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File: 252 KB, 1280x1921, music_feature1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19198250 No.19198250 [Reply] [Original]

/PTG/ - Penny sTock General

Latest dist-shillery. Decide the next pNd.

>Brokers for Individual Accounts to invest in Penny Stocks:
TD Ameritrade: https://start.tdameritrade.com/select?offer=220&entity=103
Interactive Broker: https://ndcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/Universal/servlet/Application.ApplicationSelector?ct=US&spltst=www
WeBull: https://invest.webull.com/auth/simple/signup?hl=en&os=web_pc&source=seo-direct-home&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.webull.com%2Fcenter
Robinhood: https://robinhood.com/signup/?

>Screeners to find available penny stocks under $2.00

>News & info for penny stocks
To research individual stocks: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pennystock.asp
News source: https://pennystocks.com/featured/2020/05/14/penny-stocks-on-robinhood-to-buy-sell-analysts-may-14-2020/

>being shilled now

Beware tranny shitposters and redditors.
Post sources when you shill a new stock

>> No.19198284

what's the next PnD boys? I feel like should have called this thread /PnD/

>> No.19198364
File: 18 KB, 326x326, 7b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19198916

I got listed a day trader yesterday when I was about to dump my RTTR

>> No.19198772

RTTR likely to go up today now that the merge is a sure thing?

>> No.19198783
Quoted by: >>19198854

fell asleep and didnt sell KTOV yesterday, is it gonna keep going up? dont they have some more news coming up?

>> No.19198854
File: 323 KB, 828x1792, 79CA1B8D-3C01-420F-B2EB-2082728C3376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An hour after ah closed they posted and their pr is on the 29th

>> No.19198858
File: 2.01 MB, 332x215, 1585567800085.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19198899

>RMBL down 10% after buying in eod yesterday

sounds about right!

>> No.19198899

Reverse stock split was just announced, 20-1.

>> No.19198916
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 874218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ. honestly i've been saying this for everyone in PTG. if you buy high, don't sell low. I've broken even out of every penny stock that I got dumped hard on including MVIS, UAVS, RTTR, and SNSS. I can't offer advice on how to make gains, but iron hands isn't a meme fren

>> No.19198973

so each share is worth 5% of what is was worth a day ago?

>> No.19199010



>> No.19199067
Quoted by: >>19199194

That's just luck though. You can just as easily get burned even harder by being stubborn.
If I'd kept my investment in UAV I'd be down even more than I am.

>> No.19199109

can someone explain what this means for the price?

>> No.19199159
Quoted by: >>19199203


>> No.19199163

Shilling CLIS as a mid-long term hold. Was up 75% yesterday and there streaming service doesn’t launch till June 1st

>> No.19199166
File: 143 KB, 1200x1100, Reverse-stock-split-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19199185
File: 251 KB, 828x1377, 87E6AEE4-BE77-4CCD-87B3-67B8AF8346D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19199225

TNXP get in now fags. Presentation on Covid vaccine today

>> No.19199194

gambling is usually all luck, but with this shit it's also time. UAVS is steady at 1.30
idk if the publicity it's gotten from the rumors got people to actually want to invest in it or what. It hit 1.50 the 15th. how much did you get in at? Most people who didn't buy in early enough got in around 1.00 that's a solid 30% gain minimum. MVIS hit a dollar yesterday. I think it's having trouble cause people have set limit sells to break even.

>> No.19199199

20 stocks get consolidated into 1 stock worth 20 times its value, this is to maintain compliance with minimum stock value
the r/s isnt really bad directly but almost every time there is an r/s it also means something bad is happening to the company
this is how I understand it at least

>> No.19199203


>> No.19199225
File: 151 KB, 533x1429, C4CBBEEC-DD4D-48E0-8189-F6940082C96E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TNXP Chad reporting for duty

>> No.19199247
File: 20 KB, 231x281, hankypanky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thoroughly enjoyed those numericals

>> No.19199259
Quoted by: >>19211705

>something bad is happening to the companythis is how I understand it at least
I assume it would make it more difficult to short the stock, as fewer shares are available to borrow.

>> No.19199290
File: 166 KB, 503x810, 193C87D9-D2EC-4990-B1BA-AA47A5D2660E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19212423


>> No.19199318
File: 82 KB, 564x670, 64790863_10219174193448662_3747209367754113024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19199388

same, waiting for my order to be filled. We're going to the moon!

>> No.19199388
File: 310 KB, 828x1396, 6CF1E39E-6CA6-4416-9EAB-D704B58E4BAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In about 30 mins this will be at .80 fellow Chad

>> No.19199461

Fuck, SRNE is gonna pump again, isn't it?

>> No.19199508
Quoted by: >>19199558

Any KTOV bros here? We hodlin right?

>> No.19199550

So why wouldn't mvis be good for a decent pump If the shares will be consolidated for a higher price per share won't. Are the fleeing scared investors going to outpace the merging process? I imagine there are a decent amount of entrenched investors waiting on some sort of major buyout.

>> No.19199558

Hold until the pr and the end of the month, then dump

>> No.19199597
File: 11 KB, 1677x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EVRI has been doing alright for me over the past week or so

>> No.19199620

Just bought 6600 SHIP at 0.148. How fucked am I

>> No.19199659
File: 51 KB, 500x598, BA44A334-8FC1-412C-B6D9-AB82C4B4D843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19199711

>trusting greeks

>> No.19199711

Kinda neat how you can live track their ships

>> No.19199714
Quoted by: >>19199756

Its dumping, worth the buy?

>> No.19199720
File: 192 KB, 637x1386, E2681493-3E1A-464D-AF30-24832E776A10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19200699

TNXP waifu

>> No.19199728
Quoted by: >>19199929


>> No.19199739
File: 24 KB, 417x417, 1588705023509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put my life savings on KTOV at .59 this morning

Am I fucked? It dumped to .56 instantly

>> No.19199754

GTE dip, buy now

>> No.19199756
File: 278 KB, 828x1389, 112CDD36-BD79-4770-ABE8-CED818ADD770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19200014

No brainer profit

>> No.19199772

Bog saw you do that. We all dumped with him

>> No.19199804
File: 48 KB, 955x537, EX0dI_3XkAArauK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the pic. They have a bunch of landmarks coming up.

>> No.19199838
File: 196 KB, 849x929, 1589830996335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please god let it drop to 0.50 for my buy

>> No.19199845
Quoted by: >>19203918

What do I buy for the most short term gains right now?

>> No.19199848

What are you lads buying today? Nothing that's already blown up.

>> No.19199857

they have a PR on 29th, I am going to jump off ride before then.

>> No.19199869
Quoted by: >>19199943


>> No.19199929

Thank god, another rally.

We going to the fucking moon

>> No.19199943
Quoted by: >>19199978

What's your exit point on that?

>> No.19199950
Quoted by: >>19200049

SHRM is mooning right now. Gapped up 30 cents and it's up 20 cents since open

>> No.19199978
Quoted by: >>19201028

phase 3 FDA approval. either will literally moon to >$1 or fall. exiting 70% @ 0.3, holding rest for FDA. holding 5k rn

also check out ASRT

>> No.19200014
Quoted by: >>19200197

Thank you Anon, when are we selling? .9?

>> No.19200049
Quoted by: >>19200079

NUMI IPO is tomorrow

>> No.19200079
Quoted by: >>19203213

So what, that's a P&D scam. Everyone holding shares got in at 25 cents and there's tons of warrants at 25 cents as well. Going to dump on you at open.

>> No.19200084
File: 155 KB, 1699x950, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An American institution just died right before my very eyes

>> No.19200089
File: 41 KB, 659x241, Screen Shot 2020-05-19 at 9.54.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the kiddies cant purchase SHRM because they are on a meme trading platform


>> No.19200100


>> No.19200105
File: 592 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200519-065404_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean?

>> No.19200149

Imagine what's going to happen when this gets listed on something robinhood users can buy

>> No.19200150

low key
dip now

>> No.19200178



>> No.19200197
File: 370 KB, 1080x1251, E93D2BE5-F59F-4B94-B906-1B33777E101B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19200599

I’m shooting for .9

>> No.19200214
Quoted by: >>19201260

>Using Canadian exchange
>Can't find

>> No.19200219

Soooooo they're gonna have a going out of buisness sale? 16 year old me would of love steal shit without consequences

>> No.19200283

You'll be fine if you hodl a few weeks.

>> No.19200302

What will the RS ratio be for MVIS once a RS is announced?

>> No.19200307

17 year old you needs to pay more attention in English class.

>> No.19200313
File: 771 KB, 828x1792, KTOV news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Moar KTOV news

>> No.19200350

Where do you think SHRM is going to close today? Could break $3 at this pace

>> No.19200382

anyone know when that covid vaccine news is coming out from TNXP today?

>> No.19200404
Quoted by: >>19200493

>holding TTNP and EMAN
just kill me

>> No.19200451

I think like any min now

>> No.19200493

just hold they will eventually bounce back just don't expect it to happen soon.

also, am I retarded for looking into MVIS and UAVS again? I made most of my profits since I started a month ago on these two stocks, twice each. I think both could pop up again, MVIS to $1.30-1.40 and UAV to $1.70-1.75

>> No.19200567

All in avid technology
Yes I fomoed at the opening pump
Yes I have leverage
Yes i dont even know what it does nor why they are so low right now
Yes i am a goombler

>> No.19200599
Quoted by: >>19200642

The red lip cum slut convinced me. 5k in holding till .9, brother.

>> No.19200614
File: 90 KB, 474x891, A24E7612-3DB9-49C1-929A-86A7381FF016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19200639

Meeting is at 1PM EST. Three hours from now

>> No.19200639

should prolly sell before that then right?

>> No.19200642
File: 228 KB, 828x1227, AC6EF740-2474-40BE-84A8-A6E19D564384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the TNXP Chad crew!

>> No.19200680
File: 62 KB, 600x799, 6e9ec513100941.56270b18983af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ONCS is getting a webinar today at 12 eastern.
A Covid 19 vaccine is in the works. FDA sign off by the end of the month likely.
Volume still low get in while you can.

>> No.19200699
Quoted by: >>19200771

you might be the most pathetic kid ive seen on this board which is saying a lot

>> No.19200755
File: 200 KB, 686x526, quarantinepepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what should I buy right now /ptg? got a bit of extra cash and don't want to let it sit around.

>> No.19200756
File: 276 KB, 568x661, 63c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19200795

I bought one share since you've been kind enough to share

>> No.19200771
File: 208 KB, 828x1006, 35BD80CC-70BD-4790-9534-6E029197A521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you are missing out on making money poorfag!

>> No.19200788
File: 41 KB, 351x1024, 55926088-172C-4C10-8459-59D8E3E736D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 1200 more ktov I think I’m becoming a little to attached to this stock

>> No.19200795
File: 268 KB, 820x1080, 7D996FA3-461D-406F-9B58-5494F01F6AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19212447

Cheers brother

>> No.19200799


>> No.19200811

>volume low
>really its already triple the average
>appears to have already pumped
I'll pass.

>> No.19200915

>all down
Where did I go wrong?

>> No.19200947

I think ktov jumped up way to quick since it’s pr is still almost 2 weeks out. I’m hoping we get a few days of crabbing before the moon

>> No.19200956

Told you guys about OCGN in the last few threads. It's starting to build up some steam. Still time to get in cheap before it roars next week.

>> No.19201001
Quoted by: >>19201162

any reason why it's going to pump? I've got some in it

>> No.19201002
Quoted by: >>19201162

tell me WHY it’s gonna roar anon.

>> No.19201028

Bought 400 shares of NTEC for the lulz.
Their last P3 FDA trial flopped so hopefully they can get their Jew shit together to pass this one.

>> No.19201053
Quoted by: >>19201092

ONCS has gone up to 2.33 from 2.23. I can see this keeping up the momentum still time to get in if you want

>> No.19201092

it's already peaked imo. I made 5% off of it, but the curve turned. VERY risky

>> No.19201162

They're the only company working on treatment for oGVHD. They just finished stage 3 of their clinical trials and will be releasing results soon, as well as submitting for FDA approval.

>> No.19201234
Quoted by: >>19201371

source for this? do you know when we'll be getting press?

>> No.19201260


Do I need to hold your hand through everything?

>> No.19201311
File: 219 KB, 520x984, 938558AF-98D0-4C1B-AD35-DCB369C423B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19201624

TNXP Chads I suggest getting out now. .80 wall seems manipulated

>> No.19201344

Dont worry things are starting to reopen and ppl are driving again. It'll go up fren

I got faith in these jews - just hodl

>> No.19201371

This says before end of year we'll get results but I read a statement yesterday that said third quarter of 2020. It should provide consistent gains up until the news even if the news itself is a bust.

>> No.19201485

>Dad gave me $4k to invest because he saw my investments are up in clown market
holy shit based

>> No.19201535

Could you guys suggest a stock to hold long term which is not a pump and dump?
Could you also explain why?

>> No.19201613
Quoted by: >>19201711

SHRMF. The stock will act just like weed stocks in the early days. It will moon with the hype surrounding it. You can make some good money if you hold long term

>> No.19201624
Quoted by: >>19201705

Damn, just bought this morning. Only got 1 day trade left. I thought COVID 19 announcement was coming?

>> No.19201680

Good time to buy EMAN dip? I've already got some in at .6

>> No.19201697
File: 1.02 MB, 2822x1555, CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want to see x10 in a year?
This is the one.

>> No.19201705
File: 99 KB, 641x960, DE73F027-2A0D-4E3B-B0C1-D05B5D22C566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pulled out half and keeping other in for conference. Just concerned about market manipulation BS

>> No.19201711
Quoted by: >>19201788

>500% up
risky as fuck at this point

>> No.19201712
File: 139 KB, 1024x788, 1589853652512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EMAN, got defense contracts for display led tech, if they fulfill them they will get acquired by someone big or maybe next year profits will increase.

>> No.19201765
File: 18 KB, 789x253, double top bowl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19201788

It will be like weed stocks. If you're looking for a long hold this is it. Psilocybin will become legal years from now. I believe it is stating to being used in medical trials. And anyone who has taken psychedelics can tell you they can help you mental state if taken correctly

>> No.19201802
Quoted by: >>19201864

MARK pumping again. Buy on the pull back.

>> No.19201823

I told all of you about this


>> No.19201835

Buy AUMN. The way the market is looking gold will increase in price and it is a cheapie

>> No.19201846
Quoted by: >>19202056

Doesn't mvis have a big call at noon? Didn't that YouTube video confirm they got a big deal with Microsoft set to go public? Is MVIS going on a non mission?

>> No.19201848


>> No.19201860

>baseless rumor
Amazon is not buying that zombie company. The only thing they would buy is the apparel left in stores and shareholders won't see a dime from that.

>> No.19201864

300% up in the last month, I think I'll pass. Value is way overinflatted

>> No.19201883

Look into the actual company.

>> No.19201911

Short time

>> No.19201912

What the hell would amazon even do with JCP? JCP doesn't really have anything that Amazon would want. Whole Foods is Amazon's breakthrough into the grocery business.

>> No.19201960

Amazon might buy UAVS. Get the SEC memes ready

>> No.19201961

Amazon has set up brick and mortar shops, like amazon go and amazon 4 star. JC Penny said they would like to transition into a reit business, so I could see Amazon just buying them for all of their property to either setup more warehouses or places like amazon 4 star

>> No.19201964
Quoted by: >>19202081

Retail space without building/signing new leases, existing labor force (probably making 9.50/hr), rep with boomers for saving one of the oldest US companies

There's a JCP in a large percentage of malls

>> No.19202035
Quoted by: >>19202884

not support the bs, but Amazon was using JCP as a return to store vendor. I could return shit a order on Amazon to local JCP without have to mail it back myself, amazon could want the store locations as smaller hub distribution centers.....????…..I don't see a way to make $$ for us. unless you want to buy Amazon.>>19201961

>> No.19202056

also curious

>> No.19202081

Commercial retail is a fucking black hole. Moving into brick and mortar is not going to boost Amazon's bottom line it's just a sinking ship.

>> No.19202098

bought a JCP put option on RH. since they delisted am i just fucked now lmao. was up like 40% on that shit too. fucking rip that money & profits

>> No.19202100

just sold TNXP for $170 profit. thank you anons

>> No.19202135

got 400 shares of EROS at $2.98. should i just ride this bitch or get out now?

>> No.19202186
Quoted by: >>19202449

Anyone have the mvis call link?

>> No.19202223

How long am I supposed to hold OCGN?

>> No.19202250
File: 27 KB, 216x398, cool_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EMAN pump. glad I put in more around .56

>> No.19202449


Here you go fren

>> No.19202489
File: 130 KB, 828x1032, E31D0574-ADA6-4851-B656-4F839BA1BAB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19202520

Nice bro

>> No.19202520
Quoted by: >>19202564

thank you bro. appreciate the help. bought in on friday. anyway, what’s next?

>> No.19202529
Quoted by: >>19202559


>> No.19202547
File: 402 KB, 828x1377, F1EC4178-82F5-475D-B547-A4B677FB53B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next play is FRSX. In at .74 should touch 1

>> No.19202559


>> No.19202564


>> No.19202582
Quoted by: >>19202658

literally just thought the same thing. what’s your sell point brother?

>> No.19202658
File: 709 KB, 828x1366, 3EBA2752-3E12-4FCB-818C-750B5E1461AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19202856

Looking to profit at .90-.95. Could see it going higher though bro

>> No.19202677

Any good hentai with a girl like her?

>> No.19202856
File: 184 KB, 1080x1160, A18F6434-B333-412C-A701-5D9F82758511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets ride

>> No.19202884

They were doing that with Kohl's, too

>> No.19203176
Quoted by: >>19203229

>bought late to TNXP
Did I fuck up? Withh this thing at 1 save me?

>> No.19203202
Quoted by: >>19203234

Brand spanking new to this, though been loosely following for a few years. I've got money in TTOO, but it's a rollercoaster. Up 24% then down 4% three hours later. Is this normal?

>> No.19203213
File: 70 KB, 1024x903, 1586460085937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19203294

>he says NUMI is a P&D scam
>shills SHRM which is also a P&D scam
based retard

>> No.19203229
Quoted by: >>19203718

idk i sold. i’m sure it’ll dip in the next few days if not today you’ll have a chance to buy in if you really want to. i’m speaking as someone who made their money off this already tho. best of luck

>> No.19203234

You fell for a pump and dump.
Never buy things that you see posted on stocktwits with messages like "Hey this is good, buy $someshitstock"

>> No.19203294

SHRM has revenue from psychedelics, NUMI is a bag from the weed stock bubble

>> No.19203352

its a new PnD scam every day there it seems, the big accounts just hype shit and dump it
I was under the impression this was illegal but I guess its a hard case to make

>> No.19203358

You sure? It's back to up 2.2%. Seems fairly legitimate to me. Of course, I am new to playing in these waters..

>> No.19203481
Quoted by: >>19203570

What happened with mvis? Down to .84 then mooned to .94

>> No.19203486

What the hell just happened to mvis?

>> No.19203530
Quoted by: >>19203562

They had a vote for RS

>> No.19203541
Quoted by: >>19203558

shill me on the next UAVS and MVIS

>> No.19203558

Why is that increasing the price, I thought RS was bad for shareholders

>> No.19203562

Okay motherfucker- and? Who was on that hit us with the QRD

>> No.19203570
Quoted by: >>19203644

mvis conference confirmed that that hololens teardown video was legit, and the microsoft's hololens is using mvis tech

>> No.19203580
File: 413 KB, 1770x850, PureGoldMining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19203753

simply long
gold miner
peroduction in decembet
high grade gold
exploration and development
WINRAR easy 10 bagger

>> No.19203644
Quoted by: >>19203710

what do you think it can get to this week?

>> No.19203653

Sure feels good turning MVIS out twice like the dirty whore she is.

>> No.19203679
Quoted by: >>19205873

Is TTNP ever going back up? Jesus christ

>> No.19203710

Not a clue

>> No.19203712

i got her twice and want to get her for a third time but now i think i missed it

>> No.19203717

Yup, my first penny stock fucking around tripled my initial investment and I just mooned with the new pump. I didn't even bother listening on the call but figured the teardown video had to make a big pump and get an acknowledgement from mvis or msft.

>> No.19203718

No, I mean I bought at 76. With fees from currency, I'm in the red rn.

>> No.19203731


>> No.19203753

Looked at the Junior miner ETFs, so many people piled in, it looks overbought to me. There's no reason to expect gold to moon this year although it looks like it will stay around $1700/oz

Of course if you had a position in them last year you will have already gotten a nice return

>> No.19203780
Quoted by: >>19203825

Whats the target for the pumpers in MVIS?

>> No.19203788

So does this low key confirm the MVIS buyout? Sell the high or hold?

>> No.19203794

This is glorious

>> No.19203825

Most of them were trying to break even at 1.10 - 1.30 range. I'd say hold till tomorrow.
I would not be surprised if there's an influx of buyers after the news break.

>> No.19203881

But is the news legit or is it another bait and switch. I dont pay attention to this stock anymore because it has such negative energy around it like a demonic presence.

>> No.19203903

Someone go tell reddit

>> No.19203918
Quoted by: >>19203946


>> No.19203946
Quoted by: >>19204233

KTOV is actually THE safest long penny stock for newfags

>> No.19203965


>> No.19204008


>> No.19204068

What the fuck happened to MVIS? Please faggots dont let us hanging. Stocktwits retards just keep spamming shit and the conference call is over. Apparently CEO mentioned verticals are going to make people billions of dollars or something. Any more details?

>> No.19204180

They're being bought out by JCP.

>> No.19204233
Quoted by: >>19204259

new fag. why? looking to make $200ish a day

>> No.19204259

Unless you have $4k to invest, you're not getting those gains from penny stocks

>> No.19204311
Quoted by: >>19205237

Microsoft is using their shit. Were all gonna make it. Get in now faggot

>> No.19204402
File: 150 KB, 646x700, 1589398599987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl:dr we're going to the moon
get in now before it's too late faggots

>> No.19204472
File: 9 KB, 401x126, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19205652

hahaha i bought this shit 2 weeks ago and forgot about it and cashed out at 400% just now

>> No.19204492

Are we looking at the same TNXP? It hasn't hardly moved. Slightly negative for me at the moment.

>> No.19204534
File: 55 KB, 600x597, 1560733338890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon please tell me you didnt buy into that scam...

>> No.19204546

i got in last week at .68 bro. sold before the 1 pm news

>> No.19204588

why to the moon?
How do you choose the stocks before to buy them?

>> No.19204620
File: 664 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200519-102308_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRSX bros what does this mean? Does it mean that the shares will go down?

>> No.19204988

Any sintx bros here

>> No.19205027
Quoted by: >>19205085

for a bit because people see it isnt exactly helpful for the little guy. it’s basically like Sabby and ktov except these guys on FRSX got their stellar deal noticed. they could dump immediately if they want to since we’re already above their price or they may set up a barricade around whatever price range they feel like to siphon our money like Sabby does

>> No.19205055

ayy only 400 shares tho

>> No.19205085
Quoted by: >>19205160

Ohh okay. So I'm gonna buy either tomorrow or Thursday as I can see it dipping.

>> No.19205097

the company doesnt care too much since they see the big picture and view this as a total plus since they’ll be able to put this money to work, and i’d say it’s actually a strong buy signal for the long term, it’s probably mostly swingers that pulled who dont want to get dumped on short term

>> No.19205160

if they dump immediately on the 21st that’ll be a big dip, but if they dont that should inflate the price quite a bit unless enough swingers decide the wave this will cause stirs up enough profits for them to sell

>> No.19205237
Quoted by: >>19205278

Is that why they're back at $1 now?

>> No.19205278
Quoted by: >>19205373

lmao glad i didn’t buy. might get in around .9 if i could tho. i can see it pumping above $1 before the end of the week

>> No.19205373
Quoted by: >>19205459

I just set a buy for 0.9, great minds

>> No.19205459

good luck let’s hope it gets there bro

>> No.19205591
Quoted by: >>19205874

>TNXP right now
So I guess the vaccine thing ended up being nothing big?

>> No.19205617
File: 76 KB, 847x791, 1589890386314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19205652


>> No.19205673
Quoted by: >>19205788

Right here slick. We moonin tomorrow

>> No.19205719
File: 36 KB, 481x854, donttalktomebitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking posting Green Day got me no fucking credit for originality... no one even pointed out the irony that it's pretty red today.

>> No.19205788

what's the catalyst?

>> No.19205844
Quoted by: >>19205911

Is this anywhere? Cant do a deep dive rn

>> No.19205873

Why would TTNP go up? They're at their normal value right now.

>> No.19205874

looks like a classic pnd to me

>> No.19205885

This helps the stock if anything. Should be a boost tomorrow

>> No.19205886

^aerosolized HCQ

>> No.19205900

OTSO is up 16% today. That's FIEIF on US markets

>> No.19205911

Aerosolized hcq

>> No.19205921
Quoted by: >>19206171


>> No.19206011
File: 858 KB, 828x1621, 39458510-5F2C-4389-A47E-023B5D6CB971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price will increase. 5 mill added to company’s bottom dollar

>> No.19206102

You guys buying oil calls?

>> No.19206132
Quoted by: >>19206606

Where do you usually find news and info about up and coming stocks? Do you just search for them blindly?

>> No.19206171
Quoted by: >>19206243

You nigs that bought in when I told you to are welcome. Hold until late june/early july at the earliest, they are reopening the mine then. Gold mine autists will come in and poomp eet to 16 cents. Exit if you want, but if they have a really good Q3 (which they probably will because they can just mine the high grade pockets first) you could see the share price go near $1. Then sell because it's just an average mine and will get average results. Also it will be tempting for these creditors who own 80% of the company and who got burned on previous management to take profits.

>> No.19206199

MVIS refueled and performing pre-flight checks.

>> No.19206243

I'm trying to buy more. It doesn't trade very often.

>> No.19206404

My stock buying power is red and google says this is because the day opened red for me. why is this?

>> No.19206464

i dumped sEMAN and KTVO cocktails

all back in on GOLD for the time being

>> No.19206606


>> No.19206710

Any predictions for what happens with mvis?

>> No.19206746
Quoted by: >>19206989

It's going up or it's going down.

>> No.19206824
Quoted by: >>19206864

Hope you guys are buying borr

>> No.19206864


>> No.19206944

Base why poster

>> No.19206955
Quoted by: >>19207012

Oil drilling with 5/29 report. Not an PnD but a stock meant to be held on to

>> No.19206989

Or crabbing at $1 for eternity.

>> No.19207012

They are going to get delisted.

>> No.19207040

We need penny stocks with options trading that have contracts expiring within a shorter time period

>> No.19207045
Quoted by: >>19207173

Is SNSS a lost cause or will there be a random pump in the coming months

>> No.19207150

Who pumped pei today? It jumped too much just for an earnings report.

>> No.19207173
Quoted by: >>19207277

>can this anon predict a random pump
flip a coin then roll some dice. there’s your answer

>> No.19207214

Its staggering someone would invest their money and not take the 5 secs it would take to google something like this.

>> No.19207277

No I need 100% accurate predictions NOW

>> No.19207505
File: 83 KB, 750x736, astro_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you MVIS I don't want to hold these calls overnight. Goooooooo!

>> No.19207533

Is microsoft buying them or not?

>> No.19207611

all this for a drop of blood?
back at $1

>> No.19207620

Someone is, MSFT makes sense since they already took over manufacturing. The call let out that there's an nda so they can't discuss a buyout at this time.

>> No.19207637
Quoted by: >>19207754

no, anon, Microsoft told everyone this a week ago. google the stock, do 5 min of reading news.

>> No.19207668

Apple is buying them for Apple glass

>> No.19207678
Quoted by: >>19207949

ASRT is going to moon this week. good for both short and long swing. they have a merger play coming soon and if you do your DD it's a no brainer to buy

>> No.19207754
Quoted by: >>19207902

Msft also denied buying Nokia and we know how that turned out.

>> No.19207865
File: 926 KB, 828x1450, E3225F32-280E-4A48-ACBB-0002082E86AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRSX get in now before AH and PM explosion. Shorts tried to push this down all day. Get cheap shares and profit tomorrow morning when it’s in the 80s

>> No.19207902
File: 56 KB, 453x604, 1579387059484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19207949
Quoted by: >>19207959

fuck off pajeets

>> No.19207959
Quoted by: >>19207978

Pajeet my ass. American patriot here

>> No.19207978

Post hand with timestamp

>> No.19208053
Quoted by: >>19208391

Any robinhoodchads get a glitch or something where they Mooned to an unimaginable percent at like 12:45

>> No.19208102

You got in at .74 and you’re trying to make your investment back

Also your girl is whack

>> No.19208131

nobody wants your bags pajeet

>> No.19208194

Shill me on why it is a good stock

>> No.19208222

Should I sell my KOPN? 1600 at .57

>> No.19208279
Quoted by: >>19210632

I bought mvis at 1.04 and rode up to 1.17 and got greedy now I’m feeling very nigardly and deciding to long it Bahahahaha I’m out of the day game for a second

>> No.19208391

That was highest point for me today but I figured it was just my calls. Not a ridiculous percent.

>> No.19208392
File: 227 KB, 868x614, BBC632DB-5B5F-4F52-B02D-690A050B9047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is nothing moving today

>> No.19208456

Most investors are scared because of how the market is reacting. Nobody truly know whether we will dip or rocket

>> No.19208635

Bought back into SHRM when it dipped this morning, up 30 cent

>> No.19208673
Quoted by: >>19209042

Which band these days is like 90s Green Day?

>> No.19208697
Quoted by: >>19209219

Does anyone know when NOVN's ER is suppose to come out tomorrow? Before or After market?
I want to dump it already.

>> No.19208815

How long are we holding OCGN? bought in yesterday, when should I sell?

>> No.19208854

no one is buying that chuckecheese outdated shit tech
it was and still is a money laundering scueme

all the good public profits is weeks past

only memes now

>> No.19208953

I'm holding through next week at least. That's when I expect it to really start gaining.

>> No.19209042

pop punk like that is dead. contemporary pop punk is like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_109abKt9nI

>> No.19209192
File: 43 KB, 1031x705, 1589605990411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19209444

Another massive green day for SHRM

Whens the crash boomers?

>> No.19209219
File: 194 KB, 749x729, 1569403242736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its estimated tomorrow, but it could be a later date
but what do I know im down 700 this morning fuck my life

>> No.19209243

ie why would mocrosoft publically buy one of their meme shell companys

>> No.19209339
File: 1.71 MB, 400x400, 0FF512BD-1C9B-45FC-AB2D-25A26971DC30.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waste of a day. and that’s a good thing because i ended up working late and sleeping in.

>> No.19209444
Quoted by: >>19210227

I agree. I'm cashing out of other stocks and waiting for the crash. I bet my left testicle that it's gonna moon harder than NUMI at this point.

>> No.19209587

1 week min

>> No.19210204

Seriously though why is the market so dead AH today? Nothing moving at all. Eerie

>> No.19210227

Numi IPO is supposed to be tomorrow. I'm all in on that one

>> No.19210309

If what anons said on the previous threads I hope you got in below 0.5. Good luck but I would really love it if fags who got in earlier stay in to pump the price. I want to get some SHRM cheapies by eow

>> No.19210342

You and me both fellow basketball american

>> No.19210563
File: 153 KB, 638x703, numi share structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm all in on that one
Be careful. Very clear case of a pump and dump. Only half of the paper is on the market. CEO gave his gf 5 million shares.


>> No.19210632
Quoted by: >>19210844

And mvis pumps ah!

>> No.19210786

noted. Will be careful.

>> No.19210844
Quoted by: >>19212757

This shit will hit $2 tomorrow and my calls are going to turn into a very modest and economical sedan. I fucking love MVIS.

>> No.19210873
Quoted by: >>19210905

Kitov Pharma is a clinical-stage company

What's the meaning of ''clinical stage'' ?

I mean odds that they became the standard drug?

>> No.19210905

they've been FDA approved for other drugs which comforts me knowing that they've been through the process and have gotten their drugs on shelves.

Look at all the bears, how has the uphill battle against the Jews been?

>> No.19210940
Quoted by: >>19211289

why pump and dump based on that?
Could you explain?

>> No.19210976

Y’all are sleepin’ on the Nano train. They just updated their website.


>> No.19211036

Yo, wtf. Some idiot just told me Microsoft bought out MVIS? Fucking hell, how high will it go?

>> No.19211082
File: 273 KB, 775x768, idontevenknowanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19211192

will FRSX go any lower? I guess i bought pretty high, but the news came after i bought and my average is .88... I want to average that out, but need it to go down a bit... thoughts fellow /biz/antines?

>> No.19211192

I’m guessing .80s tomorrow

>> No.19211289

It's a shell psychedelics company run by an investment banker that spent the last few years creating tech and cannabis startups, dumping his equity on IPO and leaving. With this one they are RTOing a shell cannabis company that RTO'd a shell gold mining company.

They raised 6 million to RTO a cannabis company that basically died when it became legal and are hoping to rebrand the assets as a psychedelic company and dump it on people too lazy to read the financials.

>> No.19211295
Quoted by: >>19211374

>they've been FDA approved for other drugs
At which price could go the stock if approved?

>> No.19211374
File: 41 KB, 620x567, guycmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buddy... give, "Kitov target price" a goog.
I'm in at .35 cause i've been shilling this shit for a while. got called a shill. buy a fuck ton, turn off your phone for a year, and this shit will hit target price. Due diligence isn't a meme.

>> No.19211438
Quoted by: >>19211462

how does one invest in psychedelic-medicinal companies on RH? sorry

>> No.19211462

None of the ones you want to own are listed on robinhood, they are all on the TSXV or CSE or OTC which are penny stock markets that Robinhood deliberately prevents its users from accessing.

>> No.19211643
Quoted by: >>19212359

I expect KTOV to boom but where do these estimates come from? in my mind i expect even higher eventually but it’s strange to see such positive predictions typed out. now that i see it this feels too good to be true, a strange reaction on my part

>> No.19211645

we're playing WITH the J*ws on this one... LOL

>> No.19211690
Quoted by: >>19211946

>It's a shell psychedelics company run by an investment banker that spent the last few years creating tech and cannabis startups, dumping his equity on IPO and leaving
OUCH... this is brutal
Also I don't know how their meme phsychedelic drug could be different by simply microdosing by yourself without meme stock

>> No.19211705

MVIS split back in 2017 I think
LOOK at MVIS now
They are looking for another split but I have not heard what the shareholders voted

>> No.19211737
Quoted by: >>19211946

>give, "Kitov target price" a goog.
Thank you
Are these extimation correctly calculated?

>> No.19211946
File: 93 KB, 743x480, Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 11.17.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. they're estimates anything could happen.
I'm not a scientist, but... CM-24 is the drug that Kitov acquired through famewave. Famewave developed CM-24 while owned by Merck & Co. They had less than optimal results with it. Famewave discovered it but didn't own exclusive rights because of Merck & Co's loan. Kitov acquired FameWave from Merck & Co, along with the unsuccessful drug CM-24 under the agreement that Kitov would pay off FameWave's outstanding debts. Kitov had a monotherapy drug that helped weaken large tumors. They are combining these two drugs to treat advanced cancer. Not only this, but they have a very optimistic outlook that this will treat some of the most common cancers.

famewave and cm-24 source: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/03/14/1753238/0/en/Kitov-to-Acquire-Clinical-Stage-Candidate-CM-24-Creating-a-Transformational-Immuno-Oncology-Company.html

Advancing in the clinical trial process source:

>> No.19212144
File: 79 KB, 910x768, 1587407927991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold NNDM at 1.40
>5.20 now
last time i use stop losses, they have actually fucked me twice now, one with UAVS

>> No.19212148

>Any sintx bros here
Red about this and found it very interstng especially in the field of nanotechnology and biomed. How can they help?

>> No.19212173

I would look into the entertainment area
they are on the low low,
look into divvies as well for long holds
tho some have suspended the divvy pay out

>> No.19212222
Quoted by: >>19212253

>1 analyst has given a price target
Fuck I got swindled. Dumping tomorrow.

>> No.19212237
File: 166 KB, 750x844, 6D9F8442-2819-4B4C-830D-9343FD205498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro’s wtf.... I’d be able to buy a gf

>> No.19212241

>Any predictions for what happens with mvis?
Microsoft buy out in August? What price you will sell if that will happen?

>> No.19212253

Jew dump confirmed

>> No.19212307
Quoted by: >>19212315

ahhhhhhh i missed the shroooooming
i'll be poor forever

>> No.19212315
Quoted by: >>19212404

It'll keep going, nobody know about this shit yet

>> No.19212330

>they're estimates anything could happen
extimates are based on market cap and potencial revenues

>> No.19212357
File: 7 KB, 231x250, 1578565632867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a lot less bad about losing 700 when I see some of the rekt shit people post
I know as soon as I sell my bag for a loss Ill get bogged and watch it moon or some shit
cold dead hands though, not selling until I'm up or its delisted

>> No.19212359
Quoted by: >>19212715

>i expect even higher eventually
how much and why? and when? Need to know when to go all in with leaverage

>> No.19212404

If you're talking about either SHRM or NUMI, there are enough people to pump SHRM 200% this month. As for NUMI being a pnd with the CEO giving shares to his wife to dump to avoid any filings, yea, some people know

>> No.19212423

that is 100% a man.

>> No.19212440

stop shilling this shit. its legit and not worthy of pnd tactic faggotry

>> No.19212447

this picture is unsettling. THat'd better be a photoshop

>> No.19212467
Quoted by: >>19212619

any anons looking at INPX? it's 2th on lion's most searched.

>> No.19212564
File: 603 KB, 559x857, jess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quanto SHRM você possui Anon?

>> No.19212584
Quoted by: >>19212617

Is SHRM on TD?

>> No.19212617

Its on the CSE, OTCMKTS, and FRA

>> No.19212619

look like there doing good now, too bad I sold mine the other day 25%+ gains
I might get back in during a price drop

>> No.19212672

Oh boy, from .70 cents to 7 dollars in 24 hours.
Feels bad man.

>> No.19212715
Quoted by: >>19212738

after sifting through SEC filings, financial reports, their top brass/developers, partnerships, and drug approval rate it’s become clear to me that this is actually a winning ticket. KTOV is an aggressive company that is clearly not satisfied with its current position, it wants to moon even more than we do. jews love money and theyre going to get it, they would not waste the effort and money they’ve put into KTOV just to turn their business into a shitty scam house. anything you buy under $5 will turn a huge profit come a few years so long as you buy stocks in bulk. cancer will always be around and these jews’ company will become a household name. i would be surprised if this stayed under $10 for long once 219 starts circulating and i would expect a ceiling around $70 if i am being modest. I’m buying because fear sells, people will pay any price to save their own and these pills dont come cheap. i dont have estimate dates for you to gamble on, i’m just accumulating before the big pump. sabby will shit on me for awhile but i’ll eat their fucking cheapies shit until my DCA is to the thousandth cent

>> No.19212738

What the fuck is KTOV why do I keep seeing it being shilled.

>> No.19212757

How so? What kind of calls did you make? I understand the basics of options but I'm definitely not well practiced

>> No.19212816


>> No.19212825
File: 17 KB, 495x362, 93320f57c8694a20bb5a573d851d9d8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19212853
Quoted by: >>19212866

It’s a jew crackhouse in israel that is coming out with a pill that reduces cancerous growths’ resistance to chemo. not exactly a cure, but the hope is what sells

>> No.19212866

so does fasting

>> No.19212889

because the baldies who have to eat wonderbread because the chemo makes it impossible and painful to eat anything more are going to fast anymore than they already do

>> No.19212905

stocks arent a competition, idk why you are so aggressive about SHRM. you can buy both

>> No.19213001

I'm holding $1 6/19 expiry

>> No.19213096

how fucking lazy are you anon?

>> No.19213177


We’re trying to help you.

>> No.19213306


read this >>19211946