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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 59 KB, 383x274, 1719678611570540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
94102472 No.94102472 [Reply] [Original]

Hi Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hestia - https://www.twitch.tv/hestiahappiness | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyaxhmE-zyUIjMfCGQ75vlA
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Hotaru - https://www.twitch.tv/akatsukidhotaru | https://www.youtube.com/@AkatsukiDHotaru
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Nagi - https://www.twitch.tv/NagIsekaied | https://www.youtube.com/@NagIsekaied
Peke - https://www.twitch.tv/pekeispeak | https://www.youtube.com/@PekeIsPeak
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>94094734

>> No.94102512

Big Tits

>> No.94102514

not fond of MataraKan

>> No.94102517


>> No.94102536
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hesty doko

>> No.94102557 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>94103227

>> No.94102592
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>> No.94102641
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die froggyfag

>> No.94102688
File: 14 KB, 128x128, MoWait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't post such things in this thread, you will upset matafags. please refrain from insulting our mom

>> No.94102724

same, but it's not hate, just not interested

>> No.94102768


>> No.94102771
Quoted by: >>94102979

I don't hate any vshojo members.

>> No.94102828

I hate all vshojo members.

>> No.94102829
File: 380 KB, 858x678, 1735425495199755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like the company. Don't care about the talents.

>> No.94102840


>> No.94102876

Company Freedom.

>> No.94102921

good morning, I only have contempt for Ironmouse

>> No.94102944

Geega is mid at best. Yes I mean it, and there is nothing you can do ab

>> No.94102957

All hail the big white V

>> No.94102960
File: 1.53 MB, 1331x731, 235230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Michi keep showing Jennie's pic?
Has Michi fallen in love with Jennie?

>> No.94102979

I don't even hate any Vtubers in general Except those who were mean to Froot

>> No.94103013

Hello anon, just visit the catalog for the rest of the Blue dorito threads

>> No.94103015

who hasn't

>> No.94103040
File: 376 KB, 1152x2048, Ghza8_yawAA17XA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michi cosplay

>> No.94103057


>> No.94103070
Quoted by: >>94103113

Michi: todays really gonna be a short stream guys
>Has been streaming for 5 hours

>> No.94103113

I mean, that is short for a lot of twitch streamers.

>> No.94103144

Is every Vshojo art tag being attacked by spam?

>> No.94103156
Quoted by: >>94103278

>Art tags still getting shat up by those Schizos
Nice website Elmo

>> No.94103175
File: 121 KB, 288x343, 1733673992067678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I get feeling Peke might not reach CEO today also

>> No.94103227

Henya needs art like this

>> No.94103240

Can people start using other platforms? I only look at twitter to view my oshi personal page

>> No.94103278

homeboy just dropped two sieg heils on national television
there's something he wants to eliminate, but I don't think it's spambots

>> No.94103292

Gotta believe

>> No.94103295
Quoted by: >>94103392

Behead all concernfags

>> No.94103349
Quoted by: >>94103371

>Have you checked up on Henya yet?
Can Michis mods do their fucking jobs?

>> No.94103355

>Streamer please call and harass your sick coworker at 1 am
Aare they completely braindead?
And why don't fucktards like this get permabanned?

>> No.94103371

That guy is still pestering? Holy fuck

>> No.94103392


>> No.94103429

michi is too polite...

>> No.94103466

Even henya tells ttsfags to fuck off

>> No.94103514
File: 54 KB, 606x419, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94103601

It took her 25 hours to realize she can control the mc mid air. We are looking at a 40 hour playthrough.

>> No.94103638

Mata is probably not aware that this is just hime shitposting half the time

>> No.94103735

This is the future of this thread as more members will be added

>> No.94103779

why do vtubers with flat asses exist?

>> No.94103806

why do you continue to exist?

>> No.94103813

for that irish audience

>> No.94103838

Never seen one

>> No.94103856

Still doing her admin work I see

>> No.94103894

Anon, all vtubers are flat unless 3D.

>> No.94103979

Sinder and her massive jiggling jahooblies will never be /in/

>> No.94104000

Hime kek

>> No.94104019

fine with it as long I can be /in/ sinder instead

>> No.94104024

Yet another thing ruined by the Gfuel partnership.

>> No.94104041

Phew, Michi's gonna play the original Doom 1 and 2, not that comic cringe fest dumpster fire.

>> No.94104082
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Quoted by: >>94104205

isn't promotion over?

>> No.94104116

Is there legitimate beef between those wolf women or is it just something that gets posted here

>> No.94104162

you can also blame her for selling her IP to gammer supps for a co ownership thing

>> No.94104203

Peke back to suffering i see

>> No.94104205

That's just the collectors box. The flavor is still pre-orderable and the girls have partner codes I think.

>> No.94104223
File: 143 KB, 1200x625, True Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94104395

>> No.94104224
Quoted by: >>94104600

Sinder likes Silver. But Silver is a bitch and never said anything back

>> No.94104257
File: 247 KB, 482x562, IMG_5557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geega lewds?

>> No.94104354


>> No.94104360

>Is there legitimate beef between those wolf women
>or is it just something that gets posted here
Shitposted, yes, only here and nowhere else.

>> No.94104368
Quoted by: >>94104453

Hime, come back and finish miside

>> No.94104377

Silver didn't fall for Sinder's leech tactics like Zen did with Geega

>> No.94104395

Another victory for Mata

>> No.94104450
Quoted by: >>94104600

For the better. Silver would have held Sinder back.

>> No.94104452
File: 308 KB, 548x551, 1710388867867661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot update from Michi. She was talking about how she likes to check up on all the members from time to time. Everyone in chat asked about Froot and Michi said she's been trying to check up on Froot but she thinks Froot is just taking her time. Sounds like Froot is in another depressive episode, but I guess we didn't really need confirmation for that.

>> No.94104453

She didn't even started it yet.

>> No.94104455
Quoted by: >>94104600

>implying Sinder needs to leech on a who

>> No.94104494
Quoted by: >>94104629

>implying THE who needs to leech on a Silver

>> No.94104538

so, update is that michi has no updates? cool

>> No.94104600

and there's the melty kek

>> No.94104629
Quoted by: >>94104688



>> No.94104636
Quoted by: >>94104688

Is everything a melty to you?

>> No.94104644

>Sounds like Froot is in another depressive episode
Ah shit, I thought she was working on music or whatever. Guess not. Well, hope she'll get better soon.

>> No.94104666

You need to learn what a melty is.

>> No.94104680

Froot needs sex

>> No.94104688
Quoted by: >>94104716



>> No.94104716
Quoted by: >>94104823



>> No.94104790

Michi hates the Welsh

>> No.94104823



>> No.94104860

>"i don't think the godfather part 2 is quite as good as part 1"
>uh oh here's the melty! kekaroo!!!

>> No.94104862
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>> No.94104866
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>> No.94104922

why in german?

>> No.94104926

I think both classic Godfather films are overrated obsolete dull slogs

>> No.94104934

God that model is so fucking sex (I think this every time)

>> No.94104942

just came back to see Peke with a ton of subs.
golden kappa i guess?

>> No.94104967

uh oh melty

>> No.94104984

Same, they unironically insist upon themselves

>> No.94105039

All 3 movies are great, the heck? Can't say the same about the games, though. The first one is very good, the second one is alright, but not as good as the first one.

>> No.94105044
File: 423 KB, 827x797, melina cloak swish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94105122

>*flicks cloak back before kneeling*
Autism representation is good

>> No.94105059

I disagree but can see why people dislike them, they're very slow. The tremendous acting sucks me in though.

>> No.94105087
Quoted by: >>94105191

Michi is just incredibly illiterate, isn't she?

>> No.94105099

Called it

>> No.94105122

>not wanting your clothes to be dirty is autistic
you're very retarded

>> No.94105138

This is getting more frequent unfortunately but it doesn't make me mad like Matara's cancellations do

>> No.94105161
Quoted by: >>94105298

>Michi cannot into Fromsoft games

>> No.94105170
Quoted by: >>94105190

You shouldn't call autists retarded. It's very rude.

>> No.94105190

But it's true.

>> No.94105191

she's an enigma, she uses more advanced english in everyday speech than any npc in elden ring. But yet can't understand them

>> No.94105216
Quoted by: >>94105306

Peke almost reached the final section. I am starting to believe, only took her 31 hours to understand the game

>> No.94105275
Quoted by: >>94105396

>Michi going on a rant about old English in a fantasy game
Uh oh, melty!

>> No.94105298

Oh she can't into non-prose

>> No.94105306

yeah she is acing most stuff now, ceo is close

>> No.94105396

>Uh oh, melthy!

>> No.94105397
Quoted by: >>94105462

It's the drama of the swish that makes it autism, you need to see it in motion to get it really

>> No.94105413

I want for Peke to keep playing hard games

>> No.94105462
Quoted by: >>94105502

I was gonna say it's more chuuni than autistic and then I realized chuunis are autistic.

>> No.94105485

fire emoji? Zen is is /in/

>> No.94105502

That's the word I'm looking for yeah

>> No.94105512
File: 541 KB, 1920x1080, ペケがCEOになるところ、みてて 2 golden kappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94105538

I am the unknown reason.

>> No.94105537

>woke up late for unknown reasons
sex all night, it was sex

>> No.94105566
Quoted by: >>94105609

>TTS about playing playing Kingdom Hearts
God i fucking hate TTS

>> No.94105582
Quoted by: >>94105644

poor froot. that's a rough way to start the year. looking forward to her comeback.

>> No.94105609

uh oh melty

>> No.94105635

>unknown reason
so it's confirmed ari?

>> No.94105644

Can you not jinx it

>> No.94105664

Must be nice not having to work for months because you are feeling down.

>> No.94105690
File: 85 KB, 1080x577, Screenshot_20250121-113123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope it's more numi michi clips

>> No.94105707

Zen mentioned that Froot is okay the other day too so proof of life is good enough for me. Hope she can get past it cause I miss Froot noises

>> No.94105717

They're not earning much when they're not streaming

>> No.94105764

its momos so its gonna be a bunch of vtuber clips

>> No.94105768
Quoted by: >>94105870

stop biting bait negro

>> No.94105811
Quoted by: >>94105938

that actually sounds dreadful, I love my job and feeling appreciated

>> No.94105817

They are rich enough to not need to
That said if I was a streamer I would assume I'm a flash in the pan and milk it extremely hard for the years I still can
I think Zen has this attitude

>> No.94105854

>nonstop hours of essay
I heard that "essay" as "SA" lol

>> No.94105870

That's not bait retard I'm sure they would all agree they're very lucky to be able to do that

>> No.94105917

She said she wants to watch old VShojo clips too. how long until a certain schizo has an episode when she sees a clip that Silver is in. Like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXKKpT-nCk8..

>> No.94105925
Quoted by: >>94106348

Still earning way too much for "working" 40-80 hours a month from the comfort of their home when most people do that in a week. I will not pretend I know what goes into your head being a content creator but cmon man, it shouldn't be that hard

>> No.94105930
Quoted by: >>94106056

How did Mishi start ranting about Elden Ring and can she please move on

>> No.94105938
Quoted by: >>94106052

I'd say I love my job but doing anything 5 days a week gets real old
Probably including streaming

>> No.94105992

Well, Michi is just retarded. Plain and simple.

>> No.94106001

>Michi can't understand anyone being quiet for 15 seconds

>> No.94106052
Quoted by: >>94106205

But 90% of them don't stream 5 days in a week. They stream like 3 days max for like 3-6 hours each. Zen and Mouse (when healthy) are the only ones that treat this as a job.

>> No.94106056


>> No.94106179


>> No.94106205

Henya’s schedule is actually the most consistent though and she clocks out, it’s only the illness fucking her. Michi may not treat it as a job but her hours are also comparable

>> No.94106215
Quoted by: >>94106427

Michi said she sometimes drinks to help her go to bed. Doesn't she take opioids as a sleep aid, for some reason? That sounds like a very dangerous combination kek

>> No.94106246

>My vtuber oshi
>Hana Machia

>> No.94106248

She must be retarded, there is no other way....

>> No.94106254

so close...distracted by conner

>> No.94106259

Kek she's save scumming.

>> No.94106308

I think Henya did it in some parts as well but not this much lol

>> No.94106347
Quoted by: >>94111250

Niji threw the golden sink at her to keep her but if she ever breaks free 100%

>> No.94106348
Quoted by: >>94106677

You're being angry about the wrong thing. The issue is not that the vtubers get "too much" for what they do. The issue is that other non-rich people get underpaid for what THEY do.

>> No.94106368
Quoted by: >>94106476

to be fair, before that checkpoint she was mostly throwing herself further back by doing it. she has no concept of recovery in this game

>> No.94106427

Nah that was before prescribed meds, she used to drink but now she takes ketamine? Opioids are usually for pain

>> No.94106468
Quoted by: >>94106506

Is she playing on a Keyboard!?

>> No.94106476

>>94106368 (me)
and she fucked up another hang, i can't fucking take it

>> No.94106491

it's not helping her that much overall

>> No.94106506

Not anymore

>> No.94106595
File: 79 KB, 440x566, 1735061541524646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She almost made it

>> No.94106612

Holding hands...

>> No.94106626

Michi scaring the brown titty hoes

>> No.94106629

holy shit why is she taking that trash runup and go with it

>> No.94106677

Your one point is correct. Others are underpaid sure. I don't mind them making bank, I am saying you should be able to filter things and also show up once in a blue moon to your job even if you don't feel 100%. Radio silence for months is ridiculous. For Haruka also is more ridiculous because she shows up to other peoples streams and collabs like everything is fine, she just want do it for her own stream. I know you are autistic bro but cmon

>> No.94106694
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>> No.94106711
File: 127 KB, 749x824, 1726322228367843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94106717

Nice sasuga peke

>> No.94106722


>> No.94106750

How does one grift Geega like she did Zen? How do I get /in/?

>> No.94106768
Quoted by: >>94106799

I just woke up and Michi's not live. Is everyone talking about something else or is she somewhere else

>> No.94106767

>How to get put in art commission queue despite them being closed
>send a very large raid to pressure the artist
Michi's clever sometimes

>> No.94106775

oh shit she didit

IDK how she made that with such a wobbly try

>> No.94106799

Just ended

>> No.94106810
File: 84 KB, 625x365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94106865

final stats

>> No.94106858

Second hype train for Peke

>> No.94106865
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1716692612065504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

henya stats, for comparison

>> No.94106877

Now will this put pressure on blue retard to finish the game?

>> No.94106889

I feel oilers have secured rage games as a Peke staple, she is farming trains today. Good job if you see this.

>> No.94106906

Over 500 subs and 10k bits. Peke eating good today.

>> No.94106939

just saw a vtuber

>> No.94106945
File: 14 KB, 602x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.94106960

for what?

>> No.94106983

Sex with the CEO

>> No.94106995

I think it's u-san. The only reason I could see Michi this hyped

>> No.94107023
File: 54 KB, 750x341, 1734582244260563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94107049
File: 3.31 MB, 1488x2240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94107062
File: 2.38 MB, 1144x2048, el_jefe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94107088

Not only that, she reached 4 view territory on her own. You know what to do Peke. farm all the rage games.

>> No.94107110

It's definitely not U-san and any cute girl would have Michi like this.

>> No.94107159

Rage games translate well across the language barrier.

>> No.94107158

then I would be disappointed, she’s a great singer but not a great streamer

>> No.94107177
File: 64 KB, 459x438, 1727525746006434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peke is releasing a cover song of the uno meme song

>> No.94107202

Probably, but they are meh for me because the content just aren't my type. The other 2 better be good.

>> No.94107204

what song?

>> No.94107255
File: 190 KB, 417x209, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's gonna be a nice day of horse race betting

>> No.94107295
Quoted by: >>94110034


I like Rica's cover the most so far

>> No.94107301
Quoted by: >>94110034

Isn't she talking about that project she's working on
In case you don't know, it's a vocaloid song of a smug Miku

>> No.94107303
File: 223 KB, 1192x2048, x.com shirakwaaaa 2 GhqV6r2bUAAJdxW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peke finally made it to CEO.
what a raging journey

>> No.94107437

Why did Geega do it, bros?

>> No.94107468
File: 314 KB, 798x861, 1722710485317434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94107517

>> No.94107475

She's loyal to the agency.

>> No.94107500

penis too big. Everyone told her about the risks of impalement. Poor joe

>> No.94107517

Our CEO giving a speech

>> No.94107539

couldn't resist bald man's charm

>> No.94107611


>> No.94107645
Quoted by: >>94107740

426 gift subs from 2 hype trains on one day.
Peke eating well next month

>> No.94107740

gonna be gone after 1 horse race

>> No.94107749
File: 46 KB, 596x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere out there, mikeneko is autistic screeching.

>> No.94107853

The only good members:
fire everyone else

>> No.94107932

Um no
Henya keeps raping Peke every day

>> No.94107950
Quoted by: >>94107998

Good picks

>> No.94107973 [DELETED] 

back you go liggerfaggot

>> No.94107990

I'm bad at holo lore, what does it mean?

>> No.94107998

and those are all you need. they all stream consistently and one begins when the other ends. Michi into Zen into Henya

>> No.94108002

Peke is 100% done with the game

>> No.94108015

back you go liggerfaggot
ignore the first one

>> No.94108090

Why did Michi want to commission a artist who only draws men?
is it a hint?

>> No.94108129
File: 930 KB, 1920x1080, 1730235637784618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94108206

The only good members:

>> No.94108130

Nta but there's no reason to bother with her if she's just doing her own things. Better to have one fewer schizo enemy than one more.

>> No.94108152

heavenly is /in/

>> No.94108176
File: 51 KB, 267x267, 1728941517611620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94108282


>> No.94108184
File: 3.26 MB, 384x314, IMG_3361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a huge beef with sakuna

>> No.94108206


>> No.94108282

anon remember to turn off your pc midnight of december 31, 1999

>> No.94108286
Quoted by: >>94108377

It’s gonna be Chibidoki

>> No.94108299

you can go beyond CEO but seems the girls know when to quit

>> No.94108305


>> No.94108319

We need more pink
I hope we get more pink

>> No.94108340

when rushia got fired at hololive she was shitting on aqua in particular (sakuna) and claimed she was bullied alot behind the scene by her because she kept overlapping her streams. Which is hilarious because aqua is a bigger introvert than henya so nobody believed rushia besides the keyfags

>> No.94108359
Quoted by: >>94108480


>> No.94108377
Quoted by: >>94108418

in mythic

>> No.94108418

Not an org last I checked

>> No.94108422

We're buying the whole vchban
All of it

>> No.94108426
Quoted by: >>94108561

hololive is probably very toxic behind the scenes

>> No.94108443

no other vshojo live for peke to raid

>> No.94108446
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Oh boy this is a long one.

Well in case you don't know, Sakuna was Aqua in Holo, Doob was Ame and Kson was Coco.
Recently Doob raided Ame and the two seemingly are ok with a collab
Sakura didn't follow Kson, and neither did Kson to her.
It was weirdly speculated that Mikeneko (who used to be Rushia) had some weird beef with Sakuna back in Holo, I don't remember the specifics, but it was the thing that created this image (if you didn't do your reps), in which she said that a "senpai who was good at fps" bullied her. Which kinda like the Niji drama, everyone kinda just thought that Kson siding with Mike for so long, meant that the two (Kson and Sakuna) were also in beef.

That's about it, see ya

>> No.94108450
Quoted by: >>94109024

At least that's the theory of who she meant. But as far as I can remember, there weren't any others who would have fit the description.

>> No.94108461

gunrun isnt the type to do that
thats more of an bravegroup move buying vtuber corpos

>> No.94108462

>Both her husband and girlfriend likes the game

>> No.94108467

Man, why did she have to be a psycho.

>> No.94108473
Quoted by: >>94108490

>Recently Doob raided Ame
how did Dooby raid Ame? they're the same person.

>> No.94108480

She tweeted about Naruto "out of nowhere"

>> No.94108490
File: 190 KB, 1358x1080, 10ULOlBAYT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94108511

I meant Kson

>> No.94108511
Quoted by: >>94108536

When did Kson raid ame?

>> No.94108515
File: 160 KB, 1500x500, IMG_5647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94108568

No were buying Girls FC

>> No.94108536
Quoted by: >>94108596

Doob raided Kson

>> No.94108558


I'm late to the party. Any speculations?

>> No.94108561

its not as bad as nijisanji when i used to watch them when coco was there. Management can be shit but usually the girls do get along. Rushia is just special she loves feuding with others coz shes bipolar and a psycho. Remember that she even tried feuding with henya and hated her because henya was trying so hard to be friends with her

>> No.94108568
Quoted by: >>94109005

Ewww, brotha.


>> No.94108571
Quoted by: >>94108614

The only good Vshojos:

>> No.94108570

We are getting the band back together

>> No.94108579
Quoted by: >>94108668

Aren't Towa and Botan also known for FPS shit?

>> No.94108596

Which stream did this happen? got a timestamp?

>> No.94108614

Go live Henya

>> No.94108636

the never stick your dick in crazy has never been more appropriate

>> No.94108638

Lethal company collab, there's a clip somewhere of Kson saying she would love to collab with Dooby

>> No.94108660

What now?

>> No.94108668
Quoted by: >>94108768

Yes, but Towa is Gen 4, Botan is Gen 5 and Rushia was Gen 3. Making them "kouhais" or juniors
The Nova collab.
She raided like 30 minutes before this

>> No.94108688

now Nagi and Hestia are left to climb the corporate ladder to CEO

>> No.94108691

Loutlot for fucks sake explain to them that they can in fact raid someone even if no vshojo are live, please

>> No.94108709


>> No.94108753

it is really really not worth it. you will regret it

>> No.94108768
Quoted by: >>94108846

you lost me guys, what gen was kson? 4?
wait, if aqua was 2 it's a pretty big thing she suddenly left

>> No.94108774


>> No.94108782
Quoted by: >>94108846

remember this?

rushia was legit in tears thinking she was being legit bullied and cussed by miko lol

>> No.94108795

Congratulations PEKE!


She cheated and reset her save point whenever she fell. Only Henya is worthy of the CEO title.

>> No.94108801

if you like the adrenaline just stick your cock into a beehive, less long term damages

>> No.94108827

do you want your car keyed and future spouse stalked? do not stick your dick in crazy

>> No.94108842

nova girls don't know many vtubers beyond vshojo. probably hesitant to raid because of that.

who would be good non-vshojo collab partners for peke , nagi and hotaru?

>> No.94108846

Kson or Coco was Gen 4 yes, and yes to the other thing, her graduation and return broke both records
Yeah kek
Goddamn, why did she have to be so mentally ill

>> No.94108875
Quoted by: >>94108898

It's a moral wrong for a streamer to NOT raid

>> No.94108898

yes ironmouse it is

>> No.94108903

>Laimu finally got her package from the walkaround she did with Mata
Hope they placed a special envelope in the box

>> No.94108910

Jps don't raid people without first getting to know them. That's the jp manners autism.

>> No.94108913


>> No.94108914

stogra peeps are mostly safe bet, they are very PG13 and very JP, for example

>> No.94108919
Quoted by: >>94109011

Guys I can actually fix her

>> No.94108920
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Quoted by: >>94108987


>> No.94108946
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>who would be good non-vshojo collab partners for peke , nagi and hotaru?
The fat bitch (jp)

>> No.94108960

What? Did she join another org?

>> No.94108987
Quoted by: >>94109067

I just had my share of dick in crazy already

>> No.94109005
File: 65 KB, 799x1024, IMG_4904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94109110


>> No.94109009

Yeah, another talent agency

>> No.94109011

godspeed anon, I believe in (you)

>> No.94109024
Quoted by: >>94109070

There are, I remember some autistic anon doing the stats and it turned out Aqua wasn't anywhere near the top when it came to people "overlapping her streams"
But all of that is pointless, Mikeneko is just a legit mental case and nobody should ever take anything she says seriously.

>> No.94109055

hestia knows alot of jp vtubers i know she has her own posse before vshojo

>> No.94109068
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Quoted by: >>94109135


>> No.94109067
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Well now let other people have their turn. I bet you didn't give a shit when it was /in/

>> No.94109070

remind me why we went for her

>> No.94109106
File: 573 KB, 1126x643, anQayUFUZ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94109127


>> No.94109110
Quoted by: >>94109131


>> No.94109111

NTA but that post didn't mention hestia, probably specifically for that reason.

>> No.94109123

she joined WACTOR she debutted for a week but ghosted the corpo and never touched the account again when she saw how low the numbers were

>> No.94109127
Quoted by: >>94109215

how much did she pay gun?

>> No.94109131
File: 580 KB, 1131x615, IMG_5493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94109165


>> No.94109135

The venn diagram of streamers, grifters and lying for clout is just a circle

>> No.94109161

We? Because it's a lot funnier to think of Aqua as a bully, and also because her popularity means more effective bait.
I wish Aqua would bully me...

>> No.94109162
Quoted by: >>94109240

High risk gamble to start the jp branch. Didn't work out because they underestimated how menhera she was.

>> No.94109165
Quoted by: >>94109234

Take a dirt nap, batfag.

>> No.94109178
Quoted by: >>94109287


>> No.94109211

bat should have bigger tits

>> No.94109215

It's not about that, Nazuna did sell a good chunk of merch. Sadly Mike spend it all lawyering up against her antis

>> No.94109234
File: 559 KB, 771x1098, IMG_5573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends with Geega
>raided by henya

>> No.94109240

was management the same people back then? I wonder which poor soul got her

>> No.94109253


>> No.94109257

Give me my fucking Zen knife

>> No.94109261
File: 81 KB, 331x291, 1733650179804110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They removed her butt?!?

>> No.94109287

kinda fucked up how they deleted 4 years of her work because she told some youtuber her manager was an asshole

>> No.94109314

I doubt it, they seemed useless until 2 months ago.

>> No.94109335

Mouse call Nazuna she's crying

>> No.94109347

she basically has reverse imposter syndrome

>> No.94109354
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>> No.94109391
Quoted by: >>94109431

why are traitor fags this way?

>> No.94109396
Quoted by: >>94109508

It is. I truly despise the person but deleting her work is a dick move. I heard though that it is the standard in the industry, at least on the jp side.

>> No.94109414

The deleting part of gtaduation has always seemed so weird to me. You hurt them, your company and your fans by doing that.

>> No.94109429

i know. that's why i left her out

>> No.94109431

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.94109439

why does froots tits keep changing sizes

>> No.94109508
File: 815 KB, 806x632, 439843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I truly despise the person
The you're more deranged than she ever was

>> No.94109547

Of the known people, an overall yes, Mamanger (the person who was Kson manager) was the main person in charge of the JP talents, to this day she's Henya and Kson's manager. Mofuku was their "talent mentor" and Iwataiki was supposed to be their Director of Talent. Iwataiki is the only that left. Mofuku still works for VShojoJP, she supervises and I think she might the connection that brought some of the Nova girls, but that's a theory.

The NOVA girls do have a unique manager, and the new director of talents, he's technically unknown but he's usually in their chats as JPMGVSM

>> No.94109559

why don't they change sizes at random during stream? i think that'd really bring the viewers in

>> No.94109615
Quoted by: >>94109740

How long ago u order

>> No.94109628
Quoted by: >>94110029

bits redeem to make them bigger or smaller, that shit will farm better than tts

>> No.94109656
Quoted by: >>94109839

Froot with Milky tits

>> No.94109674
Quoted by: >>94109824

i've seen a 3view do this

>> No.94109682

the problem is talents old a lot of brand power in the industry, so when they act bad you have to fully crush their public image and more importantly their spirit, to avoid having other ones band together and get uppity

>> No.94109688
File: 40 KB, 770x433, lich-dnd-770x433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its an illusion.

>> No.94109713


>> No.94109740

Launch day. May 16.

>> No.94109747
File: 3.29 MB, 498x281, froot-vtuber-tea-lolipop-froot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot with Milky tea

>> No.94109753
File: 352 KB, 135x96, 3x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geegin' out

>> No.94109763

Things were too complicated with mfmf involved and management without deep connections in the showbiz to know all that stuff. Probably saw a chance and went for it. Seems like a fair bet that just didn't work out.
I wouldn't fault whoever that did it although in hindsight Vshojo would be so much farther ahead if they took one of the 1k jp indies instead.

>> No.94109792
File: 345 KB, 164x128, classic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94110017


>> No.94109824
Quoted by: >>94109877

They'd be a 2view if they didn't

>> No.94109839
Quoted by: >>94110008

Geega with Milky tits

>> No.94109877


>> No.94109893

Don't forget the holo guy who joined in May. He works for JP.

>> No.94109902

thats a really good idea tbqh

>> No.94109954
Quoted by: >>94109990

geega _ ____ ___

>> No.94109990
File: 248 KB, 512x539, IMG_5563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.94109991

pretty sure codemiko did this before

>> No.94110008

Kill this motherfucker

>> No.94110017
Quoted by: >>94110313

I'm done with them after this, every order has gone past expected ship date. I have never received anything on time from them, and the owner would rather make shitty YouTube skits.

>> No.94110029
File: 538 KB, 1612x2048, 16a67f7e0a4d94e9de1f605d805c7fd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bits for tits...
it rhymes so you know it's a moneymaker

>> No.94110034
File: 64 KB, 188x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After hearing the song, I never expected for VShojo to have an actual kusogaki

>> No.94110063

geega live
Peke just missed her

>> No.94110096

how do you know so much about the jp managers? henya and kson rarely mentions em and just call em “mane-san”
I knew it we have actual vshojo people lurking in these threads

>> No.94110140
File: 256 KB, 441x505, 1679085620751387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94110199

I pay attention

>> No.94110178

You can search vshojo on twitter and find many more staff who are tagged up in profile but never reply or retweet stuff.

>> No.94110183
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Mamane mentioned

>> No.94110199
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>> No.94110204

Hime needs more lewds

>> No.94110232
Quoted by: >>94110285

Hime needs to unnerf herself

>> No.94110271

Hime needs more streams. I miss her. I miss her so much bros...

>> No.94110275
Quoted by: >>94110312

i am thinking about geega's pussy, breasts, and ass

>> No.94110285
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>> No.94110312
Quoted by: >>94110346

same, but with my dick in them

>> No.94110313

b-b-b-but anon they're heckin small company with 3 employes and the boss pays them good wage!!1!!!!

>> No.94110341

jp ksonbros said shes an actual tomboy milf

>> No.94110346

you could have just said same

>> No.94110360

She is

>> No.94110376
File: 584 KB, 234x170, 1717891277602837.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94110581


>> No.94110429

Dunno about tomboy but she's a literal milf

>> No.94110581

Crazy gif

>> No.94110738
Quoted by: >>94110847

Bruh if the Novel Horizon fig is anything to go by, we're not getting that knife till 2026.

>> No.94110805

i hate ironmouse

>> No.94110821

I hope actually something happens here. I don't want it to be like with Delu where they never even got started with collabing on stream.

>> No.94110826
File: 274 KB, 1204x1952, 1716955081977396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94111187

We posting mamane?

>> No.94110847
Quoted by: >>94111130

Both companies were very public about things every step of the way though. Novel Horizons had issues with the literal Texas heat melting stock and requiring replacements of a bunch of finished units which delayed everything else down the line and they posted updates like once a month about the progress of everything. Vite Ramen took on the task of fixing a bunch of other people's merch issues after Bao's manager ran with the money which delayed their own projects at the same time.

>> No.94110884
Quoted by: >>94111017

>>94110805 (You)
Yea you're not kidding. You're the bait thread schizo.

>> No.94110915
File: 1.38 MB, 356x292, 1691632868957200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>94111386

I forgot today is the LC lobby, I better start looking something else to do

>> No.94110956

i hate you too

>> No.94111007

silver back /in

>> No.94111017

which bait we talking exactly? gotta be specific, not sure if it was me or not

>> No.94111024

She uses that, because she looks exactly like that.

>> No.94111051
Quoted by: >>94111194

There's like 500 different ways to take this. I'm hoping that the second teaser clears things up. Like a second teaser focusing on something else, an entirely different scene, an accessory, something. Lots of ways it could go but we don't have much right now.

>> No.94111076
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>> No.94111109
File: 19 KB, 600x172, 1709135306766837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro is looking

>> No.94111130

yeah I wasn't really hating on them. streamer merch (especially vtuber merch) seems to take forever to get fulfilled. More like, at this point delays are par for the course.

>> No.94111187

leave it to kson to hire a big titty hot milf for a manager

>> No.94111194

Second teaser will zoom in on zen's ass while she does squats.

>> No.94111250

Nah, that will never gonna happen. Hana could give a rats ass about vtubing (she said so herself couple of years ago). When her popularity started to rise up, she purposefully started to stream less, doing and saying anything that will irritate her community to the point that people will start to choose someone else over her and completely stopped streaming with her dad (because it was the main reason why she was getting popular).
>t. (former( hanamakifag

>> No.94111306

Don't watch nijis but why would she join a vtuber corpo if she hates vtubing?

>> No.94111352

i hate thilverwhale

>> No.94111355

Geega is claiming she can't learn Japanese because she gets confused by how similar it is to Korean. Isn't it usually the opposite? I always thought it was easier to learn another language if you already know one that is similar to it...

>> No.94111380
Quoted by: >>94111543

the original pitch for nijisanji (for the talents at least) was about having fun with this neat avatar technology. not to be a job. most of the ancient nijis would never monetize their streams and they all had day jobs. being a vtuber was just their hobby.

>> No.94111386

which one?

>> No.94111405

the fucking thread is hella chill and comfy why are you summoning the pet schizo

>> No.94111425

Dunno why she joined the corpo, but she started vtubing because of Pikamee. She was legit head over heels for her.

>> No.94111450

Why would you type that you asshole

>> No.94111456

new thread

>> No.94111467

This schizo is warming up a place for pet schizo's comeback. Seems like it's time when he will be unbanned again.

>> No.94111470

Yes it is, she's retarded.
Also they are not really similar, they are about as distinct as French and German with words being borrowed from each other

>> No.94111543

And now new blood wants to be in a full job but forced to keep their day job kek

>> No.94111570

hana is such a waste she was one of the first english vtubers to blow up and she kept self sabotaging herself to irrelevance. Like i dont care if the background dude was her dad or her bf but he was legit charismatic and entertaining as fuck (actually more than hana herself)

>> No.94111583

sucks to be a hateful bitch like you

>> No.94111787

Hana has her own bright moments too (Hotline Miami streams when she was cursing in Indonesian, nu-Doom streams when she was losing her shit trying to beat the Marauder, etc). Her dad is legit hilarious and cool guy, despite him being a fucking commie.

>> No.94112190

wait a minute...

>> No.94112799

can't teach an old woman new tricks
