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File: 123 KB, 749x750, 1528579934768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10803262 No.10803262 [Reply] [Original]

Trump goes golden bull edition

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Previous thread: >>10798495

>> No.10803284
File: 33 KB, 660x371, uFLtS9z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Boer independence

>> No.10803293
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Quoted by: >>10803352

FNGU t-to 70

>> No.10803296
File: 244 KB, 570x849, 1525461705631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green day tomorrow.

>> No.10803306
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1533859411951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First in own thread

>> No.10803321

sooo.. whats up with Harblongs LTBR? Are we taking off soon?

>> No.10803322
File: 678 KB, 640x360, SHUT UP AND LISTEN YOU FAGGOTS HERE COMES CRYPTO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, NLST is not a SELL until they can close $1 for 10 business days straight

>> No.10803332
Quoted by: >>10803338

Any stocks/companies that perform similar to the SPX?

>> No.10803336
Quoted by: >>10803364

I wouldnt holding this uranium meme
TNK is a best "buy under 1 dollar, sell above 1 dollar" stock right now

>> No.10803338
Quoted by: >>10803361

Just dump 5 shares each into the Holdmoar forever portfolio.

>> No.10803346

Is any feeling more comfy than knowing you're making hundreds of dollars in a day while literally doing nothing?

>> No.10803352
Quoted by: >>10803372

FNGU is a dead-gu

>> No.10803355

I came here for dividends and slotting floppies, and I'm all out of dividends.

>> No.10803361

I'm asking since I want to short them. The SPX is gonna crash soon

>> No.10803364
Quoted by: >>10803380

the market cap though...

>> No.10803372
File: 137 KB, 299x257, bx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently up 10% on fngu
Hodling until +30%

>> No.10803380

TNK is too high for your style?

>> No.10803393
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, When a nigga be in the markets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803418

When is soon nigga? If you say this Friday then maybe. But you're better off shorting CHYNA the slants about to get BTFO by tariffs today.

>> No.10803405
Quoted by: >>10803434

we heard you in the last thread
please take your retardation to a communist forum

>> No.10803418

I think that if we don't make a higher high this week, then the open of the next week will be carnage. We've got bearish divergence on high timeframes and we made a double top, also everyone is euphoric due to longest bull run meme

>> No.10803434
Quoted by: >>10803456

uranium is fucked rn imo
oil looks weak now too, w hardly anyone trading it
im gonna start watching natgas and see if theres anything worth doing there

fuck it
theres two ways we can deal w this imo

youre gonna want to short it immediately if not sooner
if it goes against you just HODL bro, youll be ok

>> No.10803440
File: 7 KB, 245x205, uy6tjut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803483

Bears are Geniuses, wow

>> No.10803456
File: 169 KB, 352x397, x1mz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803543

As a pro natgas trader
\Here is the rundown
Only buy at 2.6
Sell at 2.7+
End of story, it will range this area forever, ergo, natgas is untraceable at the moment

>> No.10803483
Quoted by: >>10803505

will recover and all the money will pour in. Everyone can hate Trump but his policies make USA the best place to park capital right now.

>> No.10803505

the spx is going to 3000 and beyond
not sure why ANYONE besides retard commies would consider a recession when 1. momentum up is so strong 2. the economy is booming 3. the yield curve hasnt even come close to inverted yet
its like Sorry Charlie, economic prosperity will prevail

>> No.10803543
File: 154 KB, 1417x657, natgas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds about right

i miss when silver was still ranging. i made good money on that, and the options premiums had almost no IV on em

>> No.10803551

if anything wouldn't we get a correction?

aren't recessions generally triggered by some external event? e.g. housing crisis, debt crisis

>> No.10803556

What are the conditions/factors necessary to make the dollar reach 120 and beyond?

>> No.10803570

>trying to predict based on insignificant macro trends
This is how you lose big time
First of all, we just had a correction in february because of a bond yield breakout, not seen since 1987, how often do you think that happens

We also had a MAJOR correction in 2014-2015, how often do you think that happens

>> No.10803585
Quoted by: >>10803605

120 whats?

>> No.10803595
Quoted by: >>10803606

housing decline is going to be generally soft which just means money into stocks
trade war will just be a dip not a crash

>> No.10803598
Quoted by: >>10804284

Whos still holding FNKO and AMRS?

>> No.10803604

i mean i got a thesis, but its not totally batshit and based off of a double top on the daily chart. and im also under no illusion of it happening any time soon either

moar rate hikes

continued QT, which will keep inflation capped and cause the dollar to "moon" against foreign currencies that are still inflating

and also panicking foreign investors buying up all of them leading to an intl dollar scarcity (its a meme, but i think its a possibility if EMs all shit themselves simultaneously)

credit crunch
if its anything its gonna be the corporate debt that has bubbled up due to the endless summer of QE/free infinite money glitch

but i dont see this affecting all stocks. only the super huge debthogs that arent even profitable w free money

>> No.10803605
File: 1.34 MB, 640x360, SMG ON A GREEN DAY BUY BUY BUY BIZ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120 niggawhats
DXY I meant

>> No.10803606
Quoted by: >>10803621

the economy will litterally collapse if online advertising becomes unprofitable

>> No.10803615
File: 1.98 MB, 240x320, China's greatest hits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a USD shortage plan already in effect? And we're supposed to get a rate hike near end of Sept. and December is being considered. So not one, but two rate hikes this year. Pres. Trump sure likes his 2 in everything.

>> No.10803621

>online advertising

Good luck standing out compared to 10000 others on an amazon search, same for google. Online advertising is just too powerful to go to 0

Even netflix does good in recession (not relative to how overpriced it is but in # of subs)

A lot of tech is recession resistant because it's simply not expensive to begin with.

>> No.10803623
Quoted by: >>10803630

It would be perfectly natural to get a little pullback to 2780ish or so, just to rope in the double top retards

>> No.10803625
File: 226 KB, 1280x1463, 1534907049629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803692

before another correction, we are going to moon way above allo timw highs, then maybe it will COrrect to where it is now

>> No.10803630
Quoted by: >>10803647

lol, not exactly a correction though...

2499 on the other hand would be, but we4 never double dipped, its the same as 1987
exactly the same

>> No.10803643
File: 142 KB, 623x714, musk Wasteland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please get out if you are a tsla long. Collapse has never felt so close.

>> No.10803647
Quoted by: >>10803666

Before any sort of real correction (5-7%, nothing major) I think this will get pretty fast to the upside

I could see 3100 EOY

>> No.10803651
Quoted by: >>10803805

supposedly it's relatively meaningless. The lines of the poem are used in some sci fi series he read as a kid and names things after. For instance the drone ship names are from the book series. I wouldn't read it as something negative.

>> No.10803659
Quoted by: >>10803708


i'm here just for TSLA collapse, it's time to end this wasteful fugazi

right now it is delaying the development of real "sustainable" tech

destruction of musk-run-TSLA is good for the world, despite what many brainlets still think.

people are waking up to this scam.

>> No.10803666

I agree
Also what many people dont seem to realize is the sp500 P/E ratio isnt that high, its only slightly above average lol, which is a bullish signal

>> No.10803675
Quoted by: >>10805761

AGEN bout to moon. Get it at $2 while you can

>> No.10803692
Quoted by: >>10803723

>Isn't a USD shortage plan already in effect?
i dont think theres a way to plan for a bunch of EMs eating shit all at the same time. especially since it hasnt happened yet.

2 more hikes has been the plan since like may. its whether were going to do it, and whether were gonna continue to do more after

>Pres. Trump sure likes his 2 in everything.
trump has absolutely no fucking say in this. learn more about the FED senpai. the FED is a private institution and answers to no govt. they control and manipulate everything in the markets and the world.

read the book "the creature from jekyll island" if you havent

m8 were printing a new ATH tomorrow at this rate

>but we4 never double dipped, its the same as 1987
exactly the same
i know weve discussed this, but i think it bares repeating:
i think that february was ENTIRELY done via manipulation by the FED

>> No.10803695
Quoted by: >>10803716

Should I wait on EZA puts or just go in tomorrow?

>> No.10803708



Idk anon, I'm not in because it's too volatile but Q3 might actually BTFO bears if production holds and continues to climb
Anyone holding ARRY? Looks promising, big pipeline of drugs, dip right now, have only done basic research so far though

>> No.10803716

i tell you what, all these small specs whining trying to get me to tell them when to short a country has me absolutely staying out of the trade for the time being

i might even go long

>> No.10803723
File: 51 KB, 544x540, f4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803785

yah to be fair, we did need that dip in feb cause it was going up in a straight line all year

Bond spike + vix and fed was bizarre, but all corrections you cant predict

>> No.10803739
Quoted by: >>10803785

It's far too soon to get in anyway. If it goes above 15 dollars to the USD that's when you start thinking about it.

>> No.10803746

why are you being a dick about it? what do you think this board is for?

>> No.10803760
Quoted by: >>10803828

he isnt being a dick, he is being reasonable
Way too many small specs shorting 3rd world right now + news

>> No.10803785

>but all corrections you cant predict
true but i still think theres merit in trying to find out how they can happen. clearly, since this one was so similar to 87, they DO repeat somewhat

there cant be THAT many ways to crash the market. at least, not that many DIFFERENT ways to do it

he was talking about EZA, the SA ETF, not the rand.

>why are you being a dick about it?
because you dont know what youre doing, and are trying to play some super risky, geopolitical macro meme that just got spotlighted by the fucking US president.

you SHOULD feel stupid, and thus should try and prove me wrong by analyzing the ever loving fuck out of it on your own. when you can tell ME when to short the SA40, then its time to do it

>what do you think this board is for?
shitposting and judging market sentiment
and thats exactly what im doing rn
i hate a crowded short. especially a crowded short on some bouncy little EM like SA.

i just KNOW theres some cunt out there just waiting to squeeze the fuck out of all the channers and /pol/acks who try to LARP as soros

>> No.10803804
File: 2.45 MB, 950x400, 1514577276562.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803862

>i just KNOW theres some cunt out there just waiting to squeeze the fuck out of all the channers and /pol/acks who try to LARP as soros
you mean the anime neets lurking this board after getting rich from when crypto was really fucking high

>> No.10803805

I'd be surprised if the company is still around at the end of Q3. The bloomberg tracker is an estimate based on VIN registrations. It does not directly correlate with production and can be gamed. The factory has been low capacity/slowdown for 2 weeks now according to eye witnesses + photos. https://twitter.com/skabooshka

It's not just that poem. Every single fact is pointing directly to CH11. Every advising firm they have hired specializing in BK, them not retracting Musk's tweet (they are accruing liability on it to this day), the factory slowdown, the farewell concert, the extended delay for refunds, no one in texas getting cars, the cars in the lanthrop dustlot getting warhoused, the advanced SEC investigation putting a cloud over any capital raise, the divide between the board and Musk, not cash flow positive july,..they are basically stuck and the only way out is to shed debt/liability and restructure the company. Sure, they might get lucky and find a dumb money buyer to hold the bad but anyone with that much money has enough sense to not throw it away on a pile of debt and liability that burns cash. It's all a smokescreen for bankruptcy.

>> No.10803809
File: 43 KB, 1129x654, randspec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres merit but the problem is
>to the day
The day that it really happens is completely random, like how last year the us dollar only TANK on super strong news then randomly decided to jump up late this year

also look, large specs starting longing the rand

>> No.10803811

who here /new semester starts on Monday/?

last one too btw :)

>> No.10803823
File: 1.29 MB, 200x235, 1534907223845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who here /new semester starts on Monday/?


>> No.10803828

as a small spec i've heard just be a contrarian on sentiment and you will make it. is this true?

>> No.10803830

I'm close, mine starts in middle of september

>> No.10803835
Quoted by: >>10803862

>not many different ways
>ridiculous derivatives, leveraged etfs, cdos and other strange financial instruments being created all the time

>> No.10803839
Quoted by: >>10803847

I remember this question being asked a while ago.
If you start with $50, and get a 2% return every single day with no red days, you will end up with $68,870 in 365 days.
It will never happen, like ever, but still pretty interesting

>> No.10803841

you make a compelling case anon, but bankruptcy by Q3 already? there's no way it happens that fast. From what I've seen, employee morale is quite high and optimistic. You are certainly right about VIN registrations possibly being gamed. The twitter acct you linked is some edgy chapo guy larping as an investigative reporter. There is enough optimism to carry it to Q3, but if that disappoints then I think the end might well be near

>> No.10803843

you have to be contrarian to other small specs not large specs
the COT can help but is delayed weekly

>> No.10803847
File: 135 KB, 282x238, 75x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10803861


>> No.10803861
Quoted by: >>10803874

If you could squeeze 1,000 shekels into your starting position, you would end up with $1,377,408.
Pretty EZ m8, I'll call Soros and ask how he did it

>> No.10803862

you see, i was short on SA (and turkey) 3+ weeks ago when i heard the possibility of the govt passing this law allowing boer to be slaughtered. i talked about it here, but not too much

i covered after that BIG drop. prior to the event getting realized
because i looked at the chart and determined that i DONT wanna be on the wrong side of that. at all

now everyone, even comfy is asking me how to short SA
so the best advice i can give you is dont do it yet

theyre here too
but youre kidding yourself if you think that this place isnt PERFECTLY set up for famous people to come in, stay anon, and fuck around and LARP like theyre a normal human bean. 4chan becoming completely mainstream has solidified this.

>also look, large specs starting longing the rand
fucking KNEW it
i know the oppenheimers would be pissed if SA was to completely dissolve into chaos
theres a lot of platinum, silver and gold in there, and no one wants to pay for a full on mercenary outfit to guard the mines

its worked well for me so far
the problem is that its hard to tell what people are doing w out having a fucking bloomberg terminal

still, its not as simple as just pulling the plug on the drain. it takes an incredible amount of money and effort to stop the US markets. and theres SERIOUS risk involved w that. thus, the FED is the only one i can see as being able to do it.

i think it could happen sooner desu
look up how long it generally takes for the SEC to do investigations like this
if he goes to prison it will plummet, and the saudis will LET it happen because theyll get a better deal. they have no reason to lie to help elon out

>> No.10803868
Quoted by: >>10803926

is there any take on soros that isnt incredibly conspiracy filled? I feel like everything i read is mis/disinfo

>> No.10803870
Quoted by: >>10803903

>comfy is asking me how to short SA
Fuck off m8 I've talked about this off and on for the last 6 months

>> No.10803874
File: 49 KB, 682x550, pyump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of soros
in case you arent aware
he has been trading Fang like mad, switching positions around
this explains all the dips and pumps
fyi, Amazon is going to 1 trillion marketcap, dont even think of selling your FNGU until then

>> No.10803879

CH11 needs to be filed early because it has massive fees. They can barely support it with their cash on hand. If they don't declare now, they will be forced into CH7 down the line which is a lot worse.

Even if the company does somehow manage to turn a profit by some miracle, they are still fucked. I don't think you understand the legal ramifications of Musk's tweet. If he is lying, (which he is by any measure based on facts we know), Tesla is liable for every loss due to the tweet and every share traded based on information contained in the tweets. That is BILLIONS in class action lawsuits. That alone is enough to sink the company many times over. They people in charge know the end is coming and what they need to do to make the best of it.

A buyout does not work. Going private does not work. If anyone pays a penny for those shares in a buyout, they are liable for the damages from Elon Musk's tweets. The shares have NEGATIVE value. Buying this company at 0$ per share would be a mistake. I doubt anyone is making an even bigger mistake by actually paying for them.

>> No.10803903
Quoted by: >>10803936

stop being so touchy
anyone who skims /pol/ occasionally has known about this for years

doesnt change the fact that you are not competent enough to be taking such risky macro trades like this. if you cant plan your own entry and exit by yourself, then you should not do it. period. the reason im being a "dick" about it is because im 100% certain that everyone who FOMOs into this play will get squeezed. fucking HARD too (see >>10803809 )

>> No.10803905

>raising shares in Salesforce

I wonder if he is also loading up on Docusign?

>> No.10803907
File: 231 KB, 1080x816, Trump campaign acknowledgement of the basement dwellers MAGA 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARP like theyre a normal human bean.
Nothing wrong with that. Hiroshimoot would be happy because he'd then get revenue from 4chan passes. William Shatner lurking in /tv/ can only be a good thing, gives the board some shitposting hauteur.

>> No.10803926
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1692, remember his name - fuck Soros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have to understand about Soros is how he played both sides during WW2. And by both sides I mean the Jews. He sold them off.

>> No.10803936
Quoted by: >>10803970

I found that funny, usually when I see LLC tied to a pizza place or a local insurance company, but it's tied to Soros in this piece
I'd like the golden bull to continue forever now that I'm not a leveraged retard. However I will continue to cheer for the bear, because it's a better meme
I was paper trading it for the last little while and was short USDZAR and made some shekels. Luckily I close my position at like 3 today so I avoided getting justed by DRUMPF

>> No.10803937


>> No.10803970
Quoted by: >>10803985

i mean mainstream popularity like this is unironically what killed 4chan (see: everywhere outside of this bread), and ESPECIALLY this election

but the fact that /biz/ seems to attract some people who actually know their shit (and some who are DEFINITELY connected in the financial world), is enough for me to come back to this thread again and again

the guy knows how to stay hedged desu
i can respect that. even if he is absolute scum, hes talented. he wouldnt have got where he is if he wasnt

just promise me, if youre trying to do this, take your fucking time and study it. hyperinflation takes months, sometimes years to get going.

say it with me:
>i will not FOMO into macro memes

>> No.10803982

nice proofs

>> No.10803985
Quoted by: >>10804014

I'm not longing USDZAR right now

>> No.10803991

there are some /sp/artans that are professional nfl or soccer players abroad. also there are several college presidents, ADs and coaches on rivals.com messaging boards and others. this rings pretty true imo, musk lurks he has to.

>> No.10804014
Quoted by: >>10805601

youre missing the point lad
while i dont WANT you to blow up, it honestly doesnt matter to me personally. but even if it WAS time to short it forever, you are not ready because youre not trading/thinking for yourself.

go study weimar germany, and zimbabwe, and yugoslavia and venezuela, and whatever other cunt you can find that has had hyperinflation. study it. look at how it happens. look at WHY it happens. look for what sets it off etc

then go fill in the gaps on how the ANC works, and how the bushwars happened
once you know how and why it will happen, and you have a plan, you then sit and wait for that to become realized. NEVER act until you see it happen

>> No.10804173
Quoted by: >>10804301

Is MU the official algo rape dungeon now that AMD has some actual organic price action?

>> No.10804203
File: 61 KB, 588x268, Wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this you can't make this shit up

Literally using #expropriation right after denying the validity of Trump's tweet

>> No.10804284

AMRS and Papa John Melo believer here

>> No.10804301

Good morning /smg/, time for a green day.

Is it what I think it is ?

litteraly who ?

>> No.10804313
Quoted by: >>10804327

I mean Africans being africanish

>> No.10804327
Quoted by: >>10805693

I just checked, it is what I think it is.
BRICS are going to lose their plural.

>> No.10804339

lol just watched this gif

>> No.10804403
File: 47 KB, 800x900, 1508894422768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good morning sir

>> No.10804427

Occupied Rhodesia liberated when?

>> No.10804434

>green CAC
lel at the trade war

>> No.10804453



>> No.10804655
File: 361 KB, 1024x622, tradingviewpricing-1024x622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10804693

She what's the best plan?
Is it feasable to make more profits per month from extra knowledge, if I only have $5,000?

>> No.10804693
Quoted by: >>10804987

probably not worth 2.5%

>> No.10804796
File: 14 KB, 210x330, 1521308023952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any marijuana stocks worth buying for the long term?

>> No.10804827


>> No.10804987
File: 177 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-045845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be only 0.2% (Or 0.4% or 0.8%) per month?
Still, I am just using Robinhood, and I'm thinking of swing trading instead of just long term investing (since indexes have been sideways this calendar year)
But I'm not sure how doable it is with Robinhood as only broker, and such a low amount of capital

While I'd like to be able to plot more than 3 indicators at a time, I'm having trouble justifying the cost

>> No.10804991

SMG, and other gardening suppliers are a good choice, and it insulates you a little

>> No.10805162

i'm using tradingview

what about thinkorswim anon?

psure it's free but you have to call and ask them to turn off the 20min delay

>> No.10805298

Durance, you said you had to take a dump not go shitpost. We have a dragon to kill come on

>> No.10805601

what did you study in college? To form an understanding of both finance and current evens seems like a daunting task to me. What would you suggest I take

>> No.10805640

College won't teach you that imo
You go in with your money and your dick

The lesson always comes afterwards IF you have the right mindset too get it (and I would say most people may never have that mindset)

>> No.10805693

zuma is such a retarded piece of shit this should come as no surprise desu

oh my sweet child...
if only

>what did you study in college?
ha i wish
i just autism out on teh innernettes for well over a decade.
steal as many books as i can off it, read a lot

growing up on /new/ and /pol/ (especially /pol/ and 8/pol/, given how its a breeding ground for interest/shilling groups) gave me a good understanding for disinfo and how to pick it out, so i guess i just got the feel for it. either way, it seems to have worked somehow (and im somehow still not a "literal nazi"), because a fair amount of my macro calls have been following through. from oils bullrun this year, to wheats last leg up, to turkey and south africa starting to explode

imo the best way to learn finance (or really anything for that matter) is to read as much as you can about it, develop an opinion, then fucking argue about it w people that are interested in it. if you can keep a level head, and your "opponent" isnt retarded, you can come out w a lot of things you could never learn any other way

im an argumentative and opinionated asshole irl too lol
my buddies cant stand it
but i still feel im better for it

>> No.10805744

w the current event things desu, i grew up during the whole 911/bush administration thing. when we ended up fighting the country that didnt do it (and friends of mine were going there and getting blown up), and no one could tell me why, i started digging on it since i had a computer.

that was my first dip into current events
when /new/ was here, it quickly became an obsession.

when i first learned how charts and the market had an almost predictive power (due to it being full of autists like myself) i was fascinated. i used to watch oil charts to monitor how the mideast was doing, YEARS before i ever thought to trade on it. the rest has been me filing the gaps because, unlike most folks these days, i like to read, and write and argue etc
its fun
everyone thinks that "everyones right" and "thats just ur opinion" and garbage like that, but it usually turns out that only one person is right, and theyre the ones spouting all the garbage that no one wants to hear. my joy in life comes from finding that person and listening to them for once

>> No.10805761

Seem like FOMO at this point fren

>> No.10805777
Quoted by: >>10805789

learn to code all of the indicators and overlay them senpai. thats what im doing. helps give a better understanding of the indicators themselves.

in tradingview, go over to the top right in the pine editor, and click "new". there should be simple scripts for basic indicators. copy the codes and re-write them so that they can be displayed togther

im working on one no that utilizes keltner channels and bollinger bands to look for reversal points

>> No.10805778
File: 131 KB, 1472x835, Screenshot_203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my noob tier TA. Oil should pump soon, unless dollar pumps extremely hard, which would push it firmly out of the channel and into a new pattern below. I'm probably retarded but this feels right.

>> No.10805782

PZZA long
GPRO til after Christmas
HAS till they get fort nite toys
SWIR long

>> No.10805787
File: 92 KB, 1047x882, Screenshot_204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold is overbought on daily, and dollar will pump to some degree soon. The upside of this depends on how hard dollar pumps.

>> No.10805789
File: 226 KB, 1412x832, scripts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10805807

oh i have been, its just a pain in the ass to turn on and off so many things on a multi-indicator

>> No.10805793

>Rate my noob tier TA
bretty noob, but ur tryin
>Oil should pump soon,
i sold the last of mine off yesterday desu
i think it will collapse
>unless dollar pumps extremely hard
this will very likely happen due to not only rate hikes, but the intl panic that is caused by the rate hikes, drawing people to buy our dollar as hedge against their currencies
>I'm probably retarded but this feels right.
probably, but this is exactly how you learn imo
keep doing it

>> No.10805805
File: 111 KB, 1491x842, Screenshot_205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dollar due for a new pump. If any of these indicators are correct it's obvious what happens next. I should probably sell my oil today, it will probably pump for the last time today or tomorrow. Will definitely sell at close on friday.

>> No.10805807

but im a cheapskate and like doing things the hard way anyways

with ya on this one desu
tho im actually short silver as i find its more volatile
no denying that gold is way more overbought, but i feel silver is more volatile and has even less holding it up (other than libertarians)

>> No.10805821

I'll check over these charts on like wednesday next week and see how they held up kek

>> No.10805822
File: 1.39 MB, 200x113, 200w(3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone think NLST will suddenly r/s this week or next? They could literally do it at anytime.

>> No.10805829
Quoted by: >>10805975

BABA up 3.5% pre-market

>> No.10805860
File: 127 KB, 1479x838, Screenshot_206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EZA has to finish it's pump before starting a new decline, which will likely be deep, starting in the next couple of weeks as the farmer shitshow really heats up and hits the markets.

>> No.10805869
Quoted by: >>10806036

>for refunds, no one in texas getting cars, the cars in the lanthrop dustlot getting warhoused, the advanced SEC investigation putting a cloud over any capital raise, the divide between the board and Musk, not cash flow positive july,..they are basically stuck and the only way out is to shed debt/liability and restructure the company. Sure, they might get lucky and find a dumb money buyer to hold the bad but anyone with that much money has enough sense to not throw it away on a pile of debt and liability that burns cash. It's all a smokescreen for bankruptcy.

nicely summarised mate.

>> No.10805878
Quoted by: >>10805915

>LB down 10% premarket despite an earning beat
Whelp there goes another retailer. At this rate we will have to buy undies from Amazon.

>> No.10805899

alright, so now that trump just spotlighted the SA situation in a way that no one can ignore any longer i feel its time to talk about the boer prophecies and how were gonna trade through WWIII

yes especially how it was being shilled the last few days
that usually happens a couple days before the r/s
same shit happened w HMNY
we were literally raided by shit tons of faggots telling everyone to buy HMNY and some consensus cracking shills claiming they had bought some (i think big5 was the only guy who did desu)

>> No.10805915
Quoted by: >>10805999

>At this rate we will have to buy undies from Amazon.
first off, you a gril?
second off, thats exactly what you will be doing
go back to bed

>> No.10805960
File: 264 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-23-08-05-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806238

Tryna use the app now. TLT overbought, and impending rate hikes point to both short term ans long term decline.

>> No.10805964

They should've listened

>> No.10805973

>watch a ton of videos about TA, use it to trade amd
>make 2% gains over a week, end up pulling out early
>roommate reads about stocks "sometimes", ends up making 14% over the week on marijuana stocks
im not cut out for this

>> No.10805975

aaaahhh up 4.3%

>> No.10805979

Lots of green days for the SPY. Needs a pullback.

>> No.10805986

He'll die horribly once he gets cocky and gets caught on the wrong side of one of the memes he has been trading.

>> No.10805990
Quoted by: >>10806036

Shame. Its a decent company on paper.

>> No.10805999
Quoted by: >>10806036

I like to pick them out before buying. Looking at a screen is just not the same.

>> No.10806008



>> No.10806030
File: 29 KB, 822x621, Big5Cuck_la_creatura_gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that this is the absolute state of Big5Guy

>> No.10806034
File: 259 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-23-08-25-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806115

WEAT is oversold, but dollar will pump soon, so likely some more downside. Probably a short term pump (double top?) before tanking vs the dollar. When dollar pulls back WEAT will moon.

>> No.10806036

my bet is that the saudis ARE interested in it, but will stand by idly and not lie to help musk out, in an effort to get a better deal when the company starts collapsing. its literally their favorite trick in the book

yeah but its time to pack up and wait for the dilution and go back in if you want. youre playing w a loaded gun

way to dodge the question lol
>Looking at a screen is just not the same
i bet. doesnt help that womens sizing varies depending on what part of asia its made in.
whenever ive bought lingerie for any gril, its always been a fucking nightmare. usually resulting in me returning w her so she can get the correct size

>> No.10806059
File: 115 KB, 672x372, UK_Growing-Underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vertical farming it'a an industry that's supposed to start mooning soon, especially in Asia and Europe.

What stocks have you longed? And Why?

>> No.10806091
Quoted by: >>10806113

How do Roth IRAs work in terms of making active moves

can I only contribute money in them to one individual equity/index fund each year? Can I make moves within the IRA at will?

I feel like I should be doing mroe than dumping moeny into Robinhood and making gains there

>> No.10806093
File: 256 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-23-08-35-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X dumped hard last month and ia currently pumping. Position indicator marks my actual position which is green. RSI is approaching oversold but this pump should have momentum at least into Friday and probably beyond.

>> No.10806113
Quoted by: >>10806123

depends on your broker

tastyworks is one of very few that will let you have flexibility with options

>> No.10806115
Quoted by: >>10806131

im delta neutral currently on wheat

careful lad
trumps imposing more tariffs today, and china is expected to respond immediately
steel has been a battleground for this whole arc

>> No.10806116
Quoted by: >>10806143

Welcome to the world of TA brother!
>Noob tier
Yes, but your trying. Though, the best TA is the one you develop a winning strategy with. Don't underestimate the power of Trump want to keep the cost of oil at 70 maximum.

The invention of crypto officially killed gold. People have realized that '''gold backed currency''' is a meme and the shiny rocks only intrinsic value is its use in jewelry, electronics, and industrial applications. It's a meme. We decide what we value, and we don't value gold anymore. In event of what Gold Boomers say gold is a hedge to, essentials and vices would be of greater value. Food & water, cigarettes & whiskey.

>> No.10806123
Quoted by: >>10806141

if I start a Roth IRA for say 2019 with tastyworks and 2020 too, then they start to suck or shut down or whatever what happens if i move them over to Fidelity etc? I know I won't lose my money but can I lose flexibility and advantages depending on where I start roths?

>> No.10806131
Quoted by: >>10806143

>new tariffs
Probably a good idea to pull out of my position when it touches the SMA, then. That should be a nice 100 percent gain on my calls.

>> No.10806134

my charts and indicators says its a good time to short a strangle if premium were richer

>> No.10806137

Learn options, don't abandon the TA life brother. If your able to actually pull our at your target / stop losses you are doing better than 70% of people here

>> No.10806139

Dont have the capital for anything other than long options rn

>> No.10806141
Quoted by: >>10806172

yes. most brokerages have little flexibility with roth ira accounts.

>> No.10806143

>Don't underestimate the power of Trump want to keep the cost of oil at 70 maximum.
in trump vs OPEC, i side w OPEC desu in terms of having the power to change this
but trump has also cozied way up to OPEC (much to my dismay) so you might be right

theres also seasonality which is gong against oil as well at this point

better to lock profits than to lose em imo

did you choose the name cuz it shortens to SS officer?
be honest

>> No.10806148
File: 9 KB, 217x233, profit overlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10806162

>Everyone I don't like is a Nazi!
>The post

Stop projecting your gas-chamber fantasies.

>> No.10806172
Quoted by: >>10806180

alright so if thats the case then most Roth IRA's should be index funds or top tier blue chippers and nothing more? If i cant make many moves with them i dont want to own any meme companies, so I should just go 100% QQQ or SPY each year and wait until im 60+ years old to cash out?

>> No.10806175

he did apparently

>> No.10806180
Quoted by: >>10806192

I would go for dividends, instead. Preferreds more than common. Also selling calls against your common holdings.

>> No.10806189

Let's hope for another green day

>> No.10806192

can you give a few examples? wtf is a preferred stock? why would they be superior to the mass market index funds that everybody is recommeneded into like QQQ SPY DIA etc?

>> No.10806215

>wtf is a preferred stock
They refer to Buffett-sama's favorite stocks

>> No.10806216

I just remembered, LCI reported earnings last night.

>> No.10806219

no voting rights, has a call price (usually 25, 50, 75, or 100) which means the company will buy the entire class back at the earliest, but not always on that date. (this means implied equity gains getting in at 24 v 25) you get a better yield obv for getting in at discount prices. sometimes you can get in at super duper good times and get a couple hundred percent equity gains and also similar yields. the point is to capture capital appreciation and income, rather than just one.

>> No.10806236

>have a cheap call on for JWN at 70
>earnings surprise to the upside
>stock buyback announce


>> No.10806238

best trade of the decade.

>> No.10806248


>> No.10806255

thats better
suck cock google, you faggots

>> No.10806302
Quoted by: >>10806333

niggers and faggots will give you the virus...

>> No.10806326
File: 640 KB, 1392x2368, 20180823_081634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806525

Plan 4 2 day
Futures didn't bounce back like was expected
Short bias

>> No.10806333
Quoted by: >>10806362

>muh IP is sending suspicious queries
>this means we indefinitely ban you from captcha
i fucking hate this site desu senpaitachi

>> No.10806343
Quoted by: >>10806443

shorts hammering away at SPY before the bell
im sticking long desu
but i WILL be hedging

>> No.10806362
Quoted by: >>10806401

Checked. Cry more faggot

>> No.10806401
Quoted by: >>10806429

oh i will
i make sure to call out google and cuckchan whenever i can
if it wasnt for this thread id never be here at all

>> No.10806429
Quoted by: >>10806443

>not buying a platinum account so he can bypass the captcha

>> No.10806431


>> No.10806441
File: 219 KB, 1408x834, AMZN 08232018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game time

now to find a dead cat bounce before 10

>> No.10806443

i tke it back
HUGE buys coming in right on the bell

>giving hiroshimoot your data AND your shekels
he only gets one or none

>> No.10806458
File: 170 KB, 1137x1079, x00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806465

When the FNGU reaches 67

>> No.10806465

wow wtf is this, a 3x leveraged FANG ETF? thats ridiculous lol

>> No.10806473

one hell of an open MU. Goddamn.

>> No.10806488

I'm sick of Wall Street dumping weed stocks every morning.

>> No.10806490


>> No.10806495
File: 156 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-094212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806501

Well started with a nice gap down, but most everything has been green since open

Still, not a bad way to start the day

>> No.10806501
Quoted by: >>10806507

why are you selling QQQ

grow up my man and accumulate for retirement

>> No.10806503
File: 13 KB, 255x296, 5 dollars for LCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10806507
File: 164 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-094426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806514

I have too many index ETF's

>> No.10806514
Quoted by: >>10806557

you can never have too many

that QQQ for $181 you sold will probably be $1,000 in a decade. Nice work though my man your accumulating a solid range of top tier shit, keep it up

>> No.10806517
Quoted by: >>10806537

God damn AMD is in full short squeeze. Fug.

>> No.10806523

the dollar opened up a half a %
as this ecedes, we should see continued bullishness
VIX is also lookign to get delisted

>> No.10806525
File: 284 KB, 796x553, buyone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish Bias

>> No.10806533
File: 181 KB, 648x360, 1533885872415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBP broke 1.00 resistance at open. Pumping. Overbought but that won't be a problem until tomorrow. Entered hard for day trade. This should be a biggie. If there is midday technical fakeout the short squeeze could be considerable.

>> No.10806537

Yeah I think 24% of the float is short, so this may be interesting to watch.

>> No.10806552
File: 37 KB, 980x624, LONG_LCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10807096


>> No.10806554
File: 18 KB, 605x375, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my beginners $3k portfolio

Still trying to accumulate various blue chippers after I got a solid base of QQQ, next step is afford a full share of AMZN

>> No.10806557
File: 149 KB, 640x360, RandomSlide[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, considering how similar SP500, DJIA, RUSSEL, and NASD are, (and how much AMZN affects SPY), i feel like im nowhere near diverse enough in my stocks

also DIA gives monthly divs, compared to QQQ's quarterly

>> No.10806561
Quoted by: >>10806570


fucked in the next downturn/10

>> No.10806562
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1534716934420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that flash crash this morning triggered me short
am think in trouble today ;_;

>> No.10806564

needs more MU

Also, looking spiffy for a bull run today, lets see if it holds at 10:30

>> No.10806571
File: 1.20 MB, 877x829, x5z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fgnu san
Im selling
Until next time FNGU

>> No.10806570

obviously once the charts go bearish i will sell off my leveraged shit and drop it into boomer DJI and more QQQ, but for now this is world class returns

>> No.10806572
Quoted by: >>10806596

Explain why TQQQ and QQQ I give it like a 5 out of ten, too much tech. Diversification motherfucker

>> No.10806577

>buying AMZN at ATH

nice strategy

>> No.10806578

we'll find out soon enough if it was a bear trap

>> No.10806591

will hmny moon again?

>> No.10806596
Quoted by: >>10806602

TQQQ is 3x leveraged but I don't want to be all in on that, managing my risk with the retirement tier QQQ.

and I dont need to diversify with $3,000 and in the middle of a god tier bull run, if/when charts go bear I will change my holdings, its not like im stuck with my current shit forever

>> No.10806597

You realize its going to 1 trillion mcap right

Know your place!!

>> No.10806601
File: 133 KB, 1381x489, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn str8
looks like we were dead on about the foreign investors desperately buying into USD and then into treasuries and US stock
this is a lot of money flowing in all at once

fuck off google

yea you took the bait senpai
try not to be so gullible

>> No.10806602
Quoted by: >>10806619

Your portfolio, your call. But there's good money to be made outside of tech as well. I fucking love energy and retail.

>> No.10806606
File: 271 KB, 1414x833, AMZN 08232018 year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember buying it at the all time high of $990, and just over a year later its now worth $1,917

just because its currently at an all time high doesnt mean that it cant keep going up

that being said i hate that 35% of my portfolio is one stock (one share too), i cant imagine how stressful it would be if that AMZN stock was worth 60% of my portfolio

>> No.10806615

im up like $1600 so far with baba spy and crm calls lul

>> No.10806616

sold long at VAH, sold short at POC. bigs starting vacation early.

>> No.10806619

well I am definitely buying like 10-15 more various blue chip companies with my next purchases, do you own stuff like WMT/COST? Thinkin of those, its not like WMT can ever go away there will ALWAYS be poor people that buy groceries there.

What do you own in 'energy'? Utility companies that presumably pay out great dividends?

>> No.10806643

NLST is worth jack shit unless it's already a dollar

>> No.10806645
File: 147 KB, 1541x938, SPY Bull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A green close today for SPY would be very good. Market is definitely waiting for trade war talks to develop. Anything positive is likely to send us to the moon.

>> No.10806652
Quoted by: >>10806685

For energy I have a mix mlps that pay out great dividend, actual energy providers, sandshit, so on. I have small postions on wall Mart, Costco, and target, as well as the REITs that own the land they build on. I like student loan debt still. I think everyone should have some healthcare play and you should have some consumer staples.

>> No.10806654
File: 29 KB, 620x297, wm_20180409[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinkin of those, its not like WMT can ever go away there will ALWAYS be poor people that buy groceries there.
not him, but WM is wayyyy better than WMT
trash doesnt care about a recession or depression, and they pay fat divs (their price tends to be sideways though, but they dont dip when recession hits, so thats nice)

get some defense stocks, LMT BA or HON
the US military has been bull for a good 100 years, and they pay good divs too (LMT has a exdiv date coming up on 08/31 if you want a nice $2 soon)

energy companies are good long bets, but remember that oil n gas are volotile as fuck in the short term
then again my nuclear energy stuff has been weak the past year or two

ive also heard that utility companies like verizon and charter pay nice dividends, but i dont touch them since i (as a consumer) hate those companies

>> No.10806672
File: 162 KB, 500x600, wojak_aaaaa_hat_lci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10806685

this UNH chart looks great, you own any of that? I dont have any health care shit, wondering what should be my play in that sector

Waste Management, such a sexy play. This reminds me, is there any sort of ETF/REIT thing for strip clubs? Tits don't go out of style during a recession either, but I guess almost all of those are privately owned

>> No.10806686

TSLA still powering higher

>> No.10806690

Oh yeah if you don't have like water or garbage or some other never going away ultitity I don't even know why your bothering. Out of defense I went with LMT as I think they have the best current position.

Energy is a fickle bitch but it still trends upward if you have wode enough exposure to the entire energy ecosystem.

>> No.10806703

Are reits and real estate getting killed in value yet?

>> No.10806713
Quoted by: >>10806730

Rip every bagholder that doubled down.

>> No.10806715

UNH is a killer and has been a solid part of my portfolio. I also hold OHI which I have long term faith in. Either one of those will be successful as long as there are still boomers around. They might start seeing trouble if gen X just starts dropping like fly's after the boomers are gone. But for the next 40 years? Healthcare will most likely out perfoming the market.

>> No.10806716

Don't worry
Just double down you will be fine

>> No.10806722
Quoted by: >>10806777

To quote planes, "I like drugs."

>> No.10806729

Elon posted a sappy breakup tweet at 3:30AM

this is unironcally a bull signal

>> No.10806730
Quoted by: >>10806768

so thats a big fucking bullflag on SPY desu senpaitachi


>> No.10806756
Quoted by: >>10806809

Why did this happen btw? Earnings aren't until next week, right?

>> No.10806758

RICK for tits.

>> No.10806768
Quoted by: >>10806778

Big implied move on ES for tomorrow.

>> No.10806777
Quoted by: >>10806827

i'm about to do alot of them this weekend

>> No.10806778

how do you mean?
up or down?

>> No.10806782
Quoted by: >>10806939


>> No.10806790
Quoted by: >>10806939

Higher fren

>> No.10806809
File: 988 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-072840_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this from their 8K

>> No.10806811


>> No.10806826
File: 91 KB, 250x222, HELL YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10806872


>> No.10806827

You and me both! I'm going to get high as a kite, and then hit the campaign trail, and fucking hahahahaha. It's going to be awesome. I'm going to change the course of history man.

>> No.10806828
File: 152 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-103217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump eeet

>> No.10806835
File: 86 KB, 1024x808, d92b4819fb5906c4acdc236da2ea4d36e5281eedd33ef2ad8a0c2258580c046e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing their goodwill jump in 2016; incidentally when they took on 1.2 billion dollars of debt
they're fucked

>> No.10806841

Wtf is goodwill and why do they have to post a trigger warning about it?
t. financially illiterate person

>> No.10806848

>L C I



>> No.10806855
Quoted by: >>10806934

Whatcha running for in our fine state?

>> No.10806862

The stock price is completely decoupled from the value of the underlying. Trade at your own risk to cash in on hype but do not baghold this stock, especially over a weekend.

>> No.10806872

We in the green. Bought some aug 31 calls for .69 yesterday.

>> No.10806874
Quoted by: >>10806926

please remember the world class research there is no way they aren't going under when losing 60% of their revenue

>> No.10806895
File: 48 KB, 333x489, 20180330_190929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP 100% winning trade streak over past two weeks

>> No.10806906
File: 3.56 MB, 480x270, 3hOr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10806914
File: 48 KB, 720x697, 1534347838380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont cry because its over, smile because it happened

>> No.10806922
Quoted by: >>10806956

why would anyone EVER sell their Mcdonalds stock EVER

>> No.10806926

Now imagine if they pull a BCH

>> No.10806933

>then hit the campaign trail
? what campaign?

>> No.10806934
Quoted by: >>10806957

Sorry, I can't pay the extortion money to run for office, so I'm just volunteering on behalf of some one who wants to become a 1 of 50.

>> No.10806939



dont get baited by PM action ever senpai
imo you should ALWAYS wait for the first 5mins
if you miss a huge pump because it just goes straight up, so be it. but its still better than taking the loss

>> No.10806956
File: 57 KB, 678x381, McDonald%u2019s-Adds-New-Bacon-Smokehouse-Burger-b-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, what's the better buy, McDonald's, or ADSK?
Keep in mind Autodesk has earnings tonight
But I am also going to get a meal at McDonald's soon for lunch

>> No.10806957


>> No.10807004

that boy aint right

>> No.10807005
File: 50 KB, 248x189, sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is

>> No.10807007

You made completely the right decision for the conditions at the time. I was long at $35 a point on the Dow at market open. Could've made some really good money today, but chose to get out when I saw things turn for the worse at open.

>> No.10807036

how in the ever loving fuck is the VIX staying this low w everything going this crazy rn?

>> No.10807052
File: 38 KB, 465x407, 1533358946812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w everything going this crazy rn

You haven't seen anything yet

>> No.10807056
Quoted by: >>10807073

SPY has novolume

>> No.10807067
Quoted by: >>10807083

The one and only.

>> No.10807073

still, that +50cent drop on SPY moved the VIX up .02 points
thats a bit ridiculous

>> No.10807083

oh shit nigga
did you just get d0xed???

reminder that we have your face and your cock pics
tread carefully brother

>> No.10807084
Quoted by: >>10807116

Based Fed knocking it down for us

>> No.10807096
Quoted by: >>10807116

gonna start a reverse b5g strat to see how much money there is in it.

>> No.10807102

Let's get in on some UAMY today guys

>> No.10807116


post results please
very interested

>> No.10807151
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>> No.10807166
Quoted by: >>10807184

what's a dox? is that some exchange for limp dick liberal rapfugee loving eurocucks?

>> No.10807170

t. bought back at 50 after selling at 47

>> No.10807184

pretty much

>> No.10807186
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x1621, 1534904476341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10807245

Shorts back in profit :D

>> No.10807195
File: 7 KB, 269x187, pepe_cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10807222

>tread carefully brother

>> No.10807203

question big timers:

Is there anything wrong with getting to around a million or a bit more in equities and at that point switching over to dividend paying shit and taking the 10%~ annually and just living off that forever? You won't be able to grow your shit too much that way but you only need a million total to be able to easily survive off divvys. $10k a month is far beyond whats really necessary to constantly travel the world, you could probably do this with barely $750k in divvy stocks.

Whats wrong with this plan? That sort of savings is negligible desu if you work hard at it

>> No.10807220
Quoted by: >>10807240

>10% div yield
Are you retarded?

>> No.10807222

why so serious lad?

he actually did post cock pics tho, and comfy being the degenerate closet case he is, saved them and backed them up

>> No.10807223

Good dividend stocks typically pay 2-5%. The current exception is T with 6%. You need significantly more than 1 mil to get 10k/mo. But if you do achieve that, this is what is known as "making it".

>> No.10807228
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>> No.10807230

Bonds get preferential treatment in case of bankruptcy

>> No.10807231
File: 905 KB, 2048x1152, 1535037480868-1344857745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10807237

Litteraly who

>> No.10807234
File: 145 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180823-111817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10807237

Literally MU

>> No.10807240

>what is AGNC

>> No.10807242


>> No.10807244

so what the shit i going on rn?
is there absolutely any reason for this massive dump? i cant think of any and have to assume its fake and gay

>> No.10807245
File: 124 KB, 395x267, camera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10807384

Your life will end in 30 minutes

>> No.10807249

Why all these price jump today?

>> No.10807250

where is the guy who told me to buy GALT

this hurts anon


FUCK BILI holy shit

>> No.10807265

theres literally no reason as far as i can tell
id assume its longs trying to short it down to a better price

>> No.10807268
Quoted by: >>10807279


>> No.10807272
Quoted by: >>10807279


>> No.10807274

or perhaps it has to due w how wildly the dollar is fluctuating
either way, im fairly certain it will reverse itself just as sharply

>> No.10807275

is this because of china tariff shit

>> No.10807276
File: 44 KB, 469x672, who smokes a bong at 3am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well lunch time stock dump, means its time to shit, shower, and take hits from the bong

hope the recovery comes through soon

>> No.10807279
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>> No.10807287


>> No.10807290

>bought aug 31 call
haha nigga what
you're retarded

>> No.10807292
File: 183 KB, 1062x1500, `1512148827180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was having a such a nice green day, now its red, WTF?

>> No.10807301
File: 24 KB, 665x574, 43b18f1ef87182364426a3e0f83e3a640abe0d61ff0e14d423b46d9c23d32801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ this general's full of pussies
it's not the fucking end when you go -5% you'll be fine

>> No.10807305

Why is this thread full of retards going apeshit over 0.2% moves again?

>> No.10807312
Quoted by: >>10807342

relax its just in fun

>> No.10807314

Aye, new ATH tomorrow.

>> No.10807319

that's 12% of the rate of inflation, this is big!

>> No.10807323

>do more research on NLST
>look at employee reviews, terrible
>rumors of a reverse split
>CEO pumps up the stock price by suing the everloving shit out of big companies even if he loses he gets publicity
It's a HMNY for the technological sector. They could be profiting from actual sales of their submemory shit but end up dumping all that money into their lawyers.

>> No.10807342
File: 8 KB, 480x470, 958625ed8436a4a8c7133491e58c3db5f06360f137fce50249a1c2876cd7cfa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10807347
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>> No.10807353
File: 98 KB, 604x619, 1534905427914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10807388

>faces of NLST FOMO bagholders from yesterday right now

>> No.10807355



what a piece of shit

>> No.10807357

FNGU you have my permission to drop back to 60 now

>> No.10807360

Which of you recommended LCI before the 60%+ drop? I warned you about that company and you're a real rude permabull nigger about it, too.

NOW it's a decent buy, though. It has like 40% shares held short and that distributor issue isn't worth a -60% drop. Maybe -20% or -30%.

Dumbass shorts think it'll go bankrupt and will keep piling int oshort positions below 5$. Same shit happened with MNK and it was an easy +300% short squeeze.

>> No.10807361

Just cuz your call was cheap per contract doesn't mean it wasn't a waste of money

>> No.10807363

>Micron embarking on a journey to the centre of the Earth again

>> No.10807364

Have you liberals forgot the Trump card? Mike "take it in the ass and you're going to get gassed" Pence gets the almighty pen. Be careful what you wish for?

>> No.10807369
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Big5goy recommended it

>> No.10807373

Too late to get into GLUU? What about Zynga? And is the nigger above me right? Should we scoop some lci for a short recovery

>> No.10807374
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>> No.10807377

I’m in calls since this morning.

>> No.10807384
File: 159 KB, 680x396, Denial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be true

>> No.10807386
File: 40 KB, 426x341, sweating_man_deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PSTG trying to keep my account green
A fucking storage company.

>> No.10807387
File: 50 KB, 400x533, Make It Stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, market. You can stop tanking now.

>> No.10807388
Quoted by: >>10807423

>Chun Ki Hong
come on guys that's not a real name, that's a character from donkey kong for fucks sake
you guys are investing in gorillas and apes now

>> No.10807390

LCI is 70% down since big bag fag started shilling it.

>> No.10807399


>> No.10807401
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>> No.10807407
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Avoid anything that stinks of big5

>> No.10807423

It's too fucking funny. Every time some faggot shills a penny stock on here like NLST, pull the company rug out and there's some funny shit under it.

>> No.10807424
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 340_facingleft-cheese2-new_2016w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy KHC again

>> No.10807426

im waiting longer but i kinda agree
whats the price to book now, like 0.2?

>> No.10807442

where do you guys find all this information like how many shares of a company are short, how you track IV and volume, etc
I can't find shit for it in tradingview

>> No.10807447

it will range between 300-400 for the rest of time

>> No.10807467
File: 2.00 MB, 242x343, NOPE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any good recources for learning to trade options?
I need ot make some lunch money

>> No.10807469
Quoted by: >>10807474

somebody bake new bread

>> No.10807474

i am

>> No.10807486


>> No.10807488


Right here on /smg/

You have free access to some of the best trading minds in the world.

>> No.10807490

LCI is a penny stock now. MIDTEENS SOON! I was guaranteed

>> No.10807509
File: 34 KB, 328x499, 51HRoHy49cL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very plain language writing and will prep u for the McMillan tome of knowledge

>> No.10808578

Thoughts on CRISPR?