Sandnigger Edition>Brokers>Stock market Words>Risk Management>Educational Sites>Free Chartshttp://www.tradingview.com>Screeners>Pre-Market Data and Live Data>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar>Boomer Investing 101>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator>List of hedge fund holdings>Misc
Why do we need 6 smg threads up at once, can you faggots stop
Post them gains. If Only I wasn’t broke.
>>18714452what r u in???
>>18713582>Cryptofags mad they can't spam up the front page with every little shitcoin's own thread nowOH NO WHAT IF YOU ACTUALLY READ STUFF ABOUT REAL BIG PERSON MARKETS AND TRADING OR SOMETHING??
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!SPY to $300 end of month.
Sauds trying to pump Live Nation right before earnings. Someone tell me my puts will be okay
Draftkings doing greatCan someone give me the info on CVE, interested in gettin in oil
>>18714529>tfw bought it at $240
>>18714529300 will be some hard resistance. if we break it, ATH by September
>>18714483NAT calls are exploding today from last week, older TK, BBY, GRPN calls also doing well also holding shares of a bunch of oil and cancer research.
TSLA 515 PUTSAMAZN 3000 CALLS INTC 67 CALLS one of them must print
>>18714633Quit being a pussy and enjoy free energy lil bitch nigga someday oil will be $500/barrel
>>OPBigger than 2008 crash incoming
should I buy draftkings
>>18714633Go sink a tanker
How do I invest in this? 8==D
>>18714654>Tesla meme stock This shit is doing random things, betting money on it is retarded>Amazon overvalued right nowEarnings will be sick, but will lead into a short term correction, RIP calls>INTCmaybe this one.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are testing the high today.
>>18714679depends if you want to make it or not
>>18714501I’ll buy that shit when, I start moving the price of bitcoin with my orders and not a second before.
>100k bag holding just to make $250 a monthWOW, DIVIDEND CHADS REALLY HAVE GOT THEIR SHIT FIGURED OUT!
>>18713582crypto threads should be bannedWe also need flags.
>>18714679Ask r*ddit
>>18714716The drop will be more and more brutal. I'd love to see all the fags crying here.
>>18714633anon companies are already well hedged they still making 50$ on the barrel that's why they won't stop production and they're ok with oik going negative
>>OP>dax +3%corona over, everybody get pumping
Post yfw the entire economy becomes one big shitcoin
>>18714746>Economy back to normal, but not really.
>>18714679buy shaftkings instead
>>18714756problemo bearfag?
>>18714756Shitcoins and shiny rocks don't pay dividends and don't represent anything that actually adds value like human ingenuity or effort.
My Problem is that they're opening up too soon. Do you honestly believe that the average American won't do shit that will lead to another wave?
3,000,000 cases!Reopen soon :)
>>18714637wtf is this faggot high school shooter music wfc making me rich here lads
GME moon time
>>18714720b-but it's passive money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>18714720100k isn't very much money...
>>18714699also considering puts on AMD or SPY in general
>>18714739I don’t think it’s gonna drop today, maybe Thursday when AMZN drops earning bomb
>>18714751>>18714763corona over, I repeat.
>>18714729You wanna see this on every shitcoin op?
>>187147851 million us cases by tomorrow or Wednesday
>>18714819germany had strict regulations.
>>18714785When will you retards stop posting about this fake cold virus hysteria?
Okay, gonna go out on a limb.Results from USA testing of Remdesivir should be coming out this week--if shit is always "priced in" because us plebs are the last to hear about important developments, could this spike in Oil and Recreation (Hotels, Theme Parks, Theaters, etc) mean the drug is successful and the big boys are stocking up before word gets out?
how the FUCK do i profit from this? it's on the front page of finviz every day how do i use this information to make money? does anyone do this?
>>18714819>Germanywho would have thought retard?
Ignore the image. It's mostly to flush out board tourists.>>18714756NASDAQ is definitely a shitcoin now.
>>18714825Imagine the smell
>>18714837literally just a boomer remover, my fucking sides dude. my parents got it and survived without any long lasting issues, no early inheritance for me i guess. idk whether to feel bad about that or feel good that i inherited good genes and will likely survive future plagues and thus be one of the few living males who can reproduce.
>>18714832And Sweden had none. Your point?
>>18714849Fuck / marryKill / Fuck and then marry
>>18714849>buy the rumor sell the newsremdesivir is a sham
>>18714889taking profits is never a fuckup, anon
You niggers are ignoring the most significant indicator whether stocks will go up or down. The weather. Nice day on the east coast - stocks go up. Rain or cold - stocks go down.
>>18714819>social distancing, >only 1 random guy allowed per household>business closed, especially all the small ones>obligation to wear masks>borders hard controlled>airports closed>trains not fully operating>shopping mauls closed>cinemas closed>random 800m2 business regulation implemented and then called illegal by court>tourism not existingWhat will happen once the lift everything? Oh yeah, check out Singapore. LUL, fucking police state
>>18714849Or they trying to get goys to Fomo in to get out, it depends on volume on dark pool.
>>18714893everything is normal
>>18714894>>18714849Fuck | MarryKill | Breed
>>18714849>top leftPass>top rightCute would marry>bottom leftNice boobs but has crazy eyes, pass>bottom rightNice boobs but not a fan of her sloped head, pass
>>18714452we're all gonna make it poverty-hood bros
>>18714893>And Sweden had none.Sweden is racing for highest deaths/capita
>>18714909Doesn't matter this retarded meme virus isn't anything, everyone should have done what Sweden did sorry if you got fear mongered like a rube
>>18714778Another wave of nothingburgervirus is still a nothingburger, redditor
>>18714849priced in
>>18714849This isn't even accurate.
>>18714885why do people still has the need to hide their money on an anonymous image board?like in real life where everyone try to hide their salary and end up being underpaid
>>18714778Who cares you are going to get it anyway eventually and guess what, nothing will probably happen. If you are part of the .5% who die, welp thats just how it goes
no low volume gamma-delta flip yet, so surge to ath -->directly less likely :P it is highly likely bottom was in already extremely contagious but no more dangerous than seasonal flu
>>18714919>SingaporeMore details? All i recall is they lifted it and got a second harder wave.
>>18714910But the drug actually DOES show promise on patients who are on ventilators, and that could even mean it’s beneficial as a prophylactic before patients get that criticalAND their monoclonal antibodies have a good chance at winning
>>18714854seething>>18714919since now the population with immunity is higher, the infection rate will be low
>he didn't all in gamestop
I'm not sure what to do next
>>18714849>AOC>libertarianWho the fuck made this
.....Does anybody else sense that?Does anybody feel an unexpected DROP coming? Maybe not this afternoon, but certainly tomorrow!
>>18714996What did you do
>>18714996that looks nice
holy fuk just got this email from tradingview, SPX with and without AMZN
>>18714955yeah, they understood destroying your entire economy to save .5-1% of the population was a retarded trade off
>RTX just keeps going upi missed the dip didnt i
>>18714996Damn bro mad respect, you need to give more advice, /biz/ needs people like you
Nasdaq starts smelling the profit warnings
>>18714849>RemdesivirWhat company?
>>18714989that's because all deaths were reported as covid deaths even cancer patients, it was not even required to test them to have it. secondly, in new york people dont have health insurance if you have contagious flu people avoid going to hospital
>>18715023I've been saying this for a month and have been wrong every time. I seriously think the bottom was March 23rd and we're not retesting it. Countries and states reopening, unlimited QE, the bottom is in. I retire my bear claws.
How is Gamestop going up?
>>18714996So what did u do?
Singapore and Sweden poster children of what happens when you get too cocky bros
I was 0% cash this morning. Can't wait for the real crash to begin this week.
>>18715023I feel it
>>OPwhere are the bears bros i'm getting scared
>>18715028it's easy to say 1% but those are million of people, if they didn't do that they won't be able to call Hitler out for killing merely 7 million
Any Bobo here feeling like capitulating?
>>18715018American democrats are closer to LibLeft than anything else.
>>18715051You add all 3 flu death lines you still don't even get close to the rate of reported covid-19 deaths
>>18715084and Japan is what happens when you get too cocky and win
Can someone link me a good option valuation guide? Because this stock went up 3% in an hour an theta went through the roof and its still going down
>>18715087You dumbass already saved
>>18715103She's a full blow soc though. Even distasteful for her rank and file Dem peers.
>>18714850You spin the magic wheel and hope you land on the right one
>>18715127look up IV crush>option valuation guidelook up black scholes lmao
I give up, should not have went against the FEDwere reaching all time highs soon, im going to FOMO into tech
>>18715103No, there are several parties that are much closer such as the Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party, and the Pirate Party.
>>18715110That's not so bad. I go to wsb for comedy gold.
>>18714452Poor leaf bro here
>>18714452Comfy day so far
>>18715145Best dot com Bible
>>18715030It crabs so just wait
>>18715066>GameStop Pops 6% As Activist Hestia Capital Urges Shareholders To Vote For Change>Activist firm Hestia Capital is urging shareholders to vote for change and elect its two nominees to the board of directors when GameStop (GME) holds its annual shareholder meeting in mid-June. The stock is currently trading up 6% in pre-market trading on Monday.>The firm, which owns approximately 7.2% of GameStop shares, also sent shareholders a letter setting out why it believes GameStop’s recent board refreshment is insufficient.
>>18715164based retards
>>18715171I started this portfolio at $600. Im planning to deposit $400 a month into this account and eventually have a good size portfolio.
Will USO even last until the end of the year or will it fold?
>>18715157My gains.
IS IT TIME TO SELL PUTS ON APPLIED MATERIALS AND/OR KIMBERLY CLARK/PG?!?!?>>18715192this>>18715157if you have too many mouths to feed and not enough resources, war is good for killing off as many poor young men as is necessary to maintain power over the peasantry.>>18714562I don't like it but that's a great pic>>18715243I am seriously considering just naked shorting it but I'm scurred
oil pump incoming get in
>>18715231i hope thats your TFSA
>>18714452Been fun fucking around while wageing at home
Im really bad with entries today impatient day so far if not for currency plays Id be red rn
>>18715103As a non bias conservative, putting emotions asideDemocrats = moderate centeristsRepublicans = off the deep end led by extremistsLeftists = half of them are off the deep end led by extremistsAOC does a good enough job not spewing leftist extreme shit and keeps it basic, and talks about how everyone is poor while the rich get richer.
>>18715102My puts are so worthless, why the fuck should I lock in my loss?
>>18715303Okay Bernie
Novavax, Inc.
>>18715303Totally "non bias conservative", kek'd
>>18715303>Democrats = moderate centerists>Republicans = off the deep end led by extremistsok Bill Kristol its time to stop posting.
>>18715303Ahah yeah....ok
Just went all in, news stations all talking about reopening in 2 weeks. Bought a bunch of callsfuck bears for holding me back, were going to all time highs
>>18715303>AOC does a good enough job not spewing leftist extreme shit Billy Joel fan, eh?
>>18715362dump imminent
What the fuck s&p500 just flash crashed to +.5%
>>18715303Let me fix this for youDemocrats = MASSIVE GIBBS FOR HEALTHCARERepublicans = MASSIVE GIBBS FOR CORPORATIONSEverything else is window dressing.
>>18715362Based, my puts are gonna print soon
>>18715373Look at FB, MSFT, and GOOG. They all dropped hard. I think its just because of oil?
>>18715303As a non bias male, putting emotions asideWomen = the heroes we need (did you know women are the reason we went to the moon because they are better at math?)Men = must be eradicatedTransgender = the real heroes we needYou can trust me, I am a fellow man.
>>18715231Nice, that's the best way to do it (considering your start amount is only $600), also like this anon said >>18715265 make sure it's a TFSA account if your plan is to invest/save for the long term
>>18714778Lockdown doesn't work, flock immunity is the only viable long-term answer.If you weigh 150 kg and smoke a pack a day then I suggest YOU STAY INSIDE. Everyone else wants their life back.
>>18715362If I were you I'd sell cash-covered puts.
running out of steam for the day or is everyone waiting to see if there's a 330 pump or dump?
>another green dayJust be a bull and when things get better, when the vaccine is found, short everything.
>>18715303Not even fucking close, kid.
>>18715373People are going to cash out of retarded tech and meme stocks and start buying financial and other depressed stocks when this meme cold virus hysteria is all over.
>>18715384i can tell you are very sematic
>>18714889>sellingBuy and HODL nigga
>>18715406top left
>>18714671It already happened fag
should I wait until the reverse split to buy puts on USO?
I bought 500 USOI at 6.61. How fucked am I?
Also why is FB down? I aint complaining but I was expecting shorts to pay tomo
Oh no GME bros we got too cocky
>>18715097It's 7 million now?
>>18715053this nigga is correct. Good on you to be able to go back on your previous analysis and learn something. Most permabears are in suicide-mode but you came out a better anon.
>>18714671In 5 years. Otherwise tech stocks are going to dump eventually because people will start buying bank and other stocks.>>18715436Because it's a pump and dump tech stock.
>>18715431Forgot I had a buy in at 6.00. Not sure what to do either, but might just hold for when this is all over. If it recovers, the 50% divvie will be sweet
>>18715053This beartard capitulation unironically signals the top kek.
>>18715097You can't save the 1% anyway thats what you are not getting.It's not a matter of lives versus economy it's a matter of chosing between risk groups dead and good economy or risk groups dead and shit economy.You can't kill this virus, it's gonna run through the pop. no matter what you do. That's what you lockdown fags don't understand.
So if Bull is go upBear is go downCrap is go up, go down on loopWhat is flatline?
>>18714984>But the drug actually DOES show promise on patients who are on ventilators,It doesn't, they're trying to use this narrative after demonstration that their shit doesn't work for shit because they get money from this. Think nigger, think.
>>18715451yes but that doesnt explain why it started doomping today
!!! dropping faster now !!!
This whole month has been green so far.I HATE THIS
>>18715475>What is flatline?Sloth.
>>18715453I did not see that second 20% drop coming. I guess I will hold too.
>>18715475Sheer Heart Attack
>USOIL -26%lol
>>18715475Sloth market
>>18715493>>18715512UH OH
so if it weren't for this covid shit what do you think MRNA actual price would be
>>18715498>>18715520Based and slothpilled.
>>18715382they are 40% overvpricedwhat did you expect?
SMALL CAPS LEADING THE MARKET HIGHERGET READY FOR ANOTHER LEG UP>>18715053>Countries and states reopening, unlimited QE, the bottom is in.yes.>>18715479mayyybe... that's pretty much why i soldbut they are one of the best in biotech. hopefully they'll get some downgrades and dump so i can get back in for the antibody treatment.>>18715517based
Uuuhhhh baby I can almost taste it
>>18715570>Bankruptcy is bullish!
>>18715520wall street siesta
sold my bags waiting for the dip now
>>18715570>basedhuh? based on what?
>>18715026that must be miscalculated, amazon is only 4% of sp500
A bunch of fucking gangbangers came through the apartment parking garage last night and topped everybody's tanks, FUCK
>>18715617Where do you live, anon? And what does it mean to top someone's tank?
>>18715616these people do nothing and some how managed to amass a large amount of wealth
>>18715617>topped everybody's tanksThey filled up your cars with gas?How nice!
Why the fuck is GME mooning again?
>buy stock>dumps 4% after a few hoursjdisma
>>18715646You are watching Burry pump an epic short squeeze for infinite gains
>>18715591seething as fuckplz post short positions or long vix positions>>18715610Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire
>>18715640They filled it.
>>18715617wtf?? SOURCE
>>18715599>>18715549>>18715520I actually got to hug a sloth recently at a wildlife reserve. They only bring them out if they want to see people, and she fell asleep on me and was really happy and comfy. Good times!
>oui?>ze Covid-20 project is ready?>dump eet
>>18715617fuck i thought i was only the one affectedcouple of rioters were filling up people's tanks, some dude was giving away 10 gallon jugs of oil to passerby's
>>18715646This is now a GME general thread
>>18714889well if it makes you feel better, you only prob getting taxed 15% of the profit
God damn I love my American eagle stock right now
Anybody know some site where I can check ratios of international stocks?
Should I buy USO or gamble with MRO? Both seem really safe.
>>18715617>not immediately siphoning that gas and spilling it down the drain storing gas for free like a cuck? not for me
>>18715641>these people do nothingwrong
>>18715666>satan likes slothsMaybe you're not so bad after all
Any one have an update?
>SNBR>TPXSleepy sleepy
CVS's earnings come out tomorrow.Anybody think now is a good buy? I imagine the profits will have increased in the last quarter - there was a huge rush to buy scripts back in march. Thoughts?
Alright friends: Do I sell my bag, or hope some retards buy it after the split so I can try and recoup my losses? Am I the king of retard valley, or is there more, stupider people ready to buy my losses?
plz bears, control yourselves. we have 1 more pump to ES 2877 before we crab down to 2840, go up to 2895, crab back down to 2840 then we do the last run up to 2914 or 2960 before the monumental dump.
>>18715475Crab is flatline. Because they walk sideways in a flat line.
>>18715333>>18715324>>18715338>>18715384>>18715403omg so shocked by the butt hurt pussy ass responses in the age of the retard.>dems = moderate centeristsThats right, go back 25 years and todays democratic party is almost indistinguishable form the republican party of back then. Dont get me wrong, theyre still all corporatist, but this isnt really that controversial. >Reps = off the deep endDuhhhhh mother fuckers, we have Trump as the poster boy of conservatism.The guy who is quite literally a retarded person, who has no idea what hes doing on any given day.anyone who denies that is the most bias snowflake anti patriot pussy there is.Once again, not that controversial.>leftists = half of them off the deependDuhh niggas, the twitter police are retards and push the wrong fights>AOC is actually intelligent as a politician.I dont like AOC or Bernie, or etc.AOC is using smart language and making the right arguments, while ignoring ones that will hurt her- while being pushed by leftists..The problem is that a vast majority of you are such emotionally led PUSSIES you think with your feelings first, and cant look at things by an unbias perspective.How does that make you any different than a trump support?I have no dog in the fight, im just a man without a country, who can see the strings.
>>18715711yeah m8 it's going to do a reverse split tomorrow, and then the price will drop massively. Please sell before you lose 50%. Just look at what happened to UCO after their reverse split.
>>18715703I can imagine buying myself S&P 500 with a discount of 60 percent
why does like 99% of this thread have like no fucking money? seriously only seeing sub 4 figure accounts lmao
>>18715689>Both seem really safe.hahahhaha
>>18715711I bought USO at $4, were fucked broThursday oil is going into negatives, then Reverse split, oil is not going up for a long time, probably a year or more - we have HUGE oversupply and tourism / flights are going to be depressed for months
>>18715732take this shit to /pol/ fuck off
>>18715740>Thursday oil is going into negatives, then Reverse splitIsnt the reverse split tomorrow?
I've found some really shade companies, almost penny stock territory and someone is buying HUGE volumes of this shit recently.Am i getting pumped and dumped or did i see something i shouldn't have and i should just FOMO in.
>>18715732Imagine being this wrong but still so insistent that you're right.
>>18715732yeah just fuck off dude, nobody gives a shit.
>>18715689Lel. Pick up some GE, Macy's, and JC Penny while you're at it.
>>18715761still so fucking cute>>18715703LOOK faggotgo to the catalog and put comparing in the search boxNot there?then go to the archive and cntrl + f for comparing>>18668611
why the fuck is AMRN still above $7??
>>18715758It starts trading at 8 to 1 at the bell on the 29th
>>18715761Either post the ticker or fuck off
>>18715736Why do see this picture in every /smg/?
>>18715761There is massive price manipulation almost everywhere. Everything rises and falls together with the single exception of tech. Even oil seems tethered to it independently of what is actually going on with oil
>>18715689>USO>Safepick one
>>18715084How did the Japs do it bros? They are just as bad as the U.S when it comes to density.
>>18715758>>18715789Should I sell now, or wait and see?
>>18715783nice dude you and I are in the 1%
>>18715732>AOC is using smart languageLemme stop you right there, bud
>>18715732Not reading your bullshit Bernie
>>18715689>USO>Reverse split tomorrow>safe
>>18715806By lying to avoid canceling the Olympics.
>>18715789closing bell or openning bell? I thought it was closing bell 28th the split goes into effect so open on Wednesday. >>18715807You should not go long on uso until years from now.
>>18715806They're really not. Tokyo is packed like a sardine can and skews their density statistics.
>>18715806japanese are clean and don't protest like apes to lift restrictions
>>18715806herd immunity. it just werks
>>18715838Opening bell on the 29th
>>18715666Gonna close at 0% today, eternal sloth market here we come. Give it it's favorite snack, fed money and corn, and it still dozes off.
>>18715745Well its anti pol if anything.>>18715767>>18715814let me guess, trump "knows things" and "is really smart person"Im just exhausted by stupid people, senpai.
>>18715711Did my first put on it high risk short term for $6 got $13 while holding a share
>>18715856Going to load up on more puts at strike on Wednesday.
So this whole time corona was a nothingburger huhwe crashed the entire world economy, just to steal shares from peopleUS is reopening in 2 weeks
>>18715872go back to your /pol/hole/ faggot nobody gives a fuck
Nasdaq is about to turn red
>>18715875why the mooning?
>>18715885I hate liberals too m8
>>18715789Should I buy puts?
>>18715872Trump is a retard, so is AOC for different reasons. You're a retard for thinking there's any difference between the two parties.
damn i should have sold at the start of the day
>>18715885After years of everyone laughing in Sweden's face, for once they get to laugh in ours
>>18715885And will go back to lockdown in round about 6-8weeks. Signs and cases will skyrocket by then, but we know how fast US reacts. :)
>>18715845Because their government doesn’t place unconstitutional restrictions. The constitution in the USA means absolutely zero
>>18715791because I am in every /smg/
>>18715885Its one of these two>its nothing, more people die from normal shit we dont care about. Shutting down the global economy over a COOF was a massive over reaction.>The economy is fucked, its been fake and gay since 2008 and is only propped up by free money. The collapse was inevitable and the COOF was just the final straw. The FED is desperately trying to save the stonks but they will failNot sure which
>>18715910puts will take time to adjust to the new price, 2-3 weeks, so make sure they dont expire in that time. personally I wouldnt risk it, if they close USO all together before your puts update, then they will become worthless.
>>18715901lmao.. GME is going to like 20s or so... well.. atleast mid-teens
>>18715962Bros I just set my tinder passprot to Estonia. We need to move there when we all get rich. It's like the Nazi's won and carried out their eugenics.
hey guys, i dont get the hubub about crabs.they dont even taste good, and maryland isnt even a good state
The KOSS I accidentally bought last week is up over 19%
>>18715708Ratty what's gonna be the deal with TSN? They took out a full page ad in the New York Times 2day telling everyone the food supply chain is going to break down; it's causing a big panic.
>>18715973A good catalyst and we're in the 50s. I wish they had bought more shares when it was sub 4
why do my meme lines hit like pottery?
>>18715926I didnt say AOC was smart, i said she was a smart politician, big difference. Even Trump is a pretty decent politician due to his strategy of doubling down on his retard cult.and yes there are plenty of similarities between the 2 parties (which is why i said today's dems are yesterday reps) and plenty of differences.But false equivalency should never be accepted - thats how we got a 10 year old little girl who doesnt do her homework as the president.As usual, i said nothing that controversial, yet get tons of butt hurt responses due to just giving sober analysis and not picking a team like a faggot.
>>18715985Happy for you!
>>18715973Why though? Should I buy or am I being tricked? Please, I want money
I invested some money.Wish me luck frens pls thank you.
>>18716004she's hotI'd hate fuck her and cum all over her face
>>18715983their taxes are decent too. just need enough to become a citizen
>>18716015100% of float is short.. company buying back shares.. next gen consoles will hit markets before holidays.... list honestly goes on...
>>18716019Why not love fuck her and figuratively cum in her heart?
>>18716019mmm so would i
>>18715912NDX has been seeing some difficulty for the last few weeks, comparatively.Which is the opposite of what happened when everything was crashing.I think a lot of people went into tech for perceived short-term safety (odd as that sounds), and now they're leaving.
>>18716025link to full video?
>>18715989Its fine, SYY will go high
>>18716015Go for it! why buy a solid, reliable company at a discount right now when you could buy a fledgling, debt-riddled retailer?
>>18716059>>18716059>>18716059>>18716059new thread
>>18715998Because you put the lines where you wanted to see them, not where they belonged.
>>18716004Democrats: anti gun, pro abortionRepublicans: pro gun anti abortion Literally everything else is the same. They both print money like it's going out of style, love pointless war, and send boat loads of US tax dollars to the small hat wearers over in Tel Aviv. You're being played and you don't even know it. You're pathetic.
>tfw I timed the GME top perfectly
>>18716087lmao I got fomo too despite having a shit ton already
>>18716027I got quite a few matches just gotta see which one wants to get married. Is that a ticket to citizenship?
>>18716071They aren't pro gun. The large bans had their support. Just look at what cuck Reagan did along with NRA. All same sides of the same shekel.
>> omg... so i remember what i turned 17next level stuff.we know all of that, goofy, but youre ignoring a fuck ton of other areas.national strategy, fear tactics, assaults on truth, changes in democracy, blind hypocrisy, national news channels, cultural development.Drug war, drugs in general, prison system, homelessness, dealing with the poor, environmentalism.perhaps most importantly in tomorrows world -UBI and taking more money from the rich.and i say that as a life long conservative
>>18716190My god you're dumb
>>18715963My personal take is>the economy was running on borrowed time as the 2008 crash wasn’t nearly as bad as it should’ve been. Multiple companies should’ve gone bust but cancerous “too big to fail” shit meant they stayed as zombie companies.>We need an excuse to crash everything but not have people blame bankers and the elite for propping this shit up. Oh shit look, a bad cough! This is perfect, let’s overblow it and use it as an excuse to crash the economy.
>>18715570You kikes are absolutely retarded and you deserve financial ruin
>>18716067Keep telling yourself that kike
>>18715599your looking in the wrong places. financials are up 5-7% resorts / luxury up 10%
SQQQ looking good goysbig earnings week
>>18715877There’s a good chance you’ll get fucked on that. But good luck anyways.
>>18716397>>18716424>ur kikes cuz you’re not bearCall me whatever the fuck you want. I’ll keep making money and you’ll keep seething.Calling strangers names on the internet lmao. Keep seething polfag bearcùck.
Holding ET DKL and USOI
Alright bros... FOMOed in....