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File: 549 KB, 1056x651, 1575256086712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16587478 No.16587478 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>16589344

You won't last 5 minutes playing this game:

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology:

Risk management:

Real-time market news:

Live Bloomberg stream:

Educational sites:

Free charting tools:

Stock screeners:

Pre-Market Data and Live data:

Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101:

Basic rundown on lean hogs:

List of hedge fund holdings:


>> No.16587506

First for DB next JP Morgan Chase

>> No.16587508
File: 3.39 MB, 480x270, Beat the freeze fail.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590797


>> No.16587526
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Quoted by: >>16587607

Achieve financial freedom by investing in prisons

>> No.16587540

>wanted to put stop loss on amrn for 23
>you can't do that until it settles!
Absolute bullshit.

>> No.16587541
File: 33 KB, 420x443, 1436212057473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your Calls/Puts.

>> No.16587548
File: 317 KB, 421x498, wizard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on you tarot card reading wizard fetishists. Pump CLF for me.

>> No.16587553
Quoted by: >>16588487

Anyone here using tastyworks? How to fix the VWAP indicator being fucked by it being tied to the chart timeframe?

>> No.16587559
Quoted by: >>16587576

Jesse chris...
I just fucked up my limit sell and sold my AMRN call for a whopping $70 loss... that’s 20-30 more than it should’ve been FUCK

>> No.16587569
File: 1.87 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16587599

wat are some good divvy stocks for the next 5-10 years. i have khc t f schd

>> No.16587576

>not watching them burn to the ground out of sheer spite and self-loathing

Serves you right.

>> No.16587590
Quoted by: >>16587606

Wtf... are people actually believing that PEP downgrade to equal weight?

>> No.16587599
File: 270 KB, 539x351, 1555167014492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get me a ny strip roast

>> No.16587606
File: 17 KB, 300x250, ko pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck PEP. Drink KO

>> No.16587607

I was going to achieve financial freedom by investing in iconic American companies run by sociopaths

>> No.16587626
File: 459 KB, 715x1000, 1476917296374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't tell me the reasoning behind your decisions on entries and exits it's pretty useless information, wouldn't you say? anyone can guess something is going up or down and get lucky, if there's no solid logic behind it or explanation then it's useless because it's not repeatable and you will likely give all of those gains back and then some in the long run.

if i tell you i buy red candles in an uptrend and sell them on green candles, and i use indicators to tell me what the short/medium/long term trends are, that makes logical sense, doesn't it? and i'm already making a living this way. i don't get what you expect me to do with "I DONT HAVE A STRATEGY LMAO BUY VIX BECAUSE BUY IT LMAOOOO"? im not even necessarily saying you're wrong or stupid here, im literally just saying explain what you're basing your decisions on or kindly stfu and fuck off. that's all. being cryptic and smugly arrogant about it just wastes everyone's time here.

>> No.16587634
Quoted by: >>16588070

Someone give me a reading on Luckin Coffee. Please.

>> No.16587644
Quoted by: >>16588476

Any WKHS lads? You gon hold or sell and rebuy ?

>> No.16587656
File: 124 KB, 850x533, EQdes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16587664

Are Becky funds still out preforming the market?

>> No.16587664

probably not, lulu and pton are both down. is becky failing the first sign of a recession?

>> No.16587686
File: 560 KB, 800x1046, 1576558222993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16587759

Why chase shit stocks when you can buy LCI and Galt at heavily discounted prices?

>> No.16587704

PTON not Becky worthy...
But MRK sells the nuvaring...

>> No.16587734

It's an indicator for sure, but the bulk of the stocks are in nebulous sectors, so it's hard to judge justifiable moves.

>> No.16587735

LHX fucked up the landing above 200
I wonder whats causing it to sell off? Do they manufacture comm equipment for Boeing or something?

>> No.16587752

>wizard went huge into PTI
>wizard bought more AMRN yesterday
Top kek. Dude suicided.

>> No.16587759
File: 195 KB, 791x568, ca398b0e815a60de2f1900f492e2acc7980108060eca6d82fad74e360c2c3e7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16587781

Because the entire market is about to get super discounted soon and holding long instead of swing trading is suicide right now.

>> No.16587772
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 28953789532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, PTI went down even more since the open. Like I said earlier, alpha seekers with others told their readers to buy in when PTI was 4.05.. they then bragged about it already being up 13% yesterday.. and now this.. kek'd

>> No.16587781

All the smelly losers think this way. It’s how they rationalize sitting on the sidelines during this bull run.

Schiff and ZeroHedge haven’t made you any money.

>> No.16587814
Quoted by: >>16588736

There is no logic in the market. This is just legal gambling.

>> No.16587837

Gonna double down on both stocks just to spite you

>> No.16587842

Literally who?
My trades make 25-50% in 3-5 days. Not 50% in 10 years, nigger.

>> No.16587849
File: 150 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191217-105454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the media is talking about the market running up through February and the VIX just got a 52 week low. We're in the same conditions as when pic related happened.

>> No.16587867

Market is oddly low volume today too, smart money knows when to sit on their hands

>> No.16587870
File: 36 KB, 655x605, CurrentPortfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16587879

Any recommendations for other moderate risk investments?

>> No.16587879
Quoted by: >>16587903

I like your style...

>> No.16587899
Quoted by: >>16587925

AMRN just getting slaughtered right now. Sad face.

>> No.16587903

Thanks fren

>> No.16587925

Is it our fate to bet on the losers?

>> No.16587954

yes. Its the most painful but necessary realization.

>> No.16587966
File: 56 KB, 720x880, 1574785817914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My trades make 25-50% in 3-5 days.
according to my calculations that's a lie

>> No.16587988

Dubs confirm. He's a lying street shitter.

>> No.16587990
File: 730 KB, 1703x2560, 91P1mPMSx-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16588012

Dividends are your friend anon, where are you? Give me guidance. I need friends.

>> No.16587995

Is that a split?

>> No.16588002

this cunts neck tho

>> No.16588003
File: 174 KB, 2400x1261, 1576351574619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good old fashioned short attack in the dude weed today. Trulieve is the recipient of the smear. It hit single stock circuit breaker about two hours ago. Currently -18%. As usual the short report is a mix of half truths and conjecture, implications of corruption etc etc. Standard bounce trade likely once the bottom forms. I will be monitoring.

>> No.16588012

he's not your fren, he's giving shit advice to everyone under the age of 60. dividend focused companies return money to you in the most tax disadvantaged way possible and prevent compounding gains that are crucial in a long investment duration.

>> No.16588017

>Told you bois about Snapchat last week @ around 14.20
>Its 15.20 today
>6.8% win so far
not too shabby for a few days

>> No.16588036
Quoted by: >>16588060

What is the widest stock index? I've considered VT now but is there something even wider?

>> No.16588045
Quoted by: >>16588060


>> No.16588060

VT is broad as it gets

i agree tho

>> No.16588070

Take half profit and put a stop loss on the remainder at 27.90. I don't recommend entry unless it breaks about the recent range on good volume.

>> No.16588077
File: 3 KB, 170x33, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If this were true, then you could start with $1000 and be a multi-billionaire by the end of the year.

>> No.16588107


Everyone buying dividend stocks is SURELY buying dividend GROWTH stocks, which tend to have solid balance sheets and good free cash flow. They are also CERTAINLY using their tax advantaged accounts primarily to build their positions in PEP, LMT, NRZ, and QYLD, while using DRiP or manually reinvesting on dips to compound BIG TIME.

>> No.16588123
Quoted by: >>16588147

i wish div fren would include this statement in his posts

>> No.16588128

what is Deutsche Bank doing?

>> No.16588132

Its very best

>> No.16588138
Quoted by: >>16588237

GLPI? is this a good div?

>> No.16588147
Quoted by: >>16588170

You could start, but It might not fit on a monopoly card.

>> No.16588161
Quoted by: >>16588484

More dubs outing this guy as a sorry neckbeard that lives at home with mom.

>> No.16588167
File: 272 KB, 363x518, 1572576542619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright i'm going back to bed. Will return for pow rowr.

>> No.16588170
Quoted by: >>16588237

i know the guy is successful and has good income, but i think others see dividends and then just hop into a dividend screener, sort to highest and start buying because a successful person claims dividends are good. not sure why i care since most of my time is spent shitposting but whatever

>> No.16588217
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>> No.16588219
File: 50 KB, 1200x630, poppins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks know I've been watching CLF all day. Well the bitch ass bears couldn't take it down to 8 so we're going up from here if any of you queers want to hop on.

>> No.16588237
File: 19 KB, 530x298, 8CD25D33-2211-4EF6-BE23-FE25F3BD7686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16588261

Rest up bullchild

Don’t know it. If I had to add more, I like MRK if it comes down and BMY could be going higher. Warren is crashing so the drug stocks can finally run.

How do you “know” he’s successful?

AMRN doesn’t seem like a numale stock... I get saying funkopop or something but this is just a super speculative smallcap drug company.

>> No.16588245
File: 125 KB, 500x500, drtyudhgk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here invest mainly into boring ass index funds and just watch /biz/ and /smg/ for fun?

>> No.16588254
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1452634090241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 21.30 average
>tfw I'm officially in the red with AMRN

>> No.16588261

>How do you “know” he’s successful?
pretty sure he's a lawyer and has 400-500k saved up

literally me

>> No.16588283
File: 1.45 MB, 1564x1564, 1507226762628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half memes, half index funds here.

>> No.16588343
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>> No.16588362

Tax advantaged lmao dividends are taxed cheap as fuck
When does it even matter to protect them? When you have like 6 million?

>> No.16588373
File: 120 KB, 1092x1050, 1558851243915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dividends are taxed cheap as fuck

>> No.16588376

Kinda the same, 10% crypto memes and 10% precious metals memes. The rest in Vanguard.


>> No.16588388
Quoted by: >>16588420

>not being a poorfag that gets back more than he pays in taxes

>> No.16588409

Anyone have an idea on PTI? Why should it be down 60% within a day off of that news? Doesn’t seem too bad to me - seems more like a 30% dip should have happened. I’m considering playing a bounce (buying $2 weekly calls), I’ve never had any positions in PTI but this just seems insane.

Or is it ded? Perhaps $1 puts are in order, but they’re esspensive now. You can get $2 calls for $0.10 rn

>> No.16588420

that's the goal. i only plan to have about 20k of income (via dividends) per year so i get obamacare gibs when i retire in a couple of years. the subsidy program is based purely on income.

>> No.16588424
File: 2.56 MB, 1778x1000, 61C59421-1A56-465C-88D7-6A30256106C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11:51 AM EST, 12/17/2019 (MT Newswires) -- 22nd Century Group (XXII) shares rose 17% in midday trading Tuesday after it received authorization from the US Food and Drug Administration to sell its new tobacco products, Moonlight and Moonlight Menthol, which contain nicotine between 0.2 to 0.7 milligram compared with regular cigarettes that have 10 mg to 14 mg.
>The authorization does not mean the products are "FDA-approved," according to an FDA statement

I like it when the anines have pink hairs

>> No.16588429
Quoted by: >>16588509

I don't think I know what I'm doing in stock market. I decided to get in 3 months ago because ... lol historic gains. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but been put off by being a permabear. I earn good money, I own a house, I don't have any debt, I make the maximum matched pension contributions. Still money builds up.

I thought fuck it. You just hodl. You aren't going to start a business. So ... 80% ETFs diversified geographically 20% fucking around meme stonks. This was 15k total so my fucking around money is 3k.

So I start off buying mostly boomer shit and quickly realise I own those through my ETF's anyway. I start looking for some exciting degenerate gambling opportunities. I buy some 'ok' stuff that generally did pretty well. I start assigning more money to the extreme meme shit though.

It goes like this ...

Buy low. Watch it crab around. Get bored. Buy low. See gains. Take profit. Can't get back in because it continues to climb from then on out. Buy low. See gains. Decide to hold. It crabs around. See minor gains, minor losses generally not outperforming ETF. Decide to sell. Can't get back in because it continues to climb from then on out. Buy low. Shit hits fan. Hodl fresh gay bags 5ever. Get out somebody small loss.

It is like a few scenarios exist. One is trading on technicals. Ideally you buy a good prospect low and it goes up forever. You don't take profit because there is no point. It goes up forever. This is not fast money.

Other is trading on news. You buy the dip. Sell the pump. My most successful trades have been really minor. Like 15% is a good return on 1-2 weeks. Thing is, who goes all in on a risky pump and dump? I'm never in for more than $600 and so 15% is only $90. It takes up quite a bit of time and for every 5 +$90 trades I have one sat bleeding a dollar or two a day up and down where I'm stuck waiting to get out.

Even some of the best I wished I held because they've rallied after pump or never dropped and I can't get back in.

>> No.16588444

I need this market to dump. I feel like Im watching a climactic movie and theyre putting it off and off and Im getting frustrated because I just want Ross and Rachel to kiss already!

>> No.16588453


>> No.16588455

Some internet advisor said it would skyrocket, this is where wizard got it from. Everyone bought pump it, then it all went down as everyone sold after the price kept falling

>> No.16588461
Quoted by: >>16588504

LCI haven't done shit, what are you on about matey?

>> No.16588465

To be fair long term capital gains and qualified dividends are both taxed at the same rate.

As such, the lower total growth assets should be held in taxable.

>> No.16588476

If it breaks that resistance from last week I dunno. If it doesn't buy puts?

>> No.16588478

In anons opinion what sectors should we keep a look out for in 2020 for growth?

>> No.16588484

>dubs = bad
That's not how this works

>> No.16588486
File: 49 KB, 1900x213, amrnsell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if you were clever enough not to counter trade me

>> No.16588487


>> No.16588499

>You can get $2 calls for $0.10 rn
expiring in a little over two days

>> No.16588500
Quoted by: >>16588541

fuck off

>> No.16588502

welcome to nu-/smg/ where dubs are bad

>> No.16588504
Quoted by: >>16588714

Well if you've been following you'd know why it's moving sideways.. if you read the lawsuit against certain short sellers you'd know why it's moving sideways.. have patience. When it goes it's gunna start building up quick

LCI to $60

>> No.16588509
Quoted by: >>16589166

Example I bought 500x SBBP at 1.48. I sold them at 1.82. $170 gain. I want to buy back in as I believe this is a 1.9-2 stock at any dip below 1.50, but new daily lows are around 1.75 the last week. I'm not going to get back in am I? Not for less than 1.79. So if I want back in I'm going to pay 1.79 meaning I've still got my stocks + $15. $15 fucking dollars.

I've got 13 fucking stocks I'm managing like this. My returns on 3 months are 4.61%. $138.3. While I hold an SSRS bag bought at 0.36.

>> No.16588514
File: 167 KB, 500x330, threat pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16588721

Read through the thread you stupid fucking nigger. I know how 4chan works.

>> No.16588520

Did you get out of pti?

>> No.16588539

If you read the data well enough, you'll know that it all isn't positive. Market selling this much means that their doublet and triplets stats do not compare with their competitor's drug, that does the same, but better.

>> No.16588541
File: 196 KB, 1581x1000, shot caller bet lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are shot caller? you sure sound like a triggered shill

>> No.16588553
Quoted by: >>16588565

no but you suck and should go

>> No.16588561

I bet on the loser to lose more. Does that make me a winner? Amrn puts are all over the place though

>> No.16588565
Quoted by: >>16588634

my correct calls trigger the shills

>> No.16588612
File: 1.98 MB, 361x247, 1482429973081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys. Guys. Please stop selling AMRN. It's negatively impacting my day change.

>> No.16588634

how much money did you make on that one sir?

>> No.16588672

So who's in on TTNP?

>> No.16588684
File: 9 KB, 160x240, CN4ICYYWIAARA9T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590543

AMRN has lost me 9 dollars. You're all getting sued.

>> No.16588691
Quoted by: >>16588708

A bunch of retards who like watching a stock sit at .16 for fucking ever.

>> No.16588694
Quoted by: >>16588731

I put $8k (40% of my folio) into AMRN last week at 24.12. Fuck all of you seriously

>> No.16588701

Not yet, I have my buy orders stacked around 0.90

>> No.16588708
Quoted by: >>16588740

yeah, but they'd make bank if it kicks off

>> No.16588714
Quoted by: >>16589595

Sauce? Not seeing anything.

>> No.16588721

No you don't. You got buttroasted by two different dubposters. Cope harder.

>> No.16588730
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>> No.16588731

You deserve it

>> No.16588732
File: 82 KB, 634x1045, 4598498-6216861-image-a-71_1538091444103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My trades make 25-50% in 3-5 days

good 4 you, you'll be the richest motherfucker on planet within a month or two :O

exchange is not open 365 :) only s250

in general even if you were to keep nasdq100's ytd return of 45% with minimal drawdown you'd have 1b so quickly you'd probably lose totally your mind with all the money. unless you're an __alien__ like _warren_ who has 80something Thousand Millions Us$ in _liquid_ investments and lives in 600k house


>> No.16588736

if you honestly believe that please get out of the market immediately and stay out. i don't want to see you lose all of your hard earned money anon.

>> No.16588740
File: 213 KB, 800x1024, shid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And when Sunil does another reverse split and walks it down for like the third time? No fucking thanks.

>> No.16588746
Quoted by: >>16588767

>SNSS creeping around 40 cents
Why did I ever listen to you retards?

Who are these two cute gentlemen?

>> No.16588767

Because you're a retard yourself

>> No.16588768

Man fuck everything.

Sold too much LLY way too soon, didn’t sell AMRN soo enough, bought those PEP calls way too soon and not itm enough.

She really shouldn’t let herself be photographed with someone as good looking as Cara...

>> No.16588773
Quoted by: >>16588877

AMRN is back in a pretty good buy range. I might go for another round.

>> No.16588794
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>> No.16588856
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 96353365-9BCB-47F6-902B-7DEDD3A2834F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16588869
File: 274 KB, 715x1000, 248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based tawawa-anon. May your accounts grow as bountiful as the racks on those healing blue girls.

>> No.16588877

20.75 was the potential bouncing spot, might happen but looks pretty damn weak. I took it myself aswell.. 2/3 fills

>> No.16588912
File: 406 KB, 1870x922, uhhhh anons i....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out thread
>everyone crying about AMRN
>"okay let me take a look with some basic indicators"
>pic related
you didn't know to get out on the most obvious spike and selloff ever? oh but lest we forget...

>aLl TeChNiCaL iNdIcAtOrS aRe BuLlShIt

>> No.16588927

>all those arrows
Did you do that manually? What the hell do they mean?

>> No.16588937

it's probably moments it passed VWAP

>> No.16588941
Quoted by: >>16589103

they're just breakouts anon, automatic. the arrows tell you when there is above or below average volume.

>> No.16588947
Quoted by: >>16590443

>prevent compounding gains that are crucial in a long investment duration
Companies don't have infinite profitable investment opportunities in the real world that they shove every dollar into that isn't paid out in dividends. They might profitably invest or they might make boneheaded acquisitions like GE did or they might pay their senior management team tens of millions of dollars more than necessary to retain talent or they'll just sit on mountains and mountains of cash and do nothing with it, which is not what any sharehold would want to do with his own cash that he technically owns. Every company that isn't in some mega growth phase like early Amazon should be paying out about 2/3 of their net income as dividends.

>> No.16588951
Quoted by: >>16589056

Thinking about picking up that MRK dip

>> No.16588953
Quoted by: >>16589000


I feel bad for the idiots who got caught in the bull trap. I'm in at 14.50 and going long.

>> No.16588988

Sold GME for a quick trade at an 8% gain, thx buddy

>> No.16588992
File: 46 KB, 715x465, plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16589041

I'm telling you dyslexic fucktards one more time. CLF

>> No.16589000

you don't understand though. i don't follow AMRN at all, i know nothing about it. i literally just opened ToS, took my own indicators off because fuck showing you guys my system, threw on some basic ones and you can see this shit clear as day. like it's not even hard, i literally know nothing about AMRN and i can just look at the chart and see it. i mean that very first 15 minutes should be the most obvious fucking sign in the world shouldn't it? even then you still had another half hour to get out okay compared to where it was at the previous couple of days, it even recovered a bit, idk why the fuck you'd still be in it this morning i mean wtf?

again though what happened if you don't mind explaining? im literally just looking at the price action here and can see what's going on without knowing anything about the fundamentals here. it's so obvious.

>> No.16589024
File: 169 KB, 472x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>City of Galt got ransomwared

GALT to $1

>> No.16589025
File: 84 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191217-115809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16589034

Are you buying calls Anon?

>> No.16589034
Quoted by: >>16589053

Why aren't you loading up on J&J - all the CNBC talking heads are super bullish

>> No.16589041
File: 458 KB, 1870x922, CLFanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean yeah i can see how you could make a case for it, the downtrend for the past 3 days is a bit worrisome but it's pretty clearly going up now with positive accumulation.

give me another stock im bored, im not even going to change indicators im just gonna look at shit to make a point. this isn't even the most optimized system it's just basic shit. i'll check in on the thread every so often, if i feel like it.

>> No.16589053

Trade the trade bro...

>> No.16589056

>-0.77% from ATH

>> No.16589061
Quoted by: >>16589119

can you explain some of those basic shit you're using there?

>> No.16589062
Quoted by: >>16589095

Small gains are still gains anon

>> No.16589072

>SNSS is waking up

>> No.16589074

People who mock the whole "MM's are controlling the price" thing, look at SNSS today and tell me that shit doesn't scream fuckery.

>> No.16589076
Quoted by: >>16589103


Biopharmaceutical company that just got through FDA approval. Developed a cholesterol lowering drug and are the first to market with a 10 year patent. Only real roadblock at this point is a court case that's going in their favor. Competitors are still in development.

>> No.16589094
Quoted by: >>16589124

Let's pretend I have no idea what you're talking about, what are you talking about?

>> No.16589095

True, but that is not a dip.

>> No.16589099

Their "product" is purified fish oil. You can buy fish oil over the counter.

>> No.16589103
File: 21 KB, 312x440, 718FA0B1-A3CB-475D-BF12-DD10173D05A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16589262

How to get start learning how to do this?
What do I need to know to come up with a system?

>gimme a stonk
Uhhh how much higher is LLY going?
Am I going to be fucked on these PEP calls that expire next Friday?

Kek this, I’m waiting a bit before I add to my calls... and I fucking LOVE Merck.

It’s a “sell the launch” thing
The easy part is over, now AMRN really has to get out there and get healthcare providers to max our prescription.

>> No.16589107

lol why buy penicillin when you grow mold at home for free?

>> No.16589119
Quoted by: >>16589164

blue means long, purple means short. the chaikinosc applies the macd to the accumulation/distribution line, basically shows you buying/selling pressure. above the zero line means accumulation, below means distribution, the color gradient (how yellow or how red the line is) shows how strong the buying or selling pressure is, based on volume. average volume should be obvious, the arrows show when there is greater or less than average volume occurring. obviously movements on higher than average volume are more significant.

if there is a divergence (price is going down but chaikin is positive) it means the trend is potentially coming to an end soon and you should watch out. the price can still be bid up even though institutions are selling a lot in the midst of retail buying.

>> No.16589124
Quoted by: >>16589192

MMs are Market Makers, they do lots of fucked up shit to ensure liquidity of the market, and for some stocks they will use algorythms to temper movement. Sometimes with low volume stocks they can gain near total control over the stock price, which tends to look at lot like what is going on with SNSS right now

>> No.16589125

The problem here is that most people on /smg/ FOMO's in, like the cryptotards does on shitcoins. The only difference is that /smg/ buy shit based on upcoming reports in hope of it surging, while cryptotards buy shit based on nothing except hype.. it's just pure gambling. So the TA related stuff you're talking about doesn't really matter to them

>> No.16589154
Quoted by: >>16589274

True enough, but it’s also one that’s been demonstrated to lower risk of fatal cardiac events.

Over the counter supplements are completely unregulated. That shit could be sitting in the heat on a delivery truck for hours, gone rancid in its little capsule. Who knows how much eha is getting to the consumer at the end of the supply chain. And if they tried to get that much eha through eating fish, they’d probably get mercury poisoning or some shit.

>> No.16589164

thanks man

>> No.16589166
Quoted by: >>16589936

>I'm not going to get back in am I?
Probably not but why would you want to? It seems like you have an auction mentality where you believe you have to have THAT ONE and are willing to go to great lengths to get it.

A big part of making money in the market is keeping your money in play. Yes you have to pick winners but you also have to not sit around staring at one particular one waiting for it to move. If it doesn’t, go find one that does.

Your money sitting idle for days and weeks waiting for a bit point to come, has missed a hundred other buys that would have made money in the meanwhile.

>> No.16589192
Quoted by: >>16589216

What is so suspicious though? What isn't adding up?

>> No.16589197
File: 97 KB, 1558x427, ebin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a noob and playing a simulator for now, I don't get it /smg/, I have 6.26% annual return but I thought you're supposed to LOSE money on the stock market...

>> No.16589216

Well one good indicator is continuous, repeated 100 share trades trying to lock in a price, a bid/ask gap of 0.0001, high buying or selling pressure not actually moving the stock price in that direction, huge dumps of shares on the ask that vanish after a few are sold to put up artificial walls against the price rising... shit like that.

>> No.16589230

Go ahead and jump into the real thing, let's see how many shares of those companies you can afford in the first place.

>> No.16589258

>I’m a virgin so I’m playing a dating simulator for now. I keep getting all these wives and girlfriends. I don’t get it, I thought relationships were supposed to be hard?

>> No.16589260

I likE OTNX TNDO OCOXN it got naiso return tiday ;)

>> No.16589262
File: 1009 KB, 1872x1845, lly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16589338

im doing what i can to help a little at least, anon. you're right tho but obviously some anons will be interested, even just lurkers reading, that's good enough for me.

mostly just google. investopedia is great. go look up No Nonsense Forex and literally just watch all of his videos and blogs/podcasts, like literally all of it. and i say this as someone who exclusively trades stocks. i wouldn't be where i am today with a successful system if not for him. i would also suggest looking up Chat With Traders, basically a guy who interviews a bunch of professional traders directly. all of this is absolutely free, never buy shit everything online is free, you just have to put in the time.

after that it's just a matter of finding a strategy that synergizes with your personality and backtesting and forwardtesting (paper trading/demo account) the EVER LOVING SHIT out of it. i mean months of looking at charts and messing around with indicators. it's a lot of work but the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is that you get to quit your day job and just do this from your bedroom for the rest of your life with unlimited earning potential, i felt like that was worth the massive upfront time investment it takes. once you finalize your system and have all of the data and practice to back it up, to be confident in it, you then have something you can just use mechanically over and over like a robot and it will just keep making you money in the long run (you will make more than you lose).

as for LLY, i also looked at the daily chart on this one to see relevant support/resistance levels. i can't tell you how far up it's going to go, i can just tell you what it has been doing and what it's currently doing, and then each candle you can see if it's still doing that or not. the massive drop on the 15m would scare the shit out of me even though it's still above the zero line, I would watch it carefully around 130-132 range.

>> No.16589274
File: 101 KB, 634x739, carad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16589338

>lower risk of fatal cardiac events.

that is probably because eating fish and fish oil thins blood. you could then achieve similar results with daily baby aspirin or real blood thinners? some eskimo tribes had lower indicent of stroke while eating mostly sea fish, but their heart disease was far advanced as any fast food eating society, it was prolly because of blood thinning effect

>> No.16589278

Should have bought more AMD but otherwise, good job.

>> No.16589285

How do y'all feel about NIO?

>> No.16589289
Quoted by: >>16589371


That Bitcoin rocket a few years ago killed this place. Everyone is chasing the rare unicorn now. People now expect that from stocks which rarely move that way. Most people aren't investors, they're gamblers looking for a quick payday.

>> No.16589291
Quoted by: >>16589320

I think I'm going to pull the trigger on UN...
Wish me luck lads

>> No.16589302

stay away

>> No.16589320
Quoted by: >>16589368

I just bought some too. Im ready to make several percentage points

>> No.16589338

Hey thanks screencapped and will be doing some research this weekend.

Think I’ll hang onto my remaining LLY call for now... ceo is going to be on mad money tonight, I’ll see what he has to say.

They actually mentioned baby aspirin, I think superior results with a much safer risk profile.

I dunno man, I take fish oil and I’m not diabetic or dangerous triglyceride levels or anything, but I’m seriously considering asking my doctor if I can get it and have it covered by insurance. Fish oil just seems to be very beneficial.

Of course that has nothing to do with whether or not the stock should be higher.

>> No.16589344
File: 204 KB, 459x440, 1572956249096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actively trading stocks instead of putting everything you have into an index fund and letting it ride
It's like you people hate gains and free time.

>> No.16589362
Quoted by: >>16589385

>free time
To do what with?

>> No.16589365

Trying to become profitable and deleverage at the same time

>> No.16589367

oh boy WHKS is pumping randomly again

2.5 EoW

>> No.16589368
Quoted by: >>16589416

target price? Maybe $60?

>> No.16589371

what sucks is that it's actually completely reasonable to be able to make a living off of the stock market if you do it properly. not get rich quick but get rich slowly, taking small profits consistently over and over instead of trying to get that one huge move. i guess that's not sexy though, idk. all i ever wanted to do was quit my day job and work from home and be able to pay my bills doing this, and here i am today. the key is having realistic expectations. running this shit like a business. the gambler mentality is very sad and probably why most people lose money in this game when it's not even that hard to make money consistently if you're not a greedy piece of shit.

i'll also note that buying on hype isn't even bad if you do it right. "buy the rumor, sell the news" is a very valid strategy, it's a common saying for a reason. just buy into the hype and sell it before the event even occurs, easy money. potentially short it afterwards. too many people try to play the event itself and that shit just isn't predictable, risk management is the most important thing in this game, the number of people who do the high risk high reward stuff really bothers me sometimes.

>> No.16589385

travel the world, read good books, improve yourself, laze around all day, whatever. It's your life mang. Unless of course you enjoy trading, then keep doing what you're doing. Try to build a track record and apply for investment firms/hedge funds at least.

>> No.16589387
File: 281 KB, 1125x1083, 683BC2DA-CBAA-406D-A3AE-8BC14BE584BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This be the call

>> No.16589392
Quoted by: >>16589460

again note that i don't know anything about LLY, im literally just looking at the chart with a very basic indicator setup. my actual system involves indicators i've made myself by taking stuff from different great indicators and putting them together and seeing what works.

backtesting and forwardtesting in a paper trading account is essential, i can't emphasize this enough. ultimately no nonsense forex will tell you all of this sort of stuff if you watch all of his videos though. his algorithm, money management, and psychology playlists are the most important ones.

>> No.16589397

how much do you make on average?

>> No.16589407

I'm coming around to this idea of taking small profits. I've been burned thinking it would fly higher and instead it gaps down or returns to the level I bought. I think I'd also be bothered about selling at 6% if it went 20% or higher though. So I convince myself to hold.

>> No.16589416
Quoted by: >>16589524

Im just going for a measly 58, stock is super slow
Itll probably go all time high again but slowly like colgate

>> No.16589426

Press Conference - Announcing Incentives for Ohio Residents to Purchase Electric Vehicles



>> No.16589453
File: 93 KB, 547x460, ss (2019-11-09 at 10.28.29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16589589

I like being flat, though it's hard not to think about the dichotomy that being in cash also means being long the dollar.
I'm also shaking off a minor gacha addiction.

>> No.16589458

NIO-fags is hyping themselves for the QE report that should have been out weeks ago. They didn't sell anymore cars than they did last quarter and they are burning the fuck out of their cash reserves. NIO is a dumpster fire. Buy $2-2.5 puts on it for January.

>> No.16589459
File: 852 KB, 1880x1826, WKHS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldn't trust that shit as far as i could throw it. maybe look for a breakout but i wouldn't be surprised at all to see that shit dump. accumulation is up a lot so that could certainly go in favor of a potential breakout, but you see that top wick right now? that's some pretty strong rejection to the top side right now, right near that high water mark as you can see. wouldn't be surprised at all to see it drop from here. if it breaks that line on volume that would change things though.

this is fun. honestly might come back every so often here and spread the gospel according to TA. go around posting screencaps of charts and making predictions purely based on price action and volume over time.

>> No.16589460
Quoted by: >>16589569

Thanks again, I know someone had been pimping his channel here before, (others say it’s useless) I’ll definitely give it a watch, pull it up on the treadmill and see what I can learn... though I may need to take notes when it gets in depth.

>> No.16589524
File: 15 KB, 250x201, 1498939869512s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price before drop was 61.34? I have an average of 57.09, if it recovered to that I'd get a 7% return.
58 would be a above a 1% return which would be meh.
I'll give it a month waiting for another opening

>> No.16589555

I have a standing order to buy at $0.30 and I'm apparently not the only one because I only get 50 shares and a time and then it bounces right back up.

>> No.16589569

i mean, i credit NNFX with my current success so i can't imagine how people would say it's useless, i'd have to ask why they say that. especially for a noob it's essential stuff, all of it. the ultimate goal is to create an algorithm that meshes well with your personality (are you a scalper, day trader, swing trader, momentum trader, position trader, etc) and that you have extensively tested so you have the confidence to take every signal it gives you, follow the rules strictly with discipline, and maintain a proper risk and take profit on every trade win or lose. whatever you do after watching all of his stuff, you'll be much better prepared going forward than you were before you watched his stuff, with a solid foundation going forward. he doesn't give you a system, he tells you how to make your own. he doesn't sell anything, he makes a strict point of that.

what's the worst that can happen, you lose some of your time? i've never spent a dime on my financial education, everything on is free on the internet you just have to put in the time and effort to learn it, read/watch it, take notes if you have to.

i'll say this at least: he'll often shittalk indicators that were originally designed for the stock market, because he trades forex. if you trade stocks like i do though, obviously that changes things. at the end of the day the testing is what matters and whether something works or not will reveal itself in the testing no matter what. just keep removing what doesn't work and keep what does work, most of my effort has just been with just trying to make the hull moving average better because it's so fucking good by itself already. trade with the trend, at the end of the day all you're really trying to do is figure out what the short/long term trends are and to be able to figure out when they're ending as early as possible, but not too early. simple, but not easy. if you can determine the trend and relevant support/resistance levels, trading is ez.

>> No.16589584
Quoted by: >>16589679

What the fuck is up with the people on stockwits? They think everything is about to rise 1000% next week

>> No.16589589
File: 93 KB, 1121x372, B121F4D7-A769-4E8E-AD33-63DB5E761461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon! Don’t you know that fiat is just worthless government promises used to control you?!
>laughs in crypto crash

In all seriously starting to get a little more bullish on yellow rock.

>> No.16589595
File: 29 KB, 822x621, jesus5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i got your source right here

>> No.16589610
File: 169 KB, 437x448, 1576336979315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K it's pow raow i'm up now

>> No.16589622


>> No.16589659

I do this because it's fun and i can beat the index sometimes.

>> No.16589675

Anyone else come to this board less frequently because of how boring the market has been?

>> No.16589679

the only thing stocktwits is useful for is scammers. i do also like it to get a sense of public sentiment on any given stock though. psychology is a nice indicator along with everything else, but that's less about specific stuff people say and more about whether the majority of people are bullish or bearish and maybe what levels they're looking at.

>> No.16589694
File: 1.41 MB, 1191x1684, 1576365648354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trulieve stop bouncing so fast. I want better setuo than intraday V pattern.

>> No.16589699

Based WKHS go horsey ride horsey

>> No.16589716
File: 387 KB, 1877x927, LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16589770
Quoted by: >>16589806

S-Sasuga daytrader-kun!

(This isn’t the most convincing example, it’s a memestock jumping higher than retracing, you don’t need fancy tools to predict that...)

>> No.16589779
File: 32 KB, 446x390, ivanhoe58-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baller ass Chad Ivanhoe Mines up 7.5%

>> No.16589798
Quoted by: >>16589898

Seems like there's a resistance at 3.18

>> No.16589806
Quoted by: >>16589857

if it's any consolation it looks like it's coming back up again. if you bought now i'd sell that shit at some amount below 3.28, like maybe 3.25. the trend is still up so it makes sense. the wicks tell you a lot.

>> No.16589833
Quoted by: >>16589898

have you tried trading with real money yet?

>> No.16589857

It’s not, I don’t own the stock.
What’s fucking me up are my PEP calls.

My mrvl cvs and mrk calls are also down but I have until January to see how those pan out.

>> No.16589867

Yeah, I'm gonna take my WKHS to the old GM plant
I'm gonna build 'til I can't no more
I'm gonna take my WKHS to the old GM plant
I'm gonna build 'til I can't no more (Kio, Kio)
I got the NGEN in the back
UPS is attached
W-15 is on track
Got the postal contract to match
Ridin' on a WKHS, ha
You can whip your Tesla
I been in Lordstown
You ain't been offa Trump uh, now
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'
Can't nobody tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothin'

>> No.16589898

that 3.3 level high is significant, everybody can see that shit clear as day on the chart. self fulfilling prophecies are extremely important in stock trading. 3.18 would be a point of lesser resistance though, of course. 3.3 is the big one though. just this area in general i wouldn't be surprised to see it start going down from here but time will tell.

i do this for a living, scalping along the trend. i pay the bills that way and anything extra i generally use for the more high risk high reward stuff like biotechs. the stuff im doing on /biz/ is just for fun though, and to maybe shine some light on TA for the uninitiated.

>> No.16589912
Quoted by: >>16589978

What is your year to date return?

>> No.16589936

A lot of it is because I've invested time into researching and making my picks and trying to find several prospective trades a week is a lot of work. I don't want to trade something which is 99% likely to tank, the underlying prospect should be a solid gamble in the first place.

What happens is as the price moons the desire to take the profit rises. Not due to greed, but because of fear. The underlying asset is usually still a solid prospect.

So I usually want to get in once things have calmed down somewhat. But if I take profit at 8.50 and it drops somewhat to 8.45 I've made the right choice. If it crabs for two weeks before starting to rise again there isn't much point in getting back in at 8.48 or something because I've made 2c a stock on the trade.

I need to expand my selection of assets to trade on I guess so I've always got something while something crabs. That or narrow the selection and go in with greater amounts, but this feels inherently riskier.

NLTX is a good example. Got in at 4.39 on the 5th. Out 7.90 on the 10th. Tried to rebuy at 6.99 over the next few days slowly increasing to 7.49 trying to get the dip. No joy.

I wanted back in because of shit like today. I was trying to buy at 7.79 this morning even though I'm 11c off the price where I took profit because I know there is another dollar a share in it today at least.

Maybe I go in with more money and sell in tranches in future. IDK. Learning what works with my style and the amount of time I can commit. Maybe I'm looking to trade too often, but that is the point of my trading account.

>> No.16589956
Quoted by: >>16590008

TAs are as weird and douchey as pickup artists

>> No.16589976
Quoted by: >>16589995

Its the day before Xmas and all through the house,
The profit and loss harvesting blah blah a mouse.
They took their cash moneys and left the bag-holders,
They're craven and beholden only to shareholders,

>> No.16589978

around 90% or so, which makes a lot more sense when you consider i generally shoot for making 0.5% daily or about 2.5% a week, on average. but i do it every trading day.

>> No.16589986
Quoted by: >>16590040

>i do this for a living
hmm ok but i remember your last posts when you said you were only paper trading for the moment

>> No.16589994

Gonna hold AMRN till I die.


>> No.16589995
File: 68 KB, 648x1024, 3a4d61dd4a2dda2bd0e12a3b23b5917921edfe4f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16590008

Imagine using Pickup and it only working slightly less than 50% of the time.

>> No.16590013
Quoted by: >>16590065


Which ones you in bros? In qqq and soxl here

>> No.16590017

Does anyone know why INPX is currently going full Space X?

>> No.16590021
File: 643 KB, 1200x1025, berted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bogged to hell on AMRN, stop loss sold at fucking 20.76, below the bottom for today, and I had to buy back in higher.

I don't think I've ever not been fucked by a stop loss. I'm going to just stop using them.

>> No.16590027
Quoted by: >>16590058


>> No.16590040

i've never said that. i told people they should backtest and then forwardtest (a.k.a. paper trading) though, if that's what you mean. everyone should when they're starting out.

>> No.16590049

>sold low bought high

Just a FYI, that stock is going to $17.

>> No.16590051

>I don't think I've ever not been fucked by a stop loss
Well no wonder, the potential spot for a bounce was 20.75. You're suppose to place your stop loss slightly under those key areas, not above them...

>> No.16590056


Everyone can see your stop loss dude. Big investors will push the price down far enough to eat your shares. I never us stop losses.

>> No.16590058

>buy a overpriced company which was never profitable and will maybe have a little bit of profit in 2-3 years based on rumors.

>> No.16590065


>> No.16590067

Don’t bother with that guy
Very smug, very selectively posts “calls” of his that worked out.

>> No.16590071
Quoted by: >>16590091

Backtest for sure. Forward test... meh. You can do a pseudo forward test faster by going back a few years on a chart and covering up the future moves so you can't see them.

>> No.16590091

well he's a tripfag so im not surprised to be fair.

i consider that part of backtesting, but yes. an important part of trading is confidence and patience. it fucks with noobs when you actually have to wait to see what happens and don't get that instant gratification, it's a skill many need to learn/practice.

>> No.16590102

He's really the worst trip by far.
Barely helpful and sniffs his own farts.

>> No.16590112
Quoted by: >>16590206

Seems pretty significant, can't really break that 3.18 and has even gone down.

>> No.16590116
Quoted by: >>16590129


You gonna look me in the eye and tell me you don’t sniff your own farts?

>> No.16590121
Quoted by: >>16590224

"God of Calls" is a massive faggot, don't listen to anything he says

>> No.16590129

I don't brag about it.

>> No.16590132
Quoted by: >>16590158

If AMRN keeps dipping, I might as well buy some. I only lost 9 dollars on my meme option gamble.

>> No.16590138

Can you teach me when to sell? I keep getting burned holding too long then it drops all at once.

>> No.16590158

19.50 to 20.30 seems to be the golden buy zone

>> No.16590178
Quoted by: >>16590244


Sell when you’re in the green. Always take profit doesn’t matter how little

>> No.16590206

makes sense, although it's the end of the trading day too, who knows what will happen tomorrow. i tend to avoid trading the open (too volatile/spiky) and the "power hour" (3-4PM) for fear of getting stuck in a trade overnight. i basically make money when the market trends or remains flat (i buy red bars in an uptrend and short green bars in a down trend, which also works in a flat/ranging market) and lose money when it spikes unpredictably, so i avoid situations where spikes are likely to happen like the plague. as you might imagine, averages don't work too well when your data set looks like 5, 5, 5, 5, 100. also why i generally like using (high+low)/2, the midpoint of the bars, instead of the close. 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 50 is a lot more manageable at least in terms of predictability of the overall trend.


>> No.16590219

For puts, have 2 expoential moving avgs set up. The area between the two moving avgs is your value zone. A good place to buy calls or sell out put. Have one shorter moving avg, and one longer that's double the length.

>> No.16590222
File: 480 KB, 1280x824, basubaru16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use an indicator for this. Something as simple as the Rate of Change (ROC) can work pretty well as an exit or take profit indicator. Sell in the last fifteen minutes of the day the line goes below zero, or sell the following day. Intraday dips below zero on the daily chart do not count, you have to wait until the last minute or following day for valid signal (if you're trading 1day candles).

>> No.16590224
File: 19 KB, 906x116, mtnb dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very selectively posts “calls” of his that worked out
majority of my calls are correct and it makes shills seethe.
AMRN example. Told people not to long the top a month ago, predict bottom of correction at 19-20, told people to get out yesterday because they were bullish...
Where is the moron who was shilling MTNB at the top a few days ago? Truth is you're either all part of the same little group of pharma penny stocks pump and dumpers or you're really low IQ.

>> No.16590237
Quoted by: >>16590326

Well it doesn't matter much to me anymore because there's no option to short via puts. But it may drop later on.

>> No.16590244

Agree i theory, but often ends up in me selling my winners.

I would’ve made so much damn money just holding Apple and UNH...

>> No.16590248

the short answer though is you use the ATR (average true range) to determine your initial risk vs. reward (VP recommends 1.5x ATR as risk and 1x ATR as take profit), then when you hit your initial take profit you sell half of your position and move your stop loss up to break even. then you can let the other half ride and get out when your exit indicator tells you to or you get stopped out, but after you sell the first half you can't lose pretty much. i mean slippage is a thing but idk what you're trading between risky low float penny stocks or mid/large caps with tons of liquidity.

>> No.16590253
Quoted by: >>16590428

I mean, you made me money on PAYS that one time.

>> No.16590259
Quoted by: >>16590428

Keep telling yourself that.
No one here likes you because you're a massive faggot with a gay ass cringe name. It's not the TA and not your calls. It's you.

>> No.16590273
Quoted by: >>16590397


Selling a winner at profit is still a win. Why would you sell Apple? Some stocks you swing some stocks you long. Aapl is a stock you accumulate and hold

>> No.16590293
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up 1.27%, 'nother good day! Holding off selling covvies this week, have a good feeling about where we're headed into new years.
Gonna go get a bunch of carrots and try Ray Peat's carrot salad w/ coconutty oil n apple cidey vinny, anyone try something like this before?

>> No.16590298
Quoted by: >>16590397


Also could’ve would’ve should’ve isnt shit. Force that thought process out of your head or you will beat yourself up and never be happy no matter how good you trade

>> No.16590319


No sounds tasty though. I’m up .01% goofy ass sideways day guess I’ll take it

>> No.16590322
File: 3 KB, 329x56, hohum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty Flat

>> No.16590326

im generally not a fan of the super cheap stocks outside of high risk high reward bets with my extra money, the generally low liquidity and HTB status they often have. those are mostly fundamental analysis bets pure and simple. i have some friends who love playing that stuff though, and it's true if you get lucky you can make a ton of money very fast with them. but that "fast" is usually relative, one of my friends was in VBIV for example. got in trying to catch a falling knife at around $0.80, then that shit went down to $0.50 and now it's around a dollar which has formed a pretty hard ceiling right now. if you're willing to hold for half a year or more it can work out though and all of a sudden you're up a ton if you can stomach being down so much for so long and are absolutely confident in the fundamentals.

>> No.16590329

does the hurt from AMRN ever stop?

>> No.16590344

Up 2% without even trying. Why doesn't everyone sell calls, it's the easiest money in the world. Always be the House.

>> No.16590352

someday i'll work up the ambition to learn about options

>> No.16590365
File: 260 KB, 1069x1365, Screenshot_20191217-160617_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat. It's fine considering how much I went up yesterday. Still would have been nice to keep climbing.

>> No.16590367

just YOLO into a promising one then get fucked by trading being suspended on a friday afternoon forcing you to be stuck with them while the underlying stock bleeds to death, its fun.

>> No.16590368

You don't even really need to learn anything to sell them, you just need the seed cash to buy a hundred shares of something.

>> No.16590374
File: 165 KB, 1056x595, basubaru2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall slight red with a couple good bully moves on Celestica (+1% on resistance break through) and Ivanhoe Mines (+7.7%!). Other were nominal red. Starbucks -0.7% but filled the Dec. 12th gap in the chart and closed on buying trend. Gold continues to coil up tight; it's gonna break some kinda way pretty soon but who knows which direction.

Feel pretty good about my porto for now. No trades made today.

>> No.16590375
File: 323 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191217-161756_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did good. Gonna hold my axas throughout the week, it has been gaining steadily for the past 3 days.

>> No.16590379
Quoted by: >>16590409

if there is anything i've learned it's that there are a ton of strategies in the trading world and you can be successful with pretty much any of them (although some work better than others, obviously). it's one of the major things that makes this business so fascinating. you're just buying low selling high or shorting high covering low but there is so much depth and complexity to the strategy, i love it. like chess, easy to learn difficult to master.

>> No.16590397

>Why would you sell Apple?
Because lighthizer tweeted out “fuck china, we’re raising the tariffs” and I sidestepped a $40 loss from where I sold.
That’s now something like a $70 gain from where I sold, because I was too spooked to buy all the way down.

Pretty flat, sucks because I was up 2% earlier.

PEP is killing me, and I REALLY DO NOT LIKE that red closing bar. Should’ve been buying shares but the calls were hard to resist.

Also mrk getting smacked.

>> No.16590409

I think it's extremely fun to draw the direct comparisons between options and different casino games. Selling covered ootm calls is the safest shit I can imagine, and somehow it still is allowed to turn a 15% return, compounded monthly. Literally just running the table.

>> No.16590415

*5% fucked up that number

>> No.16590416

nooooo I was gonna buy and hold refr overnight but I was holding out for another 2.80s dip today, what a fucking waste

>> No.16590420

I don't think it was me. I mentioned trading it the other day. I got in at 500 shares @ 1.23 and out @ 1.62 after holding it waaaaaay too long. I got back in @ 1.59 for 250 shares because I think it'll do a little more yet for me.

Always after market recovery. Morning drop. Trades stable the rest of the day. Depending on what it does in aftermarket might try to drop them 1.70 tomorrow opening.

I don't think this would work for me because my broker executes orders like an idiot and I quite often get 'stuck' in trades or have to leave a broad spread to get a quick execution. Generally if I place an order at fractions of a penny bid/ask it'll sit a while.

>> No.16590428
File: 17 KB, 759x135, pays sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590513

oh, i was just warning people not to long the top because someone was once again shilling that stock hardcore that day.
I was just fucking around when I first chose my trip because my correct calls were just pointless here without a trip to remember, funny that it triggers some people. I will eventually change it so you feel less inferior.

>> No.16590436

If your broker is losing you money you should absolutely switch to someone better

>> No.16590443
File: 117 KB, 735x490, fat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd love it if amazon started paying out 2/3 of their net income as dividends

>> No.16590456
Quoted by: >>16590606

Coffee making time!

>> No.16590472
File: 789 KB, 1402x1430, Screenshot_20191217-131943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain AMRN at this point. It literally feels like a gamble just like the rest of the stock market and why I've been exiting to hopefully use my money in safer investments.

>> No.16590507
File: 30 KB, 940x489, unironicallyfuckmylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can join me in going down with the ship
>was doing fine until Dec 13th when trading on this piece of shit was halted

Gonna YOLO the last of my RH into some WSB shit and then delete it.

>> No.16590513
File: 95 KB, 1024x808, d92b4819fb5906c4acdc236da2ea4d36e5281eedd33ef2ad8a0c2258580c046e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares. Take off the trip.

>> No.16590515
Quoted by: >>16590530

This guy gets it.
My investment plan is Susie plain and tall. 70% Total Market Index and 30% bond.

My ishares ETF had a 42% ROR with a 0.5% expense ratio this year. I did nothing and know nothing. Just followed the bogleheads sticky like 5 years ago.

Woody Allen was right. 90% of life is just showing up.

>> No.16590529
Quoted by: >>16590591


Why not put it into something safe with some upside and growth potential while pondering on why your strategy fucked yiur shit all up and lost you money and then fixing it?

>> No.16590530
Quoted by: >>16590636

i've never bought a bond. What kind of bonds do you buy? Corporate?

>> No.16590538
File: 89 KB, 1304x392, mtnb brainlet collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590654

I don't think it was you.. that fag sold 50% of his position @ 1.84 after my post and then blamed me when it continued to go up. Told him he will bang his head against the wall for not selling the other half in the upcoming weeks but forgot to screencap this. The nerves of these absolute morons !

>> No.16590541

Approval was priced in after the November adcom meeting. The trading halt on Friday probably fucked us on the peak gains, but ultimately, it wasn't likely to break much beyond $30 at most and had that occurred we would still be back to where we are today.

>> No.16590543


>> No.16590580

i agree, the stock market basically is like gambling at a casino but you get to be the house instead of the player, you can put the odds incredibly strongly in your favor, a.k.a. "high probability setups". and there isn't just one way to do it, there are a lot of ways.

it's like the trap that trend traders usually fall into is that they want the whole trend and so they are willing to lose money when price doesn't trend. often by the time you can see a trend has ended, it's too late and you either lost a big chunk of the profits, or worse it was positive but now it's negative. but what if you just sold on the nearest candle that closed profitably? or 1x the ATR, an easy target? what if you had a system that could accurately tell you "idk how long this is going up/down, i can just tell you that it WILL go up/down with an extremely high probability, at least a little"? what if you just did this over and over again? something to ponder.

>> No.16590591

Imagine thinking I have a strategy.

>> No.16590606
Quoted by: >>16590665

Bruh you better ration that shit
Coffee futures surging

Explain it again?
Just remember to always be cautious of FOMO and FUD (greed and fear). Were you one of the posters sucking tbaby’s Dick over this shit?

When you have that many idiots talking about how certain they are that there’s no where to go but up, book some damn profits.

When you have people blaming the analysts and saying it’s the Jews fault and refusing to take a deeper look, you should take that as a major red flag.

Analysts are wrong all the time, but if a single analyst can hurt it that much, you might want to trim it when it bounces back.

Everyone blaming the trading halt is retarded. The halt probably drove it higher after hours because of buyout speculation.

And yes, the approval seemed likely so it was mostly baked in.

With biotech/pharma/fda approvals, the rule is buy the rumor and sell the news. Or, sell the launch.

Like I said earlier, the easy part is over for AMRN, now they have to get prescriptions to surge or they can’t justify that valuation.

Really... let’s play it safe tomorrow and book some profits, maybe buy something nice and cozy like QYLD and cash. Cash is like buying future opportunity.

>> No.16590636

Index. FXNAX. Don't listen to me man, I just followed the sticky.

Its got super low fees and a cumulative 10% ror over the past year. I am certain you can do bettter, but I am bullish on the US economy so a little biased. I am not buying individual bonds.

>> No.16590651
File: 440 KB, 626x722, bobo_lambo_chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590689


>> No.16590654

Okay I believe you to be a god of calls. Can you tell me something to buy tomorrow to get me out of this hole?

>> No.16590659
File: 34 KB, 412x199, Yoink+_74e46affc7ed66a6fdf350db9416aba7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, SNSS has behaving extremely weirdly lately. The extremely undervalued stock price, those 2 deals for their lesser value products, one right after the other, their stock price being held in place by MMs, the massive accumulation, the fact that early 400mg data is probably already in their hands, the fact that their website has not been updated to reflect these recent deals in their partnership tab... I don't wanna be "that guy" but I think there is a buyout coming. A for real buyout, not "The Holy Buyout" with AMRN.

Just food for thought. This many weird actions this quickly isn't a coincidence.

>> No.16590664
File: 61 KB, 1548x894, NAKD-Buy-Area-14dec19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590720

I swear, even though I posted this like 8 times before and how it got hit.. not a single one of you took the trade even when it went back down to make a higher low

>> No.16590665
File: 405 KB, 400x378, 1557372150768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590780

>Coffee futures surging

>> No.16590689
File: 186 KB, 1920x1200, 1562094075993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590844

Hey Bobo if you could inject some fear in to the market that'd be swell for the odds of gold breaking to the upside. thx.

>> No.16590700

So what should I do to prepare? I don't want to be caught with my pants down like with amrn.

>> No.16590720
File: 69 KB, 1443x753, nakd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol were you the nakd shill?

>> No.16590731

Has anyone tried shorting everything that gets shilled here? It would be an interesting experiment

>> No.16590735
File: 408 KB, 1550x1705, 16216546132447447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides just being downright fun, i feel the need to probably come back here some time in the future and do more technical analysis on whatever stocks you guys are talking about. the number of people losing money because they literally just listen to some random stranger tell them to buy AMRN and don't know wtf to do when it goes down makes me sad. the tools are right fucking there and even with the most basic of basic setups like i've shown in this very thread, you can generally avoid a lot of pitfalls like this. why the fuck some of you would gamble your hard earned money on a tip from a random anon, i have no fucking clue. the name of the game is consistency and predictability and you just throw that right out the window, it breaks my heart because it's entirely preventable if you weren't a lazy FOMO sack of shit that wants to get rich quick without putting any work in.

>> No.16590750

fuck off.

dont hold that negros bags.

>> No.16590751

No I started looking at it when I posted where I was going to enter, so just a few days ago

>> No.16590762
File: 59 KB, 564x566, 1565491161663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590783

Congrats, anon. You are now the proud author of future copypasta.

>> No.16590763

results would be the same. I open a short/buy a put=it will moon.

>> No.16590767

>the tools are right fucking there and even with the most basic of basic setups like i've shown in this very thread, you can generally avoid a lot of pitfalls like this

"just be psychic bro"

>> No.16590780
File: 80 KB, 942x382, Screen Shot 2019-12-17 at 1.41.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16590800





I know... it's a bummer man...

I like you.
Come back and post more.

>> No.16590783
Quoted by: >>16590792

i mean yes but he's also right

>> No.16590790

Avoid shorting illiquid penny stocks you never know when a random 15% pump will stop you out.
that's what i've been doing so far. put on a trip and start fighting the shills they will quickly start to hate you. only hate, not one thank you. hilarious.

>> No.16590792

>i mean yes but he's also right
good quality pasta usually is

>> No.16590797
File: 1.46 MB, 217x217, 1574640974527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called this on Friday. The people who bought it at the top on Friday and got caught in the dip are panicking right now and itching to sell. There will be another top soon. Wouldn't be surprised if it happens within the week (check volumes and order books). Set your limit buys/sells and stop losses accordingly boys. FFS

>> No.16590799
File: 168 KB, 1242x1318, 5CF97B64-67F7-49E6-8F55-C98076AC7751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to this company in 2005?
I’ve never seen a stock cost so much

>> No.16590800

There's a guy that locked in 700k on VIX yesterday and is going to lock in another 7 MILLION if VIX stays in the 12 area for another day I believe, I'm not sure though might be till Friday. But yeah, the big players..

>> No.16590815

My guess is tiny float. Meaning very limited number of shares available for trading from the start.

>> No.16590818


Reverse split most probably. That wasn’t their real price

>> No.16590819


> Not doing reverse splits until your company stock is literally one stock

>> No.16590835
File: 736 KB, 1720x966, 1574611577124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place a short when you see a breakout/top forming. It's the only way I have seen it done successfully. You're essentially shorting those FOMOing into a position. Fucking microcaps, man. How do they work?

>> No.16590837
Quoted by: >>16590887

Own shares, not calls.

>> No.16590844
File: 233 KB, 500x789, Muenchhausen_Herrfurth_7_500x789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fed: "we will reduce the balance sheet"
>2 hours later
>fed: "oh nvmd"
at least they are buying their own sheeit now

>> No.16590848

Bro, check TOPS

>> No.16590851

>aapl 6% drop after hours

of course

>> No.16590852

Any interesting cheapies? I got some cash laying around ,but literally everything I'd want to buy is at ,or slightly under ath. Simon group looks like a good buy, but God knows when that'll pay off+ I highly doubt I'll outperform indices with it in my portfolio.

Unironically buying canopy currently.

>> No.16590858

I only have 1 call on it, it expires in Jan. 2020. Once that is over I can fully pull out of the stock market. There's better investments out there for a guy like me.

>> No.16590862
File: 40 KB, 350x468, 1574728749941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold out of my position in this stock at a loss last week and missed the green dildo in after hours trading just now. Weak hands strong hands. Etc. You know the rest.

>> No.16590864

anyone ever see this before?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QozGSS7QY_U

if you don't know shit about the 2008 financial crisis you should really check it out. because i didn't and it's blowing my mind how fucking crazy that shit was, i had no idea. they even have george bush and obama talking in it.

>> No.16590873

dell or csco last time i checked are around relevant lows, or at least they were last week.

>> No.16590878





>> No.16590887

Are the prices going to go up, or will my shares just become money transferred? If the former, I might just sell at a dollar and take a measly profit where I can.

>> No.16590889
File: 1.76 MB, 400x225, weedmoney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically buying canopy currently.
Not a bad idea. It's doing an inverse head & shoulders and has not looked this strong since the start of the bear market in May. Good luck! I will likely be riding this bounce with you if my entry widgets agree in coming days.

>> No.16590894

Does it mention the Community Reinvestment Act? That usually gets left out when I watch stuff on 2008, and it always frustrates me that they don't even engage with it

>> No.16590912
Quoted by: >>16590950

Can someone explain please? Another pump n dump penny stock or are we expecting BIG earnings this thursday????

>> No.16590949
File: 1.05 MB, 320x240, 1573157514072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It was a based doc. Financial engineering became one of my favorite subjects/topics after experiencing it all go down in 2008 as a young high school kid. If you get a chance, scan through these:

The last two are particularly good. A young Jamie Dimon of JPM and Lloyd the Mad Lad Blankfein of Goldman getting grilled about the whole thing. Lloyd Blankfein earned my respect and admiration after sitting through these hearings and fighting back and defending the Goldman fort.

>> No.16590950
Quoted by: >>16591022

just a dying stock you shouldn't even consider looking, even if it does a 30% pump

>> No.16591022

You don't buy and hold these things. You swing trade them. Come on anon. Keep up.