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17479486 No.17479486 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto will follow it down.

>> No.17479643

How you know?

Tell me the futures I can invest in

>> No.17479664

WRONG, except the stock market part, that's probably true

>> No.17479706
Quoted by: >>17479732


Why? Are all the wall street fags dumping their wall street money into crypto?

Who fucking cares

>> No.17479732
Quoted by: >>17480184

Markets will move down together the everything bubble is popping

>> No.17479827

nah, just a slight drop tomorrow, as everyone fools themselves into thinking this is the bottom
the decline continues in earnest next week though

>> No.17479867


>> No.17479888

Should I kill myself tonight or tomorrow?

>> No.17479892


>> No.17479906

suicide can always wait until tomorrow

>> No.17479920

No one is doing to hodl over the weekend during the end times

>> No.17479947
File: 1.21 MB, 970x1366, 1582550955143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17482580

You've a front row seat to the end of the world, cheer up brother, don't miss the show

>> No.17479986
Quoted by: >>17480743

at least sell your shit so it doesn't bother you anymore and stick around for SMG a few more days. come on dude, go cash gang and get comfy for a while. enjoy the ride. maybe go for a drive or some shit idk.

>> No.17480001


>> No.17480024

boomers don't know what the fuck crypto is

>> No.17480054

>this close to the finale
>wants out
but you'll miss the fun

>> No.17480070
File: 896 KB, 881x1440, 1582587397540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God-empresses Corona Chan is going to kill all the boomers, why the markets are down, they've started cashing out, can't take it with them

>> No.17480071
Quoted by: >>17480187

ur wrong

>> No.17480184
Quoted by: >>17480218

strong doubt. As memey as it sounds bitcoin was made for this. Its like having a son who is naturally a science genius but instead he just becomes a gay porn star. BTC, THIS IS THE MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE. DONT NEED TO MOON BUT IF YOU CRASH HARD YOURE A FAILURE. selling everything

>> No.17480187


>> No.17480218
Quoted by: >>17480597

Top Kek the delusion.

>> No.17480597

its actually facts every single thing i just wrote but kek cringe boomer not based etc. etc. kys

>> No.17480722

Nah, Friday up Monday down.

>> No.17480743

Pathetic. If you're confident it's going down put something into inverse ETFs.
If you don't you're a bitch losing money to inflation.

>> No.17481301

#FinNexus will educate those who know little about crypto assets or financial investment but interested in the blockchain technology

>> No.17482580
File: 546 KB, 400x276, 1582833614834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah comfybro

>> No.17482732

who cares? look into BDK / bidesk (exchange token). it can definitely save you soon.