Previous: >>94861160
There's too many snowflakes here
2025 SNOT -> SCOT Im i right ?
actually melting down because of the twins
>>OPCats attract luck
>>94865575dogs are good at that
>>94865525Kaela is singlehandedly keeping ID afloat
>>94864972>will they flatten?<SHOVEL NOISE> <SHOVEL NOISE> <SHOVEL NOISE> GET FLATTENED GET FLATTENED!Also>man, this Minecraft movie .... I'm not feeling too good about it!
CC is gonna have her CCV murdered if she puts up a frame.
>>94865618Zeta is starting to recover from her terrible decisions to become another EN-lite
>>94865599is that FUWAMOCO from Temu?
Can’t wait for the shitflinging when the 2nd Gura collab is confirmed Liz and not Bijou lol
>>94865594This MINDBREAKS the ligtards
>>94865562DOTSDoll Owl Time Shark
>>94865660This but biboo
holo playing age of empires 4 when
guys... kobo is streaming too y'know...
Which of you put lead in that retards water he sounded extremely brain damaged even more than the usual inbred retards we got shitting up the thread>captcha
>>94865684Lize from Niji? no way
Riona did it She is forgiven again
So no news then? Welp enjoy the shit board.
>>94865742I'll post her for tomorrow's INDOCHADS WE CANNOT STOP WINNING post
We need more holos in skintight denim jeans
>>94865599she's fucking laughing while trying to copy FWMC speech patterns kek
>>94865742WHO? Lol let the eceleb fleshfag fans watch her since that’s who she panders to
>>94865660There is nothing on Cecilia's channel, her collab with Gura will only be played on Gura's channel.Bijou on the other hand...I wanna see that overlap, see how she does in a bad hour.
It's an ES fag for a change
what happened to Kobo noombers? Wasnt she supposed to be close to 5 view with the indochads horde on her side?
>>94865742what timezone exactly are you on?
>>94865798Laat time biboo got ... uhm..... 3k
>>94865808Niminiggers on the prowl to shit on some other Holo girl I see
>>94865774Nijifag spotted
Riona finally beat GOIUnfortunately she didn't even get 10k+ ccv
>>94865758>those managers are all men btw
>>94865599This is the worst stream i've ever seen in my life.
DIRTY homostained slates, there are currently no known methods to give them clean slates again other than redebuting (theoretically) >Mori>Kronii>Zeta
>>94865798What makes it even more interesting is that she'll be playing a FOTM game too while Gura/CC combo streams. What a great day for numbers.
>>94865822Brazil kek
>>94865842What was her highest peak?
>>94865842i belieb in the (slow) incline
>>94865846all me
>>94865655but what about the tree
>>94865846only women and fags buy and open pokemon cards
>>94865832When was that?
>>94865798What do you mean bad hour? Its BST, and its fotm, she got 9k last time with elden ring during the same overlap. Will be interesting to see though.
>nobody buys anon bait so now he falseflags as a caricature of what he accuses the thread to be to go "AHA!" and point fingers at it
>>94865925No niminiggers are really like that
>>94865798just look 2 weeks ago, overlapped by another gura collab
>>94865842It's fine, she'll get there someday and I'll be there for it
>>94865758>me me me
>>94865864classic rosarians move
>>94865973Uh oh nimiseething
>>94865853(ME)Are you fucking kidding me
>>94865988pretty sure that was a Z
>>94865915He means Biboo.
>>94865832Retard, chumbuds and pebbles don’t overlap at all. They might both be Lolis but they are nothing alike. Biboo is more Kobo than Gura/shion/la+
>>94865742is she speaking normal or indonesian no 1 on 1 collab with bijou
>>94866010>pink and blue writing>Two round dog mascots with familiar colour palettes>orca's tail (shylily type shit)>imitates the voice toohell nah
>>94865798Judging by Gura's thumbnail, it looks like Cecilia will have her own POV, I predict the usual 4-5k she gets when she's under heavy overlap
How and why did Riona gravitate to these mason streamer games?
>>94866018So do I, what are you talking about?
Korean bros showing up 0 americans
>>94865798>her collab with Gura will only be played on Gura's channel.If this actually happens then rip, nothing is saving her sub growth.
>>94866010This neatly demonstrating the difference between >cover yourself in hololive and hope the magic rubs off on you And >blatantly rip off hololive
>>94866098Biboo just need to ask GuraBut women have a problem with that
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN *Here it goes>114,271: Pekora (Hololive)>94,129: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)>90,459: Fuwamoco (Hololive)>29,939: Qpi (VSPO)>28,497: Suisei (Hololive)>26,924: Aki (Hololive)>23,355: Mio (Hololive)>23,290: Toya (Nijisanji)>22,049: Iroha (Hololive)>21,852: Koyori (Hololive)>21,204: Salome (Nijisanji)>20,995: Lamy (Hololive)>19,523: Lamy (Hololive)>18,130: Ponpoko (Indie)>17,283: Noel (Hololive)>16,876: Ayame (Hololive)>16,602: Noel (Hololive)>16,362: Nimi (Indie)>15,925: Noel (Hololive)>15,471: Botan (Hololive)>14,910: Met (VSPO)>13,536: Fubuki (Hololive)>13,146: Fuwa (Nijisanji)>12,899: Kanade (Hololive)>11,577: Okayu (Hololive)>11,212: Toko (Nijisanji)>10,882: Korone (Hololive)>10,820: Maimoto (Nijisanji)>10,754: Nozomi (Nijisanji)>10,212: Sho (Nijisanji)Gold for Pekora (feat. Marine) and her fourth 100k+ stream this year and the 15th for Hololive, with Nijisanji getting silver with their 7th anniversary and Fuwamoco, bronze
>>94866098And keep it that way.
>>94866039kill yourself
>>94866113My bad thought you meant CC.
>>94866121>5 eurosEURO BARONS STAY WINNING€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€
Don't forget to check out recent hits by the fabulously fertile, girl of god, Shiori NovellaShiori music:Dark Night Boots Wo Wataru Tori Dancin' Girlガ / Ga Talking All Back Whisper Whisper Advent:Team Tomodachi Heartbeat Bright Parade Night, Tonight!
>>OPSince when did Shiori and Zeta become besties?
I don't bball so don't get everything but this trade thing sounds wild. Like if Cover, unprompted and without negotiation, trades Gura for Twisty.You never know what tomorrow and bad management brings. Treasure everyday I guess
>>94866010Doesn't this suggest that FwMc is rising and the one of the stars of the indie world is crashing?
>>94866039Biboo has no overlap with any ID, not even Kaela. She does receive Gura funnels though, pretty large ones.
>>94866121>Asian holo attracts an Asian audienceBig shock
>>94866175Lol EN still in 3rd place where they belong
I'm the last chumbud
Does anyone actually believe if Biboo asks Gura for a collab she'll say no?
>>94866180I’m right and you hate me for it.>but kobo collab with homosCorrect as does La+ but this is strictly about streamer personality
>>94866261She just won't reply.
>>94866175>114,271: Pekora (Hololive)
>>94866261Only shitposters "believe" that
>>94866205for a girl who cant sing, she put out more covers so far than Fauna did her whole career. Hats off
>DollFin collab
>>94866258Is she going to be a cameo character? Like that game awards guy Geoff was in the first game? It would be kino, I want to deliver packages to stranded pekorra
>>94866290chu chu chu~
>>94866261Gura isn’t Asian so Biboo will never ask
Hello /#/, another question. What's everyone's opinions on stretch marks?
>>94866175>114,271: Pekora (Hololive)GET MOGGED DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 cunnys at the same time is too much in collabs
>>94866219>She does receive Gura funnels though, pretty large ones.Not really. Washed out fake lolii enjoyers dont enjoy real loli
Isn't this a reference to a Pippa quote?
>>94866212Nigga actually compared AD to Twisty. AD is already accomplished.
>>94866175Pekora mogging the entire Niji brand, you love to see it.
>>94865842I woke up just in time for the stream to end…
>>94866294Biboo hates brown like you, kill yourself.
>>94866300Gura will not reply for 3 days because she hasn’t opened discord and Biboo will ask herself if she hates her because Biboo is terminally online brained
>>94865808Tomorrow is Monday
>>94866368Marine probably has stretch marks from being a hag
>>94866212>Gura for TwistyNah, that would be outrageous but people would immediately doubt it and correctly so.This was more like if Nijisanji traded Salome back in 2023 for a recently debuted Zeta and the first pick on the next EN male vtuber.Salome would no longer be "guaranteed 100k Salome" but the trade would be so lopsided people would first think the account reporting on it was hacked and then laugh at the WORST TRADE since the French sold Louisiana to the US for what would today be 321M USD.
>>94866261She wouldn't outright say no. Instead, she would say she's busy or that she'll find a time
>>94866383There is not much data out there since Gura doesnt stream but it is there. 2-3k on the last elden ring stream.
I have a feeling this collab is gonna be awkward as fuck. They may find each other funny but thinking of ENReco the chemistry isn't really there.
>>94866383what are you doing replying to posts, shouldn't you be running from ICE right now?
>>94866393Gura is very phase-core than chumbuds would like to admit
>>94866456Yeah, but, like, what's your opinion on them.
>diffuseris gura an ESL?
>>94866175>>94,129: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)>>90,459: Fuwamoco (Hololive)>Needed TWENTY FUCKING CHUUBA to beat two dogs and their friends
>>94866484Very much so.
>>94866312>Is ceci vtuber or whatLEAST DETACHED FROM REALITY CHUMGOD
>>94866436>Biboo hates brownThe irony, and no it’s not dox she literally said so herself on stream
>>94866484Yeah, we know.
>>94866517yes atlantean is her first language
>>94866444Niggas here will pretend like biboo is clamoring for that collab but the reality is shes more than happy to just hop on and backseat CC for 5 hours.
>>94866445makes sense its late indo time
>>94866328She will the new corpo mascot for Fragile Express
uh oh melty
>>94866470>le no stream shartKys pebble
>>94866328only a poster inside a locker of his next game
>>94866393Anon, the "x to y pipeline" is an ancient internet meme
>>94866563so gura is fake as fuck on stream
>>94866517A true role model
Good morning subhumans. Ready for another day of publicly shitting yourselves while real humans point and laugh?
Pebkeks melty.
>>94866393>Isn't this a reference to a Pippa quote?Don't take for granted that many know what you are talking about, give us a bit of context at least
>>94866573It’s more like OK, Gura didn’t reply for 3 days. No problem I’m here all the time talking and making collabs with everyone else. Then Gura opens discord and it’s too late because plans already changed
EN5 soon.
>>94866573>backseat for 5 hoursI would take Biboo to my back seats for 5 hours, you know what I mean!
>>OP>Not a sparkles thread
>>94865798Who the FUCK is Bijou
>>94866683OH NO, NOT ALOE MANO!
>>94865774Lize from Niji is so irrelevant that you need to add qualifiers just for people to recognize her kek
>>94866573Nobody wanted her there. She needs to learn her place.
>holo vs holo straight into doxxsome things never change
what the fuck went wrong with this thread
>>94866617I didnt call her that, its just the reality.
>>94866212Nah it's more like trading Koyori for idk, Lize. Someone who's still quite good but still an uneven trade.
>>9486662499% of vtubers are, it's their job kek grow up. If you aren't mature enough to separate the two things that's grim, enjoy what you have
>>94866762Lol tell CC that faggot.
>>94866779Someone said the thread is not shit and it's actually fun for once, then it went to shit. He basically asked for it.
>>94866738 her, you will like it.
>>94866368Men can get them for being fat
>>94866383Is that what you call that trashy uwu voice?
>>94866786You could just bring up that there isn’t enough data but you went and brought up >Le no stream shit faggot
>>94866779Niminigs happened
>Gura frame>Gura vs Biboolike clockwork
>>94866393Newfag to Shitposter Pipeline is Real
>>94866779You should try global
>>94866854Is that digimon like creature actually popular?
>>94866813Mori is genuine
>>94866854>RoaSo is she going to come back soon?
>>94866834How can CC say no? That stupid cunt needs to learn to manage herself.
>>94866834Us chumbuds like CC and anyone Gura tells us is cute and fun to watch. This has been proven before with actual data. If Gura likes CC then I like CC.
Twitter has ads for this
>>94866683Dude is having a melty on X and in this thread at the same time.
>>94866779offtopic is basically allowed a this point so everybody posts whatever they want
>>94866854They’re STILL peppering Roa?
Are we still hating ERB or are we done with that? She seems to be just an autistic boomer like aunt, I want Raora to beat her subs but I don't care more than that.
>>94866884Pebbles having melties because they believed the crap they spewed about her being the #1 girl after fauna left only for Goob to come back
>>94866864You cant bring up that gura doesnt stream now, without even name calling her? Your the one that went there.
>>94865568I hate kiara
>>94866944I saw idol trending and decided to check it out. I saw some vtubers telling this guy to fuck off. Funny stuff.
>>94866974I WISH she was autistic, I wish she actually acted like she gives a shit about her job
It will be a CCV race if CC actually puts up a frame, otherwise Biboo will just lose because chumbuds and otomos will gather in one stream.
>>94865864I like how you mention zeta like anyone cares
>>94866987Biboo was #1 even with Fauna around and Gura will fuck off soon enough're so back.
>>94866974I want her out of the company is willing to do anything to win the Kroniibowl
>>94865599Ah, this is that woman that kept copying otber vtubers, because she's a pathological liar.Looks like Fuwawa was a bridge too tall.
>>94866974she is fat and old who cares
>>94866974She is nice (even if it’s autism) to Gura and actually says hi so I’m good as long as she don’t talk about homos. Homos are the enemies, girls can be forgiven as it’s been proven before
this is why we should never have a Shiori OP
>>94866218I don't think that girl was ever a star in the indie world...or...anything.
>>94867001Let’s pretend 1 stream is evidence about anything other than you wanting to bring up the no stream shit. Also you didn’t even post proof
this is NOT a flex
>>94866944>Magni and Vesper got fired bts for unknown reason>Somehow its the idol fans' faultsince when did they become the anti idol martyrs
>>94866683>No longer have AloeNo that was nijifags>Vesper and MagniRetards crashed out and wanted a bigger slice of the pie
>>94867067Yandere Sim...
>>94866944This nigga's excessively elaborate name sounds like that singapoor ERBcuck dramafag on youtube
>>94867019We hate kiara
>>94867061Nimi is a stupid cunt yes
>>94866974Don't change the subject pebshit.
>>94867104Shit vshojo tier whore invites shit vshojo tier whore drama checks out
>>94867141you haven't seen the best part yet
>>94866944OK, let's do an "early life check" in this blok->OH NO NO NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAIt NEVER EVER misses, EVER!>Depending on how they treat Ruby that's how I will see if I add it or not to my whitelist of VTuber companies along Phase Connect, EIEN and, of course, Hololive.
>>94867132Seeing Mori with 17k physically hurts me
>>94867116You two are both retards
>>94866112Her inspiration is Mori
>>94866974Who? Sorry, the last Erb stream I remember watching was her debut stream which was laced with malice and contempt towards hololive.
>>94867257>PLEASE NOTICE ME>Because i love you very much >i want to collab with you >but im shy >notice me senpai Bros .... who is in the wrong here ?
>>94866974I only hate Nimi
>>94867116Reeks of sametards
>>94867230you two? (I'm not in the pic obviously, I might be retarded enough to watch vtubers but not retarded enought to post my profile /here/)
>>94866944>>94867219Of course, after EiEn died miserably, he switched to "VShoujo">which is a telltale spelling that can easily identify him in this thread and board
>>94867316Koseki will never collab with Gura
>>94867316Wow I don't remember this, this is cringe as fuck.
>>94867316Biboo, she doesn’t watch streams if she thinks Gura is gonna ask her for the collab. And it’s not like Biboo is shy
>>94867036Erb Schzo...
kys BVTMsharts
>>94866974I only hate kiara
>>94867316>shy as wellso no one will ask
>>94866944>>94867219>6 views 0 likes>136 views 0 likesWhy the fuck are you talking about a LITERAL WHO worthless nigger?
>>94867361Kys chumfaggot
>>94866683Seven people dude, fucking SEVEN from all those thousands of real humans on twitter supporting the homos, how do you explain that phenomenon?
>>94866393you wish phasefag
>>94867082She has mentioned her "nephews" on collabs with the girls before
>>94867316>"i love you very much">still doesn't know that Gura never is the one to engage firstshe'll wait forever
>>94867402>Biboo shyBiboo already lied here
>>94867316>2 weeks after her debut>>94867375>And it’s not like Biboo is shywatch stream
Number bros how do we kill the evil idol culture once and for all?
why is this board filled with so many cancerous liggers and smallcorpo fags
you nigglets have the holostars is NOT hololive pippa soundpost?
>>94867489They got too comfortable here
>>94867417I'm not. If Kiara did some shit like that she would've been called every name in the book for "putting pressure by making that statement publically" this shit is cringe no matter how you look at it, it's not like Gura is even her oshi either so it just looks like desperate numberfaggingfrom someone who doesn't know Gura
WHO is this guy that's being posted
>>94867432They had their own website fucking idiot, you keep forgetting to bring that shit up.
>>94867316>She want to collab with Gura first But then Mori .......
>>948674813kg of cocaine under Yagoo's bed and call the police.
>>94866974When did she last raid grifter spic? Like a year after that ill consider it
>>94867489Yet another gift fauna left for us
>>94867489Still better than pebblekeks
>>94867489Everything can be blamed on NijiEn and HololiveEn management
>>94867489Because Niji fluked and sisters have to hate Holo in one way or another
>>94867489I don't know but they should die, all of them.
*FINAL EN COPE TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN*>02/02 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999) | [12 entries]4.957: Raora (Hololive) | Just Drawing4.484: Mint (Indie) | Variety Collab w/ Dokibird4.364: Kiara (Hololive) | Stellar Blade2.831: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Just Cooking2.749: Shu (Nijisanji) | Cursed Digicam2.415: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Mabinogi1.526: Clara (Phase-Connect) | Bunny Garden1.317: Ikumi (Indie) | ASMR Stream1.261: Axel (Holostars) | Marvel Rivals1.244: Runie (Phase-Connect) | Nunholy1.088: Luca (Nijisanji) | Trickshot Simulator1.010: Scarle (Nijisanji) | Variety Stream
>>94865864>crusty unsalvageable slate>ERB
>>94867472Not shy enough to not fucking ask over discord retard
>>94867595A mute stream beat Mint?!
Are there any right wing holo?
>>94867509Kys chumfaggot, leave Biboo alone already
>>94866974ERB ACTIVELY gives attention and power to homostars strengthening them. Strengthening the cancer in your body is bad
>>94867463She literally is, she only collabs with girls that clearly also like her already. Seen with multiple examples, RR and CC but GG not really, Bae IRyS and Fauna but not really Mumei or Kroni, Mori and Ina but not Ame/Kiara/Gura.
>>94867633A mute *CULLED stream won
>>94867633And Mint beat Kiara
>>94867316>Adventfags piss and cry when gura streams at her usual slot which is when most of advent stupidly decide to stream after debut>fast forward over a year and advent don't matter anymore>why doesn't gura collab with my golden gen wahhhhh
>>94867562>>94867670>1 minplaying both side
>>94867663We dont do politics in Hololive, maybe watch Phase instead's POV
>>94867595This will be Nimi's rightful place soon
This trick shot stream is really dangerous. I’m not doing anything—I’m just watching Shion, hoping she pulls it off.
>>94867595proof that chattinis are bots
>>94867595Raora's VOD has 120k views which is a lot for stream that didn't reach 5k ccv
>>94866974ERB is in no name 2views out of sheer love for vtubing. fits in holo more than 80% of the girls.
>>94867691Biboo has the blessing of the management. She can force whatever she wants now.
>>94867727>Mind broken by the golden genMany such cases
>>94867514What does that have to do with my post?
>>94867595i feel bad for kiara
do people really care about the new Minecraft server #7? it's yet another vanilla slop isn't it?
>>94867691Biboo is that online friend that only hangs out with people that suck up to them. That’s why she couldn’t breach into the Moom GG friendship or the Fauna group at the end because Fauna was the main focus
>>94867670>>94867727>1 min
>>94867595>gigabuff event stream with indie darling dokibird>beat by muted streamHoly shit mint just gratuate permanently
>>94867742Her thumbnails are always so shit why didn't she just copy Gura's
it smells like seethe in here
>>94866779SEA are man united fans and they lost against Crystal Palace 0-2
>>94867412There is always time to dunk on mongoloids!
>>94867742RIP numbers
>>94867780I love Minecraft streams and I hope they never stop making new servers when needed
>>94867751are chatting even real people? 120k vod views for a hours long mute stream with close to no recline is crazy
I would replace Koseki with Shondo in a heartbeat.
>>94867782Ehh Im not a biboo anti so I dont care about your schizo babble, she likes who she likes and some girls are more drawn to her than others.
>>94867751Churn from people tuning in the fucking off since she wasn't talking
>>94867847We know Nimitard
Let's Settle This Justice Vs Advent which gen is better
>>94867729Just leave Biboo out of your shitty rrats
>>94867782classic shitposter, not even a clipwatcher
>>94867082>as long as she don’t talk about homosShe tried to force homos onto Rissa. She can't be trusted
>>94867848>Phasekys ennacuck
>>94867905No Holo v Holo, retard.
>>94867905Nimi nightmare
>>94867885>inspect element
>do nothing>endless brown seethehappy sunday bros
i hate it when anons are trying to pretend to be sherlock holmes
>>94867905Shiori is basically Heaven's Door and Bad company combined. Advent clears
>>94867721she's the runt lol
>>94867905myth mogs them both combined
>>94867691>>94867782Mumei was the first Promise collab(and maybe the second after Mori ? ) for Biboo .
>>94867843yeah I can't wait for people lile Kaela and Pekora to instantly come and ruin it with giant souless farms everywhere to completely trivialize the game for everyone again
>>94868012Kaela already talked about her Minecraft streams.
>>94867905fuck off cunt autist
Shion looking extra cute today
>>94867984Yeah but like nothing since really, doesnt seem like they vibed I guess, aside from larger group collabs.
>>94867316Tbh, this makes me feel kinda bad for Biboo that Gura doesn't seem to have any interest in her whatsoever. It's nobody's fault either. Some people just don't vibe well with others. .
>>94868049No one watches Kaela.
>>94868012>>94868049>Kaela already talked about her Minecraft streams.And pretty much said "let the other girls build the farms, this one I'm just taking!" in a more convoluted and long form way
>>94867905>jap hiresvs>twitch whore hiresadvent mogs
>>94868055chu chu chu
We hate biboo here, next topic please
Is there a pekomari stream tomorrow? I wanna see migo vs pekomari gold battle.
>>94868117>Dimitri hires: idol kino>Omega hires: Mintoooooo I had another upsie on stream uuuu Mintooooo
>>94868137I want to lick
"Advent is the golden gen"In what metric? Myth literally mocks them>Moripretty successful in general and about to hold her 2nd sololive. she is also the chuuba YAGOO would entrust with the EN branch>KiaraHolotalk, World Tour, One Piece OP, tons of 3D lives and collabs>Inalots of ambassadorships. Advent doesn't even have an artist lmao>Gurabiggest EN vtuber who is about to drop her 2-year project>AmeAdvent will never organize something as kino as Spelling Beeso what gives
>>94867905Justice collabs with my Oshi Gura so them
>>94868081the Portal 2 collab was really funny
>>94868123NIGGA I just started watching her Cyberpunk vod minutes ago wtf
>>94868153and kiara
>>94868081>went from a l4d2 collab into 8 hours offline robloxdo you even watch any streams at all?
>>94868263Vshojo ruined her.
>>94868191Adventfags are incredibly insecure despite being raised with a silver spoon
>>94867751Like I always say, VOD views matter just as much as ccv. A lot of people, myself included, can't watch Raora's streams live because of work or other stuff, so we catch up on every VOD when we can.
>>94868263Welcome back from your coma
>>94868247I remember the roblox stuff, but she doesnt exactly bring her up during streams unlike some other girls, so I imagine they arent that close.
>>94868263Congrats on awakening from your comaAlso its all coco's fault
>>94868191>Myth boomer taking shitposting seriousClassic
Gura and Biboo have incompatible personalities and sense of humor, they should never collab
Myth showed me EN vtubing could be fun.Advent showed me it could even be as good as JP vtubing.
>>94868354na they should collab but only with my cock
>>94868354If that dumb whore Fauna can get along with Gura despite Fauna being a horrible person then Biboo can get along fine with Gura because she's a good person
>>94868304Damn, her real voice was coming out for a bit.
>>94868191Correct, they can’t compete, because when people say Golden Gen what that really mean is FWMC, and they can’t beat a whole gen solo
>>94868354Gura and Biboo should have sex with me, the own me sex.
>>94868396>Biboo can try to get along fine with Gura because she's a leechSame reason why Gura won’t try to get along with her
>gura plays poppy playtime 3 on release>gets big number>poppy 4 release>other ENs jump on that shitThey're all numberfags
>>94868409she isn't faking it
>>94868467Fauna was the actual leech, pretending she gives a shit about Gura when all she did was want her numbers. It worked too because she inclined after SNOT
>>94867663everyone in japan is "right wing" compared to westerners, but by local standards of course they're notthey're media-obsessed young womenbut a few of the girls have made a point of rejecting some globohomo type shit in a way that would infuriate americans if they could understandlearn japanese and find out who!(it's the most popular ones)gura's the only en who ever says anything "based" and knows she's doing itkobo is the least american-brained id girlpattern?
>>94867316Pebbles please tell she doesn't laugh like that anymore
>>94868470Poppy Playtime 4 doesn't seem like a huge buff. Even Kobo isn't getting great numbers with it.
>>94868517cunny good got it
>>94867663The only Holo with wings are Lui and Rissa, but they have two wings
>>94868409>real voicewhy are tourists here ?
>>94868409meanwhile Gigi real voice is literally old woman
>>94868495Ok shitposter-kun.
>>94868571Yeah I'm noticing that. Reviews are pretty mixed.
>>94868591did you forget about our unicorn princess kanataso
My thoughts on thisHere's the text!Elizabeth Rose Blood Flame is shaking things up by collabing with HOLOSTARS while other HoloGirls keep their distance. Some fans love her gutsy moves and fresh energy, while others think she’s breaking tradition and it’s a bad idea. Whether you’re for or against it, you can’t deny she’s keeping the VTuber scene interesting.
>>94868604Anon, vtubers very often change the way they speak in their vtuber form to better fit whatever character they want. If you weren't a tourist you'd know this.
kys BVTMgroids
>>94868604I dont even know what this means, you could literally hear her "real voice" during the JP trip when she came into Shioris hotel room as she was streaming.
>>94867663mococo would grow her right wing but shes a bit underdeveloped so shes still got no wings fuwawa got her left wing and LORD perocchiiiiiinoooo got 2 wings
>>94866974It's already proved she is not autistic, she is malicious. She should be transferred to homostars or kick her out and disband the homo branches.
>>94868604Really? You think she walks around and talks like that?
>>94868735Pero has two right wings based on what he thinks about women
>>94868669i saw her doxxed picture too soon and I cant get that face out of my brain everytime I see her rig
>le real voicewe are being raided by fucking retards here
>>94868812when have they ever been smart
>>94868768Like what...are you just remembering her laugh and pretending she talks in that pitch?
>>94865864Kronii proved you can get clean by not interacting with homos and increasing parasociality 50%
>>94868622do people really use their morning voice as their daily voice?
>>94867633you know why she is so desperate to leech the tapir
>>94868191"Golden Gen" posts are just shitposts and (You) farming bait, same as "First Army".
Hey guys, I've been away for a few days. Time to catch up on some 20k floor nimi streams...
>>94868812>le doxxfags tooTruly a thread full of winners.
>>94868805shitposter-kun read this Digging for doxx of VTubers? That’s seriously messed up. Some people can't respect boundaries and privacy, which can lead to real harm. It’s one thing to enjoy their content, but trying to unmask them crosses a line. We need to remember VTubers are real people behind those avatars and deserve their privacy. Let’s keep the scene fun and respectful, and stop the invasive doxxing behavior
>>OPJANUARY VIEW/TIME RANKINGS See the picture for the numbers. Just look at the big table on top for the quickest results; or the one on the bottom for individual ranks.>If you want a quick summary, there is a lot of fluctuation inside the categories this month, but in general most categories are stagnant, fluctuating according to events. In general the #shorts vertical lives are getting kinda low ccv but good views; and there has been some shameless episodes of botting.>I’m using the metric (vod) views/time because it seems to be the best metric we can use for comparisons.>There’s no way to calculate direct hours watched without having access to data analytics from inside each channel owner or bullshitting it; simply counting total views doesn’t take into account how much did they stream to get there (and they usually count small skits and music videos as well); and live viewers (on youtube) are very buggy and cut off a significant portion of that real number (for example, comparison between Miko’s twitch and youtube minecraft streams seem to indicate that 35% of her yt live viewers numbers are hidden [read the OP or the whole thread >>2253454 for anons discussion on the possible reasons for it) (not to mention that twitch max live viewers are constantly influenced by twitch raids coming from other channels). Or see this <span class="deadlink">>>17329929 for mori-mousey split pov numbers.</span>>Reading and trying to compare all those ratios for each hour length would have been a pain, so that’s why I’ve already made the ranking tables, with ranks for inside each time length.>The longer the stream time, the fewer vtubers that had any videos available to calculate.>Never compare general view/time ratios of streamers who have very different stream duration averages - that’s why I just don`t rank those anymore, since people are too dumb.>Only compare data (or ranks) from the same time length.>For combining those ranges from each time length, i inverted each position into a fraction (position/total), calculated the average of all available time-length fractions for each streamer, and then compared those resulting numbers: the smaller your fraction is, it means the higher yours positions were, so you rank higher.>You can see a practical example (from may) here: >>4423534.>Video types like short skits, short amvs/covers/original songs, watchalongs, members-only, sc-only, or deleted were not included for the calculations.>Videos analyzed for 'this month' are from the time period of 31-12-24 to 31-01-25 (~00:00 jst)>You can see the biggest individual growth fluctuations with those vtubers who had some huge special stream (like 3ds, costumes, returns, tournaments).>They can be big rises if the special vids happened on this month; or big falls if the special vids occurred on last month.>On those cases you can see % change of one specific time length way superior than the rest for that vtuber.>Collecting all this data was a whole lot of work, so no promises that I’ll be doing this again, or as big of a list. And im getting tired of adding all the new debuting midgets. >I don’t think I missed anyone too big, I left out the smaller nijisanjis, or holostars or whoever else because I don’t have the time to include them all - but I did include a few smaller ones just out of curiosity.>Expect the list of checked vtubers to be cut by a good number on the next month.>And no "now im suddenly a vtuber" trendhoppers were included either. >If you think I left out someone relevant you can try convincing me to do their numbers as well, although if they are too small I’ll just tell you to fuck off. Or you can just calculate it yourself and post it here, not too hard. >I didnt proofread this, if something mentions september is because i forgot to update the text or pic. >i think on last thread someone asked if i would update those names. Definitely not for this month version, as it will likely mess with some formulas. Give me a full list of those names youd like changed and ill see what i can do for next time. Short lists will be ignored. >do not repost cutouts of this without the full source.>i will reply to myself with that top vtubers history pic
>>94868854I remember cringing every time I hear her speak.
>>94868826I can hear her voice echoing in my head
>>94868919These things are ugly and not cute
>>94868874autistic liggers. pls understand.
>Anons about to have a melty because they're finding out vtubers often fake or slightly alter their voices It's like telling kids that Santa isn't real....
>>94868922K faggot.
>30 sec rm clip = real voice>1000 hours + with the same voice = fakethe state of retards...
>>94868902me again, and here's the vtubers ranks history, updated. This one is not supposed to be perfect especially for the past years having worse sources, but it gives a good indication I guess. As usual the 0h and 1h were filled with events and special streams. The koreans remain out of twitch now, while there are sometimes a few rare lives and vods they upload on youtube that i can use. Ive deleted a few shitters from the list. With so many strong events this month, so usual hard hitters got pushed way down. ENs seem pretty fucking buffed, even if not counting gura. Nimis total views also seem low for her ccv - before her redebut she already was kinda like that, but it seems to have gotten worse.As things of interest:- shigure had her best position in a year- watame had her best position ever- chloe had her best position in years- laplus had her best position in a year- kagami had his best position in a year- calliope had her best position in a year- cecilia had her best position in a yearprevious original receipts posts >>79756763 81989530 84268876 86550661 88676348 90736541 >>92809857more receipts belowAnd no, ennacuck’s (this retard >>79288266) infrequent cheap-sabotage botting wont be included for obvious reasons. watch for the tranny samefag spamming replies as keyword abcd555592886703 92957186 yet another episode of kuzuha having 18k ccv but with the chat speed of a 3view94097405 94097485 kuzuhas bottted 40k ccv with shit chat speed; the 5k tourists who hopped in actually chatted94509482 a holo vs a niji playing the same path of exile game, at the same time, close time lengths, with 60% of he supposed ccv but 2% of the chatters
>>94868517Kobo is mere conservative but not the typical chud you see /here/She's against same sex relationship, but that's it, she's socially right wing but politically left. She hates someone like Trump (current Indonesian president is similar, basically the hero of Indo chuds), she sympathized with protest against the govt trying to bypass constitution a few months ago through her alt account. And so did Risu.Don't know what to call that from american politics perspective, but it's normal for Indonesian to have different social and political spectrum.
>>94868989>Nimis total views also seem low for her ccv - before her redebut she already was kinda like that, but it seems to have gotten worse.Well yeah because she's botted
>>94869032kys ennacuck
fuck off doxxfags
muh numbers in the /#/??
>>94868989Channel with unculled CCV and same views will obviously have a worse ratio, no?
>/pol/shitThis is all so tiresome.
>>94868944>stream 1200 hours in 2024>no issue with her voice
>>94869070this is hololive global 2 sir
>>94869091most likely, i dont work on pajeetube though
>>94868892this isnt redditno need to press enter twice
>OH NO NO NO NO NINTENDOTOMOS!YOUR OSHI IS GETTING MOGGED BY CENTRAL AMERICAN PEASANTS!Truth be told this at very least debunks one premise people throw around very often>japanese companies won't sue abroadWinning a baseless case like that tho, that's another story
>>94868989Cool thanks chartanon
>>94869122Hey man, keeping up a voice for extremely long periods of time without breaking is an art form. There is absolutely no shame in it.
>>94869181no need to press enter at the first place
>>94869053I'm not ennacuck, you can't tell me her numbers are normal. She would stream for 5 hours with 10k and still get less vod views than someone streaming 5 hours with 6k. It's because her numbers were never real and that's why she never got real sponsorships like with hyte
Why is cece like this
>>94869133I wish
>>94869232This reminds me of how Delta (airline) sued Delta (bathroom fixtures company) over having the same name and lost.
>>94869232im glad to hear, fuck those assholes
>No indecent fish photosShit thread
Jocat just made things more toxic in the vtubing community, so much for being a guy that enjoys things when they are more healthy
>>94869279What am I supposed to see here Nimipag?
>>94869232Good. Fuck nintentoddlers
>>94869264I still think her old model and voice were better
>>94869325He did the same thing with DnD and liking attractive girls
>>94869269one explanation for low vod views right when the stream ends is high viewer retention but low algorithmic influence. few will randomly join but those that do stay
>>94868989>>94868902Thank you for the numbers Anon o7
>>94869325What do you mean? This will not be the first nor the last guy that wants V-Tubers to be like the Twitch whores he jacks himself to.
>>94869269that explains why management told her to fuck off when she demanded more money. utterly worthless shitter.
If you hate the abyssgards you hate vtubing as a concept I'm sorry
>>94869279Gura paid for that thumbnail despite it being for a stupid bitch, while the thumbnail made for the bomb collab was free because people actually like CC and Gura
>>94869264idgi it sounds the same
>>94868902where is ERB Reine and Iofi?
>>94869443Yeah same laugh and all
>>94869279>faggot is so assmad that xe made a comparision imglol
>>94869386Yep, worthless botted whore who brought no value to EN. One of the few things management did right. Glad the dead weight is fucking gone.
>>94869443you can tell it's her but the voice she uses now is too cartoony for my taste
>>94869443It's not as high pitched
Biboo's manager already told her to be careful with her laugh in public.
>>94869534Now promise can finally start to thrive. 2025 will be the year they finally stop being the laughing stock of the vtubing industry.
>>94865568Kiara is a cunt
>>94869427i don't hate them, i think they are very based and represent everything that idol vtubers should bethat said, their usual content is boring and their constant high energy annoys me after listening to them for 5 minutes, i simply can't stand watching them.
Why are doxxliggers so angy today too?
>>94869279saptrannies, every time.
>>94869249I saw pippa from phase talking about how impressive it is that luna has kept her kayfabe up for years
>NIJISANJI (blackberry) VS. HOLOLIVE (iPhone)WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON?(Holobros will say they can even win!)They don't even have Copy and Paste, lol!
>>94869640They need to catch some sleep, they have to get to work in the pagpag mines in the morning
>>94866944>Magni and Vesper>Idol culture is when you quit over too much workG-Guys I think I'm an Idol....Suki ni natte...motto...
>>94867751Raora's timeslot is really bad for NA so they watch her vods when they can.
>>94869612Hololive keeps winning, shitposting in /vt/ is the only thing they can do
>>94867663Kill yourself
Waiting rooms for the shark's collab look very grim.
Mori put her call in stream right in the middle of overlap hell who does she think is going to join?
>>94869582>lose their only active 10k streamer>moom is a ghost>Now promise can finally start to thrive
Why... won't... anyone... watch... dubai...
CC frame is up. Get ready gentlemen for some numbers.
>>94869748Those no streaming?
Shion gave up with trying to throw the cup into the other cup.
>>94869579she should be more careful about her size instead
>>94869771>shark 15k>cecilia 5-10k
>>94869579Because it's easily recognizable or what?
>>OP>*record scratch*>*freeze frame*>Yup, that's me>You're probably wondering how I got into this situation
>>94869232>Nintendo Lawyers actually thought that they had a chance of winning thisI looked it up at the store name is Super (market) Mario (owner) is not even remotely related to Nintendo. I hope someone got fired for this.
>>94869748Biboo I would assume, but shes going to stream for at least 5 hours.
When's ruze next stream?
>>94869579Name some other things that never happened anon
>>94869771I'm gonna lowball a little.Gura - 20k, Cecilia - 5k, Bijou - 4 to 4.5k
>>94869878Gura Biboo collab
>>94869612FWMC had the most successful EN 3D live in years and proved once more that idolchads really do run this hobby
>>94869904Thats insane lowball for biboo on an fotm, even with gura overlap.
>>94869660Corpos are BlackberryIndies are iPhone
>>94869958FWMC is JP with a lot of EN fans, what the fuck are you talking about? on saplings? They seem a little violent
>>94869768You don't watch dubai. You shame other people on twitter for not watching dubai and never watch them yourself.
>>94869971The thing about having low expectations is that I will either be on tone or pleasantly surprised.I wish Bijou the best, but the overlap isn't in her favour.
>>94869958This just proves that the westoid audience is utterly worthless. EN5 should be 5 Japanese girls who can speak English to an acceptable level, but mainly stream for the Japanese audience.
>>94869985you are insane to think that Biboo can get 5view againsts two other EN first army
>>94870013Here is a compilation I made, enjoy
EUfag here, I'm staying up tonight to support Biboo.
>>94870029Dont know what you mean, when the last one was 9k and it was just bloodborne number 3 or 4, and this is fotm.