I think this started off as one big lie. So let me explain. I think that some of the boys in the server were paying for the girls time and they would trade currency to be in discord calls with a few of them. OR pay to play videos games with them for a period of time. NOT A PROBLEM.. in my eyes that is.. But a huge lie started going around about a photo of one of the girls and ALL the girls went witch hunter on each other trying to find out where the leak came from. Maybe I am wrong or maybe I am grasping at straws again but I can't help but feel that the girls are distanced apart a little bit more this week. It was a lie and I can prove that the photo was a lie. Because there is no photo of said person. But it wasn't a mistake that they have favorites. I can pinpoint to all of Iceys favorites and tell if they are close. (example from 4 months ago when I was grinding in their fan server- I left 3 months ago) EX. A snowbearie plays overwatch... right? but here is the issue... this snowbearie never plays games and they chose overwatch? the very next week, Icey announces a overwatch members stream only... So I think they are dealing with a situation where they need to learn and separate everyone. Because it was getting to easy to pinpoint who their favorites are.. again... my hypothesis/theory. Could be completely wrong. but I can't help but feel that there is a huge key piece missing. just 1 piece somewhere I am missing. Not to mention they freaked out over a server that never existed. There never was a male discord server. But I wouldn't be surprised if there is now after they freaked out with the MC server and maros. Again.. could be schizo... yeah. probably completely schizo. I am probably way off. but yeah. Thats my theory. Not to mention I never noticed the vallure 4chan until 4 days ago. And I have never used 4chan before... so it was nice using this... so something is clearly happening behind the scenes. or Again... grasping straws. I just taking random guesses. okay