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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 599 KB, 774x758, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3pzujm.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9894401 No.9894401 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9897330
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1608653175489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.9897563
File: 11 KB, 198x254, 1648262620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897595

I love fauna!

>> No.9897565
File: 200 KB, 1199x1638, Exf8fgOVgAgNflH.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897621 >>9897625


>> No.9897566

Me too!

>> No.9897572
File: 838 KB, 841x847, MUMEI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897573
File: 96 KB, 736x736, 20210916_153028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897577
File: 63 KB, 718x897, 1631801172175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I likes to sniff glue

>> No.9897582
Quoted by: >>9897615

Playing Hades has ruined Bastion for me, I can only see the janky and rough early gameplay.

>> No.9897583
File: 105 KB, 155x258, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897886


>> No.9897587

Yeah me

>> No.9897586
File: 431 KB, 662x399, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897949

>> No.9897588

>Not using the fact that that Famine have black horse, that Australia is a barren wasteland and that she likes to "eat and eat and eat" to unite third horseman to Sana
Weak, reread your Bible, see you at Sunday Mass.

>> No.9897591
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been over 2 hours, why is time blasting forward so fast

>> No.9897592
File: 3.02 MB, 2000x1429, GuraSwimsuit220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897661

I love Gura

>> No.9897595
File: 65 KB, 566x599, 1631497652987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too~!

>> No.9897596
File: 1.34 MB, 1359x1184, 1631803579011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897641

Based let's goooooo superchatter helping us kill the thread

>> No.9897597

Ummm, takos/KFP???
Why aren't your oshis getting any viewers?

>> No.9897598
File: 304 KB, 965x1897, 1dd284d48c7a94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting fauna before the ina schizo fills up the thread!

>> No.9897599
File: 73 KB, 480x745, 1630973861725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897708

Whoa is this moomer global general?

>> No.9897601


>> No.9897602
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1631565954740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, me too!

>> No.9897606 [SPOILER] 
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1630717984287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897608
File: 377 KB, 1500x1398, E0c_bTMVUAQkQ3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897646

God I love her so much.

>> No.9897615

Same, though the OST is still solid.

>> No.9897618
File: 31 KB, 432x127, 1611756769950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897689

Yeah, I'm thinking they are

>> No.9897621


>> No.9897622
File: 210 KB, 312x515, 1625968802807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897685

Nature love!

>> No.9897623
File: 2.71 MB, 1960x976, 1630475640126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897652 >>9897683

>Faggots asking roommate shit last thread
We need a purge

>> No.9897624
Quoted by: >>9897672 >>9897707

>/hlg/ danke schoen

>> No.9897625
File: 1.33 MB, 1203x2053, 3CD834A8-BA11-4ACB-A562-52BF404BC98C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute oshi!

>> No.9897628

Cuter without the hats.

>> No.9897629
File: 16 KB, 87x76, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate saplings

>> No.9897631

Being a whore is the new vtuber meta newfag

>> No.9897635

We don't

>> No.9897638
File: 859 KB, 976x832, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897715

Mori liked this based image

>> No.9897637

>HLG Danke Schon!
D-did I hear that right?

>> No.9897639
File: 2.25 MB, 4096x2920, E-L2BwjVEAc8gSu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897640

Orange woman bad

>> No.9897641

Text and image throws my sides into orbit kek

>> No.9897645

Something that has been scratching at me since the anniversary steam. Before breaking down in tears, Ina said
>I know we've had our ups and downs over the year
What did she mean by this? Was there hardcore tension between the girls that we couldn't see offcamera? Do I just need to take my meds? This is a rrat that has yet to be explored.

>> No.9897647
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1000, 1615427313459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897646

God, I love those feathers. So soft, I want to touch...

>> No.9897651
File: 1.08 MB, 2699x1800, @LgeeseL_1438608837334863890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897727

I love Ina too!

>> No.9897652

Council has brought a LOT of newfags in, it hurts.

>> No.9897653
File: 80 KB, 900x819, 1631342392529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what if Mumei

>> No.9897658
File: 1.12 MB, 850x1202, c6fccaf2deaa877a297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897657

cuter with the hats

>> No.9897661
Quoted by: >>9897701

holy instagram slut

>> No.9897667
File: 168 KB, 996x1825, E9d2PcmVIAEFwdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, I'm the last KFP, now I can marry Kiara

>> No.9897672
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1616879337241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ donates to Kiara now?

>> No.9897674
File: 105 KB, 284x354, ninner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897678
File: 898 KB, 828x1109, 1631817781921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897679
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1631827072920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897695

>fauna starts mining for iron

>> No.9897683
File: 847 KB, 1000x768, 1631582783593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it time?

>> No.9897685
File: 1.72 MB, 220x272, fuck_you_Green_whore.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897722

Nature hate

>> No.9897688

Kiara is in an exceptional mood thoughts

>> No.9897689

Mother and Daughter but the mom has reverse Oedipus complex

>> No.9897690
Quoted by: >>9897712

i am still watching the irys minecraft stream from 2 days ago?

>> No.9897693

fuck you

>> No.9897695

Mining fucking sucks for common things.

>> No.9897697
Quoted by: >>9897843 >>9897998

I think she was talking more about tech issues, having permissions denied and anything else that can be considered "down" for a streamer.
It doesn't have to be discord catfights.

>> No.9897699
File: 42 KB, 125x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897832

we are millions, your weak plant body will never survive the onslaught

>> No.9897700
Quoted by: >>9898016

Based. Playing the long game, I see.

>> No.9897701
File: 365 KB, 1314x1925, GuraSwimsuit219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s just me behind the camera

>> No.9897704
File: 4 KB, 284x32, chrome_3BA11Ad6uV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897706
File: 89 KB, 1212x979, 1611941620653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898016

Not even close, employee. Get back in line.

>> No.9897707
Quoted by: >>9897899

A lot of KFP SC regulars are here so it's no surprise

>> No.9897708
File: 3.12 MB, 900x850, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgtnnct.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897725


>> No.9897710
File: 288 KB, 1536x2048, Shion[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy8gpg3.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897939


>> No.9897711
File: 2.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1612611813491.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAHtching Ina build that city on a hill as she gets absolutely demolished by spikes, causing our good ole narrator to consistently lose his thought through this perilous journey and action filled story of Bastion. Kid's got a long way to go before he can defeat those windbags.
While Fauna's showing off her golden apple for added effect to her adorable as hell siren song that's entangled so many of the denizens of /hlgg/. Her Kirin house is coming along pretty well though isn't it? At least it's not green top like IRyS.
While Kiara's still being sweeter than a caramel apple as she continues to thank all the supachats and support she's gotten today for playing Tales of Arise.
Flare released this fantastic cover of Goodbye Sengen today. You should consider giving it a stream if you've missed out on listening to it yet. Flare's got an amazing voice and she really shows off here. While you're at it, go stream Smile & Go too.
Aqua also released a cover song today, singing Deco*27's Cinderella. I don't need to tell you just how cute Aqua sounds when she sings and this is no exception. She's got such a perfect moe voice for these kinds of things and her songs always come out being sweeter than candy, give it a stream if you haven't yet.
Watame released yet another original song today as the powerful sheep doesn't have any brakes. This song is called Holiday and it's got energetic yet comfy vibes, culminating into a very good experience to jam out to. You should definitely considering giving it a stream or two as you definitely won't be disappointed.
So friends, where we at?

>> No.9897712

No, you are just halucinating.
Wake up, anon.

>> No.9897713
File: 1.03 MB, 2220x1248, The KFPrize[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqshwpf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897967 >>9898016

You’ll have to get through me

>> No.9897715


>> No.9897717

It's a coordinated effort with me and a kfp chicken to be the last of our groups so we can marry our oshis.

>> No.9897721
File: 554 KB, 671x727, 1614915438362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897828 >>9897877

Always a good time for cunny, Anon

>> No.9897722


>> No.9897724
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 58677453645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897740 >>9897787


>> No.9897725
File: 509 KB, 783x783, 1629845256391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897727

That glasses hairstyle one is pure unfiltered sex, so is the forehead one.

>> No.9897728
File: 704 KB, 1046x514, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898016

>the last KFP
actually that would be me

>> No.9897733
File: 201 KB, 187x423, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897732

I fucking hated Pike Hill.

>> No.9897734

At the ready Ayamefriend!

>> No.9897739
Quoted by: >>9897854 >>9897902

If I go to Austria, what are the odds that I can find a cute, headstrong girl like Kiara.

>> No.9897740
File: 881 KB, 420x418, I won [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F79oqaf.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897742 [DELETED] 
File: 414 KB, 1554x1054, 1631827148929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owlcucks see all these coincidences and go "uh huh, nothing to see here".
At this point you have to be sick in the head to deny reality so hard. Cuckings accept Fauna&Eddy and they're happy little cucks
>Both on west coast (confirmed by Baelz)
>Exact same CPU and GPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 and a RTX 2060 SUPER
>Manneirisms / laugh: https://streamable.com/cao0js
>Art: https://files.catbox.moe/qm1ykp.jpg
>Extremely similar voice which can be fine tuned with a vocal processor like Ina/Gura/Ame/Kiara do
>Singing voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axrHHG_bzOM
>Listed John Denver as one of her favorite musicians
>Both have a pet dog with identical bark
>Both took thursdays off all the time
>Things like keyboard can be easily changed to confuse doxxers, like Ame and Gura do with PST/EST clocks/time on their PCs, same thing for scheduled tweets
>Favorite anime include NGE (as the absolute favorite of both) Steins gate, Tokyo Ghoul (manga), Bokurano (outilier)
>privated videos on debut day
>privated twitter a few days after

Ask yourself this, after all this evidence, are you still gonna be in denial? This girl not only is CURRENTLY in a relationship, she makes everyone in Myth look like a saint, so beware, here's her baggage:

>> No.9897744
Quoted by: >>9898016

How is this pic allowed but cookie monster Suisei isn't.
Same amount of lip.

>> No.9897746


>> No.9897748

VIIIage isn't scary... You drive around in a scrap tank fighting a magnet man, it's basically a comedy.

>> No.9897753

I thought Fauna was a pro? Should know about the Lapiz diamond location strat.

>> No.9897752


>> No.9897758
File: 122 KB, 311x275, 124345461844554575454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897810

I haven't seen a game that causes eye cancer like this in a long time. The Wonderfull 101 wasn't GOTY either, but this is like playing Hades on drugs. Bad drugs. I'm convinced even Ina wouldn't choose this game willingly.

>> No.9897765


>> No.9897767
File: 1.08 MB, 1457x1032, 20210916_152304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here, Ayamefriend!

>> No.9897770


>> No.9897772
File: 603 KB, 2764x5088, 1612680394969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897773
File: 38 KB, 120x194, image_2021-09-16_231935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897774


>> No.9897775
Quoted by: >>9897874

Get a job

>> No.9897778

Yeah 7 is a lot more scary than 8 because 8 almost immediately allows you to fight back.

>> No.9897780
File: 39 KB, 372x353, 1615353161145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897834 >>9897852

>Nobody talks about Ina except all the ones filling up the thread with Ina
I don't get shitposting

>> No.9897786

heartattackfag here plz stop playing horages for fucks sake

>> No.9897787
File: 2.41 MB, 2845x1402, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897788
Quoted by: >>9898111

Right here Ayamefriend! Dying of allergies while watching Ina.

>> No.9897791

SOMA is a different type of horror

>> No.9897792
File: 208 KB, 1555x1595, The Weakest KFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898016

Oh you fucking wish, I will outlive all of you.

>> No.9897795


>> No.9897797
File: 200 KB, 330x318, 1631827253775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another soma

>> No.9897798

Soma deez nuts

>> No.9897801
File: 207 KB, 428x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897853

The numbers....

>> No.9897803
File: 289 KB, 1604x2048, DD87C190-2C1E-4EFB-9B8C-750FD95E2758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss her.

>> No.9897804


>> No.9897805

You WILL watch Kiara die live on stream when Gura forces her to play Outlast!

>> No.9897807

How do I have sex with Fauna

>> No.9897808
File: 292 KB, 2000x2000, 1630214669054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magnetism is scary

>> No.9897810


>> No.9897811
File: 88 KB, 167x239, 1618557304299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897867

Ina's gaming.

>> No.9897812

Which holo would do a watchalong of the '78 Halloween?

>> No.9897814
Quoted by: >>9897837 >>9897957

I'm surprised the council hasn't tried phasmophobie yet

>> No.9897816
File: 249 KB, 702x672, 1630517191615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897892 >>9898016

get lost, kid

>> No.9897817
File: 579 KB, 977x972, Anya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one look forward to Anya's SUPER SPOOKY KUSOKE OCTOBER

>> No.9897824
File: 262 KB, 1000x900, 1627455650029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897923

>At least it's not green top like IRyS.
I didn't know we were enemies before but now I do

>> No.9897827
Quoted by: >>9897868

It has jumpscares in certain sections, that's about it.

>> No.9897828
File: 167 KB, 700x1000, f051238249bcd0e9a5d2a0816e86119e-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897831
Quoted by: >>9897953

>Fauna wants a horror game that isn't too scary.
Time to recommend Deadly Premonition.

>> No.9897834 [DELETED] 

Nobody talks about Ina because nobody watches Ina. Literally the most worthless EN.

>> No.9897832
File: 62 KB, 232x219, 1630497009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897983


I know it's a lost cause since there is like no artwork of fauna yet

>> No.9897837

I can't wait for them to pick it up. It's genuine kusoge but it's hilarious to see the girls play it together.

>> No.9897838
File: 49 KB, 486x485, 1615594092688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sapfags get the rope

>> No.9897840
File: 394 KB, 542x864, Anyapple a day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The air has toxins in it and I don't trust my tapwater, but too much activated charcoal will start giving you gut flora issues and I can't have that. The gingerol is as close to an easy to find catch-all health drink that you can get. Prebiotics, probiotics, tons of vitamins, and it's pretty easy to digest and it's quite concentrated. It helps with immunity, bone health, and digestive issues mainly. Some people also claim it can help reduce cancer but I've never seen anything substantial to back that up, but placebos are real medicine so it's fine. Konjac jelly is a classic weight loss thing but I eat it because it has no negative side effects when not consumed in large amounts. Collagen is added and vitamin C (vitamin C is super easy to add to anything that doesn't matter), collagen is proven to help with joint health, hair, skin health, and general body function from as large as making sure your skin doesn't dry up and crack to as minute as keeping your blood vessels strong. Vitamin C has an innumerable list of benefits but it's so commonplace it's retarded to give a shit anymore. You can literally add vitamin C to anything, get a tiny bottle of ascorbic acid and put it in your pickle jar, bam you've infused vitamin C into it. Gut health controls your entire body health, I've been saying this for years and so have most actual health researchers, but mainstream physicians are only just catching on. Kombucha, fermented foods such as kimchi and miso, and high concentration vitamin juice shots (Pressed has some fucked up painful lemon cayenne ginger shots that hurt to drink) are a legitimately good idea in the modern health era. We've already got that, but detoxing is just as important as good intake. Thus activated charcoal, hot baths, skin exfoliants, and putting baking soda / vinegar in your bath to clean your skin of bacteria. (don't stay in the baking soda bath too long you'll get alkaline burns.)

>> No.9897843
Quoted by: >>9897998

I wanted to believe that at first, but she followed that with
>I'm glad to spend time with you guys
So my mind went immediately to infighting between them. I hope I'm wrong, even so they seemed friendly towards each other in the stream.

>> No.9897846

become me

>> No.9897847

KYS and your orbiters

>> No.9897851
Quoted by: >>9898188

I just realized Ame kept her composure throughout the whole thing and she wasn't that emotional on her stream the next day. I guess it's really only sad things that get to her.

>> No.9897852

Don't forget that Takos have abandoned /hlgg/ in favor for their split, but are also behind every shitpost in /hlgg/

>> No.9897854

pretty low, you'd be more successful if you were to work on properly socializing around where you live. Knowing the language and culture will help a ton with stuff like that

>> No.9897853
Quoted by: >>9897961

Why is Kiara getting low numbers news now?

>> No.9897857
File: 305 KB, 384x358, 1629148874460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897888 >>9897915

Hey Fauna you know what's scary? When you have inting teammates at your Diamond league promos haha please play League

>> No.9897858
File: 697 KB, 800x800, kfp 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898016

That's where you're wrong.

>> No.9897859
File: 1.01 MB, 874x1240, 1624740422965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897860
File: 3.02 MB, 2480x3508, CIVILIZATION[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgwxq1s.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897863
File: 145 KB, 1500x904, Etnto3xUUAc7Ixj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897911

Wasn't she going to play World of Warcraft Classic? What happened to that?

>> No.9897864

>Little Nightmares

>> No.9897865
Quoted by: >>9897962

>tfw takoling and you idiots are falseflagging on both sides

Wake me up.

>> No.9897866

She's taken

>> No.9897867
File: 146 KB, 194x319, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's trying!!!

>> No.9897868

Jumpscares aren't "scary" in the "horror" game sense.

>> No.9897870

chattin thoughts

>> No.9897869

All fake

>> No.9897872
File: 2.63 MB, 426x426, Ayamefriend[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpdyt0w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897874

You do know she's enma right?

>> No.9897877
File: 2.16 MB, 1456x1386, 1620710298692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura Rushia collab when...

>> No.9897880

Management shit, Coco leaving, etc.

>> No.9897886
File: 3 KB, 198x308, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897946


>> No.9897888
Quoted by: >>9897976

Isn't Fauna a DOTA player?

>> No.9897890
File: 154 KB, 850x1440, fe26ba50d0963f68b09916c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is cuuuuuu~te!

>> No.9897893


>> No.9897892

Fuck you featherman

>> No.9897898
Quoted by: >>9897959

please don't play omori, game is boring + massive debuff

>> No.9897899

Global's been generally positive or neutral to Kiara for ages now.

>> No.9897902

just go to any con

>> No.9897901 [DELETED] 


>> No.9897905


>> No.9897904


>> No.9897906

Fauna love video games!

>> No.9897911

wow is trash and lately is full of controvery.

better avoid it.

>> No.9897915
Quoted by: >>9897976

She plays DOTA anon, no league here

>> No.9897916

Right here Ayamefriend

>> No.9897917
Quoted by: >>9897952

>he STILL believes the rrats

>> No.9897919
File: 199 KB, 2315x2315, E_V0xbkVEAEbIs5-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey me too

>> No.9897923
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1624315789318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897958

Look at it this way, IRyS still lives in a green top but at the very least she has a house to live in. My oshi has a plot of land that's been vacant for what's about to be two whole years now.

>> No.9897924
File: 76 KB, 293x128, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost Inner...

>> No.9897928
Quoted by: >>9897985

>viewers trending up
>about to hit 11k
>debuffs herself by 2k viewers by going to loading screen for 2 mins
Why is she like this? Does she not want to get 10x Kiara's viewership?

>> No.9897931

quick some one tell Luna about this game

>> No.9897933

>At least it's not green top like IRyS
Today you made an ayamenemy

>> No.9897932
File: 138 KB, 831x924, 1629656481020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898011

Fauna... my hopium...
Play AoE 2, not these kusoge...

>> No.9897939
File: 2.14 MB, 1656x2000, 1631756659190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897940
File: 308 KB, 1200x630, signup-meta-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to play EVE

>> No.9897942
File: 122 KB, 700x1000, 1600332235382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chumfucks are sexually attracted to this

>> No.9897943

They changed Gura's VA

>> No.9897946
Quoted by: >>9898019

jeez anon, save some server space for the rest of us

>> No.9897949
File: 30 KB, 273x371, 1605385545224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898017 >>9898102

I still cannot believe we went from Walfas to that.

>> No.9897951 [SPOILER] 
File: 855 KB, 1120x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897966 >>9898076


>> No.9897952 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9897988

Based idolCHAD show these newfags the truth

>> No.9897953


>> No.9897956
File: 180 KB, 811x1518, c5a3da6091bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898035

Why is faunas design so innocent yet so lewd bros?

>> No.9897957

4 players, still doing full unity collabs.

>> No.9897958
Quoted by: >>9897999

Is the sign still there?

>> No.9897960 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 512x512, ロボ子さん🤖ホロライブ0期生✨ - 月見たーーーべたぁぃ🍔🌙._·̩͙-1437600294594957312.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897992


>> No.9897959
Quoted by: >>9898075

how come it's popular enough to have a general in /vg/ then?

>> No.9897961

Those are her regular numbers for jrpg SC readings so anon is just baiting

>> No.9897962
File: 442 KB, 1500x1500, EyDPwUIVgAEQo1b-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what's going on I just want Ina to use the fucking machete.

>> No.9897963 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.29 MB, 863x1300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9897997

Find a tree.

>> No.9897966

The worst outfit design

>> No.9897967
File: 224 KB, 404x303, KFKURGAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898033 >>9898038

One day all of KFP will be summoned to the Gathering. And we will finally see who among us is worthy.

>> No.9897972
Quoted by: >>9898022 >>9898031

what plane of existence do i need to travel to in order to meet a girl like irys?

>> No.9897976
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1629657401450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898005 >>9898140

I know but I wanna see her play League too I bet she'll have fun with it

>> No.9897977
Quoted by: >>9898034

she could run around topless ToT

>> No.9897982
File: 60 KB, 800x450, e1zkmvjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to tell her that EVE is longer than 3 hours?

>> No.9897983
File: 298 KB, 1569x2068, @Freesia9632_1426211952012009476-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to worry about that a lot during the first days of Holomyth, it gets better sooner than you think and you don't always have to whip out the perfect art to make posting about your oshi count.

>> No.9897984

right here ayameako!

>> No.9897985

If Kiara can stop numberfagging her live viewership, maybe, just maybe you can also be saved anon.

>> No.9897987

>hlgg gets vt pigeons now
I now understand how chuubas feel.

>> No.9897988
Quoted by: >>9898305

>he STILL believes the narratives

>> No.9897990
File: 404 KB, 706x703, 160980981052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T u T

>> No.9897992

but she's a robot, robots don't eat

>> No.9897993

7 and 8 are like going from 3 to 4 back in the day. Just goofy comical bullshit.

>> No.9897995
File: 66 KB, 612x612, 1629553798976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898120

So he's a teamate?
I feel dirty sharing an oshi with this faggot

>> No.9897997

Sexy trees is always a good thread

>> No.9897998

do doomposters really...?

>> No.9897999

I actually think it is. At least it was when Mio streamed Minecraft a couple of months ago.

>> No.9898005

She never played LoL despite being a dota casual. Probably a tribalnigger.

>> No.9898011

She's on the mood of halloween.

>> No.9898015

Fauna baby.......

>> No.9898016
File: 166 KB, 266x266, 1611426912719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi jannies, who said that you can leave the fall guys server?

>> No.9898017
Quoted by: >>9898108

and Walfie went from Hololive to Nijisanji because YAGOO stole his designs and didn't pay him for it

>> No.9898019
File: 1 KB, 80x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898060


>> No.9898022


>> No.9898027
File: 21 KB, 427x427, 1630036228877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /hlgg/, may I take your order?

>> No.9898029
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, c31slp86BVA-01-59-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898138

Your date's here.

>> No.9898031


>> No.9898032
File: 575 KB, 2000x3000, 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop baiting with fauna you numberniggers

>> No.9898033
File: 333 KB, 581x500, 1631642140598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that will be ME ME ME

>> No.9898034
Quoted by: >>9898110

Children(girls) don't need to wear shirts.

>> No.9898035
File: 214 KB, 1516x2048, xophsb5k1cj271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898073 >>9898263

Fauna is not for lewding!

>> No.9898038


>> No.9898042

Literally all he had to do was never post dox and I could have safely ignored and not cared about him forever. Fucking imbecile.

>> No.9898050 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 300x360, mega-bruiser-jaw-breaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late buddy

>> No.9898056

Undertale never ever KEK

>> No.9898059
File: 451 KB, 850x1200, XJYcqqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

>> No.9898060
Quoted by: >>9898124

>1 KB

>> No.9898063
File: 441 KB, 960x540, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fuwrw0k.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898093

Yeah lemme get...

>> No.9898069
File: 344 KB, 1152x2048, 354234243234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the freshest fries you got mate. None of the been on the hot plate for 20 minutes shite.

>> No.9898070 [DELETED] 

reminder to report faunafriends for avatarposting

>> No.9898072
File: 231 KB, 353x385, 1631493882516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898202

Anyone have the magnet for Gura's Ratatouille watchalong? Can't find it in that other thread.

>> No.9898071
Quoted by: >>9898149

I'll take one rrat, extra schizo hold the meds.

>> No.9898073
File: 1.09 MB, 2150x3035, 1631719780259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898139

Not at all

>> No.9898075

not him but
>caring about /vg/
the DDLC thread is still alive even after all these years

>> No.9898076
Quoted by: >>9898105

Wouldn't be surprised since their roommates have probably met already.

>> No.9898078
File: 164 KB, 720x1200, E6hNetNVkAI0rul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wouldn't make sweet love to this hot babe

>> No.9898085

we still grinding for that chicken skin?

>> No.9898088
File: 2.52 MB, 1550x2118, 1630335178424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is Tensai!

>> No.9898090

Where'd this discord raid suddently come from?

>> No.9898093

this soundpost is annoying

>> No.9898099
File: 187 KB, 888x342, 1610344456804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898100

That's a generic phrase everyone uses for an anniversary. Take your meds.

>> No.9898102

If I had a nickel for every time Walfiee accidentally made a widespread permanent impact on an anime-adjacent fandom with his meme sketches I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

>> No.9898105

And went drinking

>> No.9898108

Myth got Walfie into vtubers, if it wasn't for them he would never found his oshi.

>> No.9898110

In my country is totally normal to see topless kids running around

>> No.9898111


>> No.9898114

I can do both

>> No.9898118
File: 3.55 MB, 2048x2560, B2DB60A0-0E12-4C08-8F85-1462399E2D8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898166 >>9898297

Hey KFPbros, can I please marry Kiara? I’ll treat her well, I promise!

>> No.9898120

cant be worse than sharing an oshi with towaflip

>> No.9898122
File: 511 KB, 1142x1000, 25c21101ec2a9243dc500ef852da65e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898124
File: 422 B, 34x57, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898165


>> No.9898127

Are you the same anon that posts this all the time, or is there a group of 3-4 of you?

>> No.9898128

I actually dropped fall guys because i was too depressed to play...

>> No.9898139
Quoted by: >>9898180

I'll need a Kiara level rrat before I can look at photos of Fauna without feeling disdain

>> No.9898138
File: 147 KB, 220x243, dud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898140

If she plays LoL, she must do only jungle, would be kino

>> No.9898142
File: 106 KB, 512x512, 1611436371107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now, if you aren't just the cutest little sharky, yess you are! yes you are!

>> No.9898146
File: 123 KB, 993x1246, GuraHeadpat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would Gura, I would

>> No.9898147

This is a comfy ass house but I'm scared she doesn't have enough light and it'll fucking spawn something and destroy it

>> No.9898149
File: 1.26 MB, 1362x767, Screenshot_1437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.9898154
File: 2.00 MB, 1415x2280, 1621890732786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbqh i prefer this

>> No.9898157
File: 661 KB, 1920x1200, 718211406_353756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Hololive WoT megacollab.

>> No.9898165
Quoted by: >>9898181


>> No.9898166

Sorry bro but I'm already married to her. That's why she's so happy today.

>> No.9898171
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1202, 7fe69fe0b6b60e16bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898172

What a faggot

>> No.9898177
File: 558 KB, 1920x1080, 1605512012354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Ina's stream just makes me want to go listen to Bastion's Soundtrack again. I don't think I've been paying attention to her gaming.

>> No.9898180
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1614972532621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this even mean?

>> No.9898181
File: 226 B, 5x10, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898189
File: 65 KB, 787x552, TactiFP0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma pop a cap on some niggas tonight

>> No.9898188
Quoted by: >>9898267

Ame makes it a point to not cry on stream. Coco said that after the Reddit review that Ame was basically crying the whole time while they were talking.

>> No.9898192


>> No.9898196
File: 3.82 MB, 640x359, 1631772654498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898276

Oh fuck yes please I need me a jungle autist holo

>> No.9898202

here you go

>> No.9898212

T o T

>> No.9898217
Quoted by: >>9898287

I admit I'd probably get a kick out of seeing her play Ivern but it's not worth ever touching that role much less the game to begin with.
t. jungle main

>> No.9898224
Quoted by: >>9898398

So anons, why haven't YOU smuggled an illegal firearm for your oshi yet?

>> No.9898226

Fauna's kinda girly, huh?

>> No.9898225

why is it always a SEAnig tranny... Kiara doesn't need even more help in discrediting her antis...

>> No.9898229
File: 2.50 MB, 1680x1510, 1631669330867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898265

>Just tried to post from mall wifi
>Unearthed some ban from /jp/ last year
>A fucking sheeppost screaming that homowatchers are niggers and should be lynched from the threads
What a blast from the past

>> No.9898231
Quoted by: >>9898292 >>9898644

Are ~10k people really watching a tree build a kitchen?

>> No.9898235

>Fauna house versus Mori YA BOI'S watoto hovel

>> No.9898236
Quoted by: >>9898314 >>9898339

ina's ability to do some of the shit she does in games but then be completely shit at handling something like enemies popping out of the floor always confuses me

>> No.9898240
Quoted by: >>9898281

I'm gonna need a smaller one, anon.

>> No.9898247
File: 1.26 MB, 1563x570, TKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898309

why settle for the shittier tank game ?

>> No.9898251
File: 821 B, 28x30, 1628388495910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898253


>> No.9898258

The OST is fantastic so I don't mind just watching for it alone, though ina's cute in singing along too.

>> No.9898260

If you don't have it downloaded, Supergiant uploaded the whole OST onto their own youtube channel.

>> No.9898263
File: 1.10 MB, 1012x1552, 182736163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cum on her antlers!

>> No.9898265


>> No.9898266
File: 48 KB, 1200x749, confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holobros, I want to confess something
I want HolostarsEN

>> No.9898267

Coco graduation arc was a tough time for teamates

>> No.9898268



>> No.9898271
File: 65 KB, 227x214, 12983179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara general

>> No.9898275
Quoted by: >>9898369

Aren't the schizo MOBA websites that track wins/losses doxx central that link all your alts and shit if someone knows any name?

>> No.9898276


>> No.9898281
File: 31 B, 1x1, n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898340


>> No.9898285
Quoted by: >>9898357

Fauna's house is looking pretty impressive, someone better have written down Fauna's coordinates to spam during the Pekora collab tomorrow.

>> No.9898287

It'd be fun to watch her suffer/figure out the role while playing the tree man
t. Ivern Main

>> No.9898288
File: 104 KB, 222x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a full c&c skirmish mega collab with Hololive

>> No.9898292

minecraft building is comfy

>> No.9898297

As long you save her from her cats, you can give it a try

>> No.9898298

Management got really fucking upset by dramasubbers

>> No.9898299

I'm listening to Setting Sail, Coming Home right now

>> No.9898305
Quoted by: >>9898400

Keep coping brother, the more you cope, the harder it'll hit you later.

>> No.9898306

Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute

>> No.9898310
File: 178 KB, 512x512, _DTNYNjrI4O_gwP3qKXgDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898309

Because I haven't played any other.

>> No.9898314
Quoted by: >>9898349

She's an MMO player, she's good at doing a fight if she has it memorized but awful at thinking on her feet or utilizing multiple game mechanics simultaneously.

>> No.9898317

What the fuck Cover is actually subbing clips for Kiara's holotalk? Based for once.

>> No.9898320
File: 1.83 MB, 498x498, takojam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what that 'challenge' track is? It's a fucking banger

>> No.9898324
Quoted by: >>9898358

>Kiara doxx
what was it?

>> No.9898325
Quoted by: >>9898354 >>9898416

Why did Mumei need all that redstone earlier

>> No.9898326
Quoted by: >>9898442

Inshallah, sister.

>> No.9898327

cute ninner!

>> No.9898330
Quoted by: >>9898388

They've been doing that for the last few.

>> No.9898329

Cuuuuuute! This is true gfe

>> No.9898335
File: 140 KB, 850x686, 455eadf613c92556d1bf217a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a wierd daughter/mother relationship

>> No.9898339

she has a weird, deep-seated inability to deal with floor hazards. floor traps were also her biggest issue in hades. and come to think of it, she's horrible at platforming and platforms are just floating floors.

>> No.9898340


>> No.9898341

Only if they stick with fujobait and avoid LE EPIC GAMERS.

>> No.9898342

Thank you for coming out anon. But we already knew.

>> No.9898345

Try again when they remove arty of that fucking dying game

>> No.9898347

Fauna has a nice house.

>> No.9898349

After her W101 streams I think that last part is moot.

>> No.9898350
Quoted by: >>9898388

I think they’ve been doing that since maybe A-chan’s episode

>> No.9898354

quest for revenge

>> No.9898357

>thinking Kiara will care to show Pekora anything other than her own projects
You can grudgepost me on this

>> No.9898358
Quoted by: >>9898411 >>9898586

posted screenshots of the "cosplay" thread

>> No.9898361

KLK told me it was normal.

>> No.9898364

I already do, I leave a comment every stream.

>> No.9898363
Quoted by: >>9898438

Right here, Ayamefriend! Will Fauna's scaredy-ness give you a run for you money?

>> No.9898368

She did it

>> No.9898367

Jesus the Japs really made Gura say "a" as many times as possible in this new Umisea huh?

>> No.9898369
File: 161 KB, 707x501, 1613973188115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think so unless you're a high profile player. Only real yabs might be friendlists, and chat wordclouds

>> No.9898370

Her props are dumb and her sudden screams scare me.
But I'd still like to be her friend.
They lost their momfriend who made them what they are to Ch*na.
Titcow Gura is a great design.

>> No.9898373
File: 340 KB, 1220x1868, 1631735312790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898375
Quoted by: >>9898468

If you got a chance to meet your oshi once a week. But all she ever does is flick a finger on one of your balls at a random point of time out of nowhere. Would you take it?

>> No.9898376

holy jeshs queen chimkin is still on. i love this bird i swear.

>> No.9898380


>> No.9898387
Quoted by: >>9899612


>> No.9898388

That's good, happy for her.

>> No.9898396 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 174x223, PSX_20210917_025014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898397
File: 203 KB, 980x1522, 20210916_091601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T o T

>> No.9898398

feather 7 reporting in:

>> No.9898400

I don't care about her in the slightest anon, nor do I care about it being real or not

>> No.9898402
Quoted by: >>9898495

Anon doesn't watch streams, how sad....

>> No.9898404
File: 218 KB, 626x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you ready to get shill streams from everyone in Hololive because they paid Cover big money to shill their shit

>> No.9898403
Quoted by: >>9898495

Nigger even if this was true Kiara has like 2 projects and an hour+ of a collab. How fucking retarded can you "pretend" to be?

>> No.9898406
Quoted by: >>9898455


>> No.9898411

Fucking nigger
here I thought it was just some random text in a post

>> No.9898413
Quoted by: >>9898451 >>9898541

>dry like your personality haha
Realistically, how do you come back without using slurs or mentioning a vagina?

>> No.9898416

It's simple, kill the shark woman.

>> No.9898418

What a dope!

>> No.9898424
File: 396 KB, 2048x1674, 1627863254438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's nothing wrong with it
t. Freud

>> No.9898430
File: 228 KB, 317x314, 1612835184674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898765

>The official Hololive channel is subscribed to Aloe
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9898432

Remember to send Sora timestamps and clips to Kiara!

>> No.9898437

>open fauna stream
>fake asmr cringe voice
>close stream
>re-open ninner playing shitty hades

>> No.9898438
File: 373 KB, 705x635, 1607077312711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October is the worst month simply because it's Halloween and every Holo and their mother wants to play Horror Games.

>> No.9898439

This design is actually really hot

>> No.9898442
Quoted by: >>9899289

HolostarsEN is the only chance we'll have of any holo playing strategy games or actually being good at fighting games

>> No.9898443

I hate to be a numberfag but did all those people who showed up to watch Myth's anniversary were just tourists? Because they ain't watching myth now.

>> No.9898446

Didn't Marine write the script or is that just a rrat? I wasn't able to catch her streams talking about Umisea because of work.

>> No.9898447
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fat cat

>> No.9898451

flip her over the council table and violate her in front of the others with your chronocock to establish dominance.

>> No.9898455
File: 42 KB, 302x175, 1624716164384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898454
Quoted by: >>9898607

>nature is the mother of civilisation
>nature fucks civilisation
Makes sense.

>> No.9898466

She was literally talking about how fortunate it was for Mori to have built the carnival today anon...

>> No.9898467

what EN is one of those weirdos who are very into serial killers?

>> No.9898468

Yes but I'd fucking kill her. I have a condition which makes my balls incredible sore so I'd snap her neck like a pencil if she touched my balls

>> No.9898478

why are kfp like this?

>> No.9898487
File: 163 KB, 1399x2048, 1631656760692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9898486

Westerners are much more likely to watch vods than catch live streams.

>> No.9898492

Probably bae

>> No.9898495

Kiara will spend most of the tour showing Pekora own stuff as well as Mamatori's, along with anything else on the way that Pekora will ask about
She will NOT go out of her way to show Pekora some random house built into the mountains that she doesn't even care about

>> No.9898496

Casuals. Most subscribers are casuals that watch only clips and special streams.

>> No.9898498

I could see Mori having a serial killer phase.

>> No.9898499
Quoted by: >>9898553 >>9898599

Gonna be honest, if this really is a fake voice I am incredibly impressed that she's able to keep it through her screams and frustration without dropping it once.

>> No.9898501
File: 103 KB, 401x452, 1628116669297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will watch Inner play Phasmo in VR.
I'm hoping the other girls will join in to make it a collab

>> No.9898507
Quoted by: >>9898544 >>9898594

I’m pretty sure yagoo has been liking nft related stuff on Twitter so I wouldn’t be surprised if cover tries pushing it.

>> No.9898508

UMISEA is the first HoloEn anime

>> No.9898511

She dodged it a few times, instead of doing the classic "a" she did more like "ha?", she only did it genuinely 1 time at the end of the episode.

>> No.9898519

*cums on you*

>> No.9898526
Quoted by: >>9898612

is moomer still on the server or did she leave?

>> No.9898527

Cryptoshilling would unironically ruin Hololive social media forever, including /vt/

>> No.9898531


>> No.9898534

>already moving the goalposts

>> No.9898535

Grudgepostbeggars are among some of the most pathetic posters because they're spouting baseless bullshit that even they don't believe but crave the adrenaline rush of a (You) that doesn't even tag them with a (You). Utterly baffling behavior unless they have a humiliation fetish.

>> No.9898537

Just like how they make Rushia get angry and flat jokes all the time

>> No.9898541

>Not everyone can be as sweat-drenched as you, m8

>> No.9898540

i NEED the myth vr phasmo collab

>> No.9898542

>Why would more people watch a big important event than streamer play game #1024?

>> No.9898544

>yagoo fell for the ntf meme
you hate to see it

>> No.9898548
File: 207 KB, 1040x1404, 1615884867589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898547

I mean, we don't know everything that goes on behind the curtain. We don't know what kinds of projects and things they've worked on that haven't gone through, we don't know what regrets they have.
For all we know, Violet was really rough on Ina. What if it didn't turn out the way she wanted? What if she worked really hard for so long, and each time it got delayed it weighed on her? How much does the online hate actually hit them? What if, say, Ina came to /vt/ and read a little too much hate about her genmates? Or just the twitter hate? What if Kiara or one of the others confided in her about the hate they received?
Stuff like that.

>> No.9898549
File: 1.14 MB, 4093x2894, E_DfTivWUAMYqWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also send her Sora clips

>> No.9898552
Quoted by: >>9898595

this fauna lady is good at interior design at least when it comes to minecraft

>> No.9898553

She's already done a fake cute voice on stream already, this is her default voice.

>> No.9898554

oh god

>> No.9898556

A bunch of JOPs showed up, too.

>> No.9898561
File: 544 KB, 591x708, 1631828218991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898577 >>9898609

>just got my half-year anniversary merch from geekjack

>> No.9898563
File: 306 KB, 1280x720, 1605697007925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898615

>Asobi Asobase
Very nice Gula

>> No.9898565
File: 69 KB, 878x839, 1620859699720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898709


>> No.9898569


>> No.9898572

They're just like me!

>> No.9898576

The fuck are these prices on their NFTs.

>> No.9898577

At least you got it....still waiting....
(I'm starting to think putting Mori's poster in the same order fucked me.)

>> No.9898581


>> No.9898584

I've yet to hear the voice slip even slightly so I really have trouble believing it's fake

>> No.9898586

Holy shit, Now I remember
that was even posted on reddit at the time

>> No.9898588

Mori has probably gone through every edgy phase out there.

>> No.9898592

Ina didn't deserve r spot in the UMISEA and I'm tired of pretending she did.

>> No.9898593

You shut the fuck up about the green top.

>> No.9898594
Quoted by: >>9898882

I can't wait for pink wojack threads on /vt/

>> No.9898595

She almost reminds me of a certain blue haired elf from the 5th official JP gen.

>> No.9898597

sora hype

>> No.9898599

it isn't a fake voice according to doxxshit

>> No.9898600

bawk bawk/10

>> No.9898602
Quoted by: >>9898677 >>9898721

Is Kiara literally going to interview Sora based on clips? I thought she cared about Hololive?

>> No.9898604
File: 107 KB, 400x400, 1620496795785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was so giddy and happy today.

>> No.9898605

I can't wait for all the chilla games we will see

>> No.9898607
Quoted by: >>9898637

>civilization was supposed to corrupt nature
>it's the other way around

>> No.9898608
Quoted by: >>9898735


>> No.9898609
Quoted by: >>9898692

Half year merch was unironically better than the 1 year merch

>> No.9898610

please put more torches or lanterns in your kitchen before a fucking creeper spawns and you die

>> No.9898611
Quoted by: >>9898654 >>9898658

Wait, don't tell me Ayamefriend was that one Melposter that got scared of Ame playing Dead Space

>> No.9898612

She left earlier

>> No.9898615

wait, I thought she was going to watch Nichijou, was Asobi Asobase on that poll? chumbuds explain

>> No.9898618
Quoted by: >>9898706


>> No.9898620
File: 97 KB, 1685x699, 1629921005563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898659

Bros... I miss Kiara...

>> No.9898621
File: 272 KB, 1000x1333, 1631409304395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898668

Fauna and Flare would make an amazing combination for MC, such eye for detail and interior design.
Like they actually build houses pleasing to the eye rather than retarded shit.

>> No.9898622

I don't trust KFP to send Kiara good clips of Sora.

>> No.9898625

Cute Imaginary Wife/10
Meh game cute spacha reading

>> No.9898629
File: 391 KB, 919x800, 1620710226853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898637
Quoted by: >>9898680 >>9898695

Wouldn't it be purification?

>> No.9898640

then take matters into your own hands

>> No.9898642


>> No.9898644

She is not a tree, her fans are. She's a deer vel giraffe.

>> No.9898645


>> No.9898651
Quoted by: >>9898726

[Funny Split News]
>Someone says Kiara was the number 1 english Tales of Arise streamer on launch day
>Another anon points out Fextralife had more viewers
>Someone else explains Fextralife uses embeds to inflate their viewer count
>Kiara anti schizo goes insane trying to deny that, even replies to thread 3 times in a row
I know splits are trash, but this is worth it. Starts around here:

>> No.9898654

It was.

>> No.9898653

>chumbuds explain

>> No.9898658
File: 729 KB, 1920x1200, 1603760828465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898702

It took you that long to realize?

>> No.9898659
File: 848 KB, 1086x1079, gooseling1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898838

Me too

>> No.9898662

I wouldn't either
t. KFP

>> No.9898665
File: 12 KB, 216x198, 1631745755545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898720

What's it like being Mikos friend? Do you reckon she would let you feel her up while you play vidya?

>> No.9898666

It's only game
No need to be scared

>> No.9898667

Gonna level with you, I don't fully pay 100% attention when she plays JRPGs, but I still liked the stuff she talked about. Love tenchou.

>> No.9898668
Quoted by: >>9898745

Ina too!

>> No.9898671

Then send a time stamp yourself, it’s just a community post

>> No.9898676
File: 179 KB, 1500x1500, E1ALfvfWEAATWja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898677


>> No.9898680
Quoted by: >>9898793

Nature isn't pure

>> No.9898685
File: 290 KB, 504x448, 1600817074119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898688
File: 359 KB, 2048x2048, 1631415624224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898689

Send good ones yourself then.

>> No.9898690

She's so fucking happy/10
I may not be the biggest fan of the game, but the fact that it can make her have such a good time during this period where she's stressed and feeling burnt out is something I really appreciate

>> No.9898691
Quoted by: >>9898947

Why does Cover have to sub Hololtalk? Isn't Kiara spiggin it?

>> No.9898692

Yeah, I don't like wearable merch

>> No.9898695
Quoted by: >>9898793

Society is pure and ordered. Nature is filthy and corrupt.

>> No.9898701
File: 709 KB, 1536x2048, E0iInuSUUAAyIzq@Furuhata_NIK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898702
File: 120 KB, 574x814, 1609871884331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not a clever man.

>> No.9898703
File: 535 KB, 754x800, ame_sip_because_gay_teamate_orgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an nice kitchen, did she do anything with meimei?

>> No.9898706

Nigga how does THAT turn you on?

>> No.9898709

ngl bros, they were super cute together during Calli's endurance stream, kind of see what Fauna sees now.

>> No.9898713
File: 2.18 MB, 1240x1754, E-7rFXTUYAMyvaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything has to be KYUT

>> No.9898711
File: 2.21 MB, 918x662, ke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really high energy stream, fast SC/10
Its really nice to see her play a game shes totally hooked on. Especially when she started speculating about the Lords and went nuts.

>> No.9898718

She read the 5 comments that said Asobi Asobase with 2-3 likes each and thought they were more worthy.

>> No.9898721

Have you seen any HoloTalk? She shows clips during the interview.

>> No.9898720


>> No.9898725


Kiara streams too much, she should tone it down.

>> No.9898726

Don’t link that trash here

>> No.9898728
File: 321 KB, 1048x888, 5664334345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898808 >>9898895



>> No.9898729


>> No.9898732

3d = pd
get the fuck off my board

>> No.9898733

Hag sex thoughts

>> No.9898736
Quoted by: >>9898851

just needs that end of stream with azki where she acts clingy and that one segment where she talks about opera

>> No.9898735

What is all of that even supposed to mean?

>> No.9898737

He did a decent job tucking his dick.

>> No.9898738

I’m beginning to think it might not be possible to actually romance a chuuba

>> No.9898742
File: 33 KB, 480x267, PSX_20210911_001731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please me

>> No.9898740

Please stream longer...

>> No.9898744

already over?...

>> No.9898745
Quoted by: >>9898775

Jesus are takos the new pomubeggars?

>> No.9898747

What the fuck are NTFs

>> No.9898754

I feel like Im going to throw up

>> No.9898756
File: 231 KB, 1300x1300, 1631418295812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been almost 3 hours

>> No.9898757

Sora gets clips?

>> No.9898759
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1690856091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898844

She made a last minute change just to fuck with (You).

>> No.9898762

>Fauna is about to end

thank god, my 2view oshi is about to stream

>> No.9898763
File: 49 KB, 237x184, 6431345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i miss fauna" coming to a thread near you very soon

>> No.9898765
Quoted by: >>9898799

As far as we know, Triangle has an open door if she ever would want to comeback.

>> No.9898766


>> No.9898769
File: 948 KB, 2894x4093, 1625026215071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898806 >>9898864

>Mori and Gura's Shitstorm of Scariness

>> No.9898768

She was so happy so it was a great stream!

>> No.9898770
File: 172 KB, 345x337, 1631756583858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898960

Nichijou is overrated anyway. Asobi Asobase and Nichibros are superior.

>> No.9898772

t. listener-san

>> No.9898773

Shes so fucking happy and it makes me happy/10 game is fun and I love her enthusiasm for it. So infectious. So cute too!

>> No.9898775
Quoted by: >>9898879

Less Takos and moreso Flare already saying she's scouting out Ina probably.

>> No.9898781
File: 728 KB, 1343x755, 1605144426436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898782

>a bit of chub

clapping them cheeks PRONTO. MAXIMUM PROFICIENCY

>> No.9898792

Based kiara dabbing on her kouhai

>> No.9898793
File: 33 KB, 335x328, baby nenenene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we stop her?

>> No.9898795

Good thing the rest of the week is much lighter in terms of stream time.

>> No.9898799
Quoted by: >>9899155

I'm pretty sure her tweets about Coco graduating burnt that bridge

>> No.9898802

then do it retard
Kiara will be the judge

>> No.9898807

weak but yeah I get that she loves streaming but shorter streams would be nice too

>> No.9898806

GOD! don't do this to me anon
because I need that to fill the hole in my heart

>> No.9898808
File: 8 KB, 900x900, uooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898809
File: 342 KB, 1000x1123, 1604201801826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9898814

>Actually looks like a human and isn't photoshopped to death

>> No.9898815

It doesn't have to be a clip even, a timestamp will suffice as it will get clipped and subbed. If you have any particular moments you loved about her, please send them

>> No.9898817

PNGs you "own"

>> No.9898818
File: 1.38 MB, 1900x2600, __takanashi_kiara_by_modoki_kuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely cute whenever she is enjoying herself/cant wait to see how happy she will be during the peko tour.

>> No.9898819

She does, I wouldn't mind if she did 1 hour here n there

>> No.9898823
Quoted by: >>9898909

Basically crypto art shit. You spend a shit ton of money to own a exclusive jpg.

>> No.9898826

Newage Tit Fuckers

>> No.9898825

cute dick

>> No.9898828
File: 3.99 MB, 366x558, 022ABBBE-2BD3-4529-8865-13248B0B2543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898872 >>9898886

The spell is taking effect.

>> No.9898838
Quoted by: >>9898910

doesn't kiara die for real if you pluck out her feathers?

>> No.9898842
File: 141 KB, 298x369, 1617160241692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poll winner was more like what you would call a suggestion than actual an actual winner

>> No.9898844

I'm not mad, I'm not a chumbud but I'll consider watching the VOD later if it's Asobi Asobase

>> No.9898843


>> No.9898846
File: 654 KB, 850x1202, 303a50f1a5283a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898865

She Is still going to read the superchats so it's not over just yet!

>> No.9898849

Kiara getting into the game is so fun

>> No.9898851
Quoted by: >>9898898

Give me time stamps and I’ll do it myself

>> No.9898864

>There is a nonzero chance we will see Bonebross VR horror collab and see both of them freak out in glorious smol 3d
I don't want much from October, but please grant me this.

>> No.9898865
Quoted by: >>9898908

There is still 20 minutes!

>> No.9898868
File: 38 KB, 424x527, 1631828614507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898901

Can you stop fucking disappearing? Thanks.

>> No.9898870


>> No.9898872
File: 169 KB, 366x558, 1631738652152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9898877

I wouldn't trust most of our kfp either. If you really want good shit sent to her, take the initiative and send her what's actually good.

>> No.9898878


>> No.9898879
Quoted by: >>9898921 >>9899043


>> No.9898882


>> No.9898886
File: 208 KB, 363x583, 1618293408815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9901303

>redirects the spell to your oshi

>> No.9898892
Quoted by: >>9898911


>> No.9898894
File: 468 KB, 1448x2048, 1630680991113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898920

It's surprising how good Fauna is at superchat readings when she's this new

>> No.9898895
File: 542 KB, 701x384, 1630985302659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Bae and Gura the horniest members of their respective gens?

>> No.9898896

I’m gonna miss Fauna when she stops streaming today…

>> No.9898897
File: 16 KB, 389x389, 1602617962168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE gamer of EN

>> No.9898898

i think the azki one had been clipped already, as for the opera one i'm not sure, it's on the mc stream either before or after her opera stream

>> No.9898901

Sorry, but her boyfriend(Me) has needs.

>> No.9898906
File: 2.05 MB, 1500x1500, 1630875902409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9898975 >>9898995

Whoa! is this /moomer global general/

>> No.9898908
Quoted by: >>9898948

And one hour of tangents!

>> No.9898909
Quoted by: >>9898979

Hololive trading cards confirmed.

>> No.9898910

I think she only dies for real if you eat her in the gastronomical sense

>> No.9898911
Quoted by: >>9898944


>> No.9898915

Fauna running into the objects in her house!
What a clumsy dork!

>> No.9898917

Did the JPs really didn't know that Gura was perverted?

>> No.9898920
Quoted by: >>9898982

Anon... she isn't new to the profession...

>> No.9898921

Forced theme shit for a dead company. Ina's style and design-sense is a much better fit in Shiranui Ken.

>> No.9898922
File: 394 KB, 1280x1440, c31slp86BVA-02-40-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899095


>> No.9898941

Fauna needs knee pads while slobbering all over my benis!

>> No.9898943

Then send her some
Sora thread is on life support so don't except help from them

>> No.9898944
Quoted by: >>9898994 >>9899069

she's one of the most popular indies

>> No.9898946

Fauna's sweaty spats...

>> No.9898947

Probably to avoid using clipfaggots wrong translations. Remember how some of them mistranslate shit to make it more drama heavy?

>> No.9898948

nooooo... but then I guess I'll have to listen to both of them.

>> No.9898952

Did Christmas Miracle ever got cliped?

>> No.9898953

I haven't watched that Umisea video for fear of cringe, how bad is the cringe?

>> No.9898957

The ones supposed to be sending clips are soratomos not KFP

>> No.9898956

my penis up her puss

>> No.9898958

I fucking hated the recollections.

>> No.9898960
Quoted by: >>9899194

She wouldn't get Nichibros

>> No.9898961

The JPs don't speak English. They just love her baby noises.

>> No.9898963
File: 155 KB, 286x286, 1626053988463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time she did this it was to pick The Emperor's New Groove over Spirited Away so she's batting 1000 on these last minute audibles so far. AA is also hilarious so she's gonna love it.

>> No.9898966
File: 383 KB, 466x642, 1630687556772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The serial killer phase was between the hacker phase and the whole j-rap thing

>> No.9898969
Quoted by: >>9899123

Why do i have the feeling that Mumei wont ever have an MC house but will move in to Fauna's house permanently

>> No.9898970

Cute shark that said "a" is basically the extent of their knowledge. Just look at the shit writing in the Umisea episodes.

>> No.9898972
File: 160 KB, 555x583, 1604281638516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: It's been over 2 months since Holofightz season 1 aired.

>> No.9898975
File: 183 KB, 1400x912, 1631828779292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, yes!

>> No.9898977
File: 223 KB, 1181x1446, 1630974708534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, real /fit/chads enjoy working out like it's a hobby

>> No.9898978



>> No.9898979
Quoted by: >>9899173

Don’t those already exist?

>> No.9898980
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1605340531483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899091 >>9899452

Pekora is going to see IRyS' green top and think the EN server is the literal boonies.

>> No.9898983

How long will it take for Ina to get to 'that' scene of bastion.

>> No.9898982

The others aren't either but they're still shit at it

>> No.9898986
File: 3.30 MB, 3772x2728, GuraTongue2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re finally finding out

>> No.9898990

Ina Ina Ina / 10

>> No.9898991
File: 33 KB, 105x127, 1631498375916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never watch Fauna on an exercise bike while wearing yoga pants and getting all sweaty and stinky

>> No.9898995
File: 68 KB, 500x750, 1630084317536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899115

Who cares if it is or not post Moomy anyway

>> No.9898994

she only became a 3 view recently. You can't blame me

>> No.9898999
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1610817189030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I think counting so fucking much has given me whiplash when it comes to this place
Just spent the last three or four hours counting a few threads to keep working on that project of figuring out how much of the board is generals in total (right now it's above 57%), and after literally hundreds of data points for threads hovering around 350-400, looking back over here for a second and seeing it hit 50 in about thirty minutes just about made me go insane.
The last thread I counted, out of about 350 total threads, 85% of them died before hitting 600, and you fuckers tend to hit it before Page 7 every day. Fucking insane in the greater context of things.

>> No.9899003

It's like HoloGra, but you don't need a translator!

>> No.9899007
Quoted by: >>9899432

>THE BUSHERS were the faster mother fuckers arround
>no THE BREAKERS were the faster motherfuckers arround
>NO THE SLINGERS were the faster motherfuckers arround
how many fast motherfuckers were in this world damn

>> No.9899009

Polka is like the only JP who watches HoloEN. The rest are just twitterniggers who watched 1 clip and base their entire personality around it

>> No.9899014

Pretty bad. Not only could you tell it was recorded a while ago but the script is awkward and unnatural. Coupled with Ina cringing at herself while delivering the lines and you have a very stiff VOD.

>> No.9899015
File: 111 KB, 263x263, 1631828823270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP knowledge about EN
that's it

>> No.9899019

It's fine if you're not a little bitch, but clearly you are so don't bother

>> No.9899025
File: 84 KB, 602x674, 1606374852826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899026

But OP came back...2 weeks ago...

>> No.9899028

Its not, Ina's voice acting is stilted, but there is nothing cringe about the short itself.

>> No.9899027

Not a membershrimp but did anybody suggest Kemono Friends? I would kill for any holo to do a watchlong of that. Just tell them there was no second season

>> No.9899036

eh, not that bad.

>> No.9899043

ina's been kind of wishy washy about joining one. First saying "whos recruiting?" when asked about joining one and then kind of saying maybe she'll be a contractor for some instead of saying she'd join one. She'll probably just join akukin if they roll out the red carpet tomorrow since theyre the first to ask and lamy is in it too. i wish she'd join shiranui though

>> No.9899044

To chunk for me. Would still destroy though if I had to.

>> No.9899046

Marine definitely didn't. watching her find out today was amazing

>> No.9899048

glad you're off your meds anon

>> No.9899049
File: 84 KB, 399x441, 491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve done your /fit/ reps today havent you saplings?

>> No.9899051

what is this about? Did Marine or Aqua comented on it?

>> No.9899056
Quoted by: >>9899292

but it's true though

>> No.9899055

Fauna is dying bros

>> No.9899059
File: 731 KB, 840x1659, 20210916_160003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899291

>> No.9899065
Quoted by: >>9899220

her gushing over kisara was hilarious/10

>> No.9899066

umineko reading when
i want a holo to read this shitty game so that I don't have to

>> No.9899069
Quoted by: >>9899103

I watched her yesterday for the first time, she seems great but her chat was so slow and comfy she could great regulars by name.

>> No.9899073

luv streamin

>> No.9899079
File: 183 KB, 760x1400, 1631147589498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not even clip watchers, it's pretty sad

>> No.9899082
File: 64 KB, 379x450, 1624569926403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a sapling but yes

>> No.9899088

made for chumchad cock

>> No.9899091
File: 1.07 MB, 1456x1000, Square01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii and Faunas minecraft is literally what I love the most
Digging tunnels
Living in a hobbit hole/log shack

>> No.9899089

Honestly if you can watch Hologra then you'll be ok. It's the same quality.

>> No.9899092

I've been here 9 months and still don't know what it is

>> No.9899094
File: 1.57 MB, 3524x2438, 20210916_155723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899695

>> No.9899095
File: 59 KB, 364x219, 1629656481018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Fauna in an apron cooking for me in that kitchen

>> No.9899098

What's the most you can dumbbell curl?

>> No.9899101
Quoted by: >>9899237

I do my /fit/ reps at night because nobody is at the gym

>> No.9899103
Quoted by: >>9899171


>> No.9899105
Quoted by: >>9899326

>Prefers cardio because it's easier

>> No.9899109

Stop posting my before pics bro

>> No.9899112

All of the ENs are basically flanderized or their personality is completely inaccurate to the JOPs and even some of the Japanese talent.

>> No.9899116
File: 60 KB, 256x256, 1631374111797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899115
Quoted by: >>9899187

This retard would definitely slip and fall on your erect penis while forgetting to wear panties.

>> No.9899118


>> No.9899119
File: 912 KB, 1206x700, 1631752443819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899217 >>9899265

How would sex with Gura feel like?

>> No.9899123
File: 142 KB, 714x914, E9tmK9FVEAI6Q_K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Fauna's masterplan

>> No.9899126
File: 99 KB, 205x235, 1607621624191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asobi watchalong while I'm at work
Well, at least I can watch the vod and pretend like I'm watching it live with her....

>> No.9899128
Quoted by: >>9899210

Well time to hit the hay, cant wait for tomorrows absolute garbage UmiSea JP server and Pekora/Kiara EN server tour threads.

>> No.9899134

Marine found Gura’s signs in her ship and after a long time trying to decipher them found out from chat that they were all pirate pickup line innuendos

>> No.9899138
File: 568 KB, 4096x2798, 1629257787960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was hilarious seeing Marine being super nervous of saying something yabe in front of Gura of all people.

>> No.9899146
Quoted by: >>9899174

fauna better be careful with the gym memes lest she get forcibly recruited by the order of shirogane

>> No.9899148


>> No.9899152

never take your meds

>> No.9899151
File: 56 KB, 548x346, c31slp86BVA-01-39-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9899154
Quoted by: >>9899612

Emily just imagine the basedboys they will get.

>> No.9899156

Does Fauna have a six pack?

>> No.9899155

Those were done in the heat of the moment and without much (any really) information. She later deleted them after all.
Plus if shiting on Cover would mean burning bridge half of holos wouldn't be here,

>> No.9899158
File: 239 KB, 810x1080, b92718d1f21832c66ccac8bdc65efdf59f4a5f01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899196

its been too long, his return for 1 week wasnt enough it was like a hit before it vanishes again...

>> No.9899161

But Kiara just stopped streaming?!

>> No.9899162
Quoted by: >>9899190

I love my Ina so much

>> No.9899167

not a sapling but yeah, she streams around the time I do them

>> No.9899171

Yeah your right not sure why I said 'but'. It's not a bad thing at all.

>> No.9899173

Digital trading cards with the power of the blockchain. When people want to brag in the thread they'll just screenshot their Hololive portfolio on Vanguard. Can you really say you love your oshi if you don't own her Special Edition Christmas Outfit NFT?

>> No.9899174
File: 256 KB, 1298x2048, 1625692870475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899318

It's inevitable.

>> No.9899175
File: 159 KB, 237x281, 1614557927037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir do not need to take your meds.

>> No.9899187
File: 152 KB, 424x387, 1631067290018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"O-oh golly... What am I to do now?"

>> No.9899190
File: 172 KB, 1024x1024, E5AmL6_VIAIhCs1-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ina...

>> No.9899192
Quoted by: >>9899299

was mori's minecraft stream better than irys's minecraft stream? should i watch both?

>> No.9899194
Quoted by: >>9899321

Is Mori enough of a tomboy to get it?

>> No.9899196

He really knows how to reel us in and keep us wanting more. Giga dimes

>> No.9899201 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.71 MB, 249x348, unkillable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899369

Careful with what you wish

>> No.9899210

Goodnight threadreaderchama

>> No.9899217

UOOOOOOH child tummy EROTCUOOOOOOOOOOH ToT uwuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaah ToT *spleuge*

>> No.9899219
File: 2.18 MB, 412x480, 1615019061657.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899247

>> No.9899220
File: 1.58 MB, 1822x730, swgfsaeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899294

those legs bay bee

>> No.9899224
Quoted by: >>9899293

Yeah, she find out Gura's signs and started to realize that they were all sex puns thanks to chat, and then put two and two together of why she was saying that stuff during their collab, now she loves her even more.
Aqua's reaction was funny too.

>> No.9899226
Quoted by: >>9899259


>> No.9899232
File: 477 KB, 771x849, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899237

Be careful. You don't want to be like that one /fit/itzen that got stuck under a barbell all night.

>> No.9899238
Quoted by: >>9899372

Will Gura be even more popular with JOPs when they realize she's EN Shion?

>> No.9899247
Quoted by: >>9899358

>Ina's face when Kiara started talking about morning sickness on that stream
still a classic

>> No.9899246

>Asobi Asobase
Fucking why? that shit falls off after the first 2 episodes

>> No.9899245

It's pretty bad but not cringier than other stuff.

>> No.9899249
File: 31 KB, 640x480, Gura (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899341

I hate Kiara so much bros

>> No.9899250
Quoted by: >>9899267 >>9899280


>> No.9899251
File: 393 KB, 680x550, 1615497836066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the kronii stream?

>> No.9899254
Quoted by: >>9899280

Fauna your superchats...

>> No.9899257
Quoted by: >>9899320 >>9899409

Ina's numbers increased quite a bit after Kiara ended her SC reading, guess I'm not the only one that switched over. Additionally, it seems that Inner is being extremely cute

>> No.9899259


>> No.9899261
File: 328 KB, 1480x1320, 1620490400649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzapling here, yeah I do it around 12 in the afternoon for 6 days a week

>> No.9899263

Ina likes the pokey-pokey!

>> No.9899264
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Kakage invited.... that feels a bit rude....

>> No.9899265
File: 285 KB, 703x691, 1607221973315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tight and light.

>> No.9899267


>> No.9899270


>> No.9899276

Cute Iofi

>> No.9899280

I switched to Ina, what's Fauna been rambling about?

>> No.9899282
File: 3.70 MB, 1968x2990, 90806471_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899289
Quoted by: >>9899344

I'll get good at Skullgirls just for you anon!

>> No.9899291

t-rex forearms...

>> No.9899292

Those are both true but for completly different reasons they think of.

>> No.9899293
Quoted by: >>9899325 >>9899424

>now she loves her even more.
I tought she was gonna be heartbroken herr shark loli wasn't pure, but if that's the case it's even better.

>> No.9899294
File: 152 KB, 850x1133, Fick Ties[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3zarqb.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899299
Quoted by: >>9899440

>was mori's minecraft stream better than irys's minecraft stream?
not even close

>should i watch both?
yes, at least the parts of mori's that had gura and ina(which is about half of it combined)

>> No.9899298
Quoted by: >>9899328

ID new mama (papa)

>> No.9899305
Quoted by: >>9899349

I like Loafy's daily good morning twitter posts.
I haven't seen a solo stream of hers ONCE

>> No.9899309
Quoted by: >>9899390

exercise bikes

>> No.9899311
Quoted by: >>9899390

exercise bikes

>> No.9899312
Quoted by: >>9899390

Gym fitness and bikes

>> No.9899314
File: 271 KB, 720x720, 1627348681829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899375

I'm finally free from the rangeban
I can finally be an IRyStocrat again openly!
I love her!

>> No.9899313


At that point you better just buy a good mountain bike or road bike

>> No.9899315

>fauna home gym

what's the opposite of architects

>> No.9899316
File: 9 KB, 328x84, 57857534135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899429

>Darth Revan is a deadbeat

>> No.9899317
Quoted by: >>9899367

What wrong with Kakage?

>> No.9899318
File: 385 KB, 1804x3367, m4zb4g79kpd71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Gymrat holos please

>> No.9899320
Quoted by: >>9899365

She's been testing out weapons and taking on challenges, it's been pretty great.

>> No.9899321
Quoted by: >>9899496

I doubt it. Things in that anime are baffling to anyone who has never been a teenage bro

>> No.9899325

No she seemed surprised and happy

>> No.9899326

I noticed women are like that

>> No.9899323


>> No.9899328

Is that before or after the're the new JP/EN mama (papa)

>> No.9899336
Quoted by: >>9899390


>> No.9899340
Quoted by: >>9899386

uhh bros where's based Huke and Pako?

>> No.9899341
Quoted by: >>9899450

t.manlet serb

>> No.9899344
Quoted by: >>9899420

Better pick beowulf

>> No.9899349

Based and same.

>> No.9899354
File: 801 KB, 1200x1695, 20210916_165222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9899352
Quoted by: >>9899454 >>9899463

>$5000 bike
What the fuck that's 250,000 pesos for a single bike

>> No.9899358

God those two are fucking hilarious together.

>> No.9899359


>> No.9899365

That sounds great, I guess I'll catch the start of the vod once she ends

>> No.9899369

>Survives any graduation attempt made on him.
>Eventually survives longer than Cover itself.

>> No.9899367

Kakage's shitty daughter design has been on the backburner for years now. Their art is good but they're placeholder daughter design is garbage-tier

>> No.9899371

>People said Fauna won't be /fit/ holo

>> No.9899372

She's already popular with JOPs, and she's not at all like Shion. The "X JP holo = Y EN holo" shit needs to end.

>> No.9899375

still affects me, why is my ISP in Russia blocked?

>> No.9899379
Quoted by: >>9899423

buying an exercise bike
playing RFA
getting healthy with her saplings

>> No.9899386
Quoted by: >>9899418

no males

>> No.9899387 [SPOILER] 
File: 242 KB, 382x658, 20210916_165350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899430 >>9899585


>> No.9899390
Quoted by: >>9899428 >>9899605

Is she actually a /fit/chad or is she just memeing because of Spore? I still can't tell.

>> No.9899392

Civil Engineers

>> No.9899395

Architect bros....

>> No.9899397


>> No.9899405


>> No.9899409

Yeah I jumped over to Ina too. What have I missed by the way? Ina seems in a good mood, cute.

>> No.9899408

>I'm pretty out of shape

>> No.9899412
File: 2.39 MB, 1555x2200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899677


>> No.9899415


>> No.9899416
Quoted by: >>9899677

Love this tako. Possibly my favorite artist

>> No.9899419

fauna morbidly obese confirmed

>> No.9899418

but Kakage is there...

>> No.9899420
Quoted by: >>9899491

It's gonna be Big Band, and I'm gonna hit every EN girl with the amogus combo

>> No.9899421 [DELETED] 

Twitter tranny is pissed there's an anti thread for him

>> No.9899422
File: 2.44 MB, 1450x2048, 1631829295045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to nurse ame so bad...

>> No.9899423

>Fauna RFA
I'd die.

>> No.9899424
Quoted by: >>9899699

Why would she be heartbroken?
She probably doesn't have to feel like she has to dance around what she says anymore.

>> No.9899428
Quoted by: >>9899465

>Is she actually a /fit/chad
She's a cardio bunny
So no

>> No.9899429

At least he’s a sapling chad and not a kronigger

>> No.9899430

I miss Haachama...

>> No.9899432

Just wait until the Ura levels

>> No.9899435
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x1719, 1629867005556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900554

I don't get what she is going for design wise, she sometimes looks like a loli and sometimes like a hag.
I wish she would get a new outfit that would really help her character come out, did wonders for Reine.

>> No.9899437
File: 1.28 MB, 2419x4096, E_DwsY5VgAMImO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899485


>> No.9899440

>not even close
+1 (You)

>> No.9899444
Quoted by: >>9899743

90 heartrare is obese for a woman. im 17kg overweight 180cm and I'm at 83 bpm

>> No.9899450
Quoted by: >>9899480 >>9899588

Who? egg?

>> No.9899452
Quoted by: >>9899502

Why do people keep spouting this shit like Peko is some rude bitch. Actually annoying. Fuck off.

>> No.9899451
Quoted by: >>9899677

I want to punt this chuuni fuck

>> No.9899454

It helps when you aren't spending 50k pesos a month to keep the cartel from beheading you and taking your wife

>> No.9899459
File: 1.01 MB, 2521x1796, 92797964_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899579

>> No.9899464

Fucking Fauna's fat flaps!

>> No.9899463

My real bike cost me like 2 grand, but it's really good.

>> No.9899465
Quoted by: >>9899512

>She's a cardio bunny
Isn't that all gymgoing women who aren't butch MMA stars?

>> No.9899467
File: 3.01 MB, 412x232, sweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauna used to be active but has gotten chubby recently
Literally the best.

>> No.9899475


>> No.9899477
File: 470 KB, 1280x1280, 1621573484564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based walking enjoyer

>> No.9899480


>> No.9899485


>> No.9899486
File: 266 KB, 401x394, 1631413483846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899542 >>9899634

Fauna is disturbingly good at zatsudans and superchat readings

>> No.9899488

I used to walk 5km from work to home because I hate using the bus

>> No.9899491
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1622579667534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899495

Extensive vocal training in the past

>> No.9899496

It was a good anime to watch in stead of studying for final exams in HS.

>> No.9899498
File: 171 KB, 600x777, 836251516.jpg~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899848

Are chubbas really that oblivious to the coomerbait that ringfit has to offer or do they just enjoy whoring themselves out?

>> No.9899501

She did it

>> No.9899502
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1628653708765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon can't handle bants...

>> No.9899505

Is Nabi alright? In the head?

>> No.9899511

Ina knows the truth about Ame's coof and that's why she cried at the end, knowing Ame will die before they all get to meet up IRL.

>> No.9899512

Women who aren't on testosterone can't grow muscle you dumbfuck. The hottest women at the gym lift.

>> No.9899514
Quoted by: >>9899625

why must Kiara so consistently let me down when I try to give her another chance

>> No.9899519
Quoted by: >>9899922

>That's enough gym talk
>Talks about gym again
I like this

>> No.9899520


>> No.9899521
Quoted by: >>9899655

Are exercise bikes better than treadmills? Or are they only good if you have limited space like in an apartment or something?

>> No.9899523


>> No.9899527
File: 29 KB, 505x506, 1631801145197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899528
File: 1010 KB, 994x1386, 1631689303344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899908

>gym ASMR


>> No.9899529

Cute ayylien

>> No.9899537
Quoted by: >>9899628

I never learned what her menhera episode was about. Did she move in with ayamy?

>> No.9899539

Men with taste

>> No.9899542
File: 50 KB, 181x208, 1629730121477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's almost too adjusted for Hololive
I thought this was the broken girls house...

>> No.9899550
Quoted by: >>9899664

>it took Fauna 20 minutes to start reading SCs

>> No.9899553

I want to pinch Ina'nis chans cheeks.

>> No.9899554

No. Not really. But she's cute so it's okay.

>> No.9899558
File: 55 KB, 484x384, 1621151234017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori VOD still not processed
For fuck's sake

>> No.9899561
Quoted by: >>9899754

>Fauna makes a cult.
>Falls for her own marketing.

>> No.9899565

Im unsure who the blue one is a JP mama?

>> No.9899571

Like mother like daughter

>> No.9899579
Quoted by: >>9899806

Is Lamy winter Fauna or is Fauna springtime Lamy?

>> No.9899585

*opens ogre and ogre again*
I can't believe chammers is take the green shrock

>> No.9899583

just report him for saying offensive things toward protected groups (faggot, retard, nigger)

>> No.9899588
File: 160 KB, 346x374, Gura (23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899717

Don't associate me with that faggot

>> No.9899597
Quoted by: >>9899637 >>9899802

What is the deal with Ceres' laugh?

>> No.9899602

>hiking in the rain
Who the fuck...

>> No.9899603
Quoted by: >>9899677

God, imagine ripping off Omega's fake arm and smacking her in the face with it before raping her.

>> No.9899605

>I made one buff character in Spore and now all I can think about is working out
>Did I get converted into the Not-Pickle religion?

>> No.9899607
Quoted by: >>9899661

you know why

>> No.9899610


>> No.9899612
File: 218 KB, 412x444, 1620128663118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's Emily?

>> No.9899617
File: 204 KB, 1725x1580, 1616298082486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899741

Why is she called Octopus Destination?

>> No.9899625

She has work to do man. 7 hours and a half is still a pretty meaty VOD...

>> No.9899624
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1613253716820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still have a hobbit hole
>it's a cute one

>> No.9899628
Quoted by: >>9899649

>Did she move in with ayamy?
I thought Nabi lived in Korea

>> No.9899630
Quoted by: >>9899811

going walking in the rain is great

>> No.9899634

Finally, an alternative to Chiara...

>> No.9899636
Quoted by: >>9899811

sounds kino

>> No.9899637

It’s cute!

>> No.9899638
File: 486 KB, 559x523, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899649
Quoted by: >>9899683

ayamy and nabi live in Korea

>> No.9899653
File: 681 KB, 3128x3035, 1627442013876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899698 >>9899756

Cover has slowly begun branching out the types of autists they hire and have stopped grabbing the majorly autistic ones exclusively like they did with EN1

>> No.9899655

They are different. From a pure cardio perspective they are superior as running requires a degree of coordination and anaerobic effort but for most people it comes down to which you enjoy more.

>> No.9899657

This bitch heart rate is 90 bpm. She’s broken but will fix herself with the gym!

>> No.9899656
Quoted by: >>9899811

It's amazing. Feels like you're spiritually cleansed and reborn

>> No.9899661
File: 1.35 MB, 2398x1710, 64863542514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try grasshopper

>> No.9899663
Quoted by: >>9899811


>> No.9899664

Only 20?

>> No.9899677
File: 269 KB, 1200x1600, 1615315570222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899724 >>9899735

Reminder that this is your Oshi Omegakeks






>> No.9899683
Quoted by: >>9899818

Ayamy doesn't live in Japan?

>> No.9899694
File: 434 KB, 456x682, 1627268831298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899695

Almost a shame she didn't go with Nichijou (Asobi is way better though) because this art is soul

>> No.9899697

somehow Nabi triggers my danger sensors

>> No.9899698
Quoted by: >>9899744

they still hired irys though

>> No.9899699
Quoted by: >>9899868

I really hope that Gura will do her JP reps. It's been long time since there was Marine collab in where other person can match her hornines.

>> No.9899702
File: 2.73 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_1447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899710

Can't wait. I miss ayamy

>> No.9899715
Quoted by: >>9899762


>> No.9899717
Quoted by: >>9899784

You keep doing it to yourself by acting like that retarded nigger.

>> No.9899724
File: 258 KB, 1100x731, tako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899760

I just like the artist though.

>> No.9899733
File: 789 KB, 2901x4096, 20210915_142334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899811

It's refreshing man. Try it once sometime.

>> No.9899735

This nigga wishes it could be this cool

>> No.9899737
File: 286 KB, 859x1200, 1499809893381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899792

>Fauna tags
>teasing, weight_conscious, size_gain, belly_grab, embarrassed, open_fly, unzipped, lactation

>> No.9899738

Ina is cuter than usual today.

>> No.9899739

the gym holo...

>> No.9899741
Quoted by: >>9899843

takotime = Octopus Destination

>> No.9899743
File: 281 KB, 446x471, 1629663584963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 heartrare is obese for a woman. im 17kg overweight 180cm and I'm at 83 bpm

>> No.9899744
Quoted by: >>9899790 >>9899862

IRyS is an autist yes, but not nearly as much as the first 5 were.

>> No.9899745
Quoted by: >>9899761 >>9899787

What's worst? Bastion or the rice game?

>> No.9899754

I always thought if a Holo went on a real fitness kick and posted Prs, had lift review streams, had voice packs encouraging you to get that last rep etc it would be pretty good content

>> No.9899756
Quoted by: >>9900730

didn't she tell us that her arms could dislocate if she is not careful? that sound quite broken to me

>> No.9899757

saplings are /fit/?
I'm in

>> No.9899760


>> No.9899761

Rice game

>> No.9899762

So is this Fauna's equivalent of BECOME LAMY? Neat

>> No.9899763
Quoted by: >>9899841

Oh she's broken. I broke her back with irl discord sex. Sorry.

That's why she's going to the "gym". It's actually physical therapy.

>> No.9899764

Important Kiara timestamp.

>> No.9899779
Quoted by: >>9899853

Mumei marshmallows open

>> No.9899784

>I can't hate on Kiara for what she did to Gura without getting called an egg
You're lucky

>> No.9899787

Rice game was pulling Kiara numbers pre-bug

>> No.9899790
Quoted by: >>9899860

she calls the control key the "C-T-R-L key" so im not sure if thats true

>> No.9899792
File: 402 KB, 598x600, 1602213165923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.9899798

anyone mind sharing their Fauna filter with me?

>> No.9899799

Wait a second, Gura switched anime and chumbuds didn't got SHE PROMISED? Maybe teamates can learn a thing or too.

>> No.9899802

she has the worlds cutest giggles, and she does them after every sentence on top of it!

>> No.9899803
File: 16 KB, 308x326, ina thoughts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899841

>irl discord sex.

>> No.9899806

Fauna is Green Lamy.
Lamy is Blue Fauna.

>> No.9899811
File: 1.58 MB, 2256x3093, 1631791200411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899845

Alright I'll give it a try someday it sounds fun at least

>> No.9899813

Gura never makes promises

>> No.9899818

shes korean.

>> No.9899820
Quoted by: >>9899890


>> No.9899821

Imagine straddling your oshi and making her eat vanilla custard cream donuts until she's so full she cannot move.

>> No.9899824

Why doesn't Ina block?

>> No.9899823
Quoted by: >>9899883

Don’t Krummy and Mummy have a stream in an hour?

>> No.9899825

I can't believe Kiara slapped Gura in front of Yagoo

>> No.9899829


>> No.9899831
File: 281 KB, 381x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this scare you?

>> No.9899832

You can cook those things but ya can't eat em.

>> No.9899835
Quoted by: >>9900265

Minecraftchads... How the fuck do I export map_ .dat files and convert them into pngs?

>> No.9899841

meant for >>9899763

>> No.9899843
Quoted by: >>9900059

I understand that Tako = octopus but are there similar kanji or kana for time and destination?

>> No.9899845

Just make sure you wear shoes with good traction so you don't slip

>> No.9899846

Demolition crew?

>> No.9899848

This is the same bitch who "kisses" and "hugs" her chat. She's a shameless whore.

>> No.9899853
Quoted by: >>9899879 >>9899897

I'm gonna ask about her wheelchair

>> No.9899857

Those Switch hands are REALLY fucking weird

>> No.9899860

We do that there, but then again we read c as /ts/

>> No.9899862
Quoted by: >>9900730

I don't watch her often but didn't she recently open up about some medical procedure she went through? Bones or ligament problems?

>> No.9899863

and what did she do to gura according to you?

>> No.9899865

She literally asked on stream if there was anything interesting on the server that she doesn't know about.

>> No.9899868
Quoted by: >>9900000

Jp reps are a myth. She'd need at least a year to get to N3 level and at N3 you can barely hold a conversation.
2 years studying everyday for at least 2 full hours a day gets you somewhere between N1 and N2 unless you're Kiara.
t. N3 and I'm not lazy like Gura

>> No.9899869
Quoted by: >>9899933 >>9900510

List of EN2's qualifications for being part of the "Broken Girls Cabaret Club:"
>Kronii: autistic
>Sana: big fucking nerd with hyperfixations
>Bae: weeaboo/koreaboo
>Mumei: genuinely unable to function in society
>Fauna: sexually grooms women who are unable to fuction in society

>> No.9899871


>> No.9899878
File: 76 KB, 363x322, 1615925310644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoped Fauna was a gymbunny
>she's actually just a fat-fuck and the only reason she keeps talking about the gym is because she's at the "initial hype period" of her diet

God fucking damn it I NEED A HOLOEN WITH ABS

>> No.9899879


>> No.9899883

>Another We Were Here stream
>By the 2 dumbos of the gen

>> No.9899885

It's not rape if Gura wanted it.

>> No.9899890

No she's actually natural like "King Body Natural" as opposed to "King Body Politic."
Source: Ernst Kantorowicz

>> No.9899897

>Hey moomers, I recently got into an accident and have to be in a wheelchair for a while. Got any recommendations?

>> No.9899900
File: 794 KB, 1237x695, 1623535402348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cover whatever I want to filter with this big image of Fauna.

>> No.9899904
Quoted by: >>9899952

Korea is a country of menhera women
>inb4 Ina Ina Ina...
Ina doesn't live there

>> No.9899908

>No Sora/Aki talk example

>> No.9899910
Quoted by: >>9899934

>Ina likes the Carbine

>> No.9899915 [SPOILER] 
File: 287 KB, 627x623, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkozchp.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899918
File: 650 KB, 675x669, 876687465645.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899922

she's still talking about cardio

>> No.9899924
File: 1.52 MB, 2048x1151, 1631075906115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holoen with abs
Take the superior Nene pill

>> No.9899926

Don't worry, Gura will kill her with a heart attack during Outlast and all will be forgiven

>> No.9899931

>Raises heartrate
>Without moving

>> No.9899933

Is Sana serious about astrology or does she just do it for fun?

>> No.9899934
Quoted by: >>9900046

The Carbine and Machete were the best shit.

>> No.9899941
File: 273 KB, 428x456, 1595334800845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9899992

She knows kung fu

>> No.9899944
File: 182 KB, 279x428, Ino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900005

>> No.9899952

>>9899904 this

Korean women are psychotic on the levels of the Chinese and SEA. They make Matsuri look well-adjusted.

>> No.9899954
Quoted by: >>9900035

The latter.

>> No.9899959
Quoted by: >>9900030 >>9900199

She'll last 1 month before dropping all /fit/ reps top.

>> No.9899963
File: 424 KB, 568x563, 1631769798890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900063


>> No.9899970

She managed to perfectly guess Mori's star sign so I'd say so

>> No.9899972
File: 458 KB, 1447x2047, 1631755615966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm trying to find even 1 negative comment about it, still looking but it doesn't seem to exist. Gura never promises anything though. I'm just happy she's doing stuff with us.

>> No.9899976
File: 21 KB, 480x478, 1608181374031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9899983
Quoted by: >>9900035

Serious about knowing about it and having the knowledge behind all the lore and shit but doesn't believe star signs are the end-all be-all controller of your life.
She treats it the same was TES nerds treat their lore, basically

>> No.9899989
Quoted by: >>9900065

Don't you think Ina is being a little too cute right now?

>> No.9899992


>> No.9900000

Thing is Ina actually improved quite a bit in a year because she used the resource all Holo's have which most people would kill for: a large pool of colleagues who speak the language you want to learn who you can simultaneously text and speak with. I wouldn't be surprised if she averaged an hour a day chatting with Gen5/coworkers/etc. No reason Gura couldn't do the same if she wanted to. She wouldn't be N3 but she would know more than a dozen phrases.

>> No.9900005
File: 232 KB, 283x362, kiar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9900008
Quoted by: >>9900065

My Ina is the cutest

>> No.9900012
File: 189 KB, 1230x1000, 1631667338074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900089


>> No.9900018

But she didn't promise. It literally said recommendation and I'm fairly certain she even said she wasn't 100% sure if she'd go with it.

>> No.9900020
Quoted by: >>9900121

That's my mother-in-law you're talking about!
I have a feeling she would Lorena Bobbitt your ass if you annoyed her somehow

>> No.9900022

Based and checked

>> No.9900030

She's just like me...

>> No.9900032

Fauna it literally is your fault!

>> No.9900033
Quoted by: >>9900129

Who Nabi or Kagura Nana?

>> No.9900035

Thank god, you've saved her for me anon. I've met a few girls who were super into it and they've always been real weird about it. Even talking about the energy they feel off of gemstones and the like.

>> No.9900038

Chumbuds never do that and the poll was for suggestions anyway since she also asked for recommendations in the comments

>> No.9900040

>VOD is 30 shorter
>Now all my timestamps are fucked up

>> No.9900046

I liked Carbine and Musket, dual guns.

>> No.9900050
File: 855 KB, 831x924, 1631591451232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900122

Fauna doko...

>> No.9900059
File: 109 KB, 272x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Kanji retarded
The anserw is always yes

>> No.9900063
File: 135 KB, 360x300, Slipperyfish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all here, including the JPs

>> No.9900065
File: 220 KB, 112x108, 1625437098672.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9900089

>that book title
Atlus Videogame Company....

>> No.9900091
File: 44 KB, 525x652, 1629656711462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last few gets have been exceedingly disappointing

>> No.9900094
Quoted by: >>9900157 >>9900161

Did Mori and Ame ever collabed?

>> No.9900105
Quoted by: >>9900133 >>9900193


Ina solo streaming on Mori's channel for a few minutes today was pretty funny

>> No.9900113


>> No.9900115
Quoted by: >>9900269

>What Gura says: I need to barely stream so I can 'go guess what I got to do/ guess what happened to me!'
>Reality: 'I ate toast and didn't prepare for the stream. Here's me reacting to gameplay for 2 hours before fucking off.'
Fuck this lazy piece of shit

>> No.9900117

n-nice get i guess...

>> No.9900118

Why did both the holos I like say they're fine if I go to sleep in their streams...

>> No.9900121 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1040x585, nabi mama dox [true] (REAL).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe it

>> No.9900122
File: 511 KB, 788x710, 1629324643513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fauna koko

>> No.9900126

This is true. Immersion and speaking with natives is the best way to get conversational. Sure, you won't know the more esoteric and niche words that you might get from grinding anki 2k/6k decks, but at least you'll be able to do more than make cute noises during a collab

>> No.9900129
Quoted by: >>9900179

Kagura Nana I guess Nabi Ive seen streams of with Ina and Ame.

>> No.9900131

Yeah no it's more like a hobby she likes rather than her being one of those dumb bitches that makes it an integral part of their life

>> No.9900133

Ina taking a few minutes to realize we can't see her POV was cute.

>> No.9900139
File: 2.05 MB, 1292x812, Screenshot_1449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900225

Didn't the first stream gave it away?

>> No.9900140
File: 3.00 MB, 540x240, 1613345497740.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900176

I think I just cried...

>> No.9900157

First week in /vt/?

>> No.9900161

That one spy game months ago.

>> No.9900164
File: 344 KB, 500x500, 1615622808341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9900167
File: 324 KB, 1792x2048, 1622764838419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina cute Ina cute!

>> No.9900169

I bet Fauna is a sub 2k mmr shitter

>> No.9900171

Based get, keep up the good work.

>> No.9900174

She's not good, but she is cute! Fauna cute!

>> No.9900176

why? you little baby bitch?

>> No.9900179
Quoted by: >>9900270

Kagura Nana is cute, can draw, can sing and is /fit/. She is literally a perfect being.

>> No.9900178

Bronze hero

>> No.9900181 [DELETED] 

Saplings and Hoomans go here

>> No.9900180

Ina doesnt need new Idols

>> No.9900183
File: 433 KB, 556x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900230

>You cannot just ask a lady what her MMR is!
God, she's adorable.

>> No.9900182

Fauna was Archon confirmed

>> No.9900184

>won't reveal her mmr
oh no no no

>> No.9900188
File: 313 KB, 1448x2048, 6538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the siren is playing her music again

>> No.9900193
Quoted by: >>9900221

did anyone other than ina end up showing for this?

>> No.9900199
Quoted by: >>9900224 >>9900272

Not if her fans have something to say!

>> No.9900205
File: 183 KB, 2048x1642, 1604253719393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9900277 >>9900556

JWU, did Mori end up quitting that scythe swinging job?

>> No.9900209
Quoted by: >>9900287 >>9900299

What did Fauna do in MC?

>> No.9900218
File: 86 KB, 288x306, 1631830341086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is dangerous

>> No.9900221
Quoted by: >>9900328

Gura for the past 2 and a half hours in VC/game, Kiara for the last hour in game but not VC.

>> No.9900224
Quoted by: >>9900282

Peer pressure is the strongest motivator

>> No.9900225
Quoted by: >>9900419

I fucking died because hers was so late anon, then every time I saw those streams I was wary.

>> No.9900230

Fauna's funny.

>> No.9900232

>less than an hour till the collab
>Kronii still not awake

>> No.9900236

You know remember that South Korea was run by cult of menhera women

>> No.9900242
Quoted by: >>9900349


>> No.9900254

She said she really likes it, and appreciates the fact that you don't have to always be precise and correct when talking about it since it's not an exact science.
Pretty based opinion.

>> No.9900260


>> No.9900261

lower teeth aren't real

>> No.9900263


>> No.9900265

Help onegai

>> No.9900266

am i on vacation?

>> No.9900270

I just didn't know because most of the ones pictured have been talked about here in some way even the non Hololive papa yet.

>> No.9900269

I hear voices in my head...

>> No.9900272

She'll drop it even faster with peer pressure, try to get her to do daily walks at least.

>> No.9900275
Quoted by: >>9900323

Thoughts on IRyS? Do you love the soda drinking hag?

>> No.9900277


>> No.9900279


>> No.9900280

I want to deep throat Ina's hair squishy.

>> No.9900282
Quoted by: >>9900311

I'm gonna use my 50 smartfridges to convince her to do eating streams and not worry about the gym.

>> No.9900281

Heres hoping Fauna plays League someday

>> No.9900287

kitchen room
she's cute

>> No.9900292

I want to go to the Aquarium with Ina

>> No.9900296

Note to self.
Take my Ina on an aquarium date.

>> No.9900299

Worked on her house, caught upas, stole lamas

>> No.9900302

>134 wpm
>92% accuracy
Imagine what Bae could do to your.... genitals.

>> No.9900308
Quoted by: >>9900399

>Fauna is morbidly obese
That means she's single, right?

>> No.9900309

Why do people feel the need to tell the world that they're little babies and need a filter?

>> No.9900310

I miss her...

>> No.9900311

Not if I use my 51 smart treadmills to remind her to do her reps

>> No.9900314
Quoted by: >>9900369

can't wait for fauna's TI10 watchalong

>> No.9900317

This woman is very powerful and very dangerous...

>> No.9900320

drinking streams with fauna when

>> No.9900323

no, I prefer my favorite hag Nene and my second favorite hag Haachama

>> No.9900326
Quoted by: >>9900386

>have a wonderful mom
>but also want Fauna as my mom
Bros, can I have two moms? Isn't that a little weird?

>> No.9900328
Quoted by: >>9900388

oh good, I was starting to believe my schizo feeling that no one actually likes Mori.

>> No.9900330
Quoted by: >>9900535

this is basically a live watching thread for all holo en/id streams and a general chatroom for hololive but in imageboard form, im not really surprised since most active conversation will converge here

>> No.9900332

The aquarium is awesome

>> No.9900349

Please understand that anon is seething so hard about Fauna that merely reading a post mentioning her will cause them to descend into a sobbing rage

>> No.9900348

>the future is anime girls
You’re damn right Gura.

>> No.9900353

Anybody else hope the outfits get pushed back to October? Ame's still sick and the rest of Myth seem busy. Rather see them have time to hype them up and prepare good reveal streams

>> No.9900354

She means these?

>> No.9900356

>Space buns

>> No.9900365

Wait am i late or do everyone know about deltarune ch 2 coming out soon

>> No.9900369

I wish dota's still fun to watch.
Cool shit wombocombo still happens but mostly nowadays it's just an RNG on who gets the better neutral item

>> No.9900373
Quoted by: >>9900751 >>9900902

I want Fauna to give me a handjob

>> No.9900379


>> No.9900384
Quoted by: >>9900406

What do you think Ame is doing instead of preparing, resting?

>> No.9900386

>He doesn't know

>> No.9900388

her and Gura had some fun conversations so you should definitely check it out. It was basically a bone bros collab for the last two hours

>> No.9900389


>> No.9900398
Quoted by: >>9900546

I miss Ame

>> No.9900399
Quoted by: >>9900520

architects exist irl anon

>> No.9900406
Quoted by: >>9900441

I kind of hope she's resting

>> No.9900409

Watching Mori's stream, got to the Bang discussion. God I love these idiots. Man it's been a constant barrage of great streams lately I can't keep up.

>> No.9900413

I love Ina so much

>> No.9900419


>> No.9900421


>> No.9900423

This is very sexual

>> No.9900434
Quoted by: >>9900467

>wanting an oshi in constant proximity of buff men

>> No.9900441

she probably isn't rumao

>> No.9900442

Becoming Blopfish with Ina

>> No.9900458

That’s exactly where I’m at right now

>> No.9900463
Quoted by: >>9900700 >>9900856

Is Ame still alive?

>> No.9900467

Those buff men are all me

>> No.9900471
Quoted by: >>9900512 >>9900617

can we go 1 (one) thread without someone posting Ame?

>> No.9900476
Quoted by: >>9900508

>your oshi
>did we start the fire

>> No.9900478

what if every bodan send her just one piece of an AK-47 and a manual of how to assemble it

>> No.9900484

Fauna... your direction reps...

>> No.9900491

moomer global general

>> No.9900493
Quoted by: >>9900779

Please enjoy your Oshi's streams, we Teamates are waiting patiently

>> No.9900496


>> No.9900499

So any chance some holo will play Titan Quest or Jagged Alliance now that they are free on Steam?

>> No.9900500
Quoted by: >>9901263

How is this so over the top Australia when they're from there?

>> No.9900509

>Mori talking about prone boning in the bone zone
>Gura literally going 'god I wish that were me' and talking about VR dating sims for an hour
Fucking dorks. The contrast in productivity/types of conversation during the Morina section compared to the Bone Bros section was hilarious.

>> No.9900508

It's been always burning since the world's been turning

>> No.9900510

>Fauna isn't a broken girl like everyone else Cover hires
>She got hired because she's literally Mumei's mother and Mumei is broken enough for two girls

>> No.9900512


>> No.9900515
Quoted by: >>9900568 >>9900599

>pushed back to October?
Were they confirmed to be in September? I thought all we got was 'Soon'

>> No.9900517

I just noticed Ina went up to 4.5k, so not all saplings are Ina antis huh.

>> No.9900518

What did she do to Gura?

>> No.9900520

Brosnan married his wife when she was slim, the architect-ing came after.

>> No.9900521


>> No.9900535

Yeah, but you don't realize the sheer GAP between this thread and even the #2 most active general, or how wide THAT gap is between general "Vtuber Group Threads" and general "Oshi Threads," so maybe it's worth showing that a bit.
>Total # of posts in /hlgg/: 4,951,927
>Total # of posts in /nijien/: 447,331
>Total # of posts in /rushiag/: 8,266
It's genuinely not even worth comparing seriously. It's like trying to compare a kid's lemonade stand sales to Hi-C sales, then trying to compare Hi-C sales to the Pepsi Company's sales.

>> No.9900540

Why are KFP like this?

>> No.9900546
Quoted by: >>9900617


>> No.9900553


>> No.9900554

Been over a year but she's finally going to get a new one

>> No.9900556

I always think she's jacking off a BBC in that thumbnail, with her chin resting on his stomach

>> No.9900557

youre all being duped like a bunch of saps, i guess thats why she calls you saplings

>> No.9900568

They said "this month"

>> No.9900575
Quoted by: >>9901263

>average aussie interaction.webm

>> No.9900579
Quoted by: >>9900601

We should get a blue Fauna so she can truly become Lamy

>> No.9900581

This video is proof that Asians while living in and being born in my country will never actually be Australian.

>> No.9900591

>Ina antis
I love Ina, I just hate Bastion so I'm watching Fauna now

>> No.9900594

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.9900598
Quoted by: >>9900628

There're no antis among saplings. Fauna spreads unity, not hate

>> No.9900599

They said soon but hopefully in September. There was no official tweets for them unlike the merch so their might be a way off.

>> No.9900600

Winter Fauna is just Lamy

>> No.9900601

Winter Fauna would be just Lamy

>> No.9900604

I've got some spare parts. How many parts can someone in Japan own before it's "legally" a firearm and not a pile of scrap?

>> No.9900606

Ina... use your carbine..

>> No.9900608

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.9900617

Here's just for you

>> No.9900621
Quoted by: >>9900645 >>9901045

It's a funny idea, but I'd rather send the cube as a whole

>> No.9900622

Hey saplings ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.9900628
Quoted by: >>9900726

You've got a lot of weeds among those saplings then.

>> No.9900632


>> No.9900633


>> No.9900634

I want to pokey pokey Ina

>> No.9900637

I've been dead for a few days
Anything cool happen?
Were the anons and Holos cute?

>> No.9900642

Ina unironically doesn't have antis.
>t. ako

>> No.9900640
Quoted by: >>9900686 >>9900698

Chumbuds is THIS your oshi?

>> No.9900644

everyone loves twintails

>> No.9900645
Quoted by: >>9900677 >>9901045

Just paint it to look like an airsoft one and that way they would think it toy!

>> No.9900647

Blue Faunamind

>> No.9900649

I will fuck all "uuuuu~" posters.

>> No.9900655

oh my

>> No.9900659

Council faggots will always be a failure

>> No.9900664

uuuuuu~ ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

>> No.9900669
Quoted by: >>9900701

do holos do drugs?

>> No.9900672
Quoted by: >>9900758

t. Has done nothing in his life for himself

>> No.9900674

Dead or deadbeat

>> No.9900677
Quoted by: >>9900785

>Hey is this a fucking gun
>Nyet, it is of having orange tip. How can be gun if orange?

>> No.9900682

Uuuuuuuu~ 0////0

>> No.9900683


>> No.9900686


>> No.9900690
Quoted by: >>9900743

Not gonna lie seasonal outfits would be pretty kino, kinda like how Rushia has a green and pink form, Fauna could take it to the extreme.

>> No.9900697
Quoted by: >>9900758

>His biggest accomplishment is posting on /vt/

>> No.9900698

No, Gura has two

>> No.9900700
Quoted by: >>9900731

She's still sick according to Gura.
Iofi took 2 weeks to recover

>> No.9900701

No, they sell drugs though. Its bad practice to get high on your supply

>> No.9900704

Who has the most raw idol power in hololive? I think at this point the biggest contenders are Nene and Watame.

>> No.9900706


>> No.9900714
Quoted by: >>9900758

How does it feel to mantle /hlg/'s nousagis when Gen 4 came along

>> No.9900722


>> No.9900724

>ina streaming
>thread slow as fuck
>thread is shit
Every time

>> No.9900726

Even Jesus had them

>> No.9900728
Quoted by: >>9900760

Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute

>> No.9900729

>Anybody else hope the outfits get pushed back to October

>> No.9900730

Joint hypermobility is pretty common in women,

>> No.9900731
Quoted by: >>9900775 >>9900814

proof? I thought Ame was eating fruit in her last members post

>> No.9900732

Bold of (uuuuuuuu~) to post when there's no more image slots left

>> No.9900739

Clock became a maid with a fallout shelter in Minecraft who run away from Hope and deltarune ch2 coming out on the 17th

>> No.9900737


>> No.9900743

Pink Rushia is just cunny Mori

>> No.9900747

From what I've seen from Japanese gun owners, it might be very difficult, but a nip could probably obtain some sort of Saiga hunter model with a low capacity magazine.

>> No.9900750

i feel like all the council girls could benefit from casual outfits, their base designs are ok but far too gacha character for a streamer i feel.

>> No.9900751
Quoted by: >>9900902

I feel like Fauna's handjob would be top fucking tier for some reason

>> No.9900758

seething council cucks?
Who fucking cares about those faggots lmao

>> No.9900760
Quoted by: >>9900832


>> No.9900763

Would you?

>> No.9900765

>Your oshi
>Your /fit/ oshi

>> No.9900766
Quoted by: >>9900846

>Holomamas are doing a gartic phone collab
>Ayamy,Nabi,Nacho, Kagura Nana, Pochi and...Kakage
Wait a second, one of these doesn't belong.

>> No.9900769


>> No.9900773


>> No.9900775
Quoted by: >>9900804

That Gura said it? Its on Mori's MC stream

>> No.9900777

Ina's gonna be so dissapointed when she hears Zia talk for the first time.

>> No.9900778
Quoted by: >>9901482

Matsuri has a strangely high level of idol power despite being a menhera sex offender.

>> No.9900780


>> No.9900779

Here's my oshi and her friend talking about your oshi


>> No.9900781

One day those tears are gonna spill.

>> No.9900782

>but far too gacha character for a streamer
That's what happens when you hire FGO artists

>> No.9900784

Towa and Fauna
Towa and Fauna

>> No.9900785

You can also put a orange tip on it

>> No.9900788

Rich Piano Man....

>> No.9900790


>> No.9900792
Quoted by: >>9900844

kek, the fact Botan thought it must be the real thing if it comes from the russkies
they'd totally do that if they found a way

>> No.9900797
Quoted by: >>9900913

stream unison instead of replying

>> No.9900799

just say overdesigned
because they are

>> No.9900800

Why is fauna's voice pure sex. Every time she talks it feels like I just had sex with her voice.

>> No.9900804
Quoted by: >>9901006

I don't watch Mori fag

>> No.9900811

>Botan just dropping the casual slav racism

>> No.9900812


>> No.9900813

uuuuuuuuuu~ (*/ω\*)

>> No.9900814
Quoted by: >>9900890

You can't eat fruits while you're sick?

>> No.9900818

>Anything cool happen?
IRyS 7 hours minecraft stream was peak kino and worth watching in its entirety
Mori 10 hours marathon is worth watching in the segments with Ina and Gura
Risu went full SSSSEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXX and spent almost 2 hours sperging about Okayu's daki she MIGHT have masturbated
Watch and give priority to whatever your Oshi did.

>> No.9900832


>> No.9900833

Suisei, Nene, Aqua, Matsuri, Miko and Kanata, if I had to pull a list of names out of my ass.
Watame seems like more of a singer to me than an idol.

>> No.9900844

Considering the grey market shit I've gotten from Russians over Facebook marketplace, they absolutely would

>> No.9900846

Kakage is honorary Towa parent.

>> No.9900850
Quoted by: >>9900961

*cums on you*

>> No.9900852

>Ayami and Nacho collabing

>> No.9900855
Quoted by: >>9900904 >>9901068

Do you think Fauna goes uuuuuuuuu when she's getting railed in bed?

>> No.9900856

Tweeted earlier today.

>> No.9900860


>> No.9900862


>> No.9900863
Quoted by: >>9901072

Why's that?

>> No.9900867

the numbers O_O

>> No.9900868

Nice, this place has it's own version of "gokisei" schizos now.

>> No.9900890

who doesn't eat fruit when they're sick? all I eat are orange slices and toast when I get the flu

>> No.9900893

I think Fauna's design is pretty nice

>> No.9900896

the bugez

>> No.9900898
Quoted by: >>9900927

Only 6000kbps Fauna?

>> No.9900904

Fuck I'm hard again

>> No.9900902

Which Holo would provide a prostate massage alongside their handjob?

>> No.9900913
Quoted by: >>9901007

Maybe I'm retarded but I don't like it.

>> No.9900918


>> No.9900925
Quoted by: >>9900950

Hey stat nerds does ina have the best game variety? I like that she finishes what she plays.

>> No.9900927

Is that low for streaming bitrate?

>> No.9900931


>> No.9900935

I can't remember how Zia sounds like at all

>> No.9900936

i appreciate the timeslot of fauna's stream from today.

>> No.9900939

The way My Ina says mortar is really cute

>> No.9900940

People shitting on council unironically, you should look up pekoras humble origins. You never know what the future can bring.

>> No.9900941


>> No.9900942
Quoted by: >>9901246

What the fuck were you expecting?

>> No.9900943

Point is you're becoming /hlg/ kek

>> No.9900948

or not

>> No.9900950

Ina actually enjoys video games. Unlike most female streamers.

>> No.9900951
Quoted by: >>9901031

>1 minute apart
why does he keep replying to himself?

>> No.9900961

haven't seen this in a while, thought people were finally tired of cumming

>> No.9900968


>> No.9900973

Kronii because she read that it's a bigger orgasm for men so it must be better

>> No.9900982

Game stops being fun from this point onwards.

>> No.9900997
Quoted by: >>9901047 >>9901048

>Fauna can't build a PC because she's scared of breaking parts.

>> No.9901001
File: 335 KB, 617x448, 1611831602596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9901006

Don't get mad that you can't keep up with everyone then.

>> No.9901007
Quoted by: >>9901041 >>9901074

It's very avantgarde. I hope she's not that far in the hole for the MV because that looks expensive as fuck.

>> No.9901019

Well she had problems with her voice and Umisea tomorrow

>> No.9901031
Quoted by: >>9901059

Everyone talks to themselves, anon

>> No.9901040

They love that shit tho

>> No.9901042

Fuck I just realized I'll be busy and miss the Umisea collab....

>> No.9901041

eh, she can afford it.

>> No.9901045

ok we just need 63 bodans

>> No.9901047


>> No.9901048
Quoted by: >>9901260

What blows my mind is that Gura built her own PC, bought a prebuild, and then (probably) swapped out the motherboard.

>> No.9901051
Quoted by: >>9901294

I really wish somebody would kill that attention whore posting Kiara doxx

>> No.9901053
Quoted by: >>9901077 >>9901316

Desu getting rifle timing at max speed turns it into fucking machine gun of death

>> No.9901059
Quoted by: >>9901076

Most don't, you're just a schizo.

>> No.9901058

I did
Is breddy gud

>> No.9901068

Oh for sure. I bet it's a long unbroken uuuuu as well that kind of gets louder and softer with each stroke. Kinda like uuuuuuUUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUuuuuuuu

>> No.9901072

She sounds like trailer park garbage, does NOT fit her character or them at all.

>> No.9901074

She's the fourth most superchatted person in the world. She'll be fine.

>> No.9901076

Nah, I do to.

>> No.9901077

It's satisfying as hell to properly use.

>> No.9901079

are you lost, dude?

>> No.9901092

>parts kit
She's gonna need a drill press and some other hardware to assemble it lol

>> No.9901094

>Sit forever
>God I wish that were me
Why was gura so horny collabing with mori today?

>> No.9901095

Fauna is now /fit/ and entering feedback loop with her fans about it

>> No.9901099

Is it bad that i can mostly tell where else go?

>> No.9901105
Quoted by: >>9901212

You could get a good few of those parts from a model gun, those are easy to get in Japan.

>> No.9901117
Quoted by: >>9901179

Ina is bad at video games.

>> No.9901130
Quoted by: >>9901153

oh did Gura show up?

>> No.9901145
Quoted by: >>9901160 >>9901188

Why is this thread so slow right now? Is it over?

>> No.9901143

Stinky eyes..

>> No.9901144
Quoted by: >>9901225

She jwu so her brain to mouth filter was slow to react.

>> No.9901153

She showed up for the last 2.5 hours.

>> No.9901154


>> No.9901155

Is no one else streaming today after Fauna and Ina?

>> No.9901158

>uh oh
>THAT clip?

>> No.9901160

I switched off my smart fridges

>> No.9901165

As an American, I fucking love it when foreigners think we're all cowboys and guns and burgers. Mainly because I can show them that shit and they leave thinking they got an authentic American experience

>> No.9901169

>not into Soulsborne

>> No.9901170

Somebody fucking help me
I've manually counted almost a million fucking posts on this board's archive and there's at least two dozen generals left to track down and document before I'm free
There are threads I didn't even know existed that I'm digging up and I'm almost certain at least three of them are literally run by their organization's talents

>> No.9901174

>not into souls games

>> No.9901175

>... Miko playing GTA. oh, THAT clip

>> No.9901179

>Ina is bad at video games
>Your Boy is not good at video games

>> No.9901182

Kronii /mumei collab but no stream frame yet

>> No.9901188

I'm watching my Ina

>> No.9901192

More like inclining, shit's overrated.

>> No.9901194
Quoted by: >>9901220

>no souls games
im ngmi

>> No.9901200
Quoted by: >>9901214 >>9901467

kronii but she is a dumdum who doesn't put up streams ahead of time

>> No.9901202

Imagine having Hololive and EN name and you still manage to be a failure lmao
Council fags try and defend this

>> No.9901207
Quoted by: >>9901334

Why are you doing this, numberlistenersan?

>> No.9901212
Quoted by: >>9901332

Can you own decommissioned firearms in Japan? Usually they just weld the barrel shut so you'd just need a new barrel

>> No.9901214

Sounds like another time based holo

>> No.9901218

>i like to go fast

>> No.9901220
Quoted by: >>9901306

do they even have perms tho?

>> No.9901225

I just think they are

>> No.9901229

playing fast and loose with fauuuuuuuuna

>> No.9901230


>> No.9901234

you need help, but not for counting

>> No.9901233

Sounds like you have a severe need of medication.

>> No.9901232

clock and literally who should in theory be collabing in 30 minutes
gargantuan gargoyle does members watchalong in 90
then a few hours until mori superchats and then a big gap to tomorrow's morning streams.

>> No.9901235

Is pretty good. I wish the hololive twitter made a bigger effort to advertise their song covers.

>> No.9901238

It's okay, nobody's perfect.

>> No.9901246

Not fucking this

>> No.9901251
Quoted by: >>9901553

Gura membership Asobi Asobase watchalong
Ollie MK8

>> No.9901254
Quoted by: >>9901441

I'm learning more about Bastion watching Ina play it than I ever did beating the game three times myself.
I think her piecing together the story I half-ignored is doing it for me.

>> No.9901260
Quoted by: >>9901433

Nah her bf did it for her (me)

>> No.9901262

Doesn't matter cause they'll never be allowed to play them.

>> No.9901263

On one hand I want Hachama to do her HoloAus collab. On other I worry for her PTSD.
This is a parody. In reality haf of those mates would be cunts.

>> No.9901264
Quoted by: >>9901279 >>9901311

>I unironically enjoy Getting Over It
Do people even talk like this outside of /here/

>> No.9901266
Quoted by: >>9901331

>Council can't even beat anya after a month

>> No.9901270

Ignore the others anon, never take your meds and keep fighting the good fight

>> No.9901271

How could you even be fucked to do that? Just play vidya, watch streams or something.

>> No.9901279


>> No.9901284

Ame also liked to stream in a manner that's fun for her and stressful for others...

>> No.9901294
Quoted by: >>9901469

>He reposted it
Jesus Christ, this nigger is fucking retarded.

>> No.9901298


>> No.9901302
Quoted by: >>9901376

Kronii is trying to help out teamates that are missing Ame by putting up the stream frame 5 minutes before it’s supposed to start

>> No.9901303

Congratulations, it stays where it is!

>> No.9901306

good point

>> No.9901309

But why? It counts it for you

>> No.9901311

yes, you spent too much time /here/

>> No.9901316

The bow in Hades honestly feels closer to the souped up speed carbine than Bastion's actual bow, which is a testament to how good the rifle felt to use.

>> No.9901319

Kronii/Mumei, Gura (member), Mori (SC reading), Sana

>> No.9901323


>> No.9901327

go for a walk and get some fresh air, BWA. please...

>> No.9901328

I don't even know what you're trying to accomplish, but I wish you success.

>> No.9901331

Fucking failures bringing shame to Hololive

>> No.9901332
Quoted by: >>9901391

I couldn't tell you. I only know a little bit about actual Japanese gun laws, and the wikipedia page about it is FULL of misinformation. I don't know what parts they base the definition of a "firearm" on.

>> No.9901334

One: I refuse to not know everything. My knowledge of as many things as possible must be as complete as possible.
Two: I am also going to use this as part of my college thesis paper for statistical analysis

>> No.9901342
Quoted by: >>9901395

>consistent 4+ digits of viewers
>a failure
Unironically meds

>> No.9901344

>your oshi
>have you seen Asobi Asobase

>> No.9901348
Quoted by: >>9901412

>Phasmophobia again
When will this game finally die?

>> No.9901349


>> No.9901356

Tell me why...

>> No.9901363
Quoted by: >>9901399

Fauna really knows a lot about stuff that happened in Hololive, finally a real fan

>> No.9901364


>> No.9901365
Quoted by: >>9901399

It's nice when the new members talk about their senpai's old streams

>> No.9901366
Quoted by: >>9901419

phasmo in VR collab when

>> No.9901368

3 years ago

>> No.9901375
Quoted by: >>9901454 >>9901510

why the fuck are you not scripting it then

>> No.9901376

It's not the same, her autism noises are too different from Ame's autism noises...

>> No.9901384

Fauna was consistently at 10k during the Minecraft gameplay, it's lower now because it's SC reading.
Watch streams.

>> No.9901386

When it came out

>> No.9901388


>> No.9901391

>English Wikipedia page is completely wrong about a Japanese subject
Sad, many such cases

>> No.9901392


>> No.9901395

For Hololive with EN in your name? Yes a failure
Now fuck off faggot

>> No.9901399

is she becoming lamy?

>> No.9901401

Ina's definitely going to cry at that moment in Bastion, isn't she?

>> No.9901402

>dark souls
>silent hill

>> No.9901406

>Is someone going to start rapping?

>> No.9901409

I think 3 episodes

>> No.9901412

its undead anon, how can it die?

>> No.9901415


>> No.9901419

Mori wants to do it at least twice with the ENs.

>> No.9901422
Quoted by: >>9901478 >>9901611

>Interested in Horror despite being a wimp for it
>Wants more penalty games
>Likes Getting Over it

Is she just a masochist?

>> No.9901433

You're retarded and cost us 2 streams with your fuck up.

>> No.9901437


>> No.9901441

You're also busy playing the game, watching Inner your brain can process the story part of it more.

>> No.9901454

1: I mean I get it but this is autism levels of deep
2: why do it by hand? >>9901375

>> No.9901459


>> No.9901464

Yes. She's really absorbed and is yelling at everything.

>> No.9901467

she is a weird case, her definition of "ahead of time" can mean either 5 minutes before the stream to right after her previous stream

>> No.9901466

Resident Evil 5 co-op arc when?

>> No.9901469
Quoted by: >>9901664

She always attracts the schizos, huh? He's no better than a retarded egg now.

>> No.9901472
Quoted by: >>9901500

Is it true that yagoo cancelled duck's 3d for umisea? The voices in my head threaten to kill my tulpa of five years if I don't post about it here.

>> No.9901480


>> No.9901478

She just isnt a massive pussy.

>> No.9901482

how is that strange?

>> No.9901483


>> No.9901485


>> No.9901487

thread recycle please undastand

>> No.9901491


>> No.9901493

I don't really know Bastion but yes.

>> No.9901495


>> No.9901496

I'm going to tell your boss at jollibee you're slacking at work to post on a guatamalan hatweaving forum, enjoy dying in the streets of a preventable disease you SEA faggot

>> No.9901498


>> No.9901500
Quoted by: >>9901574

Subaru is quitting next month so he doesn't see a point in giving her a 3D

>> No.9901501

Pecker love

>> No.9901506

bros shes done the superchats already shes going to be going soon... im already starting to miss fauna

>> No.9901510

I am scripting it, I think, I'm putting all of the numbers into a few dozen spreadsheets and making sure it keeps a running total for every data point I enter, but I still have to get every data point by hand because people get fucky with their thread names

>> No.9901521


>> No.9901524

I watched an episode I think

>> No.9901525

Yes and I'm so excited to watch it again. It's such a cute and funny show.

>> No.9901534

>the state of this thread when Council trash are streaming
Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen....

>> No.9901541

That part always still gets me

>> No.9901542

Can you turn off the narrator?

>> No.9901548

I don't think I ever finished it, but I watched at least like 3 or 4 episodes

>> No.9901547
Quoted by: >>9901627

>that Miko clip about the hairdressed popped up in my feed
This girl is dumber than chammers. Don't have a cover story planned AND you put art of yourself all over your phone.

>> No.9901550


>> No.9901553
Quoted by: >>9901603 >>9901904

So Gura changed the anime at the last minute? That's funny. Is it a good anime?

>> No.9901560

I'll never forget my Pecker...

>> No.9901566

Yeah. Can't believe it slipped my mind when I was thinking of recommendations. I'm excited. It fits Gura to a tee

>> No.9901567

Yes, the ed is fucking kino

>> No.9901569
Quoted by: >>9901759

Accept that you can't consume everything, accept reality as fleeting, it doesn't matter how the fish got on your table at a restaurant, just enjoy the good fish itself instead of pondering useless questions.

>> No.9901572

Might as well not even play the game at that point

>> No.9901574


>> No.9901586
Quoted by: >>9901610

Didn't someone in hololive already play pacify?

>> No.9901590


>> No.9901591

I remember at least the first 6 episodes

>> No.9901593

unless she decides to leave him there

>> No.9901596

Might as well turn off the OST while you're at it and remove ALL the good parts of Bastion.

>> No.9901601

funniest part of the game

>> No.9901600

Ina lost her pecker...

>> No.9901603
Quoted by: >>9901904

Yeah never seen it but others here have commented on it

>> No.9901605

I sure have. It was hilarious.

>> No.9901606


>> No.9901611

Yeah, in her Mario Kart stream she half ripped her thumb's fingernail off by accident and the noises she made were interesting to say the least

>> No.9901610

A shitton have played it

>> No.9901620

Ina's fucking pissed

>> No.9901621

Did Ina just say "peace isn't a option"?

>> No.9901626

I was filtered in about 10 minutes. Going to give it another shot for Gura, though.

>> No.9901627
Quoted by: >>9901668

Isn't she great?

>> No.9901632

Kiara is going to kill the dude right

>> No.9901634
Quoted by: >>9901689

Has Ina interacted with the Shrine at all beyond the first idol?

>> No.9901636


>> No.9901640


>> No.9901650

Hell yeah I love that show

>> No.9901655
Quoted by: >>9901674

Ina is MAD

>> No.9901664
Quoted by: >>9901966

Multiple people run /vt/ takes, and I'm pretty sure one of the people is a Kiara anti.

>> No.9901663

If you've reached that point then you might as well just stop playing the game and go buy the soundtrack.

>> No.9901668

Maybe if she had some dick her brain wouldn't be so rotted by anime and yuri

>> No.9901674

anger issues

>> No.9901680

I was feeling shitty since I cannot stop sneezing but this made me smile and laugh a little. I am too far gone.

>> No.9901682


>> No.9901681

They killed her bird, she'll kill their whole race.

>> No.9901684

>Ina was trying to wrap up the stream
>They killed her bird and now she's gone full genocidal

>> No.9901683

Kronii frame is finally up

>> No.9901687

Ina would be the teacher that listens to the bully first and last

>> No.9901689

She had three of them but then turned them off when she kept dying in the recollection.

>> No.9901697
Quoted by: >>9901751

The term is Mensiversary btw.

>> No.9901700

Faunwell gozaimasu! Bye bye Fauna!

>> No.9901708
Quoted by: >>9901785

I miss Fauna already god fucking dammit.

>> No.9901709
Quoted by: >>9901785

I miss Fauna.....

>> No.9901712
Quoted by: >>9901890

>Your oshi
>Your oshi

>> No.9901713

croney jwu

>> No.9901720
Quoted by: >>9901807


>> No.9901725


>> No.9901728

She's gone again...

>> No.9901731

bits and pieces

>> No.9901730

Do you think Ina will show mercy, when the choice is offered?

>> No.9901736

Ina cute

>> No.9901737
Quoted by: >>9901785 >>9901810

i miss fauna...

>> No.9901738
Quoted by: >>9901785 >>9901810

I miss Fauna…

>> No.9901740

Angry Ina is turning me on

>> No.9901745

Ina's out for blood

>> No.9901746

>shadowbanned in mori and faunas chat
when will the suffering be over bros

>> No.9901747

>We Were Here Together
No thanks.

>> No.9901751

Oh I thought it was Monthsary

>> No.9901753

I fucking love Fauna bros... what do?

>> No.9901755

Oh shit. I thought today was the17th

>> No.9901757


>> No.9901758


>> No.9901759
Quoted by: >>9901944

If I was going to give up on this I would've given up before getting 750,000 posts deep into the uncharted history of this board
I can't stop until I've charted out as much general mass as humanly possible, so that I can isolate the amount of this board that is decent and the amount that is trash bait threads
Once I'm done, information will exist where nothingness used to be

>> No.9901769

Nope, I'me excited too

>> No.9901773

Yeah pretty good

>> No.9901776

Reine. Have you seen her talons?

>> No.9901781

Shouldn't have said those slurs, anon

>> No.9901779


>> No.9901783

deadbeats deserve everthing they're subject to

>> No.9901785



Missing Fauna mind

>> No.9901789

SmashKart51 would be a better pick than this trash

>> No.9901788

Ina is a "salt the land" type of revenger.

>> No.9901790


>> No.9901792
Quoted by: >>9901833 >>9901858

So wait, Bastion's story was about a colonial nation developing nukes for use against an oriental foe and to put an end to warfare as we know it? Where have I heard this one before...

>> No.9901793

Ina's the type that would kill the women and children too.

>> No.9901801

Nope, not watching that game again

>> No.9901802

What the point of streaming this game with only one POV?

>> No.9901807

It was pretty good, nothing too special, but time spent with Fauna is nice and cozy

>> No.9901806

I miss Fauna...

>> No.9901810


>> No.9901812

Ina is more genocidal than usual today

>> No.9901813

>check thread
>it's someone's birthday already
>it's from gen 2, who have only been around for 2 months
Jesas, not that Hololive isn't greedy but at least they have it so that the talents' birthdays aren't immediately after debut

>> No.9901816
Quoted by: >>9901863

She's gone bros...

>> No.9901824
Quoted by: >>9901902

stay mad.

>> No.9901834

where's moomy's frame? I think the retardkino will be condensed there

>> No.9901833
Quoted by: >>9901901

Yeah but the nukes backfired and killed everyone EXCEPT the orientals

>> No.9901836

I have a couple times, it might become my favorite cover of it.

>> No.9901839

>15 minutes before the stream

>> No.9901842


>> No.9901850
Quoted by: >>9901909 >>9901941

>Council trash ended
This thread is healing....

>> No.9901851

I thought Mumei was presenting her ass on that thumbnail

>> No.9901855

sounds like a severe need for medication

>> No.9901858

Mobile Suit Gundam?

>> No.9901859

She was also looking for VR porn games and letting Mori know what she found.

>> No.9901862
Quoted by: >>9901938

Did Ina change her mic settings in the past month? It seems much bassier now so I had to adjust my EQ

>> No.9901863

Don't worry. Her daughter will stream soon.

>> No.9901867

>your oshi
>did you know today is a holiday?

>> No.9901890


>> No.9901893

I really don't see the appeal of this game it's so boring

>> No.9901901

Reminder that it was suspected that nuclear detonation could lead to runaway reaction that burns the whole atmosphere up

>> No.9901902
Quoted by: >>9901971

Lmao at who? someone who can't even come close to Gura? as new hyped gen?
Kek stay irrelevant with your irrelevant oshi

>> No.9901904

it's funny, i don't want to say too much about it just because the first episode will be better that way but it's enjoyable and Goomba will like it

>> No.9901905

Usin a VPN?

>> No.9901908

>Your Oshi
>Will Ina save or abandon Zulf?

>> No.9901909

Dopnt get used to it, Kronii and Mumei soon!

>> No.9901916
Quoted by: >>9901926

I love how invested Ina gets in games

>> No.9901926

I can't wait for the scene at the end.

>> No.9901929

I don't give a shit, Moshe.

>> No.9901932

She'll probably consider it

>> No.9901934

>Ina forces an Ura soldier to get ripped apart by birds
>Ina rewards the birds who killed the Ura by killing them because they ate filthy Ura blood
Ina is pissed

>> No.9901935

Oh really? What's the holiday today?

>> No.9901938
Quoted by: >>9902005

>using eq
why do you like hearing sounds the way they weren't intended?

>> No.9901941

Your motherfucking life ends 10 minutes from now

>> No.9901944
Quoted by: >>9902104

So this is the same energy that powers schizos relentlessly shitposting and doxxing Holomems... Well, at least you're using this energy for a more """decent""" reason.
How you waste your lifetime is your choice, I don't think this is the kind of research that's going to help anyone.

>> No.9901945
Quoted by: >>9901989

>Ina humming Build That Wall

>> No.9901948

She's angry right now but I know she'll save him in the end

>> No.9901953


>> No.9901952

Ninomae "You killed by Pecker, Ill end you feckers" Ina'nis

>> No.9901966
Quoted by: >>9902058

The comments are thinking that Kiara is a dude now

>> No.9901969
Quoted by: >>9902009


>> No.9901971
Quoted by: >>9902003

mucho texto : )

>> No.9901972
Quoted by: >>9902018

shouldn't mumei also be streaming her pov? kind of important for the game they are playing

>> No.9901974

Only 10 minutes left until I can eat.

>> No.9901979

Ina is a Caelondia apologist now

>> No.9901989

>Ina singing Mother I'm Here in her next karaoke

>> No.9901996

It's been 15 billion years since Ame last streamed...

>> No.9902003
Quoted by: >>9902109

>ADHD faggot
This is getting funnier lol

>> No.9902004

stop trying to type nigger in their chats

>> No.9902005

I dont know if my sound setup is fucked but it's weird to me for an anime girl's voice to send low frequency vibrations through my desk

>> No.9902009

It's not a threat, it's a promise.

>> No.9902018

She forgor...

>> No.9902022

>Ina got distracted by the prospect of being able to actually kill all the Uras

>> No.9902027

Ame's not my oshi but i really miss her

>> No.9902035
Quoted by: >>9902064

man Fauna is fucking great. She'll be the only I member in Counsel probably

>> No.9902037

>Kill Ina's pet
>Ina goes on a genocidal rampage
Yeah that sounds about right.

>> No.9902050

>Which Council Member you will pay membership?

>> No.9902052

Abandon and restart is optimal first run for that sexy NG+
I did abandon and flying away

>> No.9902055

The only good Ura is a dead Ura.

>> No.9902058

Nah, they're wondering if it's "her" as in the roommate, and not a random cosplayer.

>> No.9902062


>> No.9902063

Ina BabaYaga...

>> No.9902064

No one cares Council cuck

>> No.9902067


>> No.9902070

Deadspace 3 collab Doko?

>> No.9902083

Ura more like GUra!

>> No.9902087

Sana most likely, maybe even fauna

>> No.9902091

touch grass you loser faggot

>> No.9902095

Id get Sana's but im too poor to get another membership

>> No.9902096

Kronii, Bae, Sana. Depending on how their membership plans are, I may switch Bae with Fauna though.

>> No.9902102

>Fauna, maybe Moomers if her content is interesting

>> No.9902104
Quoted by: >>9902149

Very different, I'd like to think.
One is obsessed with a person, whereas I'm obsessed with a number. That's better, I think, especially since it isn't a tribal number.

>> No.9902109


>> No.9902108

Membering failures? maybe out of pitty one day lol

>> No.9902111

Kronii and Sana

>> No.9902114

Just repeating the same word over and over *yawn*

>> No.9902116

The Ura are WEAK, falling under her feet by the dozen

>> No.9902118

who's your oshi

>> No.9902120

Slamming Fauna's join button harder than I slam ur mom

>> No.9902123

takos are touchin peckers...

>> No.9902129

Am I the onlyone who saw mumei presenting her ass in that thumbnail for a second?

>> No.9902137

Fauna Mumei

>> No.9902144

I command you to suffer.

>> No.9902145


>> No.9902148

They said Worms collab would be next week right? and that was on Saturday.
So worms collab tomorrow? or saturday? maybe?

>> No.9902149

Your findings will be interesting nonetheless. Ganbare numberlistenersan
