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>> No.24479847 [View]
File: 696 KB, 600x800, uisatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nature of being around 'early adopter' people on anything comes with the kind of strong believer mentality. so people here are drawn to false prophets and twittercunts easily because its inherently in the nature of the people her around. so yeah fuck babacucks

>> No.24449975 [View]
File: 696 KB, 600x800, uisatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"huurrrr muuuh juuuuu"
i embrace human nature. hate and revenge are natural and keep things in order. all crumbled when weakness to take revenge got glorified by the church 'give your other cheek'. and thats why i hate everybody here talking about 'doing good', because nobody will, because we are all egoistic, but thats okay. i simply embrace it already and dont pretend to be an altruistic person.

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