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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9542366 No.9542366 [Reply] [Original]

>Main links
Debut VOD: https://youtu.be/3Tv5GyebhQo
Last Stream: https://youtu.be/uCFuXlerAkE
Next Stream: https://youtu.be/--5dh3oS8bk
Sana's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsukumosana
Current schedule: https://twitter.com/tsukumosana/status/1434703261844443138

>Where can I find arts?
Twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23galaxillust&src=hashtag_click
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=tsukumo_sana
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/九十九佐命/artworks
Azure-gallery: https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3A九十九佐命

LIVE: #SanaLanding
Fanart: #galaxillust
Fan name: Sanallite

Previous Thread: >>9477229

>> No.9542420


Don't think I forgot about you. Still waiting on that card, so I can get proper breast cover.

>> No.9542607
File: 124 KB, 775x1000, 1623585527966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9542685 >>9542867

Posting Sana on the Coconut Wide Web!

>> No.9542685

I want to introduce Sana to the magical world of buckwheat pancakes.

>> No.9542867
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>> No.9543073
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>> No.9543091
Quoted by: >>9543197

Are Pesci supposed to be the depressed type?

>> No.9543197
Quoted by: >>9543628

Idk. We'll have to wait for your holoscope review

>> No.9543335
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1630419927590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9543399

bros i messed up the proportions and now my dough is more like a pancake slush

>> No.9543399

If it's too wet, add more dry ingredients, if it's too dry add more wet. A batter is never ruined until you cook it.

>> No.9543528
Quoted by: >>9543656

Bros, I love her but her stream times are just unmanagable for me. Will I be stuck in the VOD-Nigger lifestyle forever?

>> No.9543531

can't wait to watch her play warioware bros

>> No.9543628
Quoted by: >>9543695

wtf none of us has any actual knowledge or interest in astrology

>> No.9543656

either that, or set up an alarm and be a slave to Australian timezone.

>> No.9543695
File: 516 KB, 494x436, E-bdhv7VEAMAzde.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9543754

I'm interested in watching Sana talk about things she likes

>> No.9543754

- Astrology (semi-ironically)
- Video Games
- Pan Cakes
- Her Listeners
- Art
- Bread
- Her Gen Mates

>> No.9543842
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x720, Gura becomes a beanbag[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1be88j.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9546005 >>9554714

>> No.9544517
File: 205 KB, 1044x1530, 1631256739631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9545431

I saw one anon in another thread that said he didn't like Sana because she never interacts with chat and talks about herself the most of all EN2. I don't know what the fuck he's been watching.

it's wild just how opinionated anons will get about Sana while making it so blatantly obvious that they've been completely ignoring her.

>> No.9545663
File: 299 KB, 1308x1503, E97tODnXEAgfZvf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon goes into an obvious bait thread
>Is surprised that people make shit up in it

>> No.9545675
Quoted by: >>9546295

Yeah. She's probably one of the best at engaging with her chat, along with Fauna.

>> No.9545713

It's the same thing for most girls that get lots of antis here, they don't watch the streams, they just want to keep their hateboner going. If they actually watched streams they probably wouldn't hate the girls.

>> No.9546005

Sana is absolutely gorgeous in this one. Her face, her back, her butt are all exquisitely drawn.

>> No.9546295

I think they've been pretty good about that in general, except for Mumei I guess. I agree Fauna is probably the best at it. Sana and Bae are the two that have actually dedicated whole streams to chat engagement. I really liked how Sana did formal Q&A sessions for some of her Holoscopes and I hope she keeps that going.
Kronii's chats are so busy that I'm surprised she responds to comments as often as she does.

>> No.9547239
File: 2.24 MB, 1100x1556, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_wenz__ae52b8849e2a9e42ce7e032e2626f95a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9547813

Holy shit, someone decided to make 2 falseflag threads instead of just one

>> No.9547533

Honestly, its just idiots treating the girls like they're the newest phone/computer/console and think they come with no bugs since they're "new".
Honestly a month usually gives them the time to improve and fix certain mistakes when they start out.
Other than that, those posters are wrong

>> No.9547754
Quoted by: >>9547883

>Thought I could try to draw Sana in Disney style.
>Turns out I completely forgot how to draw Disney characters.
I don't mind going back to the drawing board. I did have better results than expected. I'm not going to show yet because its unfinished. Disney Renaissaunce has this weird style where the style is like watching a stage play. Its not so much about going forwards and backwards as it is about moving left and right. I don't think my ability can draw full anime. That said I don't mind compromising for an old western style so long as I can keep it erotic. Its a long road trying to figure out what can work for me. Especially when I need to start drawing faster and lighter.

>> No.9547813
Quoted by: >>9548294

>6 threads about Sana
strange way to saviorfag but ok?

>> No.9547883
File: 348 KB, 1452x2048, E9uKufQUcAIIJ10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9549109

You can still post the unfinished one, unless you realy don't want us seeing it. Other than that, good luck with drawing

>> No.9548082
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>> No.9548294
File: 97 KB, 1204x478, E9gHyVcWQAYqpQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 or 4 are anti threads by some butthurt 3rd worlder or muttoid. If it talks about skin you know it's bait

>> No.9548453
File: 8 KB, 377x326, 1426525643479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9548674

I don't like astrology but watching her astrology streams has been unexpectedly comfy and cute and warm. It's nice how positive and assuring she is to others.

>> No.9548674
File: 189 KB, 2048x1370, E-MHV1xXIAEUpwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9548703

Today's stream was just a fun island survival scenario first and Zodiac second

>> No.9548703
Quoted by: >>9548761

>tfw got the survival kit for the survival island
I can't believe how fond Sana is of me, I'm so lucky.

>> No.9548761

You should thank Yatagarasu, he was handing out the gifts

>> No.9549109

I'll try to finish it after dinner. I have to cook for the family. So there's no getting out of it. I procrastinated my chores because I really wanted to finish playing Zelda a Link to the Past 100%. I want to play video games again. That's a step forward in overcoming depression.

>> No.9549139
Quoted by: >>9549338


>> No.9549338
File: 207 KB, 2000x2000, 1629794522176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9549528


>> No.9549528

>surface area of her armpit bigger than tens of earths
>the population of humanity could grow exponentially and still not be able to colonize the entirety of a single pit

I just wanna manifest destiny and settle into a comfy crease to call my own where the sweat floods aren’t too devastating.

>> No.9550009
File: 157 KB, 1100x1075, 1630939366328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 minutes till stream

>> No.9550037
Quoted by: >>9550062

Wario? Where?

>> No.9550062

on her youtube

>> No.9550087

At least dinner's going in the pressure pot. Which means I can watch stream while pot depressurizes.

>> No.9550156
File: 90 KB, 1126x760, 1611200400626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still need to play the warioware games. those are probably the best time wasters ever

>> No.9550205
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, 1629817082466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins

>> No.9550276
File: 130 KB, 828x828, 1631061341499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she actually kept her promise from this morning
she is full of love

>> No.9550288

Sana is extra cute today!!!

>> No.9550298

Her waiting lobby bgm fills me with such a je nais se quoi, IRyS's one fills me with hope but Sana's has a nostalgic melancholy that isnt too sad, it's like a lullaby or something. I dunno. I'm throwing out words.

>> No.9550306

>I've been practicing for 30 minutes!
I can't take it.

>> No.9550449

>Shitting on NinT

>> No.9550463
File: 1.03 MB, 640x961, 1630481520630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sana calls out Nintendo's shitty online

>> No.9550482


>> No.9550495

>it messed up everything it touched!
>"just like I do"

Sana stop being so cute.

>> No.9550506

>3,204 watching now
Not concernfagging, but I thought this game in particular would draw a way bigger crowd.

>> No.9550563

We'll see if it has anything to do with the game when Gura plays it later

>> No.9550582

Fuck off blackholes.

>> No.9550608

My illiterate wife...

>> No.9550628

im fine with this size honestly. This is one of the most comfiest chat experiences i've had in hololive in a while.

If people want to miss out then thats on them.

>> No.9550686

the chat is actually legible this way

>> No.9550709
Quoted by: >>9550730

this woman cannot speak and i love her

>> No.9550730

Being from eastern AUS is a debuff on english

>> No.9550737

>Mr Wario
Why do the OC characters treat Wario nicely again? Is Mario just an arse?
>Numbers have yet to realize that Sana might consider removing her limiter and do some drawstreams if she can reach 1 million through her personality first and foremost.

>> No.9550740

>kill some bugs

>> No.9550749
File: 330 KB, 1442x1721, E-X7VThVIAUJpbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9550923

I didn't know those games have a story

>> No.9550811

Wario lives with humans, Mario stays with weird fungus creatures

>> No.9550813


>> No.9550827
Quoted by: >>9550933 >>9550946

confused why they kinda fucked with the formula for warioware

>> No.9550838
Quoted by: >>9550917 >>9551060

There's no boomers (30) here, right?

>> No.9550880
Quoted by: >>9550913

>Is Link an Aussie?
That image has annihilated my sides

>> No.9550885

Link is an Aussie confirmed

>> No.9550913

My mind is blown.
How has 4chan never made this connection?

>> No.9550917


>> No.9550923

Sana keeps playing games I like.
I love her.

They never usually have an overall story of any sort, this is the second time they've really done this kind of thing.
Every character always has their own self-contained story though, and they're always fun.

>> No.9550933

>We pretend older games don't exist like Sega does except for New Super Mario, Kirby, and Pokemon

>> No.9550940


>> No.9550946
Quoted by: >>9551078

Didn't the Wii game categorize every minigame by the type of motion you'd need to perform to win it?
This seems like an evolution of that (sans motion controls) rather than an evolution of the original WarioWare formula.

>> No.9551059
Quoted by: >>9551194

Anyone noticing how relaxed she is? She’s extra cute today

>> No.9551060

>On 4channel, no one will know you're over 30.
I played fun video games growing up.

>> No.9551069
File: 440 KB, 512x497, 1613552258158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9551254

>My favourite WarioWare character is Ashley

>> No.9551078

i guess

>> No.9551118
Quoted by: >>9551189 >>9551300

9-volt's controls being ass this game..
they know people liked his games the best, damn nintendo

>> No.9551189

>9-volt's controls being ass this game..
and sana says it's hard right away with the 2nd one...

>> No.9551194
File: 298 KB, 2047x1152, 1630670264872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9551246 >>9551262

It's late in the Land Down Under, so she might be tired

>> No.9551246

isn't it literally morning in australia? she probably just woke up (granted that she has a sensible sleep schedule)

>> No.9551248
Quoted by: >>9552958

>Otome game
Sana knows what Fire Emblem has become, and she's not impressed.

>> No.9551254
File: 23 KB, 638x717, 1603337635415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Sana a fellow cunnyseur?

>> No.9551255
Quoted by: >>9551338

>Which one's greater- NOOOOO

fucking LOL

>> No.9551261

I wasn´t here when she debuted, what was /vt/ reaction to a black chubba?

>> No.9551262

No it fucking isn’t, I’m from Straya and it’s early in the morning

>> No.9551292

She has an Aussie tan and looks like a gyaru, so anyone saying she’s black is just fucking retarded

>> No.9551300

You were not kidding, in this Mario level he looks really annoying to control

>> No.9551304
File: 101 KB, 667x1984, 1629652219743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my black australian wife

>> No.9551305
Quoted by: >>9551409 >>9551451

God, the controls for that character looks AWFUL.

>> No.9551309
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>> No.9551338
Quoted by: >>9551460

Is it weird that Sana's screams of frustration fill me with happiness?

>> No.9551342
File: 120 KB, 970x2048, EWzvm-AWoAAAaIY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should get your eyes checked.

>> No.9551364
File: 15 KB, 111x226, racism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know exactly what it was

>> No.9551372

>9-volt controls
Jesus fuck, Nintendo

>> No.9551409

That might be where the difficulty comes from

>> No.9551413
Quoted by: >>9551453

Glad I'm not the only one with my mind in the gutter.

>> No.9551416
File: 46 KB, 635x952, e4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9551627

Horny until they hear her speak. Not sure why you're asking about black chuubad in the Sana thread though

>> No.9551429


owo what's this?

>> No.9551449
File: 97 KB, 500x548, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussing Wario's bulge
I haven't watched much Sana, how horny has she been so far?

>> No.9551451

gotta have that space invaders mentality

>> No.9551453

she clearly said it, accent can only excuse so much

>> No.9551460

Even when she's frustrated she still sounds positive, it's great

>> No.9551485

Left-handed Mike

>> No.9551484

Sana vibing with the game is really cute. I really liked that with the other game too.

>> No.9551515
Quoted by: >>9551600 >>9551762

Do you think Crygor retains his human penis, or do you think he added advanced cybernetic enhancements to make it some sort of mechanical marvel member?

>> No.9551542

retarded Akasupa, AUS don't know cheddar = money, she's not a god damn american

>> No.9551600
File: 492 KB, 633x800, Penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain his daughter then

>> No.9551627

I guess her audio quality never improved?

>> No.9551641

I didn't notice during Kanata and Marine's collab since they were working together, but the gameplay looks kind of ass and very character-reliant.

>> No.9551663
File: 67 KB, 185x163, 1631228800277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those huffs after yelling no...
got me acting funny

>> No.9551695

Robo-dicks are perfect for nutting

>> No.9551704


>> No.9551731


>> No.9551756

DNA splicing.

>> No.9551762

What would you do?
I'd get a robo cock myself.

>> No.9551802

I li e how she says Wariowr

>> No.9551804
Quoted by: >>9551882 >>9553941

how the fuck does sana have so few subs? she has really comfy content

>> No.9551807
File: 295 KB, 1436x2047, 1631274348192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so awkward i both love it and hate it

>> No.9551813

I want to go to the far reaches of Sana too.

>> No.9551819
Quoted by: >>9551870 >>9553144

>Why do the OC characters treat Wario nicely again?
He's their boss.

>> No.9551820

>what happens if like, deadly spiders just take over your house?
Jesus, Sana, we already know you're Australian, no need to remind us

>> No.9551847
Quoted by: >>9551881 >>9551916

>Other holos trying to do a cat voice: Nyaaa~
>Sana trying to do a cat voice: *neighbor cats trying to start a fight*

>> No.9551860

I guess Sana and Hakos don't live near each other.

>> No.9551870
Quoted by: >>9551930

Does he pay them? I don't think he pays them.

>> No.9551881

Sometimes she tries to be cute and it’s a little awkward, but then that in itself is cute because of the way she does it and acts…

>> No.9551882

Her design was kind of off-putting compared to the rest during their reveal, which is a shame because she's by far the most entertaining one of Council.

>> No.9551888


>> No.9551895

They actually are friends, legitimately.

>> No.9551908
Quoted by: >>9551939

>Sees a taxi
>Calls it an uber
Is Sana actually a kid?

>> No.9551916

It's painfully adorable.

>> No.9551930

Reclutantly, and sometimes after being chased, but he does.

>> No.9551939
Quoted by: >>9551963

lets be real who uses an actual taxi anymore

>> No.9551945


>> No.9551948

rrat's screams are just loud but sana's kind of make me melt inside

>> No.9551963

I do...

>> No.9551977
Quoted by: >>9551988

>those kissy sounds

>> No.9551981

Sana just kissed me later losers

>> No.9551988


>> No.9551997

>sana smooch noises
i'm ngmi bros...

>> No.9552033

It’s okay Sana, you can say fuck. Just say it, let it out

>> No.9552095
File: 80 KB, 960x1080, 1608527159799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9552130 >>9552144

Fuck I thought the stream was in 10 mins

>> No.9552102

>tfw you will never be the Spitz to Sana's Dribble

>> No.9552128
Quoted by: >>9552161


>> No.9552130

Same, I opened yt thinking it’ll be soon, and it started almost an hour ago… fuck

>> No.9552144
File: 198 KB, 2048x1448, E9537p8UYAIPnf-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like the story metters

>> No.9552161

She just started the game so probably have to unlock her

>> No.9552165

She's too cute. I'm glad she's having so much fun with this. I love WarioWare

>> No.9552260

>I'm not continuing! I'm not going to use any coins!
Based 1CC proponent

>> No.9552280
Quoted by: >>9552460 >>9552520

She's nostalgic for Gamecube.

>> No.9552285

what a zoomer gamer

>> No.9552414

These SMW parts make me want to go and play the game myself.

>> No.9552427

>kat and ana are calli and kiara

>> No.9552460
Quoted by: >>9552491

Anon, it has been almost 20 years.

>> No.9552468

Can't unsee. CAN'T UNSEE.

>> No.9552491

This gave me heart palpitations

>> No.9552494
Quoted by: >>9552540

>I can only play as Calli, I wanna play as Kiara

Sana hates the Reaper??? Incredibly based

>> No.9552520

My first console was a Master System and I'm nostalgic for the GameCube.

>> No.9552535

>what happened to Calli?
>Kiara happened

>> No.9552540

based prep lover

>> No.9552552
File: 3.98 MB, 600x480, Kiara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9552566

>Oh no, he unleashed his fursona!

Fucking hell my sides.

>> No.9552571

>he unleashed his fursona
Good lord, she didn’t just say that hahaha

>> No.9552716


>> No.9552752


>> No.9552778
File: 268 KB, 1000x1000, E-qq4CBWUAMCFm4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9552872

Finished the campaign myself just before she started. Love the game and am happy she is having so much fun with it too.
Also hilarious how it feels like half of hololive is planning to play wario ware and only 1 ToA, who is paid to do it.

>> No.9552792
Quoted by: >>9552817 >>9553219


I...i didnt know that

>> No.9552817


>> No.9552824

ASHLEY! Let's go.

>> No.9552836

Sana gets her favourite

>> No.9552866
File: 346 KB, 1280x1280, E-LSz7BWEAAaCsV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I`ve seen the same song and spiel with Kiara and Ollie, my favs of their gens and Sana is fav of this.
Once the autists here got their fangs in their target they just take anything they do as offensive and make up more shit based on that.

>> No.9552872

Playing tales myself. Its pretty fuckin great

>> No.9552894
File: 3 KB, 234x32, uooooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9553301

Which one of you was it?

>> No.9552895
Quoted by: >>9552962 >>9552987

If Australia wasn't stupid right now Sana could local co-op with Bae.

>> No.9552958
File: 200 KB, 884x1769, EwGZ45iWEAE4f0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9553931

FE was always a poorly disguised as rpg dating sim schlock, my friend.

>> No.9552962

You're assuming they're in the same city to begin with.

>> No.9552987

>we may never get midget Bae gropping tall girl Sana

>> No.9553053

>fried egg on burger


>> No.9553056
Quoted by: >>9553202

Ashley doesn't have a song in this but Penny has and it is just as good.

>> No.9553144

>He's their boss.
>shown to have fucked up the game with bugs himself
>commentary of typical directors and ceos in game development

>> No.9553158


>> No.9553202

Penny's in this? nice

>> No.9553219

I too just got that myself. I played so much party inc on gcn with friends. Just as much as MKDD.

>> No.9553269
File: 593 KB, 3255x2719, 1602441123788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9553342

i still lose my shit over charles martinet doing wario's voice

>> No.9553301


>> No.9553342

My heart blossomed hearig him in this. He said in interviews before that Wario is his favourite role and you can really hear how much fun he is having with it.

>> No.9553369
File: 66 KB, 474x423, akane question1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erase S
>shows three apples

>> No.9553401


>> No.9553453

Nah, you can clear the minigames with just about any character.

>> No.9553474
File: 852 KB, 2480x3508, E-8nIAwUYAAtMT1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9553668

German has the perfect word to describe the Wario Ware experience: Reizüberflutung

>> No.9553526

it's okay at least but the controls seem jank, especially with the volts. seriously 9 volt moves too fast and 18 volt has a pretty useless ability

>> No.9553536

The levels do change depending on what character you oick. I also think harder characters like 18 Volt get generally more time which is appreciated with this entry having a more tight timer.

>> No.9553564

>"What? You ni-"

>> No.9553595

dildo head

>> No.9553668

Don't act like "sensory overload" isn't a phrase in English ESLchama

>> No.9553695

>Don't draw Ashley doujins, please don't
Dropped, unsubscribed, disliked, reported to the SAS for owning illegal light novels

>> No.9553712

Sana says no Ashley doujins.

>> No.9553733

Sana's supermassive blackholes

>> No.9553787
Quoted by: >>9553828

This game is quite homoerotic

>> No.9553828
Quoted by: >>9553918

Can't handle the Jimmy T(ESTOSTERONE) eh?

>> No.9553863
Quoted by: >>9553919

>choo choo

I love her

So much

>> No.9553918

I actually can't

>> No.9553919

how fucking loveable can one person be?

>> No.9553931

No, in the beginning FE was a pretty straightforward tac rpg.

>> No.9553930
Quoted by: >>9554296

Bit weird to me that the story mode only makes you clear level 1 of bosses to advance but I guess you gotta let the reviewers not get frustrated. Gonna grind those highscores for sure.

>> No.9553932

White pubes? Hot.

>> No.9553941
Quoted by: >>9554182

Because Youtube.
Sana always had lower numbers than the others but at first it was only by a difference of 20k. Then Youtube pulled subs from everybody and Sana fell behind by over 80k.

>> No.9553957

damn thats nice

>> No.9553959

>people that state their high IQ's out loud are usually self conscious
my wife is so cute

>> No.9554135

Looks absolutely delicious

>> No.9554182
File: 260 KB, 500x500, E9imxOvVkAEADfQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9554213 >>9555071

Youtube algorithm is working against her hard for various reasons yeah. Her doing a break soon will also do another hit to it just like Kiara got.
Can't be helped but put into perspective she is still one of the biggest and fastest growing vtubers out there if you look at more than just hololive. She will be fine and people need to calm down trying to hype up melodramatic doom visions. She also has enough senpais in the company to talk about if it ever bothers her to get over it.

>> No.9554213

yeah shes fine

she has great support regardlessly

>> No.9554296

That's how it was in the original one too.

>> No.9554330
File: 1.17 MB, 1074x604, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9554358

These shadow figures give me such hard flashack to the dance boss of Jimmy's chapter in Smooth Moves.
Gpddamn that shit was fun. I was doing the most exaggerated moves in rythm while swinging the wiimote around.

>> No.9554336

>slightly funny thing happens in game
>Sana laughs herself into a babbling mess
I love her.

>> No.9554358

vinny slapping his ass to that part still cracks me up

>> No.9554388

>I only want FauFau's feet
This horny footfag...

>> No.9554508

I hope Miss Volt will get the typical hentai milf proportion porn with this game.

>> No.9554564
File: 160 KB, 413x382, Ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9554656

>None of the Volts are able to move normally

>> No.9554656

18 and 5 at least have good gimmicks. My boy 9 Volt just feels so bad to play I had to drop him permanently after his chapter. I mained him in Party Inc.

>> No.9554661
Quoted by: >>9555128

We must pilot a giant space hand to pat giant Sana on the head.

>> No.9554714

>Sound Design: Ty
>Audioless webm
ya fukt up

>> No.9554793
Quoted by: >>9554971 >>9560373


Based Wario

>> No.9554896

5V seems really bad.

>> No.9554922

yeah she's a baddie

>> No.9554971

This will be used for years to come on twitter.
Love Martinet.

>> No.9555064
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh SHE BAD nigga if you know what I mean.

>> No.9555071

Her triple stream marathon will hopefully help a bit before the break

>> No.9555128
Quoted by: >>9555583

That'd be a great little animation. You see all these engineers at NASA planning and building what appears to be a spaceship, until launch day when the camera pans out and you see a giant hand lifting off into space, and then the astronauts inside navigate the vessel towards Sana who's just chilling, and they manage to co-ordinate its movements to propel upwards and downwards on top of her head, and it ends with Sana's big smile

>> No.9555175

All the beauty variations of Wario might be the best minigames always in these games.

>> No.9555227
Quoted by: >>9555326

Yeah, seems like she's got an awful power

>> No.9555294
File: 150 KB, 257x366, SANAISBEEG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9555326

She's got an awful power over my dick.

>> No.9555366

I want to hug Sana...

>> No.9555524

She still didn't realize that just moving onto things solves most of the minigames. It's why the floaters are so good and get such little time.

>> No.9555583
Quoted by: >>9555738 >>9555812

The hand would be way too big to build on Earth. It'll have to be built entirely in space.

>> No.9555734


>> No.9555738

Oh yeah, fuck. I keep underestimating how massive she is

>> No.9555812
Quoted by: >>9557343

>Humanity unites globally and enters a millennia of peace
>all efforts are united into a massive construction bigger than the planet itself, takes generations to make
>just to make a hand big enough to make Sana smile from headpats

>> No.9555824
Quoted by: >>9555877

oh that was a dick move game

>> No.9555877

I died to the same thing.

>> No.9556112

Solid 5 minutes of anti-progression

>> No.9556168
File: 53 KB, 463x372, molyneux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jimmy T is Waluigi with a wig

>> No.9556634

>3,474 viewers
Isn't that kind of low for a Hololiver? I haven't been to any Sana streams since her debut.

>> No.9556827
File: 40 KB, 998x1023, ErRdzk1UYAE2OaM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up retard. Most normal holos sit at barely 2k if 1k at all. Hell anya sits at 300 with the fucking trash games she keeps playing and she still is happy. If you want to jerk viewer numbers then go watch eclusively pekora, gura and xqc.

>> No.9556828

No, plenty of other Holos get the same amount or lower on streams.

>> No.9556975
Quoted by: >>9557007

first time I can watch Sana, her accent is hilarious and her voice is super cute, like a very genki onee-san

>> No.9557007

Yeah, she's a lot of fun.

>> No.9557059

Lulu.... thats the name of her roomates bff how cute. You can hear how happy she is saying Lulu

>> No.9557082
Quoted by: >>9558217

Smol Ame with Smol Sana when?

>> No.9557139
File: 2.34 MB, 1080x1080, 1630038117603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9557402

Damn this is the first stream I am really late for.
Rushia ASMR put me to sleep like a corpse.

>> No.9557220
Quoted by: >>9557353

3k isn't that bad you know, and she gets more than that sometimes. Most Niji won't even hit 1k and you can consider them kinda successful

>> No.9557232 [SPOILER] 
File: 732 KB, 618x530, lulu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha it's lulu

>> No.9557277

H...haha... anon please no

>> No.9557333


>> No.9557343

>crab and slug watch from their respective thrones menacingly

>> No.9557353
Quoted by: >>9557485


She's also going up against a collab (and i think she dipped right when it started).

And hell, that collab's "only" at 7.7 despite the combined sub disparity.

>> No.9557402

cute spess sena

>> No.9557427



>> No.9557485

Losing 400 viewers to a first gen collab is pretty solid. /vt/ continues to be filled with overreacting and gossiping drama teen queens like the /jp/ general was.

>> No.9557533
Quoted by: >>9557643

Penny is fucking adorable

>> No.9557595

Penny is broken good once you get the mode switching down. For example she can water the schlop doggy herself and doesn't need to do the minigame interaction itself.

>> No.9557643

Wait till you hear her song.

>> No.9557657
File: 3.00 MB, 540x240, 1600208618500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying not to talk about her but Sana really reminds me of Lulu a lot.
Lulu...I miss you so much...

>> No.9557764

Perfect tan in OP pic, what she should have looked like.

>> No.9557825
File: 148 KB, 1756x787, 1604924743832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9557898 >>9557971

game at least is usual microgame stuff but they botched controls from the looks of things. that or the volts are pain in the ass to control

>> No.9557898

volts are a pain which is a shame. 5volt looks like pure Milf material and couldve been a fun character

>> No.9557971
Quoted by: >>9558056

Controls are fine. Actually the one issue is that there are no motion controls. Yes I know you crybabies are still pissing and moaning because your mom liked the wii but I would have loved to have at least optinal motion controls for this.
Also no fucking HD rumble because Nintendod ropped that after 3 games is lost potential for a series like Wario Ware.

>> No.9558056

I'd take gyro pointer for some controls.

>> No.9558195
Quoted by: >>9558420

Apparently this game is 2 hours long so she can beat it in one stream
I guess it was made more for multiplayer.

>> No.9558217
File: 114 KB, 751x563, 1631247588648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sans is for Beeg, not smol

>> No.9558289
Quoted by: >>9558454

I love that she does the selfimposed challenge of not using any coins to continue because I did the same thing. Sana really has a goo vibe.

>> No.9558420

Wario Ware campaigns are always super fast to beat. It has always been a highscore game and in some cases multiplayer offerings too where you get your playtime. This one actually has ingame achievements/challenges for various stuff and online highscores.

>> No.9558454
Quoted by: >>9558613

I like that too.
I am just waiting for her to play something like Donkey Kong or Mario that has savestates to see if she will use them or not.
Always hated how other Holos always abuse that shit when playing those games. Especially the ones in the GAMERS gen.

>> No.9558562
Quoted by: >>9558668


>> No.9558613

Flashbacks of Korone playing Mario, yeah ...

>> No.9558622
File: 3.34 MB, 2220x3141, E9fnkWqVcAI1WkO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want to wittness something great

>> No.9558637

>not using continues and doing the levels all over again because of the thrill of working hard for an achievement


>> No.9558668

Hey fuck you that bird had the best and most unreasonable fun and deep side game in smooth moves.
Ping Pong Tower and Balance was also way better and playtime heavy than they had any right to be.

>> No.9558684


>> No.9558685

So...WarioWare games have all these cute waifus that Nintendo never uses in any other game?
I always knew Ashley was popular as fuck but I had no idea she was from this series cuz I never see her in other games.
Would love to see them in Mario Kart or Mario Party.

>> No.9558708

I'm not even horny for Sana anymore I just want to be her FRIEND

>> No.9558744
Quoted by: >>9558895

I was just asking Anon, because I don't watch live streams often. It's not that I care about numbers, I just hoped she was doing well. You sound like you have a lot of repressed anger to work out.

>> No.9558801

>this kind of anger
>this preoccupation concerning numberfagging
You need to go back

>> No.9558834

Miyamoto hates Wario

>> No.9558895

Nta but Sana's 'low numbers' and doomposting is real fucking common and annoying as shit. Just enjoy the streams, if sana doesnt care you shouldnt either

>> No.9558945

>Most normal holos sit at barely 2k
No they don't. It is why Holobronies make fun of Nijisanji all the time. And ID are not "normal holos".

>> No.9558969

Sana you're angry bird reps...

>> No.9558979

sana please

>> No.9559012
Quoted by: >>9559132

Sakurai is a shotafag so Ashley doesn't get to be in Smash as anything better than a trophy. Miyamoto is a deranged old fart who is obsessed with the sanctity of the Mario franchise.

>> No.9559032

choke choke choke

>> No.9559132
Quoted by: >>9559180 >>9559303

Both wrong. Stop getting your info from derranged /v/ collages.

>> No.9559180
File: 255 KB, 1631x2048, E9IpK4XVUAE8wQn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know that he's wrong?

>> No.9559189
File: 110 KB, 597x634, _DkG9qoXVsAAGtTf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta ask Kronii to send you back in time and course correct what could have been

>> No.9559217

dude just play other ninty IP's

>> No.9559257

I expect more of Sana at this point.
That fight doesn't look that hard.

>> No.9559262
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 1631274201223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fuckin bird
hope it gets turned into chicken dinner after this

>> No.9559303
File: 438 KB, 500x518, google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so.

>> No.9559322
File: 73 KB, 222x180, 1627185939843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man ninty is lazy as shit then.

>> No.9559334

I don’t know much about the game, but it doesn’t seem like she’s playing it normally, since she doesn’t use any continues.

>> No.9559372

oh she got cheated hard there >:(

>> No.9559378


>> No.9559401

Pyoro boss is so body horror in this it could be a Kirby boss.

>> No.9559423

Alright this game is straight up bugged or something

>> No.9559430
Quoted by: >>9559522

Cant mess up 18 times in a row? Maybe, 1 mistake is all it takes though since she's not using continues

>> No.9559448

The fight is quite hard. You get no second try if you don't use coins. Either you oneshot it all or die.

>> No.9559492
Quoted by: >>9559699

>it's a paper /v/ario autist
Every time.

>> No.9559516
File: 283 KB, 515x501, angrysana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9559567 >>9560130

Sex with angry Sana!

>> No.9559522

The first 17 rounds are quite trivial though, she only struggles with the bird.

>> No.9559542

>Makes shrill bird sounds
>Is not a bird chuuba

>> No.9559560

Sana "I have 20 hours left" Tsukumo

>> No.9559567
File: 313 KB, 560x412, 1631228013261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9559940

angry giant frustrated Sana stomping her foot on me every time she gets a game over !!!

>> No.9559578
Quoted by: >>9559699

Can you please not bring your schizo narratives about PM to this thread for fucks sake. If you wanna complain then the least you can do is fucking look up who makes the big decisions about Paper Mario, Miyamoto doesn't manage all games, pretty much no games at this point

>> No.9559699
Quoted by: >>9559873

It doesn't only apply to Paper Mario though.

>> No.9559721

she deed it SHE DEED IT!

>> No.9559729


>> No.9559764
File: 1.29 MB, 4096x3170, 1631275518176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh she finally did it im so damn happy

>> No.9559787

>look away for a second
>she makes it

>> No.9559839
Quoted by: >>9559885

>self imposed challenges, just like I do
>cute voice and accent
>happy personality that would support you on hard days
>probably will do anything you want in bed
Trying real hard not to fall in love here..

>> No.9559847

Watching Sana play games is actually fun.

>> No.9559873

Fuck off. I don't want your autism to ruin a Sana thread. Keep it to /v/.

>> No.9559885
File: 703 KB, 3600x3600, E-7OeADVkAM5zzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those SC's as soon as she beats the boss
damn people truly do love her

I think she may legit be my first lesbian crush. I'm in love with her and I want to be there for her all the time. fuck

>> No.9559893

I was worried because she started reading chat just as the red bird came out. literally the worst time.

>> No.9559914

>no treasure

And that's why Wario should go back to treasure hunting in Wario Land.

>> No.9559940
File: 96 KB, 1265x1751, E9aynzxXsAElYJp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9560076


>> No.9559985
Quoted by: >>9560364


>> No.9560044

BR gonna commission Pyoro using his tongue in all of Sana's holes, tits and armpits.

>> No.9560076

did you draw this anon? I never wanted to be Kronii so badly.

>> No.9560112
File: 226 KB, 600x335, b524fb436182e106eab106afe0f20ecf52e8b7fac958d582caf6c76581434ee8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9560115

Same, watching her feels healing I just want to hold hands with her and then princess carry me

>> No.9560130


>tfw just want to look up in the sky and see her looking at Earth like this

>> No.9560179
Quoted by: >>9560233 >>9560314

I'm going to cry one of the Scientists had my name but she didn't say it... I was going to clip it and splice it with her saying "I love you"

>> No.9560233
Quoted by: >>9560281

your meds anon...

>> No.9560245
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1630293210254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 3.5k current viewers


>> No.9560281

I don't need meds I need Sana to tell me she LOVES me.

>> No.9560314
Quoted by: >>9560405

just send an aka with your name in there somewhere

>> No.9560364
File: 41 KB, 500x520, Lord-Humungus-Mad-Max-Kjell-Nilsson-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must send more brother hope she reads your name after the stream. It's a literal dopamine rush

>> No.9560366

>Watch a bit
>go to sleep, because 0:00 is ok for Euros, but 3:00 is not

>> No.9560373

I desperately need this as a sound webm.

>> No.9560385

I don't have a crush on Sana. I just enjoy the positivity of her streams. It helps with my own sadness.

>> No.9560405
Quoted by: >>9560531

I dunno that'd feel way too weird, I don't want to be actively cringe. It's one thing if she says my real name on stream because she's reading out the name of a character and I can silently clip it and nobody has to know, but I can't involve other people in my little delusions.

>> No.9560409


>> No.9560462

damn she got an explosion of money after beating that last boss lol

>> No.9560473
File: 119 KB, 1024x756, 1631274763731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu i go into any hololive girl i see thats live and like their streams to help them with showing up in the aglorithm cuz i'm a unity fag.

doesn't mean I actively watch their content but its a way of helping them, somehow.

>> No.9560531

Hmm I guess you are out of luck then

>> No.9560542


>> No.9560551
Quoted by: >>9560765

>Live my whole life thinking I want a moody gamer gf that I can share my hobbies with
>Instantly fall in love with the idea of this genki dork over the course of several days, just want to see someone like her be happy
At least I didn't discover this about myself before making a mistake.

>> No.9560568
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, E1aTdNRVIAchasw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana please....read superchats...it's 3:30...

>> No.9560662
Quoted by: >>9560692 >>9560760

why is everyone so hard for Ashley

>> No.9560692

she's (c)ute and f(unny)

>> No.9560728

She's uteandf?

>> No.9560760

She is that girl who lives in the haunted mansion

>> No.9560765
Quoted by: >>9560906

yeah... I was never behind the whole goth gf meme. I love their aesthetic, but as a moody person myself I need someone that can get me out of my shell and help me be a happier person.

I should've realized when I preferred Starfire over Raven.

>> No.9560771
File: 434 KB, 1280x720, Cute&Funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9560893

I had to leave for a second but I'm back now

>> No.9560905

Me girlfriend's a bloody ute

>> No.9560906
Quoted by: >>9560991

Sana in starfire cosplay when?

>> No.9560981
Quoted by: >>9561018 >>9561070

She's reading superchats now right?

>> No.9560991
Quoted by: >>9561072

I hope that'll be a fanart i'll see one day of Kronii and Sana dressing up as Raven and Starfire. they're literally the anime versions of them, especially in their collab.

>> No.9561018


>> No.9561070

Sana needs a be right back screen, because I thought stream was over

>> No.9561072

Maybe when I get better at artwork I'll give it a shot. Just have to figure out an art style that works for me.

>> No.9561170
Quoted by: >>9561318

>Wario has hot high school girls
Wario is an ugly bastard!

>> No.9561186

>Wario has all these cute girls
>Mario only has Luigi
Goddamn, she's firing those shots huh.

>> No.9561206

How's this aussie dork so based

>> No.9561231

>Wario was the one winning all this game
I mean, he got cunny so it was obvious

>> No.9561318

So am I

>> No.9561376
Quoted by: >>9561547

I dunno I still want a deadpan Kronii gf, I just want an enthusiastic Sana friend too.

>> No.9561517


>> No.9561532

but I'm already married to you, Sana

>> No.9561533

Sana and I are getting married!

>> No.9561547

The best of both worlds.

>> No.9561569

she's already considering our marriage
I cant wait to have consensual post marital sex with Sana!

>> No.9561571
File: 1003 KB, 771x900, 1631313180021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accepting marriage applications
it's my lucky day boiz.
I will be her lucky wife

>> No.9561638
File: 1014 KB, 2252x3000, E-H_a5SXEA0yzW8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9561688

eto eto eto

>> No.9561718
File: 68 KB, 547x503, 1599895390900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is planning to do something about marriage requests


>> No.9561729

>un ar-chived
The way she says everything is so damn cuuute

>> No.9561800

Holy shit

>> No.9561816

Sana please you can't be more perfect

>> No.9561825

>Sana was in a band
>a death metal band???

>> No.9561833

Did she really just said she used to sing to a metal band?

>> No.9561881

What the fuck bros. Fuck numbers, nobody else can know how perfect she is.

>> No.9562038

Did she just pronounce tenacity as 'Tennessee'?

>> No.9562217
Quoted by: >>9564369

>also an ex-death metal singer

>> No.9562310
File: 114 KB, 1951x1590, SanaSketch00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9563869 >>9564501

Well, here it is. Not sure if you'll like this one.

>> No.9562537
Quoted by: >>9562647

think i found my 2nd favorite holo

>> No.9562647
Quoted by: >>9562914

who's number 1

>> No.9562650
Quoted by: >>9562776 >>9565374

That superchat reading went faster than I thought

>> No.9562776
Quoted by: >>9562974

Didn't hear my name. Maybe she missed some?

>> No.9562914


>> No.9562974
Quoted by: >>9563165

She tends to miss ones if they're sent after she says she's done with supers. So if yours was one of that try to send them earlier. But I think she may have just skipped some smaller ones in the flood that came in after she beat the angry bird.

>> No.9563165

I sent mine right as she beat the boss. It was only a tenner though, so it's no biggie. I sent a red at the suparty and she read that so that's good enough for me.

>> No.9563399
Quoted by: >>9564055

Sometimes she goes silent during superchat reading and I think she is reading either chat or superchat messages, but the silence is so long its kinda weird.

>> No.9563869

I know I fucked the nose. I'm still trying to figure out my noses.

>> No.9564055

I think the silence is her reading the message, which I find really sweet. She won't just blitz through the thank yous without really taking in what was said

>> No.9564369
Quoted by: >>9565335

>also an ex-death metal singer
What part in the video did Sana say this?

>> No.9564501
File: 215 KB, 1200x1179, 1631278854112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9565067

this is really cute anon ! great job !

>> No.9565067

I have to study Disney more. Its not quite the style I'm looking for. Also there are key areas that I feel I lack the mechanical skill. I can't tell you where. I can only feel it when I draw it.

>> No.9565335

Superchat reading

>> No.9565374

Maybe it'll be longer next time as she probably acquired some gachikois today with the marriage shtick

>> No.9566069

Sana is billions of years old. How is she not married yet?

>> No.9566156

She's waiting to marry me

>> No.9566278
File: 55 KB, 428x428, -l80oeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still considered a baby

>> No.9566481

Waiting reeeeeeally patiently for the right ones
