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File: 274 KB, 750x762, BAED5B37-2772-422A-8A04-5BE64204C46C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11159622 No.11159622 [Reply] [Original]

Sitting on the front porch on a foggy morning edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Open]

Suggested books:

Previous thread: >>11153717

>> No.11159638
Quoted by: >>11159663

I need a fucking drink. I can't remember the last time I had a drink.

>> No.11159641

Just spent 600 dollars of shares on ECR.

>> No.11159646
File: 149 KB, 700x700, 1418711581478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11159657

All my gains today are gone!

>> No.11159651
Quoted by: >>11159678

I bought some. Looks like something fun to do.

>> No.11159654
Quoted by: >>11159678

Dropped 200 cheers dude hopefully it does work

>> No.11159657

me too, there's still like all fucking day, and I don't even want to fucking trade anymore.

>> No.11159658


>> No.11159663
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>> No.11159677
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and the TQQQ

>> No.11159678

Did you guys buy cause biz said to or is there some other reason

>> No.11159679

NBEV is completely shitting the bed as we speak.

>> No.11159680

Go long on GTXI, don't buy the common stock, just get a cheap Feb 19' call and ride it out.

Victim of investor panic, dropped 94% in a day.

If you're risk averse buy VOO and let the good times roll.

>> No.11159684

Got anything stronger? I don't want to remember.

>> No.11159691
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>> No.11159692
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Who needs shares when you have degenerate option gambling?

>> No.11159693
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1535242532985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh me plan 4 2 day was awful
Usally SPY and futures am only 10-20 cent difference but now they whole dollar difference ;_;

>> No.11159696

Back in NBEV at 6.35.

>> No.11159697
Quoted by: >>11159703

Recommend some ETFs without AAPL, GOOG, other world destroying companies

>> No.11159698

Usually i do the opposite of what biz tells me unless they got good sources.
Last thread some anon dropped some info on it

>> No.11159701

the whole markets kind of a bloodbath rn

>> No.11159703
Quoted by: >>11159733

Enjoy your just and well measured gains anon. We're all going to make it.

Nope, just buy VTI if you want to diversify away from the titans.

>> No.11159709
File: 39 KB, 500x493, SAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought NBEV was supposed to keep going up. Is this a false breakdown, or is the ride just over now?
Glad I didn't put more than $40 in, but still kind of frustrated.

>> No.11159717

Cheap long calls are the name of the game with meme stocks and /biz/ trends. Aside from AMD. AMD is love, AMD is life.

>> No.11159722
Quoted by: >>11159808


>> No.11159727

Worth going for long gains or is this just a quick flip?

>> No.11159730

Thanks to the fren that told me to pick up XOP calls, +50%. Only thing green right now.

>> No.11159733

VTI is not what I want. I’m talking small cap/mid cap stuff anything with zero AAPL, GOOG, FB, etc. I realize I’m answering my own question but I’m looking for other ideas.

>> No.11159735

Panic sellers following weekend profit takers.
Its going back up but rough ride ahead.

>> No.11159739
Quoted by: >>11159792

I dropped 200 on it and it's stuck in the same price

>> No.11159741
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>> No.11159766
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>tfw I'm having a green day.

Hows those gambles going for you friends

>> No.11159776

They're going to get stuff out of the ground in Appalachia.

>> No.11159792

why the fuck are you morons buying ECR
just because it's merging with BRMR a fucking OTC stock? The only ones getting a deal are BRMR since they'll get 4 shares per BRMR share they own

>> No.11159804

The QQQ is going down, but bonds are going up. If it weren't for the oil/gas shiller yesterday I'd be red right now.

>> No.11159805


>> No.11159808

Not gonna drop (meaningfully) until end of the month when big money sells out.
Then they'll buy back in for cheap before the pre-earnings hype train.

>> No.11159809
File: 247 KB, 378x406, 1537203344880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step away from trading because of grad school
>AMD up 130% from when I was last active

>> No.11159816

The only philosophical advice you need about trading

>> No.11159858
Quoted by: >>11159918

Hate those days when one stock is keeping you green then it drops out from under you.

>> No.11159864

TNDM don't stop

>> No.11159876
Quoted by: >>11159945

Shit up nigger I just made ten bucks for doing nothing and now I'm gonna use it to rent your mom's mouth.

>> No.11159905
Quoted by: >>11159917

You're supposed to buy the weed meme ASAP and then get the fuck out ASAP

It's literally all just hype that comes to a screeching halt the second things start going south even just a little bit

>> No.11159909
Quoted by: >>11159958


>> No.11159917

I don't know, this my third NBEV trip of the week and it's been pretty easy money.

>> No.11159918

You bought XYF too huh

>> No.11159925
File: 211 KB, 730x783, 1525800436263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160005

IGC 3.54$, in fact all my stocks are green. 600 bucks today.

>> No.11159945
Quoted by: >>11160042

The right time to buy was Sept. 18
it's back at 1.30 now
enjoy your short term bagholding

>> No.11159953
Quoted by: >>11159996

Tilray on discount

>> No.11159958

>when the dollar is this strong

>> No.11159970
Quoted by: >>11160032


>> No.11159985

Hypothetically speaking, if the FED decided to do something crazy next week and raise the rate of interests, wouldn't this cause markets to sell off and increase the strength of the dollar even further since there would be such a run on cash while everybody is cashing out?

>> No.11159996
Quoted by: >>11160009

Tilray on a discount is 50 dollars a share

>> No.11159997

>something crazy next week and raise the rate of interests

isn't that already priced in? it's confirmed they're going to raise rates more

>> No.11160005
Quoted by: >>11160027

I sold IGC at $1.60 and watched it drop to $1.10 idk how the fuck it goes up so hard so fast

>> No.11160009

senpai no :(

>> No.11160017

/biz/ said it. I just decided to go with it if it goes above 2 I’ll sell immediately

>> No.11160027
Quoted by: >>11160173

Gotta pay attention. A stock that flies under the radar at that price attracts huge whales.

>> No.11160028
File: 279 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180921-094728_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160039

It was at plus $20 and now its minus $30 I fucking hate this stock but I'm gonna hold until December

>> No.11160032
Quoted by: >>11160073

Higher Interest rates usually brings money into the country because now it's a valuable investment to outsiders. Higher Interest = more money from Investments (especially compared to interest from other countries).

Higher Interest means a stronger dollar yes, but there's a lot more factors to the dollar than just that.

I won't hold my breath

>> No.11160035

So I hope everyone GTFO of tilray two days ago.

>> No.11160039
Quoted by: >>11160053

TQQQ isnt a stock

its an ETF

and a way of life

>> No.11160042
Quoted by: >>11160209

We'll just have to see how good the cocksucking is.
I made ten bucks and got out. What the fuck do you care?

>> No.11160053

Fuck you nigger I know how to read stop shilling it I got like a month ago at what I thought was a good low and went straight red since

>> No.11160073

You need to listen to some Peter Schiff informative podcasts

>> No.11160074

I just got the fuck out of C and switched to BAC I don't care if the interest rates are going up C was up like 6% over 3 days that shit was not lasting. Just take my 100 bucks and go somewhere else for the interest rate spike.

>> No.11160075
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Quoted by: >>11160100

You could have listened to me and shorted the nasdaq while I was telling you yesterday. You should have listened.

>> No.11160088
File: 80 KB, 640x1136, 823EA659-DF89-4EA9-B092-F643B1D32F5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based Robinhood

>> No.11160100
File: 451 KB, 1920x1080, 1536792710683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160116

Buy the dip

>> No.11160109
Quoted by: >>11160221

Nice move anon

>> No.11160116
File: 509 KB, 952x430, 1523537783970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160141

The dip isn't over.

>> No.11160124
Quoted by: >>11160221

Congratulations, sir. That is awesome.

>> No.11160126
Quoted by: >>11160221


>> No.11160141
Quoted by: >>11160167

we're getting a fresh speedy delivery of Green candlesticks in 30 minutes

>> No.11160146

I like the idea of options but feel like its a rigged system. When markets can be moved with a very small amount of shares but a lot of value in options depends on a strike price, I can't imagine someone isn't gaming the system. I expect TSLA to drop on monday like a rock thanks to monthlys expiring on friday.

>> No.11160167
File: 20 KB, 423x327, 1524082632697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160553

Cancel that delivery of green candles. I need a custom made red candle that's about $20 long and 5 minutes wide.

>> No.11160173
Quoted by: >>11160704

Do you think it could still go up?

>> No.11160191
Quoted by: >>11160366

>Sold at $8.80
I'm not the luckiest man alive...well I'm up there.

>> No.11160193
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>> No.11160208
Quoted by: >>11160217

Shorting tesla with leverage @ $300.

>> No.11160209

Because there are faggots that bought the bags you just sold.

>> No.11160215
File: 209 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180921-100351_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this piece of art "Poorfags wild ride"

>> No.11160217

please do.

>> No.11160221



>> No.11160223

It's definitely manipulated. You can pull price down by selling puts and pull it up by selling calls. That's not supply/demand imbalances either like clearing the bids or offers. That's the stock price responding to the option stats. The U.S. market in general is absurdly corrupt for as big and popular as it is. It has the characteristics you would expect if a stock market opened in Somalia. You can somewhat learn to play around it, but it's absolutely a rigged game.

>> No.11160224

I can't stop laughing.

>> No.11160233

Breaking even.
Had an amazing 4 days, its bound to happen, especially when ~30% is in commodities.

>> No.11160243

Anyone else sell their GALT shares? Can’t trust it

>> No.11160260
File: 316 KB, 600x600, ezgif-1-b3d2af73f9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160529

I have a feeling AMD's gonna crash soon, should probably sell on monday.

>> No.11160275
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anyone else want to kill themselves after a bad trade?

>> No.11160288
File: 34 KB, 615x446, 18-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160299

I am going to have access to $30,000 at the end of the year. Do I pump it into a comfy accumulating ETF or do I build a portfolio of dividend aristocrats? I have picked about 30 blue chips already. I'm worried I might "miss out" on dividends if I don't go that route immediately, but that might be some psychological fallacy.

>> No.11160289

No, I just bought more.

>> No.11160299

the thing that matter much more than what you buy is when you buy. if you're coming into that kind of money you need to get a good price and not buy a top. wait for the big dip in the next year or so and go ham

>> No.11160309

i'm on margin on 4 shit companies sitting at 20% loss right now holding. and it's costing my money to borrow on margin every day. shit tanked on all of them immediately after buying. and i tried diversifying. it's like my broker watches my account for what to destroy in the market.

>> No.11160318
File: 193 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180921-081314_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better.

>> No.11160321

It's definitely rigged, but you just need to think about the other players and what their moves would be if you were in their shoes. If you bet with the ones in control, you can ride their coattails and stay green overall despite incorrect predictions. Just imagine you had billions at your disposal, and you want max profit from market sentiment.
Like AMDs movement this week. Hold the price down, build position slowly for cheap, write puts for end of week, then let it ride up on Friday.

>> No.11160329

Suit yourself.

>> No.11160337 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 503x348, Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 1.40.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's "The Learning Curve"
We both did good buddy.

>> No.11160358
File: 26 KB, 691x309, 10:14:18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160428

Mine's "The Learning Curve"
We're gonna make it bros, good job.
No one else though.

>> No.11160364

Depends on what you consider to be a bad trade. If I overtrade or do something I know is objectively bad form and it costs me a positive day, widens my deficit for the day where I'd have to trade like a God to breakeven, or something along those lines, I have gotten pretty close to choke slamming my monitor. If I saw something that looked like a good opportunity and it doesn't work, it's a little annoying, but I move past on most days. It's lose lose though. You miss a trade you feel like shit and you're like "why did you hesitate?" You enter a trade and it doesn't work and you're like "why didn't you wait?" You'll drive yourself mental if you don't have some structure for what constitutes a "good trade" other than whether or not it wins or loses.

>> No.11160366

Bought at 4.10 and sold at 6.14, felt pretty good. Can't complain.

>> No.11160385
Quoted by: >>11160412

No, I have accepted the fact that as long as I'm alive the ride never fucking ends.

>> No.11160401
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>> No.11160407

lol hell yea

>> No.11160412


>> No.11160418

I made triple gains from ~$500 on McAfee's shenanigans in 2016

>> No.11160428
File: 12 KB, 705x356, fde88338db0770369136d1bfb6c6a373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dub this one "Newfag learns what options are for the first time"

>> No.11160451
File: 28 KB, 398x553, 1492083896554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone familiar with Antibe Therapeutics (ATE.V)? It is a Canadian biotech developing an NSAID drug that is meant to be a gastric-friendly alternative to the current options on the market like, for example, Naproxen. They succesfully completed a phase 2 trial some months back with quite splendid results. After the successful trial their share price skyrocketed only to recede all the way back down to pre-trial levels.

They recently closed a deal with a large Korean pharmaceutical retailer and are on the brink of starting their second phase two trial. SP movement has been great for the past few days and there has also been encouraging insider buying. All in all, they appear very largely undervalued and poised for future success.

>> No.11160453

Short the vix, buy TQQQ

>> No.11160468
File: 289 KB, 448x256, E6FADE9C-E0E6-45AB-9BC0-BC50C43AE8CC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started trading a few months ago and already in the hole 2 grand. How much money did you guys lose before you started figuring things out?

>> No.11160471

How have you not killed yourself, that's a fucking rollercoaster.
I thought I had to learn fast, shit.

>> No.11160490

1 1/2 weeks.
I'm mensa tested for 156 though, so you might be par for the course, I dunno.

>> No.11160491
Quoted by: >>11160518

i'm using an asinine amount of leverage and the memfolio has only changed 4%. Like fucking do something already.

>> No.11160492

nothing, because I don't sell stocks, I accumulate stocks for their price appreciation over time, dividends (reinvested), capital gains (reinvested) and dividend hikes. this is a long con, not a get rich quick scheme

>> No.11160502
File: 42 KB, 479x750, 96706b2928d4d62afa6d3071cedf2409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/4th of initial investments from attempting to day trade except it was panic buying and panic selling

>> No.11160506

That's when you step back, look at what you did and what brought you to your decisions, and assessing your buying techniques.

>> No.11160510

about that much

>> No.11160518
Quoted by: >>11160585

when are you going to switch to the boomer way of things and letting your money work for you instead of you working to lose your money?

>> No.11160527

I'll read up on it later today.

>> No.11160529

Crash averted, go home.

>> No.11160531
File: 67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180921-113015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160569

I'll call mine Mama Su's wild ride

>> No.11160535
File: 200 KB, 750x1334, E09AE1CB-DBE7-4757-B805-EA0FF62672AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting poorfag wild rides

>> No.11160553
File: 95 KB, 1038x576, papajohns-1038x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go sir
You ordered the green right?

>> No.11160557

>+0.77% past year

i find more money in my couch every month

>> No.11160559

top kek

>> No.11160560
File: 11 KB, 705x318, f2e0fe78da3acfab626e149dfbbc3f40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wild ride
I call it bold and crash

>> No.11160569
Quoted by: >>11160684


>> No.11160581

Why didn't you sell AMD?

>> No.11160582

Keep this stuff coming. Always love to read and take a risk on these companies with high potential

>> No.11160585
Quoted by: >>11160613

after I make my millions in the crash and have the opportunity to buy in at the low.

>> No.11160592
File: 108 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180921-113537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Retarded Robinhood, Chart Fucked Forever"

>> No.11160601
File: 88 KB, 750x1334, 9_21_2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my graph was green

>> No.11160609
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>> No.11160613

My law school professor made a boatload during the last crash

>> No.11160616
File: 194 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180921-103814_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least its green?

>> No.11160619


>> No.11160624

6-12 months on average. Some are way shorter, especially when you have a good mentor who is a successful trader themselves (none of this 'educator' shit) and some are longer. It's an agonizing process. You improve almost imperceptibly slow, you have no idea how good you can get, and you don't remember how bad you were. You lose money for a while, then you make nothing for a while, then you make a little money, then you make more money. That's what they say. What they don't tell you is that while you're making nothing, you're still sometimes losing money. While you're making a little you're still sometimes making nothing. And so on. If you were a physician for as long as you were trading where would you be in your career? I'm guessing still in your first year of med school. Trading's advantage is that despite how excruciating it is, the rewards are practically boundless. I'd be surprised though if every professional trader at one point or another hasn't seriously considered quitting or worse.

>> No.11160634

Any hot takes on SMG? The boomer metrics shit on E-Trade is telling me not to buy it

>> No.11160635
Quoted by: >>11160662

please explain this sorcery

>> No.11160637
File: 70 KB, 735x900, original_138272615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another upgrade

>> No.11160639

Down 15 grand. I thought reality mattered but people can just vote you out of your money.

>> No.11160640
Quoted by: >>11160675



>> No.11160651
File: 63 KB, 1080x1436, Screenshot_20180921-104011_Robinhood~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160665

"I am a genius!

Oh no!"

>> No.11160652
Quoted by: >>11160679

Also around $1,500. Most of which was the first and second month. The first month because I was sized up too much and the second month because I sort of thought I knew what I was doing, but commissions were dismantling me.

>> No.11160657
File: 187 KB, 1119x584, 1535306139857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160737

Me had 140% up max leverage margin trade on poloniex for XRP and went tried to close it got temp banned ;_;

>> No.11160662

Just call me Retarded Gambler

>> No.11160665


>> No.11160666

So when is ECR expected to surge?

>> No.11160675
Quoted by: >>11160763


Play this when you get good gains

>> No.11160678
Quoted by: >>11160900

Never. Anon was bamboozling us.

>> No.11160679

>but commissions were dismantling me.
>not using robinhood

>> No.11160684

Only shares I still own are 500 HMNY I bought as a meme/lotto ticket

>> No.11160692

did terrorists crash planes into your twin towers or something?

>> No.11160697
File: 65 KB, 616x506, Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 9.43.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy ITW in August of 2018


>> No.11160704
Quoted by: >>11160826

Well i already sold half my shares, and got back my initial investment. At this price i wouldnt risk buying in.

>> No.11160712
File: 23 KB, 892x492, Screenshot-2018-9-21 Portfolio - $14,993 84 Robinhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160752

Eternal Limbo

>> No.11160737
Quoted by: >>11160758

>trading crypto again
remember when you were so sad about your fucked up BTC idea last month?

>> No.11160742

Somebody just took all my TLT puts right before I could raise my ask. I think I understand how Kavanaugh's accuser felt that night 30 years ago.

>> No.11160743
Quoted by: >>11160946

This is not a quick couple of day flip. ECR is more of a long play. There are literally no analysts out there that think this is a bad buy. If you don't like it don't buy it but you'll be super butt hurt when you miss out on gains. There is a nice dip today to get in on.

>> No.11160745

are we really that special or is it just survivor bias? I can't believe what I read that the average investor only makes 1.5% a year. they'd literally be better just buying bonds and fucking off. that can't be right can it?

>> No.11160752
File: 15 KB, 760x364, nothing fancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160913

Weak hands?

I'm sitting on a few long calls, so nothing special on my end yet

>> No.11160758

Yes but this difference
Me master XRP trader

To be defeated by poloniex being pos ot awful

>> No.11160763

No, that's gay.

>> No.11160765

90% of investors lose money when investing. The last 10% make all the gains so the average is 1.5% per person

>> No.11160771
File: 13 KB, 689x346, DumbIdiotGetsLucky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11160772
Quoted by: >>11160805

I made 25% in just this month + half of last month. There id no way 1.5% is the average.

>> No.11160777
Quoted by: >>11160794

Averages over bull and bear markets. There has not been a significant drawdown since the people in this thread started investing. Everyone thinks they are a genius in a bull market.

>> No.11160789
Quoted by: >>11160819

this can't be right, can it?

I've been averaging 10%+ per year over the last decade. how do people lose money in a golden bull run unless they've got 24 chromosomes?

>> No.11160794
Quoted by: >>11160852

given that stocks are generally good assets, anyone with the will to hold through the next recession will still be smarter than the average normie

>> No.11160796

You namefagged perfectly.
That's not even remotely true.
Most people make 3-5% because most people are boomers who buy low and hold forever or professional swing traders who constantly build longs on deep dips.
Just do that and you're guaranteed 3% on initial every bull year.

>> No.11160805
File: 161 KB, 1440x1693, 20180921_105246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160817

Forgot pic. I have another 13k in Ameritrade thats up 20%.

>> No.11160815
File: 332 KB, 1280x1707, 22352e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all should've been buying MU this morning. SNE dipped for no raisin too.

>> No.11160816

I got VXX calls for next week. Starting to prepare my shit post spread for maximum Powell power.

>> No.11160817

you hit ALT and AMD didn't you

>> No.11160819

You must not get out much. Most people have no idea how systems like the market work.

>> No.11160826


I always end up buying high

>> No.11160834
Quoted by: >>11160867

This, I tell my normie friends I have money in the market and they look at me like I'm an alchemist.

>> No.11160845
File: 2.39 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for the Lunchtime Checkup!

What're you eating how're you doing?

I'm having a thick roast beef and Colby on WEAT. I'm up like 10% today on GIS so that's nice. Get some good feels going for the weekend!

>> No.11160852

If people purchase on margin or with leverage, as many here do, they will be liquidated in the next major drawdown. You cannot hold if there is nothing left to hold.

>> No.11160857

Hey guys can you help me?
I need to know if 'Book Value of Common Share' means the same as 'book value per share'?

>> No.11160864

Leftover grilled cheese

I started the day up, then dropped down a bit, now I'm almost back to even.

>> No.11160866

>implying my gains are because i'm good at this

i just let my mutual funds work. picked some really good ones and they've blessed me with holy gains

my divvy portfolio i manage hasn't fared as well, but still around 6-7% return

>> No.11160867

When I told my parents that I had started trading on the stock market they both got super scared and tried to warn me away from it saying it was dangerous and everyone who isn't a millionaire with inside information loses money kek

>> No.11160872

Based siggi's. Haven't eaten anything yet but I bought some more shares of ECR and I'm just patiently waiting.

>> No.11160876

eating xanax, freaking out trying to figure out how i'll make my money back

>> No.11160879
Quoted by: >>11160965

I shorted NBEV perfectly and just bought back in for less than I paid.
I already made 30% off weedsters and I'm thinking about doubling down.

>> No.11160880
File: 193 KB, 264x283, think (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11160965

I know your password

>> No.11160882

lunchbro is a godsend

>> No.11160887
Quoted by: >>11160965

You're early! Coffee kratom, the usual. I'm getting a buwwito with my friends later today though. I love that 'nilla 'nola, but it has too much sugar to eat not as a special treat

>> No.11160891

>they'd literally be better just buying bonds and fucking off.
there’s always some safe and steady investment will look better than trying to do a bunch of fancy footwork options daytrading

>> No.11160892

pamp eet

>> No.11160900
File: 17 KB, 495x362, 1522428788151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curses. /biz'd/ again!

>> No.11160913
Quoted by: >>11160949

yeah I guess, and bag-holding meme stocks...

For every gain, I'd FOMO into more losses like TSLA NLST MNKD and now ECR

>> No.11160914

Look at the debt levels.
Look at the cash running away from the company.
Look at who's buying them. They're getting Cox'd.
Why do you faggots never do your research you had all night to do it before market open.

>"As previously announced on June 18, 2018, the EGC Board of Directors unanimously approved a merger transaction with affiliates of Cox, an independent, privately-held entity that owns and operates assets in the Gulf of Mexico. Pursuant to the terms of the merger agreement, Cox will acquire all the outstanding shares of EGC common stock for $9.10 per fully diluted share in cash, for a total consideration of approximately $322 million. This represents a 21% premium to EGC’s closing share price on June 15, 2018."

>> No.11160937
File: 63 KB, 309x333, 1537110101150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy MYOS anon!

>> No.11160944
File: 15 KB, 759x367, all time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luckily, I was smart enough to stick with low volatility stocks and not put a huge sum of money into my brokerage account when I was first figuring things out. The huge spike is GALT.

>> No.11160946

Even with news of a merger, I don't like companies with that much uneven debt. Good luck to all bagholders.

>> No.11160949

You guys panic too much and are impatient. If your hands are that weak sell now and you only take a loss of basically .02 a share. You're getting scared by FUD from one angsty anon.

>> No.11160950
File: 7 KB, 257x196, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone buying ASTC?! They're mooning right now and earnings is Monday pre-market.

>> No.11160965
File: 2.43 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint, I played NBEV back in like February

Shhhh, it's a secret! It's just for changing signage from open to closed, nothing important.

Yea, boss is gone today so I'm filling in

>> No.11160969
Quoted by: >>11161056

Can someone explain specifically why I should buy ECR? Missed it in previous thread

>> No.11160973


investing should be emotionless. its based on financials and outlook, not whether the price goes up or down in a single day.

just buy and hodl long term and you can make it. I could go straight NEET right now and still keep my house because of my divides and capital gains (albeit eating ramen every day).

don't try and beat the market yourself. let a professional do that or it will beat you.

>> No.11160982
Quoted by: >>11161001

Is that a rail road bridge in the back?

>> No.11161001
Quoted by: >>11161039

Nah, it's the aerial lift bridge, it just does car and foot traffic over to park point. Behind it in the bay is all the rail bridges for taconite and stuff.

>> No.11161011
File: 954 KB, 480x360, 1487206877087.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11161050

That looks comfy right about now. What state are you in?

>> No.11161028

Just hold if you're already bagholding, it's your lot in life. Also, there's a reverse split going into effect. Remember ALT? It's another ALT. Except it's going into a merger.

>> No.11161039

We have one that looks the same but it’s for rail traffic. It stays down till the ships come to the little port we have.

>> No.11161043
Quoted by: >>11161076

eh... most of my losses come from buying too high. I'm a fucking moron so I FOMO bought TSLA at ATH, and I caught MNKD and NLST just as it was going down (forever).

The only time I had weak hands was when I sold ALT for 16, which only hurt a little b/c I only had 7 shares after the rs.

>> No.11161046
File: 201 KB, 1241x919, F0DDCF42-8024-4367-A28B-C35B70337698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that bagholding shill lost it

>> No.11161050
File: 1.93 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11161079

Northern Minnesota, right on Lake Superior.

>> No.11161056

I've gone over it a million times now, if you want to know, look up the Forbes article on it

>> No.11161064

merger rumor

>> No.11161067

Reminder for HMNY shareholders to to vote Yes on the 500 to 1 reverse split

>> No.11161076
Quoted by: >>11161094

The perfect time to buy ALT was right after the reverse split. Why did you fucking buy before that? I'm going to do the same for this. BRMR is going to explode in the weeks following the merger.

>> No.11161079
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Quoted by: >>11161135

Looks comfy, maybe I'll go there some day

>> No.11161087

>daily Rite Aid posts
>gone after that incident
someone needs to tell him you cant pump a stock by bringing a pump action to their office

>> No.11161094
Quoted by: >>11161117

I don't blame him. I expected ALT to get absolutely pegged by short sellers right after the r/s like most stocks do.

>> No.11161095

It was a woman.

>> No.11161107

FINALLY some gender parity in mass murder incidents

>> No.11161108
File: 1.36 MB, 540x360, 1536221428087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have started placing small feeler orders in to RIV in the low $8 range. It appears to be establishing some kind of low support.

Otherwise no positions. Just flipping warrants here and there when they lag or frontrun the commons on whatever ticker.

>> No.11161109 [DELETED] 

>This shooting in MD this month

>> No.11161117
Quoted by: >>11161161

ALT isn't a HMNY though it's a bio meme with a future if you did your research on what they're going to market in. That should've been an indicator. A risky one but a positive one nonetheless.

>> No.11161127

thats pretty progressive

>> No.11161132
File: 177 KB, 1100x950, 1537062094277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11161165

>fem anon gives bad advice
Imagine my shock

>> No.11161135
File: 2.53 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very nice, I work first shift so when we get a snowstorm I get to trailblaze my way to the city and it's really comfy. The sound of crunching snow as I plow through with my truck and the sound of my heater on full bore.

>> No.11161146
File: 388 KB, 1242x2208, 5143FF8B-A4DE-4D18-A69C-8DF650E4755A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11162762

Good job anon wish I had your foresite

>> No.11161149
File: 79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-09-21-12-04-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11162466

Did i fucked up buying this /biz/?

>> No.11161152
File: 496 KB, 500x333, beavis and butthead do america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11161218

am i fucking retarded for day trading?
feels like i'm just playing the slot machines sometimes.

>> No.11161161
Quoted by: >>11161186

Be that as it may, ALT fucked so many bagholders that there are still people underwater from it. He'll I even held ALT for several months and it did nothing but lose money. To high risk and far too often there are no rewards with. Bio memes.

>> No.11161164
File: 71 KB, 535x462, 34802721-1E97-4110-ACBF-8B999067C336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone needs to tell him you cant pump a stock by bringing a pump action to their office

>> No.11161165
File: 59 KB, 457x234, B5C856A6-1C59-4D39-96BC-01CADCF5ABF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking delet this

>> No.11161186

That's why whenever you hear the words reverse split, fucking pray for an escape rally or bail out at once and watch market sentiment post-RS. It's what I did for ALT, I fucking hit eject.

>> No.11161218

Day trading is fucked, and is similar to slots unless you do it fulltime. Try position trading, much easier.

>> No.11161253
Quoted by: >>11161286

getting ready for shit post week currently short gold, short china, short tech, short bonds, long energy and volatility.

>> No.11161273
File: 148 KB, 702x1024, EC27E9A4-14D8-40C1-8A08-79EB0A2277CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a tranny. FtM I believe

>> No.11161280

Based JNJ keeping me green

>> No.11161286
Quoted by: >>11161297

Funny legs you're on your second day of full /doom/ and you have yet to tell me what's prompted it. Are you playing more pranks now that the jewish holiday is done?

>> No.11161292

Why don't they stick to just killing themselves like god intended?

>> No.11161297

I think it's because I haven't had a drink since sunday.

>> No.11161312

TILRAY is the s&p 500 of weed stocks. if that crashed then everything else crashed. I got out first thing in the morning because of TILRAY.

>> No.11161319

China news killing SPY

>> No.11161318
Quoted by: >>11161428

I'm past a month sober, you should try it! My tummy and liver don't hurt everyday and I'm actually thinking clearly for the first time in three years.
Nice to see diversity and representation in the field of mass-murder. *black clapping hand emoji*

>> No.11161326
Quoted by: >>11161428

Good work. Drinking is pretty much ruining my life, i've been slowly inserting non drinking days during the week and hope to kick the fucking poison permanently. I know in general you are a degenerate, but good for you

>> No.11161336
Quoted by: >>11161603


>> No.11161356

Anybody playing the dead cat bounce on GTXI? I'm waiting to pull the trigger and get in at $1.85

>> No.11161428
Quoted by: >>11161444

I'm not trying to be sober, I just don't know what the fuck is going on. I haven't had a drink since Sunday for some reason. I've been going home everyday and it's like I don't even think about going to the packy and drive past it.

>> No.11161444

Start drinking sugar free monster baggy, they will heal you

>> No.11161493
Quoted by: >>11161513

Bulls should be coming back from graze any minute

>> No.11161505

>Live a counter cultural lifestyle
>Complain of feeling alienated

I hate people

>> No.11161513

When we told the kids we put them out to pasture it was just to protect them from the fact we actually took them to the slaughter house.

>> No.11161591
Quoted by: >>11161608

It is a balancing act. Some people want to be included and feel accepted, but also have countercultural cred.

On that note, what element/levers govern the pricing of calls/puts on a 6mo+ timeframe?

>> No.11161603

TWTR and SNAP are memes, FB is the only long term hold here.

>> No.11161604

The short version of that is being fucking attention whores. I didn't read up on the shooting but I hope the police killed that wretched creature.

>> No.11161608
Quoted by: >>11161623

supply and demand

>> No.11161619
File: 38 KB, 586x645, dod2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11161623

based and redpilled

>> No.11161665
File: 109 KB, 500x400, 222417F4-60ED-4001-A44E-697420AC0843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11161681
Quoted by: >>11161702

Why the hype over DOD?
It barely outperforms VOO or any other index.

>> No.11161702
Quoted by: >>11161735

it outperforms vtsax and has random special pumps
Im going with DOD

>> No.11161703

Gay by TQQQ

>> No.11161717

Holy fuck I'm retarded
>american education

>> No.11161723

It's just like any other index fund. It's safe barring any major crash.

>> No.11161729

Im stuffing my bags full of TQQ FNGU and LABU by the minute Im going to be Rich as fuck

>> No.11161730
Quoted by: >>11161752

Freudian slip

>> No.11161735

The short term capital gains tax is painful thought. Thinking of doubling down on a Long call for GTXI.

Otherwise might use my remaining play pennies for /biz/ meme stocks.

>> No.11161745
Quoted by: >>11161775

Hi friends, been away from smg for a few weeks did anything good happen?

>> No.11161752
File: 19 KB, 480x360, sometiiiimeeesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11161778

TQQQ is a strictly heterosexual ETF, that's why I don't have any

>> No.11161755
File: 153 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180921-131311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slept in until 12:30
Fucking hell amazon, MU, memes

>> No.11161757
Quoted by: >>11161773

I would buy FNGU and LABU but they will be out preformed by TQQQ, the opportunity cost is too high

>> No.11161759

All of those are riding high, why not wait for dips?

>> No.11161763

Classic FOMO

>> No.11161772


>> No.11161773
Quoted by: >>11161782

Real questions to ask yourself: What happens to TQQQ if FANG has a 25% drawdown in 1 day?

>> No.11161775

Look at the 1w on TLRY and NBEV

>> No.11161776
Quoted by: >>11161784

I did buy the dips
Not that it matters because its going up 1000% by 2020

>> No.11161778
File: 611 KB, 1151x1000, 1487538646144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all 3x leveraged ETFs are retarded, imo
the only S&P500 ETF I intend to buy is SH when the bull market ends

>> No.11161782
Quoted by: >>11161802

Then it's on sale and you buy more you nigger

>> No.11161784
Quoted by: >>11161799

>Not that it matters because its going up 1000% by 2020 from 2019 lows.


>> No.11161799
File: 48 KB, 598x737, tqqq5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. What am I going to do with all this cash?

>> No.11161802
Quoted by: >>11161813

But why aren't you fully invested already if it has such great returns? And what if it drops another 15-20% over the following week like during other crashes?

>> No.11161804
Quoted by: >>11161821

Most likely hold to long and lose everything from greed. Just being realistic.

>> No.11161813

I have a fucking job to constantly pump more capital into TQQQ
If you aren't constantly buying more TQQQ then you aren't going to make it

>> No.11161821
Quoted by: >>11161842

Buffet says to buy when people are greedy

>> No.11161834
Quoted by: >>11161871

lets say you hold AMZN and Bezos pumps it from $1,000 to $10,000 over 5 years. Then you realize you need to spend $1,000 on some thing or other. Coincidentally, you just got a $1,000 paycheck. Is it better to use the $1k cash or to sell $1k of AMZN to cover the costs?

>> No.11161841
Quoted by: >>11161856

Take some gains now, throw them in VOO or VTI, then ride the dragon.

>> No.11161842
File: 5 KB, 224x224, mr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, no he says sell greed buy fear

>> No.11161852
Quoted by: >>11161867

>The Joke

>> No.11161856
Quoted by: >>11161866

more like wait too long to sell and start chasing the dragon

>> No.11161866

Hence why he should sell a bit now to get some solid gains locked in with indexes

>> No.11161867

Well that wasn't a very funny joke...

>> No.11161871
Quoted by: >>11161891

Cash = depreciating asset
>AMZN (as of yet) = appreciating asset
You tell me

>> No.11161880

The US just slapped more sanctions on the Chinese military because the Chinese bought weapons from Russia
Fucking based fuck the chinks

>> No.11161891

>AMZN (as of yet) = appreciating asset


>> No.11161892
File: 2.03 MB, 320x240, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since we are heading into a weekend and all my money is tied up, most of it in ECR. I don't mind if I get a 3 day ban. Enjoy this masterpiece anons.

>> No.11161893
Quoted by: >>11161896

I bought 500 shares of ECR how long do I wait?

>> No.11161894
Quoted by: >>11161997

KTOS about to test a third top @ $14.75. if it busts through, blue skies baby

>> No.11161896

I was going to sell at $1.50

>> No.11161902
Quoted by: >>11161910

>inb4 2-week ban and you miss the sell off shit show next week.

>> No.11161903

Missing an open goal like that, kill yourself

>> No.11161910

I'll still be here, you'll feel me but you won't see me.

>> No.11161915

I was inspired to test something I heard other traders have done a lot more seriously. I hooked myself up to a heart monitor and measured my reaction to certain things in the markets. Break outs, price coming into support, enormous bids or offers coming into the inside market, etc. I found my heart rate bumped up a little bit each time. Nothing enormous, but definitely noticeable. Do you guys think this ever goes away? Do really elite traders truly not even react to that sort of stuff physiologically? I found that even imagining certain patterns in the price action changed my heart rate a decent amount. That can't be good from a performance standpoint.

>> No.11161916

mujer caca

>> No.11161932

buy high sell low right?

>> No.11161934
Quoted by: >>11161972

I have no heart.

>> No.11161954

My heart rate never changes unless i'm playing ER options, which I have forever sworn off. Although I should have shorted MU, talk about the most obvious short ever.

>> No.11161972

I believe it.
>XYF will never go lower than what it is now! ($12)

>> No.11161984

Read "Blink." Then you'll understand that your subconscious knows much more than you do. You should be monitoring your heart rate and other physiological reactions because it'll tell you what you know about market movements subconsciously. Sweaty palms, not sure why? Sell sell sell dump incoming.

>> No.11161988
File: 101 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180921-113736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11161990

down cus mu

>> No.11161992

I bought that shit at $18.80 too oh man it's a good thing I fucking sold that shit.

>> No.11161996


>> No.11161997

I think there's resistance at 14.27, if it breaks that I like it tho

>> No.11162466

I don't know. What can you tell us about the company?
As a noob I guess a stop loss for $4 and be patient? I really don't know.

>> No.11162762


Gains are gains.