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24383018 No.24383018 [Reply] [Original]

Less than 7 hours till


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Previous: >>24380840

>> No.24383072

Buy CLF and watch my stream cowo @ twitch

>> No.24383075
File: 218 KB, 661x1029, original_259896456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383125


>> No.24383076

first for if you aren't already in CLF by now and you just bought PLTR last week at above 25 you're ngmi

>> No.24383077

What’s going on with CRSR? Just a healthy pullback before blasting off soon or a legit downtrend? 27% in 1 and a half market days isn’t healthy at all

>> No.24383088

Hey guys I’m from tiktok. How do I need to buy PLTR? Anyways you guys are super racist against POC

>> No.24383094

Healthy pullback, it's a business that's only going to continue growing at the moment

>> No.24383103

downtrend, floor is 36 hopefully. how can you see so much green and think its normal/not trim profits?

>> No.24383110
File: 1.44 MB, 200x150, 1606336869690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383329

I should add i work as a finance closer for a very large car dealership. Make about 80k a year..get to slick back my hair 80s style..wear suspenders and big watchs.. handle big money deals and drive an FRS..never even graduated highschool. i worked my way up into the position from a where i started as a simple lowly car salesman in 2005. I just was one of the best salesman for a decade.

We are watching this foreclosure crisis in the formative stages.This will destroy credit scores and probably alot of our jobs.memos have been sent out so it is an official concern

We are waiting for it and we know its coming but timing this shit like everything else

>> No.24383111
File: 276 KB, 646x595, 158713019515525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24385295

I just downgraded from Robinhood gold and $10,000 of buying power was just removed from me. W-what happened?

>> No.24383116
File: 1.62 MB, 1080x1080, ban aespa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought puts on PLTR on friday that shit ran up for like a month straight i was like fuck this fucker

>> No.24383119
Quoted by: >>24383140

"needful" is a pajeet scam meme, fuck those niggers. SPACs are for niggers and the steel industry is not a meme, CLF will be the largest producer of cold rolled steel in North American by eoy, don't watch CLF shills stream it's just a gross europoornigger smoking weed, worst porn ever

>> No.24383123

Also threadly reminder to buy into MAB before the UK hospitality industry reopens

>> No.24383125
File: 138 KB, 945x745, CE01EB78-9675-4C6A-825E-A7F5F2F03D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im all in THCB, hope this will moon next week

>> No.24383128
File: 43 KB, 640x503, IMG-20201127-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a healthy CLF bag? I only have 50 shares that I bought at $5. 500? 1000?

>> No.24383130

>Invest in iron ore futures
>Make money without buying CLFfag's bags
Nothing personnel kid.

>> No.24383133

My uncle just Zoom'd me regarding PLTR investment opportunities

He works for Nintendo

>> No.24383137

if you guys want a ground floor entry on a good SPAC look up FTIV, they're merging with Perella Weinberg Partners

>> No.24383140
Quoted by: >>24383206

CLFnigger at it again

>> No.24383153
Quoted by: >>24383601

Hey guys saw this place on tik tok

Pltr to the moooon

>> No.24383154

Hello person from wallstreetbets here

I keep seeing ppl post about CLF

Is this another tech stock?

>> No.24383160
Quoted by: >>24383273

Pick 3:


>> No.24383164
File: 46 KB, 640x556, 8914EE04-B32E-4900-BE93-2C78DF8A1658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384408

Guys I’m too scared to buy anything the entire market is up 200%

>> No.24383170

You faggots jest but TikTok shilling PLTR is actually true.

>> No.24383171

Sirs don't forget to be needful and put every single cent you have into SPACs, how are your opinions on my platform diligence?

>> No.24383179
File: 881 KB, 750x1334, 29B55D1A-D537-4BA6-8C2D-1D4052E7D891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell guys, I’m not fucken joking

>> No.24383180
Quoted by: >>24383212


Once tariffs are lifted these company go back to zero

>> No.24383184


>> No.24383194

Palantir is going to 24 to shake out all the tik takers then it's going to 50.

>> No.24383198
File: 730 KB, 1080x1497, 20201129_084951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$GEVO ????

>> No.24383199
File: 72 KB, 315x291, 1595117991820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383271

kid bagging my groceries at the store was wearing a Palantir hat and i asked him why he was wearing it and he just said $100 EOY and went back to bagging, should we be worried?

>> No.24383203



>> No.24383206

Look at the fucking company you fucking toddlers! 1.6bil in revenue in Q3 alone! Largest producer of iron ore pellets and cold rolled steel in North America by EOY. Yeah go buy X, fucking nigger, you probably have a savings account still

>> No.24383210


>> No.24383212

>Once tariffs are lifted
so at least several months into next year at the earliest assuming Biden gets in, got it

>> No.24383221
Quoted by: >>24383258

thats not even showing up on google frend

>> No.24383224
Quoted by: >>24383304

You typed in more than it would've taken you to Google that question, go away nigger

>> No.24383226
File: 633 KB, 871x585, bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383259

looks like the big institutions want to dump their PLTR bags on wsb

>> No.24383227
Quoted by: >>24383331

Anybody balls deep in MMED or CMPS?
Psilocybin looks pretty promising

>> No.24383240
Quoted by: >>24383304

Pls be a troll pls be a troll pls be a troll

>> No.24383252
Quoted by: >>24383283


Yeah. American steel and iron ore are dead.

Back to distrubtors ordering metric fucktons from alibaba and price collapse

>> No.24383255
Quoted by: >>24383282

Anon was not fucking joking. They are shilling this shit to high heavens. Dumping my bags monday

>> No.24383256

Selling all my options this week, even if its a loss. Cant afford to have this much exposure. Were at the tip of the rollarcoaster.
is going berserk saying how its a new normal. Be careful guys, this may be it.

>> No.24383258

You the company will go bankrupt after over 100 years is business, shut up nigger>>24383221
SPACs are for niggers, all of you need to go back

>> No.24383261
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 1603590807169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I already own them

>> No.24383259
Quoted by: >>24384372

why does reddit do that gay shit where they overlay animation with a label?

>> No.24383265
Quoted by: >>24383350

Btc going to moon again?

>> No.24383271
File: 576 KB, 4140x3300, 101186484-Shoe_shine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the Shoeshine Boy Talks Stocks, it is a Great Sell Signal

>> No.24383273


t. Hold the first two.

>> No.24383278
Quoted by: >>24383374

My dad's about to give me 100 shares of motorola... How is this company still around?! Should i keep them?

>> No.24383282
File: 454 KB, 1242x1870, A20E9A3F-3669-47F3-B8DD-4CAC5E898C37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.24383283
Quoted by: >>24383344

You're an obvious nigger who can't read and doesn't understand the American legislation process works, but what can I expect, you can't read

>> No.24383290
Quoted by: >>24383301

Hello my friends is there a CLF SPAC?

>> No.24383298
File: 61 KB, 620x378, spongebob_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383410

GEVO !!!!!!!!!!??????????????

>> No.24383299
Quoted by: >>24383324


Faggot nobody is gonna buy american made after tariffs are lifted. Its literally back to survival mode for 90% of the domestic producers.


>> No.24383300


>> No.24383301
Quoted by: >>24383322

no but there is THCB which is even better

>> No.24383302

We really are dangerously close to the top. I need to sell before January.

>> No.24383304
Quoted by: >>24383351

I don’t do research I just put money in whatever is mentioned the most

So I should drop 70k on them right?

>> No.24383306

Already got some on the dip

>> No.24383307

I'm all in.

>> No.24383308

holy shit

>> No.24383313
Quoted by: >>24383336

When the big crash happens in 2 weeks, do we blame robinhooders?

>> No.24383315


>> No.24383320

Is it dead?

>> No.24383322

I need to invest in cannabis electric iron ore abortion camera insurance SPACs please.

>> No.24383323
File: 95 KB, 1124x1022, 3FFB5BFC-F695-400D-BF4C-55932849194B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dies more people investing in PLTR means I should sell? More buyers = stock goes higher

>> No.24383324

Nigger, go read about tariffs, excuse me go watch a video, you're a nigger, my bad

>> No.24383329
File: 524 KB, 486x636, 1600051885890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383370

>80k a year
>big moneys
>drive an FRS
mfw my construction job pays double that to sit in my $70k truck most of the day

>> No.24383331


MMEDF for the long term. Especially if they show positive progress in their trials

>> No.24383336

why 'blame' anyone, just laugh and enjoy it while shitposting 'AAAAAAAAA' in here

>> No.24383334

Bears.... awaken....

>> No.24383342


>> No.24383344
Quoted by: >>24383379



Congress doesnt vote on tariffs retard

Holy shit imagine being so retarded

>> No.24383349
File: 2.32 MB, 1223x1362, 1602788266819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383382

>used all my PLTR gains to buy more GME
All is going according to plan...

>> No.24383350

Look at 2017 chart and compare it to 2020.

Bitcoin is at the same price levels when mara was at 20$

>> No.24383351
Quoted by: >>24383402


>> No.24383355
File: 72 KB, 452x422, 1604496568138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384607

I'm long on PLTR but we need another shakeout so normies fuck off

>> No.24383365
Quoted by: >>24383389

Ask yourself this, why would someone shill their stock countlessly in these threads everyday. The reason behind this is investors don't see any value in the stock and the shills need gullible people to buy their bags.

>> No.24383368


>> No.24383370
Quoted by: >>24383424


I never claimed to be rich. Thats why i am here and need to make it

I claimed to be doing well for someone who dropped out of highschool at 15.

>> No.24383374
Quoted by: >>24383435

I would sell them for QQQ or SPY.

>> No.24383376

ok zoomer

>> No.24383377

The majority of these tiktok bandwagoners have the worst of paper hands. The moment they buy in and someone with a legitmately large position starts profit taking, they'll all panic sell.

>> No.24383379
Quoted by: >>24383404

Holy fuck, that's exactly what I said, you can't read, get alod of this nigger he can't read but he makes posts, maybe it's an actual monkee

>> No.24383382
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, 127940136_415199979518245_5795883078052806008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monday will be $GMEs biggest day so far have you seen reddit

>> No.24383389

Algo bait.

>> No.24383402
Quoted by: >>24383468

Ok dropping 70k on the furthest out of the money option I can buy on CLF tomorrow

>> No.24383404


You think biden will keep tariffs you stupid monkey?

>> No.24383410
Quoted by: >>24383496

what about it? its been crabbing at 0.(lmfaoo) for years

>> No.24383421

$15 bagholders are smiling so bigly right now

>> No.24383424
Quoted by: >>24383561

Ah my mistake, thought it was a brag. That's actually incredible - I wasted years at college before dropping out to pursue something different and made garbage money for years after that.

>> No.24383428

I'm going to be stuck carrying palantir bags for the foreseeable aren't i?

>> No.24383434

Post skin and time stamp

>> No.24383435

What's msis deal

>> No.24383449
Quoted by: >>24383471

How are people bullish on CLF.... up so much in a week and no pullback like CRSR got.... same with PLTR

>> No.24383452
File: 109 KB, 1126x939, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383478

is reddit really going to pump my bags??

>> No.24383454

As a 9$ baggie, i can't wait to get off this ride

>> No.24383459
File: 119 KB, 1066x620, 4375f7fd25111f46ef360f817ccf4964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383485

>PLTR holders right now
Just buy back later

>> No.24383468
File: 1.24 MB, 1804x1335, CLFMineCollapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok dropping 70k on the furthest out of the money option I can buy on CLF tomorrow

It's your funeral if you fall for something that's obviously about to tank.

>> No.24383469
File: 192 KB, 512x512, 7377D397-0FDD-4008-81DD-71C63E868876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383600

Is GME’s earnings this week? I forgot.

>> No.24383471

RH users basically have on blinders. The app is designed so perfectly to appeal to younger zoomers that they just see line go up , they buy.

>> No.24383473
File: 81 KB, 1285x528, 1604860951955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling for tomorrow.

>> No.24383478

they deleted a lot of the GME posts too for pump and dumping

>> No.24383480
File: 7 KB, 472x148, SPY cost basis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw up 50% YTD on the most boomer of boomer investments imaginable

why didn't you guys tell me investing was this easy?

>> No.24383481
Quoted by: >>24383540

You think I'm saying things with ulterior motives, I don't care do what you want, you're ill-informed

>> No.24383485
File: 61 KB, 1024x964, 1605751896643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk u never sellin my 2022 calls

>> No.24383486
Quoted by: >>24383512

I'd like to take a moment to say fuck niggers fuck jannies fuck kikes fuck reddit tourists and fuck SPAC pajeets

>> No.24383494


>> No.24383496

It stole my life savings. I'm just reenacting Emperor Augustus as he was devastated by the shocking defeat of Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

>> No.24383501

Rollin for PLTR

>> No.24383502

How we feeling about US Steel and CLF this week? Going in CLF:X at 2:1


>> No.24383509

I don’t think their panic selling will do anything.

>> No.24383512
Quoted by: >>24383570

based as fuck, it's good to see you again anon

>> No.24383514
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-11-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put forth what i think might happen and how to take advantage of idea
>mods do this
they will probably ban me for this post ngl
So is UVXY a good idea in this instance

>> No.24383515

a historic 9% dip as institutions bet on a short term rally .....HMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.24383521


>> No.24383525
Quoted by: >>24383630

So I asked my buddy today how he's doing so well in trading options. He made a killing off of option trading and I asked him to teach me.

He laughed checked his phone and said he was going to text me something. He texted me this

"k2dnmeDV" without quotes

Wtf does this even mean? He says he learned everything he knew from this but how the hell do I decipher this? What even is this code lol? I thought someone here might know

>> No.24383530


>> No.24383532

rolling for PLTR

>> No.24383536


>> No.24383539


>> No.24383540
Quoted by: >>24383706

don't worry CLFag, those of us that have been following your shitposts for the past several months are already in
let the morons buying PLTR this late into the pump enjoy holding bags

>> No.24383543
File: 197 KB, 680x780, 1606081109077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24383547
File: 295 KB, 2048x1536, 52unhrxd6bg11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like going cash until the AAAAA posting picks up again.

>> No.24383549
File: 70 KB, 1242x400, FDB13460-16F4-478C-8FE5-D791D69FF80A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384624

There are Stocktwits retards among us

>> No.24383551
File: 151 KB, 703x685, 1523806603652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all the anti-PLTR shilling this weekend?

>> No.24383560

Nio monthly report coming out

>> No.24383561


Car selling and stock trading has some strange parallels. The more you sell a car for the more you make. The less you buy a car for (trade in) the more you make.

Theres a 100 ways to make money in a car deal..just like stocks.

I wanna say im a big chief baller but my account is garbage and i need to make it because outside of a car dealership im digging ditches and the wind of change are blowing over the automotive industry right now.

More and more people get cars directly from the manufacturer or through SDUs like carvanna.

Alright well im out. Going fishing

>> No.24383570
Quoted by: >>24383727

Your probably thinking of a different guy, I'm the one who's been making the pajeet drive by abortion posts for best hydrogen powered backpack posts the last couple of days

>> No.24383571

Btc did another halving in that period, so now it costs more to mine than back then.

>> No.24383580

COPE from those who sold a >100 stock for 30

>> No.24383588
Quoted by: >>24383605

What time frame and what price target

>> No.24383592
Quoted by: >>24383609

They're trying to get us to sell so they can buy in at a dip

>> No.24383593

>Rollin for PLTR
Funny part about that roll is 16% isn't unprecedented for PLTR, it's par for the course

>> No.24383595
Quoted by: >>24383700

PLTR doesnt even make money/profits
LMFAO reddit really doesnt they know covid vaccine is around the corner, and sleepy joe is president, so PLTR doesnt really have any proper need, or value.

>> No.24383600
Quoted by: >>24383635

Dec 8

might be a repeat of Q2 with all these new paperhand retards but if you're already in GME you'll be fine. If you didn't sell at $15 there's no reason to panic and sell now after the cup and handle is baiting a lot of new money to get in

>> No.24383601

Bruh stop

>> No.24383605
File: 335 KB, 960x960, 127303893_390697625680182_166823816090341557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383652

nah its just a little bitch bet i bought like 8 contracts for 10 cents each

80 dorrar for the big wombo combo when it drops like 10$ this week

>> No.24383609
Quoted by: >>24383822

>They're trying to get us to sell so they can buy in at a dip
Well the dip is already here so they better buy now

>> No.24383618

>Picture of MN
>Everyone is black

>> No.24383619
Quoted by: >>24383703

Hop on PLTR or no?
I just wanna throw $3k at and get ~$1500 profit by the end of the week.
Roughly maths out to $32/share before taxes.
The hype has at least another week of gas behind it, right?

>> No.24383622

I sold PLTR for 32 bucks on Friday. Do I buy back in tommorow morning?

>> No.24383625

take a fucking shower m8

>> No.24383629
File: 24 KB, 300x300, 1606157608821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the play this week lads?

>> No.24383630
Quoted by: >>24383865

Fuck discord trannies too

>> No.24383635

If you're interested in getting in GME before the Q4 pump, it might be best to wait for a possible dip during Q3.
If it doesn't dip Q3 you were too late anyways.
Bless you GME chads that held with iron hands.

>> No.24383638
File: 140 KB, 874x1200, 1597686787104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MARA has never even been at $20. The peak was $18.35 in 2014.

>> No.24383652

>kpopfren also thinks PLTR is going to correct this week
uh oh, I'm suddenly not as sure of this, maybe it's gonna keep poomping, fuck

>> No.24383653
Quoted by: >>24383714

Sell your car, house, body, and family to go in on PLTR and then kill yourself because you unironically bought the top.

>> No.24383657

I'm getting late August feels now. Blow off top coming.

>> No.24383662

Don't mind them. Keep buying. 100 EOY is happening

>> No.24383666


>> No.24383671
File: 65 KB, 439x491, smug61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling PLTR at 25.87

>> No.24383680

Put it into MAB

>> No.24383691

No Satan, Banking is gonna get blown the fuck out soon. There is a reason why all the big boys are dumping their shares.

>> No.24383693

>Pic is all Somalians
This checks out.

>> No.24383696

What's happening with citigroup nowadays

>> No.24383700


"On June 18, 2010, Vice President Joe Biden and Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag held a press conference at the White House announcing the success of fighting fraud in the stimulus by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (RATB). Biden credited the success to the software, Palantir, being deployed by the federal government"

>> No.24383703
File: 142 KB, 819x819, C8AD1156-AFF6-4BE9-8CEC-FE8927CEC9EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrationality aside, Friday's red day and non-recover AH indicates the possible start of a downtrend back to normal. Monday is very important, TA-wise. General, logical assumption still remains at reversion to mean: 23-25. It might erratically pop to 33 again or even higher, but this would be unhealthy and indicative of an even bigger later dump to 17-21

>> No.24383704


>> No.24383706

I'm not even CLFag, I'm just one that listened to him very early. Anyways good to see you I thought this place had been completely overrun with dickless pajeet niggers

>> No.24383709
File: 95 KB, 900x618, 1548043422730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383752

anyone getting SNDL

>> No.24383712
Quoted by: >>24383840

Reddit will buy PLTR dip and get rich, don't sell them your precious shares.

>> No.24383714

The all time top my ass

>> No.24383726
Quoted by: >>24383743

Should we be worried about the entire market being a vertical line?

>> No.24383727
Quoted by: >>24383764

You're right, fuck you

>> No.24383743
File: 531 KB, 939x480, hy968lialnv01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24383752

I got a $1 call for april 2021 that I bought prior to earnings. Currently down 20% on it

>> No.24383757

There will be anons who buy into the morning pump just like Friday and then get dumped on.
I know I should laugh at them, but seeing frens lose money hurts.

>> No.24383761

I am sitting on 1000 PLTR shares at 10$ and never selling

>> No.24383764
Quoted by: >>24383794

Fuck you to sir, hope you have no needful

>> No.24383771

Beyond based

>> No.24383780
File: 230 KB, 1200x1749, black iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24383842

Buy steel, buy CLF, avoid the DotCom style Tech/EV bubble and make money.
Or don't, idgaf, but you've been warned.

CLF theme:

>> No.24383785

I have 10 shares at 15$ and never selling....

>> No.24383791
File: 20 KB, 351x512, 3BF0F6A2-B59C-4B0C-A201-9C949F0D14BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ring ring it’s for you

>> No.24383794
Quoted by: >>24383869

Fuck the needful meme ya fucking tourist

>> No.24383801
File: 708 KB, 640x640, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either buy some additional monitors or close some tabs. Holy shit.

>> No.24383809
File: 45 KB, 591x570, 1600571429036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See babe? The little bar is red so I post pictures of the funny pink man and the bear and scream

>> No.24383813

>My thoughts word for word
Are we retarded?

>> No.24383822

Too late, 33 premarket next morning

Well i guess it doesnt matter it will be 50 EOY

>> No.24383826

All them fawns was sedated and then euthanized

>> No.24383840

Genuinely don't think Redditors or Tik Tokers understand such concepts.

>> No.24383842

how do you make money on the tech bubble any inverse ETF's to look at? section 230 is probably going gut social media

>> No.24383847

They were a nature dude's harem.

>> No.24383850
File: 2.46 MB, 800x800, based.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24383865

What do you mean by this?

>> No.24383869
File: 202 KB, 523x430, 1605321219596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir I am being of the channel 4 club since 2009, kindly castrate and fuck yourself for only best pictures on your phone of it with LGVW, Bills and Gates all agree it will rise with tide because of Noah's ARK

>> No.24383871

Looks like those fawns spent the night at Bill Cosby's place

>> No.24383890
Quoted by: >>24383970

How do we profit?

>> No.24383909


>> No.24383918
File: 314 KB, 1273x2000, 035AB8BC-30C8-48B3-BE32-723E557A7687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mathematically, and especially when you're watching the stock, why not sell 1/3 at 30+ and re-buy when it goes under 23

>> No.24383946

deer cunny?

>> No.24383950

Fucking under-rated here, adieu

>> No.24383965


>> No.24383970

Steel and led

>> No.24383980
Quoted by: >>24384069

If he knows it would do that, I’m sure he would consider.

>> No.24383992
Quoted by: >>24384015

Enjoy your safe boomer +20% gains while everyone goes +100% in real meme stocks

>> No.24384015
Quoted by: >>24384065

Dotcom bubble 2.0 lmao

>> No.24384021

So will Corsair continue to free fall next week? I think 27% was a major correction and bottom has to be in right?

>> No.24384034
Quoted by: >>24384049

Don’t catch a falling knife

>> No.24384038


>no blacked tab
>no dragon dildo tab
>no gay porn tab

Zoomers need to die

>> No.24384043
Quoted by: >>24384076

company not needed

>> No.24384049

So it’s just going to keep falling forever? For no reason?

>> No.24384056

Are you the tranny who took all my weekend regulars?

>> No.24384059
File: 244 KB, 626x748, 21e37b08dc4d4b35548fd9324dc603b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384709

So when the FUCK is Amazon going to DIP. These MFers are going to be the 3rd REICH of companies. They are going to rule everything, even if they get splitted, which wont even affect share price

>> No.24384064
Quoted by: >>24384107

gonna fall atleast another 10%

>> No.24384065

just trim to cover your cost basis after it goes 2x. Exit strategies are easier than ever with stop losses if you're a pussy

>> No.24384068

Corsair is such a boring stock. It will go down to $20 EoY

>> No.24384069
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, 6A784144-AE48-4F08-AC7A-4D951EB170AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 200% since last Friday
>if he knew
uhm? stocks just go up?

>> No.24384076
Quoted by: >>24384100

And GME is needed how? Humor me

>> No.24384077

I'm just saying I don't have a crystal ball and its safer not to just randomly jump in and hope its the bottom. Or just buy randomly, idgaf, just trying to help.

>> No.24384083

Isnt the reason its falling is that they do not make enough money to justify the high valuation?

>> No.24384100
Quoted by: >>24384139

Gamers control society

>> No.24384107

Why though? Can somebody give me information on why it should fall so much? It’s a good company as far as I can tell? Why doesn’t LOGI drop too the ? I haven’t seen any bearish article about CRSR so I’m genuinely confused by all the FUD.... I bought the dip on Wednesday cause I thought it was for sure going to bounce...

>> No.24384111

If you wan to try to divine the stock market, try learning technical indicators.

>> No.24384117

Algos want to fill the gap. Set up an MA50 on the daily for GME and BBBY to see for yourself how these algos and momentum traders follow moving averages so hard

>> No.24384133
Quoted by: >>24384156

how about because it already shot up a bunch and now people are over the hype?

>> No.24384139
Quoted by: >>24384150

Okay? And Corsair is a gaming equipment company with excellent sales.... I literally never see anyone in a GameStop whenever I pass by one. Last time I was there they were so thirsty for me to join all this bullshit. It was a ghost town. Stupid merch that nobody even wants. It’s going to die like FYE

>> No.24384141
Quoted by: >>24384173

just a normal correction after such a big run, it grew more than 200% in a month time. If you baghold you will recover after q1 results in 2021.

>> No.24384150
Quoted by: >>24384197

You should short it.

>> No.24384156

Okay and why aren’t people over stocks that shot up way more meteoritic like JMAI? Just trying to gain perspective

>> No.24384165

I pray for a crash every day even if it will hurt me.

>> No.24384167
Quoted by: >>24384214

the market this year has been all about hype, Corsair has already been hyped and now they've moved on to something else, it's that simple.

>> No.24384170
Quoted by: >>24384229

We have all told you yes all week you nigger, sell your calls to keep some profits and buy more later

>> No.24384173
Quoted by: >>24384250

I have options that expire on the 28th of December and also the 15th of January? So I’m fucked? I’m not even red on this stock..... I just lost a fuckton of great profit and it’s a shitty feeling. Should I sell and secure 9k in gains or just get the fuck out tomorrow morning?

>> No.24384190

Are there any good ETFs that can serve as an alternative to a savings account? My Citi account 0.7% APY. I was thinking PFF, but I read that it performed horribly during the 2008 crash, since it’s so heavily invested in finance.

>> No.24384194

Anyone got Aston Memetin Lelgonda shares? It's either total collapse or the DBX will make them moon, kino roulette spin stock.

>> No.24384195
File: 666 KB, 640x640, chad at bar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I am sitting on 775 PLTR shares at a 32.50 average cost

>> No.24384197
Quoted by: >>24384217

Isn’t that dangerous when it fell 28% in less than 2 regular market days??? Stocks shouldn’t drop that much with no bad news

>> No.24384206
Quoted by: >>24384270

>Not selling PLTR till it hits $1000 per share after a 10:1 stock split in 2030

>> No.24384214
Quoted by: >>24384265

Why wouldn’t people continue to be hype when probably amazing Black Friday sales, more and more people staying at home gaming and buying their products? It’s just stupid to me considering people never chill with the memes like SPCE ffs

>> No.24384216
Quoted by: >>24384252


Is this a SPAC thats actually not a scam?
>EOSE Battery storage for tesla cars ect.

>> No.24384217
Quoted by: >>24384257

I'm joking.

>> No.24384219

Best way to turn $1000 into $2500 quickly?

>> No.24384223
Quoted by: >>24384424

you could try QYLD. it's been relatively steady over it's history and pays out almost 1% divvy per month. there might be better options though.

>> No.24384224
File: 258 KB, 328x361, 1606627974626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384356

Anyone been looking into Lemonade (LMND)?
Also where my Draftkangz at, we fixed the fight last night and took all those sweeet bets for ourselves.

>> No.24384229

Not really. So many people were talking about buying the dip when it was only down 8% then it closed down 16% and then the next day it dropped another 10%.... how much lower can this thing go? Unbelievable

>> No.24384232

there's only like 50-100 regulars here
you can't expect everyone to be on everything

besides some people already killed themselves over JMIA pump and dump in the summer

>> No.24384238

All in on OPTI. Not even joking.

>> No.24384244

I want to see more useful and prospective platforms. The best example is the gotEM project. These guys will go to the moon! The pre-sale will take place on telegram and its website. Buy GTX tokens now: gotem.io

>> No.24384248

>PLTR average buy price $18
>if I unload them at $30
>what is the ideal buy back in price
>also is this how DCA works

Can any anons send me some links to figure this out

>> No.24384250
File: 692 KB, 1125x2436, 1606595181479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell it, I lost a tons of gains too with CRSR, I was like 150% in the green but sold before the second dip. You will be even more mad when you go red.

>> No.24384252

Are zinc batteries a scam? are they just overall shit tier next to lithium?

>> No.24384257

Seems like most people aren’t joking with random ass FUD. Probably why everyone’s panic selling this good company.... LOGI makes shitty products and it keeps rising? Every Logitech speaker or keyboard or mouse I had fucking broke quickly

>> No.24384259
Quoted by: >>24384291

Why would you want all those short term taxes. I live in a commie state

>> No.24384262


I would say most dividend stocks. Even if they go down, it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be selling it anyways unless you lose your job for months. It'll make you money in the mean time through dividends even with a market crash. Coke is reliable and won't drop below 40. AT&T has a huge ratio, and I feel like is already near the bottom, it won't go up much, but probably has nowhere to go but up with 5G and HBO max and shit. Or just get DIV

>> No.24384265

their margins arent good enough to justify a valuation at 3x of revenues

>> No.24384266
Quoted by: >>24384287

When buying memes do you avoid everything that’s up 150% already?

>> No.24384270


>> No.24384276

Why does the entire market want CRSR to crash? I just don’t understand such a catastrophic pullback when other stocks like NIO survive any hit piece

>> No.24384279

DCA assumes you arent selling, just buying over period of time. This is swing trading.

>> No.24384287
Quoted by: >>24384305


>> No.24384291

some leafs here keep assuming everyone trades tax free like them

>> No.24384303

relax, i just found this site through reddit, i'm sure there are lots of new users like me. you guys should be more accepting to newcomers

>> No.24384305

So buy like apxt and inaq type shit?

>> No.24384315

because its not EV stock. Rotate some of that gains to THCB, its the next meme stock bound to fly.

>> No.24384317
File: 46 KB, 640x640, newf4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384576

Yeah this board looks a lot different than it did about month ago

>> No.24384323
File: 7 KB, 210x243, 1528315237733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has unironically been very useful to me:


>> No.24384331

No. Fuck of NEET.

>> No.24384335
Quoted by: >>24384375

You sound like the biggest fucking faggot right now, people have answered your questions, hold and lose all your profits, there doesn't have to be an obvious answer you teeth sucking nigger

>> No.24384338
Quoted by: >>24384384

So we've just about reached the top:
Sector Shift or full blown rug-pull?

>> No.24384340
File: 63 KB, 278x259, 1606652139930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck why there is a retard infestation just everywhere

>> No.24384356

Me, but I have not made a position in it yet. IDK what I'm waiting for honestly ahha

>> No.24384358


The next CIIGs LEts go boys

*rocket ship emojis*

>> No.24384372
Quoted by: >>24385837

Unironically low IQ and critical thinking ability.

>> No.24384375

You faggots told me to buy the dip and it crashed more. Y’all changed your tune just cause you see line go down more. You do the same with GME

>> No.24384376

Fuck fuck I bought the top what do I do piece of shit

>> No.24384384

June 11th 2.0.

>> No.24384385

Sign of the top, prepare accordingly

>> No.24384397

when can we start to short tesla & the vax stocks.

>> No.24384398
Quoted by: >>24384541

CLF CHADS RISE THE FUCK UP. If we hit 12 monday i will post bucci pics for everyone to enjoy

>> No.24384399

I’m just pissed cause I got almost 20k of gains wiped the fuck out by these faggots selling for some meme

>> No.24384402
File: 82 KB, 1400x900, 1604108032573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be yourself

>> No.24384405


>> No.24384408

the big crash is coming, son

>> No.24384410

We are not one person, learn to read between the shit and memes spammed here and shut the fuck up until you figure it out

>> No.24384413

Is this what the top feels like?

>> No.24384415
Quoted by: >>24384455

>I was thinking PFF
absolute retard. i already told you a better option the other day when you asked. PFF is nothing like a savings account, yet you ran with the other retard's recommendation. stay poor

>> No.24384420

Will CLF survive the crash?

>> No.24384423
File: 40 KB, 600x800, 5A6A52CE-43CE-4C70-8821-3A0C9808A9F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related me after getting my boi pucci blown out

>> No.24384424

I keep a portion of my meme account in that simply for the stability and monthly dividend. But that dividend payout is for sure what's keeping it from growing at all as opposed to every other tech tracking ETF out there.

>> No.24384425
File: 43 KB, 502x799, zyzz-peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz Opinion on Amazon? (A bit off topic I know)

An obvious stock but I don't see Amazon going anywhere but growing in at least 5 years.

Why not hop in and join the Empire?

>> No.24384429

hey so i'm guessing you spend a lot of time on 4chan

>> No.24384433

go back, dear lord just go back
Please fucking rope yourself when pltr hits 20.

>> No.24384438
Quoted by: >>24385120

This is so fucken bearish wtf is happening guys SELL EVERYTHING

>> No.24384445

i hold gme but i fudpost on red days to reverse jinx
too bad you're a paperhand pussy who took it seriously. if you dont understand the GME play enough not to panic sell to algos filling the gap, dont buy in the first place

>> No.24384450

this scares the shit out of me

>> No.24384455

I probably have more money than you have.

>> No.24384470

okay. TRUE pltrchads whats the move tmrw?

>> No.24384479
File: 14 KB, 500x436, bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out if these are high quality B8 or just actually low IQ posters ITT.

>> No.24384480
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 69247B8C-8A63-4766-95AE-DCCE5A546497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw my bvll calls for his offering but im still sore from last time

>> No.24384486
Quoted by: >>24385120

no quick gains to be had in bluechip
this is the year for value picks. Even Nordstrom was +100% this month

>> No.24384492

sell CRSR and buy THCB to compensate that losses

>> No.24384503
File: 11 KB, 250x241, 1463303693800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These will be glorious times when PLTR dips to 20$ and all these retards crying in /smg/ about their 30$ bags

>> No.24384507
Quoted by: >>24385120

buy a LEAP and fugget about it

>> No.24384524

My magic 8-ball predicts that there will be a shake-off tomorrow and then we can load up on Tuesday.

>> No.24384531
Quoted by: >>24384596

the true PLTR move was always a long term hold. Anyone that tells you otherwise is from Reddit.

>> No.24384541
Quoted by: >>24385351

Going back to 8 soon

>> No.24384544
Quoted by: >>24384892

Even PLTR and TSLA can no longer shield my portfolio from the severe losses I took on CRSR.

>> No.24384546

There have been very few of those screenshots going around the past few days, I think they're all hiding cause they know.

>> No.24384548
Quoted by: >>24384596

hold forever because we got in at ~10. the others should save some pink wojaks to post them tomorrow. the top buyers just need a rope.

>> No.24384563
File: 130 KB, 700x393, goold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you honestly think people of low IQ would have zyzz pics saved on their hard drive? there is so much 8-dimensional bait going on lately i just can't keep up tbf (to be frank)

>> No.24384576
Quoted by: >>24384640

you guys should've been in the thread yesterday it was unbearable

>> No.24384585

i dont even hold PLTR since Im in GME but you sound jealous as fuck for missing out
you're fudding about a dip to $20 when ppl here thought $17 was thr top lol

>> No.24384596
File: 117 KB, 831x822, 1602772236396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384651

gmi. here's a pink pltrjack for everyone else

>> No.24384595

if there’s a shake off i’m buying a massive 5 shares

>> No.24384607
Quoted by: >>24384664

You sound like one of those morons from stocktwits who falls in love with a ticker and just can't accept when it's time to take profits. kys animenigger

>> No.24384620
Quoted by: >>24384626

Where will PLTR be in a year lads?

>> No.24384624
File: 2.17 MB, 2486x3256, 20201129_110001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he has a nice looking lab. If these nigger faggots weren't constantly up my ass, I would think he stole mine.

>> No.24384626


How does $14 sound?

>> No.24384636

How do I put leaps on blue chip stocks and what do they do

>> No.24384640

Honestly thats the part that confuses me the most, i feel like he knows enough about 4chan to know we respond to zyzz, but only did it to appear as a browser. IDk man idfk!

I gguess ill stick to the comfy threads then, Pls god futures be bloody red to get some outta here.

>> No.24384651

You should edit it so his hands are burning

>> No.24384664
Quoted by: >>24384719

You sound like one of those morons who thinks that a stock can be green for 10 trading days. Less than a 5% drop and people are acting like the company is done. What a joke.

>> No.24384667


I hate swinglets

>> No.24384670


>> No.24384671

So many Reddit faggots.

>> No.24384675

Are you guys just buying every meme that hasn’t mooned yet?

>> No.24384678

Called my parents and convinced them to sell all their tech stocks. The top is here.
They can buy the dip.

>> No.24384685


>> No.24384687


Deal with it fag. This subreddit is ours now.

>> No.24384690
Quoted by: >>24384770

lmao, 4chan isn't your secret club dummy, disregarding an information source because it came from the evil reddit is just silly!

>> No.24384709

If you truly believe that. Why not just buy Amazon because clearly any resulting dip is pennies compared to what the end value would be.

>> No.24384718

Guessing you’ve been on 4chan since 2016 at the earliest.

>> No.24384719
File: 8 KB, 241x209, 747DC330-9C5E-4394-8A2A-31C956F5BF39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384825


>> No.24384724
File: 70 KB, 800x450, 1605632274450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uncle who works for Nintendo is calling me right now with insider information about PLTR, should I answer the phone?

>> No.24384726

Some one with dynamic IP start spamming gore and nigger shootings

>> No.24384756
File: 16 KB, 236x374, 9A81857E-1B3E-4CE2-AC03-7AED20DC372B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall w*tebois bitchin and moanin and shiiiet all da tyme. Well ima show u how a real nigga dick make u moan faggot

>> No.24384768
File: 40 KB, 360x360, 1*xzgV9eVVA-A6w8JOno2mHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384784

Why are you guys so mad? Us WSB chads will take over from here. You're our guests now. PLTR to the FUCKING moon.

>> No.24384770

It's not a secret club. I'm not disregarding any information. You're just a faggot

>> No.24384778

How can any of you guys stomach the thought of short term capital gains taxes? I live in a commie state and i make a lot of money. I pay out my ass for taxes

>> No.24384784
File: 76 KB, 928x1024, 14C73CFA-F570-4C6D-81A1-408595284261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24384816

I live in one of the lowest tax states in the nation and still pay a real tax rate of 40-50% its totally fucked. Most people assume they pay like 30% but fail to incorporate every instance of government taxation (including fees for public land use, licenses, etc)

>> No.24384820

I can't but I'm obligated to. At least Trump's going to subtract that tax in the United States.

>> No.24384825
File: 62 KB, 828x773, 6165489423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24384848

Stop being afraid of a single day. 45% up on the last 4 days and retards panic over a 4.78% dip. If you're not fundamentally long term bullish on PLTR you might actually be retarded.

>> No.24384828

move to a place with no taxes once you make it

>> No.24384848
Quoted by: >>24384898

Doesnt pltr make thos efaggy bikes with the commercials of people in the highrises i see all the time? How the fuck is that a bullish company

>> No.24384853


>> No.24384874
File: 840 KB, 768x1024, still king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weekly /smg/ update
Glad this is in the OP. I missed Friday's show.

>> No.24384892

Glad I’m not the only one who got fucked.

>> No.24384898
File: 518 KB, 754x683, 1606321048446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? https://www.palantir.com/


>> No.24384917

If you bought over 12 , just get the fuck out of here man

>> No.24385120
File: 77 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I'm here all fucking day (no life i know) and ALL I see are posts about shitty SPACs, pajeet shills, and niggers from WSB. I just want to know my old /smg 's opinion on Amazon because no one talks about it.

I just thought it'd be nice to change topic and discuss about Amazon's power position in a few years

>> No.24385148

What does it matter in the end? Just make enough to outdo what you would have down on long term capital gains if you're so concerned. Even then, it's money I wouldn't have if I just sat it in a savings account.

>> No.24385181

Ive been here since like 2018 this shit is cyclical most wsb ppl are trolls and retards will leave at the next crash

>> No.24385295

They removed your margin.
You can only use your own money now, probably for the better.

>> No.24385351

Shut your dirty whore mouth

>> No.24385371

FYI my opinion is that Amazon will just gradually go up. There's the risk from regulation but it's unlikely that a US government will materially weaken one of the top American companies allowing foreign companies to more easily compete

I think the Biden gov in particlar will focus more on FB and Twitter because they're hung up on all that "alt right" shit

>> No.24385837
File: 537 KB, 505x585, 1597177452246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete cancer. I now blame them for the coming dump.

But I will also thank them once we can load up PLTR sub 20