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20400210 No.20400210 [Reply] [Original]

i had over 100k link back in 2018 but i unironically sold them for a LOSS 2 years ago. i could have been a millionaire at 21 years old. how can i go back in time? how can i forget this experience? i could have made it. i am now wageslaving at a dead end job JFC AMA

>> No.20400262
File: 421 KB, 2490x1356, i am crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw does anyone still remember oatmealbro

>> No.20400295
Quoted by: >>20402141

Drop a tab of acid in minecraft and stop caring so much about money that you will anyway when you're 60

>> No.20400556
Quoted by: >>20400791

Yeah - oatmeal bro did give an update a while back - I think he lost a tooth!

>> No.20400585

That's a yikes from me

>> No.20400605

Just learn from your mistake, you're still very young at 21 and got your whole life ahead of you. Just don't waste it on videogames and alcohol like I did

t. 37 y-o

>> No.20400675
Quoted by: >>20400754

I'm sorry bro. Hard lessons suck to live through. But there will be other opportunities. Maybe not as large as link but there will be many opportunities in your future.

>> No.20400695 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20400754


can agree with this. alcohol and other drugs will literally rob you of a future and you wont realize till your too late. quit all drugs, quit pursueing hedonistic shit and focus on making something of yourself every day, or you will regret it big time later down the road

>> No.20400754


Thanks for the advice bros. I will become a bloomer and will try to forget this & move forward.

>> No.20400755
Quoted by: >>20400869

how did someone so young have so much money to put on chainlink?

and how much link you holding now?

>> No.20400758

you made a mistake anon, theres nothing you can do

learn from your mistake, dont let it nag you forever. im 21 also and only have 2.1k link, so its not like im getting rich anytime soon. you arent alone

>> No.20400773

dont think about too much...i too had 150k link....and i sold them at 80 cent in weak moment. i could have settled now but now wageslaving...so we need to find other one. for example erd did 30x in 3 months...if we able to get some thing similar ..we will back to game again...so dont disappoint.

>> No.20400789

>will try to forget this
not the right way to look at this, or any mistake to be honest. The most valuable investment you could ever make is learning from your mistakes and leveraging that to better yourself.

>> No.20400791

Really? Did he make it at least?

>> No.20400805
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Quoted by: >>20400932

ITT: Absolute retards who STILL don't realize chainlink is the next chainlink.

>> No.20400811
Quoted by: >>20400905

Cheers bro. At least i am not alone, godspeed all the best we will make it one day

>> No.20400838
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I’m sorry but god damn

>> No.20400843

and also to add to this, I also sold at a loss, 1200 LINK. That was nothing compared to other fuck ups though, but like I heard someone say the other day, you either learn and become smart money or stay the same dumb money

>> No.20400869

Yes I know but if i dwell on it too hard it tears me mentally. I will learn.

I have 0 chainlink right now and 0 crypto. Been out of crypto for the past year but I am revisiting the old times right now.

I did summer jobs for 3 years, savings, christmas/birthdays, and also making some money from the 2017 bull run.

>> No.20400887
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Did you buy REQ too?
Seems like something you would do

>> No.20400905
Quoted by: >>20403833

there are many like us...no one know until happen. some time shit happens...so we need to just find another 3 or 4x coin first...then its easy from there..

>> No.20400915

>Yes I know but if i dwell on it too hard it tears me mentally.
I know how you feel, I really do, but the ignoring something doesn't make it go away. God speed link marine

>> No.20400932

This guy gets. Faggots crying cuz they couldnt buy a multimillion dollar asset for .30 instead of 7 dols.

Suck it up buttercup and fucking buy Link. On a long enough timeline youll still be rich beyond your wildest dreams.

>> No.20400978

Should have never sold.

>> No.20400990
File: 158 KB, 1035x527, stinky stakey linkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to make it back is to stake in LINK3D right now. It is still SUPER early and the rewards from divs are pretty steady and nice

>> No.20401238

What did jannies mean by this?>>/biz/thread/20400210#p20400695

>> No.20401242

im in the same boat and im unironically going to kill myself soon probably.

i was driving by the lake today where i live, seeing my 15mil dream home, that i could have gotten, if i didn't screw up.

i know money isn't everything and blahblah blah but i want to be free and life is a scam i hate it. i actually hate life a lot actually the main thing stopping me from killing myself is that there might be infinite universe's and i might just spawn as some other thing being tortured in some other world but im starting to care less and less each day because i hate myself so much.

suicide bros?

>> No.20401340


>> No.20401369


>> No.20401390


>> No.20401402
Quoted by: >>20402565

if each of us sent this dude 1 link, maybe we could give him a decent stack...

>> No.20401413
File: 9 KB, 180x240, ann_hiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you suicidal nolinkers should at least try one last-ditch effort to /makeit/. Just pump money into the lottery until you either win or you run out of money, then you can off yourself.

>> No.20401421


>> No.20401435

How old are you friend? I don’t think suicide is the way because although it is a lot of money I unironically learned to appreciate the smaller things in life. Are you healthy? Young? In a good mental state? Loving family? These things are worth more than any amount of money. Trust me Anon don’t do it I know it’s tough.

I believe one day I will make it back and hope the same for you. Do you have discord?

>> No.20401436

link threads are the pinnacle of conspiracy theory posting. It's fucking fascinating. There's so many religious posters (just like XRP) and theories where no matter what happens to price action (it could literally go up or down it doesn't matter), or whatever new information or facts that come out, you will observe here that it will be twisted and rationalized in some amazing way.

there used to be a bit of tongue in cheek to the idea "never sell" or the idea that people would blindly hold regardless of circumstances. And the idea that anything negative said about the coin is somehow price suppression by actors that want to buy more of the coin, just outlandish delusion. But now it's almost a dogma and you can tell people have become serious. And these people have no insight on anything (global finance isn't exactly anyone's specialty here), they just regurgitate partnerships/roadmaps and that's good enough for them. Which is sad because it's just a bunch of morons circle jerking and no one learns anything.

>> No.20401476

you snooze you lose, better luck next time kiddo.

>> No.20401599
File: 69 KB, 945x936, link_wizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes and digits and shitposts are what dictate reality now. The memetic energy and gets and organic hype around Chainlink on /biz/ feels just like Trump's 2016 campaign did on /pol/. We've figured out how to channel collective thought and emotional energy to influence events in our favor, just like the (((elites))) have been doing for thousands of years.

>> No.20401826
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How do you sell a token biz talks about every day for three years?

>> No.20402061
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Sold them for pennies too, in total they would be worth 312k, my entire crypto holdings are worth less than 500 bucks today, I wanna kill myself

>> No.20402141
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Stay optimistic OP & don't let the past blind your future. Hope for the best and never make fun of those below you. Stay humble & keep on keeping on, your time (to possibly make it) will come again, but awhile from now.

>> No.20402163

Digits indicate this post is BASED.

>> No.20402215

same story here
t. 32 year old boomer

>> No.20402418

>> Mac user
You were never destined to make it

>> No.20402449

imagine thinking 10 years back when u are 34 when u could've all in at 8$ link.

>> No.20402565
Quoted by: >>20405666

Why would I give him $81,000 for no reason?

>> No.20402567

what were the tells that got you into LINK? what made you sell? I was around in 17 but had never heard of link until this past February when I joined 4chan

>> No.20402616
File: 28 KB, 414x598, 789B7A49-F95F-49A6-9DFB-FFC1B5231C74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if you disagree with this post, you’re unironically a 105 IQ midwit NPC.
Tomorrow Belongs To Me

>> No.20402744
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, linkpurpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20404453

I joined link marines for the 40k memes, after it worked for Trump election. Thank god I listened to them and not some fanatical advisor. Made more than I ever dreamed already.

>> No.20403757

>How old are you friend?
>I unironically learned to appreciate the smaller things in life
i should do this more
>Are you healthy?
somewhat, getting better
>In a good mental state?
not really, i wasted the best years of my life away smoking weed and feeling suicidal. and still i am suffering mentally and think about ending it constantly, not cause of money, just my brain is fucked from tinnitus
>Loving family?
luckily yes

and i have discord yea

>> No.20403833

You will never stop being a degenerate gambling pajeet. Just shut the fuck up and buy in.

>> No.20404205

If you are 21 then you will have plenty more opportunities to make it. Learn your lesson and don't repeat it next time.

>> No.20404330

3 years

>> No.20404373

feel free to add me bro: trdr21#7675
would love to hear a likeminded story and try to help you out with some life advice

>> No.20404412

Pussy, i bought millions of XVG at 5 SATS and sold them at 200 on average.

>> No.20404453
Quoted by: >>20404605

40k is accurate but we're like the orks. Chainlink will moon because of our collective belief that it will moon.

>> No.20404518

Holy shit 150k LINK right now is worth 1.2mil and you sold for 1/10th of that? At least tell us you re invested into something decent, or purchased a house with the money you did make.

People here saying a million is not a lot of money, and yeah in the grand scheme of things it's not massive. But it is a HUGE leg up in life and if you're not a retard you can really use it to help yourself.

>> No.20404532
File: 582 KB, 600x600, ee4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i wasted the best years of my life

>> No.20404545

wew blessed checking

>> No.20404550

Dude I had 300k, I sold in fucking 2019 for 30 cents.

>> No.20404553

It's a terrible feeling to have had everything laid out in front of you and for you to have missed it but you can come back from this. Focus on improving yourself, on goals you can work on. It's a setback yes, but you have your life in front of you.

>> No.20404576

I had 72k LINK i bought in the ico. Sold them all for less than 50 cents

>> No.20404605

my exact thoughts on 4chan. paint shit red

>> No.20404607

Don’t let tinnitus drive you crazy bro
That’s fucked up. I have that shit and you just make it work otherwise you might as well kys
Try psychedelics and conscious breathing until you can stand yourself

>> No.20404683

Imagine life having this
>Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare genetic condition that makes skin so fragile that it can tear or blister at the slightest touch. Children born with it are often called “Butterfly Children” because their skin seems as fragile as a butterfly wing

Be thankful for your health

>> No.20404709

>if i dwell on it too hard it tears me mentally. I will learn.
22 year old anon here. I'll share something with you that might help, might not. Four years ago I was on my way to being a famous musician. I had a multi million dollar record deal lined up. I was months away from it. I had started my own business and took a risk and by 19 it had all fallen apart, piece by piece. I lost my friends, I lost my famous friends, I lost my manager, I lost money, my life's dream, my purpose. There isn't a single day that goes by that I don't replay my last few months and try to figure out what I could have done to shift fate. I had to move back into my childhood home with my parents after being out on my own, defeated and penniless. I didn't leave my house for a year. It's something that never leaves you. But it's what you do with that feeling and how you turn it into a lesson and a fire under your ass that doesn't allow you to give up. If something doesn't work your only other option is to try something else. Find a new passion and throw yourself into it. Money will come. But more importantly, self-fulfillment will come. Godspeed and good luck anon. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.20404999

What was the risk?

>> No.20405099
File: 57 KB, 447x599, 1492659121789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20405489

I'm in kind of a similar boat to you. I had about 15k back in 2017, but I sold almost all of it soon after to pay for a knee surgery. I'd gotten into an accident during a rugby game. I'm 21 now, and only have about 1k.

I'm pretty well invested in LinkPool though, which makes me feel better. I have 3 of them, which is nearly 200ETH.

>> No.20405267

Sorry to hear that. I can relate to that feeling in a way. Thank you for the advice.

How are you holding up now? I've been adopting a bloomer mindset to try and improve

>> No.20405353
File: 50 KB, 430x287, F79F227D-926B-4E1D-9FDA-2C8FB31BE265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey estoy, gimme a family value and make sure the fries are fresh. Flips always give out the sorriest fries all cold and soggy and shit. Worst customer service ever.

>> No.20405489
Quoted by: >>20405565

How do you get a LinkPool node?

>> No.20405565

There's a DEX at staking.linkpool.com

>> No.20405666

Learn math