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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 639 KB, 1448x2048, KimonoRyS 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
94352943 No.94352943 [Reply] [Original]


>STREAM TwiLight!

>Promise Mini series
>Jet tag
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie
>OMOCAT merch
>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my life Remix
>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery
>Covers and Collab songs
>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs
>Previous Thread

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'gyates'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.

>> No.94352953
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, Loli KimonoRySo Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah...

>> No.94353061
File: 1.97 MB, 640x640, IRYS APT[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjd4t24.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94353093

>> No.94353093
File: 47 KB, 275x314, 1653686781156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94353243
File: 1.01 MB, 720x938, boobs.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94353284
File: 67 KB, 616x353, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DMC4, Monhun, FOTM
You guys have fun for quite a while, now it is time for IRyS to play the real manly game.

>> No.94353400
Quoted by: >>94353435

Is this a remake of an old Dokapon or something?
It looks really low quality compared to the last one

>> No.94353435

They remastered the classic one with online mode and English translation

>> No.94353506
Quoted by: >>94353633

Dokapon is really cool but it takes way too fucking long for streams.
A full campaign with 4 people easily lasts 20-30 hours and you can't really just jump in and out as you please.

>> No.94353521

IRyS isn't truly Japanese because she hasn't streamed the shin chan game yet

>> No.94353633

Can't you get completely fucked over and just randomly lose everything too if you get unlucky? Would probably be really shitty when you have to start over halfway through the game when everyone else is way ahead of you with no chance to catch up anymore

>> No.94353658

You could go ape shit and become a demon to kill all

>> No.94353788

There's always ways to come back, that's what makes it so fun.
Like for example you are in first place by a wide margin, the other three players work together to knock you off your throne and you end up losing everything. You are a disgraced loser, no equipment, no money, no nothing. Pissed off you make your way over to Satan, strike a deal with him, become a devil yourself, and get your grand revenge.
There's lots of ways to continue and turn the tables even if you get fucked over hard.

>> No.94354924 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 557x566, beaveRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94355173

>> No.94355173
File: 3 KB, 327x288, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94356088

after finding out about her lolicon tendencies, i'm tempted to commission some IRyS x Momoka fanart. Should I do it?

>> No.94356259

If you want her to rt it then make it something like an outfit swap or her holding Momoka

>> No.94356276
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1715050178649916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94356799


>> No.94356333
Quoted by: >>94356498

did you discover IRyS yesterday or something

>> No.94356498

whats wrong with discovering her yesterday, yesterday was a perfectly fine day

>> No.94356700
Quoted by: >>94356784


>> No.94356784

Shutup I'm trying to eat a cauliflower crust pizza

>> No.94356799
Quoted by: >>94357361

Post the video of that I missed it

>> No.94357361


>> No.94357487
Quoted by: >>94357512

I jwu...

>> No.94357512

It's Saturday go back to bed

>> No.94357531


>> No.94357613


>> No.94357750


>> No.94357837
Quoted by: >>94358001

I always fall asleep in 20 minutes max, skill issue

>> No.94357966
Quoted by: >>94365017

As long as it's cute and not straight up porn she would definitely enjoy that.

>> No.94358001
Quoted by: >>94358033

You guys choose when you sleep? I just passout when my manas at 0

>> No.94358030
File: 523 KB, 1138x710, meganeRyS_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94358033

I only pass out if I sleep less than 4 hours sometimes

>> No.94358286
Quoted by: >>94358412

2024 had no Megaman....

>> No.94358412

megapookie was better

>> No.94358676


>> No.94358919
Quoted by: >>94358991


>> No.94358991

You shouldn't hump plushies. That's disgusting. You can never get them clean.

>> No.94359070
Quoted by: >>94359199

MegaMan Zero 3 finale never...

>> No.94359199


>> No.94359220

Elden Ring...
Monster Hunter World...

>> No.94359307

She needs to finish DMC4, DMC5, MH Wilds, Dragon's Dogma, Ōkami and Resident Evil 4 Remake before she can return to MZ3

>> No.94359308
Quoted by: >>94359490

I will say this again. IRyS hates me the most and you guys can't even compare with me.

>> No.94359432


>> No.94359490
File: 369 KB, 906x859, 1669756269172983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94359578

Wrong, she only responded to three of my chats last stream....she's pissed at me now

>> No.94359567
File: 219 KB, 1500x1500, 1729588049229394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94359620

>> No.94359578

Oh yeah? IRyS ignores my chat for months now!! Take that

>> No.94359620
Quoted by: >>94359656

Fuck off.

>> No.94359656 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 1577x2048, 1717146335478735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94359699
File: 139 KB, 1536x1536, GiGNSDFaUAAikl7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94359740

Kuroe chan will graduate tomorrow. Let's say something nice about her

>> No.94359892

I miss her saggy tits

>> No.94360261

I will fap to her tomorrow

>> No.94360272

She was one of the good shilloxes

>> No.94360384
File: 902 KB, 1280x720, 1724365774783465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She smelled

>> No.94361365

i need IRyS to fondle my balls with her delicate, soft hands.

>> No.94361820
Quoted by: >>94362015

Twitterfags are going to bother IRyS now....

>> No.94362005

IRyS don't stream today I don't feel like watching

>> No.94362015
Quoted by: >>94362511

She hasn't done anything.

>> No.94362511

Besides being a pedo

>> No.94362553

when did she do that?

>> No.94362645

Girl's can't be pedos. Nobody in the history of the heated universe has ever said "Gee, I wish that girl hadn't X" before.

>> No.94362810
Quoted by: >>94362832

i told you guys she waits for me to go to sleep before tweeting...

>> No.94362832

I told you to stop doing that. You're fault, you missed it.

>> No.94362866

*Your fault

>> No.94363088

she hates me the most...

>> No.94363235
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1712568809129658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94363507

Okay but IRyS hates me the most and it isn’t even close.

>> No.94363659
Quoted by: >>94365098

stweam today? its the weekend iwys

>> No.94363872
File: 2.57 MB, 1500x844, 17293738598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94363917
File: 728 KB, 837x900, 1907070080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94364968
Quoted by: >>94365096

link is already broken, can someone post the IrysxMomoka vid again?

>> No.94365017

Would she hate porn or just not retweet it?

>> No.94365096
Quoted by: >>94365188

It's in the mega anyway

>> No.94365098
Quoted by: >>94397267

She would have put up the frame when she was tweeting earlier.

>> No.94365188
Quoted by: >>94365260

"the" mega? which one?

>> No.94365260
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1735996316264585.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94366083
File: 1.70 MB, 1418x2553, 126219631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS has a butthole.

>> No.94366098


>> No.94366143
Quoted by: >>94366316

I love my racist wife

>> No.94366202


>> No.94366257

she loves us...

>> No.94366316

shes an eXtremist

>> No.94366847
File: 194 KB, 772x1300, 3c53f95c2b2f827ae13ab9b01ef8aca492538e688be49d4efe713a789e23099f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94366867

>racing game over DMC
cool but why? is she busy again?

>> No.94366923
Quoted by: >>94367334

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tych99G3-P0 soon

>> No.94366950
Quoted by: >>94367303

She really wanted to play the game since it released two days ago. It’s not that deep

>> No.94367088
File: 2.48 MB, 1152x2048, 1793328900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94367303

You're right im just used to these racing games being played for like events and not for fun lol

>> No.94367334
File: 100 KB, 1200x1104, Pianosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Pianosarus

>> No.94367553

this guy was right >>94352696

>> No.94367574


>> No.94367662


>> No.94367669
Quoted by: >>94367719

that game is what Miko was playing today

>> No.94367719

but she spoke about it before miko played it right?
she would have played it first if her throat was okay

>> No.94367764

She literally talked about wanting to stream that game during DMC4.

>> No.94368663

Shit choice of game, racing games suck ass

>> No.94368989


>> No.94369644
File: 268 KB, 1300x1650, 1731860745536290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94370205

>> No.94369744
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1709480952403613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94370001

it was either a short game or nothing

>> No.94370205

this is wrong Cheebs would be in hell

>> No.94370331
Quoted by: >>94370833

On a scale of 1-10, how lewd is IRyS?

>> No.94370578

You just have shit taste
That being said as someone who does love this game I think it might bore IRyS, it's fairly challenging and there's a lot of reading and progression is on the slower side

>> No.94370589

ponytail when? maybe just include it with her official race queen outfit whenever that's happening

>> No.94370833
File: 3.56 MB, 2650x3802, 126475239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94371017

You forgot to put a 1 in front of that 0

>> No.94371065
Quoted by: >>94371293

also racing games are boring without a wheel

>> No.94371293

retard that only applies to hardcore sims
which this game also isn't at all, it's handling is very arcadey but in a good way

>> No.94371577
Quoted by: >>94371631

Yeah it's boring like all racing games

>> No.94371609
Quoted by: >>94374194

this is ai btw
scary right?

>> No.94371631
Quoted by: >>94371749

Again, you have dogshit taste

>> No.94371749
Quoted by: >>94371789

You just have literal autism which causes you to like racing games Wes

>> No.94371789


>> No.94371876
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, Medalist.S01E04.Meikoh.Cup.Junior.Womens.Prelim.Free.Skating.Part.One.1080p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DUAL.AAC2.0.H.264.MSubs-ToonsHub.mkv_snapshot_00.58.275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does IRyS love more, ikemen or cunny?

>> No.94371913

You're not a real IRyStocrat if the answer isn't obvious to you

>> No.94372393

>No SCs
IRyStocrats are not racists

>> No.94374194

Not really since there's much better AiRyS already

>> No.94374939

i like how uncomfortable IRyS is with whores

>> No.94375005

she likes laughing and pointing out how ridiculous fanservice is

>> No.94376674

ikemen fucking cunny

>> No.94377032
File: 3.51 MB, 1400x786, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmfc186.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94377462
File: 312 KB, 927x864, 1689398356834228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's an autistic supa

>> No.94378401

wrixne is constantly doing super time consuming things and has a successful social life and is rich but somehow he still watches every minute of IRyS streams and is always responding to her tweets really quickly

how does he do it

>> No.94378439
File: 118 KB, 720x900, IRyS APT[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjd4t24.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94378971

stop it

>> No.94379182

I'm going to crush your skull with a rock like Cain

>> No.94379337
File: 3.94 MB, 640x640, IRYS APT[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjd4t24.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94379853
Quoted by: >>94380055

Can IRyS even drive? I think she was recommended to never drive in her life

>> No.94380055
Quoted by: >>94380737

No newchama, she grew up in a state where you don't need a car and then moved to a country where you don't need one.

>> No.94380737
Quoted by: >>94381950

you still need a car to get around hawaii lol the islands aren't that small

>> No.94381122

IRyS is Hawaiian??

>> No.94381703
File: 39 KB, 211x239, 1720670252248226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alolan Cheebs

>> No.94381748

no, She is japanese

>> No.94381950

They're the size of my backyard

>> No.94382505
Quoted by: >>94395687

Would you let IRyS finger your prostate

>> No.94382721
File: 736 KB, 3277x4096, 1737674889848224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94383013
Quoted by: >>94383121

Yeah, she's got pineapple and ham on her.

>> No.94383121

(my pineapple and ham)

>> No.94384140

>Racing the streets of Tokyo
does she know the entire game takes place on the highway

>> No.94384635
Quoted by: >>94385583


>> No.94385583


>> No.94386897
Quoted by: >>94387025

This better be a short stream

>> No.94387025
Quoted by: >>94387162

Fuck you.

>> No.94387162

Nou this is a waste of a stream if she could stream longer and play DMC4 instead

>> No.94387413

Yeah this game is tight, it has remixed tracks from the older games in its OST

>> No.94388657
File: 585 KB, 2304x4096, 1721197474657664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94389132

What does IRyS think of Gura's new outfit?

>> No.94389375

Bijou talking about IRyS at the onsen trip

>> No.94389510
Quoted by: >>94389733

what did she say?

>> No.94389733

Talking about her cute clothes and scarf.

>> No.94389805
Quoted by: >>94390074

Said she is cute

>> No.94389870

biboo went out with someone but doesnt want to say it first out of respect since she got invited
if it was IRyS we will NEVER hear about it

>> No.94390074

her face or her clothes?

>> No.94390212

it was Zeta

>> No.94390684

Unless I ask now and spend 10 American shekels

>> No.94390996

she just talked about IRyS at the onsen so I doubt it was her

>> No.94391984
File: 217 KB, 827x1169, IMG_2369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94408378

porn on the art tag

>> No.94392241

IRyS is going to laugh when she reads this game's dialogue, it's so unapologetically chuuni and it's not the greatest translation which makes it even more funny

>> No.94392365
Quoted by: >>94392486

IRyS' Bloodborne playthrough when?

>> No.94392486

when pc port

>> No.94392618
Quoted by: >>94392810

How long is this game

>> No.94392695

how long is Cheebs?

>> No.94392810

Like 15-20 hours of content in EA

>> No.94395453

We are nothing without IRyS

>> No.94395507
File: 124 KB, 1154x1101, 1729440599456968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am Cheebs

>> No.94395559

Damn. How can you live with yourself?

>> No.94395687

Only IRyS. She can do whatever she wants to me because I trust her.

>> No.94395784

t. IRyS

>> No.94396124
Quoted by: >>94408278

>inviting someone
Why do you anti monkeys always out yourselves like this?

>> No.94396644
File: 1.04 MB, 1359x2048, 172998922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94396972


>> No.94397267

admit it

>> No.94397568
Quoted by: >>94397611

IRyS should play Ender Magnolia

>> No.94397611

Lilies first, both better than shitborne

>> No.94397784

She's dying...

>> No.94397808

she coffed into my mouth

>> No.94397838

she loves us so much shes streaming even though she has a cough...

>> No.94397913


>> No.94397976

she definitely did that on purpose she knows how to tug on my heart strings

>> No.94398138
File: 371 KB, 1394x844, 1720672043389409.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94398244
Quoted by: >>94398288

devs requiring spoiler warnings in a racing game? GAY

>> No.94398288

Spoiler Alert: She's going to race.

>> No.94398291

why did she say it like that

>> No.94398314

Buying cars using CP...FBI, do your job for once.

>> No.94398382

Fucking bitch

>> No.94398499

She is so retarded...

>> No.94398509

whats with all the Japanese already?

>> No.94398518

she's so excited, you can notice from all the Japanese

>> No.94398613

This stupid fucking bitch....

>> No.94398715


>> No.94398782


>> No.94398805

This game is so fudging gay already...

>> No.94399026

Someone should have told this retard this isn't Asphault, you don't pull the handbrake unless you want to crash

>> No.94399056

Amazing start

>> No.94399144

>Pulling the handbrake in a game where you can take the majority of corners at high speeds by just letting off the gas and turning in

>> No.94399191
Quoted by: >>94399235

I don't know which is more retarded: the game, her, or chat telling her to use manual and handbrake.

>> No.94399235

Those retards think this is Assetto Corza not an arcade racer with grip handling

>> No.94399251
File: 278 KB, 548x725, 1683810186220074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she like this??

>> No.94399270

I've never seen this much Japanese in chat at a stream this time

>> No.94399308

It's the weekend

>> No.94399376


>> No.94399380

>You are in a drag race against a genki woman
>She gets in front of you
>She suddenly pulls the handbrake, sliding into the wall and you rocket by confused by what you just saw

>> No.94399406

miko played it yesterday so they're interested

>> No.94399472

Cruisn' USA is better than this.

>> No.94399643

unapologetically japanese game prease understand

>> No.94399682
Quoted by: >>94399758

are the cars made out of Japanese folded steel

>> No.94399701

Game: "Let's go back to the garage and upgrade things."
IRyS: *immediately leaves garage and goes to the highway*


>> No.94399709

I think this definitely epitomises a Japanese game, yes. This actually seems kind of fun.

>> No.94399758
Quoted by: >>94399792

well it's pretty surprising that the license plate selection had zero attempt at localization for non jp speakers

>> No.94399775
File: 42 KB, 400x447, Racist Cheebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nickname acquired: Fats McGee

>> No.94399792
Quoted by: >>94399858

this should be the norm, localizations shouldn't be a thing

>> No.94399802

>clearly sees the red car
>rockets into it anyway
i hope irys doesn't have a license

>> No.94399838

weekend noon, a lot of jp holos stream at this hour on weekends

>> No.94399853

IRyS this game is incredibly easy for the first few hours, come on...

>> No.94399858
Quoted by: >>94400058

i mean, i'm using localization pretty loosely here since they didn't even bother with romaji or anything

>> No.94399957

This game is seriously engaging her nipnop wipwop.

>> No.94399973

This game is torture...

>> No.94400058

oh romaji would've been nice, I just have a vendetta against localizations since fire emblem fates

>> No.94400085

en doko?

>> No.94400102

Is it just me or is everything in this game just a stat check?

>> No.94400154

IRyS likes beating up weaklings...

>> No.94400156
Quoted by: >>94400204

yes, specifically your skill stat

>> No.94400161
Quoted by: >>94400284

that's every driving game (and driving irl)

>> No.94400204
Quoted by: >>94400294

There is no skill, it's driving in mostly straight lines. Either your car is faster or it isn't.

>> No.94400222

>can only win against cripples and housewives

>> No.94400284

In most games you can work the corners and make up for lack of top speed. This is just driving in a straight line non-stop.

>> No.94400294

There absolutely is, you have to weave traffic a ton in this game and once you get faster cars you will absolutely have to slow down and brake

>> No.94400318

>corolla vs corolla

>> No.94400353

why do JP gamedevs always call money CP

>> No.94400405
Quoted by: >>94400436

Prease andastandu.

>> No.94400416

she's saying suck a lot lately

>> No.94400436

coin points?

>> No.94400514

Japanese people love CP

>> No.94400540

probably credit points, japanese people just really love credits and points (pachinko, point cards, etc)

>> No.94400561

Why does she think she can phase through the enemy...

>> No.94400763
Quoted by: >>94400792

lore? in my racing game?

>> No.94400773
Quoted by: >>94400833

she only likes bromance if she finds the dudes attractive...

>> No.94400792

Every rival in this game is unique with bios, there's 200 of them already in early access and that's only half of the full game

>> No.94400833
Quoted by: >>94400864

that seems normal though, do yurifags not prefer their lesbos to be hot?

>> No.94400864

Lesbos like them to be butch and unattractive

>> No.94400897
Quoted by: >>94400953

i'm mostly referring to male yurifags

>> No.94400904
Quoted by: >>94400953

lesbos aren't the target audience of yuri

>> No.94400939

holy fuck that was a solid recovery from that spinout

>> No.94400953


>> No.94401107

Is that a... grocery getter?

>> No.94401320
Quoted by: >>94401585

>wants to drift
>wants to crash into opponents
IRyS should play Burnout

>> No.94401486

Does she get anything from beating these grandmas and student drivers?

>> No.94401516

Lunch money

>> No.94401524

CP and BP

>> No.94401533

>outrunning an sti with a 86 with shredded tires
driftmasteRyS my beloved

>> No.94401540


>> No.94401585

I'm just sitting here thinking of all the arcade racers I've played better than this. Need For Speed (1 or 2 or something? on PS1), San Francisco Rush, Burnout, that one game that copied F-Zero, F-Zero, etc.

>> No.94401688
Quoted by: >>94401743

This game is fucking great though

>> No.94401743
Quoted by: >>94401801

I have played and watched racing games before, this is shallow garbage racing.

>> No.94401789

>one game that copied F-Zero
wipeout or extreme g probably

>> No.94401801

You are retarded
The people who love this game the most are huge racing game fans, this game is primarily about drag racing which is a very popular discipline

>> No.94401811

Rush was so good.

>> No.94401812

someone mixed up /v/ and /vt/ again

>> No.94401875

Wipeout was the one in my head, but I was thinking, "That's not it." Yes, I'm 90% sure it was Extreme-G

>> No.94401932
Quoted by: >>94401975

This game literally has the racing depth of Rad Racer on the NES, but more simplified.

>> No.94401948


>> No.94401975
Quoted by: >>94402024

To give you an idea, the most popular multiplayer mod in Assetto Corsa is literally just this, highway racing on the Tokyo Expressway, people fucking love this shit

>> No.94401998

This is not about drag racing, this is about highway racing like Wangan Midnight.

>> No.94402000

>tfw HAPPY CHAPPY turns out being Cappie Mita

>> No.94402024
Quoted by: >>94402151

Yeah, and people love k-pop too. Something being popular doesn't mean it's not garbage.

>> No.94402069

IRyS should play CTR

>> No.94402099

what a WHORE

>> No.94402115

Extreme G2 on the N64 holds a special place in my heart for the music. As a kid I made my own mixtape by holding a tape recorder up to the tv speaker to record

>> No.94402149
Quoted by: >>94402202

IRyS loves manly men...

>> No.94402151

Also I've played just about every popular racing game that exists and I think this game is sick.
Great and engaging progression, the handling feels great for a more arcadey approach to highway racing, and the music is tight.

>> No.94402202

I’m so in

>> No.94402204
Quoted by: >>94402267

That's the only thing I would like about this game, it's like Cookie Clicker (but with less depth).

>> No.94402239

if she were a bit larger it would look like she's sitting on your (my) lap while driving

>> No.94402267

There is skill in this game, IRyS is just bad.
I've had several races now where the opponent CPU has been in a faster car but I still won because I beat them in the corners/weaved through traffic better

>> No.94402270
Quoted by: >>94402333

1st person view is so bad...why IRyS...

>> No.94402333

If she weren't dumb she'd use the hood cam which is just this but you can actually see the car

>> No.94402480

Her Rolling Guy voice is also her Lonely Island voice.

>> No.94402516
Quoted by: >>94402574

thank you for the poetry tokyo xtreme racer devs

>> No.94402556

Racing Lagoon never...

>> No.94402574

The funny part is the old games had funny bad translation like this too, it's honestly nostalgic that they've been doing this for over 20 years

>> No.94402796

Nephilim driver.

>> No.94402967
Quoted by: >>94403269

>Also I've played just about every popular racing game that exists and I think this game is sick.
And I've played just about every racing and that exists and I say it's shit.

>> No.94403122

I am Rolling Guy No 23

>> No.94403170

Ngl I'm jamming to this OST, anyone got a dl to the 2025 soundtrack?

>> No.94403269
Quoted by: >>94403318

Let me guess, you're also the Capcom hater, it'd be consistent for you to continue to have such shit taste

>> No.94403318

na, i just say your post and wanted to mock it. i have no opinion on racing games. i only played underground

>> No.94403549
Quoted by: >>94403611

i think irys should play yakuza in hawaii

>> No.94403611
Quoted by: >>94403662

She wanted to but yakuza fags insisted she had to play the entire series before it

>> No.94403662

She has to at least play 7 before it

>> No.94403723

IRyS should play Infinity Nikki

>> No.94403818

RGBRyS my beloved

>> No.94403844

Customization is always the real stream for racing games with it

>> No.94404269
Quoted by: >>94404383

one retard in chat: later

IRyS: "later in the game?"

>> No.94404383
Quoted by: >>94404476

should have said no in Japanese

>> No.94404384

She has those wild eyes she gets when she's overstimulated.

>> No.94404426
Quoted by: >>94404489

She wants first person view for a rear view mirror (pointless), so she can't even see where her car is...

>> No.94404476

another retard

>> No.94404489
Quoted by: >>94404531

she's learning by feel in first person, just like real driving

>> No.94404531

That's retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.94404581
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, Gotta go fast[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk7kgbx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94404587

The first person views are the best angles because they let you accurately gauge how the car handles the easiest, the hood cam is better since you can actually see the car tho

>> No.94404653

It's just objectively worse, you can't see as much of the road from a low view, you can't see around cars in front of you, etc.

>> No.94404860

keeping the beat with IRyS' rhythm box

>> No.94404917

Cool Sight is a numberfag

>> No.94405310

IRyS is going to have to lather her hands in more skin care…

>> No.94405341

shes saying callus but maybe she means blister?

>> No.94405349

Okay I'm convinced IRyS has mixed up a callus and a blister

>> No.94405448

This reminds me of that F Zero song from Mario Kart

>> No.94405737
Quoted by: >>94405844

IRyStocrats, please make a better version of this idea. I know you can do it.

>> No.94405759

This game is cinema

>> No.94405844

I have no musical talent. Or any other talent for that matter.

>> No.94405921

I'm glad she's actually getting into the game kek

>> No.94406326
Quoted by: >>94406374

>let's just pretend I'm a dude
I'd still bang femboy IRyS...

>> No.94406355
Quoted by: >>94406413

>"Oh my god look at how fast I'm going
>160 KPH/100 MPH
She'll die in the later cars that can do 200 MPH

>> No.94406374

That's because you're a raging homosexual. Without a vagina, I'm out.

>> No.94406408
Quoted by: >>94406553

I was just thinking, Iris, don't you get tired of speaking two languages?
I'm a Japanese person who doesn't understand English, so it's very much appreciated.

>> No.94406413
Quoted by: >>94406447

Will she even get that far or is she going to stick with the tofu car?

>> No.94406447
Quoted by: >>94406532

You have to buy a new car eventually, tofu car maxes out before you get to that point and simply can't compete with better cars

>> No.94406532


>> No.94406539
File: 15 KB, 362x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga what does it matter when the karaoke is if it's archived?

>> No.94406553

Post pits

>> No.94406623

silent mongoose is a metal gear character

>> No.94406666
File: 156 KB, 1500x1001, 7b5bf6898a1359b6c183a5476432f0998d8b235b3baa95949452a39d9b5aaf28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94406697

Use your logic and reasoning skills, anon.

>> No.94406873
File: 88 KB, 1250x1200, 1724460110050578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy can go rope desu

>> No.94406887

Does she know it's not called a freeway because it doesn't cost anything to use, it's a freeway because the road is free of obstacles with the exception of exits?

>> No.94406914

How is this stream going so far, guys?

>> No.94406956

happy JPRyS makes me happy

>> No.94406965

She’s more childish than usual today

>> No.94406990

Fun stream but I'm dipping a bit now.

>> No.94407023

IRyS being cute and sexy is all i need, and the game is fun too

>> No.94407109

I thought it would have over 10,000 viewers.

>> No.94407297

mutual mastertuning with IRyS

>> No.94407358

this retard need to watch streams. she keeps saying she has a couple more recordings since chat is always spamming her to do a karaoke stream

>> No.94407383
Quoted by: >>94407397

Does IRyS have a driver's license?

>> No.94407397
Quoted by: >>94407455

No, she doesn't

>> No.94407440
File: 781 KB, 1280x720, 1719092929209263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mystery niggas...

>> No.94407455

IRyS going down on you while you drive her to her destination.

>> No.94407550
File: 832 KB, 1280x720, 1729285783454386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

valley girl RyS

>> No.94407677

Jesus IRyS calm down

>> No.94407727

>is a middle schooler

>> No.94407754


>> No.94407818

exploring IRyS' secret garden

>> No.94408063
File: 105 KB, 2048x2048, GiLRg1kWAAA7TMp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94408227

>> No.94408202
Quoted by: >>94408283


>> No.94408205

well I'm happy I was wrong earlier

>> No.94408227
File: 272 KB, 482x526, 1690300616350054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94408278

oops meant for >>94396124

>> No.94408283
Quoted by: >>94408325

Retard, those were two different stories.

>> No.94408325
Quoted by: >>94408341

no they weren't biboo said she was invited somewhere yesterday and IRyS just said they went to tea and nails yesterday

>> No.94408341
File: 552 KB, 1280x720, 1711754442527620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zeta was there too

she is very into this death game guy kek

>> No.94408353

that's a new one

>> No.94408360

IRyS NO!!!

>> No.94408376

These are Armored Core pilot names I love Japan

>> No.94408378

why is IRyS so erotic

>> No.94408428

Do you want to be in the same team with IRyS playing death game?

>> No.94408698

This game is dumb!

>> No.94408738
Quoted by: >>94408823

Draws are intentionally designed that way, that's how its worked since the first game like 25 years ago

>> No.94408746

Why do they call the currency 'cp' and the way they tell you how much you have is with the term 'possessed'?
How much cp do you possess?

>> No.94408765

possessing cp is normal on japan

>> No.94408823

it sucks it kills your win streak, though
on the other hand just driving around gives more CP right now than non-boss battles, the "long run bonus" is pretty OP

>> No.94408859
Quoted by: >>94408870

What does CP stand for?

>> No.94408867
Quoted by: >>94408881

IRyS is cute today!

>> No.94408870

cuck porn

>> No.94408881


>> No.94408896
File: 24 KB, 204x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tech support guy almost found my hidden folders!

>> No.94408940


>> No.94408944


>> No.94408963

She's really enjoying this, I'm surprised how decent her driving is.

>> No.94409028


>> No.94409143

IRyS finally finds her core game

>> No.94409159

homophobia? in my Japanese game?

>> No.94409163

Pride killer? Finally a good name.

>> No.94409205 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.38 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS in her car modified to use a PS4 controller:

>> No.94409246

I accidentally wrote in Japanese earlier without using Google Translate.
I'm sorry, I'll be more careful in the future.

>> No.94409258

Why does IRyS like a game about illegal car race on a public street?

>> No.94409284

because it's chuuni weeb garbage.

>> No.94409286

because of the opponent drivers' bios

>> No.94409300

She wants that middle schooler.

>> No.94409302

she is based

>> No.94409319

She is gonna grow up to be detrimental to a society

>> No.94409325
Quoted by: >>94409357

Is IRyS more into shotas or lolis?

>> No.94409351

Christ this is boring as fuck

>> No.94409357


>> No.94409373

is it just me or does her mic sound different today

>> No.94409381

I'm having a great time

>> No.94409390

would you cheat on your car?

>> No.94409414
Quoted by: >>94409461

What would MomRyS and AneRyS feel if they watched this stream?

>> No.94409430
File: 2.23 MB, 1536x1536, 9hcgxn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YabaiRyS is so great, bros.
Hope she never stops being lewd.

>> No.94409447

You never fucking play games for members IRyS why even bring it up

>> No.94409449

I'd screw IRyS's sideburns.

>> No.94409461

MomRyS, AneRyS, and IRyS at the same time.
No birth control. No breaks.

>> No.94409505
Quoted by: >>94409554

How moist are IRyS' thighs?

>> No.94409506
File: 728 KB, 1000x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sideburn screw?

>> No.94409554


>> No.94409555
Quoted by: >>94409802

You will never take IRyS to race on the street of Tokyo, why live?

>> No.94409614

This could have been a DMC stream

>> No.94409639
File: 465 KB, 2048x1325, GiMd07PawAAp-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94409702
Quoted by: >>94409796

So all the turds who were talking about how deep and complex this game is, watching the stream has proven you wrong and me right.

>> No.94409752

I'd kiss IRyS' tako

>> No.94409761
Quoted by: >>94409780

It proved how much of a fag you are, yes
IRyS is loving the shit out of the game and that's all that matters

>> No.94409779
Quoted by: >>94409804

IRyS thinks you have to refuel after an hour of driving...

>> No.94409780
Quoted by: >>94409844

IRyS likes any game she plays this shit is fucking boring

>> No.94409796

Don't say such nasty things, brother.

>> No.94409802

I wouldn’t race but I’d drive her to Costco to get hotdogs and crates of spam

>> No.94409804
File: 1 KB, 53x25, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94409807

where did this retard come from lmao, he's almost as retarded as the capcom hater

>> No.94409820

Vibrate RyS.

>> No.94409842
Quoted by: >>94409896

IRyS's fun level has nothing to do with how good a game is. The game is junk, that doesn't mean IRyS's stream is junk. And just because IRyS's stream is good, that doesn't mean the game is good.
Case in point, I think Chilla's streams are good streams too, but the games are junk.

>> No.94409844

Dishonored bros...

>> No.94409872

those dance lessons? with me on my dick

>> No.94409875

IRyS should play Trackmania.

>> No.94409886

I like this game

>> No.94409896

why do you type like anyone cares about your opinion
I've been playing the game myself while listening to IRyS stream this whole time, game is a blast and you're gay

>> No.94409902
Quoted by: >>94409945

Why does IRyS sound so excited about rumble strips...

>> No.94409914

Imagine if she had a full racing setup with a chair that vibrates

>> No.94409918

You play racing games unironically your opinion means nothing you fag

>> No.94409931

Retard with bad opinions thinks I'm gay? I'd say that's a win and it just proves my straightness.

>> No.94409945
Quoted by: >>94409991

eroRyS can’t help herself

>> No.94409951
Quoted by: >>94409976

Oh?? Maybe this game will bring forth IRyS swearing in another way

>> No.94409966

If only the vibrations' intensity increased with each loss

>> No.94409975

the sides of her hachiroku would be destroyed beyond recognition

>> No.94409976
Quoted by: >>94409993

Swearbeggars deserve the rope

>> No.94409991
Quoted by: >>94410024

IRyS drives by straddling the stick shift, reaching over for the steering wheel, driving on the rumble strips.

>> No.94409993
Quoted by: >>94410005

nah they're based

>> No.94410005

Fuck off fag

>> No.94410019

It's fiction, that's why you're allowed to collect and trade cp.

>> No.94410024

yeah my stiff stick shift

>> No.94410025
Quoted by: >>94410047

you first gaylord

>> No.94410047
Quoted by: >>94410056

How bout you both just ignore each other?

>> No.94410056
Quoted by: >>94410072

How about you suck my fat hairy balls

>> No.94410060

bros shes so cute

>> No.94410072

Wow they were right about you

>> No.94410094

Is 'pink groove' another slang term for snatch?

>> No.94410139

The crazy part is once you defeat several bosses after this, only then do you unlock nitrous and the next tiers of upgrades and cars, kind of kino

>> No.94410164

My dick would have been diamonds if she would have let that "You bitch!" fly

>> No.94410180

How do you get sleep deprived when you did nothing yesterday

>> No.94410191
File: 102 KB, 2048x1336, GgxYzjlaUAA4mNy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94410208


>> No.94410205

keep your monologues to yourself

>> No.94410208

Shut the fuck up and stream Mumei

>> No.94410241
File: 1.19 MB, 1942x1334, 1725937886753543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94410261

I kept her up all night. Sorry.

>> No.94410261

Saplingcoded image

>> No.94410279

By not sleeping

>> No.94410289
Quoted by: >>94410312

Who knew IRyS would get engrossed in a racing game

>> No.94410300

aren't kfp and deadbeats the chief cucks now that Fauna is gone

>> No.94410306
Quoted by: >>94410349

How many round could IRyS last?

>> No.94410312

It's got nothing to do with the racing, it's the chuuni weeb lore (and the ae86)

>> No.94410315

Saplingcoded brainrot

>> No.94410325
Quoted by: >>94410350


>> No.94410349

one more dude

>> No.94410350

fuwawa and mococo fuck eachother nonstop but I don't think that counts

>> No.94410396

Nimi is going to eat IRyS?! .....hot.

>> No.94410405
Quoted by: >>94410428

This is a brrat misdirecting from bae

>> No.94410428

more like misdirecting from mumei
