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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9393506 No.9393506 [Reply] [Original]

>Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_aKKYxn4tvrqPjcTzZ6EQ
>Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
>Current Schedule - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna/status/1434411236800614402
Reminder to hide, ignore, and do not interact with grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.

Previous Thread: >>9319613

>> No.9393600


>> No.9393650 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9393688
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>> No.9393704
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>> No.9393873
Quoted by: >>9393929 >>9398863

I wish she would do a soft spoken stream instead of that whispering ASMR stuff, her normal speaking voice sounds way better

>> No.9393929


>> No.9394273
File: 548 KB, 4096x2889, E-nmi_MVkAAD_oR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9394637 >>9407116

Wonder why they went with Kirin for her species. I'm not sure I want to see them connect her to Kiara

>> No.9394637
Quoted by: >>9394803 >>9394805

How are kirin and phoenixes remotely connected?

>> No.9394803
Quoted by: >>9394951


They're pretty big figures in Asian mythology and I think Kirin are also features in immortality stuff?

>> No.9394805
Quoted by: >>9394951

They're both major mythical creatures in east-asian mythology.

>> No.9394951
Quoted by: >>9395221

I doubt there's anything to fear then, the more obvious collection is with HoloMyth as a whole.

>> No.9395221
File: 297 KB, 1200x1200, E-szKcqVkAI50a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9395356

I wouldn't be surprised if Kiara brings it up to assert dominance in the grand order of things, as she often does. Fauna turning it around on her would be fun to watch though

>> No.9395356
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1629661128178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9395543 >>9421620

Holy shit that art is beautiful
My favorite so far by far

>> No.9395505
File: 1.80 MB, 980x1638, 92097503_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's easily one of the most beautiful holos, fitting for such a nice voice and sweet girl.

>> No.9395543

Still a WIP too

>> No.9395576
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>> No.9395727
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Quoted by: >>9396036

Would anyone be interested in a version of her ASMR stream but with the chat interaction and OOC moments cut out? I think I would cut ~20 min, mainly admin talk from the beginning and end, so it would be easier to fall asleep to.

>> No.9396036

If it’s not too much work for you then yeah sure I’m interested.

>> No.9398613
File: 1.87 MB, 811x1518, 1611769162899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9398863

Agreed. Her ASMR is okay, but her zatsudans are more powerful asmr for me at least.

>> No.9400718
Quoted by: >>9401517 >>9401840

I've been rewatching her ASMR videos and noticed that she giggles at the end of almost every sentence, probably out of nervousness. Cute!

>> No.9401000
File: 36 KB, 329x168, 1630207693059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9401249 >>9401485

sanallite here, fauna is cute and so is sana! Lets have fun watching them today!

>> No.9401249
File: 65 KB, 300x300, 1627687571695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9401430

Thanks for the support sanallite.
This thread is on life support...

>> No.9401430
Quoted by: >>9401568

/nasa/ is slow during downtime, too. It'll pick up in 20 mins!!

>> No.9401485
Quoted by: >>9402218

Sanallites welcome here, I've been awaiting this stream with great anticipation.
Any word on what their goal is, aside from teaching Sana the ropes?

>> No.9401517
Quoted by: >>9401840 >>9402432

She did notice herself that she giggles all the time as a nervous tic, and is trying to do it less often. It annoys some people but I agree that it's cute, I hope she doesn't tone it down too much.

>> No.9401568
Quoted by: >>9402233

We need some writeanons of our own to boost activity like in the Kronii general...

>> No.9401840
Quoted by: >>9402053


>> No.9402053
Quoted by: >>9402484

Anon your timestamp reps...

>> No.9402218

sana said she really wants to build an observatory with a spiral staircase. Fauna knows her shit so she could help. I'm pretty sure they're just gonna find a location to build today, though

>> No.9402233

I enjoy writefagging sometimes, maybe I could make something, though I would want to know what other anons were interested in.

>> No.9402249
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>> No.9402267
Quoted by: >>9402281

bruh look at this dood

>> No.9402281

Wait til you see the
Oh no no no

>> No.9402373

>sana attacked by spiders

>> No.9402432

I would never say this to her but she's a wonderful person and a gifted talent

>> No.9402484
Quoted by: >>9402547 >>9402729

>extremely self conscious
menhera built for emotional breakdown

>> No.9402547

Anon that's literally all women

>> No.9402729

Don't be mean to girls, anon

>> No.9402859

Fauna jumping while walking 24/7. Seems she played lots of WoW.

>> No.9402913
Quoted by: >>9402972 >>9403000

Or boomer shooters

>> No.9402966

Damn, she is very considerate

>> No.9402972
Quoted by: >>9403203

Or any game where you can jump

>> No.9403000

fhoona too much for zblock

>> No.9403068

Or pretty much any game with a jump function

>> No.9403114

I thought many people jump while walking/running in minecraft since it makes you move quicker.

>> No.9403182

Why do people hate on Sana? She seems like a sweet girl

>> No.9403185
Quoted by: >>9403217 >>9403307

Would you visit Fauna's cat cafe?

>> No.9403203

this >>9402972
I just keep jumping over and over again whenever I play fps games, got that from playing too much quake and unreal back in the day. I also change weapons over and over again and try to run with melee weapons on because of cs.

>> No.9403217
Quoted by: >>9403421

The only pussy I'm interested in is Fauna's

>> No.9403268

I'm not even sure people hate on her, to be honest I think people just don't care enough to subscribe for some reason...

>> No.9403303
Quoted by: >>9403339

Her voice and accent are disgusting, also her character is ugly

>> No.9403305

I like the character but I absolutely can't stand the voice, holy shit.

>> No.9403307

The only reasons I seen here are her being brown and doing astrology stuff.

I would. Please

>> No.9403325

I doubt someone hate her, probably they got filtered by the design or aussie accent

>> No.9403339

We're talking about Sana, not your mom lol

>> No.9403394
Quoted by: >>9403463

Once you get used to the accent, Sana is a great girl.

>> No.9403421
Quoted by: >>9403500

Same. Snail sounds really sweet

>> No.9403463

My issue is not even the accent, it's the voice itself. She sounds like she's speaking while eating.

>> No.9403475

As a burgerstani, the fuck filters people so hard with the aussie accent? I feel like I'm missing something big here

>> No.9403500

Clover is superior though. He has that alpha chad cat energy that Okayu has.

>> No.9403546

Me neither. I like their accents and in a way it makes it more entertaining.

>> No.9403547

i feel like i'm listening to someone with mouthful of dick

>> No.9403560
File: 18 KB, 765x77, allnighters for fauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a eurofag I also dont get the complaints about the accent
I can understand her fine

>> No.9403653

You must think about dick a lot

>> No.9403665

you'd know all about that, faggotchama

>> No.9403678

the only non-american accent that doesn't seem to trigger americans in some way are the bongs and even then it tends to be limited to just the generic 'british' or 'Look at me I'm Jason Statham' ones.

>> No.9403845

yeah my dick

>> No.9403851
Quoted by: >>9403895

I can listen to Fauna all day. Remember to save the bees

>> No.9403895

I blame the wasps for giving bees a bad name

>> No.9403999
Quoted by: >>9404052 >>9404079

>Fauna will never call you a filthy monkey
Why even live

>> No.9404052

cut trees and don't replant them

>> No.9404079
Quoted by: >>9404245 >>9404306

Why is Sana trying to get her cancelled? It's definitely making her uncomfortable

>> No.9404211

That zombie was a juggernaut

>> No.9404245

i think she just want to make a thing out of getting bullied to fulfil her fetishe...i mean because it's funneh

>> No.9404306

she's an autist aussie weeb so she prob knows nothing much about current race relations in the US.

Fauna got called the N word by some weirdo on twitter because she drew Sana with light skin.

Poor Sana just wants to have fun.

>> No.9404466
Quoted by: >>9404535

why not make a hot spring instead of a sauna

>> No.9404521
Quoted by: >>9404571

I didn't even realize what Sana said could seem racist until now. That is dumb

>> No.9404535

because sauna is a portmanteau of their names

>> No.9404559

bringing US racial tensions into this is US problem. Sana is designed as a tan ganguro bimbo (fits her genki and cheery personality) and only murrika tries to see the racehere , because they're conditioned to clap every time someone isn't white

>> No.9404571
Quoted by: >>9404701

If "HurtTheImpeared" or whatever is considered a yab, then saying "Filthy monkey" to the dark-skinned holo definitely is one

>> No.9404583

Not giving a shit about whiny sensitivity americans doesn't make her an "autist". It's the Americans that are the odd ones out here.

>> No.9404646
File: 242 KB, 2000x1500, E9n6ZgBVgAQkjj_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist, Fauna is actually charcoal black irl and Sana is a albino ginger.

>> No.9404681

would be the best outcome

>> No.9404701

But Sana was the one that asked for it

>> No.9404710

would be the worst outcome

>> No.9404713

Sounds kinda cute. Imagine black Fauna with an afro

>> No.9404878

Getting slapped by Fauna into submission...

>> No.9404886

>Sana wouldn't mind to dig for hours
>Fauna wouldn't mind to dig for hours
>Kronii wouldn't mind to dig for hours
finally the autists who will rescue this server

>> No.9404893

Yall do realize if Fauna called Sana an monkey it could lead to taiwan 2.0. I won't be surprise if sana will get bonk by management after this stream

>> No.9404952

would be very gay if so
only retards would take that comment in that way

>> No.9404962
File: 86 KB, 278x238, 1606465002539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm really digging it.

>> No.9404976
Quoted by: >>9405026

nobody cares about your problems burgerfaggots

>> No.9404982

It would be worse than Taiwan for sure.

>> No.9405001

Ame has done the best so far

>> No.9405022

I hope not. But it should be fine with management advising them.

>> No.9405026

Nobody cares about west taiwan's problems either and we all know what happened.

>> No.9405038

>Council builds an underground civilization

>> No.9405052

Too bad she does it off stream, i wanna watch my oshi minning pixel blocks for 5 hours straight dammit

>> No.9405110
Quoted by: >>9405168

The difference is that sjws don't watch hololive, but chinks do. Pissing off sjws will not hurt Cover's profit margins.

>> No.9405114

lol d9o they have any sorta plan with this?

>> No.9405151

weird way to spell Ina

>> No.9405168
Quoted by: >>9405222 >>9406246

>Pissing off sjws will not hurt Cover's profit margins.
You'd be surprised. They'll rally for anything that offends black people. Blacks and asians are already having a cold race war.

>> No.9405176

You mean Ina and Kiara

>> No.9405205

Damn, what with this awkward silence every 30s
They don't have any compatibility at all

>> No.9405222
Quoted by: >>9405275

yeah, i member when all of the previous gens were canceled because they said nigga in GTA

>> No.9405266
Quoted by: >>9405444

Why is this thread full of the easily offended? I check in out of curiosity, and it’s full of retardation.

>> No.9405275

They still screeched about it, but Japan is Japan so luckily they didn't have to give a fuck. HoloEN could be a different case.

>> No.9405277

and it's the bad imcompatibility kind as well. unlike gura/mumei yesterday where their both autisms combined into maximum cringe kino.

>> No.9405301

It would be way worse if they didn't have compatibility, they're just trying to get shit done.

>> No.9405311
Quoted by: >>9405451 >>9405477

>unlike gura/mumei yesterday where their both autisms combined into maximum cringe kino.
Rundown? The only thing I remember is Mumei saying Salutations thinking it would be an appropriate greeting and Gura thought "who says salutations...." which was hilarious.

>> No.9405329

Might be the audio delay. Sana keeps talking over Fauna due to the delay, who quiets down and lets her keep going, then she waits until she knows she won't interrupt.

>> No.9405344
Quoted by: >>9405477

The Gura/Mumei collab was text-only, the vibe will be completely different once they start talking face to face.

>> No.9405392

Well you can continue to get worried and upset over schizo scenarios in your head. I, and the rest of the world will continue to enjoy these cute anime girls.

>> No.9405406

that collab would go how their conversations in chat went with in comms with 20 second pauses in between, the ultimate cringekino

>> No.9405414 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9405467

i'm pretty sure actual black people would revolt against twittertrannies for canceling their waifus

>> No.9405444

Shut up chimp. They are focused on the tasks at hand.

Topic came up about some cancel thing, don't worry.

>> No.9405451

They basically tried to out uwu each other over text and it (d)evolved in to them making a new language out of half actual words and half gibberish.

>> No.9405467
Quoted by: >>9405615

actual black twitter is way worse than twittertrannies. It's we wuz kangz dialed up to 1000.

>> No.9405477
File: 37 KB, 273x264, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9405507


>> No.9405507

Mumei/Gura has a lot of potential

>> No.9405512

This is a nice collab. I like these two together.

>> No.9405615

desu black twitter is fine with calling each other and others, retards and niggers all day. They can be funny from an outside perspective most of the time as long as there's no police shooting drama going on.

I'll have them over "i'll cancel you for calling me they instead of he" and crying over every little joke tranny twitter all day.

>> No.9405914

>glass roof
Aren't you supposed to be naked when you're in a sauna?

>> No.9406007
File: 300 KB, 645x582, 1606520079457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always nake when I'm inside sana!

>> No.9406022

in the cool sauna s

>> No.9406130

In the one they're building, people usually wear towels

>> No.9406148
Quoted by: >>9406546

Twitter threw a hissy fit over Gura being a loli and no one cared. They don't even have the attention span to watch these streams live.

>> No.9406246

Its cold only because no one wants to publicizes it. Everyone is so focused on whitey that no one notices how flips, chinks and niggas treat each other.

>> No.9406315
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9406346 >>9406445

Damn, ceres is actually the surprise gamer of this gen. She literally is green Lamy.

>> No.9406325
Quoted by: >>9406392

fauna should make a golden apple and hold it in her off hand at all times

>> No.9406346
Quoted by: >>9406445

>literally is green Lamy.
A fantastic thing

>> No.9406392
Quoted by: >>9406503

can you off hand an apple?

>> No.9406393

it's refreshing to see ENs to try some small project from available resources with a finish of landscaping instead of LETS BUILD A WHOLE CITY OF ATLANTIS ENTIRELY OUT OF ENDGAME BLOCKS OR A CASTLE IN THE SKY WITH TONS OF COMPLICATED REDSTONE ALL WITHOUT ANY PLAN, RESEARCH, FARMS OR KNOWLEDGE DURING THIS 2h STREAM what could go wrong?

>> No.9406408


>> No.9406409
Quoted by: >>9406541

did they actually build a gas chamber while trying be cute? who are they going to lock in? kiara?

>> No.9406445

A dream come true.

>> No.9406458

Can you not create steam with a block of water and a fire underneath?

>> No.9406473
File: 95 KB, 720x707, 1496547186631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Top Gear approach does have its moments.

>> No.9406503

you can off hand anything i think

>> No.9406539
File: 695 KB, 861x1200, 9JavrxT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you have to be the strongest idol to accomplish that though. Sadly there can only be one.

>> No.9406541

If anything it'd be the other way around

>> No.9406546
Quoted by: >>9406616 >>9406796

I mean all it takes is one clip to blow up especially if the wrong people get their eyes on it leds to a yabe. Hololive is bigger then ever and there plenty of people looking to bring them down and having Fauna calling sana a monkey even for a joke. It can be easily taken out of context then it's repeat of the bl incident that happened to Marine and Miko.

>> No.9406616

It's not gonna happen you drama starved idiot

>> No.9406647

I'm still upset no one has demo's Ame's """mob""" farm

>> No.9406796

100% of the most kino content comes from not giving a fuck. What you're asking for is the safe and boring shit people leave behind to watch hologirls instead

>> No.9406922
Quoted by: >>9406985 >>9407189

Sana has 5000h on Animal Crossing???

>> No.9406941

>5000 hours in animal crossing
What the FUCK

>> No.9406985

girl gamer moment

>> No.9407116


>> No.9407189
Quoted by: >>9407677

I absolutely adore animal crossing and have gotten every title since the gamecube games first came out, and I don't even think i've gotten 5k hours all in total in my entire lifetime.

How the hell does a professional illustrator find the time??

This wasn't even in New Horizons that had the terraforming shit, it was New Leaf where it was barebones customization at best..

>> No.9407205

And we just got a glimpse of zombie Mother Nature.

>> No.9407233
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>> No.9407244 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 334x361, resim_2021-09-08_035317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9407323

>> No.9407323
Quoted by: >>9407394

This pollution is getting out of hand bros, how do we save nature?

>> No.9407385

she's morphin into Ollie

>> No.9407394



>> No.9407513
Quoted by: >>9407793


>> No.9407574
Quoted by: >>9407793


>> No.9407575
Quoted by: >>9407749 >>9407793


>> No.9407616
Quoted by: >>9407793


>> No.9407618
File: 148 KB, 225x264, 1631062356448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to the corrupted fauna fan art

>> No.9407677

>How the hell does a professional illustrator find the time??
You just leave the game on while you work.

>> No.9407686
Quoted by: >>9407780


>> No.9407692

Polluted Fauna.

>> No.9407749
Quoted by: >>9407793


>> No.9407780

The one element to rule them all...

>> No.9407793
Quoted by: >>9407926


>> No.9407824
Quoted by: >>9407985

I want to cum on her antlers!!

>> No.9407887

she said penis

>> No.9407926
Quoted by: >>9408020 >>9408024

Is that way she's got to leave so sudden?

>> No.9407985
Quoted by: >>9408175 >>9408249

I want to break them

>> No.9408020 [DELETED] 

Yeah sorry, this cock ain't gonna suck itself.

>> No.9408024

yeah im coming back from work in 15minutes

t. boyfriend

>> No.9408098

I'm a Sanalite, but Fauna is making her way up there. Helps that I'm an ASMRtard.

>> No.9408116
Quoted by: >>9408279

This was a nice stream. Fauna was cute and Sana was also cute.
Their chemistry needs some work but it's still the beginning of EN2 and they'll have better banter in the future.
Glad to see Fauna leave her first mark on the HoloEN server.

>> No.9408164


>I get excited when I see Fauna with an axe.
>Dark fauna is good too...


>> No.9408175 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 800x800, pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9408416

They look like you could just snap them off without hurting her, and they'd grow back
Then you can eat em

>> No.9408174
Quoted by: >>9408269

just noticed Fafa added a new rule to the list

>Try your best not to backseat. I like to enjoy games at my own pace, and I think part of the fun is watching me struggle, so please refrain from offering advice unless I specifically ask for help!

>> No.9408216

I really enjoyed the stream. They play well together and actually ended up building something nice. I'd love to see more of them together as they get more comfortable

>> No.9408249

begone, grasshoper

>> No.9408269
File: 102 KB, 682x874, 1629656481019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9408418

Based, that's a good approach to have.

>> No.9408279

Agreed. I'd like to see the two of them sperg out about string theory together

>> No.9408416
File: 45 KB, 794x529, NF9vMXNlLmpwZw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, brother
i want to eat them so bad

>> No.9408418
Quoted by: >>9408598

I never noticed how her eyelashes are slightly green. That's adorable!

>> No.9408426
File: 302 KB, 1512x2000, E-hOLV1VcAQSoXj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy stream!

>> No.9408598
Quoted by: >>9422201

That must mean her pubes are green too right?

>> No.9408608
Quoted by: >>9408728

Timestamps for Fauna's sheep noises. Her uncertainty made them sound cute methinks.

>> No.9408728

Blessed bah

>> No.9408841
Quoted by: >>9409223


>> No.9409223

LET'S GO! I love alter ego stuff like Kurokami and all that

>> No.9409347
Quoted by: >>9409683 >>9415519

That was a pretty good stream overall, and it's nice to see them finish a small project. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of Minecraft streams from Fauna.

>> No.9409683
Quoted by: >>9410098

I can't wait to see what she comes up with. She's so talented in many ways, a lot of potential here.

>> No.9410098

I get the feeling that she's gonna be the redstone autist of the council

>> No.9413790
File: 286 KB, 702x427, ddba40420deee3f7d3d3d221abf4442c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9415282


>> No.9415282
File: 1.49 MB, 850x1203, 1621656831610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9415519
Quoted by: >>9415548

so it's worth watching?

>> No.9415548


>> No.9415739

How do you think Fauna is going to do in her inevitable collabs with Bae and Kronii?
Her streams with Mumei and Sana have been super comfy so far, but I'd wager they're the two her style meshes well with.

Bae seems to get along well with everyone, but I'm honestly concerned about Fauna interacting with Kronii, mainly bc of her fans.

>> No.9415956
Quoted by: >>9416417 >>9417996

>kronii's fans
are they better or worse than deadbeats?

>> No.9416067

It'll be fine, fauna can adapt. For the kronii collab they'll probably do an Ara Ara at the start of the stream to shut up the cumbrains and just move on

>> No.9416417
Quoted by: >>9416609

Kronii's general is less than 12 hours old and has 1200 posts, most of them horny posting. Her fans are fanatically coomer-brained.

>> No.9416490

Fauna has boundaries on what she will do for her stream. Her collab today with Sana when she wanted her to say THAT to her, she knew it would be trouble.
Fauna can bounce off anyone, even chat, no problems with dead air.
I think the most yab collab would be the two aussies, since they aren't well read on american culture and politics, (US liberty incident boom boom!)

>> No.9416609
Quoted by: >>9424263

I don't mind ultrahorny desu. One of them came here and wrote a fic with Fauna in it. I could imagine the ones that aren't /here/ being really fucking obnoxious though.

>> No.9417996
Quoted by: >>9422299

he's worried about the horny fics between fauna x kronii

>> No.9420177
Quoted by: >>9420922

How do i deal with the fact that there's no stream today

>> No.9420922

Try to get as much done in advance as possible so that the next time you have a stream, you can watch guiltlessly.

>> No.9421620

Why anon? It looks like a westernized version of her

>> No.9422201


>> No.9422299
Quoted by: >>9423079

If anything, Fauna being exposed to Kronii's fanbase might produce some more lewds of her so i really look forward to it.

>> No.9423079

Would you like to read my newest lewd greentext featuring Fauna, anon?
t. krony

>> No.9424263

Kronii general also mostly keeps it limited to their general from what I've noticed. They are definitely much better the deadbraps, half the horny posting is ironic.

>> No.9425817
File: 205 KB, 800x1181, 1624133248967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9427773 >>9437666

Based papako

>> No.9426174

Hello saplings, finally got time to watch Fauna and form my opinion about her. What are the essential solo streams that I should watch of her? I heard she's quite /lit/ and I am very interested in that side of her. I like some kinds of ASMR... but I am really not a fan of her voice (It's not that I dislike it but for some reason, it doesn't fit her model for me and my autism is hurting my enjoyment).

So, with that said, any recomendations?

>> No.9426228
Quoted by: >>9426448

You can't really go wrong with any of her streams. Her Spore stream was very entertaining. Her Pokemon stream was pretty good as well, and that's where she began talking about /lit/ stuff, although you should temper your expectations, it was just a short 5-10mn tangent at best.

>> No.9426241
Quoted by: >>9426448

Her Spore stream was pretty good. Solo minecraft if you like it (she wants to speedrun it and actually knows a bit even if execution isn't there, but minecra is also a zatsu game and that's going to be her strength).

>> No.9426448

Thanks anons. Will watch.

>> No.9426854

Pokemon stream was the turning point for me where she went from 'oh it's an ASMR artist who occassionally plays games' to 'oh there's a lot more to her than meets the eye'.

>> No.9427723
File: 565 KB, 1640x2048, 92222744_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9427743
File: 2.00 MB, 1350x1350, Fauna_Cats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9427773

Is there any other fanart of corrupted Fauna apart from this one?

>> No.9427929

Not on Pivix yet, maybe in a day or two

>> No.9428012

Was corrupted Fauna even a thing on Fauna's side of the stream? It would've only really been picked up by people who were watching Sana's stream in particular, like pako was

>> No.9428246
Quoted by: >>9433048

If there's one thing I've learned from following the EN1 girls, it's that nips don't watch streams outside of outfit reveals
Ergo don't expect any (good) thematic art of Fauna

>> No.9430369
File: 976 KB, 2500x4000, 1631042068833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9431681
File: 3.57 MB, 2090x3529, 92263601_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9432883

I can't honestly recommend an anything if you cannot get over your distaste for her voice. Personally i feel that her core content is her just speaking while playing games, which she is actually pretty good at.

>> No.9433048
Quoted by: >>9433190 >>9433263

If there's one thing they'll watch from Fauna, it's her ASMR. She's got the pitch they like, she's pretty good at it, and there's the whole foreigner fantasy. Even so, they probably won't understand it unless she deliberately does an easy english asmr stream for people who aren't fluent.

>> No.9433190
Quoted by: >>9433263 >>9433377

I've seen some yukimins around her stream. Maybe she'll attract those too.

>> No.9433263
Quoted by: >>9433326

If anything, we can't really be sure how big of an JP following she has, many might just be lurking until they get called upon with some JP phrase.
On that note, does anyone know if she gets clipped by JP?

>> No.9433326
Quoted by: >>9433428

I'm looking right now but in the meantime I found some Russian clips with decent views.

>> No.9433377

Maybe they just have blue/green colorblindness?

>> No.9433428
Quoted by: >>9433839

Oh yeah. I also noticed some ruskies in there doing Live TL. I wonder how she attracted those guys.

>> No.9433839
Quoted by: >>9433897

I think the russian audience is a little bit larger than we are led to believe, not big mind you, but probably bigger than expected.

>> No.9433897

It's good to have them. They are good fans from what I've seen from Botan's

>> No.9433990

missed the collab, how was it?

>> No.9434252

Cute but uneventful

>> No.9434358

Sana and Fauna built a Sauna

>> No.9434382
Quoted by: >>9435278

Currently watching the VOD.
Damn she can't stay still.

>> No.9434491

They cleared out a spot behind the cave and made a cute little rest area and sauna. The girls played pretty well off each other. Very cute. Would watch them collab again.

>> No.9435278

She's a bunny-hopper, it's cute.

>> No.9435302

Cute and small scale, which really helped stave of the monotony of doing builds from a gameplay perspective.

>> No.9435710
Quoted by: >>9439691

Fauna was corrupted by the pollution of the EN server.
This probably won't have long-term effects. Probably.

>> No.9435846

I’ve fapped to Fauna’s ASMR streams like over a dozen times by now her voice and design make me diamonds fuck

>> No.9437666

Indeed based

>> No.9437850
Quoted by: >>9438573 >>9453175

I'm not even a footfag and I'm angry about the lack of footjob pics so far like fuck

>> No.9438462
File: 119 KB, 800x800, uuuuuu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9438573

The Hololive fanbase are absolute fags.

>> No.9439691
File: 105 KB, 644x515, 1631115480261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439799
Quoted by: >>9439853 >>9440178

how is it even possible that they managed to produce this kind of scuff? The closest i have ever seen was Kiara on Nyanners stream, but that looked like it could be explained.

>> No.9439826 [DELETED] 
File: 999 KB, 258x436, Fannnnnner-Song-Vatista-Gacha[sound=httpsfiles.catbox.moe0qr6vf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9439853

This was only on Sana's end, so I guess something was fucked with her setup.

>> No.9439892
File: 999 KB, 258x436, Fannnnnner-Song-Vatista-Gacha[sound=files.catbox.moe0qr6vf.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9440125


>> No.9440125

Thanks for the nightmares

>> No.9440178

Sana GPU dying probably

>> No.9440416
File: 163 KB, 1191x842, 1631121838644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9454271

Deadbeats, this means war.

>> No.9442233

Huh. I just realized Fauna used the same room layout that Finana from Nijisanji uses in her SC readings for her asmr stream.

>> No.9442368
Quoted by: >>9442508

Yeah, it's a bought asset, she linked it in the description. Pretty good for the price, too, I'd say.

>> No.9442508

It's a very nice background, 1,500 yen is a deal.

>> No.9442891
File: 115 KB, 232x219, 1631058995754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody made an even bigger uuuuu compilation than mine
I... I kneel...

>> No.9443086

Well she is a nijiEN spy

>> No.9443199
File: 407 KB, 1431x1913, 1622186220804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9443403

Nice uuuuuuuu~ Sad to see she is trying to contain it more in recent streams

>> No.9443403
Quoted by: >>9443743

Better that she restrain it than force it. I'd rather it be a cute thing that slips out than something fake.

>> No.9443743
File: 231 KB, 1300x1300, 1608843112913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.

>> No.9443853

She did say it was just an Airbnb

>> No.9444940
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 1630378743442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 24 hours until she comes back.

>> No.9445914

Gotta respect the dedication to find all those Uuuus

>> No.9448507
Quoted by: >>9449083 >>9450199


>> No.9449083
File: 234 KB, 850x1318, 8463643178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green-haired anime girls are my favorite

>> No.9450199


>> No.9453175

Ik where the fuck is all the Sana + Fauna double FJs

>> No.9454271
File: 1.60 MB, 258x344, uuuuu [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcwitqx.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noooooooo

>> No.9454599
File: 3.41 MB, 2507x3541, She Loves EN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl9azo0.wav].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9454941

>> No.9454898
File: 1.00 MB, 1191x842, Fauna loves Calli[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F45um39.wav].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9454941

that's cute. glad she made the cut. thanks soundposter

>> No.9458104
File: 249 KB, 1375x1000, 92340033_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Fauna's next spore stream tomorrow will be fun!

>> No.9459237
File: 763 KB, 1654x2393, 20210908_210607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon getting lost on a hunting trip

>(You) continue into the dark, rifle in hand. Guided by what little moon light there is. You're tired, hungry, thirsty and to top it all off You're pretty sure a skinwalker is following you now.
>Small victory is still a victory, you spotted a tipped over tree that spans the river , looks freshly fell, you try driving your heel into the impromptu bridge, seems solid enough you think to yourself
>Famous last words if ever
>You begin a leopards crawl across not wanting to risk a mistep in the dark. You make it about halfway across when your senses are assaulted , the air becomes an ambrosia , It feels as if your lungs have been filled with honey and milk, the sickly sweet feeling is followed by your head going light, and your body going weak. With what strenght you can muster you clamp down onto the trunk of the tree.
>Your mind and body fail you for a split second and next thing you know your rifle has slipped of your shoulder and fallen into the rushing water below. The sensation of almost falling jolts you back up, your head is heavy but you cant stop here...you need to, uh...you...need..., your eyes get heavy , your strength fails you and you can feel yourself rolling off the side of the tree.
>Last thing you feel before passing out is the cold sting of the rushing torrent of water and your limp body crashing against a rock
>You're awake, its dark. You cant see, you cant move and everything hurts but despite all this something...no someone is here, their presence alone washes over you like a warm blanket and you black out again

cont ?

>> No.9459812
File: 291 KB, 450x400, 1625017310394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on...

>> No.9460308
File: 164 KB, 960x1121, 20210908_213554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You awake once more, this time to a warm morning glow, the wraps that once covered your eyes are gone, you prop yourself up on an elbow to try and check your surroundings, you've been resting on the shoreline of a small pond, the water is incredibly warm, you've never felt so relaxed, taking a look at yourself you can see a wrap still remains on your wrists, one across your stomach and across your right leg.
> looking further still you see that you appear to be a a grotto of sorts, the water you're currently resting incis being supplied by a waterfall across from you, a single beam of sunlight finds its way through a hole in the ceiling land on a collection of small pines that have grown in here, clover and norse grass liter the ground.
>You hear something in the distance, ever so softly, the humming from before. You try to readjust yourself to see if you can spot your savior (Captor ?) As you shift your weight, you feel a jolt of pain shoot up from your leg and across your whole body
>"Gah, fuck fuck fuck" you say through gritted teeth . Something is definitely broken down there you roll back over inti your original position gasping from the pain. In the distance you hear a gasp followed by what sounds like footsteps on stone followed by grass shortly there after.
>"You poor thing, you shouldn't move. You're still in rough shape, but dont worry...Mother Nature will take good care of you" The mysterious woman said soothingly she paused for a moment before continuing
>"I love Humans...they truely are my most interesting children...though so many of you seem to forget where you come from...think that they dont need their mother anymore" pausing once more before coming into view

>She was beautiful , a vibrant looking woman, with long flowing hair as green as the richest of pine, eyes like the rising sun and skin as pale as the full moon, two small wood antlers peaked her figure and all you could do is lay there and feel the pain wash away, you cant really tell if you forgot about the pain or if there was something about this woman that released you from such worries...whatever the case her presence was intoxicating.

>> No.9460377

I've watched this every day this week

>> No.9460995

>"W-who are you ?" you stammered out
>follwing up with "Where am I..?"
>The mysterious woman just sat down beside you cocked it head to the left slightly and smiled warmly, "Well..." she said as she began to slowly run a hand through your hair and slowly down the side of your face, "Im your Mother Nature...although if it makes you feel more comfortable, Ceres Fauna is my given name" she said warmly.
>"And if I may...whats your name my little sappling ?" She finished with a smile
>you could feel you face get red hot, flustered. You stammered out "Uh A-Anon"
>She pulled you up and placed your head down on her lap, her skin was as soft as silk and as warm as any hearthfire
>Mouthing the name letting the word roll around his tongue as it were
>"Hmm I think thats a lovely name" pausing for a moment " Do you...anon...remember how you got here...?"
>You thought for a moment "its all a blur, I was out on a trip with friends...I got lost in the woods, couldnt find my way back. I was being chased at one point" you pasued to try and remember more buts its all a haze before you can say another word Fauna leans into your ear, her breath hot against it sends a shiver down you spine "Well all that matters is that I found you. So don't worry...Fauna will keep.you.safe"
Ill continue later if anyone cares
Just got shit to do now.

>> No.9461191

Good stuff, anon. I always appreciate some good fanfics, looking forward to more.

>> No.9461930

Take your time anon. This is some good stuff so far.

>> No.9463693
File: 171 KB, 811x1518, 59DDC617-7AC9-414D-9FC8-7A5DB39EE238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings /uuu/, I’m here to deliver the futa Fauna and Kronii fic I promised a few days ago. Also, Fauna a cute

>> No.9463701

bretty gud

>> No.9463833

Nice work anon, looking forward to the continuation

>> No.9467327
File: 37 KB, 540x344, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9467439

I see

>> No.9467439

my two favorite plant girls

>> No.9467460
File: 177 KB, 1853x1430, 1631158595124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9468939
File: 229 KB, 1217x1217, 1629863688985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm a Takoronii, but I like Fauna's "uuuuuuuuu".
It's very cute.
Thank you.

>> No.9469897
Quoted by: >>9479630 >>9481781

>The way she phrased that seemed off, if she wasnt so "motherly" you would almost be worried. Fauna pulls away from your face, turning her attention to the rest of your body "I found you were washed up on the shore, took a tumble through the white water, it was quite grizzly" she went quiet >her eyes glazed recalling the memory, she continued "So much blood, you leg...your arms, that horrible gash on your chest and your eye" she turned back to face you before continuing "Oh you poor thing your eye, it was gone and I didnt know what else to do...so I made you a new one, just like mine" she finished with a smile and pointing at her own right eye before giving a small chuckle"
>"Hold up"
>She giggled to herself , if this situation had not been about a graft and or modification to your body you would've been in love at that moment. "Here" she said playfully.
>She flicked her wrist and a small mirror appeared in her hand, turning it to show (you) your face. Like she said, your eye, your right eye it wasn't your eye, not how you remembered it at least. It was just as one of her's a radiant golden glow which contrasted shaprly with the jagged scaring and bruising around the socket.
>She began to pipe up, "I figured you must've hit a rock head first while getting thrown through the white water"
>She looked sheepish and dejected at the shock you were visibly displaying you tried to regain yourself. I mean, I owe her myself at this point right ? Could've just left me for dead.
>Read still resting on her lap you look away from the mirror and meet her gaze
"I owe you my life, if it wasnt for you I'd be dead" Speaking so much was starting to hurt and she probably noticed the twinge of pain in your voice as you spoke
>She blushed and put a finger to your lips, "Shh, you need rest just relax and let momma take good care of you" her words are like honey to you and you once again find you mind and body go blank.

>Once again you're awoken by the morning sun shining into this grotto, the chirping of various birds can be heard. you gaze around quickly, your bandages are all gone, in there place are the scars you've suffered all of which glow a faint green hue, you slowly go to sit up remembering yesterday's pain but you feel...fine ?
>Better than fine you feel amazing , you lift yourself out from the water, as you do you notice a brisk September breeze, also notice that your pants, their too short ?
>Pants that you paid to have fitted are now a good 4" too short on the leg, "what the fuck" you mumble you notice a pile of scrap clothing that vaguely ressemble what yours once looked like, holding them up they all seemed as if child size compared to your frame. At this point with a giggle and a skip in her step Fauna came into the grotto

>> No.9473620
File: 1.29 MB, 4096x2160, 1609988738771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9474073
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, wgmi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4l01m8.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9474168 >>9475244

trying to make a soundpost, hope it works

>> No.9474168
File: 710 KB, 1080x914, 1630809722328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9474594

no problems here, thanks for the post

>> No.9474594

hey you're welcome, thanks for the cute art as well

>> No.9475244


>> No.9476285
File: 168 KB, 1746x498, dungeons-and-dragons-4th-edition-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier this week, Ceres Fauna openly voiced support and preference for D&D 4e, even citing that it is a controversial edition.

She specifically likes the Whirling Slayer barbarian. Insomuch as she got the name correct on the first try, off-hand, she must mean it.

Fauna here has an odd take: she does view all of the classes as same-y magical casters, but she actually likes that, since even the warrior-types are a blast to play. What a Gigachad system preference. What can I say.

I hope that this inspires at least a few people to take another look at D&D 4e. It is rare to see a 4e endorsement like this.

>> No.9479250


>> No.9479630
File: 292 KB, 557x634, 1611927869401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great set-up so far anon, thanks so much for injecting some life into the split. I hope you'll continue this, I really like your writing style and your characterization of Fauna

>> No.9481781

Excellent so far anon

>> No.9482277 [DELETED] 

Uuuuu~ Harderrr Eddyyy~

>> No.9482906
File: 1.88 MB, 850x1133, 1609164219322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9483671

Fauna turns you into Not Pickle fanfic when?

>> No.9483946

she would have gotten it from all the watching of minecraft speedruns, they all do it all the time in that for the speeeeeed

>> No.9484155

i legit think it's because of the lack of strong character traits. in the collab when they played that one jackbox where you assigned each other based on characters, pokemon, winne the pooh etc, sana was always the most awkward to place and got mixed reactions even from the other council members.

>> No.9485942

I don't know how to feel about the thumbnail

>> No.9487515
File: 250 KB, 343x321, 144p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9489001
Quoted by: >>9489828

How far do you think fauna is gonna get this stream? i'm hoping she gets through the tribal stage fast because it blows

>> No.9489828
Quoted by: >>9492532 >>9493249

I’m hoping she gets to Civilization but she just might stop there

>> No.9492532
File: 521 KB, 2122x3596, mumei sideways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the what?

>> No.9493249
Quoted by: >>9494730

I have never myself or seen someones playthrough where they "finished" the game, will that even be a thing before she drops it?

>> No.9494147
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 1630556419634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9494379

How long do you guys think it'll take for membership? I want to spam cute uuuu emotes in her chat.

>> No.9494355
Quoted by: >>9494635

If Fauna is here, or anyone that can relay a message to her, just let her know that I would be happy to pay a T3 membership for T3 exclusive content

>> No.9494379

Next week most likely

>> No.9494438
Quoted by: >>9494656 >>9494694

Alright sapling bros who's ready for tribal spore kino

>> No.9494517

God I want to rest on Fauna's lap pillow while she strokes my hair and she tells me about all the things she likes about me while I cry tears of happiness from finally feeling loved in the miserable and lonely existence i've lived

>> No.9494635

She's watched Holo for a year at the very least, I'm pretty sure she'd just follow the majority of her senpai instead of going the indie route.

>> No.9494639
Quoted by: >>9494674

I would love a reassuring type ASMR in which Fauna tells me it's all going to be okay

>> No.9494656
Quoted by: >>9494691

i wasn't there for the end of the spore stream. did she finish the creature phase?
a bit of a shame, that's the only decent part of the game.

>> No.9494674
Quoted by: >>9494701

>I would love a reassuring type ASMR in which Fauna tells me it's all going to be okay

Did you hear her recent one?

>> No.9494691

she's like halfway through the creature stage sadly

>> No.9494694

Always ready, saplingbro. I trust her to make any game entertaining, even if it's a kusoge

>> No.9494701
Quoted by: >>9494727

I fell asleep halfway through, need to rewatch the VOD. Does she say something along these lines there?

>> No.9494727
Quoted by: >>9494783


>> No.9494730
File: 381 KB, 430x410, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no grox annihilation endurance stream

>> No.9494783
File: 59 KB, 594x269, 72453508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers man

>> No.9494930
Quoted by: >>9494953 >>9495039

>Showing off legs and feet
What a great way to start the stream

>> No.9494953

It is preparation for the excessive amount of cursed limbs in the game

>> No.9494962

Fauna is being very cute already!

>> No.9495039

Hopefully some fan artists actually noticed... stop drawing her from the waist up aaaaaa

>> No.9495330

>ywn be kidnapped and forced to dance by fauna

>> No.9495398

Can't wait for the eventual stream

>> No.9495409

Why is Fauna telling us to look away when they are mating? Isn't that just a part of Nature and if that is the case, does that mean Fauna actually is SEEEEEX?

>> No.9495412

>ywn have your body modified into a monster to pleasure fauna

>> No.9495415

Now that's a fucked up flamingo

>> No.9495452
File: 187 KB, 350x325, doyoulike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9495496 >>9495511

Would you?

>> No.9495465

>It's not just a cake, we got the whole bakery

>> No.9495496


>> No.9495512

I just can't stop grinning like an idiot, I don't know how she does it

>> No.9495511

I'd rather fuck a tree trunk...

>> No.9495538
Quoted by: >>9495602

Oi Fauna and Nyanners have the same type of voice
What kind of voice is this? Is this a midwest thing?

>> No.9495602

I don't see it personally
They're just both soft-spoken

>> No.9495633

whenever she says "uhhh~" or "ummm~" in her sing songy voice I can't take it

>> No.9495689

Those eyes have SOVL

>> No.9495705
File: 286 KB, 460x402, freshlyoiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9495759

>> No.9495759
Quoted by: >>9495814


>> No.9495814

Even hotter now that they're idol stepping

>> No.9496045

these abominations actually have some moves, what the hell

>> No.9496078
Quoted by: >>9496119

Emo songs and Emo nights?

>> No.9496083

>2000's emo songs karaoke
yes please lord

>> No.9496097

>Emo 00s karaoke night
Yes please

>> No.9496119

We are going home, bros

>> No.9496149

>SOUL performance of early 2000 emo songs
Can't wait

>> No.9496153

Almost got abducted by the ayys

>> No.9496197

This was like playing Civilization and watching other civs attack you with tanks while you are still stuck with warriors.

>> No.9496387

Just keep trying until they dance lmao

>> No.9496474
Quoted by: >>9496544

She got wrecked damn

>> No.9496492

Anyway the wind blows~

>> No.9496544


>> No.9496577

Nature is ruthless

>> No.9496576
File: 315 KB, 780x776, FaunaChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Save me you buff men
My pleasure my queen

>> No.9496695
Quoted by: >>9496763

What the fuck was that giant?

>> No.9496763
Quoted by: >>9496805

sana, she looks different without makeup

>> No.9496805
Quoted by: >>9496851

Her makeup also makes her lose about 250 pounds it seems

>> No.9496851

The wonders of the modern beauty industry...

>> No.9496914

Watching this I kinda want to see Fauna play that SNES-era evolution game EVO or Tokyo Jungle.

>> No.9496941

Not Pickle has now gained the ability to commit usury

>> No.9497093

>Like the Grinch, but instead of becoming compassionate, we're becoming a genius

>> No.9497110

Tribadism with Fauna!

>> No.9497146

please kill every tribe
please kill every tribe
please kill every tribe
please kill every tribe

>> No.9497170
Quoted by: >>9497367

Tribal, let's go!

>> No.9497367

I think mooses are just deer in denial and should just admit it already!

>> No.9497462

greed is good

>> No.9497519
Quoted by: >>9497591 >>9497620

I feel Fauna's spore videos may the most fun of Council thus far.

>> No.9497591

spore is garbage for the most part, but it's great content for streaming

>> No.9497620
Quoted by: >>9497645 >>9498005

Probably because she actually knows the game
More holos should play games they already have some experience in, like Ame with Portal and Kiara with Sims

>> No.9497645
Quoted by: >>9498012

It doesn't always work, I find Kronii's Hollow Knight streams awful.

>> No.9497766

>got rid of the jew bill

>> No.9497805
File: 344 KB, 357x439, dios mio....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9497960

Square up thot

>> No.9497952
File: 201 KB, 302x400, centaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9497994 >>9498051

>Not Pickle slaps Faunas ass what do you do?

>> No.9497960

This thing is ready for the Holofightz ring

>> No.9497994

Accept my inferiority and leave Fauna to him.

>> No.9498005

If only they would let Mumei play Anno 1800 or Rollercoaster Tycoon. Get those damn permissions management

>> No.9498012
Quoted by: >>9498143

It definitely doesn't help that exploration is a big part of Hollow Knight, so when someone already knows where to go at every point in the game it just doesn't hit the same

>> No.9498051

Admit defeat, for I am a mere sapling...

>> No.9498143

True, the best Hollow Knight streams are first-timers or speedrunners

>> No.9498205

lmao I can't wait for the fanarts of chadpickle

>> No.9498256
File: 681 KB, 696x713, behold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak of evolution

>> No.9498293
Quoted by: >>9498341

>We need more than a 2pack
I think we might just make it boys

>> No.9498341
File: 30 KB, 308x408, 2546378235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think we might just make it boys

>> No.9498348

This might be better than the muscle skin.

>> No.9498373
File: 579 KB, 456x537, toostrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have no chance bros...

>> No.9498381
Quoted by: >>9498475 >>9498514

>you will never be as buff as not pickle

>> No.9498475

I hate myself so much i must lift for fauna

>> No.9498494

fuck they are so buff the game can't handle them
they keep glitching out

>> No.9498514

not with that attitude. start lifting for her. you MUST be more buff than not pickle.

>> No.9498543
Quoted by: >>9498703


>> No.9498566
Quoted by: >>9498613


>> No.9498595

>those WOLOLO's

>> No.9498598


>> No.9498604

wololo chads..

>> No.9498613


>> No.9498614


>> No.9498623

Wait, so Fauna was the RTS player all along?

>> No.9498625

I miss her so much...

>> No.9498648

>Fauna played AoEII
Stop it, I can't love her even more...

>> No.9498703

Cucked by management that's where

>> No.9498713
Quoted by: >>9498740 >>9498766

for me its

>> No.9498724

Fauna plays the building and Evo RTS games.
Mumei struggles digging a hole in Construction Simulator.

>> No.9498735
File: 294 KB, 460x215, 1615474556550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9498740
Quoted by: >>9498766 >>9498782


>> No.9498748
Quoted by: >>9498869

AOE2 and dota... is this the one?

>> No.9498766


>> No.9498768

I really hope she plays for another couple hours. I just got home to catch her live. Seeing the posts here, I missed quite a bit.

>> No.9498771

>can be lewd
>asmr goddess
>an actual former hololive fan
>also strategy Chad

She is LITERALLY the perfect woman and I WILL marry her and there is nothing you or her bf can do about it

>> No.9498782

goddamn i forgot what it sounded like, kino

>> No.9498853

>former hololive fan
Damn, what made her change her mind? Was it Kronii

>> No.9498866
Quoted by: >>9498917 >>9499040

she's a deadbeat tho

>> No.9498869

i honestly can't believe she's the gamer with the patrician tastes of this gen
she is the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.9498889

Is this the spore version of Kaidou?

>> No.9498906
File: 590 KB, 696x713, 1631219818354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks you're path*

>> No.9498917

Joke's on you, that only makes me love her even more!
t. deadbeat

>> No.9499040 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.17 MB, 2480x2597, 493b68b59ae49da75f9700a5a9d43ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9499305 >>9499647

What's not to love about Calli?

>> No.9499264

i made this post

>> No.9499305
Quoted by: >>9499461 >>9499647

Her mindset, soul, personality, behavior, attitude, affinity for twitch, fanbase

>> No.9499448

Oh shit rival tribe here we go.
>We are Buff and nice.
Yes we are.

>> No.9499461


>> No.9499565

>she will befriend every tribe
based unityfag

>> No.9499620
Quoted by: >>9499682 >>9499739

I've never played Spore before, how does this phase work? Is it like regular RTS where you have to build a "base" or in this case a civilization and then you need to wipe everyone else out?

>> No.9499647

Ok after looking at the image more, I can kinda see why people like her. I'll just save this thanks

>> No.9499675

based slavery route

>> No.9499679
Quoted by: >>9499710

jesus christ what the fuck is that

>> No.9499682

it's RTS but it doesn't feel like RTS. The enemy tribes almost never do anything.

>> No.9499710

Looks like some shit from Pikmin

>> No.9499739

you basically have to either destroy/befriend every tribe on the planet
combat is pretty straightforward, befriending is like the creature stage : the dance/singing/etc.. is remplaced by instruments you have to build

>> No.9499836

genocidechads ww@

>> No.9499926
Quoted by: >>9499973

>everyone hates us for some reason

>> No.9499973

I felt that...

>> No.9500000

Did she just get all the hostile factions around her?

>> No.9500029
Quoted by: >>9500091

This says a lot about civilization

>> No.9500030
Quoted by: >>9500086

I don't think I've ever seen tribes so hostile in this game

>> No.9500043

success breeds jealousy

>> No.9500058
File: 834 KB, 1048x953, Eureka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9500140


>> No.9500065

>these quints on that post

>> No.9500086

This. Usually only 1 tribe attacks you and the rest are chill,

>> No.9500091

This is exactly why we need to go back to monke, the game just reaffirms why nature is the best

>> No.9500107


>> No.9500139

Nice numbers

>> No.9500140


>> No.9500166

>makes animal farm

>> No.9500184
Quoted by: >>9500223

Man i dont remember the pathfinding being this dumb back when i played

>> No.9500185

>a get for Fauna
saplingchads stay winning

>> No.9500223

It IS this dumb.

>> No.9500244
File: 181 KB, 900x900, checked shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9500260
Quoted by: >>9500367

Fauna's tribe is the real swoletariat

>> No.9500302
Quoted by: >>9500329

>What do these guys do? Do they just sit here sadly? Are you okay?
Damn I didn't watch to get called out like this

>> No.9500329


>> No.9500347

she needs a farm for the protein gains

>> No.9500367

We need to seize the means of reproduction
