A thread for the discussion of the Enticing Erotic Erecura, herself, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe.
>You will never be Mori’s little brother.>you will never grow up with Mori in the same house.>Mori will never use you, her little brother, as a substitute boyfriend to know the boyfriend experience.>you will never cross the line between brother and sister with Mori and have sex.>You will never move to rural area to raise your child with Mori in peace.Why are we even here? Just to suffer?
I thought I was like ip shadow banned but I can use my other account in Mori’s chat. For now at least, neat
>>9624637You can be AO
I love Mori!
>>9624881tomorrow at 6am PDT
I wanna kick it together with Mori Calliope until the first train!
森りん頑張って !!
>>9625090image getting to inhale her farts as the sun rises
will she breathe hard
>>9624881In 9 hours? This might help you pass the time:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvtNfOuWrGU
This may be a painful stream... She'll probably be even worse with the fake nails making it hard to use controller
This is a dilemma. It's DOOM, so commentary will probably be sparse, gameplay not that interesting to watch (in my opinion), and if I'm gonna be well enough to drink tomorrow morning, I should get an early start.
I fucking love my Mori!
>>9625701im falling asleep at my pc but i at least want to hear her voice for a bit
>>9625701I'm gonna at least try to watch for an hour live, but yeah I really want to be able to wake up early for the stream tomorrow.
Mori JWU
>>9625895>1PM JSTMoririn...
>Exploring Moris GUH nest
>Give it to meI must breed this woman.
anyone else having serious stuttering problems on her stream? tried restarting pc to no avail, internet speed appears good
>>9625615She was wearing acrylics during the bbq stream too, so she's probably pretty proficient at working around them by now.
i dont think I'm gonna make it to the debut watch fuck me
>that sneezeHoly shit
>>9626396It's fine in Japan
>mori got the marauder spoiledi fucking hate deadbeats
>>9626476I know bro
I love that the first thing she unlocks is the goofy Doom Classic crop-top skin
>>9626476Please anon, it's just a sneezeit was only a sneezeit was only a sneeze
>>9626524>crop top Mori
The weapons settings: bang or brah-brah-braahyour boy is more familiar with the melee stuff, please forgive her.
>>9626586She already wears one half the time, anon.
>>9626599our boy doesnt do ballistics
I missed the first 20 minutes brobeats. Anyone catch me up?
>>9626621Mori Calliope should wear no top
>>9626675mori had a cute sneeze and the first thing she did was unlocking the classic marine outfit, also she got the marauder spoiled
>>9626675she was just exploring the citadel, got the classic doomslayer skin checked out his sick setup and started the mission.
>Give me your life essence
That 'give me your life essence' with the little gasp was kinda hot, ngl
she's not that dumb at games.
>chainsaw f l u i d
>>9626513tbf I've been waiting to get a new gfx card before playing this (it'll be a long wait...) and it's something people were talking about on the first week it was out
>that aggressive give me your life essence
>>9626874No she isn't, this is a retarded meme that formed because she doesn't care about Minecraft. Her recent marathon streams show that she is very good at them. She's also a huuuuge fromsoft fan
>>9626941Do you think we'll get that Elden Ring stream?
>>9627005No, sony is a whore!
>>9626634Ironic since she is equipped with "high-caliber" ballistics
>>9626941You say this as she's literally shooting a wall and pressing the wrong button every 5 seconds
>>9627005No>>9627022This is why. Retarded permissions crap means we will never get souls, but she has said she would love to stream it
God, I love that laugh-gasp thing she does
praise jesus shes using the super shotty. shes starting to believe.
>>9627005Most definitely not. In a perfect world she would be an ambassador for Elden Ring like Kiara is for ToA. Speaking of that a Kings Field 3 playthrough would be fun from her if shes even heard of their older stuff. Just like with soulsborne, never.
lmao you guys are getting slaughtered by your oshi.
>>9626813https://streamable.com/u9k2jaReminder that she knows what she's doing.
>>9627174its a living
>>9627098Sony will never give permissions to cover as long as they keep sleeping with nijis
She's getting worse...
She's so full of energy tonight.
>>9627174Dead and loving it!
Mori is a Llama.
>>9627059>>9627247She's always been pretty upfront about not doing FPS games
>use bluetooth earphones>the delay creates a perfect lipsync with her live2dFuckin'. Beautiful.
>>9627234>Mori becomes a collab whore for the Niji girls>Just so she can play Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring on their channelsMoririn please its not worth it Its not even Armored Core permissions
Mori is cuter than usual today....when the fuck is a Calgary camrip coming up so I can find out why?
>>9627327what headphones anon?
>>9627174>Get to DOOT on everybody, including Moririn>In return she rips my head off and I explodeI'm livin' the life
>>9627174Hey being a Deadbeats got benefits, were best friends then she sticks her 5 foot scythe inside of me.
>>9627174I will give my life essence to my Mori!
She's been saved by Blood Punch so many times but still doesn't understand it even exists lol
>>OPmori picking all the worst weapon upgrades and not knowing how to use the ones she picked that were good makes me sad
>>9627405Just some earbuds, nothing special, cheapest I could find.
Every time I'm about to call it a night so I can get up early for tomorrow she does something cute and I have to watch another 5 minutes
>>9627527Holy shit, she legitimately did chose the worst upgrades
mori your fundamentals reps...
Why is her ps4 so loud?
Mori wants to grow a pair...
>Let me see how it works, show it to meWhy is this so hot to me. She makes feel like a horny teenager with how she makes anything she says sound so sexual...
>>9627745because is not a videogame console, is just a small grill for steaks
>>9627745Mine screams in agony doing anything outside of the main menu these days.
>>9627745PS4 is always loud.
>>9627745Design flaws inherent to modern Sony products, from their cameras to their audio equipment.
>>9627782Mori is always very sexual when playing this game. I'm wondering when she'll start the heavy breathing.
>Empowered my ASS, dummyCute
>>9627868>Sony = shit>Sony rhymes with Kronii>Kronii = shitIndisputable proof from what we were all thinking
She has completely forgotten how to play and it's glorious.
>>9627546Same. Been tired all day but stuff kept me up. I'm going to be busy tomorrow so I will have to catch the anniversary stream later in the night. Looking forward to celebrating one year. I wonder if she will tear up. All over happy things, of course.
>>9627933>implying she knew
here comes the Johnnie Walker Blue Label©
this stream is amazing so far
>live censorWe need more of this and less "f-wording"
>>9626941Armored Core or just Souls?
Weird that she didn't need one bathroom break in 4+ hours of 12 Minutes while drinking, but takes one less than hour into this one
>>9628073Actual gamer rage.
>>9628056Shut the f-word up, pussyboy.
>>9628073weird how that makes me horny
>>9628073Being angry makes you shit?
>>9628063She's talked about souls only and said she was hype for Elden Ring
>>9628073It took me way too long before I realized "washing hands" was a euphemism.
Riveting stream deadbraps.
>>9628073I think she just needs to calm down a bit.
>>9628104She's shitting bricks
>>9628104being scared triggers your anal glands and they start palpatating
>>9628112can be both at the same time actually
>>9628073>>9628095>>9628112>Mori isn't actually using the bathroom>She's going into her Angry Dome.
she's shitting.
>>9628156>she's venting to one of her plushies
>>9628112>It took me way too long before I realized "washing hands" was a euphemism.It's a British/African one.Probably picked it up in that obligatory christian phase of hers going to a black church.
>>9628153>she doesn't wash her hands after shitting
>>9628112Mori gets REALLY horny when her heart rate goes up
>look at chat for a moment>it's FLOODED with greyname dadniggersjesas>streamelements bot runningkek
>>9628156Holy based.
>>9628193But papa always washes his hands!not a dadfag, it's a different reference
>>9628179>I'm telling you Ame-daki this shit is fucked
She went to the Rage Cage.
>>9628235>Mori will never start her collab streams with "Good news, everyone!"
>>9628262Then spent a little bit of time in the shame cube.
fucking Mori lol
>has several half-finished water bottles littered around her desk...I thought I was the only one
>>9628307>mfw I do the same
>>9628227Even ignoring the dadfaggotry, how can these retards say the same exact "dad forgot the milk" joke 1000 times all at once and not feel like complete faggots.
>>9628366rushia pettan
mori is going to build rockets out of the bottles and prank cover hq!
>>9628307>>9628354>same but soda for my fat ass
>>9628366>retardsThere's your answer, they're unironic retards
>>9628411Why don't you finish your soda? Doesn't it get flat? What the hell is wrong with you?
>all girls talking about "Big 1-year Collab" announcements>Mori and others soft confirming 3D settups and prep for themI'm so fucking ready for tomorrow.The real question is whether or not they're going to be all the Walfie/Smol models, or legitimate/official 3D models
>>9628411I actually do it with iced tea or lemonade, kek.
>"demon" is an offensive termDiscontentSpicechama...
>>9628366chicken bottom left
>>9628366their need of belonging to community, no matter how shallow, is so great they resort to obvious "jokes" everyone seen 10000 times
Is Mori's anniversary stream before or after Kiara's?
>>9628475I feel like Walfie models should be for stuff like the april 1 collab, not anniversary.But that's just me
>>9628475It'd be a fucking joke if they went through all the trouble for an official announcement of meme 3D that Ame has already implemented multiple times.
So apparently Gura wants to do a pony stream. When's Calli going to do one too?
>>9628584sounds fun, why do you sound disappointed?
>>9628475They'll probably be home 3D.
>>9628651Never, holobronies fuck off
>>9628475I want official models for MMD stuff
>>9628651go back threadshitter
>>9628561Kiara's stream starts two hours after Mori's. I hope they don't run into each other, but I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of pausing for the debut watchalong and swigs of drinks
>Has completely forgotten the existence of grenades and flamethrower despite just reading about themThat's my retarded oshi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I love how Doom strips all pretense and composure from Mori.
>>9628819you just learn to accept some thingsI feel Darkness 2 would be a bit more up her alley but then she'd forget to use demon heads
>>9628895I'm so confused, what is it about this game that makes Mori lose all composure immediately?
>>9628819They're literally rechargeable resources too, they would really help
>>9628895>the soundtrack is not coming from the game>it is reaper magic that follows Mori around>you are listening to music that is reflecting her emotional state while destroying demons
>>9628952Too fast-paced. I can relate, and it's why I can't into shooters
>>9628952>playing an intense FPS game with a gaypadI'd be losing my shit too.
>>9628475Or more importantly, will it be her reaper, or rapper outfit.
>>9628952Her brain legitimately processes information at a snail's pace, this game requires you to process a lot at once
mori try shooting the big enemies with the big guns...USE THE FUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER
>>9629108Jacketless rapper
>>9629145>NOT THE ROCKET LAUNCHERaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIt doesn't matter if you hit their weak spots if you smash them with the heavy weapons......
Should you trust Mori in life or death situations?
>>9629145>shoots herself point blankWell?https://files.catbox.moe/u3av1m.mp4
>>9629145>shoots rocket launcher horizontally and not at the enemy's feet>misses
>>9629220You should always trust her
>>9629220I trust her with my life that she will lead me to my death
Holy shit she really is retarded
Mori is starting to tilt.
She's getting good at the corridor doge dance. Too bad she's using it in a wide-open arena.
oh god finally she's using the rocket launcher
is this game fun?
>>9629479yes, especially if you are good at shooters.it's really good on a high end PC.
>>9629479If you're willing to tryhard then it's the best shooter that has come out in a decade.
>I was bad at the game for a minuteYeah mori, just a minute.
>>9629573s-shut up clock!
>>9629573Kronieniggers get out
Every time she plays this, I always get amazed at how dumbed-down and forgiving doom is now.
>>9629573I love kronii
>>9628952It would probably be similar on PC, but honestly I can't imagine playing doom with a controller and having to use the weapon wheel while aiming with that joystick.
>>9629660She's playing on console. Of course it's dumbed down.
>>9629532>Not UltrakillIt's in my top 3 though.
>>9629573My second wife Kronii
>another long snortMoririn's doing her line-bumping reps...
Mori Love!
god I hated this part
>>9629730Ultrakill is a good indie, but it can't compete in AI, soundtrack, level design, or polish. Graphics do count for something too.
>>9629740>second wife
Playing on a console looks so painful
>>9630040anon has wife collection
just joined how's my Mori doing on Doom right now?
>>9629865I agree on AI, sountrack, polish and graphics.However, Ultrakill's game and level design is what elevates it in my opinion. The movement and weapon design is so damn tight, satisfying, and deep while also being easy to pick up. And the level design is laser-focused on the experience the game is trying to provide. Yes, there are no bells and whistles, but that's both a good and bad thing, more good imo. Some Doom levels can feel a bit bloated.I can understand why someone would prefer Doom, but that's why for me it's gotta be Ultrakill.and if you're an oldfag like me the graphics and soundtrack are 100% better in Ultrakill, but that's just the nostalgia talking.
>>9630111terrible but also fantastic
>>9628952juggling all the mechanics properly took me a solid half of the game to learn with tons of fps and doom experience prior. it has a lot going on and requires you to do a lot of things to stay on top of your cooldowns even before you take into account responding to enemiesso for an fps newbie its slightly overwhelming
How many fags are gonna keep spamming about the gun in all caps....
She's not very good at this game.
Mori wants my buff totem...
>>9630292she's playing an FPS on console. This was Doomed from the start
>>9630292what tipped you off to that?
>>9630292Anons were expecting her to be good at this? It's obviously not her type of game.
>>9630427What is?
>>9630487Sidescrollers, 3rd person platformers, souls like, rpg maker and turn based.
>>9630427It's not even about being good, it's about buying upgrades then immediately forgetting about them, making it even harder for her to play
I forget why didn't she want to play on PC was it just because she couldn't into mouse and keyboard?
>>9630487Platformers and games with a more "deliberate" pace. She is not really suited to high octane action, if she has a second to process games she is much better.
>>9630427They're retarded what do you expect. Idk how many times Mori has openly said she's not good at games specially FPS and they're still suprise about this..
>>9630134I played through the advent of 3D graphics. I do not miss early 3D at all.
>>9630536She started on PS4 and didn't want to start over also a Sony fangirl but nobody's perfect
>>9630536Pretty much, yeah. Part of me still believes she could do it if she gave it some time. Ain't like she hasn't played first person games before
>>9630591>>Sony fangirlwe all have our quirks I guess
>>9630554On smooth settings, I find Ultrakill captures the aesthetic and my nostalgia of those old games while smoothing out the annoying parts. Does anyone play with the fucking vertex distortion setting enabled? kek
>>9630591Doesn't she own a PS5...?
>>9630684She has both.
>>9630487>What is?"Nothing she will get permissions for" is the right answer.
How much longer is this game? I don't enjoy watching fps that much since it makes me motion sick so I just have to kinda listen to Mori for these streams...
>>9630911Not even half way through.
Please realize how good the super shotgun is Mori...
never forget she started this game on the 25th of last September
>>9630939God damn will she ever finish it?
>>9630994she never will and we're just going to have to live with it
>>9631035moripromise.txt will haunt her again if she doesnt
Nice a marshmallow, too bad I will probably be asleep when they open.
hoyl shit her voice is cute dgoing a pitch higher
>>9631035looks like 1 level per stream so it looks like itll take a real
>putting up with meMoricchi... the pleasure's all mine
Singing, Marshmallow, and debut rewatch sounds like a top-tier stream
So what happens on 2nd anniversaries?
>>thanks for putting up with me I'm not a back seater so I'm having the time of my life
Mori is the good part, it's the game I'm putting up with....
I've been thinking this the whole stream, but Mori's audio sounds pretty fucked up today. Lot of background static or noise idk
>>9631408that's her PS4
Mori I like Zero...
>>9631408It's the controller. The mic picks up the clicks of her controller noises and gives tinny feedback noises. Notice how it's fine during SC reading
She really hasn't used that recorder
>>9631457>>9631509Yeah probably that, but also she still sounds muffled but her breaths sound loud or emphasized. Ame's audio settings are really kinda fucked up.
>>9631516i thought she lost it in the latest move to studio proofed apartment
It's been a year and right now is the first time I notice this outfit has a tiny bit of sideboob. Fuck me.
>>9631516Probably forgot where she left it at home while she was on the trip
>>9631576No I think she used it in her bday call to Reine, though discord cut it off mostly.
>>9631596she used it when she called in for Reine's birthday
>>9631576Harmonica was lost, kazoo broken, recorder survived
I wonder if she noticed that more people stick around for her sc readings when she doesn't use the recorder? Since she couldn't use it during the trip.
>>9631702yeah I still prefer her to use it once in a while but, not using it and just use an echo is much better to listen to.
>>9631702She know but like she said she'll do what she wants so if you don't like it when she does what she wants. /oo/ is just around the corner
>Used to drink a lotMoririn...this is first stream you didn't drink since vacation...
>>9627461Is it weird that she used the blood punch in this one stream more than I did in my entire ultra violence playthrough where I didn't die?
>she used to drink a lot moreah yeah...
>>9631857I mean she's stuck in house arrest, I would probably drink too.
Live Again doko?
I'm really starting to miss that Live Again outro
Time for 6 hours of sleep then getting drunk with Mori
>>9632090She said she was editing the images on it again.
>>9631857we used to have entire streams dedicated to getting tipsy after a whole bottle of wine
>>9632090She's editing it, probably to change Spiral Tones and Roki ads to anniversary stuff that will be announced
>>9632131Pls be a new album
>>9628475Oh God all those water bottles are gonna have some kind of AR code on them aren't they.
>>9628952She doesn't like killing her own kind.
>>9628366>how can these retards say the same exact "dad forgot the milk" joke 1000 times all at once and not feel like complete faggots.NTA, but uh.Well.Most of the internet nowadays runs off upvote systems.Memes work on two principles: Uniqueness and Familiarity.Uniqueness is how things with shock value or memorability get noticed and propagated. Familiarity is how things that fit to something you've already seen feel sympathetic to you, Upvote systems HEAVILY favour familiarity over uniqueness. The internet is actively being choked by dopamine reinforcement mechanisms that favour repetition over originality.
>go out to shops>come back>stream is end>i'm the last one left watching it
>>9628651wtf based???? how can my dork wife get any cuter?
>>9632894I made this post
Catch you guys at the anniversary, if you're awake try to ask Mori some interesting questions...I'll probably be sleeping right until the stream starts.
>>9632555so it begins...
>>9632983Oddly enough just after I posted that a 2nd person popped in, right before I closed the stream. That must have been you. We're now best friends.
>>9633321Well I'll be!
see ya on the flipside in less than 6 hours
>>9633651>less than 6 hoursDamn I gotta get to sleep now, don't wanna miss any of this.
>>9633672knowing the corporate nature of how much the management wasted for extras i could see a shared ep/more involved work (ie more than lyrics) for one of the girls with Mori, especially with collab ban going down soon
>>OP>1 year later>She's still garbage at doomGraduation announcement in 6 hours?
>I've been watching her streams live for a yearDamnnit, should've picked up chinese back then, at least I'd have an additional marketable skill instead on an unhealthy obsession with her
When she resumes reaper duties, I will die.
>>9634770This but with neehawngaw
>>9634943I've been learning jap to play older untranslated titles but as much as I dislike china, learning chinese is going to be much more beneficial. Jap doesn't have any power anymore, I mean gas prices are up due to the natural disasters at south america. Bread and snacks prices also went up since the import of onions and wheat have been slowing down kek. They rely on other countries for basic necessities. Childhood is thinking that japan is the cool strong nation full of samurai and ninjasAdulthood is realizing that other than weeb culture japan has nothing left to over. Literally the weakest non third world country in the world
>high chance I'm not gonna be awake to make the debut rewatch
>>9627877Mori screaming in orgasm as she slaughters demons left and right while being covered in their blood and guts, dressed in a skimpy female version of the Doomslayer armor
I'm not gonna lie, I miss the "Mori's minor surgery is actuality a breast reduction! " phase just because it was such cheap and effective bait.
Sneak peak from album or song?>Wish it's an album so we can have variety of songs to listen to.
>>9635230>today's sneak peek is that of a flat Live2D avatar
So uhhhhHow do I open the comment section on the post?
>>9635384Click it
>>9635417>have to click the timestamp of all thingsThanks youtube
>the fanart schizo is thereKek.So far the questions seem to be pretty standard. Not that I can come up with anything creative myself.
>Competing rainbows 4 and a half hours outwhy are deadbeats like this
>>9635757I fucking knew that was him. Why is it always SEAniggers?
>>9635757>>9635874I'm super tempted to reply "stop stealing art, shitheel" but Moririn would probably see that and ban me.
Moripiooipipipipoipoipi i have drank alot of silver patron i love mori shes great and the rest of myth is also very nice and i love them to and wish them the best along with all the other holo girls they are all special and great :)
>can't actually see the comment button>no notification for the post so cant go directly to it eitherhow do they fuck up such basic functions
>>9635980by letting pajeets be in charge of the code
>>9635980https://www.youtube.com/post/UgwVDslLZAYA044ucBV4AaABCQIf you click on the 'one hour ago' next to her name you can go to the comments.
>>9635960Hey, at least you'd be slapped for a reason, and able to bypass it with an alt.
>>9636006that's but that's so unintuitive that it's staggering it passed QA>inb4 what QA?
>>9635969Based warmbeat.
https://twitter.com/etkunnn/status/1436913991851266049?s=19>mori liked this
>>9635980Get used to it.
>>9636048I love you to
>>9636122Let’s goooo
>>9636122Haters will STILL say she's not /here/ after this week.
>>9636244Pretty sure they’re just in denial since they want Mori to be pure or some shit.
>>9636244How's her being here a good thing retard? Grow up, this isn't some cool sekrit base where the cool kids hang out.Finish highschool, get a degree, get a job, grow up
>>9636244>liking a post on twitter means she's here?>hatersWhy would you wish this shithole upon anyone?
>>9636279>How's her being here a good thing retard?She hasn’t lost her roots.
>>9636279>How's her being here a good thing retard?It means I can call her a nigger in the same post I tell her I love her and she can call me a faggot and a bitch in her reply.Nigger. I love you, Mori.
>>9636122I'm glad she's aware of it because I sure as hell wasn't posting my original edit on twitter.
>>9636268>>9636313Either you guys are literal children or manbabies. Go do your homework or smth
>>9636369Not Mori, but you do sound like a faggot ass bitch. Faggot.
Is Franklin cryptorich or something, what the fuck
not but a year ago you niggas were posting the now-deleted roommate tweets about her laughing at /v/ that was crying at some shit but now it's a big deal that she might be aware of this place?
>>9636369>trying this hardYou still reek of your mother's pussy
>>9636442>a thousand bucksI kneel.
>>9636463It's ok if she used to be here. But now that she's grown up she should never visit this place again. This place is for underraged retards and manchilds. I'm not an idiot so I'm above everyone here
>>9636442He is actually a hitman that worships a grim reaper for good luck
(You) guys are retarded also patron taste better with sprite or by itself than with coke and i love Mori more then you do becoase youre gay lol
>>9636122>A shitpost I made got taken by someone else and posted to Twitter>Then they got the like from Moristolen valor
I called Mori a faggot online at some point
>>9636547who the fuck drinks tequila with soda?
>>9636590It doesn't matter whether you posted it or not. She liked (You)r edit, and that's all that matters.
>Q&A isnt through marshmellowDamn I can't leave me question about calling her dogwater..
>>9636611Me im retareded
>>9636590>got an indirect like from ya boyWelcome to the cluband that's why you make your own account if you didn't have one
>>9636634Post it pussy, I'll updoot it even
Oh fuck Calli starts in 3 hours and I haven't gone to sleep yet.
>bttv permission for yt chatis asmon or someone big moving to yt streaming from twitch?
>>9637395If I remember correctly some bigs shot streamers got a pretty good contract from YouTube gaming.
chances on youtube destroying the messages again?
>>9637959She's using streamlabs and whatnot, so it shouldn't matter now
Have to take care of my kitty cat, sorry deadbeats, looks like I'm gonna miss the watchalong. Have fun.
I love Mori so much I want to support her earnestly in everything she does! I want her to be content and fulfilled by all of the effort she puts forth! I love her laugh! I love how she's cool, cute, and a dork at the same time! I love her commitment to her friends! I love that she holds herself to high standards, and I love that she's able to pick herself up whenever she gets down on herself! I love her voice! I love when she hums in my ears and also when she's pretending to suffocate me with a plastic bag! I love her taste in games and anime! I love her dedication to uplifting small-time creators because she spent so long doing her best underground herself! I love how expressive her avatar is, and I love that she acknowledges that and regularly makes full use of it! I love her hair! I love her eyes! I love her smile! I love how her original outfit is so edgy and flashy and how it perfectly compliments her natural gap moe! I love that her second outfit is so heavily influenced by her actual fashion sense, which is cool and cute and dorky, all at once, just like her! I love her dumb hat and her hoop earrings! I love that she is comforted by her fans! I love the gratitude that she pours out for deadbeats even when we don't deserve it! I love that she would reassure us that we do deserve it if she were to see one of us say that! I love her tits! I love how she's so dedicated to her niche subgenre of music! I love her lyrics and her flow! I love that she's willing to branch out into doing other styles of music as well! I love that she's determined to improve her vocal capabilities to accommodate her trying different musical stylings as well as her raps! I love that she's always focused on self-improvement and espouses those same values to her community as well! I love that she's into theatre and poetry! I love her odd sense of humor! I love her endearing awkwardness! I love that she takes inspiration from so many things from her life and channels them into consistently enjoyable creative output as well as a wonderful personality! I love that she inspires me! I love Mori! I love her so much!
>>9638531Mori isn't taking her job seriously because of people like you, yes men prevents improvement.
>>9638551seethe more lesbeat
>>9638551I'm sorry for your sad and pathetic life faggot, just end it
jesus christ prinny
Oh my, I like this one.
>>9638974I kneel>GodzillaWait, you're that new? pfft
>>9639012Be a decent human being most likely and get a job
>>9639070don't ask the impossible, moririn
>>9639012Well, how do we change Dead Beats?
>>9639176Stop replying to bait for one
>>9639012>"Stop calling me your father. I know you won't listen though, so it's whatever."And nothing changes.
>>96389743k two hours before the stream even starts. impressive
>>9639224>Dadfags will just think of it as a tsundere line
>>9639267622,572円/$5,663 actually
>>9639276i can't believe even charlie gets fucking called dad and had to make a video tellinng the fuckers to stop
>>9639293any source for future reference? anon
>>9639333That's where they got it from.
>>9639333Absence of father figure is a real problem among the youths, huh.
>>9639333Got it in my recommended today, kek. It's figurative in his case though.
>>9639378>Mexican dollar is exactly one circleHuh.
>>9639467Nah, that's a mistake. Honestly it's kind of annoying because you either have Playboard which won't count every SC or you have Hololyzer which sometimes has these conversion problems for rarer currencies.
Real talk, I think she's gotten too feminized compared to her debut. She's been acting way more cute, affectionate and feminine since the start of this year I think.It's cute and all but she still needs to remember that she's our boy.