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>> No.24372232
File: 59 KB, 542x839, 158711934131700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24373175


>> No.24372251

haha that's literally slavery and me and most people, oh well

>> No.24372279

I for one thank you for your services, makes my life comfy.

>> No.24372295
File: 117 KB, 1000x800, fresco mask coffee boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24372311

>2000 years ago people didnt wake up everyday to work on their field, day after day after day.
>20000 years ago people didnt wake up to go hunt or forage.
and guess what? they didnt had a fucking fridge, or air conditioner
they couldnt store food like we do.
so guess what? they COULDNT take a break, their fucking LIVES depended on working.
we all do

>> No.24372333

I am stealing every second possible from my employer during this pandemic induced WFH. I pray Biden cancels all student loans and does a massive stimulus. I will do everything in my power to escape wage slavery, this is torture.

>> No.24372350
File: 48 KB, 425x456, A736DABD-8C87-4FB1-9D74-649A0E3C8A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24372389


>> No.24372363


>> No.24372389

well he is.
he could just go plow a land.
like 2000 years ago.
with cows and shit.
oh NOOOOO , i need tractors and other modern stuff.
he is lazy

>> No.24372393

They had land, families, and slaves

>> No.24372446
Quoted by: >>24372542

The upper class did.

At least they tell me I'm essential now. Faggots, I'll burn it down one day

>> No.24372456
Quoted by: >>24372482

it takes years to get to know the right people. if you are an asshole to the people around you or you gravitate towards toxic people, you are most likely always burning bridges and only existing to take, to defend your ego, and to prove people wrong. why not exist to help others and to make life better? if you genuinely want to help people and dedicate your intelligence towards making the world better, then opportunities will come to you.

>> No.24372457

Ok so let's all be need and not work?
Does the system collapse with enough parasites?

>> No.24372482
Quoted by: >>24374201

That's the biggest load of horseshit I've read in awhile. Thank you for posting that.

>> No.24372492

This is why I'm big on DMG, as an ecosystem, and a way to keep my money safe at 6% APR (dmm) FUCK BANKS.

>> No.24372507
Quoted by: >>24372654

>It was like this 2000 years ago so we shouldn't strive to be any better, no sir. If it was good enough for my great granpappy it's good enough for me!

>> No.24372542
Quoted by: >>24373147

>every farmer had land
>every farmer had slaves
faggot go read about egyptions
they had to take loans, and would get beaten down if they couldn't repay it.
in west, you get "lol i am bankrupt" label
2000 years ago, if you couldn't pay back, they would either beat or kill you, or sell your ass, until you make that money.
you faggots are TOO comfortable

>> No.24372574
Quoted by: >>24372844

I have too much self respect to be a total NEET but I’ve gotten creative with my life by moving to a cheaper country (work from home fag) and have been saving money and investing for the past 6 years. If we have another good bull run I’ll have enough to retire on. It boggles my mind that people want to buy shiny new shit instead of working up to build enough financial momentum to escape wageslavery. Being stuck knowing you’ll be a slave until you die is a fucking hopeless feeling and it’s not how humans were supposed to live.

>> No.24372654

>we shouldnt strive to be better
faggot we ARE BETTER
>2000 years ago
you get a loan and cant pay back? death or slavery
>MEAT IS FUCKING EXPENSIVE (egyption literally had beer and bread as their diet)
GODS were literally depicted as having flat stomach (Since normal people couldnt have enough protein to build muscle)
butter, cheese, fresh fruits and wine were FOR ELITES
shower, sanitation, toilet no were to be seen
no entertainments
you get a loan and cant pay it? lol banktrupt
MEAT is dirt cheapt, evey bum can afford wine and butter and cheese and fruits ARE EVERYWHERE
people can eat meat as much as they want, they can fucking LIVE TO BUILD MUSLCES
tons of entertainment
sanitations is everywhere (beside india)

no faggot, you are just an ungrateful bitch, who just want to lay and get fed by goberment

>> No.24372761
Quoted by: >>24374451

>run couple nodes
>make enough passive income that I dont have to wagecuck

feels good man

>> No.24372787
Quoted by: >>24372863

Fuck you kike, you will have to work when we kick you out to Madagascar like we were suppose to 80 years ago

>> No.24372844
Quoted by: >>24372910

what country anon

>> No.24372863

>telling them moaning about working in current age is fucking ungrateful (i exit to work bullshit, as if 2000 years ago people just had fun)
>get told that i need to work TOO
i work and INVEST faggot
my issue is not with neets you retard.
my issue is with faggot wagies who DRAMATISED their fucking exitance because they have to work, as if they HAVING THE WORST LIFE.

>> No.24372910

American in China. There’s a specific reason I chose here though that I don’t wanna go into. Not an expensive city like Beijing or Shanghai though.

>> No.24372915
Quoted by: >>24373007

Cost of living is rising so life is getting worse for most people.

>> No.24372935
Quoted by: >>24372981

China is on my list of places I'd like to move to. Are you on a tourist visa? what visa will you need to stay there long term?

>> No.24372981

I initially came here on a student visa, then returned on a tourist visa, finally married my long time gf earlier this year and now I’m on a family one.

It’s not nearly as bad of a place as most people on 4chan think it is, if you can’t speak any of the language though you’ll be helpless in daily life. There are some seriously sweet perks to being here especially now where there’s no coronavirus.

>> No.24372985

>just want to lay and get fed by goberment

Yes. Working is retarded. I don't give a shit if cavemen didn't have air conditioning.

>> No.24373007
Quoted by: >>24373944

I fucking ASSURE you that a higher precentage of people eat meat, frutis and vegetable than before.
more people have access to clean water and santiation.
people spend more time lazing around.
in general people got better things.
>but why people depressed
BURNT dopamine receptors

>> No.24373033
Quoted by: >>24374585

>i want to get fed by goberment
then you either gonna starve, or wont fully enjoy this modern age, you literally gonna live and die on bare minimum.

>> No.24373068

(((Their))) first trick is to demoralise you, once they have succeeded in that, you are fucked for life. Watch ex KGB office Yuri Bezmenov talk about the effects of television on the populace.
Once you learn the ability to zoom out you can laugh at how rigged everything is you have an advantage over all the people who don't know the game is rigged.

>> No.24373097

yuri is LITERALLY pro capitalism, anti social justice.

>> No.24373096
Quoted by: >>24373156

Not working sounds great in the short term but it is crushing to the human soul. I don’t mean you need to slave away for Mr. Shekelberg, even working for yourself is preferable. If I make enough to retire I’m going to try doing side businesses and hobbies to stay active and useful.

>> No.24373106
Quoted by: >>24373127


>> No.24373119

he is LITERALLY anti-gibs.
i dont know how can you be anti-job and also agree with yuri.

>> No.24373127
Quoted by: >>24373185


>> No.24373147
Quoted by: >>24373186

>haha why would you want decent living conditions don't you know some people along time ago had it worse
Gas yourself

>> No.24373156

here is the issue anon.
you have to work one way or another.
what he wants, is to consume and get fed by goberment.
thats fine.
he is still better than wagies who compare themselves to slaves 2000 years ago.
as if their LIfe IS SO HORRIBLE

>> No.24373175

I knew those pepe eyes were hollow

>> No.24373185


>> No.24373186
Quoted by: >>24373232

>decent conditions
>cheapt meat, fruits, veggies
>sanitation, clean water
>easy transportation
>endless entertainment
>nooooooooooooooooooo i want more more more more more

>> No.24373225
File: 823 KB, 1495x2291, 20201127_220424~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should have studied harder in school so you had a better chance to get a better job. Or chosen a career path that brought you more sarisfaction, such as social work or a non-profit.

If you can't budget/network to where you evebtually have passive income before retirement, that's YOUR fault, not society's.

>> No.24373230

To everyone reading this:
What op posted is essentially worst case scenario, other than prison (unless you like dick).
Wealth is a frequency. Remember that. Understand it and apply to the comprehensive extent to its essence, then you will begin taking your first steps toward financial freedom.

>> No.24373232
File: 1.27 MB, 912x768, sweat pledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24373251

Those lazy kids today. Good to see somebody taking pride in being a beast of burden

>> No.24373251

again, if you dont want to work. fine
but if you work, dont make it as if YOUR CONDITION IS HORRIBLE
no faggot
beside, enjoy living with bare minimum.
unless you investing and creating more money being neet, you are wasting your life in modren day

>> No.24373266
Quoted by: >>24373274


>> No.24373273

Be the victor not the victim

>> No.24373274
Quoted by: >>24373364

you have to go back nigger

>> No.24373364
File: 48 KB, 553x640, 1091988789667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here far longer than you, wagey. You shouldn't be arguing with your betters on here, you should enjoy your day off, you have work next week after all.

>> No.24373409
Quoted by: >>24373484

>implying i work
kek, faggot.
i am militarily.
literally sit home, text 3 times per week to my unit, and collect paycheck.
had 20 k bonues for enrolling and its all in link.
do you enjoy living like a 200 bc peasant in 2020?

>> No.24373443

Do you realize that modern day humans work much more than the average middle ages serf?
And they had the PRIVILEGE of living a healthy even if shorter life instead of the modern day hell on earth that city living is.
Fucking wagecuck, enjoy staring at a computer screen for the rest of your life, i'd rather starve in the streets

>> No.24373483

imagine being a wagie voluntary when you can just buy link and hold

>> No.24373484
File: 45 KB, 409x409, comfy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24373790

>working isn't bad you have to work or die like a peasant 5000 years ago!!!!
>seeeethe I don't work I'm a glorified welfare queen!!
>no I don't understand the why I spout two contradictory views as the situation requires
Something tells me you're gonna fit right in with the rest of the zogbots

>> No.24373505
Quoted by: >>24373626

>short life
literal oxymoron anon.
modren human literally have more freetime, they dont need to HUNT, or farm.
they dont need to BOIL water to use in "shower"
they dont need to walk long distances (car)
they do have access to cheapt food, AND WINE
(indians literally sold their land for wine, let that sink in)
work, invest and create.
or else you gonna rely on government or be homeless, literally live like a 200 bc peasant and not fully enjoy 2020

>> No.24373626

listen, i now know that you're just a retarded zogbot so i'm not going to waste my time with you, but if the modern day standard of living is so good, then why are suicides, the use of antidepressant and other drugs at an all time high? Why is mental illness so common? If we are so prosperous, why are people so unhappy? Such things where nonexistent in the past, and yet they are now extremely common. And no, "healthy" and " short life" is not an oxymoron, our lives may be long but they sure are not healthy

>> No.24373790

>glorified welfare queen
kek, ok anon.
in my unit 90 percent spent all their money on bullshit. only a handful invest like me.
its not wrong to not work.
but dont expect that you gonna have a good life.

>> No.24373830

>why are suicides, the use of antidepressant and other drugs at an all time high?
>Why is mental illness so common?
they would be killed in a WHIM in old times.
>why are people so unhappy?
burnt receptors, and jealousy because of snapchat and YouTube and Instagram.

>> No.24373874
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, 1590080161867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375193

i mean look, at this.
are you jelly if my gf looks like this? are you?
well people are JELLIOUS of men who have this, and then they become sad and depressed that THEY NEVER GONNA HAVE HER.
hence depression
lets not forget about ALL THE WOMEN, who spent THEIR LIFE AND MONEY trying to look good as "insta models" even more depression
and its just one of many points

>> No.24373896
Quoted by: >>24373978

>Do you realize that modern day humans work much more than the average middle ages serf?

Yes I too read that Buzzfeed article from the reddit front page

>> No.24373929
Quoted by: >>24374024

>if the modern day standard of living is so good, then why are suicides, the use of antidepressant and other drugs at an all time high?

if you think people are killing themselves because they're poor or because of their standard of living, you should (somewhat ironically) kill yourself because you are too stupid to remain alive

>> No.24373944
File: 1.27 MB, 672x2048, 5B973AB5-6244-4331-A627-654904F56D4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White peoples life quality is declining for the sake of niggers and Jews. You do not know anything about history. Most of our labour is being parasited for Jewish greed and power in modern day time. It’s why white peasants only needed to work half the days of the year or less and this was without modern technology (pic related). It’s also why natsoc Germany had the most economic prosperity in the entire world and recovered during a Great Depression and being one of the most poor white countries just a few years ago. When we are self determined without our labour being parasited we get far more wealth for our labour and can live good life’s working only half the year if we choose to. Today we have to work for welfare niggers, corporate kikes and subsidize the salaries of over paid career women who hardly contribute anything to society and also compete with a bunch of shitskin labourers who will do a job for a dirt cheap and pay for over expensive shit and get in debt and have constant bills and extreme taxes to ensure we always have to slave. We live in slave world. Judaism is the religion of slave masters

>> No.24373949

everyone dies

>> No.24373964
File: 99 KB, 1024x693, 1590464286669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24374033


>> No.24373978

i swear this "we werk more than serf" is literal leftist psyop.
historically and technologically illiterate npc cant even search this stuff if their lives depends on it.

>> No.24374011

does anything actually happen when someone posts the copypasta?

>> No.24374024

>you think people are killing themselves because they're poor
or they lost their purpsoe (comes with burnt receptors)
i mean a 200 bc peasent had to get up and WORK for his food, did have a painful purpose.
a welloff first worlder kinda lost its purpose by CONSOOOMING
answer to that is to get creative on your own.

>> No.24374033

me on the right

>> No.24374091
Quoted by: >>24374153

>they had lots of meat and veggie in 15 century
>their wages was the highest until 19 century
so people got even more money know
>in 13 century laborer used their free time to make free cathetdral
what do you do? YouTube? gym? hiking?
oh? other selfish things? why dont you help a soup kitchen? or shelter?
its not slavery of body, its slavery of mind, were you are so worried about this girl and his body and this dude wealth, that you dont want to go out and help community

>> No.24374119


>> No.24374153
Quoted by: >>24374202

>people in the past only had to work for 14/52 weeks a year
>modern wageslaves get 14.8/52 weeks to themselves
You must be a total fucking moron if you think that supports your position

>> No.24374201
Quoted by: >>24374803

He's actually right. That's how silicon valley operates. If you actually feel like you're intelligent and better than everyone else, show how you're using your talents to improve people's life. Other intelligent, like minded people will notice and you can find cooperations that will help advance the goals of the both of you.

We need to get away from this Boomer mentality that we live to take and consume as much as possible but that our strengths are in building things up by putting our energy towards a community that is also willing to give everything to make the world a better place.

>> No.24374202

>holy shit 14.8 weeks work!!!!
>past people, go banktrup ,death

>> No.24374213
Quoted by: >>24374347

Thanks for confirming that you are, in fact, a total fucking moron.

>> No.24374236
Quoted by: >>24374347

mouthbreather confirmed

>> No.24374240
Quoted by: >>24374266

You need to work to fulfill the power process
That doesn't mean wage slaving for Bezos in a wagie cagie

Example: Vitalik works hard as fuck because he is passionate about his work, but he has the ability to drop ETH and fuck off at any time because of his wealth

>> No.24374266
Quoted by: >>24374411

it actually depresses me how most people sludge through work without any care
the thought of working on things that you actually give a fuck about...
kill me

>> No.24374268

there are so many ways to make money but we only have so many days on this earth, and those days can disappear tomorrow

>> No.24374347
Quoted by: >>24374358

>lets not count in modern medicine, entertainment, tech and agriculture
>we need to have exactly the same amount of freedom, in a world were there are 8 billion mouths instead of half a billion.

>> No.24374358

ok slave

>> No.24374384

ok peasant.
keep looking for your 1k ubi from goberment.
enjoy living like a serf in 2020

>> No.24374411
Quoted by: >>24374437

Living at home/having my parents pay rent for a house near my college gave me the time to hone my programming skills and eventually become wealthy without having ever held a "real" job.
I believe one of the reasons why white people are declining is because they tend to kick their children out of the house at 18, which forces them to get a shitty job to survive. Thus, they waste much of the day doing menial shit.
Meanwhile, people who had their parents cover living expenses for them can use the extra time to learn more desirable skills i.e. programming.

>> No.24374427

we have all this modern medicine and tech yet if you discount infant deaths the median life span has not increased significantly, health insurance costs hundreds a month to deal with all the problems caused by modern lifestyle
as civilizations become more complex they become more fragile, we'll eventually reach an inflection point where we forget how to exist
read "The Collapse of Complex Societies"

>> No.24374437
Quoted by: >>24374444

whataya vaguely use your programming skills on without doxxing yourself? if you get the power process.
working has killed most if not all interest in programming atm
t. wagie at gay software inc

>> No.24374444
Quoted by: >>24374448

Ethereum/blockchain shit

>> No.24374448

based and checked

>> No.24374451

Teach me anon, plZ

>> No.24374506

Biden cannot cancel student loans. It’s just a narrative spread be (((media))). Now I am not an American but I do look at Feds balance sheet diligently, because the entire world is affected by it.
Do you know what is the biggest asset the fed owns? Yup, it’s student loans, and it’s increasing at an unprecedented rate.
This means the entire future generation in America is slave to a single private entity.
Now imagine what this future holds.

>> No.24374563
File: 177 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are retarded and don't know how to get off this treadmill. And worse, they live in constant fear of losing their shit job.

Wagies are so spineless to the point they will allow themselves to be gagged with a fucking medical mask, not because they are scared of the Chink flu, but because they are worried about losing their minimum wage McJob.

I have got through 4 jobs within a month over the scamdemic shit, and I never cared.

You know why? Because I am not retarded and had "fuck you money".

Successful people don't accept life as a lackey. The way you get there is build the habit of paying yourself first. Religiously, 10% off the top. At least.

It doesn't have to be a lot. It could be $50/we. The important thing is building that habit. Save & invest.

After a few months/ years, you can tell your bossman to go fuck himself. It feels great.

If you don't set yourself free, you can be stuck on the bottom of the food chain... paying your landlord, paying your insurance, paying everybody else.

Aren't you just as important as everyone else, if not more important in your eyes?

Then pay yourself first.

Even if it takes a couple years, there is some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. You can set yourself free, it just takes a little hard work and discipline.

>> No.24374585
Quoted by: >>24374758

but I work, go to school, an STILL I starve, and cannot enjoy this modern age. that is the tragedy. life has so much to offer but it all costs money which I dont have enough of to go spending on a (bigger) boat. im crying because my sailbpat is only 31ft and we all know it needs to be at least 40 to be worth a damn.

>> No.24374598
Quoted by: >>24374758

I work as a laborer, I'm fairly well at getting things done, last tuesday I was tasked with plowing up some bed of roots out of a 8 square foot section near someone's house, that shit took me 3 hours and I still wasn't finished. Machinery is everything when it comes to civilization.

>> No.24374643

Median real household income rises year after year in the US. Cope harder you lazy retard.

>> No.24374658


>> No.24374665
Quoted by: >>24374704

I probably make above that income.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
Dumb fucking niggers the lot of you

>> No.24374704

If you make above that income you definitely have enough to save significantly. That builds up quickly if you invest in stocks.

>> No.24374712
Quoted by: >>24374827


>> No.24374714

that unironically sounds better. better than this big ass elephant in the room which is "we need more jobs". i don't need any of this shit. apparently 90% of it is considered non essential by even the state. there's no meaning anymore. the bitch of it is they're blaming us for global warming. sorry im forced to commute in my 2k gas guzzling piece of shit just to help the faggots who own me get 500 dollars everytime i make 12. fuck em and fuck you. its funny how the most privileged are usually the first to tell me to be thankful. yes the 3 hours i spend before i go to sleep are filled with pleasure. but how is it that with such amazing progress we are still working the same amount as people in the fucking 1800's and making less? what is it that we are working towards if not to stop having to work? wake the fuck up you dumb cunt.

>> No.24374745
File: 138 KB, 890x1066, wagecuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that biz is a NEET board. Always has been. Always will be.

>> No.24374747

Thank you for the only good post in this thread anon.

>> No.24374758
Quoted by: >>24374793

>Machinery is everything when it comes to civilization.
well that machinery enabled more humans on earth, with more mouth to feed, and more service to be satisfied.
shouldn't complain
2000 years ago, you could have plow the land, and then go hunt, or join army to get loot, or join a trade company to defend them for cash, or become a trader.
or become artisan (btw, artisans rarely tought shit to other people, since it would create more competition)
nowadays, you could have joined army for gibs and trade stocks and crypto and learn LITERALLY ANY SKILLS FOR FREE.
tell me why you are not rich yet?????

>> No.24374786

Eye opening if that pic is true anon. The worst prison is one without bars

>> No.24374793
Quoted by: >>24374890

No, welfare enabled that, and central banks enabled welfare.

>> No.24374803


>> No.24374825
Quoted by: >>24374890

>People got up to work

Factually untrue. Say what you will about unindustrialized society but they didn't work nearly as much as modern people. Infact their work days ranged from like 130 to 50 days depending on the climate.

>> No.24374827

From the FRED:


>> No.24374829

I legitimately have no desire to work a job for the rest of my life, I just want a few million so I can never fucking work again. I will not be bored, I can literally fuck around on the internet for 12 hours a day. It's all I want to do in life. I just want to be a neet so badly, sadly all I have is $50k in crypto

>> No.24374844
Quoted by: >>24374915

That’s not how it works...someone who lives in a city their entire life thinks this way. It’s really easy to preserve food.

>> No.24374849
File: 58 KB, 679x769, 1561328364812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I totally trust them.

>> No.24374890

well yes, wellfare enables it.
if every country was isolationist, then we could have worked less than ever.
but its not.
>people used the energy of magick and fairytale to feed themselves

>> No.24374899

And your purchasing power and quality of life are eroded at the same time. I suggest you google burrito index (sounds gay but it is informative about how inflation really works, instead of the feds definition) and wtf happened in 1971

>> No.24374906

anon can i get sauce on the pic?

>> No.24374915

>its easy to preserve food
yes, i did it before.
but nothing WILL EVER BE FRESH.
pickles, cheese, yougurt, dried fruit and herbs, smoked meat, kimchi, beer, wine, all form of preserving food.
>imagine thinking its 200 bc and you drinking beer while the king eats fresh fruit

>> No.24374931

bro just learn to code
i mean you're not stupid right?

>> No.24374951
File: 134 KB, 553x800, 1604753352145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24374992

Well it's never too late :)

>> No.24374992
File: 79 KB, 643x457, figure1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well no, its late.
people are retarded.
they want europe and united states to go green, while state of china is this.
why greta never talks "how dare you" about china???
the fact that europoor and American left thinking Europe is not green is laughable

>> No.24374997
Quoted by: >>24375028

>GODS were literally depicted as having flat stomach
American moment

>> No.24375013
File: 2.24 MB, 695x392, 1598910611764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375053

The world is still behind one more great war. It will happen, sooner or later.

>> No.24375014
File: 79 KB, 590x482, figure9_2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is india.
look at their chart
but nooooo you cant criticize brown.
only white people

>> No.24375028

people of egypt only ate bread and beer.
not having a beer belly was god tier level

>> No.24375049

Oh wow, I remember that image from about 10 years ago

>> No.24375053
File: 170 KB, 1250x1116, Screen-Shot-2019-10-29-at-1.25.12-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375080

you think?
here is sweden.
greta is from there.
remeber how much she yells at europe for not being green?
most American and eurotrash literally believe this lie.
meanwhile Sweden produce 70 percent of its energy from green sources.
pic related.
America only burn 11 percent coal and its gets the HIT

>> No.24375054
Quoted by: >>24375058

>superpower by 2020

>> No.24375058

kek, actually i spam it with exactly same name before.

>> No.24375067
File: 75 KB, 600x835, 1604449848341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375089

Well, there's a reason the elites are trying to make china and India go at it hint hint.

>> No.24375080
Quoted by: >>24375096

Do you remember how barely anyone took that dumb bitch seriously even when she was shilled by royals and all the media? That bitch is as irrelevant as ever and I never think of her or hear of here unless it's brought up here.

>> No.24375089
Quoted by: >>24375119

the only reason that elites wont care about china and India is that acid rain only drop on the same region.
it will never reach Europe or usa.
the reason they want europe to go EVEN greener is to destroy its economy.
also same for usa, because usa have too much power and so no one DARE to ask for their money (American debt)
America with lower production will have lower economy and hence become weaker.
easier to extract money from them then.
neet meme is a literal psyop.

>> No.24375096
Quoted by: >>24375148

>she was shilled by royals and all the media?
these people literally have an agenda to destroy Europe

>> No.24375119
File: 965 KB, 1293x3962, 1603495527311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375143

Good thing I have no children. My lineage would just end up becoming literal niggers anways and I couldn't bare to see that. War may not be coming but a lot of the time I hope it fucking does.

>> No.24375132
Quoted by: >>24375178

>Not looking it up to see if it's true before acting a clown

>1,600 hours

>> No.24375143
Quoted by: >>24375190

look man.
that shit you showing here will NEVER becomes reality.
not with communism, not with UBI.
its ONLY will becomes reality if countries become isolationist and halt immigration.
>no children
you raise them to carry your ideas.
literal 2 of you.
they can change things.

>> No.24375148
Quoted by: >>24375194

Seems like they already succeeded with all the immigrants.

>> No.24375178
Quoted by: >>24375236

>add in all the modern benefits plus about 7 billion more mouth to feed on earth
>cheap meat, and fruits and all the things that only elites could have 2000 years ago
>1920 hours
wow so much work!!!!

>> No.24375179
Quoted by: >>24375211

That is not true. Look at indian societies in the amazonas who were not known a few years ago. Men go hunting almost everyday, prepare the meat and chill. Apart from that simple housing is built together from time to time. Women take care of the children, food preparations and cleaning. The rest of the days is spent in leisure. It is indeed true, they do not work as much as the modern human in time, perhaps their tasks are more dangerous and require more effort, but the time spent is less. Also their work isn't really considered work, they are not ozt of touch like we are with what we have to do. They see what they do, they know foe whom they're doing it, for themselves.

>> No.24375190
File: 3.83 MB, 700x488, 1561575459337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375220

People can have children, they can be the best parents in the planet, that does not guarantee that those children will grow up to reflect the values imposed on them by good people. I've seen plenty of good people raise total fucking shit heads already. Let these faggots have this rock and let's move on to greener pastures in the celestial/spiritual world.

>> No.24375193
Quoted by: >>24375220

Lmao not even gonna say it

>> No.24375194
Quoted by: >>24375218

thats unfortunate.
but there is still chances that it backfires.
france just one example

>> No.24375211
Quoted by: >>24375252

yes, thats true only for communities under 100 people.
when you go to 3000 people all of these fall apart.
i have literal Egyptian history on my screen right now, about how fucked up things were for surf and traders.

>> No.24375218
File: 68 KB, 1024x639, 1600294642146m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24375229


>> No.24375220
Quoted by: >>24375284

i know its a man.
but point stands.
i was LITERALLY democrat who woke up.
its possible.

>> No.24375229
Quoted by: >>24375298

then build things.
create art and literature that accelerate.
i already doing that.
we have the modern time and we can LEARN ANYTHING.

>> No.24375236
Quoted by: >>24375262

>Wow I sure showed him that I was right and people were breaking their backs every day in the fields as peasents!


>> No.24375252
Quoted by: >>24375271

Correct, i'm speaking for hunter/gatherer societies. Shit started with people owning land and cultivating it. Hunter/gatherer lifestyle wouldn't even be possible for people today as it requires huge hunting grounds per tribe. There wouldn't be enough space for everyone. Funny fact is also that people from these amazonian tribes i mentioned often are attracted by the neon lights and advantages of modern life and work, but most of them want to go back for the reason they literally have to work so much out there. The pre land owning societies were lazy as fuck,

>> No.24375262
Quoted by: >>24375317

they WERE breaking their backs anon.
read history PLEASE
I am literally looking at a history page and it was not good

>> No.24375271
Quoted by: >>24375341

>The pre land owning societies were lazy as fuck,
>took them 40k to form civilizations
no shit kek

>> No.24375284

How long ago was that? Do you know of a lot of other people who wised up or not?

>> No.24375298
Quoted by: >>24375414

Well that's the reasonable goal of course. That's why a lot of us here want a large sum of money, to maybe help fix some things.

>> No.24375317
Quoted by: >>24375345

>No they were working all the time
>You're wrong
>No the consumer goods
>No the work was really hard.

You've never gardened before in your life.

>> No.24375341
Quoted by: >>24375385

Interesting is also that they were more peaceful. Back than they had conflicts for hunting grounds, but these could be avoided by moving, negotiating, only rarely warfare took place. As soon as people possessed and hoarded things on a fixed place, wars and robberies became common. It was probably the fuel for people to unite in larger groups and finally nation / kingdom like organizations , to be able to better defend and attack. Natural deaths in these societies were much more uncommon than with hunter/gatherers.

>> No.24375345
Quoted by: >>24375524

>anon is ok with only eating beer and bread AND MAYBE eating meat once a year
kek, you be perfect for great reset, because thats how most people lived anon.
i do have a garden.
think about working there night and day.
and then get bitten by a snake, and die right there.
oh and if you cant pay your bills, they will not send you a paycheck, they will send you people to beat you to a pulp and sell you as a slave
well normal life of Egyptian and Indian farmer.

>> No.24375358

Have you ever faced the problem of police brutality? I know one great project that can solve it. The gotEM has all chances to go to the moon soon!

>> No.24375385

>Interesting is also that they were more peaceful. Back than they had conflicts for hunting grounds, but these could be avoided by moving, negotiating, only rarely warfare took place
i mean look at today animals.
wolves have alot of issues and conflicts, becasue of roads and civs unable them to move away.
>unite in larger groups and finally nation / kingdom like organizations
ye because a group of people literally enrouched on a river for example.
other tribes could have angry at you, and so you band together to dont let them get those sources.
funny thing is that most big civs were literal tribe forming a city.
Rome for example.
or Sparta

>> No.24375414
Quoted by: >>24375444

>That's why a lot of us here want a large sum of money, to maybe help fix some things.
thats litearlly why i am making money.
i have no desire to CONSOOM.
i am only want more money, because i know idiots with money will destroy west and i want to prevent that.
i mean, think about this.
why people dont want to use nuclear energy?
despite it being massively safe and can fuel earth for billions of years, with 0 carbon emission? and instead opt for inefficient wind and solar?
its because when government spend too much money on this, they will ran out of money eventually.

>> No.24375428

>2000 years ago
>be peasant
>wake up in comfy cottage on rural land, next to my wife who was a virgin
>no need to wake my 10 children for farm work considering its winter and no point in trying to grow shit
>go into town where I know every single person and their families, we all grew up together
>have never seen a nigger in my life

>> No.24375435

>have never seen a nigger in my life
fuckign kek

>> No.24375436

>DCA income into PNK
>retire within the next 5 years
it's not that difficult

>> No.24375444
Quoted by: >>24375488

It's not that people don't want it, elites don't, they may be in human form but to call them people is inaccurate.

>> No.24375461

>have never seen a nigger in my life
prob saw a german, or a slav or gypsie.
its unstable now.
your only way is to make alot of money, gather a lot of same minded people and make a small community.

>> No.24375488

not dude.
elites made people FEAR nuclear.
look up simpsons.
look up green parties
look up chernobyl fear mongoring.
its dumbass illiterate people

>> No.24375524
Quoted by: >>24375555

That's quite a lot of words, and as much as I'd like to discuss the matter with you, you said and specifically mentioned, people getting up to work every day. Of which, you are absolutely wrong, and you're now moving the goal posts to try to make yourself right.

>> No.24375555
Quoted by: >>24376804

will you be ok if with eating meat once or twice a year and only eat bread and beer?
because you can make it with a part time job if you only want THAT.

>> No.24375926
File: 3 KB, 307x164, dmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24376107

Save some money, get yourself a sweet stack of DMG and see what freedom feels like, anon.

>> No.24375960 [DELETED] 

It is quite not so easy to find a good platform for investing. With this btc rising there are a lot of new projects and most of them are deceit.

Came across duckdao.io crypto incubator, looks safe, what do you think about it?

>> No.24376028
Quoted by: >>24376073


It's because it's a life without purpose, moron. At least way back then, shit was on the line and life was real.

>> No.24376073

YOU FAGOOT make your purpose.

>> No.24376086
File: 85 KB, 249x249, 1538517753840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get fired
>Get welfare gibs
>Get staking rewards
>mfw have the same pay but as a NEET

>> No.24376107

Gonna late way too long to bloom. By the time this coin 5xs I could have 10 x three times in DeFI pumpers

>> No.24376140

Saving money is easy. Work for 5 years and be an adult, take a year off from work and spend all your money and repeat untill dead. Why wait till you are 50-60 to stop working, you can’t do shit. Work for a few years save enough to not do shit for a whole year while young and keep going untill death. Or just follow around the 4IQ monkeys and don’t think for yourself of how to make your life better fag.

>> No.24376252
Quoted by: >>24376300

cavemen hunted and foraged for MAXIMUM 3 hours per day average.
2000 years ago people had MONTHS where they did very minimal work while waiting for harvests
we are on a downward trajectory

>> No.24376261
File: 260 KB, 1470x1400, __yazawa_nico_love_live_and_1_more_drawn_by_kurokawa_makoto__04142e2a02a81ef4f40eaaa10c5b689f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24376300

English peasants before (((William the Conquerer))) lived luxurious lives compared to other peoples. They had enough free time where they could literally use their spare time to build cathedrals. Your average wagie works so much but he often doesn't have enough time or energy to do anything meaningful. When was the last time you saw a 40 hour a week office wagie building a cathedral during his down time to demonstrate his faith?

>> No.24376300

where do you guys read all this

>> No.24376405

I did this weird thing where I dropped out of college to pursue what made me happy. Then I put in just a little effort to monetize my labor of love so I could continue doing it. Now I have a career that I'm passionate about, it pays my bills, and is simultaneously my own little way to make the world a better place.

Just imagine dedicating your life to a career you're indifferent to just so you can spend your measly remaining time dreading it. LMAO.

>> No.24376653

how long will you be a wagie with enough Kleros on your balance sheet?

>> No.24376804

And we've moved onto coping. Got it.