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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.80 MB, 3188x3188, 1729435444463400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
93952683 No.93952683 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do ASMR.

>Ongoing streams
https://asmrfarm.com/ (Mixed JP/EN)

rentry with useful information: https://rentry.org/tinglesvt

Previous thread: >>93927901

>> No.93952805
File: 498 KB, 2400x3300, 1711157602392222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93954184

First for Nimi!

>> No.93952865

6d 65 6e 61 63 65 20 66 61 74

>> No.93952882

tell me what ASMR FOR SLEEPING you want and I will fulfill your wish

>> No.93952991
Quoted by: >>93956101

A 10 minute video of just whispering on loop is all I need

>> No.93953110
Quoted by: >>93956101

oil massage in one ear, soft tapping in the other

>> No.93953228
File: 3.57 MB, 528x346, mhmyeahyup[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnuecmw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good boy 4 menis

>> No.93953268

I think I might enjoy cumming while being called a good boy more than I thought...

>> No.93953398

It's pretty nice ngl

>> No.93953448
Quoted by: >>93956101

Ear cupping

>> No.93953584

earblowing, massaging and whispering

>> No.93953701
Quoted by: >>93953846

This but with earlicks and optionally the soft moans and breaths that some girls do

>> No.93953846

linking me another girls video is slut behavior so no

>> No.93953962


>> No.93953970

I'm going to nap to Menace

>> No.93954002


>> No.93954030

were all sluts and whores here

>> No.93954184
Quoted by: >>93954622

I keep thinking it's Shadowmama whenever I see Nimi

>> No.93954558
File: 2.04 MB, 640x640, 1720826852329287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole good boy into climax into kisses sequence was so damn peak I'd fucking cry had I remembered how.

>> No.93954622
Quoted by: >>93954826

Their interactions were so cute! And now I can't unsee it.

>> No.93954659

she does not trust korean women

>> No.93954826

I'll miss her when she moves out

>> No.93955323
File: 759 KB, 708x961, 1722659295610839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93957460

trust korean women

>> No.93955674

a year ago i did not expect i'd be jacking off with coni confetti lovingly

>> No.93955950
Quoted by: >>93957557

Carnies won the hardest

>> No.93956101


>> No.93956631

I need my cat's maid pissy pantsu.

>> No.93957134

'Menace pisses herself and then gets so turned on by it she frantically shlicks' was not on my 2025 bingo card but I am fucking thrilled at this turn of events

>> No.93957460

The Shadow Queen of /tingles/.

>> No.93957557

Well, the ones that transitioned to fungi won

>> No.93957760
Quoted by: >>93957950

Anyone have Yuno's jan 11 vod?

>> No.93957950

>uwu uwu uwu uwu
>vrchat slop
Step it up

>> No.93958977

why are menaces maros closed again, what did I miss?

>> No.93959177

probably some assblasted SEA spamming her from the cuck chair again

>> No.93959381

How was Uruka's ASMR?

>> No.93960546

Anon record this pls

>> No.93960617

Shame I had to skip the menace stream because of the piss. The second half sounded acceptable.

>> No.93960718


>> No.93960755

whoops not the Kanna one

>> No.93960805
Quoted by: >>93960883

Does Tokaku kick my ribs in and smashes my head with a bat in this one?

>> No.93960883

I wish

>> No.93961057
File: 47 KB, 634x862, ojio8y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93963916

Works on my machine.

>> No.93961438

menace will suck my penis

>> No.93962876
Quoted by: >>93964254

I can’t believe I decided to watch all of Menace’s fansly stream live instead of watching my oshi live. I don’t know if I’m just cheating or actively oshihening. I thought she’d just be a girl I’d get my rocks off too, but i actually enjoy watching her and chatting a lot. All the time I’ve spent with my oshi and I chose to watch a girl piss herself.

>> No.93962954

No one cares
vod at SC btw

>> No.93963807

i want to start an asmr channel should i go for femboy, regular anime guy, babiniku?

>> No.93963846

You should redacted.

>> No.93963916
Quoted by: >>93964066

she has it on so only people she's liked and replied to before can send

>> No.93963927

compete for sluttiest, girliest femboy with a caged cock, leaking optional(?)
give me licks and breathy moan kisses, thank you

>> No.93964066
Quoted by: >>93964507

That's not a thing

>> No.93964088

Just watched De Lontanos member asmr and holy shit is it bad. Not only is it mostly just yap, it's so fucking safe you'd think it's for youtube kids. The only thing there is the apron skin, which is average at best.

>> No.93964254

God queen Menace sweep

>> No.93964507
File: 138 KB, 1080x919, Screenshot_20250119_123841_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is literally a thing retard

>> No.93964829
Quoted by: >>93964893

Menace nursing handjob (I'm her good boy)

>> No.93964893

I wrote this and she's trying to make herself lactate because I like milk

>> No.93965074

Are you not signed in that's all that means it has nothing to do with liking your messages

>> No.93965100

I completely lose my composure when she praises me like that. I feel so pathetic.

>> No.93965403
Quoted by: >>93968445

stop talking about things you know nothing about, I'm signed in, I could maro her last night, now it's locked.

>> No.93965565
Quoted by: >>93966908

did you even read the picture? it says at the bottom she has to verify your account with a "favorite" which is a like.

>> No.93966908

when did this come into action? Cause I don't think I've ever had a notif for her liking my maros, but she did reply to my maro last night. So it 100% reached her. Wonder if I got through before it went up.

>> No.93966986
Quoted by: >>93967616

my best guess is retards spammed sexual maros to her after the stream despite her specifically asking not for that so she just turned it on so she didn't have to see them all.

>> No.93967616
Quoted by: >>93967744

>my best guess is retards spammed sexual maros
yeah that might do it. She did say during last nights stream she only wanted this stuff on maidsly. I don't get why people can't read the room and only do it when she specicially asks for them, like when she asked about maros for maidsly voice RP suggestions. Guess it's people getting lost in the sauce of the post maidsly stream.

>> No.93967744

After stream there was like 30 chatters I've never seen before stroking each other off talking about how they're addicted and such, it was definitely them.

>> No.93967900
Quoted by: >>93968164

She keep cumming more and more... Maybe one day she will be able to break her record on stream...

>> No.93968164

6 months from now we get 1 hour long twitch stream because she's too impatient followed by a guerrilla 6 hour goon session where she breaks all of us.

>> No.93968434
Quoted by: >>93969939

she's not hearting maros anymore, she talked about that on stream

>> No.93968445
Quoted by: >>93968537

Lol sucks for you because I can maro her and I send degenerate shit about my dick and cumming after every stream.

>> No.93968537
Quoted by: >>93969012

yeah I'm sure she hasn't blocked you long ago

>> No.93968563
Quoted by: >>93968615

So she has an inner circle of people that can essentially send her private DMs. Grim

Good thing I didn't pay

>> No.93968615

it's just the fags that only ask the most boring questions ever+ the few that managed to get a like before she stopped

>> No.93968985

My oshi keeps overlapping with the Wednesday and Saturday streams, it's probably not on purpose but...

>> No.93969012
File: 83 KB, 414x1189, 1717267682710585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to suck Anon. Whats it like being geolocked too? I'll keep telling her about my huge cock after every asmr.

>> No.93969078

stupid fag she unlocked them 15 mins ago when she woke up.

>> No.93969107

Sure sure its okay cry about a club you aren't in that doesn't exist because you got blocked long ago

>> No.93969115


>> No.93969133
Quoted by: >>93969252

>hiding his timezone
>talks about geolock
me thinks you're the seafag

>> No.93969249
Quoted by: >>93969346

if you look at her maros in an incognito tab they're still closed. she's probably doing this so someone she blocks can't just change ip with a vpn and send more hate. should just keep it on like this forever

>> No.93969252

You wish, it really is okay you'll just have to find someone else.

>> No.93969288

Please stop falling for bait, anon

>> No.93969292
File: 59 KB, 517x643, 1717410101227422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend weird ass ASMR that still manages to be good despite its quirkyness
My contribution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPmxSeuKXOQ

>> No.93969346

I checked and that's a different lock, that's just so only email registered accounts can send, the one she had on the last 5 hours was for only liked senders could send.

>> No.93969359
File: 31 KB, 660x806, lolblocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent her one in the middle of the night though, and she's never liked anything I've sent. You're just blocked, probably because you're the spamming ESL

>> No.93969397

if you have that top box that you can tick then she's liked a maro before.

>> No.93969445

yeah no, I've sent maybe 15 maros over the last while and I still don't have the priority inbox option, you only get that if she gives you it on her side.

>> No.93969516

Esl monkeys in shambles. Today is a good day for menacechads.

>> No.93969533

This fallenshadow ASMR where she speaks like a retard feels like that for me

>> No.93969659
Quoted by: >>93969800

the cry screaming esl this esl that is bait don't bite.

>> No.93969774

Behead marofags

>> No.93969800

Mmmmm... yummy!

>> No.93969828

Not Menace fuck off

>> No.93969939

I must have missed that. I don't send her a lot of maros, but when I do it's just words of appreciation that don't necessarily require a response, so it doesn't really change anything for me.

>> No.93969946
File: 611 KB, 840x746, 1716496802666488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hilarious but nice voice

>> No.93969993
File: 25 KB, 644x683, lolstillblocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93970017

That's a premium feature, retard, just like when I select the other ones. Enjoy being blocked lmao

>> No.93970017
Quoted by: >>93970198

actual retard doesn't know that the top one can be given by the recipient for free no premium required.

>> No.93970045
File: 49 KB, 980x490, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shit three hours long

>> No.93970084

Isn't it great?

>> No.93970096

we came our brains out together with her, she came so hard that she forgot to post the aftermath pics

>> No.93970110

She's a very, very horny girl who is finally able to explore her deeper kinks and find some satisfaction. Please understand.

>> No.93970198
Quoted by: >>93970284

That's cool, but it has nothing to do with me and my still unliked account. Seethe, brownoid, she just hates you

>> No.93970284

why is it that everyone that you disagree with is brown? projecting

>> No.93970313

Not everyone, just you. Isn't your time at the internet cafe limited? This is what you waste it on?

>> No.93970330
Quoted by: >>93970741

Nta, but why can't you figure out proper capitalization and punctuation?

>> No.93970365
Quoted by: >>93970535


>> No.93970389

She's a goon fiend. She's been using the toys so much she drained them before stream and forgot to recharge them. She really was built to be bred.

>> No.93970408


>> No.93970466
File: 445 KB, 499x408, 1725532095775495.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paint the streets red with marofag blood.

>> No.93970535

links go to /asmr/ kys

>> No.93970741
Quoted by: >>93970819

it's the Internet not a english literature exam, is capitalisation really that necessary?

>> No.93970819

It's useful for identifying ESLs like you. It's capitalization, by the way. With a 'z'. Get back in the cuck chair.

>> No.93970861

America isn't the only English speaking language.

>> No.93970924
File: 969 KB, 723x684, 1731084411646332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is peak ESL.

>> No.93970926

vtuber ASMR

>> No.93970986

saar please calm down

>> No.93971064

kek you actually baited a real esl.

>> No.93971310

vtuber ASMR links go to /asmr/ fuck off

>> No.93971496

bass guitar asmr is a new one

>> No.93972966

She cannot not be horny for one minute

>> No.93973014

13 minutes

>> No.93973073

Quick reminder:
menace fat

>> No.93973110

yeah, fat tits

>> No.93973127

tits in my mouth

>> No.93973261
Quoted by: >>93973294

>doesn't know about the commonwealth

>> No.93973264

I think Menace genuinely loves us (me specifically)

>> No.93973294

isnt that the place in fallout 4??

>> No.93973314

Pillowdear unveiled a nurse outfit yesterday and you were all too busy gooning to notice. What a disgraceful display.

>> No.93973365

maybe pillow should piss herself and I'd watch her too

>> No.93973416


>> No.93973534

the reveal was hours before the gooning
i watched a bit of it, was cute

>> No.93973578
Quoted by: >>93973702

It was literally posted here.

>> No.93973702

So it was. I withdraw my complaint. Resume gooning.

>> No.93974133

>Menace streaming
>no one talking about it
She really is just a cumdump material

>> No.93974162
Quoted by: >>93974273

thank you pissfags for saving me $10, i'm out

>> No.93974273
Quoted by: >>93975254


>> No.93974284

they're all watching it

>> No.93974333

I don't care about her normal streams since they're boring af. I only care for her fansly and ASMR

>> No.93974356
File: 119 KB, 800x839, 1727944400185628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not wish to goon anymore
i just want to be happy

>> No.93974687
Quoted by: >>93974781

Zenya whispering "big bro" did something to my brain last night. Have I been a siscon all along and just didn't know it? Is it over for me?

>> No.93974781

vtubers made me realize i REALLY like ddlg

>> No.93974874

have you tried listening to her zatsu before? her topics sucks ass and they're very catered so fans would be able to relate

>> No.93974885

sorry i'm hanging out with my gf.

>> No.93974899

doki doki literature glub?

>> No.93974918

Menace farting into the mic as a stretch goal

>> No.93974980

My Sundays are for chores and tidying and cleaning my apartment so it looks nice for the rest of the week

>> No.93975138

zenya's favorite kink

>> No.93975197

Same, Shondo calling chat daddy made me realize there’s no going back for me

>> No.93975254


>> No.93975372

Menace said the hard R again

>> No.93975401

Not asmr (or asmr adjacent), not interested.
I'm busy listening to Kanna right now anyway.

>> No.93975475

Now that Menace is a pisstuber she's definitely getting kicked right? Imagine the stink

>> No.93975534

>Imagine the stink

>> No.93975548

i feel the opposite lol. most of her topics i can't relate to at all and i basically have no idea what she's even talking about. i still like hearing her yap though

>> No.93975587

>her topics sucks ass
>they're very catered so fans would be able to relate
Then how do they suck? Isn't the point to talk about stuff that your fans can relate to so that you can have a back and forth?

>> No.93975662

This is the most pickme conversation of all time

>> No.93975781

hi mozzu, keep fading away in a jealous rage

>> No.93975890
File: 2.66 MB, 640x360, 1715055817616211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93975959

Mozzu started it though

>> No.93976102

no way mozzu kicks her out. she has no viewers and eats like a horse, menace probably pays all the bills

>> No.93976129
Quoted by: >>93976164

I wonder if they have separate washing machines

>> No.93976164
Quoted by: >>93976271

Menace rarely does laundry because she loves the smell of her own dirty clothes (hot)

>> No.93976170

That's exactly why I can't listen to her chatting streams. Her choice of topics are very pick-me

>> No.93976271

I agree it's hot on paper, but have you actually smelled an unwashed woman? It's kind of terrible.

>> No.93976303

Pissdrinkertuber and pisstuber, they're a match made in heaven.

>> No.93976312
Quoted by: >>93976664

you're probably gay

>> No.93976444

Dunno what women you've met, but my wife smells great when she's unshowered and horny. It activates my caveman instincts

>> No.93976529

I'm like 80% sure I can smell when my gf is ovulating when we're cuddling

I swear it's not placebo

>> No.93976541
Quoted by: >>93976596

>It's kind of terrible
It's horrible and horrid. My sister is like that and because she's WFH

>> No.93976556
Quoted by: >>93976602

>wife haver
get the fuck out NOW

>> No.93976596
Quoted by: >>93976688

I've noticed it's mostly a white girl thing. Asian girls I've been with smell flowery and nice even if they haven't showered.

>> No.93976602

But my wife is an ASMR vtuber

>> No.93976664

I actually think I would think differently if I were. I find the BO smell very masculine and off-putting.
I guess it's just my wife specifically I don't like the smell of, then. Disappointing.

>> No.93976688

I'm pretty sure they're all the same if they haven't showered for a week. And don't let me even get started when it goes over a month.

>> No.93976747
Quoted by: >>93976814

maybe your wife is a tranny

>> No.93976814
Quoted by: >>93977055

Nah, she would be better in bed if she were, as the king has shown.

>> No.93977055

nvm you're in the right place brother

>> No.93977148
Quoted by: >>93977836

A hygienic girl not shower for a few days could still smell good, an unhygienic one could smell awful after a few hours of working

>> No.93977230
Quoted by: >>93977832

Mio is such an incredible blue balling tease goddamn
Good thing we have our whores

>> No.93977277

Koreans are not to be trusted

>> No.93977403

nyhasmr makes me hard

>> No.93977832

She could've been the GOAT. Unfortunately the worms were too strong. Unlucky.

>> No.93977836

To not be unfair, there's a window from about twenty-four to forty-eight hours after her last shower where her scent develops and it's nice enough. After that, though, it's just BO city.

>> No.93977990
Quoted by: >>93978922

[Menace News]
She's singing a cutesy song and being adorable

>> No.93978300
Quoted by: >>93978452

How does Menace remember so much? Is that normal?

>> No.93978342

Wow, Menace can't sing at all! I love it!

>> No.93978347

Menace cute

>> No.93978367

she actually has a really nice singing voice

>> No.93978452
Quoted by: >>93978483

She says she tries to remember everything because it makes people feel noticed

>> No.93978483
Quoted by: >>93978638

Now that is a pickme attitude

>> No.93978607


>> No.93978638
Quoted by: >>93979558

you're still using that word wrong like every thread you pout in sister

>> No.93978922
Quoted by: >>93979183

fuck I had to go what was she singing

>> No.93979183

Nightcore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3OKd5b2Rlw

>> No.93979558
Quoted by: >>93979700

It defines her perfectly anyway

>> No.93979700
Quoted by: >>93979877

post tits sister, I promise I'll watch your stream

>> No.93979877

unironically starting to think it's mozzu shitting up these threads after everything i've heard

>> No.93980477
File: 2.05 MB, 498x331, 1719929806149492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tits? WHERE?

>> No.93980508

in my mouth

>> No.93980948


>> No.93981032

Live thighs

>> No.93981175


>> No.93981227
Quoted by: >>93984059

shit tonight

>> No.93981266
Quoted by: >>93981342

mozzu fat lol

>> No.93981342

yeah, fat body

>> No.93981649

im not the only one that heard that right?

>> No.93981861
Quoted by: >>93981889

you're going to have to elaborate

>> No.93981889

nah its ok it was meant for me anyways

>> No.93981971

My ears were on the look out for jingles zips and vibrators and I heard nothing

>> No.93982026
Quoted by: >>93982575

how am i supposed to last until wednesday now?

>> No.93982101

Menaces latest stream she basically said some male vtuber is coming over to fuck mozu and that she will lock herself in her room and avoid them.

>> No.93982384
File: 9 KB, 287x288, qr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93982447

tits in my mouth

>> No.93982490
Quoted by: >>93982604


>> No.93982534

while im sure mozu does fuck a bunch of male vtubers menace said "she", its probably her new corpo

>> No.93982575

do calisthenics whenever you get an erection

>> No.93982602
File: 1.44 MB, 292x292, 1723947814529642.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93982604

the very end, she talks about no asmr because it will infringe on their privacy so maybe games instead if they're not too loud.

>> No.93982669
Quoted by: >>93982740

Good rrat, but unfortunately it's Airi from Vdere. She is supposed to be Mozzu's new best friend, so it will be interesting if she acts friendly towards Menace.

>> No.93982740
Quoted by: >>93983461

>becomes best friends with menace
>takes mozus place in the house when mozu moves out
>mozu kills herself
ggs all around

>> No.93983319

>Miwa got Miori's audio consultation

>> No.93983338
Quoted by: >>93983414

>Miori suggestion
It's all over. Miwa is stained.

>> No.93983414

the suggestion was probably to get dicked by a big black guy during stream, its what Miori is known for.

>> No.93983418
File: 701 KB, 3711x2166, 1732056181923821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93983511

it was one of you who told miwa to talk to miori isnt it?

good, cuz i forgot to

>> No.93983440

yeah it was me

>> No.93983461
Quoted by: >>93983645

I'd rather Menace just get out. Mozzu seems like the type of insane narcissistic femcel to try and take her out before offing herself

>> No.93983511

>not 16:9
Why are artists fucking evil

>> No.93983589

>audio consultation from someone who is terrible at ASMR

>> No.93983635
File: 276 KB, 516x522, 1718715203601716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you unironically retarded?

>> No.93983645

unlikely murder suicide burning their house down is possible but fat bitch mozu would get raped to death in jail so she wouldn't do anything like straight murder.

>> No.93983912
Quoted by: >>93983973

miwers GFE singin

>> No.93983972

Cuddling with strawb

>> No.93983973
Quoted by: >>93984018

GFE? I'm her dad. I allow no such thing

>> No.93984018
Quoted by: >>93984065

Sorry dad in law, shes bouncing on my dick right now, sorry if she accidentally lets a moan slip out.

>> No.93984059

This sheep girl is insanely comfy, actually. I've been enjoying listening to her a lot lately.

>> No.93984065

I think you sent a wrong reply. Menace is the only one that bounces on everyones dick

>> No.93984133
Quoted by: >>93984158

I'm always surprised by how uninformed people who post here are

>> No.93984158

Who the fuck cares about your irrelevant literally who

>> No.93984160
Quoted by: >>93984250

You don't have to coompost literally every vtuber that gets posted

>> No.93984191
Quoted by: >>93986161

Mio's ASMR is shit but she certainly knows her stuff when it comes to audio.

>> No.93984199

>sent a wrong reply
Saar please do not be sending the wrong reply

>> No.93984250

why are you gay

>> No.93984295

18+ website pipsqueak

>> No.93984318

miwa is learning from miori who is the queen of getting absolutely destroyed by dick during a stream.

>> No.93984402
Quoted by: >>93984460

>my dad looks hot when he drives
why are women like this

>> No.93984460

It's just Miwa's fetish. She has daddy issues and even imagines Ryan Gosling as her dad sometimes because apparently they look alike

>> No.93984636

Can I ask about gooner audio here or is this only for actual trigger-type ASMR like /tingles/ implies

>> No.93984660

any asmr

>> No.93984672

go ahead

>> No.93984680

This IS the gooner general

>> No.93984702
Quoted by: >>93985058

At least half this thread is degenerate chronic coomers

>> No.93984725

wtf? gooning? this is a SEISO only website.

>> No.93985058
Quoted by: >>93985808

No need to be so disingenuous, anon. More than half

>> No.93985078


>> No.93985779
Quoted by: >>93985883

>Literally cannot sing the pretender

>> No.93985808

Certainly more than half the posting, but they are an enthusiastic bunch.

>> No.93985883
File: 43 KB, 550x430, 1707323946774373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so bad at singing. She is literally me, I fucking love her

>> No.93985961

being called Dad like that gave me a chub
she should capitalize on this for an ASMR

>> No.93985988

I wonder why she doesn't use it during ASMR. She loves doing this on non-ASMR streams

>> No.93986075
Quoted by: >>93986284


>> No.93986124

>Mezcal's singing reminds me of Mori
I do not know how to feel about this

>> No.93986161

her audio quality is pretty mid compared to what's out there. normal non-lewd non-vtuber asmrtists have a lot better sound for some reason

>> No.93986237

I've always said the name is very misleading
People only care about gooner content here

>> No.93986259

Need Miwa to call me daddy during ASMR

>> No.93986284
Quoted by: >>93986327

She's been there since the first song, anon

>> No.93986327

That's just backing. Now it's real real

>> No.93986410

>saying dada is gross

>> No.93986478

This is goth music...?

>> No.93986546
Quoted by: >>93986676

what's happening in miwa's stream

>> No.93986676
Quoted by: >>93986710

singing karaoke with her friend

>> No.93986710

i regret checking in. i'm feeling things

>> No.93986731
Quoted by: >>93986781

Me but because of Mezcal

>> No.93986752

Take a step out of the car

>> No.93986781
Quoted by: >>93986877

why did you fall for mezcal while miwa's there? nobody can be cuter than miwa

>> No.93986877
Quoted by: >>93987042

Mezcal's attitude and personality from the first time she appeared on stream hit me hard

>> No.93987042

You know she has a boyfriend right?

>> No.93987069
File: 59 KB, 594x269, 1718827450412873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93987130

yeah me

>> No.93987178

Imagine having daughters bros.
It's too late for me but you can still be saved. Stop parasocializing with vtubers

>> No.93987203

That's me

>> No.93987229

let's just hope we get another chance at life after death

>> No.93987269
File: 455 KB, 727x719, WORRY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have daughter
>she turns out like m*nace or z*nya

>> No.93987310

menace is a really good person, just lacks direction

>> No.93987336
Quoted by: >>93987415

Marry them too, easy. That said Menace being the straightest, horniest woman imaginable is some kind of cosmic joke played on 2 man hating lesbians.

>> No.93987349


>> No.93987362
Quoted by: >>93987501

>cute woman who likes to help others or cute bratty imouto who likes to help her onii chan
whats wrong with this?

>> No.93987377

It's to cuck or to be cucked world out here. Doesn't matter

>> No.93987402

im so attached to miwa you can't even guess

>> No.93987415
Quoted by: >>93987458

Doesn't she have a step-dad?

>> No.93987458

I don't think so

>> No.93987501

If you want to "help" others you go to a soup kitchen in your area, you don't masturbate for hundreds of strangers online

>> No.93987582
Quoted by: >>93987699

I would never stop having sex with them

>> No.93987699

I made this post

>> No.93987727

this song sounds so inoffensive when girls sing it

>> No.93987734

Menace and Zenya have helped me deal with stress more than anything else, fuck soup kitchens

>> No.93987760

how are her hands so fucking slutty

>> No.93987780
Quoted by: >>93987915

I don't need soup, I need to hear Menace struggling and failing to hold in her pee while she climaxes.

>> No.93987835

don't gatekeep aid motherfucker i don't need soup i need an imaginary girlfriend.

>> No.93987894
Quoted by: >>93988317

she knows what shes doing

>> No.93987915

primordial soup

>> No.93988044
Quoted by: >>93988097

Wow this music is garbage

>> No.93988097
Quoted by: >>93988134

Wherever Miwa was from, all their music are garbage. Literally all songs from this stream are trash.

>> No.93988134

Most of them were good classic bangers stop being a contrarian, this last one was nigga trash tho

>> No.93988168
Quoted by: >>93988199

Zenya will never get banned

>> No.93988199


>> No.93988294

Speaking of, why aren't you watching Zenya?
Remember it's good to familiarize yourself with the vtuber to have more intimate tingles during ASMR.

>> No.93988304
File: 888 KB, 458x258, 1711410873160183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOOOLY SEEEEEEEEEX i'd never seen the video before.

>> No.93988317

Yeah, me

>> No.93988360

Mezcal is on. Plus Souls slops are boring to watch

>> No.93988396
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x684, 1722050503808368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zenya will never get banned because Youtube AI can't find the offending videos. Her channel is flooded with dogshit like this which hides the gooner content.

>> No.93988401

elden sneeze? pass

>> No.93988485

The only souls streams that are fun to watch are from those who are actually good at the game. Watching someone die over and over again just calls for backseaters.

>> No.93988502

why does she sound so sultry?

>> No.93988625

>watching vtubers for the games
are you guys dumb? zenya is one of the vtubers that actually chat the most while playing
I don't gaf about the game

>> No.93988696

Just because you don't doesn't mean we don't too. If you're gonna shill at least shill properly.

>> No.93988790
Quoted by: >>93989187

I saw a good Menis fanart and I'm baking with it if no one's baking at page 6

>> No.93988890

I watch Zenya gaming streams, except souls games cause I'm sick of them

>> No.93988920
File: 12 KB, 512x512, 1707967739847791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mezcal sounds very Mori and I'm going crazy

>> No.93988973
Quoted by: >>93989396


>> No.93989025

>Page 6 bake

>> No.93989049

It's to prevent a Menace hijack retard

>> No.93989081
Quoted by: >>93989101

I gotta say, your eternal seething about Menace is a little funny. Grow a pair.

>> No.93989101
Quoted by: >>93989129

Make your own general and we won't have to deal with each other ever again.

>> No.93989109

At least use a vtuber that's still alive

>> No.93989129
Quoted by: >>93989196

Keep crying while Menace cums her brains out on my cock

>> No.93989187

Shitposter appeared that's why >>93988790

>> No.93989196


>> No.93989256
Quoted by: >>93989327

But everyone is still going to talk about Menace in the next thread anyway

>> No.93989327

Doesn't mean our OP should be Menace too. It's this general's only saving grace.

>> No.93989396
File: 72 KB, 853x552, 1713690839998100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife...

>> No.93989540
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>> No.93989577
File: 12 KB, 360x344, 1734656957185642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93989784

Hang in there anon she will return to you

>> No.93989713

Your wife is dead

>> No.93989784
File: 2.75 MB, 498x498, 1717450542495965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting patiently...
