How much will Chainlink be realistically worth at its peak? Are we all going to make it??
>>OPhow does being in debt sound?
>>OP>>20385623How does owing Sergey 10,000 big macs sound?
>>OP>peakImplying it will not go up foreverkekAnything below $10,000 is a steal
eth was at $11 in Sept 2016. did over a 100x by Jan 2018xrp was half a cent, did over 600x.we are currently about a year and some months before the next market $800 is not out of the question.
>>20385601You know how many people are holding 100k+ link? If it hits 10,000, that would make them all billionaires. Not going to happen. Thats pure delusion. I am a long time holder and this just isnt realistic
>>20385740I disagree.Chainlink is going to change the fucking planet in ways you can't even imagine.We are going to be so fucking rich.
This is ATH, it will never again trade this high
>>20385740Retarded. How many hold until 1000? 5%, maybe 2% of these 100k + anons.Its brutal and most will sell way before that.
>>20385740There like prob 100 or so people that have 100K+ LINK. There 2095 billionares. Link will prob produce 5-10 billionaires. Remember that people had huge BTC stacks but not all of them made it.
>>20385740if only you knew what was coming.
>>OPEnough to make anime real. I for one have begun reflecting on how to best house all my cat girls
>>OP> peakWhy would there be a peak? Supply is limited and actually will decrease over time, so in the long term link price will always rise.
It's worth 7 cents usd
$500 per link by end of month.Peak will be around $20k but more people will have gotten out of it than stayed in so that $20k is more for the institutions and few with wrists of the north star (who will be receiving private offers for their stacks by the time price reaches around there.)
>>20386042that was a counterfeit source anon
>>20385773Please elaborate, I'm thinking of putting in a small investment on LINK and I hear a lot of 'change the world', '1000 EOY' Etc but never any details, can you shed some light for us?
>>20386120What's this based on anon?
>>20385906why don't u tell us fren?
>>20386193idk how new you are but this is a decent place to start new-is video is also really good to understand just how much the game (by which I mean how business is conducted on this entire planet) is about to be changed.
>>20386278thank you, yes I am based anon
>>20386224This too, oddly enough I work for a Fortune 500 and I'm involved with Industry 4.0 and in my job at least I can't see how this ties in with it? I need answers.
>>20386336Thanks saved, will watch later
>>20385740>You know how many people are holding 100k+ link? If it hits 10,000, that would make them all billionaires. Not going to happen. Thats pure delusion. I am a long time holder and this just isnt realisticthis is my thought too and why it hurts to only hold 10,000 of them
$20,000 it will surpass the highest bitcoin price.
>>20386447comparison is the thief of joy anon
>>20386278oh god here come the iexec pajeets to shit up the thread
>>20386497Calm your tits it's just a picture no even mentioned itObviously decentralized cloud computing and working with Google means total failure. There's no Amazon or Alibaba would ever be interested eitherI mean, come on, anyone who thinks there's money in lowering the cost of cloud computing is clearly a dumb nigger right guys?
>>20386646>oh god here come the iexec pajeets to shit up the threadcase and point ranjesh
>>20386704>triggered by a pictureAre ya winning son?
>>20385601>>20385721>>20385681>>20385737>$10kLiterally zero reason to believe it would reach anywhere close to that. I am in here since few days after the ICO. $1 was kind of expect of all us.. 10 I believe we can do it. But 100 is already nearly impossible.Think about market cap.Chainlink now is worth 3 billion USD. At 1000, it would be worth like 300 billion USD.Visa is worth 400$ k USD.Possible? Well, maybe. But it would be a very different Chainlink. Not easy to be the size of visa. First mover is not enough, must to be done perfectly.
>>20386858Its over gilles
>>20386905you doubt Sergey?sell nowyou not worthy!
>>20386905here are the prices for the next 2 years>btc 100k-200k>eth 10k-15k>link 500-2kplan accordingly
>>20386905>Visa is worth 400$ k mean 400 B right?
>>20385740What price would you consider a realistic ATH?
>>OPIt'll peak somewhere between $300-500 next year
>>20386905I still don’t like the comparison of Crypto and companies’ market cap. I think that’s not a good metric to compare the two.
>>20386905This the prediction was $100. Thats why a make it stack was 10k. Anything over $100 is completely impossible and a total meme.
>>20387098Possibly $500 to $1k, but $10k? Not happening. It's not mentally healthy to create unrealistic expectations. You will be let down.
>>20386120No way link gonna be $500 EOM
All of these people saying $10,000+ is impossible are the people who will sell at $1000 as the Jews shake them out of their linkies.
>>OP$50~150But I need It to Go to at least $500
>>20386491good quote, but its also a motivator
It's gonna be 250-300 at max in 5 years.
>>OP198,939,939,626,727$ EOY 2030
>>20387611CHAD'O FORK
>>20386905>reddit spacingdr;ns
It's time to sell when people start making claims like $10000 LINK...
$236 rationale: sergo himself said he estimates the network they are building to be worth "hundreds of billions" at 1 billion tokens, the math is easy.
>>20385740There's only 334 wallets with over 100k link. that includes exchanges, node operators, institutional investors, and people with several wallets.