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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9778922 No.9778922 [Reply] [Original]

>Main links
Debut VOD : https://youtu.be/3Tv5GyebhQo
Last Stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CjbjuIRHDU
Next Stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf7m1Rx3PbU
Sana's Twitter : https://twitter.com/tsukumosana
Current schedule : https://twitter.com/tsukumosana/status/1437120526510538752

>Where can I find arts?
Twitter : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23galaxillust&src=hashtag_click
Danbooru : https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=tsukumo_sana
Pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/九十九佐命/artworks
Azure-gallery : https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3A九十九佐命

LIVE : #SanaLanding
Fanart : #galaxillust
Fan name : Sanallite

Previous Thread : >>9634518

>> No.9778985
File: 237 KB, 2048x1127, E9LE_0HVcAQqRqD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9780275

>> No.9779517
File: 411 KB, 2048x1365, E9d5NliVoAIKkdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9779849

How much of Celest is left? We're looking 2 hour stream or 8 hour one?

>> No.9779849
Quoted by: >>9780277

>strawberry maniac
long stream

>> No.9780275

how much warmth does she generate?

>> No.9780277
File: 419 KB, 1607x2048, E98vz4qUcAQyfxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's skilled, so if there isn't much game left it shouldn't take long

>> No.9780309
File: 1.85 MB, 720x720, __tsukumo_sana_and_yatagarasu_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_pako_and_tou_ilie__095c83808813c15bafb78afb7d8aaa85.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough to warm your heart every time you look at her

>> No.9780392
Quoted by: >>9780631

Anyone have the blackface thumbnail? Kinda curious.

>> No.9780631
Quoted by: >>9780749



>> No.9780749
Quoted by: >>9780850

The fact that she had to change it twice, first to another picture from the same guy then unrelated, makes me think it wasn't 100% her decision

>> No.9780850
Quoted by: >>9781094 >>9781163

I could totally see her not knowing what it actually came from but laughing at the sonic version and enjoying her version. Just assuming bad intentions is something that we should leave to twitter.

>> No.9781094

it's possible she might not have even known the sonic meme either, since it was someone else's art. she might have just wanted to feature silly fanart.

>> No.9781163
Quoted by: >>9787218

I'm not talking about the og picture now, but the fact that she clearly wanted to give the artist another go, but then quickly changed it for seamingly no reason. To me it seams like someone else told her to change it and wasn't satisfied when she still used the same artist.

>> No.9781543


>> No.9781890
File: 192 KB, 1280x1280, sana__commission__by_nyahudori_deqgvcs-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9819307

>if she can't climb normally she'll just grow and sqish the mountine
Based Sanner

>> No.9781901
File: 270 KB, 1191x1684, 1631433617683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is so comfy. instantly made my day warmer again hearing her.
Dunno how i'm gonna get through her break.

>> No.9782282
Quoted by: >>9782474

Cover release this beautiful woman from her collaboration shackles

>> No.9782359

YT really doesn't want me to watch the stream. It just keeps crashing

>> No.9782474

I wonder what holomen she'd get along with aside from Ina obviously

>> No.9782562
File: 1.53 MB, 1366x768, 2021-05-17_235239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9782602 >>9782659

I want her to make friends with Kiara, because Kiara needs someone who is not a social autistic without communication skills.

>> No.9782602

Honestly Sana will make her blush

>> No.9782603

Kiara, and Ame maybe.

>> No.9782659

Both bubbly, one light, one intense. Think it would work well. Also be nice to see how she'd react to Kiara being absolute dogshit at games.

>> No.9782849

Imagine if she farted on stream haha

>> No.9783006

Any day where I get to hear Sana noises is a good day.

>> No.9783096

Sana time babyyyy

>> No.9783451
Quoted by: >>9783645

The sounds she makes when she dies are making me hard...

>> No.9783485

She has to generate enough energy to propel herself through space. So my guess is quite warm.

>> No.9783551

When Ina and Sana split the skills they got, its obvious who got all the platforming skills.

>> No.9783645


>> No.9783650

Wow she just strained her voice in a way that sounded raspy and metal... holy shit I can actually imagine it now

>> No.9784285
Quoted by: >>9784353 >>9784566

God I want to stuff it in Sana's kid shitter so bad.

>> No.9784353
File: 755 KB, 1000x1000, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo wtf

>> No.9784399
Quoted by: >>9784578


>> No.9784481
Quoted by: >>9784636

I would not have the patience to deal with this game.
She's pulling off some pretty cool shit though.

>> No.9784566

God I want to stuff it in Sana's shitter so bad.

>> No.9784578
File: 42 KB, 612x599, 1631302965517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her making those sounds while im licking her delicious wet black hole

>> No.9784586
Quoted by: >>9784630

when did Australians become sexual

>> No.9784630

aussie here, straya sheilas are fuckin' horny little cunts that demand what they want. but Sana is a lesbian, so the illusion is sorta broken

>> No.9784636
Quoted by: >>9785108

if you like platforming at all, give Celeste a try. It a modern take on Super Meat Boy. Extremely tight controls, fun challenge and fast resets. All the challenges are room sized as well, so you never go far back.

>> No.9784693
Quoted by: >>9784720

Where are any of us even going, Sana...

>> No.9784720
File: 135 KB, 828x828, 1629760681490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats deep bro

>> No.9784727


>> No.9784742
File: 175 KB, 1200x782, fb4a51bc40e1dc5e2602f1035cf1388f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>squealing noises
>urgh I'm so close!
>heaving breathing and yelling

>> No.9784816
Quoted by: >>9785078

What's that even based off of?
People didn't just see her lusting after cartoon women and start calling her a lesbian, did they?

>> No.9784905
Quoted by: >>9784983

Sana doesn't normally use joy sticks or K+M

>> No.9784983

She's a nintendo girl. She's used to dpads on platformers more than likely.

>> No.9784985

>Would I be adorable in a goth outfit?


>> No.9784986

>Goth Sana
>Chat fucking explodes

>> No.9784988


>> No.9785036
File: 91 KB, 346x352, 1543358036243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sana in a goth outfit

>> No.9785039
Quoted by: >>9785243

>but Sana is a lesbian
thats not what my sources say

>> No.9785049

And none of that tame gothloli stuff either

>> No.9785078
Quoted by: >>9785243

her old tumblr heavily suggested that she's not straight, along with her flatmate mentioning her girlfriend.

>> No.9785080
Quoted by: >>9785486


>> No.9785108
Quoted by: >>9785305

>It a modern take on Super Meat Boy.
Wow, Meat Boy is retro now.
I still remember Flash Meat Boy.

>> No.9785158

It's painful knowing I'll never have a Sana in my life...

>> No.9785243


being someone that's followed her past life for a very long time from Deviantart to Twitter, I haven't seen one mention of her having romantic feelings towards a male unless they were fictional characters. I think it's been implied that her and her old friend were dating but honestly she comes off as asexual to me, or a very unexperienced lesbian. I've never gotten heterosexual vibes from her.

>> No.9785305
Quoted by: >>9786704

Hey, I don't make the rules. But SMB is like 12 years old and was spearheading the first breakthrough of indies.

>> No.9785486

I don't see her as goth. Do see her in a leather jacket with a spiked choker.

>> No.9785514
File: 152 KB, 1333x1000, 20210831_062106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana, please. I havent used all the strawberry jam you gave me from the last stream...

>> No.9785717
File: 295 KB, 1436x2047, 1630670227351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been going for almost 2 hours, but I feel like she only just started

>> No.9785751

I guess that's why she and the lady that voices yuri VNs decided to go with the slow burn Space-Time ship, maybe?

>> No.9785922
Quoted by: >>9785963

why is she cheating at the game? You aren't supposed to have double dash here.

>> No.9785930

Lesbianism is not real, its simply a cope by women who don't have access to dick. Being gay is real though, as men have the rationality to actually make choices for themselves unlike the lesser female.

>> No.9785963
Quoted by: >>9786128

She got double Dash from the story, wtf are you on about, mate?

>> No.9786128
Quoted by: >>9786182 >>9786198

I only just started watching. Since when have they let you use double dash outside of the final stages? She doesn't look that far into the game.

But you'd know her progress better than me.

>> No.9786182
Quoted by: >>9786250

this is the last chapter

>> No.9786198
File: 3.87 MB, 2858x3057, 92615085_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last chapter, she's almost at the end

>> No.9786197

I want to see more of serious sana

>> No.9786200

Not like any of us had a chance anyways but it always hurts a bit to find out, like the universe is pouring salt on the wound.

>> No.9786250
Quoted by: >>9786499

that's why I got confused then, thanks
last stage does combine the tilesets.
her streams weren't labeled and I thought this was her first stream of the game

>> No.9786355
File: 1.38 MB, 1559x1926, 1631282468411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9786468 >>9786592

I mean I do. Sucks for you guys though

>> No.9786468

Doesn't matter women are only lesbians when forced to be, I will give her the dick and she will return to the true path (as her body already wants to do subconciously).
Also you will never be a woman.

>> No.9786499
File: 1.03 MB, 640x961, 1630481520630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title is a pun on the word peak, but I see why this might not be enough

>> No.9786584

She doing husband application so Sana !=Roomate.

>> No.9786592
Quoted by: >>9796343

If you're obsessive enough to maneuver yourself into the life of a public figure I feel like you're more likely to just get arrested.

>> No.9786704

Wow, 12 years is a long time.

Going back to that time though, Meat Boy wasn't quite a breakthrough point, since there were already a lot of well-recognized and some financially successful indies by then (Cave Story, Braid, La Mulana, Aquaria, World of Goo, Noitu Love, etc.). But Team Meat did represent a point where indies were finally able to get mainstream attention on their own terms, without having to sell their souls to publishers/XBLA/iOS in order to be marketed and distributed on multiple platforms. For self-published indies they helped provide a more stable model for success than the Flash/AdultSwim/F2P/Canabalt models that everyone was trying to copy before.

Hopefully Sana might play some of those older indies!

>> No.9786812
File: 150 KB, 600x670, 1631418627365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9787006 >>9787171

Sana playing through Cave Story would be so good

>> No.9786853
Quoted by: >>9787020 >>9787714

It's not about actually getting to marry Sana herself, it's about getting to be with a girl like her...

>> No.9786938

>Noitu Love
Man that takes me back.

>> No.9787006

Even though that's not really one I do hope to see her play a Metroidvania, the way she looks for secrets would make it real fun. Cave Story is awesome, though.

>> No.9787020
Quoted by: >>9787424

go to conventions, or nerdy places in general. As long as you put yourself out there and aren't looking for superficial personality traits you can find a girl with Sana's personality, trust me they exist but they're overlooked.

>> No.9787130
Quoted by: >>9787850

That middle paragraph sounds like is copy-pasted from "The rise (and fall?) of videogame indies" article.

But yeah, SMB might not have been the first, but it was one of the biggest successes. What the hell is Noitu Love, everything else I've played or at least heard about.

>> No.9787171

As long as she doesn't get tricked into starting on hard. A friend of mine made that mistake.

>> No.9787218


>> No.9787280
Quoted by: >>9789077

I don’t know if get along but I would really like her to collab with Gura I think the interactions can be fun

>> No.9787322

I wanna fuzzy wuzzy sana

>> No.9787424

God I wish they did exist... I would kill for a cute bubbly nerd like Sana.

>> No.9787674
Quoted by: >>9787778 >>9787926

It does hurt like damn. I know a relationship is impossible but that 0.000000000001% chance lets you phantasize but if she is totally lesbian then it makes you feel bad. Still happy for her and wish to see her happy.

>> No.9787714

but, for all vtubers. or celebrities, or idols....

>> No.9787778

sorry I’m retarded

>> No.9787850

>What the hell is Noitu Love
It's the 2-part series Konjak worked on before he did Legend of Princess, and then spent the next 8 years working on Iconoclasts.
Funny thing is, I remember when Noitu Love 2 came out, there were a bunch of videos that featured it alongside Fez, Owlboy, Heart Forth Alicia, and Legend of Iya. Two of those games remain still in development!

>> No.9787918
File: 343 KB, 2048x1449, E-lkxJnWQAABYQx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game would have been painful to watch if Sana wasn't so good at it

>> No.9787926
Quoted by: >>9788047

If this were more than a rrat I'd be happy enough that she is not getting fucked by some greasy aussie.

>> No.9788047

I honestly don’t care who she is with if it makes her happy and keeps it out of hololive, the only hope left for the rrat is that the other anon said she only mentioned liking fictional boys so maybe there is some hope

>> No.9788076

i wonder if Sana will get an SC flood at the end

>> No.9788100

Probably at least a couple akasupas

>> No.9788136
File: 130 KB, 828x828, 1631061341499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, maybe not.
She's already past the $1k mark which seems to almost be a norm for her now.

>> No.9788140
Quoted by: >>9788251 >>9795036

I wonder if she will have any viewers left at the end

>> No.9788240

Cam on Sanner get da strawberry

>> No.9788251

Begone, numberfag. Sana doesn't care about numbers and we don't either.

>> No.9788313
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>> No.9788316
File: 357 KB, 574x561, E-Ng8X2UcAAfF5t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that she almost got it a few times makes those early deaths way more frustrating

>> No.9788323
Quoted by: >>9788904

Personally I hope Sana ends up with even fewer viewers, if she drops low enough we can hopefully get comfy indie levels of chat attention. Why would I want her to be popular? I don't want to share her with retards, I want her all to myself.

>> No.9788404
Quoted by: >>9788464

Does she stream at this timeslot often?

>> No.9788464
File: 589 KB, 600x439, 869f7b3335f133126d8d2d660a8ad0dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9788545

nope, a stream that isnt around 10-11pm unless its a 7am holoscope stream is rare from her.
I'm using EST btw

>> No.9788545

Shame I'd prob join membership if she streamed at this time often when it came up

>> No.9788548

She seems to struggle a bit with the range of her dash.

>> No.9788587


>> No.9788590

Right after takin' the deep breath for focus! Clutch!

>> No.9788647
Quoted by: >>9788710

Sana making me feel motivated.

>> No.9788664

i have no dash and i must hai hai

>> No.9788710


No kidding.

>> No.9788745

You would literally melt from the heat of hey pusy

>> No.9788780
File: 441 KB, 1451x2048, E-WmVaRVgAsbmjO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You believed, right Anon?

>> No.9788803

I just really like her design.

>> No.9788850

I love her old anime eyes

>> No.9788870

sana needs to stabilise her streaming hours, so far I've seen her stream in every timeslot possible.

>> No.9788904

To make her happy.

>> No.9788932
Quoted by: >>9789153

>starts talking about the flags
pretty based, ngl

>> No.9788963
Quoted by: >>9789001 >>9789153

What did she say about flags

>> No.9789001
Quoted by: >>9789696

You're not going to like it anon

>> No.9789027

lmao her sneezes are so cute

>> No.9789077

Gura still needs to nibble on the worm so Sana can sit on her.

>> No.9789153
Quoted by: >>9789696

She talked about the flags on the level design anon don’t worry it’s not what you are thinking

>> No.9789696
Quoted by: >>9789751

God damnit I didn't assume it was the bi or whatever flag based boys cried about on /v/ when this game came out, she made a joke about red flags or something and it seemed to be a hit with chat so I wanted to know what it was

>> No.9789751
Quoted by: >>9789829

Wait until you hear about who made Celeste.

>> No.9789829
Quoted by: >>9789994

I truly don't care, you could have some new sex organs I've never seen before, made from Steel and black magic, and I wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.9789994

If only everyone could be as based as you anon.

>> No.9790001

She's gonna make it bros, she'll get the strawberry just like she did so many before.

>> No.9790034
Quoted by: >>9790123 >>9790161

I like her way of playing the game

>> No.9790121
File: 516 KB, 494x436, 1631302488299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much! thank you ! thank you !

>> No.9790123
Quoted by: >>9790218 >>9791573

Screaming and excited?
Unironically I bet she'd be ok at fighting games, she has the right mentality.

>> No.9790161
Quoted by: >>9790259

I'm just impressed with how little rage and salt she's demonstrated over these three stream. She's a font of patience.

>> No.9790164


>> No.9790218

fightan games have way too much of a learning curve. I tried so hard to get my friends to enjoy them but they said its too much investment for basically losing in 1 minute

>> No.9790238
Quoted by: >>9790456

i think a lot of retards that don't understand wahmen is that girls like to call their best friends their girlfriend and shower love/compliments unconditionally. everyone calling lulu/nagu her exgf are stupid and if they dug a bit deeper, lulu/nagu had bfs/openly talked about dating men.

sana's roommate on the other hand never talked about relationships or men at all. All she cared about was vidya and drawing. She's truly a pure smooth brain, one of us.

I do remember in her past life, 9 years ago or something, there was a male user that kept sending her huge expensive packages(like $300 headphones, games, toys etc) and she posted a picture of the stuff thanking him. The guy had no clout, no skills, but she seemed in contact with him. He's either a really good friend, guy from company she worked with thanking her, or ....

anyways who knows, twitter/twitpic doesn't let me search that far back into her tweets

>> No.9790253
Quoted by: >>9790403

we're gonna be so full of jam bros

>> No.9790259
File: 80 KB, 960x1080, E-BedbRUUAkugrK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9790403

shes having the time of her life grabbing these strawberries for us. It's endearing as fuck

>> No.9790403

I would exclusively use Sana brand Jam for my toast for the rest of my life.

>> No.9790438
File: 392 KB, 512x409, 1629946257822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fightan games have way too much of a learning curve.

>> No.9790456

I remember. That same guy was sending stuff to Lulu as well. Really expensive headphones and tablets, though they seem to get those big packages from a lot of their friends as well.

It was probably just a friend that had money to spare. I've known friends like that as well.

>> No.9790507

it's so wild watching a holoen who actually intuits shit lmao

>> No.9790574

oh my god I left for a couple hours and she's STILL AT IT!

>> No.9790579

Maybe I can see Sana play Smash.

>> No.9790624
File: 1.46 MB, 1062x1505, 1629564596336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres another one
The truth about fighting games are that they aren't hard to play, or hard to learn, its just a misconception, shit like Dead by Daylight and Escape from Tarkov are much harder to learn, yet some how people still believe them to be complex beings.

>> No.9790696

Damn I guess I just have to watch both

>> No.9790761
Quoted by: >>9791193

im not going to watch a video defending a genre thats so poverty that the most high value e-sports game in the entire genre by an order of magnitude so grand that its higher in one year than the entire collective prize pools of several major legacy tournaments across their whole lifespans, is a ubisoft game where every character has the same moveset besides one or two moves

>> No.9790919

Based Sajam.

>> No.9790927

she swore, hell yeah

>> No.9791047

i get what you guys are sayin and i love me some sajam. I feel like it's just rough for newbies to learn the game only to keep losing in such a short time frame. Thanks for the vid, though. Havent watched anything fgc related since around mr. wizard getting cancelled

>> No.9791160

It just takes the right game for someone to get hooked is all, people try too hard to force their friends to get into the same fighting game and it always leads to bad results

>> No.9791193
Quoted by: >>9791338

>For honor Dominon series prize pool:65,000
>Evo Street fighter Prize pool: $69,510.00

>> No.9791338
Quoted by: >>9791389

wrong game nigger

>> No.9791389
Quoted by: >>9791425

What other ubisoft fighting game even is there?

>> No.9791425
Quoted by: >>9791922


>> No.9791573

I mean she wants the strawberry regardless of how long it takes. I'm a completionist so I play the same. She's just a saint

>> No.9791642
Quoted by: >>9791779 >>9793708

Man I see why she started this when she did now, I didn't even notice that Mario Party collab scheduled

>> No.9791779

oh wow I didn't see that one either, powerful collab

>> No.9791922
Quoted by: >>9792127

Imma be real, Ive never heard of that game until right now, and I've played shit like Devil bride and Aqua Plaza. Its just a smash brother rip off? How did it get so much money funeeled into its prize pool?

>> No.9792127
Quoted by: >>9792396

it's accessible

>> No.9792396
Quoted by: >>9793949

So are fighting games, people are just afraid of the mythical fighting game mountain they build in their minds. I can't wait for Riots fighting game to come out, so a whole generation of people will have to admit fighting games aren't hard, they are just to lazy to do a quarter circle.

>> No.9792716
File: 61 KB, 1243x559, Sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9792827

>Remove several moves that existed one game ago for a good chunk of the cast
>"Why are fighting games so hard to get into?"

>> No.9792787

So is the protagonist of Celeste a schizo or something?

>> No.9792827

And the game where they paired down the move set has also sold more then the last 3 entries combined.

>> No.9793197
Quoted by: >>9793285

It's pixelated infie platformer. They are all about mental issues and nothing else

>> No.9793285

She has anxiety issues, the feather thing is a grounding exercise, T anxiety issues.

>> No.9793439

Madeline is climbing up the mountain to get over her guilt about getting an abortion. The clone of herself is her denying that she would be the kind of person to do such a thing to a fetus. Cleaning up the hotel is her attempt to convince herself that she could maintain a clean household even though the boss their get a big head and cries at her despite her efforts.

>> No.9793543
Quoted by: >>9793661 >>9793782

Fighting games require precise and consistent inputs, and my clumsy ass just cant pull that shit off.

>> No.9793564

>getting an abortion

>> No.9793629


>> No.9793640

Abortions are based lol

>> No.9793661

They really dont
Bro just stop, this rrat died so long ago.

>> No.9793708


I'm gonna watch Sana the Mario Party collab is guaranteed to get tons of clips anyway.

>> No.9793782

you can beat a majority of players with walk up, walk back sweep/grab

then to beat everyone else you gotta git gud

>> No.9793849
Quoted by: >>9794040

It's like a Persona 4 type plot where one has to confront the parts of themselves that they don't like and accept that it's part of them. Sana might've referenced it, too.

>> No.9793949

you're completely right, the mountain is a myth, but fighting game players have a fundamental misunderstanding of what an accessible game actually is
I have experience in all the genres in the thumbnail of that Sajam video whether its just dabbling in from watching tournaments to actually trying to get a foot in, and I can tell you for sure that accessibility is not simply about having an easy game, but having an easy way for a casual player to enjoy themselves, and you can't do this with just an arcade mode and some bots.
brawlhalla is not just accessible because its a smash clone and smash is easy shit with baby controls, it has crossplay between literally everything its on, including phones, has heaps of crossover guest characters because of how cheap they all are to make (you can have Hellboy fighting The Rock), there's several different game modes including some weirdass football shit, and there's almost nothing to learn to "get into the meat of it" by nature of it being a smash clone. it's also free to start. to casual players, all of this is much more enticing than strive having literally no offline content worth a shit

>> No.9793992
Quoted by: >>9794162 >>9794541

>sana challenging herself
>broken eng/jp with thrown in noises and fake 'cute shit' to ease dead air


>> No.9794040
Quoted by: >>9794111


>> No.9794111

P3 > P5 > P4
P1 and P2 are ranked on the SMT scale

>> No.9794154
File: 402 KB, 1240x1754, E-RzzVuVgAMK--I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9794162
Quoted by: >>9794244

Yeah I really can't get into JP/EN collabs.
JP girls don't speak enough English and I don't understand Japanese enough yet

>> No.9794210


i dont even get the point of ditching for a collab desu there's absolutely 0 chat experience to be had from them, especially not at 4+ holos

>> No.9794232
Quoted by: >>9795480

nice try, but its actually P3 = P4 > P5, and P1 and 2 are ranked on the devil summoner higher arch of needs.

>> No.9794244
Quoted by: >>9795578

only good JP/EN collab was Korone and Calli's collab, and whoever Kiara collabs with. Hilarious shit.

>> No.9794403
File: 990 KB, 750x765, Inaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9794804

Use https://holodex.net/multiview and cut Gura's volume in half.

>> No.9794541
File: 217 KB, 1280x529, 1630294262449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9795158

reread what i typed, not trying to shit on the collab just dont really wanna sit thru something i cant understand.

im trying to be a better person and stop shitting on other chuubas, its what sana would want. Unless its kroni

>> No.9794804
File: 119 KB, 1024x756, 1631274763731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9795161

damn thanks for this anon. bookmarked

>> No.9794917

I need Sanana to know that I love her...

>> No.9795036
File: 2.72 MB, 558x520, oh no he didn't [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0zlqkz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9799594 >>9799650


>> No.9795158

To be honest I love everybody in that collab but went back to Sana because it was... eh

>> No.9795161
Quoted by: >>9795384

imagine not knowing about holodex. Jesus christ

>> No.9795275
File: 3 KB, 333x35, four.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9799812

>> No.9795384
File: 615 KB, 2048x2048, 1631450943460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everyone spends their life wasting away on /vt/ anon

>> No.9795480
Quoted by: >>9795722 >>9800129

Gameplay wise, P5 > P4 > P3
Story wise, P4, P3 > P5 "adults bad"

>> No.9795578

The Krone/Callie one was good because it was really simple but there was not too much chemistry/banter.
Honestly at this point any real banter is going to be JP only and I just wont get it.
Or it will be in english and the JP girls wont get it.

>> No.9795590


>> No.9795722
File: 97 KB, 1028x1028, ake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P5 is way more then adult bad and is better then who the fucking killer in p4 fucking fag.

>> No.9795726

She did it boys.
She really did it.

>> No.9795781
File: 173 KB, 323x385, 1630181208617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9795828
File: 189 KB, 1230x1000, 1616225646686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9796048

Now I have unlimited Jam!

>> No.9795867
File: 121 KB, 840x1170, E_LGomKVgAAQset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9795969
File: 227 KB, 1080x1065, tranalites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9796011
Quoted by: >>9802197

>Matt Thorson
wtf, in the start of the game it was changed to Maddy, did they forget to update this part?

>> No.9796013
Quoted by: >>9796272

Don't have much money left after the operation huh

>> No.9796016
File: 352 KB, 2048x1365, 1631385719008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife did it!!

>> No.9796048

>Burn my bread
>By: Door
Thanks for reminding me we'll never get any of the holos playing Persona games...

>> No.9796052

> that 'YUP'

oh my god

>> No.9796077
Quoted by: >>9796159

the mountain makes you a schizo

>> No.9796159
Quoted by: >>9796395

No it makes you

>> No.9796232


>> No.9796272

Funerals are expensive, ya know.

>> No.9796343

It's a paradox, chad energy great enough to get with an e-girl requires IQ high enough to realize it's a waste of time.

>> No.9796395

the black guy, the old woman, and the hotel person weren't

>> No.9796412

I'm not gonna shit on someone for donating what they can, but come the fuck on. If you're going to do it to get attention, the least you can do is get a real amount. You could have easily posted this in the chat and gotten ignored instead.

>> No.9796566
File: 2.39 MB, 1920x1080, 【Celeste】Peak-a-boo! #holocouncil 5-5-24 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9796874 >>9797023

Do... the other characters see Badeline? Does she levitate things?

>> No.9796589
File: 3.27 MB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_1438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End results

>> No.9796743

Sana died over 900 times for our berries.

>> No.9796874

They can literally see her on the mountain, she can literally manifest there, just like Theo was literally trapped in a crystal

>> No.9797023

all the magic shit that happens on the mountain is "real" on the mountain, with all the eldritch monsters and stuff and the literal ghost next to them

>> No.9797258

What the over and under that the dude who took the screen shot also made this donation.

>> No.9797381
Quoted by: >>9797976

numberfags always wanna judge Sana by viewer numbers but not SC numbers. she's had great SC numbers every stream.

>> No.9797542
Quoted by: >>9797594

Anyone know when the memberships are gonna open up?

>> No.9797594
Quoted by: >>9797876

think she said sometime after her break or whatever

>> No.9797876


yeah, she wanted to be more in-line with when everyone else opens memberships + felt bad about opening them then going on a (honestly very small) break

>> No.9797976
File: 325 KB, 1107x2048, 1631445339566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9798293

to me that should matter at the end of the day, high views mean nothing when you're not bringing in the money as well.
Kronii is a given that she'll get high SC's.
Her streams are quality.
But for someone with Sana's sub count out SC'ing most of her genmates, it makes me wonder how much she'll be making at 200k.

Very convenient people want to leave that out though because hurrdurr, she's making ID views.
And who cares at the end of the day, I watch all the girls equally no matter what their numbers are.

>> No.9798051

>Switching to superchat reading
>NUMBERS drop.
Poor Sana...

>> No.9798293
Quoted by: >>9798361


Also feels like despite the sub discrepancy, she's...surprisingly competitive in terms of the total views for her streams anyway?

>> No.9798361
File: 1.18 MB, 4000x4000, 1631413356490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh? what gives you that impression?

>> No.9798638

Sana reading at an 8th grade level!

>> No.9798864

yay more art streams

>> No.9798931
Quoted by: >>9799296 >>9799715

imagine falling for the vaccine propaganda
what if sana fucking dies?

>> No.9798985
File: 17 KB, 472x539, 1630116673295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way how Sana's voice inflection goes up when she gets a complimentary SC

>> No.9799152
Quoted by: >>9800231 >>9801632

size bros..... its over.....

>> No.9799247
File: 113 KB, 703x709, 1631578078308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9801632 >>9806047

she knows how to advertise to the sizefags

>> No.9799265

P1 and P2 are ranked on a scale of liquid to solid shit

>> No.9799296

Then she would be part of a .002% anomaly.

>> No.9799447
File: 254 KB, 1448x2048, 1631503778656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9800853

hopefully she doesn't read out that trans rights SC
my wife doesn't need to say that filth

>> No.9799594

I hate Kiara so fucking much

>> No.9799650

I love Kiara so fucking much

>> No.9799655

Well at least theres a good chance she won't read it out loud because it's a blue

>> No.9799715

She's Australian, they literally put you in a concentration camp if you don't get it.

>> No.9799812

containment breach

>> No.9799966
Quoted by: >>9800091 >>9800136

Who she collabing with

>> No.9799973

multiple Ina collabs confirmed

>> No.9800020
Quoted by: >>9800117

>Kiara x Sana
>teehee AUSSIE collab
I'm trying real hard kfp, you're pushing your UNITY luck

>> No.9800091
Quoted by: >>9800132 >>9802217


>> No.9800117
Quoted by: >>9800152

Fuck off.

>> No.9800129
Quoted by: >>9825079

I loved the fact that you had consequences in P3 for fucking up relationship choices. Also liked the fact that dating started earlier than rank fucking 9. Actual combat was miserably worse. Story for 4 was good up until the double switcharoo and it totally lost me after that. P5 'adult bad' theme wasn't the main thing I took away, more so that being true to yourself is important and is what makes life livable. P3 still had the best aesthetics and while it's end of the world plot was kinda hammy, I fucking love the ending for the MC and enjoyed a lot of the side stories for characters. Maybe it's just the edge, but it's pretty good.

>> No.9800132

trying your luck with council after myth shut you down, huh?

>> No.9800136

>It's loli Callie, do I get to play as loli Kiara?

>> No.9800152

No you fuck off leather man

>> No.9800222

Don't watch this bitch but I see 1.5k on a 5 hour stream, she the new Kiara?

>> No.9800231



>> No.9800366
File: 144 KB, 1191x842, 1631459511205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9800509 >>9800693

she finished the game and is reading superchats currently + Kronii just started streaming.

Fauna lost a lot of views as well when she started reading superchats.

>> No.9800473

so she did finish the game


>> No.9800509

Don't bother replying to drive-by bait

>> No.9800693

Let's not forget that 4 hours in the Umisea collab happened.

>> No.9800754

I want her all to myself

>> No.9800763

She said I'm special to her! Later, virgins!

>> No.9800853
Quoted by: >>9801269

Are you retarded anon?
What do you think that stuff with all the flags was?

>> No.9801269
Quoted by: >>9801606 >>9801648

I genuinely didn't recognize them, and I know most LGBT flags. Can you be more specific?

>> No.9801606

Those flags aren't until the very end of the DLC, which Sana hopefully won't do since the DLC sucks both in gameplay and in story even before considering the flags.

>> No.9801632
Quoted by: >>9801671

what'd i miss

>> No.9801648
Quoted by: >>9802197

Celest is a game developed by a trans person and there are trans references in the game.

>> No.9801671

She doesnt like small guys

>> No.9801688

i wouldn't say it's my favorite game or anything like that but the base game is really fun and I had a great time playing it, and the shit with badeline was ok i guess
i dropped the dlc only after a few rooms because it was obnoxious horse shit and from what i saw people talk about that seemed to be a common opinion

>> No.9801717
Quoted by: >>9802197

Pink and blue flags were on the way to the top.
And Madeline has blue hair with no charges and pink with 2.

>> No.9802197
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x797, flags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9802330 >>9802497

I have probably 10-20 hours in chapter 9 and have gotten through maybe 20% of it. There's no way she's getting through it. I assumed the thread was talking about flags in the wind chapter
I know, this is me >>9796011
Still feels weird calling it a tranny game when 1% of the playerbase actually gets to see that part (other than in screenshots online).
And green is the color of what, envy?

>> No.9802217

Wtf conor mcgregor is going to fight sana?

>> No.9802330

>And green is the color of what, envy?
The colour of broken narratives

>> No.9802497

The color of the pus oozing from the axe wound

>> No.9802649
Quoted by: >>9803326

She is playing some dangerous game with Ina

>> No.9803326

it's ok I'll make her my wife first

>> No.9803378
Quoted by: >>9806307

>Had to step out of the house on last minute errand and miss Sana reaching the summit.
>Come back to this shit.
Fuck man I just want to enjoy watching Sana play video games.

>> No.9806047
Quoted by: >>9821087 >>9826413


>talking about how hard it'd probably be to actually crush someone because of how easily she could fit thousands of people into a single fingerprint groove

Good fucking god

>> No.9806144

Sanalites wtf why is she so rude

>> No.9806254

She isn't rude, she's honest, lol

>> No.9806282
File: 127 KB, 828x828, 1631416523733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she needs to learn to take a banter every once in a while or quit now.

>> No.9806307
Quoted by: >>9806869

>this shit
Nothing is happening

>> No.9806670

I want Sana to enjoy laying on the beach in a bikini under an umbrella with a good brown bottle beer.

>> No.9806869

Yeah, I was confused as well.

>> No.9807666
Quoted by: >>9808107

Would Sana like beer? Beer is liquid bread.

>> No.9808107
Quoted by: >>9808408

She's Aussie.

>> No.9808408
Quoted by: >>9809281

Sana and Bae should love beer then.

>> No.9809281
Quoted by: >>9810917

the rrat got real drunk a few streams ago didn't she

>> No.9810093

wtf I can't stop hearing her aussie accent when reading her tweet...

>> No.9810798

Slowly she is coming out of her shell.

>> No.9810889

Sana's voice is fucking hot and anybody who gets filtered by it is a faggot, there I fucking said it.

>> No.9810917
Quoted by: >>9825987

She's mentioned she's a lightweight, hasn't she?

>> No.9811761
Quoted by: >>9816044

Kinda missed the mark and should've sent it to Kronii instead. But i guess Kronii is not a cheap mark and only an akasupa would draw her(their) attention.

>> No.9811930
Quoted by: >>9815864

Fuck I wasnt expecting her to stream 5 hours for this Celeste finale.

>> No.9815864

Strawberries are one hell of a drug

>> No.9816044

>Kinda missed the mark and should've sent it to Kronii instead
Ouch, lol.

>> No.9818751

I want Sana's heavy knockers on my face, I want her to climb on top of me and pin me under her weight (she'd be 8-10ft or so in scale so she'd be heavy enough that I wouldn't be able to lift her off of me)
I want to be completely unable to resist her.

>> No.9819307


>> No.9821087


>> No.9822469
Quoted by: >>9822721

Now that she is done with Celeste I wonder what she will play next.
Kinda dont want her to continue Soma and play an actual horror game instead.

>> No.9822721
File: 439 KB, 1406x2048, E95o1p5VEAATHqN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9822801 >>9824945

I'll doubt she'll try continueing before getting a new PC

>> No.9822767

Coreans can't handle the bantz mate

>> No.9822801
Quoted by: >>9823398

What's her specs?

>> No.9823398

I'm not sure, but she was having problems running minecraft, which led to the whole 'corrupt Fauna' incident.

>> No.9823597

From what I've seen of The Artful Escape, it doesn't look like an interesting game for streaming at all. But its very dialogue heavy, so we should get a crapload of cute Sana reading flubs

>> No.9824945
Quoted by: >>9825518 >>9825969

If she has a shitty PC she should talk about it on stream cuz I am sure people would give her funds for a upgrade.

>> No.9825079
Quoted by: >>9829682

>Story for 4 was good up until
Really? I liked it so much precisely because I was not expecting the plot twist of the true end
Also the way the game plays with your feelings with what happens with namatame and nanako, and the bad ending that follows if you act rashly and kill him

>P3 had the best aesthetics
I agree with this, but it gets really boring after they just come up and tell you "by the way, the final boss is going to be X, you're all going to die so don't bother trying", especially with how really nothing happens in the month of December

>> No.9825518

Unlike some people she doesn't seam like they type who would e-beg for a new PC

>> No.9825969

She has a stable job outside of Hololive. If she wants a PC upgrade she’ll probably just get it on her own time instead of baiting her subs to pay it for her.

>> No.9825987

I guess this means Sana is the heavyweight drinker.

>> No.9826413


>"(Crushing people) doesn't really excite me"

Bless our big gentle space friend

>> No.9826558
Quoted by: >>9827486

People are too small for Sana to see being crushed at full size. Like how there's microscopic creatures that get on your skin that you can't see. Besides Sana will have more fun crushing planets she can actually see.

>> No.9827486

We fit in her finger tips

>> No.9827852
File: 76 KB, 806x829, E9oekU_VoAEj_OJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gentle terra

>> No.9829682

December is rough, everything leading up to it is great, and I enjoyed the final fight and the consequences. I don't dislike the first twist, but the 'true' ending is just bullshit in a way that 3 was, but so far out of left field that there were 0 lines that linked up in the actual game. You at least had the 'you' that would visit you at night sometimes and give hints in 3. Plus, having an antagonist group with similar powers was great and they tied in to the finale.

>> No.9831578
Quoted by: >>9831675 >>9831849

I didn't know I would saviourfag after any vchuuba, but then I met Sana. I always worry about her but I am happy she doesn't go menhera or anything, but in fact, appreciates all of us. Thinking of drawing a lot of sketches / doodles for her. Any ideas?

>> No.9831675

Her playing with Yata slipping between her fingers looking slightly bemused.

>> No.9831849


Her playing peekaboo with Sanallites hunkering down in her fingerprints

ftr that is almost definitely over-complicated but the mental image was cute enough for me to want to put it out there
