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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9566520 No.9566520 [Reply] [Original]

These are my top 3 favorite chuubas. Thoughts?

>> No.9566912
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Quoted by: >>9571306

Heh doog

>> No.9567001
Quoted by: >>9571826

6/10 because marine is there

>> No.9567014


>> No.9567395

I don't know who middle is but pretty good

>> No.9567775

Chenge the dumb bear for Selen and we are brothers

>> No.9567861

you suffer from schizophrenia

>> No.9567942

Cool. Marine has the best laugh, doog is cute and the third one makes good drama on this board.

>> No.9567964
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>> No.9569429

Marine - Decent chuuba who pumps out decent contentsu desu

Middle - Literally Who? Cute design though.

Korone - Bread dog who still lives in her own shadow. Her recent contentsu is depressing to look at. 2020 GoDog is unlatched.

>> No.9569809
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Neck yourself

>> No.9569936

I don't care

>> No.9570006

remove the bear for the rabbit and that's my top 3 for holojp. Nene, Luna, and Towa would be next three for me

>> No.9570377

low effort baiting with two most popular holos. /vt/ really is generous with their (You)s

>> No.9570924
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pathethic -10/10 why are you seeking approval from anons? go talk to your parents and tell them to pay attention to you, if it doesn't work, too bad

>> No.9571306

korone goes mondo cane

>> No.9571826

otherwise it would be 1/10

>> No.9571957
Quoted by: >>9572499 >>9577905

5/10. Korone saves it.
Marine is fucking awful. She is literally only coomer shit and not even good coomer shit.
Beatani is just all round shit.

>> No.9572499
Quoted by: >>9572558

Marine is the only chuuba i feel is 100% a certified true & honest coomer. That's why i like her, not that anon though.

>> No.9572558

>i feel is 100% a certified true & honest coomer.
She isn't the only one and she has horrible taste in coom stuff.

>> No.9573774
Quoted by: >>9574857 >>9576996

you're a holofag who refuses to branch out except for /vt/ approved indies

>> No.9574857

>discord bear is /vt/ approved

>> No.9576447
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Quoted by: >>9577936

for me it's

>> No.9576996

Why would I want to branch out when I already found my oshi?

>> No.9577011

2/10 they're just meme chuubas that are spammed by newfags here and nobody really likes

>> No.9577093

All Reddit tier chubas. not even surprised

>> No.9577905

>Marine is just coomer shit
no, she's not

>> No.9577919

Basic bitch

>> No.9577936
Quoted by: >>9578239

Fuck off, groomer.

>> No.9578239

Consume medication please.
