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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.94471218
File: 118 KB, 850x1063, GhiLLszcAAeR4t3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Twitch sites

>> No.94471221

God I love Doki

>> No.94471220

>how bitter the stars community was just kind of soured me from the branch as a whole.
As over as it was for the homos, any and all chances of success are instantly killed when most of your fanbase is made up of Nijiniggers and tourists.

>> No.94471266

>indie thread
/#/ lost

>> No.94471268

4.9/10 armpit

>> No.94471281
File: 170 KB, 739x1024, 1737947176486886m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94471663

Holofag walk of shame

>> No.94471290

>Indienogs are taking over because /#/ had so many fans of Holos who wanted to take the money and run instead of being idols
Fucking grim.

>> No.94471292
File: 45 KB, 455x674, 1738704784505133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94471747


>> No.94471324


>> No.94471328
File: 28 KB, 416x738, images (75).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94471437

En5 needs a gfe asmr whore

>> No.94471333

Kill yourself

>> No.94471347


>> No.94471353
Quoted by: >>94471484

>homostars dont know how to come off as likeable and charming to people outside of very deranged SEAfujos

>> No.94471365

At least use her previous model... this current one is shit

>> No.94471374

Exactly, you fucking retard

>> No.94471375
File: 144 KB, 809x1132, __usada_pekora_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_chiro_norishiro_michiro__9e7eb99a3a7e5b6bb8707c5c2ccf61f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Usada Pekora?

>> No.94471377
File: 3.35 MB, 700x796, peesa [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fym816x.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but Ame leaving hololive still hurts just as much as it did on the announcement

It still feels like she could come back and fit perfectly, to this day she is the only EN who left where it felt "wrong"

>> No.94471418

en will be so GRIM when you see the competition

>> No.94471429

im into indies too.. but honestly, this is the most hideous vtuber face ive ever seen.

>> No.94471437

But they also need to be korean

>> No.94471443
File: 313 KB, 2803x932, 1714429594698606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94471456

>Indie OP
See you guys next thread

>> No.94471470

>That chloe graduation stream viewership

>> No.94471478

and now she collabing with Vshojo and Ex- Nijis. As the saying/mentality goes "its always greener on the other side".

>> No.94471484
Quoted by: >>94471597

It's gotta be Astels autism. Going easy on women is not something he would do

>> No.94471490
File: 100 KB, 850x1202, GhiLLszcAAeR4t17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94471500

I, as the representative of numbers, declare /vt/ as the indie board. Holofags have to return to /jp/ now.

>> No.94471509

Based OP. Indies own /#/ now.

>> No.94471518


>> No.94471524

>its always greener on the other side
thats not the saying

>> No.94471538

I think you're kind of missing the point I was trying to make

>> No.94471552

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.94471555
File: 111 KB, 850x1023, GhiLLszcAAeR4t23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u

>> No.94471563
Quoted by: >>94474474

I was also a Tempus watcher but that Vesper-Altare drama felt like Nijishit and turned me off. Also Altare and Hakka bringing politics with their LGBT talks was terrible. I tried, I liked some streams but that branch is simply not for people that like Hololive

>> No.94471572

This but unironically

>> No.94471580

Holofags been getting ass blasted and their shit kicked in since Nimi debuted. Thanks You Based Tapir!!

>> No.94471584

honestly this doki/dooby collab is really fun and reminds me of classic hololive vibes

>> No.94471587

Now everyone can see how quickly the sapcucks turned and betrayed Hololive can we all admit they were cancer all along.

>> No.94471591

ugly ass design

>> No.94471594
File: 44 KB, 346x339, 1737332170882758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473944

yeah, i can somewhat deal with shitty content if the community was fun, but it wasnt. seemed like there was a witch hunt over a big name fan every other day, someone was crying because a homo didnt collab with their homo oshi so they couldn't make their fap fics etc. being a homostar fan is like walking on perpetual eggshells. its not easy to ignore either since every homostar chat has a clique. shit is bleak in that community if you or your oshi dont fall in line with their demands.

>> No.94471595

catbox status?

>> No.94471596

IRyS was always the secret agent undermining the homo agenda. /HiRyS/ complained with every Mori and Kronii collab, but she is 2/3 on converts. Bae is a lost cause presumably.

>> No.94471597

iirc Astel has directly stated in the past that he considers holding back as an insult and I think Miyabi was actually just good at the game so him holding back would be obvious. I don't know about the others.

>> No.94471635
File: 970 KB, 915x913, 1720887651631899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get these indie shitters and beggars stench out of my face. This is the big boys club.

>> No.94471643
File: 521 KB, 1280x720, Nimi Noises [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fal4ff4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works for me

>> No.94471663

>the shark

>> No.94471669
Quoted by: >>94472115

ah, SEAniggers have woken up, prepare for ESL posting galore. Guess I'm off for the night then

>> No.94471671

Oh Masturi ASMR and NePoLaBo collab today

>> No.94471680

EN thread retard, go back to /jp/ or 5chan bitch. This is Indie grounds now.

>> No.94471695
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>> No.94471698
File: 183 KB, 2048x1603, 1626542395886717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was foretold in the ancient # scriptures that this day would come but NOBODY listened. I hate you retards for ruining this thread with your newfaggotry. /#/ is dying? No, /#/ is DEAD.

>> No.94471705
File: 143 KB, 780x1024, 1730471793614392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94471798

We love big numbers here

>> No.94471730
Quoted by: >>94471797

wait mumei said she is leaving?

>> No.94471732

even as a ligger i find the way doki is going about collabing wit the ex holos a little off putting

>> No.94471747
File: 91 KB, 1420x155, 1737777690734134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94471795

Stop posting your Leeching 2k Shitter

>> No.94471754

>everyone lamenting on reddit and twitter about poor risu and how she deserves so much more support
>she's streaming right now to only 2k viewers

>> No.94471765

Uh oh nijinigger melty

>> No.94471771
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1710829006522822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only indies we like here are honorary Holo indies

>> No.94471774
File: 52 KB, 238x245, 1719865060704899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The indie brown screeches when confronted with real influence.

>> No.94471777

you come here everyday saying numbers is shit then leave, you didnt warn of anything

>> No.94471788

>This is Indie grounds now
these are*
we are truly in ESL shitposting territory now

>> No.94471791
Quoted by: >>94473018

>say no
>she tries to kill herself
>career is now ruined
its basically blackmail

>> No.94471790
File: 50 KB, 738x312, 127876276744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first ID are complaining about being poor and now even the EN girls are also talking about having to save money what's up?

>> No.94471795
Quoted by: >>94471958


>> No.94471797

Yeah, she's leaving to buy some stuff, you need anything?

>> No.94471798
Quoted by: >>94473983

Cover will hire doki and she will have her own statue

>> No.94471800
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>> No.94471804
File: 839 KB, 3000x3000, deletethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94471812

you do know shes actually obsessed with numbers right? the girl who cancelled a stream because she was being overlapped by an advent event?

>> No.94471819

So what's the release date for the Kronii game?

>> No.94471821
File: 185 KB, 1386x1939, GYBjCasb0AAc7ik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone else who left HoloEN intensely cut ties, or had a very clear chip on their shoulder
>dooby is essentially exactly the fucking same as Ame
>Her only real "indie freedom" moments were talking more about personal life and family on stream which is hilariously tame
>still just plays her usual shootan or karaoke, clearly had no major perms problems in Holo
>didn't even leap into male stream cocklust, only really collabed with the same girls she already liked in hololive

This is why Ame is THE ONLY SOLE PERSON I believe left Hololive for genuinely personal reasons. I just wish she could overcome whatever personal hangups she has.

>> No.94471830

Working, but if that anon was one of the peeps who actually works on catbox, I wouldn't be surprised if they just region banned Indos.

>> No.94471835
Quoted by: >>94471914


>> No.94471846

i told you holo pay worse than niji

>> No.94471847
File: 351 KB, 678x620, 1724019250338863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko sama...

>> No.94471854

No, we hate all indies, especially holo traitors.

>> No.94471858

Black company

>> No.94471861

Should've gatekept harder then you dumbass

>> No.94471866

>do yourself a favor and put your foot down HARD from day one and make an example out of these types, or damn all future gens as well as yourself to a fiery, hellish, self-sanctimonious death.
I still remember this anon.

>> No.94471891


>> No.94471898

>reminds me of classic hololive vibes
honestly, this is the main appeal of indies right now
they feel more like 2020/2021 holoEN in a lot of ways than current holoEN

>> No.94471907

>Collabs with homo
>raids ex nijiwhore
>sucks off the other ex nijwhore like they been BFF since childhood
nah senpai, every fucking day she does something that pushes her further away. 1 month from now, what else would she have done.

>> No.94471914


>> No.94471921
File: 489 KB, 1298x1170, fooXsIm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94471935
Quoted by: >>94472031

buddy, didn't you get the memo? we don't say niji- or phase- anymore

>> No.94471942
Quoted by: >>94472021

Go back to /MANS/

>> No.94471958
File: 508 KB, 597x624, 1737495772209910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Shiori moggs her on average

>> No.94471973

kek and then you have nimi who just made half a million in just a week if only the rest of holo girls knew just how good things were outside the box

>> No.94471974
Quoted by: >>94472060

The fuck are you talking about, Dooby has changed more than Nimi or Sakuna has. You haven’t watched either.

>> No.94471977

Hololive only grows stronger >:3

>> No.94471978
Quoted by: >>94472069

chatgptbros i dont feel so good... the chinks are beating us...

>> No.94471989
File: 102 KB, 850x1126, GhiLLszcAAeR4ts2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94472043

The year of the indies

>> No.94471995

hey, this is not a game

>> No.94472006
File: 360 KB, 1536x2048, 1722332701920402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im proud of my wife and her great tits

>> No.94472017 [DELETED] 

I warned you about the niminiggers bro

>> No.94472021
Quoted by: >>94472115

Why so you can pretend she hasnt dont any of that? Go on say it faggot, say you dont like her doing that shit but will still watch her. Or do you like?

>> No.94472031

True, we call them MANScucks now

>> No.94472043

>2k shitter
>Gura outfit moggs Vshojo debuts
>Kronii random shitpost moggs Nimi debut buff

>> No.94472048
File: 211 KB, 1024x819, 1737904561744802m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94472106

>> No.94472047


>> No.94472050
File: 164 KB, 354x347, 1694431111008905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94472142

Another day another Holo victory. I will never watch a vtuber outside Hololive. Ever. Cheers to all Holochads

>> No.94472054
File: 178 KB, 2000x2000, 1732146853689423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$600k in merch sales
>15k+ gifted members
>500k+ subscribers
>20k debut month average and peak average
>Clipper darling
>Reddit, X, and Bluesky loves her
Can we acknowledge just how collosal Jan has been for Nimi?

>> No.94472057

fuwawa's got some.....big ones

>> No.94472056
Quoted by: >>94472121

As a globalchad I'm really enjoying watching you fags eat each other and imploding.

>> No.94472058

I am curious about her collab partners. Ill treat her like shiori, If she can go a full year without homo collabs then ill forgive her. Until then ill keep her at an arms distance

>> No.94472060
Quoted by: >>94472205

Bro Im watching her right now, I watch her all the time, its easy since she doesnt stream a ton, the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.94472069
File: 111 KB, 584x636, 1726094459608876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot pic

>> No.94472081

We love Niji and Phase here now. We now realize the true enemy are Liggers.

>> No.94472080
File: 1020 KB, 1136x935, 1724532206107108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you like Usada Pekora?

>> No.94472093
File: 494 KB, 584x544, 1707607104960316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94472104

To this day saplings can't explain why Fauna was the only promise member who didn't make a 3d live for her fans

>> No.94472106

kys, add Nimi, Dooby and Mint on there.

>> No.94472110


>> No.94472112

Unironically buy Cover stock. They keep releasing shit that's going to make them actual money.

>> No.94472115

>she hasnt dont any of that
Kek >>94471669

>> No.94472116

Crazy to think Gura gets all of this with 1 single merch run. Indies truly have it rough.

>> No.94472119

IDs are poor because Indonesians are poor and pride themselves on not spending on their oshis. ENs are just terminal cheapskates even when they can easily afford something.

>> No.94472120

As a Holo chad and HoloStars hater I now realize the true enemy has been MANS all along

>> No.94472121
File: 24 KB, 520x269, 1714847585203108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94472129

how will this affect $KRONII?

>> No.94472134

Nimi mention

>> No.94472137

Once again, reminder for all saplings.
This will be the last general reminder. Almost all who could move on have already done so.

>> No.94472142
Quoted by: >>94472227

shit was overvalued anyway

>> No.94472160

The crazy thing is that nimi didn't even expect this level of success she really thought nobody would want to watch her and only liked her because she was in hololive

>> No.94472167
Quoted by: >>94472272

after seeing chloe graduation tour, fuck fauna she is a bitch hope she gets backstabbed in the shithole that is the indie world

>> No.94472175
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473523

>Hey you should watch Ni-
>No I only watch Hololive
>But she used t-

>> No.94472186

Counterpoint: Italian.

>> No.94472187

What are you talking about? She doesn't want to fly to Japan, anyone can explain that let alone her fans

>> No.94472189

I don't really like the way this artist draws faces either, I don't really get the appeal

>> No.94472190

smartest numberfag itt

>> No.94472205
Quoted by: >>94472328

I’m saying you clearly haven’t watched the other 2 that I mentioned. Nimi and Sakuna have not changed whatsoever. Literally the same people they were in Hololive.

>> No.94472206

>22k likes on Gura to Nimi's 16k likes, but Nimi's CCV was higher.
Yep, there's a good 33% or so cull on holoEN that Nimi may have escaped from.

>> No.94472204

I'm glad we love niji and phase itt, because my oshis are Finana and Lia

>> No.94472224
File: 40 KB, 554x554, 1738704784505130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doki op

>> No.94472227

>shit was overvalued anyway
yeah chinks showing AI was a grift or worse that american engineers are incompetent, is very funny

>> No.94472252


>> No.94472272

I unironically want to see her dead

>> No.94472276
Quoted by: >>94472874

hate indies.
ligseethe about it

>> No.94472293
File: 283 KB, 570x510, IMG_4628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The explanation is that she doesn’t like going to Japan. The fuck you mean nobody has ever explained that?

>> No.94472297

Youtube probably thinks the neets that watch holos all day are bots

>> No.94472304
File: 108 KB, 1024x817, 1732146853689425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94472342

>get gold
It's too easy for nimi

>> No.94472305

retard raora was rich before holo shes just smart and knows how to stay rich

>> No.94472307
Quoted by: >>94472458

Oh is AI overvaluing shit starting to burst, i was wondering when that would happen

>> No.94472316

mind you china made their AI opensource to the piblic after silicon valley fags convinced trump to invest half a trillion into their private AI. literally mogged them in front of everyone

>> No.94472322
Quoted by: >>94472439

>This is why Ame is THE ONLY SOLE PERSON I believe left Hololive for genuinely personal reasons.
Ame left because the branding department was having complete autistic aneurysms over what she wanted to do with 3D and somehow Ame couldn't communicate with them.
I wonder if all the legal contract work to do "affiliate" so that the merch department Myth wasn't gigafucked over while Aviot ear buds and shit were still in the works wasn't part of the reason Kiara is let on a reasonably slack leash.
Did the tech guys fix the Myth 3D in app yet, come to think of it?

>> No.94472324
File: 652 KB, 476x530, 1737788236060603.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94472328
Quoted by: >>94473101

nta but fauna literally didn't touch homos at all until she went mask off after her graduation, how can you say they are the same

>> No.94472335
Quoted by: >>94472465

I tried the HoloX energy drink in Japan and it was horrible. I hope this doesn't taste like cough syrup.
The Japs should learn from our proud american energy drinks, a white Monster zero ultra is delicious

>> No.94472340
Quoted by: >>94472874

Yes we
Nimiseethe about it

>> No.94472342
Quoted by: >>94472542

Didn't she lose to Kronii?

>> No.94472349


>> No.94472350
File: 1.51 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94472372

Any Unite fags here? What mon should I get?

>> No.94472382
Quoted by: >>94472772

AND YET!!!! She has talked as Nimi about the next time she goes to Japan. UH OH, what now saplings? Nah the truth she just doesnt wanna spend the money. I mean whatever jus dont fucking sugar coat it as something else.

>> No.94472394

I feel like this is not a valid excuse for any other high paying job. Like if you get paid 250k a year to be an executive and get asked to fly to Japan for business for a month you do it, that's what you're getting paid for. Refusing is just being a primadonna. She was earning the cash so do the job you're hired to do.

>> No.94472401
Quoted by: >>94473093

i think its time we admit we should have sided with nijisanji against doki

>> No.94472410
File: 425 KB, 1280x1280, 1688254564075582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do prev thread reps
>it's all spambots

>> No.94472411

>two more weeks

>> No.94472439

>Did the tech guys fix the Myth 3D in app yet, come to think of it?
kiara said they aren't fixing it

>> No.94472447

No, we’re allies with /MANS/ now again the ligger scum. The holostars are loyal to Cover.

>> No.94472455

Brown hands typed this

>> No.94472458

>Oh is AI overvaluing shit starting to burst
basically some random chinks developed a new ,cheaper and open source model and investors are in full panic mode

>> No.94472460

Pretty sure the just asked Trump to announce it, and the moy is supposed to be their own, no? Is Trump really flushing entire year worth of military budget into this scam?

>> No.94472465
Quoted by: >>94472555

>I tried the HoloX energy drink in Japan and it was horrible.
Did they not put enough sugar?

>> No.94472468

Doki will beg her if she has too, thats just how doki is. She is a shameless leech that did it even back in 2022 with luxiem.

>> No.94472472

any EN or JP holo leaving would get this. The future is indie.

>> No.94472475

Nice cope, but Myth had a 3d live using Ame homemade studio.

>> No.94472480
Quoted by: >>94472910

God damn it, I just hit a new NW milestone on Friday. I like it when number goes up, not when it goes down

>> No.94472487
File: 77 KB, 781x748, 1693735625925605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94472583


>> No.94472529

>"Please give me more raids in the future"
there, i can see their DMs

>> No.94472537
Quoted by: >>94472713


>> No.94472542

Saarplings are not gonna like this trvthnvke

>> No.94472545

why has he been spamming this pic every thread today?

>> No.94472548

I warned you about the niminiggers bro

>> No.94472550


>> No.94472555

I dunno, it just tasted bad. I choked it down though, I paid 160 yen and I'm gonna get my money's worth.

>> No.94472580
Quoted by: >>94472881

/lig/, /MANS/, /Vshojo/ tards are all the same kind of creature that live on Twitch

>> No.94472583

pls understand, their whores are snore-tier
the great announcement of one of their biggest whores was a handcam stream for her fleshie tcg

>> No.94472584

Could also be that tourists watching don't press like as much as holo fans do.

>> No.94472588
File: 319 KB, 512x512, 16900942123001112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corpos becoming more obsolete by the day.

>> No.94472611
Quoted by: >>94472801

the explanation is that she never saw Hololive as a long-term thing so she didn't want to waste money on it

>> No.94472638

Don't look at the global tally and who keeps winning. Wouldn't want you to have an aneurysm.

>> No.94472642
File: 1.61 MB, 1137x1102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473277

Doob is gonna do more Henya collabs on fridays

She likes her!

>> No.94472654
Quoted by: >>94472789

And she didn’t want to do that so she quit. What’s so hard to understand?

>> No.94472674

keep coping nijisis

>> No.94472686

i swear they open sourced it just to fuck with the americans have been pretty fun seeing all the reactions

>> No.94472692

She didn’t care about idol shit. But neither do saplings apparently

>> No.94472703

FWMC are infinitely superior in every way, AND they'll do 3Ds. Difference between poseur "I totally want to be an idol, honest guys" and actual professional idols

>> No.94472705


>> No.94472713
Quoted by: >>94473192

Oh it's just the teasing phase right now
Thanks anon

>> No.94472719
File: 68 KB, 1000x1240, 1713251450617374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473115

>irrelevant shitters arguing in my sacred thread

>> No.94472722

If homos could read the room, beggars wouldn't exist lol.
It's like they didn't even check what the objective of that whole program was - reassuring the audience that noobs can enjoy overwatch.
What the audience saw was noobs getting utterly btfo by players who sweaty grinded for days before the event.

>> No.94472725

The only corpo that matters keeps getting larger sponsors, events, and streams thougheverbeit?

>> No.94472733

only if u are gura

>> No.94472740

Viewers are culled not channels.

>> No.94472751
File: 409 KB, 1080x1111, hk2gkcuwnffe1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94472770
Quoted by: >>94472800

basically after fauna graduated we united with niji, phase, homostars and vshojo to destroy exholos(nimi)?

>> No.94472772

Going to Japan for pleasure and going to Japan for work are completely different things. I’m also skeptical that she’ll ever go back again, especially now that her favorite fruit stand in Japan no longer exists.

>> No.94472781

Fauna could never

>> No.94472789

Not before grifting tens of thousands of dollars off her fans by lying that she actually did want to do the things she refused to do

>> No.94472793

I get the exact same feeling from ex-corpo shills that i get from WuWa shills in /vg/
none of them atually care about who they are shilling, it's just their newest weapon to shit on the big corporation they hate until a new one comes out so they start using that one instead.

>> No.94472800
Quoted by: >>94472832


>> No.94472801

Nimi probably made a cost evaluation and concluded waitlisting to pay cover to butcher an event you pay for is a terrible investment, and that she'd be better off focusing on being entertaining

>> No.94472821

very funny

>> No.94472832

cool, i hope holoen can do collabs with nijien sooner

>> No.94472839
Quoted by: >>94472967

Dookie made $200k while in fucking NijiEN but she wasted it all putting it back into dumbass projects and throwing it into prizes. If she can do that then most of EN can make $200k a month. HoloID sure, i expect those to only earn 30-50k a year

>> No.94472853

so she only cares about money

>> No.94472859

>Going to Japan for pleasure and going to Japan for work are completely different things
But your argument was that she DOES want to do the work she just didn't want to fly to Japan to do it? So you admit she didn't want to do a 3D at all and it had nothing to do with Japan or what?

>> No.94472862

Paying Magni for your lore video is a better investment.

>> No.94472872 [DELETED] 
File: 809 KB, 1306x740, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

melty kek

>> No.94472874

>1 min
Be less obvious

>> No.94472881
Quoted by: >>94473314

The HoloStars literally stream on YouTube.

>> No.94472889

Starving artists come cheap

>> No.94472906
File: 48 KB, 1008x314, Screenshot_20250127-130809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94472910
Quoted by: >>94473027

this is the time to buy while shit is cheap, you moron.
bull market = buy at normal rate
bear market = buy at 2x-3x rate

>> No.94472912
Quoted by: >>94473209

She has not said or implied she hated japan on stream, this is you making up a reason for why she never did a 3D live.

>> No.94472919

ligseethe .

>> No.94472940
Quoted by: >>94473101

She's literally the same as she was before, you just wrote her off before and never gave her a real chance.

>> No.94472946

hey guys i heard if i same fag enough can i get some (You)s, is this true?

>> No.94472956

So like

is mumei genuinely a vtweeter now? like what the actual fuck is she doing if she always seems to be around yet isn't streaming

>> No.94472954

pathetic attempt to make us hate nijifans, you will never destroy the holoniji unity

>> No.94472962

Even Roboco earns enough to buy property in Tokyo, even the least popular holos earn 100k a year, the mid tiers are probably around 250k and the top tiers like Pekora, Miko, Marine and Suisei probably over 500k

>> No.94472967
Quoted by: >>94473019

200k a month? No. How do you even get close to that number. That would put you at 2.4M a year. If you mean gross revenue that's still too high probably

>> No.94472977
File: 185 KB, 680x763, 1679075104818069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu graduates
>Pomu beggars start shitting up /#/
>Selen gets terminated
>Dragoons strat shitting up /#/
>Ame graduates
>Fauna graduates
>Ligtards start shitting up the thread
Yup. Teamate are the best posters on this basket weaving Mongolian website.

>> No.94473018

That's why it's awesome to be Doki

>> No.94473019
Quoted by: >>94473168

my bad i meant $200k a year which is what Doki earned while in niji being a 3-4k shitter.

>> No.94473021

She just streamed today and was chatting for her entire rebroadcast

>> No.94473027

I will. I auto-buy at the beginning of every month and never sell. I shouldn't even be checking my portfolio. But my number is very big lately and I like-a da big number

>> No.94473046

Hololive, Vshojo, and Nijisanji are now allies against the indie scourge. Can I get a BAYYYYSED?

>> No.94473044

You jest but it's true.

>> No.94473048

wtf is that real?

>> No.94473062
File: 1.54 MB, 1008x1708, Screenshot_20250127-131040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473070


>> No.94473078

damn, even shitposters forgot about phase.....

>> No.94473081


>> No.94473088

Actually kind of true, most teamates are chill

>> No.94473089

Teammates I kneel

>> No.94473093
File: 830 KB, 1438x1070, 1736218650583473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473166

Too late now. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Thanks for the help. Now seethe.

>> No.94473101
Quoted by: >>94473164


>> No.94473105

>Pomo Selen and Fauna fans: indians and paki sisters
>Ame fans: white men

>> No.94473106

>I auto-buy at the beginning of every month and never sell
same, I buy every week
I wonder if M1 has a way to make it buy more when the market goes red automatically to make it even more effortless

>> No.94473115

>sacred thread
Nigga, /#/ is this board’s landfill

>> No.94473126

not-Ame got shitposted for her numbers for just a bit until she started her usual debuff antics
then the local nijinog realized he can't use her numbers anymore so he moved back to ironmouse/others

>> No.94473131
Quoted by: >>94473227

they were fighting their own fight of not being overtaken by shitposters

>> No.94473136

i miss those stubby fucks the reaction images were funny

>> No.94473141

raora is talking about taxes, get in here accountancy bros

>> No.94473147

it pisses me off how true this is kek

>> No.94473159

Perhaps I have been too harsh on you...

>> No.94473164

Based, i now watch Nimi too because she isnt pretending to a unicorn bitch that is too scared to look in a males direction.

>> No.94473168

Doki earned most off that off SCs. SCs are public for all Holos so you can estimate that portion. We can also kinda guess their memberships. The black boxes are merch cut and ad rev rate.

>> No.94473166
Quoted by: >>94473234

I think only Nimi is a 5 view. All the others are low 4 views or even 3 views. That's kinda sad indies are really irrelevant.

>> No.94473167
Quoted by: >>94474877

Teamates always hated this thread since this thread always hated Ame.

>> No.94473188

I'm pretty sure teamates still cope by thinking Ame will eventually return to Hololive so they don't think of her as a real indie.
But her fans never posted in this thread anyway so it's a moot point. Except the clip tally poster who was apparently a teamate in disguise the entire time, I miss him.

>> No.94473192

Yeah, doesn't sound like its gone gold yet. Kronii and Ela are committed to playing it when it comes out so anons holding off will definitively know then if the homo erasure is real or not after they do

>> No.94473209

Yes she did. The whole puddle arc after she came back from Japan + that members stream talking about how much of a nightmare it was to record her 3D debut.

>> No.94473225

Isn't he still doing his thing?

>> No.94473227
Quoted by: >>94473337

they were fighting a janny for a bit also kek

>> No.94473234

You say that as if there are so many EN speaking 5views kicking around. Theres.....3. And one is a chatbot.

>> No.94473244
Quoted by: >>94473542

>raid replies

>> No.94473247
File: 3.65 MB, 190x405, 1734301259247232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've had a retirement account since the market bottomed out during coof lockdown and i have no idea how much is in there. i just contribute the max my employer matches every payday automatically

>> No.94473250

>they don't think of her as a real indie
Saplings in /uuu/ are the same. Saplings outside of /uuu/ are retards who never watched her.

>> No.94473255
Quoted by: >>94473309

Unironically yes.

>> No.94473261
Quoted by: >>94473545

>can't explain
The only two options for it were her birthday which she would have had to fly back out to Japan during the time she'd just gotten over getting COVID twice from the last time she came from there. Not exactly viable timing wise.
The other was her anniversary which happens around the time most suspect it was finalized that she would be leaving with Cover.
Given that one of the likely many reasons she left is they screwed up basically every project she tried to work on in some way. It's a lot of time, money, and stress, on something that might not have even been done on time for when she graduated, given how everything was delayed a ton anyway.

Not that complicated. Not much point if you've lost faith in them delivering big projects like that for you.
It didn't work out, it happens. It's unfortunate but it is what it is.

>> No.94473262
Quoted by: >>94473427

i think fauna was the problem not even fucking kronii i complain about everything made that much drama while recording her impromptu 3d live

>> No.94473266

so same problem as every single other Hololive talent the 1st time they have to work at the studio? Well no shit bro, 1st day on the job or doing something different is stressful but you dont fucking quite and decided to never do it again.

>> No.94473277

Isn't the next one the final one? They're almost at the end considering that the map only has five layers and they're about to enter the fourth.

>> No.94473280
Quoted by: >>94473373

dooby won
doki won
nimi won
mint won

>> No.94473309

Magni stop begging that whore for money and get a real job.

>> No.94473314
File: 48 KB, 1177x166, Blue flip twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473337

They actually won too and the meido sided with them making any vtuber on topic no matter the thread. Made the entire board quality fall a bit just to keep their thread autism.

>> No.94473352
Quoted by: >>94473494

You're probably rich if you auto-bought through the pandemic low. 2020-2024 was unreal

>> No.94473373
Quoted by: >>94473467

dooby won
doki won
nimi deserves the hate
mint won

>> No.94473374

She goes to sleep at 8pm (her normal stream time) for whatever reason now. She could stream earlier like she did but her main audience is in NA

>> No.94473390
File: 152 KB, 602x621, 1737582537040293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end is coming holokeks, remember machinima? yeah

>> No.94473405
File: 185 KB, 1176x527, 1732576673158258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're inclining. Going to overtop niji's female demographic soon.

>> No.94473404
Quoted by: >>94473446

Niminigs aren't Holo antis btw

>> No.94473414
File: 268 KB, 1141x337, Fuwa vs Moco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo won

>> No.94473427

Speak English in this thread retard

>> No.94473430

How do you download gif's on X

>> No.94473438

>naplings never harassed the girls
So that was a fucking lie

>> No.94473444
File: 116 KB, 355x357, 1723255261119589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473446

where is the oshi mark or pfp

>> No.94473454
File: 145 KB, 1024x790, 1712428206092613m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473587

EN5 will be so grim. Just cancel it tb,h. We have indies so it's fine.

>> No.94473462

>risu is done of people putting words in her mouth

>> No.94473465

not everyone is a grifting whore like Nimi

>> No.94473467
File: 132 KB, 320x270, 1737350350758264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473490

nimi is based as fuck for making you tribalshitters seethe 24/7

>> No.94473468

>gay kids

>> No.94473472

Because Ame hates numbers and so do her fans. Teamates have never posted here and are in fact arguably responsible for propagating anti-/#/ sentiment on this board.

>> No.94473490
Quoted by: >>94473641

>2k shitter

>> No.94473494

i mean, i make almost 3x now over what i did then so my paydays were just ok at the time.

>> No.94473523


>> No.94473534
File: 303 KB, 568x415, Fwmc schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473572

New schedule

>> No.94473542
File: 375 KB, 1357x960, 1631028072119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473882

>everything that hurts my wittle feelings is Le' RAID
why are you still alive

>> No.94473540


>> No.94473545

>they screwed up basically every project she tried to work on in some way
lmao what projects? have you seen how many projects Bae has done? Fauna did nothing and tried nothing

>> No.94473565

The Hologods watching Nimi already switched the moment Gura started. That’s why she bled like 10k or something

>> No.94473566
File: 189 KB, 456x315, GuraChuchuchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94473572
Quoted by: >>94473637

why did they start ??ing their jp streams

>> No.94473587

What if an Holo graduate to be in the next Holo gen?

>> No.94473596


>> No.94473600

Naplings just have to wait for Gura and Mumei to graduate too and they will have a much larger group of posters to help them fight the tribalistic holofags and push them out of here.

>> No.94473607
File: 2.36 MB, 1248x1824, 1716462466881821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473609
File: 265 KB, 1358x2048, GiQ8xW1XoAAZcQy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chu chu chu

>> No.94473627

2 more weeks.

>> No.94473637

Because it's not on their channel

>> No.94473640

chu chu chuuuuuu

>> No.94473641
File: 83 KB, 299x198, cwizzy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, 2k shitter that lives in a house while you eat pagpag in your cardboard box
you can't even afford a PS triple

>> No.94473643
Quoted by: >>94473712

>"chemistry" didn't work
>"free/relaxed atmosphere" didn't work
>"hololite" didn't work
>now it's "classic hololive"
Pomubeggars' spirit is still alive and well

>> No.94473657

doki can have a rotating cast to leech off of every week

>> No.94473664

washed up shart...........

>> No.94473669
File: 563 KB, 1008x994, Screenshot_20250127-132149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.94473675

you know how stupid it sounds if you look at the gura numbers

>> No.94473681
File: 216 KB, 850x1219, 1731789879502580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473844


>> No.94473688
Quoted by: >>94474766

>Bled 10k
>Still gets gold
Your math ain’t mathing

>> No.94473705
File: 261 KB, 1381x1500, 1702096413626953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473712
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, Early Hololive[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3bevth.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something something early hololive

>> No.94473729

funny how they're more hololive than hololive

>> No.94473748
File: 730 KB, 4096x2896, 1723322282399527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473760
Quoted by: >>94473772

Opened yesterday's Alien vod, click on a random place in the video and Gigi is talking about making Mountain Dew Pasta.

>> No.94473768
File: 326 KB, 1173x514, 1732191632662175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94473772


>> No.94473784

That's an invitation for porn artists if I've ever seen one

>> No.94473786
Quoted by: >>94473817

I had forgotten Chad Warden exists. Wonder if he's still fighting console wars

>> No.94473795

>x shitpost
>y shitpost
>all these desperate attempts for (You)s
>implying I care about your retarded asses
sorry fags, but Gura gave me blanket gurashiko perms, and I intend to utilize them. I have no time to partake in your petty squabbles

>> No.94473814

>Teamates have never posted here and are in fact arguably responsible for propagating anti-/#/ sentiment on this board.
Utterly based, I apologize teamates

>> No.94473817

he lost his job during covid

>> No.94473844
File: 93 KB, 312x214, chaddaddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94473891

>not recognizing c-wizzy, chad daddy, big papi
that's fuckin' sad

>> No.94473858
File: 461 KB, 900x808, 173194675884274139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responsible for propagating anti-/#/ sentiment on this board.
kys Fagoon

>> No.94473860

Man it really has been none stop holofag seethe all week long...

>> No.94473868
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, Surprise Mumei[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0b90n6.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475035

>this thread

>> No.94473874

>it her first time using "draw'

>> No.94473877


>> No.94473882

Why do you think we call them niminiggers

>> No.94473891
Quoted by: >>94474738

>ESL retard, sucking off e-celebs.
>brown and poor
Checks out.

>> No.94473901

IRyS is so lucky...

>> No.94473911
Quoted by: >>94473960

Funny how those are the one with the biggest numbers, huh?

>> No.94473933

You hate the idea of a Nimi/Doki collab because you hate Doki. I hate the idea of a Nimi/Doki collab because Doki is number poison.
We are not the same.

>> No.94473944

no need to make excuses dude people didn't stop watching Fuwamoco despite their fanbase having a bunch of schizoids.
homos are simply not that entertaining and most of those watching them at the time were doing it out of a sense of "unity" rather than finding their entertainment fun.
That's why they try to sperg out at every instance because they want some socially acceptable excuse to stop watching these boring fucks without outright calling them boring and being accused of being an incel unicorn.
From small stuff like T3 memberships to big things like YBDBD, to catastrophic things like the graduations, unityfags used each and every excuse to stop watching these losers without losing moral high ground and just admitting they were boring.

>> No.94473947

their holocopes is no longer working please understand

>> No.94473956
Quoted by: >>94474200

All this just because Nimi beat Gura. Not even a fan of either, but I’m laughing my ass off at this thread’s meltdown.

>> No.94473960

Anon I...

>> No.94473969

All I see are two brownoids seething about Miko mogging their whores. Post more Migos to see them melt down even more.

>> No.94473983
File: 194 KB, 1080x1080, gate of featherlone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the astronomically low chance that doki ever sports the blue dorito i pray to the gods that she and her lawyer actually read the contract with a fine comb and no i'm not saying hololive is a black company but it's importent to know what your getting yourself into i just don't want to see my oshi hurt again ...

>> No.94473990

Total Holofag death

>> No.94474005 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 592x518, IMG_jcftbnkkffffgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474380

While I watch in amusement as holokeks eat eachother out like dogs with rabies. Don't interrupt your enemies while they're making fools of themself. Kek.

>> No.94474034

So that's it huh Liggas just won?

>> No.94474047


>> No.94474049
File: 639 KB, 800x688, 1709250916681454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please seethe
What is the point?

>> No.94474066

Not if our nijibros and phasebros help us

>> No.94474071

HoloID gen1 getting new outfits for their anniversary

>> No.94474092
File: 449 KB, 2048x2034, GiQK2MpaUAARaq6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy the numbers.

>> No.94474114
File: 707 KB, 516x675, 1719813273670387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94474118

machinima failed because it was run and staffed by a bunch of californian druggy retards

>> No.94474123

All we have to do is team up with Nijisanji and Phase holobros. We can beat em back.

>> No.94474124
File: 246 KB, 1328x2048, 1732146853689429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lose to indies
>Start seething
It dooby like that

>> No.94474151

Holoantis are brown and poor.
They cannot make: any real new things of their own. Only ruin and twist them

>> No.94474158

When did Holo vs Indies become a thing here?

>> No.94474167

The prices for listings that actually sold are what matter

>> No.94474192

When Niji lost everything, last year they still had the JP cope but Holo is now bigger than them everywhere.

>> No.94474193

the invisible hand

>> No.94474196
Quoted by: >>94474255

When the Fauna heresy happened

>> No.94474199
Quoted by: >>94474253

They're really going all-in on becoming the new Disney huh

>> No.94474200
Quoted by: >>94474245

any /#/ historian is needed
Is this the first time the gura has lost to game vs game?
no raids
no event

>> No.94474209
Quoted by: >>94474255

Since Fauna graduated.

>> No.94474234
Quoted by: >>94474299

When Yagoo became evil.

>> No.94474235
Quoted by: >>94474271

When the second biggest HoloEn talent became an Indie, so like 2 weeks ago

>> No.94474245

*to other EN

>> No.94474253

>we hate Disney now

>> No.94474255

Not really. We did that before it's also the same people whose entire personality is hating Holo for dominating on the rest of the market for years.

>> No.94474257

Always has been, but ex-holos are on their own rung of the ladder and it's still far above indies

>> No.94474262
File: 147 KB, 1152x2048, 173580055885420134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, just like that fr fr

>> No.94474271

Mori's still in Holo tho

>> No.94474278

> thinking debut month will last forever
have you heard about our lord and savior kson-sama?

>> No.94474288
Quoted by: >>94474355

so we move on to chloe next month right my dramasisters? trying to find the right schedule...

>> No.94474290

Mori is the biggest.

>> No.94474299


>> No.94474301
Quoted by: >>94474379

Has Hololive become more mainstream in Japan?

>> No.94474306
Quoted by: >>94474346


>> No.94474320
File: 972 KB, 1243x646, kaf suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to interrupt your eopfag timeloop seething
but here's kaf and suisei

>> No.94474331
File: 71 KB, 975x975, 154903934528100618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474434

I blame fauna Tbh

>> No.94474332

holofags digging their own grave by turning on ex-holos. If they had just tried to play nice with them, they wouldn’t have sent them in to the arms of /lig/GODS.

>> No.94474343
File: 164 KB, 1516x419, 1058772760571819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hologta saved someone from becoming a schizo

>> No.94474344
Quoted by: >>94474404

Mori is honorary /lig/

>> No.94474346


>> No.94474355
Quoted by: >>94474477

>Doki is gonna dest-
>Doki becomes a shitter
>Sukuna is gonna dest-
>Sukuna stops streaming and loses to Holo everytime she does
>N-N-Nimi is gonna
>you are here

>> No.94474371
File: 154 KB, 1314x737, 1731895788893723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94474376
File: 94 KB, 695x1024, 1737692998968503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474504

When THE GREEN GRIFTER revealed her true reasons for graduating

>> No.94474379

yeah more or less but unfortunately they're rapidly losing relevance in the west

>> No.94474380
File: 138 KB, 941x800, 1727799281871551_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still begging I see

>> No.94474403
File: 1.27 MB, 3358x3887, suistripper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-diddy strikes again

>> No.94474398

Entire American economy is a bubble dude.
It will pop by the end of this year, and I don't mean this in a "tumor years" sort of way.

>> No.94474404

Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you niminig

>> No.94474431
Quoted by: >>94474537

>niminigs are mori antis
Not beating the allegations

>> No.94474434
File: 136 KB, 850x1165, GhiLLszcAAeR4t0n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fun mindbreaking the fubukifag

>> No.94474438

she sings well but doesn't have a charming personality to be famous like suisei

>> No.94474440

>Nimi beating Gura is going to be a regular thing
Yeah there is literally 0 net positive to stay in hololive now, not even the box can stop the indie era.

>> No.94474448
File: 413 KB, 1311x733, 172765646545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we desperately need EN5 because the girls we have now don't want to stream like c'mon 17 girls and only 4 streams?

>> No.94474461
Quoted by: >>94474795

kafchama is young too?

>> No.94474474

>that branch is simply not for people that like Hololive
Why would you insult yagoo like that.

>> No.94474473

t. Poor

>> No.94474477

hey, thanks for the heads up. also go liggers! am I right?

>> No.94474479
Quoted by: >>94474697

Idk but saplings had been coping for 1+ yrs that they didnt give a fuck about Idol shit and just wanted her to stream and nothing thats happened past graduation has really contradicted what they had been saying for years. I guess saplings just dont give a fuck about holo anymore, and honestly i get it if it had been my oshi leaving.

>> No.94474504


>> No.94474514
Quoted by: >>94474539

>He is a poorfag

>> No.94474527

how many of da bois

>> No.94474531

holoen is so fucking dead bros...

>> No.94474537


Honorary Holo:


Honorary indie:


>> No.94474539

Duh, I watch Twitch.

>> No.94474548

Nimifags really are a bunch of antis, celebrate while you can little cockroaches, those numbers are not going to last long.

>> No.94474549

IMAGINE one of them is the fucking shart of all KEK. What the fuck happened? No wonder they cant compete with indies and twitch when they just dont fucking stream bro

>> No.94474556
Quoted by: >>94474663

everyone was doing members today. why so many?

>> No.94474564

for almost a year, but niji and ligger vultures have been desperate since their doki and dooby toys have lost value to them pretty rapidly

>> No.94474602

>20k debut
We are being raided and all but is this normal? This is a normal Gura stream without any buffs. Twitch really doesn't like vtubers I guess.

>> No.94474606

QRD on Nimi still talking to Mumei and Bae?

>> No.94474610

Don't ever use Dokibird for your dogshit thread, NumberVermin.

>> No.94474638
Quoted by: >>94474820

Gura WILL graduate. You and I know it, every Holodrone knows it. That’s why the #1 fan of Gawr Gura &…. What will be this thread’s cope when that time comes? Will this thread even survive that? No Fauna, no Gura. Guess this thread will be /gem/ 2.0 KEK

>> No.94474642

He is a catalogdog though. Numberbros don't watch indietrash.

>> No.94474649


>> No.94474656
Quoted by: >>94474684

unlike Kronii, they are all still friends

>> No.94474662

Doki is the biggest numberfag around.

>> No.94474663

same reason that nobody overlapped gura's outfit reveal yesterday seems that management is telling the girls to avoid her for some reason

>> No.94474672
Quoted by: >>94475339

We call them niminiggers for a reason

>> No.94474676

ennacuck has completely shifted away from his usual iryseethe to peddle nimi timeloops

>> No.94474684

no proof retard

>> No.94474686

There is no conclusive proof. Anons just guessed that because she mentioned mermaids while Moom and Bae have been talking about mermaids with each other recently (they tweeted yesterday)

>> No.94474693

Vshojo has no box and no mindshare. It is normal they are a small corpo.

>> No.94474697

They were always cancer you're only just noticing now because they're not on your side anymore

>> No.94474705
File: 110 KB, 568x768, IMG_4959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m forming a team

>> No.94474704
File: 12 KB, 321x360, 17128362784277419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474744

Corporate puppets Vs free and independent indies

>> No.94474713
Quoted by: >>94474793

Uh, a ton of Nimi posts have that same type of filename.

>> No.94474720
File: 77 KB, 807x669, 17826736567345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474768

is biboo's membership worth it?

>> No.94474727


>> No.94474728


>> No.94474733

>unironic mind broken fagoon
lmao laugh at this tourist

>> No.94474738
File: 40 KB, 459x460, 1733983175610003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474794

not recognizing chadwardenn is actually pretty funny in your case, since you're a retarded console war fag and he was a stupidly successful parody of retarded console war fags

>> No.94474744
File: 147 KB, 515x775, 1712810415060005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94474746

Idol company. Not streamer company. Deal with it.

>> No.94474755

I don't get what a ligger is. Ain't they actual 1-2views vtubers on /here/? Are they actually happy that the conversation is dominated by someone else. Idk, I would feel shitty too if my thread is suddenly taken over by people who don't want to watch me and is there to shitpost bait.

>> No.94474758

uh oh adventcord is here

>> No.94474766
Quoted by: >>94474833

Bleeding means peak now? You dumbo. That’s why Nimi was at 13k with the overlap

>> No.94474768

No but Gura's is

>> No.94474772

Fuck off dragoon and take your ligtards threadshitters with you while you're at it

>> No.94474779
File: 87 KB, 850x666, 1729990864708869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94474840

Another 100k to team tamaguchi

>> No.94474781

> don't stream, don't tweet
> don't stream, tweet

>> No.94474780

doki is a huge unironic numberfag

>> No.94474793

that a twitter file name retard

>> No.94474795


>> No.94474794
Quoted by: >>94474936

>proud of being gay and brown
>seethe about Holo
Checks out.

>> No.94474799


>> No.94474820

If it happens it happens, who care about predicting it beforehand when I can just enjoy streams today. I am doubtful however, Gura's issues don't really have anything to do with hololive.

>> No.94474832

Nuke /#/SEA

>> No.94474833

You are arguing with a discordnigger.

>> No.94474838

Hololive became popular because of streaming. The idol route is a mistake and must stop.

>> No.94474839

We're reclining

>> No.94474840


>> No.94474847

Strongest gen in EN and it's not even close

>> No.94474849

>all this nimiseethe
>meanwhile gura is watching her before she goes live

>> No.94474863

none of the other corpos on any of the other saiyans outside of Goku here deserve or fit their spots

>> No.94474873


>> No.94474875


>> No.94474877

thread didn't really hate Ame after she stopped the unityfagging, you could still see AMEEEEE posters here as well.
But her debuffson tendencies were obviously frustrating.

>> No.94474898
File: 18 KB, 1280x140, 1711382505054225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, salty nips are still going hard at it huh

>> No.94474900
File: 676 KB, 839x733, 1733754526147112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the browncord is really upset tonight huh

>> No.94474915

I was expecting it in the morning but I guess Chimu tomadachi can't slow down

>> No.94474928

Niminigs are like that yeah

>> No.94474939
File: 104 KB, 802x745, Captain Beggar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof the beggar got BTFO'd

>> No.94474936
Quoted by: >>94474991

Given that indie can now beat the strongest HoloEN on an one on one, kusoge vs buffed viewers participant game, perhaps it should be holoshitter

>> No.94474946
File: 1.01 MB, 1079x1938, 1737956800290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475071

Can we please send love for /ourboy/?

>> No.94474945

Phase is Bacterian.
Niji is Nam.
Vshojo is Tambourine.

>> No.94474968

guys gg has a cover too...

>> No.94474971

So that's it? /#/ is still /uuu2/?

>> No.94474979


>> No.94474984

if it's 401k then good fucking luck, it's all gonna get wiped by crypto

>> No.94474988

Just salty Holofags now that they no longer reign over the EN VTubing scene

>> No.94474991
File: 466 KB, 498x498, 1712456113792835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buffed viewers participant game
>viewers participation

>> No.94475000

Yeah it's a good one too

>> No.94475002


>> No.94475004


>> No.94475010
Quoted by: >>94475238

She doesn't want to shill it so I will respect her wishes and not listen to it

>> No.94475021

shit it may come down to this if the liggers get too powerful

>> No.94475029
File: 33 KB, 1280x181, 1726847195721216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another fun one

>> No.94475035
Quoted by: >>94475069

what happened to this game btw

>> No.94475038

>Phase is Bacterian

>> No.94475053

>362k over 9 days
Looks like it's doing fine to me

>> No.94475069

waiting for the next update that includes multiplayer

>> No.94475071

I going to send that maricon a gang of violent Colombian negros to have his way with him then give him the good old Colombian necktie.

>> No.94475077
File: 344 KB, 1326x2048, 7a7a79e66ffc525234df81e859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475124

>346,116: Chloe (Hololive)
>72,580: Marine (Hololive)
>59,164: Gura (Hololive)
>54,538: Miko (Hololive)
>50,843: Mio (Hololive)
>32,575: Korone (Hololive)
>28,349: Nijisanji (Nijisanji)
>26,540: Koyori (Hololive)
>25,333: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>22,272: Watame (Hololive)
>18,444: Nene (Hololive)
>18,443: Fubuki (Hololive)
>18,307: Nimi (Indie)
>16,645: Botan (Hololive)
>15,509: Watame (Hololive)
>14,558: Met (VSPO)
>14,496: Noel (Hololive)
>14,008: IRyS (Hololive)
>13,951: Ayame (Hololive)
>13,844: Chihaya (Hololive)
>13,129: Calliope (Hololive)
>13,061: Bijou (Hololive)
>13,043: Ange (Nijisanji)
>12,789: Toko (Nijisanji)
>12,770: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,434: Kanade (Hololive)
>11,909: Bijou (Hololive)
>11,199: Salome (Nijisanji)
>10,915: NeruMero (Indie)
>10,640: Met (VSPO)
>10,570: Okayu (Hololive)
>10,370: Arion (AKA Virtual)
>10,313: Luna (Hololive)
>10,248: Raora (Hololive)
>10,086: Ibrahim (Nijisanji)

>> No.94475090

Should there be a new corpo vs indies tally?

>> No.94475103

Man her new outfit is making me feel things. And not just the sexual kind.

>> No.94475104

Always was

>> No.94475106

Do whatever fucking tally you want it is a free thread.

>> No.94475119
File: 743 KB, 720x720, 1711495317058334.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94475123


>> No.94475124
File: 1.09 MB, 2458x4096, 51cfbd6af29253601ff5aa541f1a2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475219

>1) 167,150: Hololive (hololive) YuruHoloKuruHolo 3D drinking stream [39]
>2) 199,569: Miko (hololive) mikkorone24 [28]
>3) 125,402: Korone (hololive) mikkorone24 second half [20]
>4) 131,014: Fauna (hololive) Graduation stream [31]
>5) 254,415: Miko (hololive) hololive gomoku second half [40]
>6) 48,738: Koyori (hololive) NekKoyo24 [21]
>7) 43,800: Pekora (hololive) Minecraft [31]
>8) 63,200: Miko (hololive) gambling slot [28]
>9) 62,986: Okayu (hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/Mio, Ayame, Miko [24]
>10) 55,090: Miko (hololive) miComet gaming Jamboree, Marika8, Fall Guys [24]
>11) 150,569: Pekora (hololive) holo janken tournament [37]
>12) 153,917: Pekora (hololive) Birthday 3D LIVE [38]
>13) 115,685: Nijisanji (nijisanji) niji mahjong 2025 day3 [38]
>14) 127,957: Sister Claire (nijisanji) health update nijifes cancellation [23]
>15) 81,656: Pekora (hololive) talk collab w/ Subaru + announcement [30]
>16) 52,575: Marine (hololive) fortune reading by Mio [24]
>17) 52,304: Miko (hololive) Fast Food Simulator w/ FubuMio, Okayu, Polka [21]
>18) 92,064: Nimi (Indie) VTUBER DEBUT [26]
>19) 205,883: Hololive (hololive) HoloX 3rd Anniversary 3D LIVE [40]
>20) 50,742: Miko (hololive) Gym Simulator 24 [21]
>21) 55,427: Miko (hololive) Fast Food Simulator w/ FubuMio, Okayu, Towa, Lui [27]
>22) 44,148: Pekora (hololive) Tokyo Xtreme Racer [23]
>23) 53,957: Miko (hololive) Fast Food Simulator w/ Polka, Laplus, Kanade, Ao, Koyori [25]
>24) 47,753: Miko (hololive) Super Dogeza [23]
>25) 60,291: Leos (nijisanji) niji super janken tournament [25]
>26) 346,116: Chloe (hololive) Graduation Live [35]

22x: hololive
3x: nijisanji
1x: indie

9x: Miko
5x: Pekora
2x: Hololive
1x: Korone, Fauna, Koyori, Okayu, Nijisanji, Sister Claire, Marine, Nimi, Leon, Chloe

>> No.94475136

/#/ stops being /uuu2/ the day Nimi stops being cute, which is never.

>> No.94475139

del rata is for sexo only

>> No.94475153
File: 674 KB, 891x665, 1723458247680720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present you lig.

>> No.94475168

I still can't believe they live like this everyday, instead of literally just doing something else. It's been years

>> No.94475171

Better create one. Because Nimi will get most golds this January

>> No.94475172

Nah they'll just spam here for a while and then get bored. Usual timeloop behavior.

>> No.94475186
File: 17 KB, 419x184, 1721097155289227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can't Stop Won't stop

>> No.94475219
File: 821 KB, 2925x4096, b9074881e83d4abae66f9de7d998ef39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475380

>1) 101,577: Pekora (hololive) New Year Greetings with PekoMama
>2) 50,406: Mio (hololive) Fortune telling totsumachi
>3) 78,875: Subaru (hololive) SubaOka opening mystery bag
>4) 100,022: Miko (hololive) hololive gomoku tourney draft
>5) 212,058: Miko (hololive) hololive gomoku tourney first half
>6) 46,470: Miko (hololive) holocraft diamond digging
>7) 35,623: Koyori (hololive) holo umegami no soup
>8) 48,390: Miko (hololive) holocraft diamond digging
>9) 44,765: Miko (hololive) Fast Food Simulator w/Fubuki, Mio
>10) 46,235: Trout (nijisanji) Return stream
>11) 97,338: Nijisanji (nijisanji) niji mahjong 2025 day1
>12) 95,686: Nijisanji (nijisanji) niji mahjong 2025 day2
>13) 103,692: Towa (hololive) Hololive New Year Game Festival 2025
>14) 45,295: Mikoto (nijisanji) VS nijiARK
>15) 65,472: Miko (hololive) Fast Food Simulator w/ Fubuki, Towa, Subaru
>16) 52,351: Kagami (nijisanji) Duel Masters
>17) 48,903: Bijou (hololive) NEW OUTFIT REVEAL
>18) 73,714: Nijisanji (nijisanji) Idios 2nd Anniversary 3D Live
>19) 63,212: Miko (hololive) Fast Food Simulator w/ FubuMio, Okayu, Watame, Ayame
>20) 49,262: Shigure Ui (indie) Koyori Hakui Totsumachi
>21) 50,737: Kuzuha (nijisanji) VTUBER BATTLE ROYALE
>22) 42,411: VSPO (VSPO) Rating Check 2025
>23) 51,903: Beni (VSPO) VSPO New Year Collab Owarematen
>24) 26,163: Pekora (hololive) PekKorone NOROI KAGO
>25) 53,314: Pekora (hololive) Marika8DX
>26) 72,580: Marine (hololive) PekoMari night talk + announcement

16x: hololive
7x: nijisanji
1x: indie
2x: VSPO

7x: Miko
3x: Pekora, Nijisanji
1x: Mio, Subaru, Koyori, Trout, Towa, Mikoto, Kagami, Bijou, Shigure Ui, Kuzuha, VSPO, Beni, Marine

>> No.94475217

It's actually kinda adorable that some nips think hip hop is some underground low-key non commercial unknown genre.
I mean didn't the guy who made this song do a collab with Will Smith for a remix?

>> No.94475222

just because nimi collabs with dookie and mint doesnt i have to accept their ilk, but i love nimi still

>> No.94475224

It didn't, this is a ligger raid. Very unnatural posts one after the other.
They still delude themselves that we care about anyone outside of Hololive.

>> No.94475238

The fuck are you talking about she shilled it in every collab she's been since it came out

>> No.94475248
Quoted by: >>94475294

No it isn't you astroturfing faggot

>> No.94475263
File: 108 KB, 850x1024, 1716861838689381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94475267

death to corpos
2025 is a liggers revenge
>captcha is kkk

>> No.94475268

is the remix good?

>> No.94475294
Quoted by: >>94475464

Why was the thread full of Naplings during Nimi's stream?

>> No.94475295

Did no one inform them that it's better than the original? Are they just salty about that?

>> No.94475313

yep, and all rap/hiphop and niggerspeak in general in japan is actually giga trash
I mean, they literally listen to mori unironically and think it's cool

>> No.94475318
File: 29 KB, 444x135, 1717791386145974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all things considered(gigi not bein a "music holo" etc)its doing good better than the liz hakka duo kek

>> No.94475324

>penguinz0 can't even hit 10k with soulslop buff
OOF life as a youtube streamer is hard outside the holobox

>> No.94475332
File: 95 KB, 2048x945, 20250127_132055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94475339
Quoted by: >>94475388

botted posts

>> No.94475347
Quoted by: >>94475996

>Salome killed Hololive, she will have 100k streams forever!
>Doki killed Hololive, she will have 40k streams forever!
>Nimi killed Hololive she will have 20k streams forever!
It's the same bait every time, why even reply to this shit?

>> No.94475357

There are always fads and subcultures in Japan that seem to be based off US subcultures that died 20 years ago.

>> No.94475377

I dunno if it's optimal for numberfagging but I really like the visual identity all Gigi MVs have.

>> No.94475380
File: 2.20 MB, 2419x3439, 1710977762299528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) 95,448: Subaru (hololive) Totsumachi
>2) 42,772: Pekora (hololive) Monster Strike
>3) 77,109: Pekora (hololive) 1million yen mystery bag
>4) 77,610: Pekora (hololive) New outfit reveal
>5) 138,049: Hololive (hololive) Gen4 3D LIVE
>6) 45,427: Pekora (hololive) collab with Niko
>7) 32,792: AZKi (hololive) SUPER Mario Party Jamboree
>8) 47,213: Pekora (hololive) Important Announcement w/ Mio fortune
>9) 36,378: Pekora (hololive) Minecraft
>10) 32,692: Pekora (hololive) Minecraft
>11) 51,261: Miko (hololive) Cursed Digicam
>12) 35,607: Miko (hololive) endurance until 1st place Fall Guys + Marika8
>13) 58,176: Miko (hololive) Hololive New Year Game Festival 2025 Miko POV
>14) 36,958: Korone (hololive) Super Mario Bros
>15) 46,323: Nerissa (hololive) NEW OUTFIT REVEAL
>16) 49,503: Korone (hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/ Ayame
>17) 40,121: Shiguire Ui (indie) guerilla totsumachi
>18) 35,211: Marine (hololive) Cursed Digicam
>19) 61,569: Miko (hololive) hololive test 2025
>20) 37,472: Pekora (hololive) hololive test 2025
>21) 49,452: Fubuki (hololive) holopair ft. Kanata + Korone
>22) 40,164: Furen (nijisanji) niji janken tournament member announcement
>23) 37,832: Rena (nijisanji) Fukubukuro
>24) 23,724: NeruMero (indie) Genshin
>25) 49,379: Miko (hololive) Tokyo Xtreme Racer
>26) 59,164: Gura (hololive) New Outfit Reveal

22x: hololive
2x: indie
2x: nijisanji

8x: Pekora
5x: Miko
2x: Korone
1x: Subaru, Hololive, AZKi, Nerissa, Shigure Ui, Marine, Fubuki, Furen, Rena, NeruMero, Gura

>> No.94475388

The niminig shrieks in horror upon being found out

>> No.94475394
Quoted by: >>94475542

About this raiders that are apparently in the room with us. If they "raid" here every day, aren't they just thread regulars at that point?

>> No.94475410

>nipponese westaboos being retarded

>> No.94475424
Quoted by: >>94475996

This whole indies vs corpos angle doesn’t work because it’s literally pinned on one indie (Nimi) carrying the fuck out of the entire indie world. Wait until Gura/Mumei graduates, and then maybe you’ll have a real debate.

>> No.94475425

No, Will Smith is embarrassing
I got recommended this today and I almost die of cringe

>> No.94475427
File: 1.55 MB, 2054x3432, 1733546118928710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475563

>01/26 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999) | [14 entries]
4.573: Octavio (Holostars) | New Outfit Reveal
4.370: Mint (Indie) | Metal Gear Solid 4
3.762: Bettel (Holostars) | Just Drawing
3.735: Dokibird (Indie) | Crane Game Toreba
3.594: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Just Cooking
2.128: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.760: Dizzy (Phase-Connect) | Huniepop
1.633: Octavio (Holostars) | New Outfit Reveal After Party
1.427: Enna (Nijisanji) | Just Cooking
1.328: Ruze (Holostars) | Armis New Outfits Collab
1.215: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Ender Magnolia
1.092: Phase Connect | Phase Weekly
1.080: Jelly (Phase-Connect) | Minecraft w/ Nyana Banyana
1.052: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream

>> No.94475428
Quoted by: >>94475470

nah, just the usual raid, but there's only 1-2 decent saps left amidst them

>> No.94475447
File: 26 KB, 375x205, 1737325405374091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475497

smithtomos? the fuck is happening?

>> No.94475456

where are all the hololive streams today . we had like 3 !

>> No.94475462

roru rumao

>> No.94475464
Quoted by: >>94475514

3 retards live posting to astroturf doesn't mean "The thread"

>> No.94475470

I counted at least 12 today

>> No.94475477
Quoted by: >>94475511


>> No.94475483

I like some will smith movies from his prime but it's hard to find the poor bastard cool after his ugly old bald wife disrespected him so publicly so many times

>> No.94475497

He is a runt

>> No.94475503

The voices in your brain don't count.

>> No.94475511
Quoted by: >>94476198

Kanade is Happy after annoying her chat
Just enjoyers

>> No.94475514
Quoted by: >>94475628

I see that being done for Holos though so how is it any different?

>> No.94475522

This is how we kill the ligtard

>> No.94475542

/#/ entire userbase is just raiders. Nobody actually lives here permanently unless they’re severely mentally ill.

>> No.94475553

Barring 1-2 they tend to close the thread after the stream ends, after which ennacuck starts up his bot spam with unnatural posts

>> No.94475557

forcing the shark to stream only to lose to nimi after the debut buff wore off is a bad look cover,

>> No.94475559
Quoted by: >>94475634

>If not for Gura indies would've gotten both EN Gold and silver today
HoloENbros, I don't feel so good...
With Nimi getting gold, which HoloEN can put up a fight against a Nimi -> Doki / Dooby raid?
Doki got 14k after raid tonight which is hard to achieve even for HoloEN outside of karaoke or special streams

>> No.94475563
File: 1.28 MB, 1890x1175, 1712288465772827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475618

1) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.867 - VRChat [14]
2) Kronii (Hololive) - 3.712 - Just Chatting [15]
3) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.269 - Handcam Stream [12]
4) Pippa (Phase-Connect) - 4.561 - Variety Stream [14]
5) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.517 - Unarchived Karaoke Rebroadcast [11]
6) Bettel (Holostars) - 1.873 - Super Bunny Man w/ Bettel 2 [7]
7) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.077 - Handcam Stream [16]
8) Raora (Hololive) - 4.801 - Monster Hunter World [19]
9) Nerissa (Hololive) - 4.051 - Just Chatting [18]
10) Mint (Indie) - 2.933 - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle [13]
11) Mint (Indie) - 3.261 - Devil May Cry 3 [15]
12) Mint (Indie) - 3.399 - A Short Hike [16]
13) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 4.410 - #ホロ新春ゲーム祭2025 [14]
14) Finana (Nijisanji) - 2.764 - Yakuza: Like a Dragon [15]
15) Dokibird (Indie) - 4.488 - My Summer Car [17]
16) Shiori (Hololive) – 4.572 - Thief Simulator 2 [16]
17) Dokibird (Indie) – 3.181 - God of War (2018) [11]
18) Mint (Indie) – 3.689 - Devil May Cry 3 [10]
19) Mumei (Hololive) - 4.918 - Echo Point Nova w/ Gigi [21]
20) Doppio (Nijisanji) - 3.423 - Announcement Stream w/ Shu [15]
21) Mint (Indie) - 3.239 - Indiana Jones and the Great Circle [10]
22) Dokibird (Indie) – 3.441 - Dynasty Warriors Origins
23) Shiori (Hololive) – 3.863 - Fast Food Simulator w/ Gigi, Iofi, Reine
24) Goldbullet (Holostars) – 4.170 - New Outfit Reveal
25) Pippa (Phase-Connect) – 3,505 - Variety Stream
26) Octavio (Holostars) – 4.573 - New Outfit Reveal

5x: Mint, Shiori
3x: Dokibird
1x: Kronii, Pippa, Kiara, Bettel, Raora, Nerissa, FuwaMoco, Finana, Mumei, Doppio, Goldbullet, Pippa, Octavio

>> No.94475584

Literally any angle to attack hololive or anyone even slightly liked here

>> No.94475610
Quoted by: >>94475708

Kronies are actually based now? Yupperoo

>> No.94475618
File: 109 KB, 930x1358, 1712566462634598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94475799

>1) 167,150: Hololive (hololive) YuruHoloKuruHolo 3D drinking stream [1/39]
>2) 199,569: Sakura Miko (hololive) mikkorone24 [1/28]
>3) 125,402: Inugami Korone (hololive) mikkorone24 second half [1/20]
>4) 131,014: Ceres Fauna (hololive) Graduation stream [1/31]
>5) 113,643: Nijisanji (nijisanji) Niji mahjong tourney 2025 [4/40]
>6) 48,738: Hakui Koyori (hololive) NekKoyo24 [1/21]
>7) 43,800: Usada Pekora (hololive) Minecraft [1/31]
>8) 33,001: Yukihana Lamy (hololive) BIG3 collab [4/28]
>9) 62,986: Nekomata Okayu (hololive) Clubhouse 51 w/Mio, Ayame, Miko [1/24]
>10) 46,235: Nagisa Trout (nijisanji) Return stream [2/24]
>11) 32,508: Oozora Subaru (hololive) Zatsudan [4/37]
>12) 31,479: Kuzuha (nijisanji) SF6 [4/38]
>13) 103,692: Tokoyami Towa (hololive) Hololive New Year Game Festival 2025 [2/38]
>14) 127,957: Sister Claire (nijisanji) health update nijifes cancellation [1/23]
>15) 46,323: Nerissa Ravencroft (hololive) NEW OUTFIT REVEAL [3/30]
>16) 52,575: Houshou Marine (hololive) fortune reading by Mio [1/24]
>17) 48,903: Koseki Bijou (hololive) NEW OUTFIT REVEAL [2/21]
>18) 92,064: Nimi Nightmare (Indie) VTUBER DEBUT [1/26]
>19) 29,104: Gawr Gura (hololive) Big Brain Academy [6/40]
>20) 49,262: Shigure Ui (indie) Koyori Hakui Totsumachi [2/21]
>21) 49,452: Shirakami Fubuki (hololive) holopair ft. Kanata + Korone [3/27]
>22) 42,411: VSPO (VSPO) Rating Check 2025 [2/23]
>23) 51,903: Yakumo Beni (VSPO) VSPO New Year Collab Owarematen [2/25]
>24) 23,724: NeruMero (indie) Genshin [3/23]
>25) 60,291: Leos Vincent (nijisanji) niji super janken tournament [1/25]
>26) 346,116: Sakamata Chloe (hololive) Graduation Live [1/35]

16x: hololive
5x: nijisanji
3x: indie
2x: VSPO

>> No.94475628

We like Hololive here
No one gives a shit about a ligger here

>> No.94475634

Gura should graduate. Not fair that they’re asking her to be a workhorse to save them from the liggers.

>> No.94475640

I like Nimi and Hololive

>> No.94475663

I just find it funny how Gura was stalling and waiting for Nimi's funnel, only for Nimi to send all her viewers over to Dooby + Doki collab

>> No.94475675
Quoted by: >>94475707

based but what about dooby?

>> No.94475688
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, 17098556154081767433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your spambots don't count lilbro

>> No.94475689
Quoted by: >>94475730

Finally, after exactly 1 year. Can't wait for mine to arrive.

>> No.94475707

She's cool too

>> No.94475708

Yeah, I think they hate beggar

>> No.94475713

where's the holo expo 2025 key visual Cover. Release it.

>> No.94475730
File: 2.45 MB, 1248x1824, Guardian of the flame [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fegzqd3.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

praise be

>> No.94475752

bro you're not supposed to ruin the /MANS/ astroturf...

>> No.94475758
Quoted by: >>94475875

doki is desperate to grab some holoviewers from dooby and nimi
please saar watch yellow bird

>> No.94475778

How many twitch vtuber streams have even broken 30k lately?
45k seemed to be the hard ceiling there a couple of years back and it only seems to have fallen since

>> No.94475799
File: 3.31 MB, 1242x1863, 1732071701756771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JAN 2025 holoID
>1) 4,703: Iofi (2025 COUNTDOWN)
>2) 4,382: Ollie (HUNIE POP 2)
>3) 3,849: Reine (HuniePop)
>4) 3,151: Zeta (UNO)
>5) 3,176: Kaela (Ballionaire)
>6) 7,954: Kaela (PEJUANG SENIN)
>7) 9,298: Kaela (Path of Exile 2)
>8) 6,607: Risu (Archived Karaoke)
>9) 6,463: Zeta (Chained Together)
>10) 9,231: Iofi (League of Legends)
>11) 4,637: Kaela (Gold and Glory)
>12) 4,964: Kobo (Gold and Glory)
>13) 6,654: Kaela (Chained Together)
>14) 2,876; Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>15) 21,073: Risu (Bithday 3DLive)
>16) 4,788: Kaela (Lively Chair Simulator)
>17) 2,644: Kaela (Luck be a Landlord)
>18) 2,606: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>19) 1,913: Reine (HuniePop 2)
>20) 7,070: Kaela (Rivals)
>21) 2,940: Kaela (Lively Chair Simulator)
>22) 4,866: Iofi (Puzzle Together)
>23) 3,295: Kaela (Marvel Rivals)
>24) 2,856: Kaela (Path of Exile 2)
>25) 11,549: Anya (Unrailed 2)
>26) 1,937: Anya (Apex Legends)

13x: Kaela
3x: Iofi
2x: Zeta, Risu, Reine
1x: Ollie, Kobo, Anya

>> No.94475802

Nimi doesn't like hololive though

>> No.94475836

Lurker here, its late im sleepy, please spoonfeed, who is the vutber in OP and the furry friend on her side? Thx in advance?

>> No.94475839

Vshojo numbers are (in relative terms) high-ish floor but very low ceiling.
It's a little inexplicable, you think they'd have tourists commensurate with their reach on a day to day basis but they straight-up do not. I find it puzzling.

>> No.94475841

If they are not in Hololive they do not matter. If they are not in Hololive they are garbage "streamer with an avatar" type whore who would sooner tell you they have a bf and shit talk you when they're angry just to "keep it real". Nimi is traitorous boring trash and doesn't belong here. Hololive will always be the only thing that matters and should be the only thing anyone in this thread watches. I don't care if you watched her while she was in Holo, the stupid bitch left and has no protection from fans because if she wasn't loyal to the only real vtubing corpo then the fans have no reason to be loyal to her. Really can't wait until she declines and declines and declines and becomes a shitty cope tally denizen because, again, Hololive above all.

>> No.94475875

She has the same problem as Ollie, though she is better off. Everyone in EN vtuber circles already knows who she is and if they want to watch her. She has a respectable audience number for an indie, but growth from here will be very difficult.

>> No.94475890

Lig is a thread that mostly discusses mid sized to larger indies that aren't popular enough here for their own thread. It's pretty much never used correctly here, just for shitposting

>> No.94475901
File: 148 KB, 850x1417, 1732146853689422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94476003

20K floor maintained

>> No.94475927
File: 59 KB, 2160x1078, 1720244024604528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94475946
Quoted by: >>94476049

reciting your mantras like a religious retard doubting their faith? you aint gonna make it holofag

>> No.94475964
Quoted by: >>94476004


>> No.94475996

I love the smell of holobros coping

>> No.94475998
File: 220 KB, 545x457, 1732146853689424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94476066

uuu2 is a societal commitment that we can be better as people's with a common oshi and goal

>> No.94476003


>> No.94476004

something gigi

>> No.94476019
Quoted by: >>94476046

40-50k is basically the EN twitch vtuber box ceiling, at best. It's why the IM poster keeps bringing up her 45k stream...from 2 years ago

>> No.94476024
Quoted by: >>94476472

A few shitposters have latched on to lig to try to shitpost with, but if you go actually look at the thread it's people talking about low 4views who can't sustain their own generals. There are like 10 or so commonly talked about girls or something like that. It's basically a coalition of fanbases banded together to keep a thread alive on a high competition board. It doesn't have anything to do with nimi or dooby generally, I don't think, because both of those girls are too big for that thread.

>> No.94476028
File: 26 KB, 408x408, 1692919849856952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is nimi going to end up like doki?
all that hype reduced to mid 4 views

>> No.94476046


>> No.94476049

Gura won
Hololive won
Holostars lost
Nimi lost
Liggers lost
Phase cucknet lost
Nijisanji lost

>> No.94476062
Quoted by: >>94476100

holoen is so dead bros...

>> No.94476066

I never watched Fauna though.
Saps were simply tolerated since they were well behaved.
That will easily change on a dime if this retardation continues.

>> No.94476080

Hirys is melting down again

>> No.94476098

Attention liggers. Please refrain from claiming the following Honorary Holos as your own:


You may refer to the following Honorary Indies as your own instead:


Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.94476100

golden gen bros...

>> No.94476110
Quoted by: >>94476403

is it the same spammer again?

>> No.94476120

Finally a good post

>> No.94476144
Quoted by: >>94476271

steeve is melting down again?

>> No.94476193

Time will tell but also definitely not

>> No.94476198

>Kanade just enjoyers
Sasuga KR Moom

>> No.94476203

If I'm EN5 then my course of action would be to put in a solid year of grinding and then graduate and benefit from all the spoils of my newly found viewers. This is the meta. In this day and age corporations are simply a launchpad to further your streaming career.

>> No.94476202

doki has regressed to her corpo #s
dooby seems to be doing the same
fauna was about as popular as both of them combined, so that's probably where she'll settle
no indie has ever started with so many regular viewers (not even mike)

>> No.94476227

It's been only 8 days.

>> No.94476238

Not reading all that, but I’m happy for you bro

>> No.94476255
File: 73 KB, 724x1024, 1734378598234445m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94476414

Keep dreaming.

>> No.94476260
File: 1.16 MB, 964x755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the snek knows cloning jutsu

>> No.94476262

Myth, Promise, and FWMC are the only ENs with fans dedicated enough to follow them if they graduate

>> No.94476270

Shake a magic 8 ball, who knows?
If I had to bet, I think she'll settle into Fauna numbers or fauna numbers minus 10-20%. Not much higher or lower. But Fauna numbers were actually quite high so either of those outcomes would make her one of the very biggest EN indies.

>> No.94476271

Yeah it's him

>> No.94476318
Quoted by: >>94476385

>Please refrain from claiming the following Honorary Holos as your own:
They are indies for a reason: they don't want to be grouped together with hololive any longer

>> No.94476319

We’ll take all of those in both columns thank you.

>> No.94476337
File: 855 KB, 2480x3508, 1726258834102728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94476382
File: 35 KB, 554x554, IMG_2024-12-30200859904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread can be so funny and accurate sometimes

>> No.94476385

Honorary Holo isn't about what the chuuba wants

>> No.94476386

this nene amano video has done really well numbers for her in a day
people really hate the new dragon age game

>> No.94476388

Nimibeggars are a fucking blight. She was shit in Holo and she's even worse outside. Fuck off to your thread if you want to talk about her

>> No.94476398

Sorry, but I want to perform in a theater in front of thousands fans as frequent as possible

>> No.94476403

The BaeRyS one? Yeah

>> No.94476404

She's holding her numbers pretty well. So it will probably be a high 4 view when things settle, a little below her numbers last year. Probably hit 10K peaks but not as easily and consistantly as before.
Maintaining a 10k average, or near that average as an indie seems unreasonable. Unless the audience just keeps treating her as effectively another holo in terms of funnels and using her as a waiting room for other streams.

>> No.94476411

You have to become a venerable legend for this strategy to make sense. Fauna had risen from being low-mid to being the second most popular streamer in the branch. And Ame was a member of Myth, the founding gen of modern EN vtubing. And of course I don't need to explain Aqua. Those are rare circumstances.

>> No.94476414

wow, her very first 10k stream for 2 months.

>> No.94476428
File: 155 KB, 850x1274, GhiLLszcAAeR4t03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94476452


>> No.94476429
File: 131 KB, 585x1196, hholoan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94476452

Good post

>> No.94476458
File: 32 KB, 599x383, jholoan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94476460
File: 465 KB, 3000x2000, GiRhGxOacAAO7ST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94476506

Fauna really outfoxed Cover, didn't she?

>> No.94476471

are these the fags who've been raiding # recently?

>> No.94476472

>It doesn't have anything to do with nimi or dooby generally, I don't think, because both of those girls are too big for that thread.
I don't bother trying to keep up with the current shitpost faux-general meta, but the xhlgg thread and /big/ or whatever they called themselves actually has a point.
There is quite literally a whole order of magnitude between 3 view purgatory for indies and the (relatively recent) influx of ex-corpos-turned-indies who are wearing a new coat of paint but otherwise doing the same shit they did before with a turnaround measured in months or less.
Some of them have enough posters to keep a standing thread running, and others should probably just fuck off to discord of whereever, but it'll take a few more months for a pattern to emerge.

>> No.94476476

>solid year of grinding and then graduate
Some anons have no concept of time. How long do you think Advent have been in hololive for?

>> No.94476483
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1798, napholoan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94476498
Quoted by: >>94476528

No, they are happy. The people coming here are depressed and just trying to get people to hate each other.

>> No.94476506

Goes to show how bad the gen picked by Omegatranny is

>> No.94476511

>shitty game that the girl hates
>streams the entire thing

>> No.94476525


>> No.94476528

nimi antis... how do we cope...

>> No.94476557
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1683639691509144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Independent is the future.

>> No.94476566
File: 247 KB, 1691x1519, GiR6BgoagAEXoWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94476572
Quoted by: >>94476595

she gave the game a fair chance

>> No.94476578
Quoted by: >>94476632

Nothing they said is wrong. If my oshi left Hololive, I would also be happy that more of my money went directly to her. I don’t want her to leave because of the collab ecosystem that Hololive provides, but I don’t care for Japanese middlemen taking a cut of her money.

>> No.94476595


>> No.94476609

The Roman Reigns of V Tubing. A forced talentless shitter propped up by the company to appeal to the lowest of IQ's.

>> No.94476619
File: 370 KB, 1017x808, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this keep happening?

>> No.94476631
File: 113 KB, 850x1148, GhiLLszcAAeR4td4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94476632

Those "Japanese middle men" made her who she is. She was a nobody without cover.

>> No.94476664

corporations deserve nothing. Just graduate already Gura.

>> No.94476670
Quoted by: >>94476681

The title of the game implies the series is a childhood favorite. You wouldn't power through in hopes it could get better even until the last hour?

>> No.94476681
Quoted by: >>94476806

No I'm not a retard.

>> No.94476683

Fauna was really popular with indians.

>> No.94476702

There's nobody watching. Or near enough to nobody to be statistically equivalent.

>> No.94476709
Quoted by: >>94476735

Corpos aren't worth it anymore.

>> No.94476735

tell that to Amalee.

>> No.94476756
Quoted by: >>94476805

Other holomem made her who she is, not Cover.

>> No.94476773

how can holoen ever hope to compete

>> No.94476775
Quoted by: >>94476805

My oshi is in Myth, and they made HoloEN. Hololive is nothing without the talents, they just scout them.

>> No.94476799
File: 1.06 MB, 4000x3500, 1723620822725601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94476805

She would be in the deep pots of who-dom floundering as a 3 view probably still working her day job if not for Cover hiring her

>> No.94476806

Not only that, you're really cool

>> No.94476817

>niminigs don't exist btw

>> No.94476827

so the common consensus is that Gura is gone after 6th fes right?

>> No.94476838
File: 991 KB, 893x1367, 1736620304358421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this brat do this, she gets me so worked up.

>> No.94476844

I think 10th fez actually

>> No.94476846

Hey amanetomo, can you post something next time she has a karaoke. Thanks in advance

>> No.94476858
Quoted by: >>94477034

There is not a single person left in HoloEN that are ambitionless whores like Fauna, so no. We won't see graduations for years now

>> No.94476865

they are farming for drops

>> No.94476876

Do you also suck off producers for a movie instead of the people who actually create it?

>> No.94476879

You have no power here holodrones

>> No.94476892

How do we save /#/?

>> No.94476923

It’s time to take the global 2 jokes a little more seriously

>> No.94476924

That's the neat part, we don't. Indies won.

>> No.94476926
Quoted by: >>94476986

indies is the future, there's no need to go corpo anymore

>> No.94476932

Nimi is a genius for doing 2 debuts
1 with a chibi model, then another debut with a proper model later.
She'll be able to ride the debut buff for much longer

>> No.94476935
Quoted by: >>94477027

We need to put Hololive in the title so liggers are officially off topic.

>> No.94476939

Itll be interesting to see the difference her next review video does, assuming it's a game she likes or has less controversy.

>> No.94476949

And yagoo would still make ping pong game without striking gold with the first few girls.

>> No.94476952
Quoted by: >>94477027

We must change to /holo#/

>> No.94476967
Quoted by: >>94477025

Easiest golds of her life. 20k floor will hold.

>> No.94476986
File: 59 KB, 850x438, 1731785285852216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94477092

>moggs all your whores
nothing personel

>> No.94477001
Quoted by: >>94477120

>Anti thread
you don't

>> No.94477005
Quoted by: >>94477107

Let me make it simple
Without Cover there would be no Hololive and without Hololive the lazy white whore would not have the following she does now. All the money they took improved Hololive as a whole so she'd get more fans that she is now leeching off of hololive still.

>> No.94477013

Holo Jp still win en was only the first line of defense

>> No.94477017

my dick is called 'debut buff' btw

>> No.94477025

The Pekora of indies

>> No.94477027

This. It would also make the homos off-topic too.

>> No.94477032

oh wait you're right

>> No.94477034
Quoted by: >>94477088


>> No.94477071

It simple we uh kill the en tally

>> No.94477073

lmao Nimi winning really broke some of you

>> No.94477087

Without producers movies wouldn't exist, Kubrick was able to make them thanks to the great relationship he had with his producers same about Fellini, you are kinda proving his point.

>> No.94477088

She has ambition just not in streaming which cover doesn't give a single shit about anymore

>> No.94477092

Miko will go indie

>> No.94477107
Quoted by: >>94477130

lmao, then you should go more far back and thanking Yagoo's great grandmother for not moving to Hiroshima on that day of that year.

>> No.94477120

we love kiara here

>> No.94477121

biboo sex fanart is doing numbers recently should we worry about the lolicons menace?

>> No.94477123
File: 95 KB, 850x1187, GhiLLszcAAeR4t15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94477124
Quoted by: >>94477177

I've never seen a fanbase be so openly pleased that their oshi can be even lazier now and grift off them harder without providing anything in return. Sooner or later the reality hits that missing out on all the kino Hololive has to offer is not worth streaming 1% more and I doubt she'll even continue that since bad work ethic inside Hololive means bad work ethic outside of it.

>> No.94477130

Glad you agree.

>> No.94477144

fauna schizo has been broken since Fauna's debut
even in his last moments on this earth he will seethe at her and see her face until hell claims

>> No.94477149
Quoted by: >>94477181

They’re seriously discussing changing the name of the thread just make indies off topic lmao. I’ve never seen holobronnies THIS mindbroken before.

>> No.94477172

yeah im thinking antis lmao

>> No.94477177

You've never seen any fanbase because all you do is coordinate discord raid schizo posting /here/

>> No.94477181

Didn't she lose to Kronii with her first karaoke?
