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>> No.54188850 [View]
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I have given everything for this stock. Sacrificed relationships with family, with friends both online and IRL, ruined my health sitting in these threads for years at this point. All of it. Even if it does pay out I'm probably not getting most of it back. I can't put into words how disappointed I am this has dragged on this long, made me look like this much of a fool, and how much it has taken from me. I have made very real and in many cases permanent sacrifices for this shit. I just want whoever reads this that has anything to do with the company to know this. I asked what the fuck I could do for my company and I did it all, made a fucking lolcow out of myself, and still will until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. I believed in it when few else did and it has cost me dearly, so much that at this point I have no other viable choice but to stay the course and keep going in this direction. It hurts and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't, I'm tired of acting like everything is okay. And I'm gonna fuck off outta this thread and whoever wants to can point and laugh and I just don't give a shit anymore. I don't want people to get hurt, I know the markets as a whole will always be a cesspool of criminal bullshit and nothing I can do will stop that, I just want my fucking money I was promised so I can go and never look back. Start a new life, meet new people, reclaim some semblance of sanity although frankly this has all lifted the veil on everything to the extent I'll never be able to return to anywhere near the mindset I was in prior. Everything but my life I have given to GME and even then in many respects, I have. So I'm gonna go back to work and just make money and keep buying and cry while I get drunk before I pass out in my time off. That's what the fuck I'm gonna do. And whoever is behind all of this can just know they need to do whatever the fuck they can and do for me what I did for them, and if they have a problem with it it's theirs and not mine.

>> No.54001639 [View]
File: 378 KB, 282x200, 1615230394361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been ready for 2 years, I am becoming hardened to the world and have lost meaning in anything but waiting for the day I can become free

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