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26128743 No.26128743 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid startup ideas edition


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Suggested books:


>Weekly /smg/ update
Full playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3s0W8G-F7AdlU964_8WLh1YsCtQJ4lP1

>Links for (You)


>> No.26128790

If this post is anything but dubs we crash hard this week

>> No.26128845

I want to start contributing to a traditional ira. What are your recommendations?

>> No.26128907

>Roth IRA
Seriously NGMI

>> No.26128909
Quoted by: >>26130801

First for mommy Cathy carrying my SRAC all the way to the moon on her angel wings.

>> No.26128953
File: 154 KB, 643x720, 1604956392481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only crash we'll experience is crashing upwards

>> No.26128956

Why? Which IRA is best

>> No.26129025
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1415, 2-469d2eebbe6d1158975d40b3c81799087908ed0cc6b71ca31a64624293e03d8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else holding amd still?

>> No.26129064

>3% rate of daily inflation


>> No.26129065
File: 90 KB, 1280x1280, 1610855001876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26129181

PLTR will moon so hard in the near future

>> No.26129169

How do I find out which shills are right calling another moon mission and which are dead wrong?

>> No.26129181
File: 160 KB, 331x10000, 1609724067700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.26129208 [DELETED] 

Physic energy

>> No.26129256

Has google become so synonymous with life that retards forget to actually use it for its purpose

>> No.26129368

That guy called Anonymous is legit

>> No.26129371
Quoted by: >>26129409

Definitely go for Roth man

>> No.26129391

by verifying the shit yourself

>> No.26129409
Quoted by: >>26129623

The draw of a traditional for me is that it decreases my taxable income.

>> No.26129426

Anons, please suggest me the best small cap and mid cap ETFs.

>> No.26129451
File: 357 KB, 1080x1331, 1599673798079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131841

I only buy stuff if the poster uses an anime girl pick

>> No.26129464

Been bullying /pol/shits for months now but its no fun when they are all one-upping each other in schizophrenia.
Dubs and the Fed and Tether (Digital Fed) Printers go into MAXIMUM OVERPRINTING

>> No.26129467

>not swing trading with your roth IRA for tax free gains for your future boomer self
Seriously nigger?

>> No.26129478
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Quoted by: >>26129670


>> No.26129491
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>> No.26129563
File: 361 KB, 480x360, 123EE2F8-D730-4FAB-A0B2-CAC1302277AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26129605

Haha yes goyim, you sure showed me. Retiring before you’re 65 is impossible, don’t even try. Wage every day so you can buy the finest casket in your golden years

>> No.26129564
File: 62 KB, 700x693, Ben O'Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, the ira or some other anti money laundering agency will be alerted
>the ira
Aye, you have to watch out for them, laddie.

>> No.26129581 [DELETED] 


>> No.26129588

Dubs and BB moons this week

>> No.26129596
File: 63 KB, 619x279, tax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takes a bit to get approved for it on TDA. I got approved for full options recently and plan on applying for it next.
>How so?
Pic related + no wash rule.
>What are you talking about here?
IIRC SSO/SPXL had a 1% expense ratio though an option strategy avoids that.

>> No.26129605

You're fucking retarded if that's what you took from my post. Less than 50 IQ

>> No.26129623

Tax rates are at historic lows. Don't fuck your future self over.

>> No.26129629
File: 32 KB, 657x527, noggin_mcjoggin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my best plays have been from forming a thesis, surrounding myself with smart people, and holding long term until the thesis plays out. All my worst plays have been from poorly formed trade ideas, or selling too early. Selling out of a stock before the thesis has played out has burned me a couple times (haha I sold NET at $40 oof).

Is this what learning feels like?

>> No.26129641
Quoted by: >>26129695

Checked I’ll buy calls Tuesday

>> No.26129652
Quoted by: >>26130150

If any of you guys want instant millions buy OTC calls for TSNP @ .30 x 1/21. Big investor call on the 22nd and on the previous investor call sp hit .32 with a floor around .08 now the floor is .18 and sp will likely hit .40 or higher. I also expect FORW to have similar action and hit .2 by the 21st and it's ~.09 right now.

>> No.26129670

Thanks but I meant moreso ones that aren't for any specific sector

>> No.26129695
Quoted by: >>26129866

Too late, it trades on the tsx tomorrow.

>> No.26129696

>Have you looked into futures?
No, but I really want to.
I obviously can’t do that shit on RH. What’s a good platform? I’m really interested.
>better tax treatment
I was not aware of that. How so?
I’m really not looking forward to the government taking fucking HALF of my gains from 2020.
>no expense ratio nonsense.
What are you talking about here? Are you referring to those risk ratios for margin calls?
I don’t use margin, and plan to avoid ever using it because of margin calls, but I have seriously considered personal loans if I can find a sufficiently solid backtested strategy.

>> No.26129733 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 43B59C8C-048A-405E-8FC0-CF03FBF688D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roth ira

>> No.26129742


>> No.26129744

Checked and holding 1000 shares at $7 already thanks to an early bb shill

>> No.26129763
File: 179 KB, 1600x1200, 1596039947881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26129764

Is it too late to make gains on BB? I bought a condo preconstruction and it's closing in October. I'm thinking of yoloing a month's pay in BB for the downpayment.

>> No.26129776
File: 110 KB, 340x244, srac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for SRAC

>> No.26129788
File: 83 KB, 862x575, JoeBidenAdmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best stocks to buy with America likely to raise their unemployment benefits? Also ones that will likely do well with a united democratic gov?
Are weapon companies a safe bet with America likely to get into another war?

>> No.26129802


>> No.26129811
File: 27 KB, 456x810, 1595416849551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26129870

>put 6k/year into roth IRA, trade as many times as you like, tax-free
>put the rest into your regular brokerage account
>"noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you have to pay taxes on every single trade you make until you're 60!"

>> No.26129825
File: 60 KB, 860x513, E93B883D-0B6D-4C6B-B69C-49CAFC648C6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m saving my future self from taxes

>> No.26129840


>> No.26129857

Short McDonalds

>> No.26129866
Quoted by: >>26129956

It may be your stock leafbro, but Americans will make it soar

>> No.26129870
Quoted by: >>26129890

don't you get tax-free longterm capital gains? That sounds very lucrative, much more than a retirement fund that you can't use until you're dying

>> No.26129890
Quoted by: >>26130267

>holding shit for a year

>> No.26129920

Why are retards actually shilling against Roth IRAs?

>> No.26129931

because they're retards

>> No.26129947

My theory is ARKQ

>> No.26129951

Holy shit dude.
That looks much worse for taxes, am I wrong?
>can’t write off my losses
>higher long term and short term capital gains

>> No.26129956
Quoted by: >>26130222

Speaking of leafstox to trade on Kang day,
>sell BITF
>buy MAXR

>> No.26129959
Quoted by: >>26130056

They're being ironic and think they're funny (they're not)

>> No.26129991

So who offers a good Roth IRA? I’m looking at e*trade

>> No.26130052

>can easily avoid taxes holding long term, obviating the “benefit” of a Roth IRA
>insists that you put you money into an account you can’t use until you have a foot in the grave instead

>> No.26130056 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 600x800, 2824B884-E7B5-4AFC-A467-96DA2CC589C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're being ironic and think they're funny (they're not)

>> No.26130073

Why is BB being shilled? Someone please give me a QRD

>> No.26130077
Quoted by: >>26130148

They’re adhd zoomers with no long term horizon who’ll wish they had one when they hit 60 and don’t have dick to show for it

>> No.26130105
Quoted by: >>26130474

Because this isn't the 40 year plan normie. It's 5 years or bust.

>> No.26130143

People are hungry to invest in tech stocks and BB is an obvious undervalued play.

>> No.26130144

Legit do we max out ira contributions at start of year or no?

>> No.26130148 [DELETED] 
File: 458 KB, 932x1020, E055E790-2CDE-41D1-8C49-4B945138355F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re adhd zoomers with no long term horizon who’ll wish they had one when they hit 60 and don’t have dick to show for it

>> No.26130150
Quoted by: >>26130337

>buy calls for TSNP
I'm on 3 brokerages and none of them have options for that

>> No.26130157
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 81C1F500-7D3F-459C-B685-B84C82F97D85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26130478


For the foreigners any easy summery of how government US saving accounts work?

Curios how the compare to a TSFA and rrsp.

>> No.26130161
Quoted by: >>26130456

You're essentially forced to roll over contracts every 3 months due to how futures work anyway, so it just cuts some of the taxes out.
If you held the leveraged ETF for the whole year period to reach long term status you'd pay less upon realization, but I'd assume within the course of a year there's some point where it'd make sense to take profits making the gains short term regardless. You're correct if you just hold forever it'd be worse than futures though.

The wash rule exemption essentially means that if you realize a losing trade and get back in within 30 days, the realized losses aren't negated like in equities - they persist for writeoffs.

>> No.26130168
Quoted by: >>26130208

U really want to get my ass blown out by black cock. Btw anyone watch Black Sails? On episode 3 and it makes me wanna cum

>> No.26130187 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 555x631, 7834FB91-4F31-4B6D-A257-2CAAC5ABB56C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26130246

>>They're being ironic and think they're funny (they're not)

>> No.26130194

since gamestop is mooning we've decided it must be 2007 again so everyone is piling into nokia, blackberry, and subprime MBS

>> No.26130205
File: 57 KB, 736x1012, 1601018822424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom ntr
dude... stop

>> No.26130208
Quoted by: >>26130247

Tv watching is no bueno, speed up the video 1,5x

>> No.26130222
Quoted by: >>26130278

Why are you done with BITF?

>> No.26130223
File: 28 KB, 366x412, 1594012705974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more ducks pls

>> No.26130231 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 584x666, 87C92617-9190-4349-A153-C0A111E599C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26130246

>>They’re adhd zoomers with no long term horizon who’ll wish they had one when they hit 60 and don’t have dick to show for it

>> No.26130243

okay we get it, you're a retard

>> No.26130246
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>> No.26130247

Tf else am i gonna do with my free time? I read the wntire aeneid today and hit new gym prs

>> No.26130261

>10k GOOG
>10k MSFT
>10k RYCEY (RR actually, fuck mutts)
Rate my portfolio

>> No.26130267

not holding was what screwed kpop fag

>> No.26130269

There was a small pump on Thursday which renewed interest. Turns out they're making plays. Their trade volume has massively increased as well. If Friday and nigger day weekend and the presidential distraction weren't a factor, BB would've blown up on Friday. My dubs have determined that this week it will however, so buy cheap on Tuesday or miss out

>> No.26130273

someone redpill me on dorel industries ($DIIBF)

>> No.26130278

this bitcoin flag could resolve up or down and if it resolves downwards all the miners will eat shit

>> No.26130305

guys how do you deal with banks blocking large transfers of money under "fraud protection"

been on call over 1 hour with my bank trying to release my funds i was transferring over $2K

>> No.26130314

Should probably go with Roth, the money you make while trading won't ne taxed

>> No.26130315

>Why are retards actually shilling against Roth IRAs?

>> No.26130318
Quoted by: >>26130593

You don’t reply to whoever you’re soijacking newfag go shit in your hat

>> No.26130320
Quoted by: >>26130498

It looks like it's 60% of the current short rate and 40% of the long rate.

>> No.26130337

Lol then the post wasn't for you ;)

>> No.26130350

>10k GOOG
You have 17.4m in Google, you shouldn't give a shit.

>> No.26130356

Whatever broker you usually use (TDAmeritrade, Schwab, Fidelity, whatever) should offer Roth IRAs as well.


>> No.26130384
Quoted by: >>26130421

Does anyone have some kind of estimate of how high RIOT or MARA would be if BTC hit 60k?

>> No.26130407

How will the market be Tuesday? I have 3 SPY puts for the 22nd that are up 100% but i don't want people to have a bad day. I just bought them to hedge

>> No.26130421 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26130470

It’s not don’t be an idiot

>> No.26130456

I’ll look into this more.
I’m very interested in getting higher leverage for the types of strategies I want to do with Kelly criterion mixed with DCA/dip buying.
Thanks for referring me to TDA for a nice platform for futures trading.

>> No.26130468

Stocks or value?

>> No.26130470
Quoted by: >>26130564

I don't see why it wouldn't though.

>> No.26130474
Quoted by: >>26130568

>YOLO LEAPS in your Roth on the next TSLA at age 25
>Make 10 million
>Pay $0 in taxes after closing positions
>Assuming you want $100k of play money for some reason
>Withdraw ~$167k so you have ~$100k after taxes and penalties (I just assumed an effective tax rate of 30% and a 10% penalty)
>Still come out ahead compared to paying $3 million in taxes if it wasn't in a Roth
>Let the rest ride in VTI or something until you're 60
>Withdraw a little more whenever you need money

>> No.26130477

>we crash hard this week
Tuesday/Wednesday is going to be awash in red numbers as the inauguration will be looming and Wall Street hates uncertainty
I'm trying to find some good put options for the next 2 weeks

>> No.26130478
Quoted by: >>26131100

Generally speaking, TSFA = Roth IRA (post-tax funds, run by the individual). RRSP = 401k (pre-tax funds, offered through employer). You guys don't really have traditional IRAs.

As always, Investopedia can answer pretty much any questions beyond that: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/401k.asp

>> No.26130498

>It looks like it's 60% of the current short rate and 40% of the long rate
Ooooohhh. I see. Thank you so much for clarifying.

>> No.26130512
Quoted by: >>26130646

I'm thinking about Twitter puts, fuck'em

>> No.26130520

US law on drone delivery is looking good this year, any idea who to invest

>> No.26130540
Quoted by: >>26130646

>I'm trying to find some good put options for the next 2 weeks
ABNB will be the go to puts for me when it starts

>> No.26130542
File: 65 KB, 720x834, 1603987807568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is UUUU a good long term play or is it just a swing stock?

>> No.26130564
Quoted by: >>26130637

The fed now runs the US treasury. Crypto is going away in 2-3 years because of “terrorism”

>> No.26130568
File: 38 KB, 410x598, Based Department Gigachad Calling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YOLO LEAPS in your Roth on the next TSLA at age 25
>Make 10 million

>> No.26130592

Who would make them, parts/accessories(ie batteries) and Amazon

>> No.26130593
File: 183 KB, 1300x955, 76C4EC3C-7DC2-4C0C-9D50-AB7C0BC3B845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26130712

I do not know you, but I know from this post you are a toxic lonely POOR piece of garbage! So absolutely Shitty I wonder if you are a made up person from the Russians, here to try to teach me humanity is a failed experiment and that I should hate my neighbour and Balkanize. Pic related, fuck fags like you.

>> No.26130602


>> No.26130633
Quoted by: >>26130691


>> No.26130637

>The fed now runs the US treasury. Crypto is going away in 2-3 years because of “terrorism”

I don't think anyone is buying that terrorism story after it was revealed the bitcoin donations were from a young french guy with terminal cancer who committed suicide and donated his bitcoins to a few podcasters on the right because the french guy thought they were the only ones fighting for western civilization.

>> No.26130646
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, people are getting really fed up with them, and without Trump on the platform their numbers will stagnate
That's another good one in my opinion.
It hasn't moved much since their IPO and if Biden does a 6-week nationwide lockdown like he's hinted at, they're going to fall even further.

Cheers, anons.

>> No.26130669
File: 831 KB, 976x1141, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ schizo: hurr durr this week will be red, trust me bro, da joos
normal person: hurr durr this week will be red, change scary
high IQ: red or green doesn't matter, buy low sell high, number go down, number go up

>> No.26130681
Quoted by: >>26131581

You wildly underestimate retarded boomers and media slave commies. They still think the riots in june were white supremecists.

>> No.26130691

>Chad Russell 2000 winning again
How does Russell keep doing it?

>> No.26130693

ANyone still in on BNGO? How far will this thing go? long term hold?

>> No.26130708
File: 262 KB, 1079x682, Screenshot_20210117-120506_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131776

galaxy brain IQ: Cohen tweeted a peanut so GME goes up, I'm overweight on GME so my account will go up

>> No.26130712

I appreciate your thoughts

>> No.26130715
Quoted by: >>26130977

He looks likes he is slightly retarded, what awkward features

>> No.26130720

Mid-cap gems

>> No.26130723
File: 176 KB, 611x674, mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fidelity or TD Ameritrade?

>> No.26130737
File: 246 KB, 1032x1115, Screenshot_20210117_174241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit from this ? I'm a leaf. Non pajeet.

>> No.26130750

Are stocks racist? They should be going up now that Democrats are in charge and will give us free shit and tomorrow is MLK Day. I'd like to speak to the CEO of racism.

>> No.26130763

They should ignore the dipshit.

>> No.26130786
File: 482 KB, 2100x1413, Jack Motherfucking Bogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26130856


>> No.26130790
Quoted by: >>26130853

Invest in bershire, the oil is still coming out of the ground they just want it on trains their donors own

>> No.26130797
Quoted by: >>26131077

buy JMIA

>> No.26130798
File: 145 KB, 1600x1598, MBagsF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26130801
File: 114 KB, 1226x1488, 39829860-412F-4E4A-A971-678D1435C328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love mommy cathie, she treats me very well

>> No.26130849

It's priced in, pipeline issues are a tale as old as time, especially Keystone XL

>> No.26130853
Quoted by: >>26131838


>> No.26130859

Oy vey! We even named the company Blackrock and the goyim still think we're racist!
Remind them of the 8 million, Noah.

>> No.26130856
Quoted by: >>26130914

The worst broker for options by a mile.

>> No.26130862

Overbought piece of shit half of those companies are eprbablu bankrupt I hope it. Rashes to hell soon

>> No.26130880

Unironically invest in oil and natural gas

This will decrease supply and decrease access to the Bakken shale formation which will increase prices. Look at companies that can move their product domestically and major ports.

Devon, Exxon etc are good bets.

>> No.26130914

lol so true

>> No.26130930
File: 58 KB, 780x690, 1586634606905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131920


>> No.26130966
File: 26 KB, 748x354, C59DDA08-210D-4E45-8343-E5A4C1B1B632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I buy

>> No.26130977
Quoted by: >>26131026

Cope Trumplet, he's your PRESIDENT now.

>> No.26130980

Unless you're a filthy NEET or a degenerate gambler, traditional IRAs are better. I make 90k a year, so by maxing out my traditional 401k I'm saving like $4500 every year. All my investments are for long term gains, so the benefit of a Roth doesn't really help me that much. Plus, it's way easier to pull money out early from a traditional IRA without a penalty, whereas penalties are basically guaranteed if you want to pull gains out of a Roth early.

>> No.26130998

Scroll up you faggot retard. I just aksed this 3 minutes ago

>> No.26131026
File: 1.69 MB, 178x120, BAF5D9C2-F251-42AC-9D5A-1180AE89C55F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26131034

>I make 90k a year
Why would you broadcast being poor on an anonymous imageboard? Do you want pity?

>> No.26131052

>it's way easier to pull money out early from a traditional IRA without a penalty, whereas penalties are basically guaranteed if you want to pull gains out of a Roth early.
I haven’t heard this before

>> No.26131055
Quoted by: >>26131097

If BB is down im gonna buy another 60 shares to reduce my average as I bought 40 shares at 10.99 last week and then sell covered calls and put premiums into leaps

>> No.26131077
Quoted by: >>26131089

Have you seen the price action on that bullshit? I too want to pick it up but it needs to correct a bit, anon.

>> No.26131079
File: 20 KB, 400x389, why-not-both (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you're a filthy NEET or a degenerate gambler

>> No.26131089
Quoted by: >>26131143

buy a put

>> No.26131097

We get to watch it on the leaf exchange tomorrow too

>> No.26131100
Quoted by: >>26131280

Thanks! So why would anyone here mock Roth IRA?

>> No.26131122

We all start somewhere don’t be rude. He probably has to skip dinner several nights a week the last thing he needs is our criticism

>> No.26131134

Leaf here, are there penalties when you withdraw from Roth IRAs? We don't have any penalties for withdrawing from TFSA, you just temporarily lose contribution room but get it back the following year.

>> No.26131143
File: 22 KB, 521x589, 1591361578071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell a put*

>> No.26131206
File: 1.33 MB, 1360x633, sn7.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131295

I'm putting more than half of my money into space companies because I think Starship will revolutionize space travel in the way the passenger jet revolutionized air travel or the Bessemer process revolutionized steel making

Meanwhile in Elon's Junkyard and Rocket Emporium...

>> No.26131216
File: 46 KB, 650x365, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131276

>Intel earnings report this week
Where's it going bros?

>> No.26131220

Yeah I have 66 grand of lifetime contribution room to use of which I've just started saving so I've used about 6 grand so far but the beauty is any profits you generate on the original 66 grand are tax free no matter what the gains are

>> No.26131241
Quoted by: >>26131332

What is the play this week? UVXY?

>> No.26131248
File: 148 KB, 523x4409, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will lie on his death bed as an old man and wish he had gambled and made it instead of being satisfied with slavery.

>> No.26131276
File: 205 KB, 510x405, v12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to $50/share

>> No.26131280
Quoted by: >>26131378

Because it's commonly talked about (hence a great target for mockery) and, in certain ways, worse/a tradeoff against traditional IRAs.

>>26130980 is kind of correct on a couple points but generally the decision of Roth vs. Traditional has to do with what kind of income you expect to pull from the accounts in retirement and your personal forecast of US tax rates and government policy. Not to mention your current income and ability to save.

>> No.26131287

>90k a year
You guys are totally disconnected from reality

>> No.26131295
File: 289 KB, 2184x1144, Raptor_SN20_tractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep here comes the rocket engine beep beep

>> No.26131332

I wouldn't be looking for a noticeable spike on the VIX for 3-5 weeks. More likely we crab or bleed off a little until FAANG earnings.

>> No.26131376

Your worldview is normal, normal as in average. The reality you are connected to is the reality of the slave. The wageslave who works their entire life for a pittance, who has to pinch pennies and cannot afford luxuries. You live in a harsh reality, but you cannot let yourself look at the whole picture. You avoid the deeper truth, the reality that you are a slave, you were born a slave, and you will die a slave. You are just another of the cattle, you exist to feed your masters. Shut up and get ready for work on Tuesday.

>> No.26131378
Quoted by: >>26131520

I'm in the top 5% in income for my age, so I'm pretty okay where I'm at.

Yeah, it's a little bit annoying with a time delay. You can convert (fully or partially) a traditional IRA to a Roth, paying taxes on amount converted, and then 5 years later you can pull the money converted out of the Roth penalty free.

You can pull out the contributions to a Roth penalty free, but any gains suffer penalties if pulled out before the age requirement. Doesn't matter much if you contributed and withdrew in a short timespan, but over a long enough time period the gains will outweight contributions so it's annoying to have to pay penalties on them.

Yeah, your top marginal tax rate now vs your expected top marginal tax rate in retirement is the main thing. I expect to retire on $40k a year in a comfy third world country, so traditional is a no brainer for me.

>> No.26131399
Quoted by: >>26131561

The median /biz/raeli is like a 30 year old White, Jewish, or Asian male. Earning less than, say, 75k is underperforming.

Remember, those overhyped benchmark stats like "omg half of Americans don't have $400!" include a lot of women, latinos, and blacks.

>> No.26131420
File: 62 KB, 800x535, 1610674095242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who SalmonChad?

>> No.26131452
Quoted by: >>26131515

>a literal fishmonger

>> No.26131455

>I'd like to speak to the CEO of racism.
Hello? You called?
>Are stocks racist?
Yes. Just look at SHE and NACP compared to SPY.
>They should be going up now that Democrats are in charge
Ah. I see what the issue is. You're retarded, anon.

>> No.26131461
File: 349 KB, 604x460, salmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26131466

Tell me about it, man. I mean, I make 19k in a good year and these twats are calling some guy who makes 90k a year poor.

>> No.26131489
File: 10 KB, 225x225, bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for this tech to be perfected so I can play god with my children's genes.
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't just play god and give your children an unfair advantage by making them physically and mentally superior to all other humans

>> No.26131499
File: 1008 KB, 1280x720, 1610769582418.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26131512
Quoted by: >>26131594

So glad I'm a neet.

>> No.26131515
File: 1.39 MB, 498x284, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131740

50 a share

>> No.26131517
Quoted by: >>26131740

How fucked would things be if they became the next Asian Carp?

>> No.26131520

>traditional is a no brainer for me.
Exactly, I'm far more bearish on current tax policy remaining so lenient (as well as "$40k" not being inflated to hell and back) so I lean much more toward Roth. Still balanced out by my 401k being traditional though.

Also you should look up Rule 72t/SEPP withdrawals. tl;dr There is the 59 1/2 age limit for IRAs isn't set in stone.

>> No.26131537
File: 3.34 MB, 450x506, i feel fine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131644

Do you know why it upsets you? It's because deep down you understand that you're inferior. You understand that life IS fair, and that you're poor because you're subhuman. You are exactly where you deserve to be.

>> No.26131548
File: 35 KB, 640x640, 1588841365388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131618


>> No.26131558

yeah i've got 400 shares averaged down to somewhere in the 92's. im not worried, it'll likely pump to 100 and beyond over the next 2 weeks on the rally into earnings. lisa su is still the CEO and graphics cards are completely sold out everywhere, im really not worried. i own 200 shares of AAPL as well that i bought on friday, same deal im not worried, even if it for whatever reason goes down or (more likely) crabs for awhile under the 200 hour MA. nothing can stop the eternal march of technological progress.

>> No.26131561

>word salad
Yea, I'm aware, otherwise I wouldn't be buying 0DTE calls on moonshot penny stocks and treating bitcoin like a retirement account
>Implying people have tomorrow off work
Further proving your disconnection.

Are your stats controlled for COL? 90k where I'm at is upper management tier pay

>> No.26131569
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>> No.26131581

But retarded boomers and slave commies aren't the ones buying bitcoin, so the false terrorist narrative means nothing.

>> No.26131594

Being a NEET is just being part of the upper class of slavery. You're a slave just like the wagies except you get some minimal amounts of freedom by not having to work. Ultimately though you still lack the power and self-determination to conserve your status, and you will have it taken away from you and be made to grovel.

>> No.26131597
File: 81 KB, 563x563, C6F6B7D4-A465-48A2-9999-EC715A44AB97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26131771

Bros I need help, I want to invest in oil but I can’t find anything that looks promising other than BP. Anyone know about oil ETF’s like UCO?

>> No.26131618

>flushes your duck

>> No.26131620

>Further proving your disconnection.
Okay I admit it. I have no idea what it's like to be poor. My parents made 6 figures their first jobs out of college, I've never worked a day in my life and never will. I'm an unrepentant rich jew, sorry goy. No mercy.

>> No.26131627

There's really no excuse for that anon. At worst you could learn to swing a hammer or terminate cat5 cables and pull in an easy 40k starting

>> No.26131628
Quoted by: >>26132057

>Are your stats controlled for COL?
Stats? For the business and finance subforum of a Kyrgyz wheat farming board?

I'm just saying where you'd likely end up after 8 years of post-bachelors wageslaving in tech or finance or something equally autistic. In America obviously (sorry Europoors).

>> No.26131640
File: 173 KB, 512x422, 1609194902766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make incredibly brash YOLO plays on my paper wallet without putting any thought into it
>easily 2x or 3x my money
>carefully analyze charts, take into account FA on my real account
>lose money or crab at best
Is the secret to stocks to be as dumb as fuck?

>> No.26131644
Quoted by: >>26131760

Lmao. Nice projecting. I could easily make more money but living like I am is just how I like it. I'm not beholden to anyone or anything. Living in poverty has made me a more virtuous man.

>> No.26131645

>Stupid startup ideas edition
trading app with free stock incentive.

PLTR rocket to the moon
new gov't contacts gonna keep comin
waiting for my rocket to come

>> No.26131678

what does SMG think about BABA, looking at 260 calls for june

>> No.26131691

$0 EOY

>> No.26131717
Quoted by: >>26131834

I'm looking at 254 pt eow, June260s should be money

>> No.26131731
Quoted by: >>26131759

are you fucking retarded

>> No.26131732

Tuesday and Wednesday are gonna be bloodbaths arent they

>> No.26131740


Don't forget to take into account that they will need to build the facility, pay for energy, buy feed, clean tanks, process fish, etc.

Does the size offset what mother nature provides for free. I would suspect raising Salmon in the open water is much less financially intensive.

>> No.26131756
File: 31 KB, 610x584, 1609878021597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26131759

Oh look, it's a tranny. Can you understand my words, can you read english Xir?

>> No.26131760

The only law of investing is buy low and sell high

>> No.26131768

Do you want to be naked on the street when you're old? Do you think the dollar amount of your definition of "making it" will carry you until you're dead?

>> No.26131771
Quoted by: >>26132021

Just invest in oil futures since those have to move first. BNO or USO. Don't fall into the oil midwit trap of "BUY AND HODL" oil companies.
If oil futures don't break $60, the secular pressure on those oil companies will be downward.

>> No.26131776


>> No.26131775
Quoted by: >>26131847

this is just such an odd LARP

>> No.26131780


>> No.26131789
File: 278 KB, 1065x1479, A5228B3B-FFD0-4553-864A-BBF98F053FF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biased but trueish. Farmed has much more omega 3 then wild (though competitively shit on the 3 to 6 ratio still way ahead of normal food or the average diet), I dispute the toxins outright, one piece of misinformation. Way better for the enviroment and again even with the shit ratio better for people to eat then anything else but wild salmon. Most exciting part is this eat the bug memes. The bugs aren’t for us, they are for the fish farms, and they change the farmed to healthier then wild when done right. I hear you, but know this Frankenstein fish CAN be done right.

>> No.26131802
Quoted by: >>26132161

Not for clf

>> No.26131811
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a smart goy, you will make it.

>> No.26131834

good shit going to move in tuesday

>> No.26131838
Quoted by: >>26133471

Bershire hathoway which owns santa fe which does most of the oil rail transport up north

>> No.26131841
File: 134 KB, 850x850, __aqua_and_satou_kazuma_kono_subarashii_sekai_ni_shukufuku_wo_and_1_more_drawn_by_shirosato__sample-7b69b8e922254701f85b51e86925b51d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy INTC. :)

>> No.26131847
Quoted by: >>26132025

Don't (You) me /pol/ schizo. You can't even tell that this is going to be the greenest week in the past 8 months, cringe.

>> No.26131853

Im sure that nuance wont be lost on CNN

>> No.26131870

If you think like everyone else you will be rewarded like everyone else. Else being high iq Wall Street types.

>> No.26131874

Do you expect to make zero capital gains? Why the fuck do you have a retirement if you're not going to make any gains

>> No.26131891

>tfw hold 10k in TC energy(owns key XL)

>> No.26131892

>buy low
there is a historically observed clusterization of ATHs (ATHs tend to follow other ATHs in short amount of time).

Buy high, sell higher.

>> No.26131899

The fidelity app is literal dog shit and bio-metric login works half the time, but it does the job. Just use robinhood to look at charts and setup alerts

>> No.26131907

Got 500k riding, I agree with all the analysts, 330 EOY.

>> No.26131920
File: 258 KB, 500x500, 1606866242898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides!!!

>> No.26131936

In photo with a different angle you can see this girl's hideous tattoo. It really ruins the atmosphere of the picture, although her breasts are still very nice.

>> No.26131937

Short NAK

>> No.26131963

i have a bridge to sell you

>> No.26131972

will spy ever do a stock split or will it eventually hit 4 figures?

>> No.26131974

Holy shit buddy I stack apples and tell people no dogs in the store and I make 30k

>> No.26131980
Quoted by: >>26132128


Do you know what they feed Talapia? Pig shit. Salmon is fed GMO onions and corn. Think about that? Basically filled with PUFA's that accumulate in the fat of the fish. It is better than a box of cookies but when compared to real food, it's shit.

I understand that it would be an improvement for the majority of Americans who get their sustenance from McDonald's and Taco Bell. But I would not feed this shit to my family under no circumstances.

>> No.26132018

News articles are claiming reddit made GME happen. Who came first on this one?

>> No.26132021

Well I believe oil imports are going to skyrocket while domestic oil is going to get destroyed over the next four years. I need to find foreign oil investments.

>> No.26132020


>> No.26132023
Quoted by: >>26132201

Self contracting datafags make a TON of money

>> No.26132025
Quoted by: >>26132056

There could be some uncertainty til trump is seen retired in florida though. Market could dump on riot fears though I guess it didn’t during the floyd riots

>> No.26132035
File: 103 KB, 640x799, 597723AA-7F98-4021-B6FE-CBF6F79B21E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26132179

Brown hair is the worst out of all options, and the amount of blush is gross, but perfect otherwise. Tattoos are hot! Definitely take her over pic related.

>> No.26132053
Quoted by: >>26132282

Based applestacker

>> No.26132056

Uncertainty is good. Volatility is good. Buy low, sell high.

>> No.26132057
Quoted by: >>26132154

>post-collegiate wageslaves with considerable experience in high pay fields
My entire argument is that you have to pick one because 75k is not "poor" and 90k definitely is not. Unless you're only considering NY and CA COL.

It's ok, I will join you soon enough. Should really work on that disconnection though, goyim tend to get a bit rebellious and revolutionary when their leaders have absolutely no idea what normal life is like
>lol, here's $600 for 8 months worth of expenses that ought to do it
>90k is poor
Both equally retarded takes

>> No.26132089

Good to hear. I can't believe the apple stacking business is doing that well. Sadly, I don't stack apples.

>> No.26132102
Quoted by: >>26132537

We did but they have more money, so they made it happened, caring what the (((media))) thinks is retarded though and we already have too many reddit niggers here so there's no need to draw more attention

>> No.26132105

it doesn't matter who came first, wsb was definitely the biggest contributor the momentum
seekingalpha shills or /smg/ is a drop in the bucket

>> No.26132128

>Salmon is fed GMO onions and corn

I don’t see the problem to the above? And again, the hope is to replace it with bugs. The tilapia farms are what I’m talking about in how we can do this wrong.

>> No.26132154
Quoted by: >>26132355

>Should really work on that disconnection though, goyim tend to get a bit rebellious and revolutionary when their leaders have absolutely no idea what normal life is like
Well looking up the numbers the average person in USA should be able to live frugally off $20k per year. Even if they only make $30k after taxes if they were intelligent they could turn that into millions easily. The only rational explanation is the average person is an idiot.

>> No.26132161
Quoted by: >>26132253

That's only because every day will be a bloodbath for CLF.

>> No.26132179
File: 99 KB, 727x1000, harvest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26132464

>Tattoos are hot!
This is objectively false though. Tattoos make a girl look trashy and skanky. With 100% honesty, tell me if you would rather choose some skank with a tattoo or pic related.

>> No.26132201

Need to have certs for that, which requires wageslaving for a few years

>> No.26132253

CLF will do fine, I don't think it'll drop below $5, my guess is it'll drop to $5 then rebound and crab between $5 and $6 until CLF goes bankrupt in 2022.

>> No.26132268
Quoted by: >>26132311

He never suggested that he thought 90k was a lot and only mentioned it matter-of-factly. But the fact you felt the need to make a seething response shows that you do in fact think it's a lot, despite trying to claim otherwise.

>> No.26132282

I genuinely enjoy it. I like doing stuff and people need food. It’s the only thing in my life I’ve ever actually been good at. The townsfolk tell me their worries and care about my advice. They invite me to feed their horses carrots and read stories to their kids. I’m too stupid to really make it but at least I can make do. And no college means no debt so I’m not beholden to them

>> No.26132310

Reminder; They found seriously fucked up shit inside Hot Pockets recently. Glass and plastic. Not a joke. Friday this came to light. If you bought Hot Pockets recently I'd toss that shit in the trash.

>> No.26132311
Quoted by: >>26132400

I'm only here to shitpost and make the goyim seethe, sorry bucko.

>> No.26132349

I terminate cat6 cables and fiber for 90k and that's in a Midwestern shithole.

Well, these days I watch other retards to it but that's how I started.

>> No.26132355
Quoted by: >>26132492

You're not wrong, but what you don't realize is that the low IQ outnumber you and are about ready to string you all up on telephone poles - on both sides of the political aisle. Mostly because you are too retarded to understand that they are too retarded to make 20k work.

>> No.26132364
File: 310 KB, 521x408, 1610676065403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ham and cheddar hot pockets... there's nothing better in life. Can I invest in hot pockets

>> No.26132376
Quoted by: >>26132434

Do people unironically eat those though? Out of all the different kinds of frozen garbage to choose form why choose those? And I thought that was news from a few years ago

>> No.26132382


>> No.26132398
Quoted by: >>26132513

Same here. Data centers?

>> No.26132400
Quoted by: >>26132492

What's gone wrong in your life, anon? Getting strong elliot roger vibes here.

>> No.26132416
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1609642083620.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar ducks.

>> No.26132415

How do I into terminating network cables in my midwest shithole?

>> No.26132434

Nope this happened friday.

>> No.26132462

Redpill me on BB

>> No.26132464

Haha, I’ve seen her work posted before. The answer is at that level it doesn’t matter. If you had a chance with her and turned her away for either having or not having tattoos I’d question your sanity. But if I had a choice, I’d take the tattooed version personally.

>> No.26132474

Look up data centers near you, park somewhere nearby, and look at the company names of the trucks driving in and out. Identify one that looks like they do cabling. Find their website / office number and apply for apprenticeship position.

>> No.26132492
File: 102 KB, 1300x731, supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26132594

Elliot only failed in life due to having degenerate asian blood in him despite being half jewish and having a high IQ. I'm pure 100% ashkenazi.
I'll survive the same way Soros did in Germany, just join the currently winning side and pretend to be their ally until you can stab them in the back and feed on their corpse.

>> No.26132503

Dang this made me feel sad, good Duck bros

>> No.26132513
Quoted by: >>26132587

99% for a hospital network and major school district as a contractor.

Go to the IBEW union hall for where you live and sign up for the telecom apprenticeship. You can go nonunion and make half as much with no benefits too.

If you show up on time without doing no-call-no-shows you'll do better than 90% of people.

>> No.26132537

u/deepfuckingvalue, aka Roaring Kitty; ergo unless RK posts here reddit was first

he's incredibly based though, he's the opposite of CLF tranny in every way

>> No.26132562 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 480x320, 8440CBBC-1D53-4D56-8EF0-6FE4CDE51D66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26132566
Quoted by: >>26132614

Whatcha got in your IRAs?

>> No.26132587
Quoted by: >>26132754

IBEW telecom sucks compared to non-union in the midwest, anon. I went scab and my pay rose a bit while also gaining vacation, sick pay, profit sharing, paid paternity, tuition reimbursement, etc.

>> No.26132594

I appreciate the troll post. Let me start it off that owning a bmw stops you from having any other of the traits. Shalom!

>> No.26132613

>CLF looks like that

damn bros, im investing into steel.

>> No.26132614

FALs, Irishmen, and car bombs mostly

pls CIA is only joke

>> No.26132663

It just struck me that the weird line on our taints is because we are all born female and that’s where are vaginas should be. I remember as a 6yrold wondering wtf.

Thanks degenerate poster.

>> No.26132665
Quoted by: >>26132882

Post link, I want to document the SEC decimation of reddit

>> No.26132680
File: 67 KB, 472x719, 434CF2E1-0B81-46C0-AE43-EBD12D8F8E00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is fucked boys
Time to invest in space.

>> No.26132722

Thoughts on npa? Will I baghold forever?

>> No.26132733

Ducks and their relatives are the chads of the animal kingdom

>> No.26132743

>born female

Gestated female

>> No.26132754
File: 511 KB, 680x462, 1607275702654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26132852

I went IBEW route and it worked for me. I don't care for union/non-union arguments as I don't give a fuck, as long as we're making money I say you do you.

Most of the non-union guys I talk to usually make 20-25 with no sick/vacation. I have pension/annuity/vacation+holiday bonus. Not going to claim I know everything or even anything about the non-union side of things though, maybe shit gets better when you are a foreman or maybe I'm talking to the wrong people.

I just corral retards like a babysitter while reading the prints and browsing 4chan these days.

>> No.26132756
Quoted by: >>26132920

as long as you don't hold SRAC which is a russian pump and dump

>> No.26132822

i literally do not trust them to not try to find some way to re-tax these in the next 40 years.

>> No.26132852

I started off union but hated the whole "your lay-off period is your vacation lol" attitude. Pensions are nice though

>corral retards while browsing prints and 4chan
Based and foreman pilled

>> No.26132865

I’m no expert, but I’m guessing we are ramping up across the board.
Have 2 contracts on $NPA for kicks, but heavy in options on $MAXR, $SRAC, and can’t wait to see what mama Wood adds to her new ARK.
As always it’s a matter of trends and patience.
Good luck and may the force be with us both anon

>> No.26132882
Quoted by: >>26132934

What is the issue with Reddit sharing ideas to fuck up with short sellers? Are the jews afraid they aren't the only ones allowed to Squeeze someone of their money after they rug pulled retailers for the trillion time since the 20's?

>> No.26132900
File: 156 KB, 941x850, zeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if I get a Gouf Custom

>> No.26132917

Quick question. US markets are closed tomorrow?

>> No.26132920
Quoted by: >>26132958

Agree to disagree.
Momentus is not “Russian”

>> No.26132934
Quoted by: >>26132998

I'm just a lowly lulz farmer. Wall Street bears getting BTFO by redditors. Redditors getting BTFO by SEC. Does not matter, the lulz must flow

>> No.26132954
Quoted by: >>26133355

Yes sir, or madam

>> No.26132958
Quoted by: >>26133117

you may be technically right, but links with russian finance will forever doom american space companies, SpaceX was built on the back of government contracts

>> No.26132988
File: 27 KB, 299x512, Screenshot from 2021-01-17 19-33-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% in SPACs, feedback appreciated

>> No.26132998
Quoted by: >>26133058

haha epic for the lulz oldfags amirite xd
kill yourself

>> No.26132999
Quoted by: >>26133355

In honor of the noble African American community, tomorrow we will all proudly display their culture by not working. Rip George Floyd, the greatest black man to ever live.

>> No.26133015
File: 1.72 MB, 500x500, 1608804693273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes for monkey day sadly.

>> No.26133048

That’s... not how it works. You’re gestated undiferentiated, not female. You don’t have vestigal overies or wide pelvic bones.
The seam on your dick is part of the basic fusing that occurs as flesh forms during gestation. Women have one too.

>> No.26133058

God I hate newfags. >>>/reddit/

>> No.26133064

hell yeah we /an/ now
ducks to the moon hawk bagholders seething

>> No.26133088

Why do you hate MLK? He was a gay nigger communist jew who hated America and white people and wanted to kill whitey. That's the current American dream.

>> No.26133107

i gotta find some good canadian plays for monday

>> No.26133113

Don’t forget bragging about raping children at his church

>> No.26133114


>> No.26133117

Salient point.
But as long as the market is locked in clown world, It’ll print.
Investors, institutional and retail have seemingly shirked off the political paradigms fed by the propaganda machine....

>> No.26133119

My mom new to stocks bought macy's.

It actually made her some money, but should I tell her to get out now?

>> No.26133139
File: 58 KB, 525x645, nico kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26133146

He also was on audiotapes listening to his pastor friend rape someone in a hotel room and allegedly raped too

>> No.26133170
Quoted by: >>26133212

Source on anime neet loli?

>> No.26133181

Do the needful/10

>> No.26133199
Quoted by: >>26133233

And none of that SPCE shit neither. Real companies that'll actually break the atmosphere.

>> No.26133209

I'm in that shit aswell, tell her to buy more on margin

>> No.26133212
File: 6 KB, 154x250, nico sit on me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nico from love live. :)

>> No.26133233

But you underestimate the stupidity of retail investment, and the need for “space tourism”.
Scam or not, it’ll make you money in spurts...

>> No.26133272

All polls I saw show that most americans support this project. What's the catch here?

>> No.26133311

Cancelling the pipeline guarantees the oil ships by train instead. Token gesture for the far left/greens while securing a bribe from Buffett? That's to Biden what spurious tweets were to Trump.

>> No.26133313
Quoted by: >>26133379

Macy is going to 30%-50% is ez money depending on where she got in. My target is 20. Inb4 muh retail stores closing. Yeah the company is going the way of the dodo but they are trimming down fat that will boost earnings in the short term which will make you money and then you get the fuck out, you guys need to learn how to read a fucking balance sheet

>> No.26133336
Quoted by: >>26133477

Earnings report for AT&T in 10 days

I still believe in AT&T, rate my intelligence.

>> No.26133344

>China is set to release GDP numbers for 2020
Who wants to bet they literally 10x their GDP for no reason at all?

>> No.26133355

Thank you frens

>> No.26133365

444% YoY

>> No.26133373


>> No.26133379
Quoted by: >>26133587

>absolutely nobody brought up balance sheets
>you guys need to learn how to read a fucking balance sheet

shut the fuck up projecter.

>> No.26133394
Quoted by: >>26133466

China is known to lie about their numbers no question. The actual question is how many people believe it considering how many CHINA WILL TAKE OVER things you read..

>> No.26133402

bidens purpose is to destroy the US and bring about a single communist world order.

>> No.26133466

$CHIQ Calls anon

>> No.26133471

>Bershire hathoway

>> No.26133477
Quoted by: >>26133505

Still down 30% from Covid crash. HBO Max, 5G. If IT dips after earnings I am getting in even more for some boomer action.

>> No.26133505

They certainly aren’t going anywhere but up

>> No.26133530

lemme guess, whole foods?

>> No.26133587

The most common complain against retail investment is "muh stores". It was preventive because retards gonna retard. Investing in shitty companies, catch the tail wing and getting out is how you make money while you wait for the next meme stock to gamble on.

>> No.26133694

take profit.

>> No.26134086

the secret is understanding how tutes trade because they are the ones who actually move the markets. also crabbing is good, you need it to know when to buy in low, if a stock is just going parabolic you never have a chance to get in because any point could be "the top".

the other secret is buy and hold. consider people like kpopfag who bought and sold for a loss multiple times, whereas anyone who bought anywhere before the mini squeeze this past week would have made serious money by doing literally nothing but buying and holding. as long as the FA remains solid you'll never lose money this way as long as you're patient.

>> No.26134153
File: 55 KB, 300x300, 687474703a2f2f7374617469632e74756d626c722e636f6d2f7070646a3579392f4165396d786d7874702f333030636f696e2e706e67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to crypto here. I started with a few hundred in Dogecoin a week or so ago for shits and giggles but now I'm looking into something more serious. I just made a coinbase account because it looks like chainlink is pretty gud. I have $600 right now to invest and more soon. I already have a 401k and company stocks about 426 shares with CVS who I work for but I wanna get into crypto for something I can hold for a few years. What's the move?