but check their faq section on the website

>> No.26563846
Quoted by: >>26563945

Does that make a coin retarded or am i retarded

>> No.26563849

Will crab for a while its time to accumulate,

>> No.26563945

Point is, ppl on biz thought chainlink was a retarded meme several years ago. This could be retarded too, wait a week for prices to crash to normal and buy in if you have extra cash. Only spend what you can afford to lose anon

>> No.26564121
Quoted by: >>26565391

It's dead. Don't go down for a cute snack, coomers.

>> No.26564473

Bao will be burned to create synthetic assets
Farming rewards will taper off and stop completely in 2 years

>> No.26565391
Quoted by: >>26565529

hah. you are just saying this to buy the dip before feb 27th

>> No.26565529

How much will it go up by tho

>> No.26565764


It may pump a lot from there but nobody knows for sure you fucking dickead

>> No.26565804
File: 118 KB, 1239x1414, DE1A3C1F-1824-4E3C-AFB4-D2C4F40762B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thing needs to hit 1c so I can cash out my entire 12M stack.

>> No.26565829
Quoted by: >>26566017

my guess is it will go up to 0.001 or 0.002, those who bought at 0.0007 will sell then, and it will probably stay at around 0.008 or 0.009

if i had more money i'd buy now but i'm already knee deep

>> No.26565834
Quoted by: >>26565917

fucking thank you biz for revealing this coin to me this was my first really big gain from crypto and now im providing liquidity and farming and holy shit im finally not going to be a poor

>> No.26565917
Quoted by: >>26566094

i wish i bought at 0.0002 but i was too much of a pussy

>> No.26566017

Its still going down for now, hopefully you can make some profits and convert soon

>> No.26566094

dude just hold ETH and LINK or something in as an LP pair and farm it. you will need enough to start out, otherwise gas will make it not worth it. maybe you can wait for the L2 stuff also

>> No.26566548

>performing worse than fucking rbpajeet

>> No.26566651
Quoted by: >>26567288

Bao is designed to fuck moonbois

>> No.26566947
Quoted by: >>26567288

this is exactly what Bao was meant to do
you were retarded for trying to moon it
Bao is where it's supposed to be

>> No.26567243

Kraken listing when?

>> No.26567288


>> No.26567308

Coin is dead

>> No.26567358
File: 62 KB, 1092x578, E9891ED6-C0CD-4695-9EDB-5B6350695B20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farming 2 million Bao/day see you chads on the moon. This will 100x easily.

>> No.26567625
File: 11 KB, 336x437, DTg3_uIX4AA_FQu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this piece of shit doing anything! MOVE ALREADY, UP OR DOWN I DON'T CARE JUST DO SOMETHING!1!!!!1!!

>> No.26568225
Quoted by: >>26569945

I dumped it, see you at .0004

>> No.26568254
File: 53 KB, 330x736, BernieBao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26569261

>Look mom I posted something from my phone and computer 10 minutes apart
Nocoiners are pathetic

>> No.26569082
Quoted by: >>26569250

I need some advice. Now that it dumped, is there still a chance for this to moon again or is it gonna crab for months now?

>> No.26569138

Oh right this shit is for staking. How's the profit when there isn't any drastic movements? Still 95% locked for 3 years sounds shitty

>> No.26569250

>Now that it dumped
the dumping hasn't even begun yet, dude, it was a pump and dump, look at the price agian, it is going to .00001

>> No.26569261
File: 7 KB, 385x385, 1607734302909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26570475

Are you retarded

>> No.26569325

you're supposed to buy it before it goes up anon, not before it goes down.

>> No.26569378

Yep, that sounds too complicated for an idiot like me.

>> No.26569391

$50 gas fees to stake is certainly a nice meme

>> No.26569706
Quoted by: >>26569882

strong hands buy more and enjoy the profit

>> No.26569792

Rbc dump wasn’t as bad as this.sell you fools

>> No.26569882

This, time to double down

>> No.26569934

is this going to continue or what? I feel like the names/coins tied to this are going to keep it thriving. Wasnt on biz yesterday to see market sentiment

>> No.26569945
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x900, 1611593442716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sells fucking everything
>buys 10 months before the project starts
>doomps at the slightest hint of a correction


>> No.26569995
Quoted by: >>26570124

I have 1M BAO. Can a kind anon pls advise whats the best thing to do with it. I've been hodling since buying.

>> No.26570048


>> No.26570124
Quoted by: >>26570201

Buy another 1m this dip

>> No.26570166

Sorry guys it didn't work, glad I sold though

>> No.26570201

but fast, next pump is coming

>> No.26570475

Have you done anything to add to the conversation at all other than FUD and call names?

>> No.26570649
Quoted by: >>26570724

Idk, I'll get some, seems worth taking a risk on a 40% dump. Even if I lose 20-40% wouldn't care. Up to you lads.

>> No.26570724
Quoted by: >>26570833


I wouldn't do it just yet, this isn't coming back strong for a while. I imagine it will get to 40, then continue slowly down for the next month or so eventually setting at 20 before doing anything again.

I still think this is a legitimate project, it just got a lot of attention way to early.

>> No.26570833
Quoted by: >>26571380

You may be right. A correction was bound, sold 70% at 0.00089 with ease, signs were obvious. Bought half of that right now and I have no problem bao dumping more.

>> No.26570976
File: 85 KB, 1079x377, Screenshot_20210126-061800_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26571014

My swap txn is stuck, fucks sake.

>> No.26571014
Quoted by: >>26571833

Fix it by sending yourself with higher gas and same nonce.

>> No.26571380

my buy in price was 0.000075
I sold at 0.00085
bought again at 0.0005
swingies don't get the rope lmao

>> No.26571833

Thanks fixed it. If bao dumps back to .00025 I can unstake with no IL so I'm fine with it dumping a bit more for now lol.