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File: 1.26 MB, 2552x3500, E86P44eVEAMtt28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9460024 No.9460024 [Reply] [Original]

Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective
Last thread: >>9437896

>> No.9460032
File: 591 KB, 2233x2048, E-rAKduUcAo1Ayb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9461322

This week's schedule, once more: What are you looking forward to most?
What's your favourite stream prop she's used?

>> No.9461026
File: 106 KB, 750x1334, ame made this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame made this :D

>> No.9461053

Schizos not welcome

>> No.9461058

That is a kyut ame.

>> No.9461067

I love her glasses

>> No.9461271
File: 85 KB, 542x781, E7s1gTTVgAIrMFK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9461423

>> No.9461322
File: 411 KB, 1500x2000, kyute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favorite stream prop she's used?
Do her glasses count? Because I really like her glasses. If not then the steering wheel gif she uses from time to time.

>> No.9461336
File: 98 KB, 1440x960, everyday-sourdough-bread-on-cutting-board-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9461423

Thought maybe the stethoscope was one of those breast milk pumps moms use. Imagine...

>> No.9461426


>> No.9461509
Quoted by: >>9462019

I hope Ame treats GTA like Oblivion a little and goes off to just do random shit in the game instead of just the main story. That driving recklessly at the beginning was great and though the game doesn't really have sidequests like in Oblivion, it'll still be fun to see her do all the other fun mini games the game has to offer.

>> No.9462019
Quoted by: >>9462102 >>9462131

Ame pulling a Mori asking for permissions directly.
It does have sidequests though. I’d like to see her do the Episilon Program, but you can’t start it unless you know exactly what you need to do to start it.

>> No.9462102
Quoted by: >>9462284

what's so special about psychonauts anyways?

>> No.9462131
Quoted by: >>9462848

Good. I'd be hilarious if she actually got it that way. Management is retarded.

>> No.9462155
Quoted by: >>9462530

Thanks for the feedback lol

>> No.9462196

God damn it ame we were just getting over that timeloop

>> No.9462284
Quoted by: >>9462414

No idea. I wish she’d play Crash instead. Preferably the remakes though, not Crash 4.

>> No.9462414

The remakes would be nice to see her play but she seems to want to play a game that was supposed to come out five years ago.

>> No.9462530


>> No.9462650
File: 155 KB, 413x382, BDA51703-EC14-4BAB-BD09-983529608C22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9462665


>> No.9462797
File: 297 KB, 380x698, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9462863

The contrast between these two thumbnails made me chuckle

>> No.9462848

A properly run company should be scanning games for kino and proactively looking for permissions for all their talents instead of just fucking getting requests from the girls. It could become part of their competitive moat, "We have all these permissions so we have the best streams."

>> No.9462863
Quoted by: >>9463043

Clipniggers who put ads and monetize their clips are another level of scum

>> No.9462951

They are, but they’re focusing on all the Japanese companies first.

>> No.9463000
Quoted by: >>9463121

>A properly run company
Name me one in the whole world anon...

>> No.9463010

A properly run company wouldn't be a bunch of jap retards who think everything has to be done by fax for some godforsaken reason other than 'muh tradition'

>> No.9463027
Quoted by: >>9463107

>being proactive
>Japanese company
The only way you can fix this issue is to open a proper EN office in like America or somewhere and let the staff there manage the girls.

>> No.9463043

At first I didn't mind clippers but then the more I saw the more sick of them I became. Shout out to the mifu mifu guy putting timestamps on ame's videos though.

>> No.9463050
Quoted by: >>9463119

My torrent is stuck on 98%...

That probably will still work and just fuck up the credits right?

Also did Ame say something on chat? It seemed like teamates were answering her

>> No.9463107

Haha, just like Sony did... right?

They're doing great... right? Sony... Sony please i don't want to be a tranny

>> No.9463119

Something about asking for Xbox's twitter account then talked about why she picked Code 46

>> No.9463121
Quoted by: >>9463250


>> No.9463138
Quoted by: >>9463293 >>9463324

>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN
>i picked this movie because i got a bladerunner article recommended to me and it said this movie was like blade runner!

>> No.9463250
Quoted by: >>9463423

Weren't a bunch of employees dying of Covid?

>> No.9463293

>this movie was like blade runner!
What does this mean? Are we all going to Gosling?

>> No.9463324
File: 70 KB, 747x239, Screenshot (322).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least it's just 90 minutes, i already took my meds and i'm dozing off

>> No.9463423

Name a single large company operating during the wuflu shitshow where this haven't happened.

>> No.9463488
File: 7 KB, 356x50, 1631155403193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brain hort

>> No.9463556


>> No.9463560

Not sleeping and staying hydrated will do that to ya.
t. insomniac

>> No.9463573

How long until the antis fuck off and find another target?

This shit is getting tiring

>> No.9463597

Should I concern

>> No.9463646
Quoted by: >>9463882 >>9464312

They'll cycle back to Mumei once real SEAnigger hours start. And then the cycle will turn eternal.

>> No.9463655
Quoted by: >>9463788

Relax, Ame drama consists of her streaming under an hour or dropping a game. While other Holo drama is about ecelebs, dox or money.

Just wait till Mori streams.

>> No.9463715

I’d say cancel the stream and get some sleep, but she wouldn’t get any sleep.

>> No.9463734
Quoted by: >>9463882

Maybe when Mori comes back in full force. They failed to find any shit that sticks to the Council girls and they got bored of Kiara.

>> No.9463788
Quoted by: >>9463858 >>9463882

It's hasn't been this bad in a while desu

I do think ame should just not reply to people like the second one today if they piss her off
The other one seemed like her bantzing

>> No.9463829

She should get some rest. Her schedules are always packed morning to night.

>> No.9463858
Quoted by: >>9463891 >>9463950

Ame should stick to shitting on chat in streams. Going full mad in comments just gives way too much anti-bait

>> No.9463882
Quoted by: >>9464312

Honestly, its kinda nice Ame is getting seanigs attention for now. Mumei was getting hit hard and even outside Hololive and Ame has made it clear she doesn't give a shit specially when its truly retarded stuff like dropping a game.

Fuck no lmao, this is nothing. Don't take this as an insult, but you must be new. This is fucking easy mode compared to what we've been seen before.

>> No.9463891

You mean the bantz kind right?

>> No.9463950

Is this why everyone of my friends thinks i'm assblasted all the time? Was i using "lol" wrong? I say it a lot as like a confirmation of "yeah cool" turns out it can mean anger what the fuck this explains a lot.

>> No.9464032

She's not allowed to say if she pirated it right

I swear she alluded to pirating one of the anime movies she did a watchalong of

>> No.9464085

She can't mention that which is why she suggests renting it on YouTube or trying to find a streaming service that has it

>> No.9464106

It's on netflix america.

>> No.9464130

Summer Wars, because she wanted to watch the sub

>> No.9464139

Bros I just realized we might see the movie theatre layout again.

>> No.9464185
Quoted by: >>9464236

Did Ame say anything about what other sci-fi movies we're gonna watch this month besides this one and Snowpiercer?

>> No.9464236
Quoted by: >>9464307

Not yet but I'm hoping she does watchalongs of classic sci-fi movies.

>> No.9464307

Star Trek 3 Wrath of Khan or bust.

>> No.9464312
File: 985 KB, 4096x3304, CEB82497-91FA-45B1-A5E2-A61944D8E0F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu i don’t really like mumei at all but i honestly don’t see any hate threads of her at all. it’s sad seeing people hate on your ooshi

>> No.9464352


>> No.9464377
Quoted by: >>9464728

>it’s sad seeing people hate on your ooshi
It is. There's only so much time in the day and spending it like that is a waste. I'd rather spend my time just enjoying, loving, and appreciating my oshi.
Speaking of which, Ame's live now.

>> No.9464378


>> No.9464429

you'll get over it. it's par for the course on this shithole of a board

>> No.9464450
Quoted by: >>9464467

Movie length? I got 1:33:12

>> No.9464452
Quoted by: >>9464912 >>9465868

>i honestly don’t see any hate threads of her at all
Basically every Mumei thread that isn't /who/ is an anti thread. There have been a lot of them.

>> No.9464467


>> No.9464510

There's a rare sight, her casual outfit's coat
Fuck she's so gorgeous...

>> No.9464521
Quoted by: >>9464576


>> No.9464529
Quoted by: >>9464912

I don't particularly go around looking for hate threads but she was getting pretty hated on right before they focused on Ame.

The thing about seanigs is that they don't really hate Ame or any of the girls (Eggs DO hate Kiara tho) they just like to stir shit up and get (You)s or even better a ban. They latch on to anything that gets reactions. Getting angry at Ame dropping a game or making one comment is retarded so the logical thing is to respond with "shut up retard" but THATS what they want so they intentionally say retarded stuff to get that "shut up retard".

>> No.9464576
Quoted by: >>9464597 >>9464622

Shes cold, but she can cuddle with me if shes too cold.

>> No.9464597
Quoted by: >>9464622

I actually, honestly wrote this

>> No.9464617
Quoted by: >>9464665 >>9464684

if it's recommending her that on chrome, she must look up blade runner stuff all the time.

>> No.9464622


This is me btw, just making it clear.

>> No.9464653

>Cloning fetish confirmed

>> No.9464665

She gets off to Goslings.

>> No.9464684

You don't need that anymore, just talk about it and the phone picks it up.

>> No.9464709

If you think about it, with all the different Ames from different timelines it's like there's clones of Ames out there

>> No.9464728
File: 26 KB, 363x387, B91AD16A-F9D2-4B97-A358-831D7136E07C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9464806 >>9465868

last thing i’ll say on this whole thing is just i get it if people don’t really like when she’s bitchy (she’s probably pmsing or just had a rough day) but it’s another thing to dedicate whole threads to hating her (even invading positive ame threads spreading hate)

last last thing is i absolutely hate mumei’s design and dislike her but i won’t spread my negativity to other threads (and i won’t talk about it anymore here either)

>> No.9464747


>> No.9464753
Quoted by: >>9464852


>> No.9464768
File: 199 KB, 629x809, amexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9464806
Quoted by: >>9464965

Well said.
Now let's enjoy a movie with Ame.

>> No.9464816
File: 81 KB, 555x212, 1629622083066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9464828
Quoted by: >>9465347 >>9465868

Mumei is my second favorite EN behind Ame. It literally is just a bunch of retarded discordfags trying to push dead rrats at this point. It's way more annoying than threatening.

>> No.9464852

That word is forever burned in my memory.

>> No.9464906

God she said sunny side up egg again, you bros have no idea what it does to me when she says sunny side up egg. It's like my dicks fucking sleeper agent activation code. Every time she says sunny side up egg I get literal chills holy SHIT what is wrong with me.

>> No.9464912

>i don’t go looking for hate threads

yeah i don’t either i just sort by catalog to get to threads i’m actually interested in but i see anti ame threads pretty much everywhere

i’m honestly kinda surprised that any thread that isn’t a /who/ thread is usually a hate thread. i mostly only see ame hate threads as explained above

>> No.9464941
Quoted by: >>9464978 >>9465225

That's... interesting, anon

>> No.9464965
File: 682 KB, 555x651, DB986780-B383-4D4C-8CB2-A91CD4566F89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers and here’s to the movie

>> No.9464968
Quoted by: >>9465225

I don't know what's wrong with you but that was a funny post kek.

>> No.9464978
Quoted by: >>9465116

What compels you to type like a faggot? Go back.

>> No.9464997

not available in my region, fuck i didn't run a deep check on that

>> No.9465036
Quoted by: >>9465868

There aren't any now because the hateful people have turrned their focus to Ame temporarily, but there have been for a while. "Mumei is leeching Gura", before that "Mumei is boring how did she get in", before that doxx shit, etc

>> No.9465081
Quoted by: >>9465164 >>9465225

eh this isn’t as bad as the thread about someone fucking a fish so cheers to sunny side up eggs

>> No.9465114

>I already don't wanna watch it anymore

>> No.9465116
Quoted by: >>9465241

Why... do you.... have to be...... such a combative......... faggot..........

>> No.9465123
Quoted by: >>9465181

>starts with infodump
It's gonna be shit, isn't it?

>> No.9465161
File: 1.77 MB, 2908x3958, 1608975586751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a shitty movie and not even Ame could save me from the boredom of it. I'm gonna have to skip this one bros, gonna catch up on some VODs instead.

>> No.9465164
Quoted by: >>9465499

sauce? I thought nothing could top the wamehole

>> No.9465181

Feels that way.
There's stuff about like DNA or clones or whatever?

>> No.9465206

Geez, if you can tell a movie is shit from the first 3 minutes, it must be really shit

>> No.9465225
Quoted by: >>9465315

She said it in an asmr voice during her first 3d karaoke (or maybe it was the dance stream?) and I think that's when it started for me.

>> No.9465241

Go back.

>> No.9465296

I'm just gonna listen to ame talk about the movie while I play some games. The little I've heard about this movie makes it sound pretty awful, but I wouldn't dare miss a moment of Ame speaking.

>> No.9465315

lmao I actually remember her saying that

>> No.9465332
Quoted by: >>9465368

>which one am I? in this film?
>and which on'es you guys?
What did she mean by this

>> No.9465333
Quoted by: >>9465414 >>9465444

I think I'll just play a game and listen to Ame in background, fuck that movie.

>> No.9465347
Quoted by: >>9465868

i checked out mumei and that’s some good shit anon. i’m not a mumei anti anymore

>> No.9465368

She knows we Gosling for her, shes just teasing us.

>> No.9465414
Quoted by: >>9465624

I gotta be honest I'm already not feeling this either, I'll probably do the same but still listen to the movie and Ame

>> No.9465444
Quoted by: >>9465624

It hasn’t even been 10 minutes yet anon

>> No.9465460
File: 796 KB, 2500x2500, E-lpP-0VEAUMrcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9465505

I think I'll also pass on this movie. I will catch the bee movie when it's time for that.

>> No.9465485

i'm sorry ame my movie lagged... i can't keep watching the movie but only because it lagged and not because its boring...

>> No.9465499
File: 347 KB, 1112x2048, 86A4FF43-BCB2-44C6-BAB0-5B3220BC7DB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9465577 >>9465872

>the wamehole
anon i implore you to share your knowledge of that

>> No.9465505

Is that fucking doraemon in the top right? What the hell.

>> No.9465529

I don't know about this movie, but at least Ame is being cute

>> No.9465541

>his hair is real, right?
Is that real?

>> No.9465577
File: 180 KB, 1024x867, Amehole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9467009

Thanks for the sauce
I'll show you the wamehole

>> No.9465611

Ame's freckles...

>> No.9465624 [SPOILER] 
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, 1604830378649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9465792

>It hasn’t even been 10 minutes yet anon
And I'm already [Tempted] to skip the movie.

>> No.9465653

>She can't hold a tone to save her life
>That one's not me, right?

>> No.9465701
File: 377 KB, 576x576, sug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie fucking sucks bros.... I don't understand half these fucking accents, and my shitty pirated stream doesn't have subtitles.

>> No.9465792
Quoted by: >>9466023

how do you play that game? I've tried playing it a bit but it feels like I'm not going anywhere in it.

>> No.9465811

Pretty sure it's just a visor beanie

>> No.9465837

Im kinda glad i didn't spend money on this one.

>> No.9465862

>I'm hungry~, my tummy hurts~
Worth it for this

>> No.9465868
Quoted by: >>9467050 >>9467157

I like Mumei and her only real issue is just not having much of a role other than being the very normal one in her gen but that might change once she finds something that defines her.

Doxx shit is retarded though and the only real reason any faggot pushes that shit is to flex that they know the Vtubers "true self"

>> No.9465872

Holy shit I remember reading this thread when it was only like 10 posts I had no idea it blew up into this Jesus christ

>> No.9465939

Ame wants to corrupt me!

>> No.9465947
Quoted by: >>9466008

guys, wtf is this movie

>> No.9465967

Would you guys go on an adventure with some girl you just met?

>> No.9466008
Quoted by: >>9466171

I have no fucking clue

>> No.9466023
File: 130 KB, 256x256, 1620754212185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9473098

Actions: Work, Dream, Study, Explore, Talk
Auto actions: Passage of time (requires 1 funds periodically or you starve, get sick and die)
Resources: Health, Funds, Reason, Passion

You basically work a job to get money with either health, reason or passion (depends on a job) then you explore places to get books (and lore from them), talk about occult, form a cult, recruit followers, perform rituals etc.

I failed 2 times then I figured it out with help of wikia.

>> No.9466057

>I was interested in skeletons, not underwear
This dude a Deadbeat?

>> No.9466147

Ame's giggles are nice at least

>> No.9466171

I'm laughing hard at this shit. It's so weird

>> No.9466205

I live for the cute li'l noises Ame makes after hiccupping

>> No.9466211

I guess I'm missing the flashing lights scene in my version.

>> No.9466235

>it's REAL?

>> No.9466240

why does amelia hates her audience?

>> No.9466294

I hope nobody actually payed money for this movie.

>> No.9466405
File: 135 KB, 304x405, 1603941808849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9466461

3 sex scenes on the second half

>> No.9466420

>This movie's kinda cringe~
Holy based

>> No.9466461
File: 77 KB, 480x473, CBB7C3D6-B88E-4CC3-8DEE-231BA81B070B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9466494

Code 46? More like Code 86 this movie cause it sucks

>> No.9466555

Did she pick this movie herself or was it recommended?

>> No.9466575

Is this the first movie that Ame blatantly dislikes
Because holy shit my sides

>> No.9466594
Quoted by: >>9466642

Some random article that piqued her interest had it on a list.

>> No.9466593
File: 71 KB, 662x576, 1604628509129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking priceless

>> No.9466608
Quoted by: >>9466642

She saw it in a shitty clickbait article

>> No.9466622

is the whole movie about people wanting to fuck their clones

>> No.9466625
Quoted by: >>9466642

It was recommended to her, apparently it was similar to Blade Runner

>> No.9466642

That would be a good education for Ame to check IMDB rating. You can trust anything below 7 to be absolute dogshit.

>> No.9466681

Meh, who gives a shit, I'm just watching a movie with Ame.

>> No.9466726

>trusting ratings

>> No.9466795

The best movies to watch with friends are the ones that are so bad they're embarrassing. The best laughs of my life

>> No.9466871

Okay Ame giggles makes it a lot better.

>> No.9466900
File: 198 KB, 828x828, 1616037856901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9466931

I fucking LOVE this, not because of the movie, the movie fucking sucks, but because of Ame dunking on this movie
Her giggles are so fucking good man

>> No.9466931

i'm loving this watchalong

>> No.9466953
Quoted by: >>9466973

That laugh legitimately made my heart hurt bros

>> No.9466973

I'll clip it as soon as I can

>> No.9467009
File: 645 KB, 1264x711, C9FB3BA1-F391-4F91-96E3-F25A48274C00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfaoo thanks for posting

>> No.9467050

yeah they are scary. i really wanna become a vtuber myself but i’m scared of the doxxers lol

>> No.9467157

Not to turn this into /who/ but I get thinking she doesn't have much of a role yet but I think that's part of the draw for me. You can see marked improvement in her every stream and it's fun to watch that growth. She'll definitely come into her own eventually and I look forward to that day. Right now she's kinda the little sister character for the entirety of gen2.

>> No.9467164

This movie is a comedy

>> No.9467175

Ah I get it now they are just mixing languages on the fly because its the future or something.

>> No.9467219
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, 1622328130837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These FUCKING giggles, holy shit

>> No.9467221

Movie is shit but the ame giggling is peak content

>> No.9467264
Quoted by: >>9467322 >>9467346

Is that the same actor who plays Wong in Dr Strange?

>> No.9467273
File: 136 KB, 421x366, 1624069298877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im didnt even have intentions of seeing this watchalong but im tuning in just because ame is so fucking adorable when she giggles

>> No.9467313
File: 72 KB, 588x424, D445B9C6-44FD-44C1-82FE-384306871E7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please clip ames laugh

>> No.9467322

Seems it's him, yup

>> No.9467346

Funnily enough, his name is actually Benedict Wong

>> No.9467390
Quoted by: >>9467486 >>9467678

I wonder if we can get her to watch Plan 9 from Outer Space. that movie is a legit comedy with how bad it is.

>> No.9467442
Quoted by: >>9467531 >>9467654

So English, Spanish, French, and Chinese, any other languages?

>> No.9467486

The granddaddy of all so-bad-its-good movies.

>> No.9467509

Ame needs to consider taking some Xanax. She'd finally sleep and probably sound funny as hell in the streams next day, due to residual benzos in the brain

>> No.9467531
Quoted by: >>9467562 >>9467654

Wikipedia says it's a combination of "English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Italian, Farsi and Mandarin"

>> No.9467562


>> No.9467654

all spanish words are extremely mispronounced. I can tell you that

>> No.9467678

Pretty sure Ame has sad she doesn't like "so bad it's good" movies in the past. But this one might change her mind.

>> No.9467685

>I don't get why [Wile E Coyote] doesn't just buy a roadrunner
What the FUCK is this writing

>> No.9467698

Something something blood pressure, maybe ate too much salt

>> No.9467752

Wait what happened, why is Ame muted

>> No.9467785
Quoted by: >>9467813

Some faggot probably said "shh"

>> No.9467813
File: 7 KB, 341x55, 1611862476866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9467837

She saw a comment bitching about her being too loud so she took the bait

>> No.9467872

Fucking greynames

>> No.9467889

It's always the grey names

>> No.9467990

>I don't understand anything.
>I don't understand anything either.
That sounds about right

>> No.9468124

So the lady he fell in love with is a clone of his mother. Hes a mother fucker.

>> No.9468126

he ground pounded his own mom...

>> No.9468149

greynames are literally the worst of any fanbase.

>> No.9468320
Quoted by: >>9468417 >>9468590

Welp I'm stuck in China may as well fuck my mom clone again

>> No.9468408
Quoted by: >>9468712

I hope she asks for recommendations for the rest of the month. Or at least picks classic sci-fi movies.

>> No.9468415
File: 435 KB, 1780x2048, E-0Ocs-VkAoa6ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9468669

I know there's a movie going on (I think) but please look at this beautiful Ame.

>> No.9468417


>> No.9468566
Quoted by: >>9468651 >>9468785

Can I get a TLDR on the fucking plot. Please make it as dumb as as possible.

>> No.9468590

Shit like this is what ruins alot of cyberpunk dystopian sci-fi for me. Putting random sex scenes does not add anything to your setting or story.

>> No.9468651

dude has to go, but want to fuck

>> No.9468669
File: 37 KB, 622x308, 1626668163695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9468712

Logan's Run watchalong when?

>> No.9468747

I never watch any movie I just like to hear Ame

>> No.9468785

Humanity is cloning embryos to be invetro, cant have kids with someone who is genetically close, guy ends up finding and falling in love with a clone of his mother, now it seems like they are on the run.

>> No.9468841
Quoted by: >>9469020

Tim Robbins being in this reminds me that she still hasn't watched the Shawshank Redemption.

>> No.9468868

Man I sure do love watching softcore incest porn with my oshi Amelia Watson!

>> No.9468941

>Don't look~

>> No.9468984

These are some of the greatest Ame laughs to date, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.9468996

Jesus fuck, lmao Ame, good job with this watchalong.

>> No.9469020
Quoted by: >>9469066

Fuck that would be an amazing watchalong. Too bad we'll never get it.

>> No.9469056

Porn watchalong with my Oshi LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.9469060

>I blame my phone recommending my articles
>and the stupid person who recommended this article who said this was anything like Blade Runner

>> No.9469066
Quoted by: >>9469108

I may be wrong, but I think it narrowly lost the last poll wars. Could happen.

>> No.9469108

I feel like I remember seeing it during that stream so it might be possible at some point.

>> No.9469297

>what the fuck is this shitty fucking movie
>she says as she giggles
This watchalong has been a blessing, bros.

>> No.9469379
File: 135 KB, 800x800, 41B8D283-056D-4C9B-8A98-5F78D9DA79DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this watchalong is kino just because of how bad this fucking movie is kek

>> No.9469448

Finally a sex scene without incest.

>> No.9469521

Given Mori and Gura's Matrix watchalong and Ame's desire for Sci-fi September, she could give something like Dark City a try. Noir aesthetic, sleuthing, seems like it'd fit.

>> No.9469590

Man this is one of the best watchalongs. Worst movie best laughs

>> No.9469618

I loved this watchalong, i was laughing my ass off

>> No.9469628
Quoted by: >>9469704

The original Blade Runner lol

>> No.9469633

And I can't blame her

>> No.9469666

That was one of the worst movies i've ever seen, thank god Ame is so damn cute and her comments made it funny.

>> No.9469687

she should watch THX 1138 next

>> No.9469704
Quoted by: >>9469827 >>9470544

Equilibrium and Gattaca.

She already watched that one on preparation for 2049, she liked it but liked 2049 way more.

>> No.9469763

The story for the movie was shit, but the world had a base level of interesting to it. If only it wasn't a story about fucking a clone of your mother.

>> No.9469827

Well, shit. Blade Runner is the only noir type sci-fi I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.9469867

>this would've been perfect for my outfit reveal stream
>it's like a Pokemon song~
Didn't she use this one for her outfit reveal stream? It's a cute song though

>> No.9469870

Alita Battle Angel
Please no.

>> No.9470029
Quoted by: >>9470071 >>9470142

>She RMA'd her card
See, she does love you guys

>> No.9470071
File: 163 KB, 1000x1000, 1629929326829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9470108

Do you think Ame and her cute train autism knows that the entire Snowpiercer film is on a train?

>> No.9470142

Wow retards on here sperged about nothing again amazing

>> No.9470141

I just hope Snowpiercer is good.

>> No.9470185

>look at it~
>it's cute~
Box shaped car bros, we're in?

>> No.9470249

Just when I thought Ame couldn't get more perfect I find out she also likes stupid looking cars

>> No.9470271

>it's NOT real

>> No.9470322
File: 265 KB, 1000x1459, 1629874693953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ame sure does love stupid looking things, no wonder she loves us, teamates!

>> No.9470374
File: 74 KB, 850x1062, 1630333180221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>westworld, isn't that a show or something
It was a movie first Ame. I remember.

>> No.9470382
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x897, 1627779984851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9470541

Ame is so funny and adorable tonight

>> No.9470406

>"we could kiss"
>Smol Ame kisses Ame and she poses no resistance

>> No.9470440
File: 139 KB, 321x333, E8objpXVoAEvQ7W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The car twerks really fast

>> No.9470541
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 1617861505374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream was a goldmine of Ame giggles. I cannot wait for the vod so I can hear 'em again.

>> No.9470544

Something like Artificial Intelligence or Bicentennial Man would work too, though those are more dramas than cool action movies.

>> No.9470579
Quoted by: >>9470692

>I'm not gonna complain about how I feel to you guys anymore
Concernfags.... look at what you have done...

>> No.9470599
Quoted by: >>9470656

I love Amelia bros. I love her

>> No.9470656


>> No.9470692

no more tummy hort!?

>> No.9470719

We're looking pretty bueno today, lads.

>> No.9470770

>the movie feels like it's run through AI Dungeon
That actually makes a lot of sense

>> No.9470844

The mystery stream will be a 9/11 stream

>> No.9470905

9/11 truth documentary watch along with Ame.

>> No.9470913

Flight Simulator is a go!

>> No.9470943

The most fun films always have anywhere between 5.3-6.6 ratings though.

>> No.9470951

Seems members are allowed to rec movies

>> No.9470990

Ame knows it's (((them))) who were behind it.

>> No.9470989

you think she'll consider Plan 9 if i suggest it on her members post?

>> No.9471039

maybe. I'm gonna shoot for 2001: A space odyssey.

>> No.9471047
Quoted by: >>9471160

I'm going to be recommending Starship Troopers, personally.

>> No.9471053

Go for it

>> No.9471075
Quoted by: >>9471271 >>9472031

>2 watch alongs a week
How badly does Ame wish she could watch and react to random youtube videos like she used to?

>> No.9471160

Would actually watchalong with Ame if she watched that movie. It's really good.

>> No.9471212
Quoted by: >>9471271

I hope she remembers 12 monkeys.

>> No.9471242

Dredd is a good movie, fight me.

>> No.9471271
Quoted by: >>9471387

it's fun who cares

she's doing a members poll soon

>> No.9471273
Quoted by: >>9471316

which one?

>> No.9471302

Dredd is great and I think most people would agree

>> No.9471316
Quoted by: >>9471376

The one with Karl Urban.

>> No.9471323

Ame movie
What would an Ame movie be about?

>> No.9471369

I don't really know much sci-fi or watch much of it so I'll just hope you guys suggest some good stuff

>> No.9471376
Quoted by: >>9471451

I thought everyone thought that was the good one? The one with Stallone is the crappy one.

>> No.9471387
Quoted by: >>9471442

>she's doing a members poll soon

I'm not a member and even then it seems like a long shot, whatever she picks i hope she enjoys at least.

>> No.9471399
Quoted by: >>9471423

Whens she posting the community post?

>> No.9471423

Members post, probably after this stream I think

>> No.9471442

I'll post whatever people post here

>> No.9471445

Members Psycho Pass watchalong

>> No.9471451
Quoted by: >>9471539

It was bashed in reviews and only has a cult following now.

>> No.9471468

Is great.

>> No.9471539

I never knew that. Always liked since day one.

>> No.9471545
File: 861 KB, 1280x720, Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN - 【WATCHALONG】Sci-fi September_ CODE 46(2003) [GCslz-B_LrM - 1280x720 - 2h19m03s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the movie
Rate the watchalong

>> No.9471567

i miss you/10

>> No.9471586

I won't fight you, it was a fantastic film.

>> No.9471595
Quoted by: >>9471686

Theres a movie I want her to watch its kind of a horror scifi thats pretty shitty but it scared me as a kid

>> No.9471650
Quoted by: >>9471754

I was starting to concernfag about Ame after all the shitposting in the general, but this watchalong has renewed my faith in our adorable detective.

>> No.9471670

Movie: complete trash, hilariously bad
Stream: Nonstop blessed Ame giggles/10

>> No.9471686

say it on the member post might as well give it a shot.

>> No.9471726
Quoted by: >>9471923 >>9472030

I don't really watch movies so what are some actually good sci fi movies to suggest/vote on in the members poll

>> No.9471754

She shit on us the same way we shit on her, like two good friends. And it was always like this.
Don't let this board get to your head

>> No.9471786
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1229, 1604643573903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10. Hot garbage
1000/10. I extraño her already.

>> No.9471799
Quoted by: >>9471839 >>9471874

I REALLY want her to do a watchmaking of The Thing bros, I think it would be peak Ame

>> No.9471839

I would also like that

>> No.9471874
Quoted by: >>9471921 >>9471929

I just worry she wouldn't like it cause of THAT scene near the start

>> No.9471921

Oh right... she might get really turned off because of that

>> No.9471923

There's been several good suggestions in this thread already. Maybe look up their plot synopsis on IMDB or Wiki or something and pick the ones that seem interesting to you.

>> No.9471929
Quoted by: >>9471990

with the doggies?

>> No.9471936

Watched it last month, i had a blast.
Thank you guys for recommending it

>> No.9471990
Quoted by: >>9472089

Maybe i'm wrong and she'll stick it through
Great movie and gura had a really good watchalong of it

>> No.9472018

Alright, once streamable will let me, I'm gonna clip some of her giggles to share, so hold tight.
Because holy fucking shit, some of those were lethal.

>> No.9472030

Starship Troopers (Alien bugs commit a 9/11 so we go to space to kick their ass)
Robotcop (A cop gets his ass beat and he comes back as a robot)
Edge of Tomorrow (Groundhog Day but with Tom Cruise getting murdered by aliens)

>> No.9472031

Not as much as she hates Twitch faggotry that's for sure

>> No.9472053
Quoted by: >>9473232

Godspeed anon

>> No.9472071

*Robocop, my bad.

>> No.9472073

Starship troopers is a very good choice because its not exactly a 'good' movie but it is a very enjoyable movie.

>> No.9472080

Wow it had been years since I last rewatched the thing but I just rewatched the dog part and it is pretty brutal... maybe not that then haha

>> No.9472089

I think she'll stick through it especially if she sat through code 46.

>> No.9472114
Quoted by: >>9472207

How about Starship Troopers 2?

>> No.9472117
Quoted by: >>9473232

Bless you anon, you are performing the work of kings

>> No.9472126
File: 730 KB, 640x640, 1608469934141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not seeing cute Ames?

>> No.9472196
File: 133 KB, 840x1365, 1630765231671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9472326

Apologies, I usually am better about posting KYUT

>> No.9472207

uh.... at least it's better than 3

>> No.9472208
Quoted by: >>9472373 >>9473232

Thank you anon
I was going to give it a shot but I'm pretty tuckered out and forgot to write down a lot of the timestamps, but I'll drop this one here for anyone wanting to revisit it now because it was just the best

>> No.9472260
File: 2.25 MB, 842x1191, 1629149573249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I was busy replaying some of Ame's giggles from the watchalong

>> No.9472324
File: 2.03 MB, 4096x3558, 17e87a314e22628cdb189e12eebc4008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my cutest Ame.

>> No.9472326
File: 185 KB, 1265x900, B2C8C3A8-A3E8-4393-94A9-CFF630CCDDCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9472339
File: 499 KB, 1080x2160, ame vibrating at molecular level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh out of new ames.

>> No.9472350
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, E3IXaOOVoAAAdJI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got you covered, anon

>> No.9472373
File: 404 KB, 835x748, 1620518070804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one killed me

>> No.9472406
File: 2.46 MB, 1615x2122, 1629941945790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9472535
Quoted by: >>9472781

Giving Ame 10 more minutes for this community post

>> No.9472585
Quoted by: >>9472848 >>9472904

Hey, chumbud here, just wanted to say that whenever I hear her moon song I feel like I know what you guys feel. That girl next door vibe.

>> No.9472629
File: 891 KB, 1448x2048, E-jLxIrVUAMnCQn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9472698

Have a schizo Ame

>> No.9472698
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1624974383904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9473246

>ame using her time traveling powers to abuse you in every single possible way imaginable

>> No.9472778

Today was a good day

>> No.9472781
Quoted by: >>9472946

You actually expected her to remember something for more than 5 minutes?

>> No.9472789
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x800, 1612107058871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like Ame because her raging at chat means she actually cares, which is a rare and valuable commodity
>Greys wear her down to the point when she stops complaining and aims at just providing quality streaming entertainment
Sometimes I hate Greys so much I cannot sleep.

>> No.9472848
Quoted by: >>9473287

Her Moon Song does dangerous things to me
I enjoyed when Gura gave it a shot, I remember that she teared up midway

>> No.9472861

She is too sincere. I don't think she can hold back from telling us stuff.

>> No.9472902

Trust me, there won't be any major change in this regard. Don't worry.

>> No.9472903

In all likelyhood she'll be back to oversharing in a day or two. You should know how this works by now.

>> No.9472904

The GurAme edit will destroy you

>> No.9472946
File: 102 KB, 1242x1219, 07D37292-6AA0-4CE5-9F09-B72DE5D8CFFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe just this once

>> No.9473025
File: 824 KB, 2367x4096, 1630370851952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

member's post doko

>> No.9473098
File: 370 KB, 868x439, 1600427993894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaand fuck my run too, I guess!

>> No.9473232
File: 164 KB, 331x372, 1620271776795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Special delivery:
Enjoy, bros. These were the moments I timestamped as I watched and I knew I had to make clips when I could because again, Jesus fucking Christ, those giggles were wonderful.

>> No.9473234


>> No.9473246

Pretty sure there’s some fics like this already.

>> No.9473250
File: 609 KB, 2480x3458, 1630454783865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.9473287

Like gura's obviously but ame's is just better. Catched her 700k karaoke and really liked Mr.brightside because of it. Your oshi has good taste.

>> No.9473331

Thank you man

>> No.9473390
File: 98 KB, 827x1180, 1610697774423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you again. God, she's adorable.

>> No.9473448
File: 104 KB, 976x906, 1620038728891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ame to force dangerous liquids down my throat

>> No.9473452

retard she was just bullying. Listen more closely sometimes.

>> No.9473950
Quoted by: >>9474012

>see members post notification
She remembered!
>it’s from Ina

>> No.9474012
File: 652 KB, 4096x4096, s3xy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the first line and got really excited for a second. pain peko

>> No.9474271

Need to update this now
God damn she was adorable in the watchalong.
I'm glad she's feeling better and the autistic comments didn't get to her head too much

>> No.9474830

>She isn't gonna complain about how she feels anymore
How long this will last?

>> No.9475237

Wake me up inside

>> No.9475594

