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23766866 No.23766866 [Reply] [Original]

no One is baking drunk additon

Market is kill, time to relax edition


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>> No.23766888


>> No.23766926

Put on your mask!

>> No.23766944
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Quoted by: >>23767691

bullish for GME

>> No.23766948
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why can a single image ruin no fap november

also GME next week
will people sell the news that everyone already knows about or will we rally

>> No.23766953
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Quoted by: >>23767596


>> No.23766964
File: 36 KB, 547x770, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got greedy/stupid and bought another one yesterday. Trying to decide if I should sell before earnings or hold until the week before NIO day.

>> No.23766972
File: 223 KB, 712x1246, mortifactor marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th for chudmarines

>> No.23766978

tqqq calls at close. don't fuck me joe.

>> No.23766987
File: 1.96 MB, 640x360, exit only.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for baking anon

Ok so this was my question. Someone on an earlier /smg/ mentioned USAC as a good divvie stock (I'm not the anon they replied to though). So I looked them up, and check this out


20% yield, 20 fucking percent. What the fuck? And it's performed quite badly in recent years but that's a given due to the low oil/gas prices and economic slowdown

But seriously, it's hard to find a reason not to buy lots of this, if you believe, as I do, that the world economy will slowly recover from spring 2021 onwards

>> No.23766994
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Quoted by: >>23767061

idk but I've been posting coomer shit since people started talking about it

>> No.23767008

P/C ratio @ 2.02 on SP500 november 6th. Last time high was October 13th @ 2.04. SP500 dropped 150 points at that ratio. Could this mean we are looking at a -120 ish drop monday?

>> No.23767012
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buy these and you will be rich

>> No.23767016

I stay away from divvies that high. 5-10% Where I like to be.

>> No.23767033
Quoted by: >>23767079


how true is this?

>> No.23767036
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Quoted by: >>23767535

Posting again

So one anon was talking about how to determine how much leverage you get with options. I believe the formula he gave to determine leverage was:
(delta x strike)/premium paid
So I'm gonna use PLTR as an example. If I were to purchase the Jan 20/2023 $5 call: the delta at market close is 0.9344 and the ask price is 10.50. If the above formula is correct, does this mean that this call would give me 44x leverage? I'm retarded please help.

>> No.23767040

Utilities and REITs!

>> No.23767041

That's usually how I feel too, 5-10% feels fine

20% seems really dodgy. Don't they have something to invest that in?

>> No.23767061
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ass without context is gross, what if it's actually a man's ass you know
you have to show the whole picture

>> No.23767079

the first two are definitely true if you play it smart, the following 2 are meme bets, the next 2 are EV plays that will probably be big in the future, the final 2 are almost guaranteed winners over time

>> No.23767092

Can confirm that is not a man it’s from a show called kiss x sis. The ultimate coomer show

>> No.23767101

Its not a man
>source: dude trust me

>> No.23767108 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on ROKU? Too late to buy in?

>> No.23767118
Quoted by: >>23767238

Can someone explain after hours and futures trading to a brainlet please?

>> No.23767120
Quoted by: >>23767204

it's an mlp. that's how they work. the master partner collects more than you and uses it to reinvest

>> No.23767130
Quoted by: >>23767204

If it’s an Oil/Gas stock that’s actually kind of normal. Check out VET, they have a stupid dividend too. Pretty sure those companies carry a ton of debt.

>> No.23767142
Quoted by: >>23767204

Get some PSEC as well :^)

>> No.23767159 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 1434x967, Sell or no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can go higher right?

>> No.23767167
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>Sold NET at 67.32
How did I do /biz/?

>> No.23767178

I sold for a loss at 35 so pretty good

>> No.23767187
Quoted by: >>23767248


Why not keep it for the long haul?

>> No.23767190

Thread theme


>> No.23767204
Quoted by: >>23767241

Right I see thanks, reading about MLPs now. I'm not American and hadn't come across them before, although it seems similar to a Limited Partnership in the UK

Thanks having a look

>> No.23767223




>> No.23767238

That's jew time

>> No.23767241

in the us the dividend is classified as return of capital and thus tax free. but it reduces your cost basis so you can end up with a killer tax bill when you sell.

>> No.23767248

I am but I just had a feeling it wasn't going to hold and will be down on Monday.
Depending on how Monday goes, I will buy in again.

>> No.23767299
Quoted by: >>23767380

*next week*
*sort by market cap*
Any names call out to you for plays this next week?

>ADDYY (Adidas ADR) Tuesday
imo should do very well, leisure wear / shoes / home exercise wear is doing very well
>NIO A ADR (NIO) Tuesday November 10
huh.. like 10 other sources saying November 17 - is it split up?
>Tuesday CRSR (corsair)
>Thursday DIS (disney) imo will report lower than expected growth for streaming services, will also issue gloomier guidance - earnings disappoint 90% probability
>Thursday PLTR (palantir) good luck anons.. this could be a big quarter - or it could be more of the same ($$$ hemorrhage) may issue positive guidance though with covid tracking systems+
>Friday DKNG (draft kings)
>Friday ANF (abercrombie & fitch) imo will do well, all 'luxury' clothing is doing well during the pandemic - look at Kering, Louis Vuitton, Lulu Lemon

Any tickers you think I missed?
https://www.investing.com/earnings-calendar/ are you bullish/bearish on it?

>> No.23767301
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Quoted by: >>23767315

Surely SPY will drop next week. These levels are unsustainable.

>> No.23767315
File: 103 KB, 1434x967, Sell or no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, maybe not.

>> No.23767320

For any any other retards still holding GME streaming starting now

>> No.23767325
Quoted by: >>23767952

I'm bigly retarded but am I the only one here hodling ALRN?

>> No.23767332
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Quoted by: >>23767361


>> No.23767361
Quoted by: >>23767414

Lost out on huge gains before for not cashing. This better not be the 4th or 5th time this year that happens again. Surely it'll be different this time r-right?

>> No.23767365
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Quoted by: >>23767403

Remember /biz/ to have diamond hands going forward. Buy low, sell

>> No.23767380

WKHS earnings call Monday at the closing bell

Projections from bearish analysts are a “hold” and expect $400k revenue $0 profit, so even small bump is going to send this up. I think the poor performance of Nikola is also going to bolster workhorse

>> No.23767400
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Anons is PLTR the new NET? Will my 50 shares let me retire comfortably in the future?

>> No.23767403

Did you figure out how bypass my filter you faggot

>> No.23767414

I mean it's gapped up like $30+ in a few days, that's not sustainable for an ETF and well above the moving average

>> No.23767416

No. That was SNOW

>> No.23767420

Buy 50 more and sell calls.

>> No.23767473
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Quoted by: >>23767603


>> No.23767477

>tfw missed the baba dip
man I suck at this

>> No.23767514

put RIDE in here and you're 100% correct

>> No.23767535

You don't use the price of the underlying you use the price of the option itself as the divisor.

>Last: 2.00
>Delta: 0.5741
>(14 * 0.5741) / 2.00 =

The IV on PLTR is high so the options are expensive so that reduces the leverage. Actually even worse if you factor in what it cost to buy the options, which would be:
>((14 * 0.5741) - 2.00) / 2.00 = 3

>> No.23767551
Quoted by: >>23767625

Will PLTR earnings suck ass and crash the stock?

>> No.23767554

I might buy VET 6/21 calls on Monday

>> No.23767567
File: 156 KB, 709x595, 1560993664691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding tqqq is a tough one, guys

i bought in in august, at $130, watched it go up to $170, then fall to $110. then back up to $150, then fall to $112, then now back up to $150

>> No.23767596
Quoted by: >>23767657

Pls coronachan can i habe dip pls?

>> No.23767597

uh anon, you were supposed to buy more at 110 and 112. you better pray that it dumps again so we can buy more

>> No.23767603
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Multiple people bought million in SPY puts for Nov 6 that expired worthless, who cares

>> No.23767625

im praying to god we dip next week, i can buy 1000 shares for some value, then sell some puts just in case it really moons

>> No.23767638
Quoted by: >>23767653

Real talk, even if it dips at earnings, PLTR is a long term hold right?
There is no need to sell this baby, right?

>> No.23767648

If Biden wins should we be buying puts before his inauguration speech?

>> No.23767653

correct, the main reason ive held off like a retard was because theyve notoriously lost money and i assumed they would take a dump after earnings. but then NET happened, another stock I wanted to hold long term

>> No.23767657
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>> No.23767667

Market is going to dump the second Trump concedes

>> No.23767679
Quoted by: >>23767758

Market will only dump if the Senate flips.
Red Senate is all that matters to the market.

>> No.23767690

Hey, you. Yeah, you.
Guy with the 1 share of AMZN that's taking up like half of your portfolio.
I know you're there. You keep doing you.

>> No.23767691
File: 848 KB, 1150x1294, coomcat_vs_king_of_fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and checked

>> No.23767711

>bought FANG (energy company) at $30 with my stimulus money
>it went up to $70
>hold it
>it drops down to $24

should one ALWAYS sell their positions once they've doubled in value?

>> No.23767718

I'm thinking in terms of how retarded it's going to be coming from his geriatric face hole

>> No.23767725
File: 7 KB, 195x258, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23767744

I feel so fucking retarded holding cash all week and not getting in on PLTR, GME, or any of the other fucking meme stocks that jumped in price. I decided NOW was the time to change brokers because I was so sure the market was going to dip HARD. Never fucking happened.

I made a little profit (maybe $50) on SQQQ over the course of the week by scalping, but they were faggot bitch trades and took more time than they were worth.

If the market doesn't tank or at least DIP on monday, it might never do so. I'm such a fucking idiot for missing a whole WEEK of stocks just because I was scared of a dip that never happened. Apparently the Algos and Wallstreet were more priced in on the election than I thought. Fuck me.

>> No.23767744

I had a day trade restriction that prevented me from putting 20k on PLTR this morning, so I could only put in 5k.
I have to wait until Monday to buy more.

>> No.23767758
File: 284 KB, 2126x1200, Screen Shot 2020-11-06 at 7.28.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market is going to dump Monday regardless of what happens. Look at all those unfilled gaps on SPY.

>> No.23767763

why do you think the market's been pumping
We have a blue president with a split or red senate. This is going to be 2008-2012 again
what people were worried about was a blue pres with blue senate

Now we have the best case scenario. Having Trump as POTUS with his retarded twitter antics (how many tweets have causes panic sells) is the worst for anyone in the market
We might crab for 3-6 months until Biden gets settled but that's all

if you're buying puts, it should be because you're worried Trump is going to be a sore loser during his final 3 months

>> No.23767766


>> No.23767792
Quoted by: >>23767818

Gaps will never fill digits confirm

>> No.23767798
Quoted by: >>23768214

I really don’t want another war somewhere and I know Joe is gonna start some shit.

>> No.23767815
Quoted by: >>23767842

Those gaps look like it's making up for the previous gaps.

>> No.23767818
File: 7 KB, 232x217, zip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fill you with red dildos

>> No.23767843

I fucking crushed it in PLTR and NET today

>> No.23767842

And those gaps look like they were making up for previous gaps

>> No.23767851
Quoted by: >>23768213

why you so gay tho bobo?

>> No.23767853
Quoted by: >>23767866

I bought weed stonks

when do I sell them

>> No.23767863


>> No.23767865
File: 149 KB, 1024x958, 5F3D812F-2C56-46B8-8CC6-0B5286EB4C53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768213

I doubt it, you probably have no money left after this week

>> No.23767866

Monday. Then buy a tobacco company instead.

>> No.23767867

PLTR I may jump on this monday. Hell it's still cheap. Look at NET. or PINS. Both shat down to 15 levels. Both are 60+ today.. Yeah I know it's a totally different line of tech than Pins or Net but still. Seems anything related to the virus turns to gold or EV related anyway. I've got 4000 I can dump in no problem. Even a double (30), hell that's 8,000, and still very doable considering it's a tech stock. At 40, that's over 12,000. 60, 18,420.

>> No.23767868
Quoted by: >>23767901

As long as AMD stays above $82 by the 20th, I don't care what the rest of the market does.

>> No.23767889

Can you get a trip so I can filter you?

>> No.23767893
File: 185 KB, 1673x971, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768705

short interest might start to trend downwards

>> No.23767901

How does AMD at $70 end of month sound?

>> No.23767909
Quoted by: >>23768005

How does back to $2 sound?

>> No.23767910

I held 100% GME through the crash. I refuse to sell GME until $20 and I don't care if it takes until next year.

>> No.23767932
Quoted by: >>23767973

When GME goes to $20, it will continue to go up (maybe a slight pullback), because the overall sentiment would have changed.
Relax and just fucken hold fren.

>> No.23767935

sucks that ACB just had a short squeeze while our capital was locked up in GME

>> No.23767938

Unironically based

>> No.23767948

If GME was going to eat shit it was going to be this week and it blew back, hold the line.

>> No.23767952

i havbe some anon, have no fear

>> No.23767961
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>> No.23767972
Quoted by: >>23768029

was ACB a short squeeze? I thought it was just people buying it because dude ayy lamo legalized weeb under biden bro

>> No.23767973

Right, that's the point where I might sell some and let the rest ride, or start trimming gradually every few percent. But absolutely under no circumstances is GME worth less than $20 to me.

>> No.23767975

what if everything squeezes except GME??

>> No.23767980
File: 69 KB, 1024x937, pepeglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the crash starts next week, right anon?

>> No.23767989


>> No.23768000

get to 100 shares then collect option premiums on it to hedge against volatility

>> No.23768005
File: 591 KB, 938x1250, 1591021900809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of those would be pretty bad for me. I'd have to buy back my puts at a loss. Neither of you got digits though so IT WON'T HAPPEN

>> No.23768007
Quoted by: >>23768031

Average is about $10 btw.

>> No.23768011
File: 58 KB, 367x300, 1603543632262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768046

Shut the fuck you bearish faggot

>> No.23768019

AAPL as a single company is worth more than the S&P REIT, Utilities, and Energy sectors.

>> No.23768022

Bullish for GME

>> No.23768024
File: 65 KB, 705x959, 61131933_2679988612013778_4915401959294369792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768904

Does ACB have any more room to go up?

>> No.23768029

not every short squeeze has to be an infinite squeeze like KODK

ACB has been heavily shorted (like 20% short interest compared to ~10% on CGC or APHA) because it's such a shitty company. The other weed shit went up 10%-20% today. ACB went up from $4 to almost $12 in a couple days

it's not the first time ACB squeezed some shorts ($5 to $17 earlier this year), and it might squeeze a bit more on Monday and Tuesday depending on how much the tulip mania on weed continues with Biden

keep in mind though that ACB is such a shitty company that people from 2018 are still -90% down while bagholders on CGC are more like -20% unless they bought the literal top

>> No.23768031

I'm also that guy who came home from work every day and posted "SURELY GME CAN'T BE RED FOR x DAYS IN A ROW".

>> No.23768046
File: 129 KB, 1200x720, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SPY went up over $30 in a week. These levels are unsustainable and there are gaps that need to be filled. SPY 330 end of next week.

>> No.23768052

Yeah this market crash is really going to stop people from picking up their xbox one x and ps5 pre orders lmao

>> No.23768055
Quoted by: >>23768072

its going to pump so i can sell my nov 20 and jan 15 calls, then the market will dump so i can buy more TQQQ
inshallah godwilling

>> No.23768057
Quoted by: >>23768101

You invest in utilities because they’re rigged to never fail and will ALWAYS get bailed and bought.

>> No.23768065
Quoted by: >>23768140

can someone tell me why one would buy QQQ or related ETFs, rather than just buy the top companies that make up said ETF?

ie, why buy QQQ instead of just buying apple and microsoft etc?

>> No.23768072

Gross, neck yourself sandnigger

>> No.23768079
Quoted by: >>23768148

>and it might squeeze a bit more on Monday and Tuesday
it most likely will and im gonna gamble on it with a really tight 10% stop loss

>> No.23768099
Quoted by: >>23768146

Tech, like, revolutionizes the WORLD bro. What have the other companies done? They're just companies.

>> No.23768101
Quoted by: >>23768229

why would they need to get bailed in the first place
stuff like NEE and AQN are doing pretty well, albeit not as exciting as tech shit but they're practically eternal

and unlike REITs, they're not leeches. Energy sector prone to price of oil/gas so a bit concerning on that too. But utilities? Boring and consistent

>> No.23768115

>keep in mind though that ACB is such a shitty company that people from 2018 are still -90% down while bagholders on CGC are more like -20% unless they bought the literal top

Yup, I figure that's all the more reason to buy ACB this low. Bagholders are going to pump this shit back up along with the deluded "dude weed LMAO" biden dolts flooding back into the market now that bad orange man is gone

>> No.23768121
File: 536 KB, 534x590, 1594004901247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768310

And it will continue to rise $30 every week. SPY 600 by EOY

>> No.23768140
Quoted by: >>23768159

Tech as a sector is near invincible, but individual companies aren't.
We don't talk about how Sun Microsystems, Yahoo, Dell, Intel, and Oracle are the pinnacle of tech because over time the 'top' companies change.
If you buy AAPL/MSFT under the premise they'll remain the best investments in tech for the next 10-20 years you're likely wrong.

>> No.23768143

The deluded dude weed lmao
>The fundamentals being a multi billion dollar industry

>> No.23768146

this, but unironically

>> No.23768148

>on the 3rd day
eh that's risky as fuck and you might be better off just waiting for momentum to reverse and buy puts instead

>> No.23768153

t. March 24, 2020

>> No.23768159

understandable, thanks

>> No.23768171

>how many tweets have causes panic sells
That just proves the market is in a bubble

>> No.23768202

>Bagholders are going to pump this shit back up along with the deluded "dude weed LMAO" biden dolts flooding back into the market now that bad orange man is gone
lol no
there's at least a dozen other weed stock picks you should consider before jumping into ACB
Bagholders are no doubt the ones who hate ACB the most, they are the ones who held through multiple stock dilutions. APHA and CGC have sort of held their value, but ACB is the only one that's so fucked since 2018 due to all that shareholder destruction

don't be too focused on ACB, this was not fundamentals at all. It's purely short sellers getting fucked
you're FOMOing in

>> No.23768213
File: 179 KB, 1250x1032, cacsacascasc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will see, anonserinos

>> No.23768214

Of course. Whatever the big companies want is what they seem to do. Doesnt matter how much they scream that it's for the people of whatever nation. By that logic north korea would've been invaded long ago.

>> No.23768221

Is it FOMOing to buy more PLTR on Monday?

>> No.23768229
Quoted by: >>23768271

Look at the histories of companies like ED, XEL, or PCG. Utilities are infamous for state intervention.

>> No.23768233

this has always triggered me, but that candle should be red and then green at the end signalling bobo is burning the green part away and soon we will just be left with red
fix your shit faggot

>> No.23768247
Quoted by: >>23768315

Normies see it when they visit certain websites, meme stock
Normies love it, total meme stock

4chan meme, higher risk than picking a normie meme stock and just holding

>> No.23768265
File: 232 KB, 338x423, 1601223733486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He spent 30 mins making a meme
The absolute state of bears coping

>> No.23768271
Quoted by: >>23768322

why do those picks look so horrible compared to NEE
holy shit that PCG

>> No.23768282


>> No.23768286

do OPTI instead

>> No.23768289

>Is it FOMOing to buy more PLTR on Monday?
I'd say it depends if you're intending to hold long or not

>> No.23768310
Quoted by: >>23768340

Show us your all in on spy calls. Surely a few dollars for a $500 strike SPY call would make you insanely rich.

Oh that's right, just like the perma bears you just say this as cope because you likely never take profit. Lemme guess "it's gambling". But anon you just said "spy $600 by eoy!!!"

You perma bulls are annoying

>> No.23768315
File: 98 KB, 493x650, crassus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with PINS btw? Why did it moon?

>> No.23768322

XEL is fine. Nasdaq 100 inclusion helps the shit out of it.
The juicy pick nobody has talked about this year but has silently carried part of my portfolio is AWK.

>> No.23768340
Quoted by: >>23768583

You take shitposting too seriously. I do have some 400 SPY calls though kek

>> No.23768343


Based and water pilled. Wish I bought more.

>> No.23768347

well i guess it shows you still have to do DD and not just buy utilities just because it's "utilities"
AWK looks like it might be nice too

although im probably falling through the fallacy of using past price history to judge the current company, but eh something holding its value through 2008 is always nice to know

>> No.23768376

AWK is juicy but kinda low yield

I really like BP and UVLR for this type of thing. Comfy and reliable

>> No.23768400

Anyone want to theorize why ARK is so bullish on Tencent? This is the third day they increase their position.

>> No.23768407
Quoted by: >>23768570

sell cash covered puts on: (rate of returns for ATM puts)
>HYLN: 9%
>WKHS 8.2%
>PLTR 7.8%
>GME 3.6%
hyln and wkhs have earnings soon dont they? i dont even need to check

>> No.23768429

My guess is it's because Tencent competes with BABA on some levels and Xi is pissed at Jack Ma, so they are betting that Tencent benefits at the expense of BABA

>> No.23768437


Great Silver Jews album!

>> No.23768497


>> No.23768501


>> No.23768530

Its a niche service (mood boarding) and appeals to older folks. It's basically a Snapchat pop due to increased down time and the working from home phenomena.

>> No.23768570

Yes, WKHS Monday evening. Might load up 100 shares. Earnings, whether positive or negative, will boost the stock imo.

On an unrelated note, AAPL has an event on Tuesday, those ARM chips might be underrated . Not that I'd buy AAPL, but it might prop up the entire market next week.

>> No.23768583
Quoted by: >>23769253

Ahh admittance, feels good. But anon come on dont be rash thats risky as heck. You know this market is manipulated bigly. If the tutes decide "time to dump, cant have the commoners escape the wagecage" you're screwed. Then again they might choose to keep pumping it, idk. So how many calls do you have?

>> No.23768584
Quoted by: >>23768653

Wonder how long till they start sending garbage into space?. You can pack landfills only so much you know.. Aside, bag WM stock, garbage is the one thing that'll never go outta style.. Toothpaste brands may change, the iphone may get replaced but your waste production?..

>> No.23768592
File: 41 KB, 585x268, 2020-11-06_17-26-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23768598

Denver soft lockdown,
MAGA panicking,
And the weekend is just getting started.

You sold all and went all in on shorts, right anon?

>> No.23768618

I rarely visit it but it seems to have pics of crafts and stuff the few times ive been there. I assume there money comes from ad revenue and selling people's data.

>> No.23768634
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>> No.23768635
Quoted by: >>23768738

Heads ups:

Virus caseload is going to go through the roof in the next 2 weeks to the point it'll worry the markets.

Think about hedges.

Short and PUTS.

>> No.23768647
Quoted by: >>23768702

i don't understand why PLTR is going up so much. it was overvalued at IPO price, and now it's just ridiculous. i understand that they are trying to become more of a saas company instead of a defense one, but there is no evidence that it's working.

>> No.23768653

>just send all the trash to the sun
that was my thought as a kid when they would talk about landfills

>> No.23768663
File: 288 KB, 1125x2436, F61ADDD8-503E-4C4B-B6E1-0D37E976BE67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23771031

Are these too near dated?

>> No.23768667
Quoted by: >>23768674

Obama economy was just straight line up though, what's he on about

>> No.23768674

I dunno either I just thought it was funny.

>> No.23768702
Quoted by: >>23768939

You'll see at earnings.

>> No.23768704

I bought aapl @118 msft @205 and amazon @2156


>> No.23768705

so slow crab up or massive coom rocket?

>> No.23768708
Quoted by: >>23769465

>literal who

>> No.23768728
File: 75 KB, 1280x705, 1582724677707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a quick scroll through his tweets, Jesus...

>> No.23768731
File: 162 KB, 1000x756, 1589789263025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768970

i leave you for 5min and the market is kill. why /biz/?
shill me your tickers for the monday fomo

>> No.23768738

But if biden gets elected (which sadly seems to be happening) then covid will most likely suddenly disappear from the media

>> No.23768744
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, 1589228466153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is clown market but I need you guys to explain something for me. If people are pricing in massive, massive inflation and dumping all their cash for stocks, why are the p/e ratios so fucking high? Surely increased inflation should drive up profits too? But profits are down and stock values are up with no schiff-style scenario occurring yet.

Isn't this just the biggest dead cat bounce in history?

>> No.23768776
File: 421 KB, 460x625, 1604612933769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this just the biggest dead cat bounce in history?

>> No.23768784
File: 25 KB, 464x678, ATF immune dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the opposite. I feel like he would use it to double down on emergency powers for the "health of the nation" in order to further solidify federal control over individuals lives. Government tends to never let a good "crisis" go to waste when it could be used to further entrench themselves. Plus this seems like the best time to push laws for tracking and following due to the "need" to "contact trace" supposed carriers in reality targeting dipshits like us on this mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.23768802
File: 211 KB, 1310x625, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey

someone actually does buy figs from COOMSTOP
sold out, dunno when exactly

>> No.23768808
File: 2.28 MB, 1500x900, Detroit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23768839

Also how do I profit from bidders foreign policy. It seems like he is going to be hell bent on antagonizing russia and combating their influence within the middle east and north africa; while China is going to get a slap on the wrist.

>> No.23768833
File: 451 KB, 400x300, 1515997127691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been fun posting with you, anons.

>> No.23768839
Quoted by: >>23768873

The idea of getting shot by a fucking a garbage bag made me laugh way more than it should've.

>> No.23768862

Real economy & Stock Market has been stretched out due to MASSIVE MASSIVE DEBT via stimulus & QE.

It will continue as we use debt to solve ALL our problems. It will be the new reality.

It will all come to an end soon though, likely through a great reset and the digital dollar.

>> No.23768863

I agree with >>23767016 that the heights of those yields can be tumultuous and result in either totally cutting them or having the divvies drain the company.

>> No.23768873
File: 42 KB, 400x352, Chiraq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a bus anon.

>> No.23768905
File: 751 KB, 2480x3507, z_ANrnd3CbsWIIoHf2TTupk_hGZWy0y83P-88nArfrQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GME confirmed trash

That's not even the top 3 best waifu in that show

>> No.23768904

Dunno what i was thinking not holding this til election season. Weed stocks just pissed me off and wanted to cut my losses

>> No.23768917

fuck this dumb boomer image. as if anywhere in the USA would spend this kind of money on education.

>> No.23768933
Quoted by: >>23769005

The last thing chicago needs is a little niglet getting into that turret thinking he's in one of his video games

>Buy it used from gamestop
>It comes pre hot glued

>> No.23768939

"you'll see"
Will earnings be good?

>> No.23768970

>OPTI gang report in

>> No.23769005
File: 1.98 MB, 500x279, tumblr_inline_p8g1i6lhGO1r47dxu_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Buy it used from gamestop
>>It comes pre hot glued

Your average GME bag holder would pay extra if it comes pre hot glued.

They would unironically get whatever they're shilling if they got an extra bag of said hot glue.

>> No.23769051

Idecided I might as well sell some covered calls to offset my PLTR bags. Those calls? $11.00 calls for 11/6.

>> No.23769053

I didn't get to see any sunlight today and it's made me massively depressed. Fuck this time of the year.

>> No.23769073
File: 18 KB, 1214x84, optih1106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

optihammer 40k checking in. Also how many pass users do we get in /smg/, I wonder.

>> No.23769108

is it not on robinhood?

>> No.23769203

This will be $500 within 2 years

>> No.23769251

Should I continue to buy NIO? Their projection seems to be 100$ in Jan

>> No.23769253

I only have 1 call for close to the end of 2021

>> No.23769262
Quoted by: >>23769609

Hmm didnt think about it like that.

So at this point the potential is on two extremes.
>covid disappears from the msm and gets no more mentions starting soon and completely forgotten by January 2021
>covid stays and hyped up by msm which government uses to enact more control

Seems like no middle ground

>> No.23769272
File: 4 KB, 1021x36, OPTImusprime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23769643

I hope to moon with ya senpai. I have a cash account and wasn't able to get in on the After hours. Won't sell until .4$ will ride the moon to 2$

>> No.23769314
File: 1.08 MB, 2208x1488, 1604714837319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23769344

I hold IRBO because it was easier to buy an index. I've been happy with it.

>> No.23769352

so............is NAK done for?

>> No.23769372

It never even had a chance you retard

>> No.23769380
Quoted by: >>23769547

The moment Baggie bought NAK is when I immediately exited.

>> No.23769385
File: 253 KB, 1200x900, joebuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23769427

OPTI is...................................................DELISTED

>> No.23769391
Quoted by: >>23769616

why are you covering up your 200 dollars anon

>> No.23769427

It went so high it broke the market

>> No.23769465

>he hasn't seen videodrome

>> No.23769508

meant to say 4now

>> No.23769514

Obviously Elon Musk, so Tesla.. until his robot waifu company gets created and goes public

>> No.23769547

Why does everything he touch dump hard I wouldn’t be surprised pltr takes a dump because of him.

>> No.23769582
File: 4 KB, 175x135, 1502548851177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a europoor was bearish near me

>> No.23769588
File: 38 KB, 1032x774, 1600736052577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23769693

I'm going to make a profile that inverses Baggie next week and post the results.

>> No.23769609
File: 51 KB, 500x497, Kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23769628

In the end it all depends on what the Dems and other bureaucratic/technocratic/business elites want to do.

Honestly I feel like they would be stupid not to take advantage of this opportunity. Pandemics rarely spread to major developed countries nowadays and the fact that so many people are willing to easily give up their freedoms and rights for an illusion of safety (fk boomers) means they could pass whatever bs they want and have the people lap it up. The Kung flu has effectively achieved the demoralization effects of 9/11 without the massive cost of life associated with what was predicted to be the Spanish flu part two.

>> No.23769616 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 961x377, are you happy now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you happy?

>> No.23769628
Quoted by: >>23769640

it's past your bed time doomer.

>> No.23769640
File: 83 KB, 749x507, Pepecy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back of wagie tard

>> No.23769643
File: 63 KB, 542x852, 1603310670673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll see you on the moon fellow OPTIchads

>> No.23769693

Millionaire by next week

>> No.23769695

Another thing to consider, in relation to the market: it's at an all time high, and the last four years for DJI, S&P and even the fucking NASDAQ has seen historic rises. A lot of this is due to one single Twitter account.

He knows he has that kind of control. Now just imagine him seething not being president anymore. He just handed the kid sniffer a ticking time bomb of a market, resting on top of the thin ice that's unemployment due to the corona hoax invented by the democratic party.

It's about to get reaaaaally interesting

>> No.23769725
File: 755 KB, 1200x899, ITSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23769869

Remember to invest in big brother stocks anon we are entering a new phase of observation.

Gatekeeper Systems (Smart City Survelliance)
BIG Tech

>> No.23769741

do you like doubling your money and never realizing the gains?

>> No.23769835

you can trim
2x is the easiest way to explain that

at 2x, you sell half and you've covered your cost basis and the other half is just pure profit
especially if it has potential to keep rallying up

something more painful than losing your gains is missing out on future gains. Imagine how people must feel selling NIO at $14 on the first moon mission. You can consider selling your entire position if momentum is obviously dead

>> No.23769869
Quoted by: >>23769891

what company do i invest in for facial recognition tech?


>> No.23769891

NVDA anything. yes.

>> No.23770082

Now that the election (voting) is over and only boring legal fights are left before the official president is sworn in, I can finally gtfo of /pol/ and start working for myself. I lost a lot of money that I bet on Trump already and I need to make it back. When do you recommend to start investing in the stock market? After January?

>> No.23770110
Quoted by: >>23770161

>When do you recommend to start investing in the stock market? After January?
If you want to trade you can start any time. It doesn't matter.

>> No.23770148

This. All the COVID hype is going to instantly evaporate from the liberal narrative.

>> No.23770161

Unfortunately, I wasted a lot of valuable time on politics this past month and don't know how the market will react to a Biden presidency and what may be good investments. Any recommendations?

>> No.23770173

Don’t try to time the market, instead manage your risk and hedge positions so you can do well no matter which direction the market goes.

>> No.23770199
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 1602375752026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPTI. Ship leaves in December.

>> No.23770202
File: 558 KB, 699x518, 1590520029859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ why are you sleeping on SPWR, ICLN?

>> No.23770224

Radical Ed, why December?

>> No.23770237
Quoted by: >>23770265

Why the big jump after the election?

>> No.23770252

I am 24 years old and I have never EVER kissed or had sex with a girl. Very likely going to neck soon.
Should I buy PLTR?

>> No.23770265
File: 2.94 MB, 540x480, 1599773887917.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

December is when the product distribution for their $2 billion PPE contract will be completed.

>> No.23770282
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>> No.23770299
Quoted by: >>23770440

Anyone have meme lines on QQQ?

>> No.23770364

Max out your credit and yolo some options if you are going to do that. Kys if you blow up your account.

>> No.23770440
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Quoted by: >>23770518


>> No.23770444
Quoted by: >>23770485

Literally no one knows. Just buy some stuff that is always to going to be around like GE and be happy

>> No.23770456

If Biden becomes president is it worth investing in environmental companies when he is most likely going to govern with a Republican gridlock and won't pass too many bills?

>> No.23770467
Quoted by: >>23770509

Anyone knows what will happen if Trump refuse to concede? It seems he is heading that direction and one lawyer told me there is no law forcing him to concede so the House will vote by delegation

>> No.23770485
Quoted by: >>23770717

GE is actually a good pick rn. They’re gonna pop back to $12 sometime in the next year.

>> No.23770489
Quoted by: >>23771164

Is it true that options buyers have a 90 minute aftermarket "grace period" to exercise their position?

>> No.23770503
File: 254 KB, 2048x1365, 154_iko-1231722037837565953-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23770679

its gonna be a long weekend thinking about my stonkus ;[

>> No.23770509

trump easily wins the delegation since there is more R states

>> No.23770518
File: 164 KB, 1884x1260, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I turned on the ichimoku cloud

>> No.23770552

memes , i think yiure right tho, so how much of each

>> No.23770599
File: 262 KB, 112x112, Dancing pug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23770656

Buy these stocks to experience the ultimate Biden run boys.


>> No.23770656


>> No.23770664
Quoted by: >>23770674

I have 0 stonk and 5k what to /smg/
i dont understand options

>> No.23770674
Quoted by: >>23770721

>I don’t understand options

Then either learn or just chuck it all in a vanguard fund.

>> No.23770679
File: 40 KB, 616x472, 1591618291829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a long wait. I'm already bored.

>> No.23770686
File: 748 KB, 2048x2048, El5NUqkUYAAz7A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23770723

most the time with options i just buy something with too low volume on accident like itll say .15c call

and then it will just be like yoink now its .05c

and you just burn money

>> No.23770717
Quoted by: >>23770745

GE is just a solid company and reasonably well managed. I see them as a pretty safe bet

>> No.23770721

i can learn but i dont think 5k is enough to trade options, also what is a vanguard fund

>> No.23770723

Stop using them to gamble and use them to hedge and mitigate risk. Ya know, like what they were invented for.

>> No.23770745

Their management has been a dumpster fire for the last two years and the primary reason why they’ve crabbed for 8 months while every other industrial has bounced back from the March dip. They got a ways to go, but it’s looking up.

>> No.23770832

There are plenty of Vanguard ETFs, VTI is a good starting point.

>> No.23770837

How funny was this board during march btw

>> No.23770850

And to add to that, BND is literally crash proof because it's a bond tracker.

>> No.23770871
Quoted by: >>23770940

$5k is plenty but you aren’t “trading” options you are using them to hedge or squeeze a few extra percent out of your portfolio.

>> No.23770887

For me, it’s GOVT

>> No.23770890

SPWR's fundamentals seem kinda whatever

>> No.23770911

whats the news

>> No.23770914

So youre telling me to go 50/50 VTI BND and just sit?

>> No.23770937
Quoted by: >>23770974

That’s the ultimate brainlet hands off approach, but yeah that works. Keep plunking money into both every paycheck and you’ll do fine.

Buy a house.

>> No.23770940
Quoted by: >>23770963

ok but I dont have a portfolio, except the free stock from RH and Webul lmao and some gme ofc.

>> No.23770963
Quoted by: >>23771050

Yeah, just do the vanguard bond thing dude. Read some options books and come back in a year.

>> No.23770973

Are options even worth buying? It doesn't matter if it's long or short dated, if the stock price goes the wrong way the next day, option can drop bigly in price unless you buy deeper itm options.

But the problem is that deep ITM options have very low volume which means it's possible that there might not be a buyer should you decide to sell.

Bagholding an option is risky because of iv crush, theta decay, etc.

>> No.23770974

i dont wanna be a a brainlet tho, i also dont want to bet

>> No.23770991
Quoted by: >>23771135

Basically. If anything, put 3k into both however you see fit and use the other 2 for speculative plays as you see fit. Just know half the shit you see meme'd here is dog shit. Deciphering what's actually gold (GME buying around August) comes around every now and then, but always do your own DD on any of that.

>> No.23771018

only far OTM options are worth

>> No.23771031

The dates don't matter as much as how close to the money they are. I suggest you sell on Monday if SPY crabs or goes up. You can't really baghold an option.

>> No.23771032

Buy option leaps instead

>> No.23771050
Quoted by: >>23771149

dude no i want stock im tired of being a pleb

>> No.23771053
File: 146 KB, 960x960, 122746888_363778711736617_2917601402822870998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23771785

thats what im sayin its just bots taking advantage of you

they wont even buy back your calls at the same price you bought from them they wont let you

>> No.23771058

They are worth buying as a hedge. If you are buying 100 shares of a stock, it’s worth it to buy a single put to hedge against short term action. If you are selling 100 shares at a profit, it’s worth buying a call in case it goes higher in the short term.

Options are meant to compliment stock purchases/sales. Not for gambling like a degenerate.

>> No.23771095
Quoted by: >>23771117

it kills me knowing i missed out on 10x weeklies opportunities even though there was no way i would have actually done it

>> No.23771115

i bought SNDL instead of OPTI but I have $5 left. maybe I can buy 100 shares for the memes if it drops to .05

>> No.23771117

Doesn't make much sense anon

>> No.23771118

But isn't it no different than betting? As an example, to hedge 100 shares of ZM for a week, you need to put up $1.6k. That's around 3% of your investment. If it goes flat or goes down very little within that week, you'll lose money.

>> No.23771135

TY sir IS gme still a buy at anything over 10? Im just waiting for the dip

>> No.23771137
Quoted by: >>23771221

lol GALT didnt go up or do anything

>> No.23771149
Quoted by: >>23771260

Buy 100 shares of a stock of your choice, then sell a call at a price a couple bucks above what you bought the stock for. Then buy a put at a price a couple bucks below what you bought for. Then watch and learn. Best way to learn is to do.

>> No.23771162
Quoted by: >>23771221

Jesus this thread is still alive. Must have got real slow.

>> No.23771164

Yes. They have until 4:30 Central Time (since the CBOE is based in Chicago).

>> No.23771183
Quoted by: >>23771313

Losing 3% is still better than taking the risk of getting 2 sigma’d.



No. Look at the theta curve, 30 days is the sweet spot expiry. Longer is better.

>> No.23771201

They can also be used to increase your effective leverage, in order to achieve your Personal Risk Tolerance.

>> No.23771215

For what it's worth I was weary knowing the company is shit, but the short squeeze meme turned out to make anons here a LOT of money. I personally wouldn't touch it right now, but I know FOMO is real so if you absolutely feel like you have to don't open up anything you wouldn't be willing to see drop back to 7 or under in a heartbeat

>> No.23771221
File: 287 KB, 1082x695, 1604415170268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to weekend /smg/ enjoy the comfy

There is still GALT bagholders lol?

>> No.23771236


>> No.23771241
Quoted by: >>23771368

that premium is worth it for hedging against earnings when you expect it to go more than +5% or -5%, and so on. Maybe you don't care about the short-term swing and just want the insurance to protect its value

For something like SPY where volatility is relatively lower, it'll cost something like 5% to hedge until January 2021. Instead of being a smartass trying to time the market, you can just do a lump sum into the market right away and just buy puts to hedge through elections. You can see yourself how that would have worked out well the last couple weeks.

>> No.23771260

cool, im talking to my gf whos a finance major and she says your ideas are viable, also im assuming this is what people do in this board all day and thats why everyone is just freaking ouut

>> No.23771288

I just bought SBE instead of ICLN, feel like it will pop sooner.

>> No.23771313
Quoted by: >>23771435

Using ZM again as an example, a 30 day ATM put would cost around 9% of your investment. ZM needs to make a least a 9% move up in order for you to break even. While this is certainly possible, it's still looks like gambling to me. If you had bought a 30-day protective put last October, you would've lost money unless you sold your shares the spike. A longer dated put would cost even more, which means you need an even bigger move up to break even.

>> No.23771337

>Im just waiting for the dip
what dip are you even waiting for? Have you even looked at its financials and compared it to other retailers?

compare it to something shitty like Nordstrom and you'll stop hesitating. If GME turns around, its revenues will 'be valued closer to Bestbuy's, maybe Chewy's in the dream scenario

>> No.23771368

But what would you do when you're forced to exercise your options because the price dropped severely? You have a 5% loss. Do you continue buy the stock at the lower price along with protective puts?

>> No.23771433
File: 43 KB, 960x720, protective-put.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what would you do when you're forced to exercise your options because the price dropped severely? You have a 5% loss.
be happy that your losses was capped at 5% instead of the severe 30% crash

insurance isn't free. You paid that 5% to hedge against it, worst case scenario it wasn't needed but you can also just be a millionaire if you always had godly timing
Best case scenario the price moons because the catalyst (e.g. earnings) turned out to be positive instead

the premiums are so expensive in the first place because all this crazy price movements (volatility) are being factored in. Figure out yourself if it's worth it on a case-by-case basis

>> No.23771435

>ATM put

No, you are protecting against a dump, not some normal volatility.

>> No.23771452

and usually you just sell the option instead of actually executing it since the option is worth more that its intrinsic value until it's about to expire

>> No.23771785

>they wont even buy back your calls at the same price you bought from them they wont let you
I really hate that nonsense. Happened bigly to me on a stock i bought a bunch of. Pissed me off so much. Unironically the bots did this on a stock I thought would do well, so in my fit of rage I sold off my contracts, turns out it'd have been a 10x by expiration.....

>> No.23771799

>Not for gambling like a degenerate.
But they sure lure you in like that and lets be clear big firms do you use ot likke that. Kust cause they dont openly state it doesnt mean they dont. Eg Softbank