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File: 95 KB, 852x675, 1607205977433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24576746 No.24576746 [Reply] [Original]

weekend frens edition.
first bake no bully :linkthread:24574260


>Stock market Words

>Risk Management

>Live Streams

>Educational Sites

>Free Charts


>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings

>Suggested books:


>Weekly /smg/ update

>Links for (You)

Previous: >>24574260

>> No.24576818

live below your means and be patient

>> No.24576821
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>> No.24576825
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You can only post in this thread if you have at least 100 jimmies

>> No.24576828

can anyone explain the difference between RYCEY and RYCEF?? (rolls royce)

>> No.24576833
File: 554 KB, 1212x768, GME bears in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy after Q3

>> No.24576851
File: 434 KB, 611x613, 118853309812353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I underpaid the IRS because I don't know how to do taxes. Now I'm really paranoid.
Ask me anything.

>> No.24576882


>> No.24576890
File: 514 KB, 1600x1107, 1599084097343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ticker lost you the most in 2020 anon? And how much?

For me it was SSSS, lost near 40% but luckily I was a 4-digit poorfag then so it was only $500. I'll still kill that shill though.

>> No.24576916

no, most people are fucking dumb that's why we have the government we have. it's called lowest common denominator. we're on the road to idiocracy because society is growing and the dumb will always far outweigh the smart, and in a democracy-style government that means death.

just imagine what's going to happen when they give amnesty (and more importantly, voting rights) to the gorillions of illegal aliens who can't even speak english and will vote democrat down the line. just fucking imagine that shit, dude. it's horrifying.

>> No.24576920
File: 476 KB, 759x379, 88756758767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that there is thousands of algos and boomer lurkers watching our every move, writing down every idea, say something nice about them

>> No.24576922
Quoted by: >>24577020

im assuming the same difference between NTDOY and NTDOF (both Nintendo)

>> No.24576933
File: 40 KB, 640x360, p05tjvjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579947

I'm sick of doing both. I'm like a prisoner trapped to repeat the same day over and over again until I reach my goal of a million dollars. I'm tired of wasting my life watching numbers go up and down. I'm tired of not being able to afford to do anything.

>> No.24576938

WORK options in september. a few grand, made it back on the salesforce announcement though

>> No.24576963

I owe taxes every year. It’s no big deal.

>> No.24576966
Quoted by: >>24577041

they let me get leverage by shitposting, I love them

if I want to control that many shares with calls I'd have to pay a huge premium, instead I can just spam GME and the algos make it go up

we are the softbank now

>> No.24576978
File: 1.41 MB, 6720x4480, 1594404436521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Onlyfans had an IPO does that make shareholders pimps?

>> No.24576981
Quoted by: >>24577094

I don’t disagree, but the nihilists are on our side which means we have no way of fighting back. The nihilists vote for the same people we do, but when they get kicked in the nuts they go home instead of fight back. This is the problem.

>> No.24577010

The government is shit because rich people find it profitable to tear everything down and stuff it into their legally protected piles of assets

The answer is to make rich people afraid of proles, but most proles hate proles more than they hate rich people so we're quite fucked

>> No.24577020
Quoted by: >>24577285

ok thanks. i was asking because people shilled RYCEY and it went up. and RYCEF didnt lol.

>> No.24577030
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>> No.24577038
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I asked in the other thread but this seems like the main one.

Is it to late to buy BCRX?

I'm about to spend 10k on Monday at open in FOMO

>> No.24577040


I guess it would technically.

>> No.24577041
Quoted by: >>24577590

Reminder that we spammed NAK enough last week for the actual rejected mining stock to go up 10% for no fucken reason.
If you don't think Algos scrape here and reddit to buy tiny bits of what is shilled then you're kidding yourself.

>> No.24577046
Quoted by: >>24579900

Yes, especially considering OF is a meat market for actual prostitutes. Instagram/Twitter/OF are the holy trinity of real deal prostitutes. The worlds oldest profession has migrated from the shady backpage type websites to the forefront of social media.

>> No.24577074

technology is our only savior, realistically speaking. we need to innovate our way out of this bullshit, there is no way to fix things under current circumstances and how human psychology works, we need to "evolve" essentially.

>> No.24577094
Quoted by: >>24577172

true but not like im gonna be able to change that as one lone anon, and i don't think it's worth sacrificing my life and comfort to even try. there's an extremely high likelihood that i lose even if i did.

>> No.24577095

Massive volume.
Could be good for swings.
Shill me

>> No.24577116

Yeah the anon tipping us off belives it will keep going up for a few months. I bought into it before the FDA annoucement, I haven't taken any profit, intending to hold

>> No.24577117 [DELETED] 

elon controlling your brain is your savior?

facebook and google controlling ur thoughts is what we need?

technology is shit mate

>> No.24577121

The SPAC bubble is going to pop rig...right guys.
I'm sick and tired of missing out on every SPAC going 50%+ on announcement.

>> No.24577125

this is why i'm long mommy cathie

>> No.24577147
Quoted by: >>24577598

i dont see why they wont continue to pop. just sell that pop.

>> No.24577161

hey im trying to figure out GME calls and its massive IV
Don't you get fucked by buying GME calls the more OTM it is?

April 17C is at 5.80 while the April 20c is at 5.10

Why would someone buy the 20C's if they're only 70 cents cheaper? You'll be able to buy like +13% more calls but the breakeven will also be $2.30 higher so like isn't that shitty?

GME would need to hit around $45 for the 20c to be better? Anything lower and the 17c's were better while also being lower risk?

>> No.24577172
Quoted by: >>24577326

I was just having this discussion irl. We have everything to lose, the other side full of degenerates, mini-tyrants and rich people with god complexes, have nothing to lose, so we lose.

>> No.24577201

Is there a good literature on how to analysize specific sectors? Are there indicators that are more important for specific economy sectors?
I'd like to understand how to get the best stock from different company types like technology, banking, mining. P/E ratio is huge for some technology stocks but does it mean they are not a good investment?

>> No.24577269

desu I don't actually fuck with options much, I'm entirely long shares

>> No.24577285
Quoted by: >>24577335

actually yeah that's weird. I'm assuming it's some currency conversion bullshit (with RYCEY being an ADR) but even +12% seems too much?

>> No.24577288
Quoted by: >>24577478


You honestly will learn more about an industry by being part of it whether working in it or surrounding yourself with people from it than from any book. You can learn from books but they just gloss over the basics with you.

>> No.24577297
File: 195 KB, 800x508, france in the year 2000, from some faggot in the 1900's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577344

>controlling ur thoughts

i'd say it's more about first reaching post-scarcity and eliminating the need for most labor, thus eliminating the profit motive and upgrading to whatever the next level of society will be after that (similar to technology having effects on feudalism moving on to mercantilism and so on and so on).

it's not really worth talking about though, it's all high level stuff that involves decades of technological improvement that we have no way of knowing what will come of it. pic related is a good example. https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/a-19th-century-vision-of-the-year-2000/

consider just how much has changed in just the past 2 decades though. the main point is that they don't need to control your brain if they don't need you to work the machines anymore like they do now.

>> No.24577314

half the time just go for the higher beta. shit like clf will move more than bhp.

Citi more than JPM. AAL more than DAL.

this is just trading advice though.

>> No.24577326

exactly, but my life is pretty comfy right now and im just gonna keep educating myself and making money and keep this thing going as long as i can. at least the world is becoming more and more accepting of the introvert who likes to hang out in his room all day on his computer in this post-covid era we find ourselves in, working from home and all that.

>> No.24577335

RR is the ticker in london. RYCEF appears to be a US ADR also... it seems Rolls may pay these RYCEF as dividends.... but im not 100% sure.

>> No.24577344 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1078x1080, Mho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577424

thats already happening its called the economic reset new world order and theyre killing off 80-90% of the human population to create sustainable living with robots in the tribulation period

do you really believe they care about you? elon musk will automize all trucking and uber drivers and make it all go to his bank account not you

you think elon is generous enough to just open his bank for you and me loooool

that aint happening your theory is wholesome in its core but humanity is evil and everyone in silicon valley is anti humanity and you need to come to that realization

>> No.24577367
File: 505 KB, 1000x690, 1606240711017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577764

Technology is the reason I long hold PLTR.

Technology ensures a dystopian future. Whoever holds tech will get richer obviously, not the user base.

Anytime i see a Twitter, Facebook or any social media i realize how twisted and long gone the normie world actually is.

>> No.24577379

just face the music and become a communist bruh, technology can't solve the system dedicating itself to facefucking wagies, infrastructure and investment in the future

>> No.24577404
Quoted by: >>24577500

GME's IVs are fucked. They'll all go up if GME moons though so it's just a matter of maxing gains.

>> No.24577413
File: 157 KB, 2000x1214, MUH_BOOTLICKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577443

>just become a useful idiot brah

>> No.24577424

im not saying it's gonna work im just saying transcending human nature through advancements in technology is the only way realistically we'll be able to overcome shit. sure people might be evil and shit might not work out but maybe it will. we have enough nukes to blow up the planet many times over, but we haven't yet.

idk what's gonna happen im just talking about the possibilities.

>> No.24577435
File: 553 KB, 775x915, 1605980978124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk unironically wants to drill a hole in your skull and stab you in the brain with a neuralink implant.

I remember watching the presentation and the tesla stock just kept violently crabbing lol

I may buy Tesla-chan on a dip. Not retarded enough to buy at ATH

>> No.24577443

Bruh the democrats aren't commies, they're (neo)liberals

>> No.24577456

Fuck that, human beings aren't built for that shit.

>> No.24577463

the whole reason communism went wrong is because that shit happened in places where technology was shit compared to now. literally millions of people starved in maoist china because mao was a fucking retard, google The Great Leap Forward any time and take a look for yourself, of The Four Pests Campaign.

you NEED post-scarcity first. you can't just fucking force communism you need to have a means of eliminating the need for most labor in the first place, it's completely different than what im talking about, marx is a fucking faggot.

>> No.24577467
File: 25 KB, 283x445, 1605491199673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need to "evolve"
i agree, we need to stop pretending everything that walks and talks is the peak of evolution just because the nose on TV says so. I've heard birds speak proper english but never a pic related

>> No.24577471
File: 776 KB, 680x743, 88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just let them destroy the traditional family unit, your western heritage, your belief system, your culture, and your individuality
>its the only way to fight the technocratic oligarchy of the future
Well there is this other way....

>> No.24577478

I don't believe that people buy stocks from the sectors they mainly work in. I don't intend to be an expert in every sector but want to be able to measure and compare specific companies.

For example, there is a lot of mining companies but how to look into them, what to be careful with. I don't think they are analyzed the same way other sectors are. I am looking for source of knowledge that would teach me these differences.

>> No.24577482 [DELETED] 
File: 595 KB, 1707x2560, EEQN0q2UcAE_cX0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577563

you dont have the power you keep talking like "us" and "we need to advance with technology". bill gates is working on the vaccines to kill 90% of humanity

you dont currently get the say in where its going youre trusting authority that they will advance the technology in the way you want it to benefit humanity and erase labor and etc.

but thats not whats going to happen its going to be dysoptian where elon plays a advertisement while youre walking down the street that you cant turn off and the 5g vaporizes for saying the wrong words and being racist

and takes you to camps to put you in fema centers with robot cops where they put you to work forced labor and then kill you anyways

why do you have belief and faith in the people who actually have the power over this technology

>> No.24577496
Quoted by: >>24577530

/pol/ and kpop posters are the worst amirite

>> No.24577497

>commies demand a socialist lite candidate
>get fucking Biden
>vote for him anyways

>> No.24577500

that's why only a small portion of my position is in calls
I dunno if the leverage/risk is even worth it but eh I already got them
They'll start paying off more significantly past $30, if it says under that point then it was just needless micromanaging where i achieve the almost same results with just putting the money into shares

but man there's got to be some delusion and greed when we're saying $30 by Q4 is a given. I'm ready for a rugpull..

>> No.24577508
Quoted by: >>24577604

Should I just copy people who do good? This dude is all green by a lot and he just bought the pltr dip

>> No.24577514
Quoted by: >>24577587

> wasnt REAL communism
Fuck that man, go move to china they love you.

>> No.24577523
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 1605708453762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to evolve is to just get better guns desu

So invest on SWBI

>> No.24577528

I play my companies earnings every quarter. I almost always make some money.

>> No.24577530

kpop schizo is avatarfagging with kpop girls so at least i imagine it's some awkward korean girl talking and not t****y

>> No.24577541
Quoted by: >>24577632

How about we throw all commies with those thoughts to their death, and just ban smart phones instead

>> No.24577544
File: 251 KB, 901x600, 64E23740-0853-43D6-8FBF-A340E84B7D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hundred million killed by communism in china, ussr, and Cambodia wasn’t enough, was it? Third time is the charm

>> No.24577563
File: 279 KB, 1199x800, 1651654165164321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577591

>bill gates is working on the vaccines to kill 90% of humanity
im not talking with you anymore kpop schizo, sorry i triggered your mental illness.

>> No.24577569

a lot of people here are into semiconductors because /biz/ is an offshoot of /g/
and man TSM and AMD has been rewarding endlessly

>> No.24577570

I’m going to enjoy the media silence on whatever military adventure he gets himself into.

>> No.24577577

financial analysts do this for a living. become one or ask them.

>> No.24577587
Quoted by: >>24577625

>go move to china they love you.
i just called maoist a faggot and mentioned 2 events they specifically censor in their country to keep their populace ignorant, did you not read that part or what?

>> No.24577590
File: 220 KB, 409x430, 78787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577619

NAK 100,000 shares at market open,

>> No.24577591 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x1142, EgfkA83U4AEqkPa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then line up to take his first wave of vaccines

when they say you cant enter walmart or get on a plane without your vaccine pass

youll already be part of the system and youll still be calling people conspiracy theorists

while the people who dont want the shots and the chip are going to be taken away into camps

youll become more and more enchained and ensnared into their system

its like the chinese credit score coming

>> No.24577598

yea sell the pops, you dont want to get bogged by fomo'ing the tops and then pretending to be a long term holder while you watch your investment burn. I think at this point they have started competing with each other. Some EV stocks are getting crushed while TSLA moons. TSLA gains are now SPAC EV losses. not much more money coming in the sector

>> No.24577603

It’s inevitable. Probably in some country out of left field we never saw coming.

>> No.24577604
Quoted by: >>24577767

That's dangerous, you might have missed whatever moon mission they caught. You have to think for yourself. Loads of stocks are discussed on /smg/ there's plenty of choice, choose some then do your own DD

>> No.24577608

Libs trust the media and Bernie rolled over like a dog to the DNC when it came knocking

Berno was a New Deal Democrat hiding in a cabin in Vermont, turns out the Democrats hated him just as much in 2020 as 2016 lul

>> No.24577612

I am going to seethe about exactly that for the next 4 years, at least we can agree on what's coming



>Biden: she already has
>Press pool: laughter and clapping

>> No.24577619

So you're saying I should BUY NAK at open?
That's NAK? You want me to BUY NAK right?

>> No.24577625
Quoted by: >>24577716

Honestly no, sorry drinking dewars.

>> No.24577632
Quoted by: >>24577666

smartphones will be required in the wageie appfuture, check out California, the icon of American progress

>> No.24577666

>"You don't use social media, lol what a creep. I bet you aren't even vaccinated for COVID 21."

>> No.24577674

Damn, this thread got facebook boomer real fast.

>> No.24577687
Quoted by: >>24577950

buy NAK
buy NAK calls
DCA into NAK
sell your home and buy more NAK

>> No.24577694
File: 111 KB, 1440x720, 1535662436600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577753

>you're either a tankie zoomer or a Facebook Boomer
I know what side I'll take, day of the grill soon

>> No.24577699
File: 7 KB, 194x259, images[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn, this thread got facebook boomer real fast.

>> No.24577716
File: 955 KB, 6529x4716, Moore's_Law_Transistor_Count_1971-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr the """"communist"""" countries were effectively just really shitty state dictatorships in actuality. they lacked what you need to actually achieve that sort of thing which is post-scarcity which is only possible through technological advancements, specifically computers and the internet which have only been around in advanced enough forms for a decade or two. we're literally watching moore's law in motion.

>> No.24577728
File: 196 KB, 640x460, 3455CF03-9C63-4F80-983B-CBBD516D98A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving af

>> No.24577747

>please participate in our required youtube jobs training videos, like and subscribe for 1% off our products

>please submit verification of your employment by at least five (5) distinct apps to qualify for the subsidized housing lottery

>please provide feedback on ten (10) major retailers websites to recieve a coupon on catfood

>> No.24577753

Good ol' soijack. They don't make 'em like they used to
Grills bought with dividends accumulated over a decade, I'm sure.

>> No.24577754

Wait what, has Moore's Law stopped slowing down?

>> No.24577756

You need a face with those ugly af loop earrings that stretch your earlobes and a ring nose acting so smug

>well just participate in government politics. It’s so simple.

>> No.24577764
File: 25 KB, 394x400, 1591283627940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a sexy drawing there. i think i might coom to it if you don't mind.

>> No.24577767

Good advice? On my /biz/?

>> No.24577782
Quoted by: >>24577865

I doubt we ever make it past 3nm efficiently. Moore’s law dies in 2030

>> No.24577798
Quoted by: >>24577872

Reminder to buy HEXO on Monday.

>> No.24577802
Quoted by: >>24577809

Thoughts on c3.ai IPO?
I'm thinking about going all in.

>> No.24577809
Quoted by: >>24578222

K A N shills are talking about c3.ai

>> No.24577810

this forum is completely unreadable except for /SMG

Fucking stupid jannies need to clean up all these crypto garbage and put it one thread

>> No.24577813

Post-scarcity isn't communism, I'm sick of this retarded meme. Communism is a system where the workers own the means of production, which would be robots in this situation and not humans. Go be retarded on R*ddit.

>> No.24577835
Quoted by: >>24577875

This moron on Reddit put everything in a gme weekly call before earnings

>> No.24577842
Quoted by: >>24577904

The board was literally made for them.

>> No.24577843

No. It’s amazing camouflage.

>> No.24577851
File: 779 KB, 1200x630, reggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>robots take over
>they are racist because they are governed by logic and not emotion
>uh oh

>> No.24577865
File: 38 KB, 1195x460, 165165043512204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I doubt we ever make it past 3nm efficiently. Moore’s law dies in 2030

>> No.24577870

> muh workers
> muh production
What the fuck do you think happens when communism is tried. It ends up as an authoritarian or totalitarian dictatorship. It is the natural way of events in this world.

>> No.24577872

What do you know? I am considering it big ly

>> No.24577875

get the fuck out of here rebbit faggot

>> No.24577878
File: 136 KB, 1079x544, Screenshot_20201205-154303_Kiwi Browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24577884
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1607099291555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577956

RYCEY going up

>> No.24577886

The more disgusting and unreadable biz is, the better for smg.
You don't want this place to be super newfag friendly dude.

>> No.24577894

Communism is an enemy of capitalism, without authoritarian/totalitarian states the CIA coups them to death hilariously fast

>> No.24577901

I know you're here RKG. Reveal yourself.

>> No.24577904
Quoted by: >>24578141

>The board was literally made for them.
yeah, i remember that, a lot of those guys are probably rich now too

>> No.24577906

idk what you want to call the form of government where we have post-scarcity and the need for human labor is, if not completely eliminated, at least extremely reduced, and the profit motive is no longer required for survival of most people so they can do what they want within reason and without infringing on other's rights. i just used communism as a shorthand for it but feel free to suggest another term people would recognize.

>> No.24577921
File: 463 KB, 750x973, 26A3D6C6-2570-4F21-85BD-A7006090CCA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that explains why their stock continues to increase.

>> No.24577927

Sometimes I shill GME to the cryptofags for laffs

>> No.24577932

bro don't be stupid.
Back when Canadian pot was still illegal many people would have massive grow ops in the middle of the forest. They still have em now but thats beside the point. Think of smg as a profitable oasis of dank kelly green in the middle of a wild and chaotic forest of horseshit crypto shill threads.

>> No.24577933
Quoted by: >>24578057

just spamming whichever stock you hold the biggest stake in is a fullproof method proven by CLFtranny

>> No.24577937

That's a little too high for my liking.

>> No.24577945

Profit motive will never allow itself to die tho, captalism is a system of hierarchies and the dudes at the top ain't letting go of that power

>> No.24577950
File: 148 KB, 1086x588, 5c006187d9549d3368158d3d_mixes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24577964

>>>24577619 #
>buy NAK
>buy NAK calls
>DCA into NAK
>sell your home and buy more NAK
Gonna Yolo some calls in nak guys, gonna put the order in on the Robin hood app. Bye, see you next week when the options close and remember to not be racist.

>> No.24577954

cyptonigger spam filters out the wallstreetbets retards,

>> No.24577956

>simple as

>> No.24577963


>talk about blacks and women being marginalized and underrepresented
>fund managers, especially the "diversity" funds one all dogpile cash on your stock

Has elon cracked the code?

>> No.24577964
Quoted by: >>24577998

I think nak wont make me as rich as airbnb and doordash calls. DESU, then puts the second it dips more than 10%

>> No.24577978
Quoted by: >>24578353

Their CEO is African American, they can get away with not having more diversity hire leaders.

>> No.24577998

i really hate the autocorrect desu thing 4chin has. Its so fucking wired. I never type out desu. Excpet for just now.. I dont even remember which word i meant to put there.......

>> No.24578022

rycey is some jew bank scam stock
rycef is the og otc london exchange rr stock

>> No.24578040 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1080x1349, 1599974617527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why do they cry to the mods and get me banned

i keep this place cryptic

>> No.24578045

>reporting your brokerage account

>> No.24578047
Quoted by: >>24578079

newfags GET OUT

>> No.24578051

cause normies flood 4channel.

>> No.24578055
Quoted by: >>24579769

B-b-but china is different

>> No.24578057
Quoted by: >>24578087

>just spamming whichever stock you hold the biggest stake in is a fullproof method proven by CLFtranny
Not really, he's actually holding a good stock with decent growth and hold prospects, with plenty of backup research. It's just that he's spamming it in the most annoying way. There would be a pro-CLF accepted consensus here, on the level of AMD or whatever, if that guy spammed a bit less

>> No.24578063

that's an ayyy

>> No.24578074

It's called a wordfilter newfag.

>> No.24578079
Quoted by: >>24578105

DESU is the official SMG ETF name , IF the fucking lgbtqs get one, so do we

>> No.24578083

Based tax evader

>> No.24578087
Quoted by: >>24578131

He’s a genius stop fucking banning him so I can copy him

>> No.24578105
Quoted by: >>24578158

>a short position on CLF
>WKHS bags

>> No.24578131

You must be very new if you haven't seen his screencaps of all his calls a billion times. He posts all the time on market hours and from what I've seen replies to questions and shit, so you should know by now

>> No.24578141
File: 693 KB, 700x700, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah a few of them got rich. The vast majority of these posts are just idiots being scammed. Literally some uncle made a coin on his Compaq Presario 5304 and its touted as the biggest thing ever they buy it and lose everything.

Hope Jannies fix that shit. We need more Stock Discussion here and less crypto

>> No.24578144
Quoted by: >>24578201

RYCEY - To 3.00 monday! (or Tuesday). Long as 15,000 is in my pocket soon I don't care. Hell it hit 2.5 friday so another 0.50 should be easy. If 3.2 is hit that'll give me 16,000. I hope those fucks in congress will slip in another round of checks. I want 2400 again. I'm still employed so all that other shit they're debating does me no good.

>> No.24578158
Quoted by: >>24578225

im new to biz but im not dumb RH hiveminder, the only trade ive made so far was catching lgvw early and selling at 16.90 . I never new what wordfilters were....ive been on 4chan for over 10 years. fuck

>> No.24578164

Thoughts on REV? Should I bet against the vanity of women?

>> No.24578169
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1100, __komeiji_koishi_touhou_drawn_by_neko_mata__716bd22bed73bc98f11c47433fda0e05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24578227

With the financial shit storm covid is, I legitimately wonder if one could get away with that for the 2019 taxes.

I made 16K and cashed out in August.

I then dumped it back and down to 13K since 2 bullshit stocks went bankrupt.

One at least gave me warrants so I may still get my money from it.

Not paying taxes would be wonderful desu

>> No.24578201
Quoted by: >>24578267

Are we holding long term or no

>> No.24578203
Quoted by: >>24578421

That being true doesn't change the definition of communism.
Just post-scarcity or technocracy. That system doesn't exclude capitalism or a currency as the exchange. Everyone gets some form of basic income paid for by profit from the factories, capitalists/investors own the companies and get profit for their share. Eventually robots will allocate capital and become creative enough to understand consumer needs to the point where we wouldn't need human ownership, but you would still probably be able to have ownership of the AI itself. That type of investment may only fall out of favor as people get even more lazy and decide they don't need the extra income because they have everything they want.

>> No.24578222

who are K A N shills? i wanted to buy this ipo but if they are pump and dumpers then i dunno

>> No.24578225
Quoted by: >>24578305

okay, buy gamestop stock, unironically, preferably before earnings on tuesday

>> No.24578227
Quoted by: >>24578384

The IRS is actually pretty nice about things if you are transparent when/if you get busted. They’ll even put you on a payment plan.

>> No.24578251

No. They’re camo.

>> No.24578258

I'm new to this. How do you deal with the waiting for upcoming IPOs you're going to dumb all your money into?

>> No.24578267

If I had a big account balance I would hold long term.

>> No.24578270
Quoted by: >>24578758

PLS i need helpp
what is the best nicotine alt to JUUL, You can filter me right after, just gimme ideas. Also buy aphiria

>> No.24578276
File: 66 KB, 720x826, 1607143364439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24578312

Are SPACs hyped or are the companies just good?

>> No.24578299

I scalp covered calls and cash covered puts.

>> No.24578301
File: 1.94 MB, 500x500, her_name_is_Rachael.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24578305
Quoted by: >>24578345

Im still uncertain of GME I know bagholders in here have some sort of plan. IDGAF about the numbers. Theres some next level larping happening at some desu.

>> No.24578312
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>> No.24578318

You could sell GME puts at an attractive price, best case it's free money, worst case you get a nice entry on a moonshot

>> No.24578345
File: 573 KB, 1079x1593, Screenshot_20201204-133610_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody here is in the red, I have a high cost average at $12

>> No.24578353
File: 245 KB, 1024x682, minneapolis-george-floyd-protest-police-killing-AP_20150513092205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GM is going all out to remove TSLA , it's typical rust belt bullshit. They don't try to out perform their rivals they just try to out slander them. These past two weeks have been nothing but smear articles and TSLA has only gone up.

>> No.24578360
Quoted by: >>24578806

Does anyone have DD on Velodyne?
I saw someone shill for them ages ago

>> No.24578371
File: 38 KB, 332x281, F4EBF1C7-7F64-46BD-A2CF-439EAFE38625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning I hate CRSR

>> No.24578384
File: 170 KB, 1240x1753, EX48u2JUEAAFbYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>payment plan

From what I read, the interest is retroactive if you do get caught.

Don't remember what the percentage was but I heard from someone that got audited that it's a real pain in the ass

>> No.24578407
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There's still space on that shuttle.

>> No.24578412
Quoted by: >>24581032

Buy MO

If legalization gets through the senate, you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.24578421

fuck off commie

>> No.24578437


Can we really trust this boomer?

>> No.24578438 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 960x960, 127303893_390697625680182_166823816090341557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first blumpf speech since election hoax


>> No.24578473

Most people are retards who can’t get through “college” (read remedial) algebra. If you have any kind of quantitative reasoning abilities that advice doesn’t apply.

>> No.24578475
Quoted by: >>24578573

>That’s because, unlike the Oracle of Omaha, you probably don’t devote your waking hours to diving into investment research.
I devote my waking hours to /smg/ which is basically the same thing

>> No.24578481
File: 19 KB, 474x316, 1606838729917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying kliff at 12.65 and selling at 11.75 within a minute

>> No.24578485
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Quoted by: >>24578536

How long are /smg/'s swings?

>> No.24578489

RYCEY - I'm using this as a way to boost my emergency fund. Start 2021 off on the right foot so to speak. Right now there's not much in it. Used the money to kick start some other long term plays during the march sale event.

>> No.24578513
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>> No.24578524
Quoted by: >>24578550

Get out at $3 or be prepared to crab for a while. They got some serious housecleaning to do.

>> No.24578536

WKHS I rode for like a month and got out
GME I've been in since late August

>> No.24578550

I plan to. Got my sell order primed and ready.

>> No.24578553
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1603595204523s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day traders get exactly what they deserve. Every time.

>> No.24578555
Quoted by: >>24578613

I bought at 2.36.
I feel pain.

>> No.24578560

>march sale event
God I hope we get another one.

>> No.24578573
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>> No.24578575

buffett isn't a boomer

>> No.24578578

Why do people do this? Just hold retard

>> No.24578608
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24578645

I need to be rich at 30 while I have my youth, fertility, and testosterone so I can buy a house, attract a beautiful wife, and have kids... not rich at 70 when I'm ugly, wrinkly, bald, and planning my own death.

>> No.24578613

It will go down more. I hope you don't have a stop loss.

>> No.24578639
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>> No.24578645
File: 188 KB, 496x480, Bea_akuwaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got, what, five years? Just 2x each year and you'll make it in time.

>> No.24578689
File: 184 KB, 828x1792, 2752B554-EBDC-4DEC-9FCE-663F2963518D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is your month going /smg/?

>> No.24578695
File: 276 KB, 621x588, broken_mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24578781

>you will never enslave Katy Perry, put a bitgag speaker on her, and blast 70s prog while she gives you a lapdance while you daytrade on robinhood

>> No.24578712

What options?

>> No.24578723

bank deposit options

>> No.24578741

Whats the deal with NAK? is it good? seems risky?

>> No.24578758

Novo 2

>> No.24578772
Quoted by: >>24578809

Does Robinhood include deposits in your total %? And do they not have an option for all-time-change charting that excludes deposits?

>> No.24578781
File: 1.49 MB, 438x572, 11123.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24578842

>ever wanting 3D pig

Katy Perry is cringey and old as fuck. Terrible investment in all angles.

The patrician choice of the GME and horse bag holder.

>> No.24578790
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1606947323421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I guess, up around 50% in general with NIO, GME, PLTR

>> No.24578806

They're the only public Lidar company with sales. Cramer seems to prefer Luminar for some reason even though they have no product

>> No.24578809

they don't have options for shit, their charts are awful nigger tier garbage

>> No.24578812

I like kpop anon, he is like our pet here. I believe he is retarded but in a good way

>> No.24578814

They have a huge announcement Tuesday. An insider was here. I tossed 20k on it.

>> No.24578827
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>> No.24578839

im all in wednesday after the announcement

>> No.24578842
File: 179 KB, 600x709, 1587779396852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D is pig disgusting

>> No.24578844
Quoted by: >>24578928

Shit. GE is gonna break $12 before Christmas and my calls are going to get assigned.

>> No.24578875

I’m a black gang banger and come here to learn stocks. You’re all very weird but know your shit about stocks

>> No.24578881
File: 85 KB, 836x837, 1547478123793(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579332

I don't mind K-pop anon desu

Just impressed with the sheer number of K-pop girls he posts. Wish they were more idol like with frills though.

I wouldn't trust him for shit with my financial decisions but his taste in women isn't too bad.

>> No.24578924

Post proof

>> No.24578926

my wageplace handed these things out to everybody kek
they're door openers to keep corona off your hands and scratch the everliving shit out of any doorknob in your path

>> No.24578928

Checked, also could you redpill me on GE? From what I looked at, it seems to be a good investment. My friend works as an aerospace engineer, and said that the 777X will have the largest jet engine made by GE, that should be good in the long-term

>> No.24578970
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Buy inaq, very good stock for blacks

>> No.24578972
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>> No.24578981
Quoted by: >>24579165

GE was the king of financializing itself thru the 2000s, guy who did it has lifetime access to their jet and fat payments post retirement.

Then it turned out GE's balance sheets were garbage and they spent ~decade slowly melting down and carving out shit to sell.

Dunno how their turnaround is going

>> No.24579026
Quoted by: >>24579165

Don’t expect too much. It’s a $16 stock that’s lagged behind in the recovery because of management issues.

>> No.24579080

Anyone buying CRM on Monday?

>> No.24579104
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Quoted by: >>24579127


>> No.24579112
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Quoted by: >>24579431

>> No.24579127
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>> No.24579145

TSLA and most recently WKHS

>> No.24579165

I see, then I guess that sets the stage for a turnaround, will probably take some time, if it ever happens. Thanks for the info anon
Ah I see, I think I'll just keep an eye on it, maybe open a small position just for the meme, thanks anon

>> No.24579211


>> No.24579243

Lol no. I started with $2900 in March. I took $2700 out a few weeks ago so really the $27000 is $29700.
OXY, AAL, NCLH and F. NIO was my moon rocket that got me from ~3k to ~10k. OXY has been my main gainer since then. If stimulus actually happens everything will explode. I have a ton of 35c 1/2022 OXY calls that could make me a very wealthy man if oil prices increase.

>> No.24579249
File: 296 KB, 1000x1645, EoTJxUHVoAIqFlN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oasis and TLRD.

Oasis had enough equity to stay afloat for another year but declared bankruptcy to restructure anyways.

I got some warrants out of it so not the worst yet but lost 3K with it.

TLRD just went bankrupt and loss $1K

>> No.24579332
File: 268 KB, 1536x2048, 1535994772547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this I also appreciate qt asian girls.

>> No.24579346

post the collage of the retards who yolo'd into options on palantir and didn't sell.

>> No.24579374
File: 24 KB, 735x383, IS THIS GOOD 12-5-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I "make it"?

>> No.24579398
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Quoted by: >>24579492

Trump talking about stocks at rally

>> No.24579414
Quoted by: >>24579462

Not until you can live on dividends while accumulating

>> No.24579429
Quoted by: >>24579556

You're going MAKE me find where you live and beat you half to death if you keep posting this trash.

>> No.24579430

How do you guys deal with stock stress? This year has been insane. I want to take a vacation but I’ll lose out on gains if I do.

>> No.24579431

He’s like a Bond villain

>> No.24579462


Based and True!

>> No.24579469
File: 12 KB, 210x240, 56789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>each whale is worth 2 million dollars
how do i invest in whales?

>> No.24579470

Risk management with targets.

>> No.24579473

I jerk off and smoke dabs and play indie video games

>> No.24579479
Quoted by: >>24579590



Those are some rookie numbers.

>> No.24579492

Taking credit for Bidens economy... classic Trump. Im going to miss him a lot

>> No.24579494

no, but your performance is better than mine if that means anything. I consider 7 digits in the make it category if you aren't at retirement age already.

>> No.24579499

SNDL, scamming shorts should be necked.

>> No.24579501
File: 142 KB, 500x333, 1578271886912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579723

>sell GME puts
>spend the premium on scotch

>> No.24579502

Go back to red-dit, faggot.

>> No.24579504

i don't

GME is life to me now the past 3 months

>> No.24579527

any idea on Premier Oil PLC ? what happens to the stock when the merger is completed ?

>> No.24579552


Learning when to take profits and loses and going through with them. For vacations I just park my cash in either defensive picks or indexes, it's pretty unhealthy to think about the markets when you're supposed to be clocked out.

>> No.24579556
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>> No.24579582
File: 113 KB, 937x627, E63F76B7-97FF-4B8E-8B1C-52F2C167C0F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579652

This post

>> No.24579590
Quoted by: >>24579940

yOUR mothers mouth is "ROOKIE"~

>> No.24579608
File: 400 KB, 1719x869, 1607125210667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579642

>biden isn't a socialist or a leftist
He's, by leaps and bounds, the most leftist representative for a political party in the us ever. Just look up what he thinks about guns rights, antifa, gibs, border control, whites getting replaced and so on. Why is it so easy for the left to manipulate simpletons into believing that the center really is right next to stalin?

>> No.24579611

Fucking shit Corsair I aped into it like a moron and lost 30% overnight. I pulled out and put it in something else and it made up some of the loss

>> No.24579615

Have high conviction in your plays, so you can just masturbate and go back to sleep on red days and feel confident your investment is safe

>> No.24579630
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>> No.24579637

Bought CRM at 232 and 221. Hoping it bounces back.

>> No.24579642

Biden is the Senator from MBNA and wrote the PATRIOT act. He's a neoliberal warhawk who pays lip service to leftists to avoid a repeat of 2016.

>> No.24579643
Quoted by: >>24579662


>> No.24579652
Quoted by: >>24579672

This is the first time I really meant this statement: Dilate and clean the hair out of your wound!

>> No.24579659


>> No.24579662
Quoted by: >>24579940

Post your shiT (TROLL)!

>> No.24579672

Eat shit tranny, Biden didn’t do shit, he deserves nothing but clown pepes

>> No.24579673

>Where u at FAGGOT?
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States. Come talk your shit and get hit. Ask for the Orange Meanie, they know who I am.

>> No.24579683
Quoted by: >>24579728

>agree with commies on nearly every issue
>b-but we're totally different
No, you're not. You're pretty much exactly the same. You both hate meritocracy, whites and borders just as much.

>> No.24579688
File: 617 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201204-165359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im excited and worried for monday at the same time

>> No.24579690

Should i do puts on amc or is it already beat to death lol

>> No.24579691
File: 2.41 MB, 431x284, johnwickpresscheck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So buy more Palantir and hold at least for 4 years? Got it

>> No.24579695
Quoted by: >>24579940

u IS A CUNT!~~~~~~

>> No.24579699

why is this thread so shitty? is this weekend /smg/?

>> No.24579704

You're too dumb for politics. I wish you had the brainpower to see that.

>> No.24579715


>> No.24579720

pOsT your holdings in 1min, or you are as GAY AS YOUR FATHER you FAGGOTTTTTTTTT

>> No.24579722
Quoted by: >>24579788

I am 27, making 40k a year with 20k of debt and a low, four digit brokerage account balance. Is it too late for me to make it?

Also intel will reach at least $53.00 by end of next week.

>> No.24579723
File: 172 KB, 917x849, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME puts
you know what's crazy?
the 12/18 17p are about to expire worthless at this rate. Whoever sold those puts is about to pocket over $10 million in premiums for free

I know it's only one holder who bought 20,000 of those puts at once on Oct 15 based on volumes, so the fact that there was a volume of 279 on Friday means that whoever's holding them is starting to unload them at a huge loss (over -50% down)

so lemme repeat that. Someone bought over $10 million worth of these 12/18 puts, they're worth less than $5 million now and they're resorting to selling it as hedges / lotto tickets to other people

>> No.24579725
Quoted by: >>24579812

>leftism isn't inherently authoritarian and nuts
Again, you're too stupid.

>> No.24579728
Quoted by: >>24579855

Meritocracy is a farce dude, if it were real America would be dumping cash into education so the best could rise up

>> No.24579753
File: 650 KB, 515x532, Your Birth1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579940

tHree bicycles for this post you gay faggotttt:

>> No.24579761
File: 136 KB, 950x912, 1595549690579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden is the Senator from MBNA and wrote the PATRIOT act. He's a neoliberal warhawk who pays lip service to leftists to avoid a repeat of 2016.
>he did these things in the past, so you should just ignore him endorsing antifa and agreeing with them wholly
No, and you're retarded.

>> No.24579762
Quoted by: >>24579878

How do calls work? Like if I put a strike price at 15 and it goes up but doesn’t hit 15 do I still make money or does it have to go above 15 to make money?

>> No.24579763


Pretty much, it's usually better after a market correction or dump.

>> No.24579770
Quoted by: >>24579834

I wish I wasnt a burgercuck and having to give away 60% to the jews for any profit, whats it like being a canadachad and swisschad /smg/?

>> No.24579769

China is authoritarian as fuck and just left Dengland for the Xi Authority.

Mao->Dengland->Xi and their weirdo state-capitalist shit seems to be workingas they steal literally everything from dumbass corporations

>> No.24579783
Quoted by: >>24580068

How many of you use technical analysis when making trades? From what I've read, it's mostly bullshit, with the exception of that used by Wall St. companies with advanced AI and server farms managed by actual autists, etc.

>> No.24579785
Quoted by: >>24579857

>18.2% over 3 years
You didn't even beat SPY.

>> No.24579788
File: 783 KB, 552x583, A B REAL AMERICAN10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are in GREAT SHAPE anon.

Keep up the fight!

>> No.24579793
File: 162 KB, 659x544, 1603811750225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. another 80 iq commie or "liberal" shill
>antifa are brave heroes and fuck liberty

>Joe Biden on Europeans becoming a minority - "That's a source of our strength."

According to some sources, the total number of Christian victims under the Soviet regime has been estimated to range around 12 to 20 million.

>An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop, nonstop.
>Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 we'll be an absolute minority in the United States of America.
> Absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock.
>That's not a bad thing. That's a source of our strength.

>> No.24579808
File: 515 KB, 1080x1688, bidenonguns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do the world a favor and jump from a bridge, leftypol/reddi-t.

>> No.24579812

>ad hominem

>> No.24579814
Quoted by: >>24579894

Biden got the memo he's supposed to be pro-minority so he said some shit

He's still kinda famously racist and old so...

>> No.24579818
Quoted by: >>24579929

that's order through chaos though, they use antifa as useful idiots

>> No.24579819

>he's a communist because he wants to drive the cost of labor into the floor with mass immigration at the expense of the white middle class
That's neoliberalism, retard. Antifa and actual communists are useful idiots for Biden and his (((banker))) friends. Biden wants nothing more but to transfer every cent possible from the citizenry to the financial sector.

>> No.24579822
File: 468 KB, 148x148, z me your mom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were u at CUNT?

>> No.24579834

I am pretty sure as Americans we have access to superior brokerage services. I recall leafs complaining about commissions and euros complaining about not being able to access the options market.

>> No.24579849 [DELETED] 




>> No.24579855

Yeah, it's been pretty badly subverted by leftists over the last few decades. Endless "positive" discrimination and "affirmative action." You want more of that, huh?

>> No.24579857

how are you doing? Post it in 1min faggo!

>> No.24579869
File: 21 KB, 183x170, n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no better than the DuxkDao pajeet bots

>> No.24579878

What are with the calls that have a strike price under current price?

>> No.24579884
File: 117 KB, 480x480, Kin_akuwaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooo he pointed out that I'm one of the 90% of retards who would have been better off just investing in an index instead

>> No.24579894

Brainlet, even if this is true, he's weak and in a party of deranged leftists. The left is now wholly in control, and they want you dead, white man.

>> No.24579900

i know there are genuine prostitutes that post on twitter but do girls really ply their trade on OF?

>> No.24579909

Stop. You can spam Monday thru Friday. Fuck off on the weekends.

>> No.24579929
Quoted by: >>24579977

I obviously meant that he agrees with them on everything.
>these commies that are part of an ancient commie org are really liberals
>even though they rabidly hate all freedom and wrongthink
No, they're you, you 80 iq shill. Really, who do you think you're kidding?

>> No.24579939
Quoted by: >>24579990

What is with an option on robinhood being 99% off?

>> No.24579940
File: 53 KB, 331x352, chrome_2020-12-06_03-14-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24579967


>> No.24579947

change your mind to not want

>> No.24579950
File: 790 KB, 600x604, file_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this level of spergy copypasta because someone said Biden isn't a communist
lol cope

>> No.24579958
Quoted by: >>24579977

Is anyone baking?

>> No.24579967

I am about ninety percent sure this is the same guy who was spamming about donating to trump like two months ago.

>> No.24579977
Quoted by: >>24580041

>tries to discuss politics
>doesn't understand the difference between liberalism and neoliberalsm
It's like talking to a particularly dull cabbage

we're not even at 310 chill

>> No.24579979
File: 21 KB, 1044x407, sweetie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580033

Behind you
*slices your portfolio to shreds with my superior gains*

>> No.24579985

Marxism-Bidenism will rescue America by liquidating all property and appointing Elon Musk as Tendie Comrade.

>> No.24579986
File: 11 KB, 354x470, 99DC7DC2-3D4A-415B-A9F1-0372F7D403AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580037

Left can’t meme but they can dilate like pros

>> No.24579987

This is such a stupid meme. You shouldn't get to call yourself "liberal" if you don't give a shit about liberty. I mean, besides the "right" to kill kids, what liberty do american "liberals" value?

>> No.24579990

It's a black friday deal

>> No.24579998



>> No.24580032

I'm not using that shit.

>> No.24580033
File: 47 KB, 718x481, Your Birth18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aint got shittttttttt nigga

>> No.24580037
File: 368 KB, 983x867, PinochetMusk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you know what words mean you're a leftist
Fuck kike, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies. But trying to pitch the Senator from MBNA, the guy who helped the insurance industry write Obamacare, the guy who orchestrated massive bailouts in 2009 a "communist" is fucking retarded. You are a post-2016 /pol/ dropout who still thinks Trump will magically win. Go cope.

>> No.24580041
Quoted by: >>24580084

>you need to respect our bullshit political labels
>I get to call far-leftists "liberal" all I want, and you can't challenge me
>those are the rules
Retarded commie faggot, you're all leftists.

>> No.24580044
Quoted by: >>24580204

Trump just said he likes cucumbers. I like cucumbers too. I like them with ranch dressing to dip in. I should get a cucumber and cut it into sticks for optimal dipping capabilities... whos the parent company of hidden valley. I want to get some ranch dressing on my portfolio.

>> No.24580046
File: 27 KB, 750x518, 1592648838777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most closely watched election
>during constant observation from both parties

>> No.24580068

Using a variety of moving averages and levels of resistance is very important. You can get by knowing only about those two things and using them well. Technical analysis can become suddenly meaningless when the real world serves up surprises though. It's better when there are no surprises. But reality isn't that tidy.

>> No.24580084
File: 29 KB, 247x253, 41717901776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580130

>everyone I don't like is a communist and if you disagree you're a communist too
You are as retarded as leftists throwing the word Nazi at everyone right of Obama. MAGA niggers get the rope first.

>> No.24580083

Biden is a blank template. He does whatever he's paid to do and this time it's communism.

>> No.24580086

Fuck off CLFfaggot

>> No.24580104

>The insurance industry wrote obamacare

>> No.24580126
File: 35 KB, 795x595, 594A998F0CB445DD9FF197CBEC0CE058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580171

>this time it's communism
Yeah, he's really filling out his cabinet with communist outsiders like...Janet Yellen, Susan Rice and John Kerry. The 2008 gang.

Are we back to calling Obama a communist? Because this is literally just the Obama administration with some titles changed around.

>> No.24580130
Quoted by: >>24580184

Brainlet, my point was obvioulsy that you leftists are all, essentially, the same.

>> No.24580134
Quoted by: >>24580210

The President isn’t a King. His power mostly extends to foreign policy and is specifically designed to be as temporary as possible. House and the senate is gridlocked with a conservative slant. Stop doom posting. He’s not gonna do shit, he’s Great Value Obama with none of the charisma or legislative talent.

>> No.24580137

I wish!!!

>> No.24580156
Quoted by: >>24580183

>insurance is legally mandatory now, and also states can form monopolies over it, and also you can't buy over state lines, and if you can't pay the government will just pay the health insurers directly
Gee, I wonder who benefits from this

>> No.24580171
Quoted by: >>24580247

The modern democrats are all absurdly leftists. They're now honest about wanting to turn the country into commie mexico.
>muh moderate leftists
Go dilate.

>> No.24580173
Quoted by: >>24580211

They did, along with the pharmaceutical companies. Then there was the company that contracted to do the flawed webpage that became a billion dollar company overnight. You really had to be there lol.

>> No.24580183


>> No.24580184

>you leftists
Just to be clear, you think I'm a leftist because I don't think Joe Biden is a communist.

I think you're a fucking retard.

>> No.24580204
Quoted by: >>24580273

cucumbers are mostly tasteless. You might as well just squeeze ranch directly into your mouth. Deep fried pickle slices are great though.

Weirdly enough, hidden valley seems to be owned by Clorox...

>> No.24580205

Somebody bake a new thread. Baggie you're here and can bake.

>> No.24580210
Quoted by: >>24580311

The left have almost ruined the country already by flooding it with hostile invaders, censored like crazy, taken over the institutions, stacked the courts, with a creeping nanny-state that hates whites. Now they have even more power, and you retards fail to see the issue.

>> No.24580211

Wow contracting exists im sure that was obamas fault

>> No.24580223

If you don't think Biden is a communist your the one who's retarded...

>> No.24580233
Quoted by: >>24580277

No YOUR retarded buddy

>> No.24580239

Yeah, there's the leftist brand of honesty everyone expects. No, you're clearly a leftist because of what you write.

>> No.24580247
Quoted by: >>24580349

So yes, you're just back to calling everyone left of Bush a communist despite them literally killing babies to please shareholders. Which just tells me you have no fucking clue what communism is. I'll restare the obvious, you're a post-2016 newfag who came here through /pol/ and worships Trump despite his utter Israeli cocksucking at every turn.

Go drink while your gook cheats on you in gookland

>> No.24580268
File: 25 KB, 823x132, bidenonim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joe Biden isn't a communist.
Just look at the pics.

>> No.24580273

Oh so you mean i already had ranch on my portfolio... well shit looks like I already got what I wanted.

>> No.24580277
File: 89 KB, 886x886, E7BD93D6-32CE-48B4-8447-2A08E429C15C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580332


>> No.24580280
Quoted by: >>24580444

>we are going to end this
>by doing the same thing as this
>see we ended this
>don't blame Obama!

ok I have no idea what you mean

>> No.24580301
Quoted by: >>24580339

So is anyone going to bake or what?

>> No.24580311
Quoted by: >>24580380

Obama Administration deported the fuck out of people while spewing platitudes out the other side of their mouth. It’s gonna be the same shit. This time with more “freedom” being delivered by drone to some third world dumpster fire.

>> No.24580326
File: 914 KB, 2048x1234, Smugrocketscientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580506

Kill yourself, faggot. You're clearly a retarded faggot, because of what you write.

Every single piece of "evidence" you post that Joe Biden is a communist is just him crushing the price of labor with a wave of shitskin immigrants, which is intensely neoliberal and actively detrimental to any attempt at communism. See also, his trade policies. How can you seize the means of production when the means of production are in Mexico and China?

>> No.24580332

WOW thats communist!!!!!!
Your a fucking idiot

>> No.24580339
Quoted by: >>24580430

Baggie is baking

>> No.24580349
Quoted by: >>24580414

>you're just back to calling everyone left of Bush a communist despite them literally killing babies to please shareholders
What the fuck are even babbling about? Objectively speaking, the democratic party platform is commie-tier. This becomes obvious if you don't stick your head in the sand. Go shill somewhere else.

>> No.24580360

He wrote the executive order that was the framework of the entire thing.

>> No.24580362

>your (again)
Go back to feminist studies bud

>> No.24580380

>Obama Administration deported the fuck out of people
No, they didn't, you dishonest faggot. He turned people away at the border and counted that as deportations. It's simple, dishonest statistics. You reddit leftists love that shit, don't you?

>> No.24580390

>what is video and photo and forensic and circumstantial evidence

>> No.24580410
File: 97 KB, 1350x908, 1604105660485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the leftist that's shilling like crazy and pretending he's not a leftist

>> No.24580414
File: 710 KB, 680x568, E09C5998A180460D9FC3BCE0F95D297C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580534

>muh platform
How much of Obama's platform actually got implemented?

How much of Trump's platform actually got implemented?

Why are you stupid enough to take politicians at face value instead of looking at their donors and voting history?

The Democrats desperately pandered to the AOC commies to avoid a 2016 style Trump victory. They succeeded, and have no further use for them. They will be discarded like political extremists are after every single election in history.

>> No.24580430


Tell him to get a move on it then, I want out of this shithole before I have to do it myself.

>> No.24580435
Quoted by: >>24580508

>the center is right next to stalin, unironically

>> No.24580444

>We are going to end this
>Can't do anything because democratic senators are actively sabotaging him so he can only do small healthcare reforms and he loses the house in 2010
>This is OBAMAS fault now we have to vote republican because 1 company got rich off of the obama administration!!!

>> No.24580450

for those still on this thread

>> No.24580475
File: 1.38 MB, 1242x1462, 81D64E455CED4F939E3375386663806E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I don't quote them I'm superior
Democrats have called Republicans Nazis since Eisenhower defeated the Nazis. Republicans have called Democrats communists since FDR's crippled cunt finally died of polio. The fact you still buy the blind partisan shitflinging without any critical thought makes you subhuman. You are an NPC and you are the useful idiot the Jews use to keep the system running.

>> No.24580506

>these examples of leftists saying that they want to replace whites shouldn't be taken at face value
Why not? Dems have been working on doing this for decades. They're close now. It's very much what western leftists all dream about. Why shouldn't I take them at their words?

>> No.24580508
Quoted by: >>24580568

imagine making this post after crying about strawmanning here
>its okay when we do it fellow epic magapedes

>> No.24580534

>How much of Obama's platform actually got implemented?
He stacked the courts, which has haunted trump's admin. He kept on flooding the country with leftist voters. He took over institutions. He absued laws and spread corruption. He did a fine leftist job.

>> No.24580540
Quoted by: >>24580603

Why are you so completely unable to separate the concept of white genocide and communism? Biden supports white genocide. Not because he's a communist, but because it would be good for the megacorporate donors that funded his campaign. You can want to replace all whites with shitskins for lower labor costs without being a communist. That's literally the core tenant of globalism.

>> No.24580551
Quoted by: >>24580603

>Liberals wanting to replace white people is communist

>> No.24580568

Dude, for the tenth time, there's nothing moderate or sane about the left's "fuck borders, whites and freedom" agenda.

>> No.24580603

>these people that hate freedom with a rabid passion are really liberals
No, they're not. You're leftists.
Communism is pure jewry. It's fundamentally anti-white and anti-freedom, like all leftism.

>> No.24580611

When did biden say any of that he doesn't want open borders he wants amnesty for illegal immigrants just like bush in 2000 or essentially any president

>> No.24580630

That's a strawman too, faggot. Nobody called Biden moderate or sane. I called him a neoliberal warhawk. You had an autistic knee jerk reaction where your brain can't understand things other than communism can still be bad. Obama and Biden are literally worse for the average white worker than Bernie Sanders would be, because neoliberals only care about global corporate bottom lines and GDP growth. That is literally the opposite of communism. Neoliberalism is to capitalism what actual communism is to magic book communism.

>> No.24580641
Quoted by: >>24580707

What does freedumb have to do with leftism. Was hitler leftist given that he hated freedom?

>> No.24580659

Usury is literally one of the foundational stones of capitalism. You cannot have capitalism without capital markets and you cannot have capital markets without usury. Jews created capitalism. Jews also created Marxism. That you've somehow decided this means capitalism = marxism is just /pol/ frying your schizo brain.

>> No.24580681
Quoted by: >>24580752

>t he doesn't want open borders
You dishonest faggot. The dem candidates are all on record with wanting no ice, no immgiration enforcement or detention, amnesty for all illegals, massively increased immigration, no wall, free shit for invaders, to entice them to come here, etc
If this isn't open borders, I dont' know what is. You've imported tens of millions of hostile invaders over the last decades, Now you want to ramp up the replacement rate.

>> No.24580694
Quoted by: >>24580704

>>>/pol/ tourists please go

>> No.24580704
Quoted by: >>24580736

I'm containing him here please don't remind him about the other thread

>> No.24580707
Quoted by: >>24580782

Just how retarded are you? "Liberals" aren't liberal, so they shouldn't call themselves that.
Was a leftist.

>> No.24580724

are you actually looking at the ask's or just going off the mark price because the bid/ask is usually astronomical on those long options

>> No.24580736
Quoted by: >>24580760

>leftypol thinks he represents the board
You're a joke, faggot.

>> No.24580752
Quoted by: >>24580800

ICE is a new invention that goes after immigrants already in the united states and biden said nothing about ICE. When did they say they dont want immigration enforcement or detention saying they dont want arbitrary family separation isnt that

>> No.24580760

You really just can't break your conditioning. Everyone you disagree with, on anything ever, is a communist. Sad!

>> No.24580782

Ok thats all i needed to know

>> No.24580800
File: 375 KB, 640x335, dems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580839

In the debates and on twitter and on his site.
>he wants amnesty for illegal immigrants just like bush in 2000 or essentially any president
Why are you so dishonest? In reality, this is extremly far-left.

>> No.24580839

Healthcare coverage for undocumented immigrants is far-left??? Its relatively normal as evidenced by every candidate supporting it. And it has nothing to do with ICE

>> No.24580888
Quoted by: >>24580950

>Healthcare coverage for undocumented immigrants is far-left???

>Its relatively normal as evidenced by every candidate supporting it.
What do you think this means? It's moderate since dems support it? Retard, by objective, rational standards, it's nuts, and it's not even popular.

>> No.24580912
File: 261 KB, 899x899, 1568654092174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24580950

>this is moderate, goyim

>> No.24580950
Quoted by: >>24581084

Well what do you want anyone to do about it? >>24580888

>> No.24581032

>If legalization gets through the senate
come on bro you know that's not happening

>> No.24581084

Not completely opening the gates would be nice, but you biden-supporters disagree.